30-Day FRN

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Petroleum Supply Reporting System

30-Day FRN

OMB: 1905-0165

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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 228 / Tuesday, November 27, 2012 / Notices

Definitions .................................................................................................
Sanctions, Burden & Confidentiality .........................................................

information collection request contains:
(1) OMB No. 1905–0191;
(2) Information Collection Request
Title: Annual Survey of Alternative
Fueled Vehicles;
(3) Type of Request: Revision of
currently approved collection;
(4a) Purpose: Form EIA–886 is an
annual survey that collects information
on the number and type of AFVs and
other advanced technology vehicles that
vehicle suppliers made available in the
previous calendar year and plan to make
available in the following calendar year;
the number, type and geographic
distribution of AFVs in use in the
previous calendar year; and the amount
and distribution of each type of ATF
consumed in the previous calendar year.
Form EIA–886 data are collected from
suppliers and users of AFVs.
EIA uses data from these groups as a
basis for estimating total AFV and ATF
use in the U.S. These data are needed
by federal and state agencies, fuel
suppliers, transit agencies and other
fleets to determine if sufficient
quantities of AFVs are available for
purchase and to provide Congress with
a measure of the extent to which the
objectives of the Energy Policy Act of
1992 are being achieved. These data
satisfy the reporting requirements to
Congress under Section 503(b)(2) of the
Energy Policy Act of 1992 and serve as
market analysis tools for federal/state
agencies, AFV suppliers, vehicle fleet
managers, and other interested
organizations and persons. These data
are also needed to satisfy numerous
public requests for detailed information
on AFVs and ATFs (in particular, the
number of AFVs distributed by State, as
well as the amount and location of the
ATFs being consumed).
EIA publishes summary information
from the Form EIA–886 database in an
annual Alternative Fuel Vehicle Data
report on EIA’s Web site (http://
www.eia.gov/renewable/afv/). This
report covers historical and projected
supplies of AFVs, AFV usage by
selected user groups, and estimates of
total U.S. AFV counts and U.S.
consumption of ATFs. These data
provide baseline inputs for DOE’s
transportation sector energy models and
the energy consumption measures for
ATFs in EIA’s State Energy Data System.
For example, EIA’s National Energy
Modeling System (NEMS) has a
component model that forecasts
transportation sector energy
consumption and provides a framework

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for AFV policy and technology analysis.
The data obtained from Form EIA–886
are used to improve the explanatory
power of the NEMS Transportation
Demand Model by allowing for greater
detail in representing AFV types and
(4b) Proposed Changes to Information
Collection: EIA proposes to modify the
drop-down selection menus under Form
EIA–886 Parts 2 and 3 to include the
fuel type/engine configuration code
‘‘EVC–PH’’ to capture data on plug-in
hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV). PHEVs
are considered alternative fueled
vehicles under the Energy Policy Act of
1992 definition of an alternative fueled
vehicle because their primary fuel
source is electricity; however, PHEVs
differ from straight battery-powered
electric vehicles because they use the
electric battery as the primary energy
source, relying on battery power for
propulsion for a limited range (15–40
miles) before switching to internal
combustion propulsion. Currently, EIA
collects data on electric battery-powered
vehicles with the code ‘‘EVC BP.’’
Adding the code ‘‘EVC PH’’ will
differentiate between straight batterypowered AFVs and PHEVs.
EIA also proposes reformatting the
Form EIA–886 to better use visual
design to reduce the respondent’s
burden, while not changing the existing
constructs being measured on the form.
For example, instructions will be placed
next to the questions where they are
needed, and dense paragraphs will be
broken up into bullet-pointed lists.
Survey methodology literature and
empirical evidence from cognitive
testing of other forms suggests these
changes, along with formatting edits,
should allow respondents to read and
more easily process the information.
(5) Type of Respondents: Suppliers of
alternative-fueled vehicles are required
to report;
(6) Annual Estimated Number of
Respondents: 2,050;
(7) Annual Estimated Number of
Total Responses: 2,050;
(8) Annual Estimated Number of
Burden Hours: 8,215;
(9) Annual Estimated Reporting and
Recordkeeping Cost Burden: No
additional costs beyond burden hours
are anticipated from the proposed
collection instrument revision.
Statutory Authority
The legal authority for this data
collection effort is provided by the
following provisions: Section 13(b) of

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the Federal Energy Administration Act
of 1974, Public Law 93–275, (FEA Act),
and codified at 15 U.S.C. § 772 (b), and
Section 503(b)(2) of the Energy Policy
Act of 1992, Public Law 102–486
(EPACT92) codified at 42 U.S.C. 13253.
Issued in Washington, DC, on November
20, 2012.
Stephanie Brown,
Director, Office of Survey Development and
Statistical Integration, U.S. Energy
Information Administration.
[FR Doc. 2012–28700 Filed 11–26–12; 8:45 am]

U.S. Energy Information
Agency Information Collection
U.S. Energy Information
Administration (EIA), Department of
Energy (DOE).
ACTION: Notice and Request for Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) Review
and Comment.

EIA has submitted, under the
provisions of the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995, an information collection
request to the OMB for a three-year
extension, with changes, of its
Petroleum Supply Reporting System
(PSRS) information collection (OMB
1905–0165). The Petroleum Supply
Reporting System consists of weekly
and monthly petroleum and biofuels
supply surveys and an annual refinery
survey of capacity, crude oil receipts,
and fuels consumed.
EIA proposes the following changes to
several Petroleum Supply Reporting
System surveys: (1) Move to site level
weekly reporting of all bulk terminal
activity on an expanded version of Form
EIA–805, ‘‘Weekly Bulk Terminal and
Blender Report;’’ (2) discontinue weekly
reporting on Form EIA–801, ‘‘Weekly
Bulk Terminal Report;’’ (3) discontinue
reporting the maximum sustainable fuel
ethanol capacity on Form EIA–819,
‘‘Monthly Oxygenate Report;’’ (4)
include the Form EIA–22M in the PSRS
data collection, (5) change the data
protections for specific data elements on
Forms EIA–810, EIA–819 and EIA–22M
and publicly release these data elements
in identifiable form (a) monthly
atmospheric crude oil distillation
reported on Form EIA–810, ‘‘Monthly
Refinery Report;’’ (b) ethanol nameplate




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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 228 / Tuesday, November 27, 2012 / Notices
production capacity reported on Form
EIA–819, ‘‘Monthly Oxygenate Report;’’
and (c) biodiesel production capacity
reported on Form EIA–22M, ‘‘Monthly
Biodiesel Production Survey;’’ and (6)
discontinue application of disclosure
avoidance procedures to U.S. and
regional biodiesel production and stocks
data reported on Form EIA–22M. This
change will make the data protection
policy for biodiesel production and
stocks consistent with the policy
applied to all other data released in the
Petroleum Supply Monthly and
Petroleum Supply Annual reports.
DATES: Comments regarding this
collection must be received on or before
December 27, 2012. If you anticipate
that you will be submitting comments,
but find it difficult to do so within the
period of time allowed by this notice,
please advise the DOE Desk Officer at
OMB of your intention to make a
submission as soon as possible. The
Desk Officer may be telephoned at (202)
395–4718 or contacted by email at
ADDRESSES: Written comments should
be sent to the DOE Desk Officer, Office
of Information and Regulatory Affairs,
Office of Management and Budget, New
Executive Office Building, Room 10102,
735 17th Street NW., Washington, DC
20503. And to Sylvia Norris, EI–25, U.S.
Energy Information Administration,
1000 Independence Ave. SW.,
Washington, DC 20585.
Requests for additional information or
copies of the information collection
instrument and instructions should be
directed to Sylvia Norris, EI–25, U.S.
Energy Information Administration,
U.S. Department of Energy, 1000
Independence Avenue SW.,
Washington, DC 20585, fax: (202) 586–
3873, email: sylvia.norris@eia.gov,
phone: (202) 586–6106.
The collection instrument and
instructions are also available on the
Internet, at: http://www.eia.gov/survey/
information collection request contains:
(1) OMB No.: 1905–0165;
(2) Information Collection Request
Title: Petroleum Supply Reporting
System. The survey forms included in
this system are:
Form EIA–22M, ‘‘Monthly Biodiesel
Production Survey’’
Form EIA–800, ‘‘Weekly Refinery
Form EIA–801, ‘‘Weekly Bulk Terminal
Report’’ (to be discontinued in this
Form EIA–802, ‘‘Weekly Product
Pipeline Report’’

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Form EIA–803, ‘‘Weekly Crude Oil
Form EIA–804, ‘‘Weekly Import Report’’
Form EIA–805, ‘‘Weekly Bulk Terminal
and Blender Report’’
Form EIA–809, ‘‘Weekly Oxygenate
Form EIA–810, ‘‘Monthly Refinery
Form EIA–812, ‘‘Monthly Product
Pipeline Report’’
Form EIA–813, ‘‘Monthly Crude Oil
Form EIA–814, ‘‘Monthly Import
Form EIA–815, ‘‘Monthly Bulk Terminal
and Blender Report’’
Form EIA–816, ‘‘Monthly Natural Gas
Plant Liquids Report’’
Form EIA–817, ‘‘Monthly Tanker and
Barge Movements Report’’
Form EIA–819, ‘‘Monthly Oxygenate
Form EIA–820, ‘‘Annual Refinery
(3) Type of Request: Three-year
extension with changes;
(4) Purpose:
The Federal Energy Administration
Act of 1974 (Pub. L. 93–275, 15 U.S.C.
761 et seq.) and the DOE Organization
Act (Pub. L. 95–91, 42 U.S.C. 7101 et
seq.) require the EIA to carry out a
centralized, comprehensive, and unified
energy information program. This
program collects, evaluates, assembles,
analyzes, and disseminates information
on energy resource reserves, production,
demand, technology, and related
economic and statistical information.
This information is used to assess the
adequacy of energy resources to meet
near and longer-term domestic
demands. Furthermore, Section 1508 of
the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPACT
2005) (42 U.S.C. § 7135(m)) requires the
EIA to conduct a survey that collects the
quantity of renewable fuels produced,
blended, imported, and demanded as
well as market price data on a monthly
basis. Form EIA–22M collects these data
in order to fulfill this mandate.
Weekly petroleum and biofuels
supply surveys (Forms EIA–800, 802,
803, 804, 805, and 809) are used to
gather data on petroleum refinery
operations, blending, biofuels
production, inventory levels, and
imports of crude oil, petroleum
products, and biofuels from a sample of
operating companies. Data from weekly
surveys appear in EIA reports including
the following:
• Weekly Petroleum Status Report,

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• Short-Term Energy Outlook, http://
• This Week in Petroleum, http://
• Monthly Energy Review, http://
Monthly petroleum and biofuels
supply surveys (Forms EIA–810, 812,
813, 814, 815, 816, 817, 819, and 22M)
are used to gather data on petroleum
refinery operations, blending, biofuels
production, natural gas plant liquids
production, inventory levels, imports,
inter-regional movements, and storage
capacity for crude oil, petroleum
products, and biofuels. Crude oil
production data and petroleum and
biofuels export data from the U.S.
Census Bureau are integrated with data
from EIA petroleum supply surveys to
create a comprehensive statistical view
of U.S. petroleum supplies that is
unavailable from any other source.
Monthly petroleum and biofuels
supply surveys support weekly surveys
by providing a complete set of in-scope
petroleum and biofuels supply data
from which weekly survey samples are
drawn. In addition, monthly surveys
include data elements that are not
collected on weekly reports such as
production of natural gas plant liquids
and refinery processing gain. Data from
monthly petroleum and biofuels supply
surveys appear in EIA reports, including
the following:
• Petroleum Supply Monthly, http://
• Petroleum Supply Annual, http://
• Monthly Biodiesel Report, http://
• Monthly Energy Review, http://
• Annual Energy Review, http://
• Short-Term Energy Outlook, http://
www.eia.gov/forecasts/steo/; and
• Annual Energy Outlook, http://
These monthly survey data provide
input for reports in the EIA State Energy
Data System and included as U.S. data
submitted to the International Energy
Form EIA–820, ‘‘Annual Refinery
Report,’’ provides plant-level data on
refinery capacities as well as national
and regional data on fuels consumed by
refineries, natural gas consumed as
hydrogen feedstock, and crude oil
receipts by method of transportation for
operating and idle petroleum refineries
(including new refineries under
construction) and refineries shutdown



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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 228 / Tuesday, November 27, 2012 / Notices

during the previous year. The
information collected appears in the
Refinery Capacity Report, http://
refinerycapacity/; Annual Energy
Review, http://www.eia.gov/totalenergy/
data/annual/, and other reports
available electronically from the EIA
Web site at http://www.eia.gov;
(4a) Proposed Changes to Information
EIA proposes to discontinue Form
EIA–801 ‘‘Weekly Bulk Terminal
Report’’ and collect that same
information by adding data elements to
Form EIA–805, ‘‘Weekly Bulk Terminal
and Blender Report,’’ so that Form EIA–
805 will be used to collect bulk terminal
inventory data that were collected on
Form EIA–801 as well as gasoline and
other blending operations data. The
following are proposed modifications to
Form EIA–805:
• Add stocks of total natural gas plant
liquids (NGPL) and liquefied refinery
gases (LRG)
• Add stocks of propane and
propylene (a subset of total NGPL and
• Add stocks of nonfuel propylene (a
subset of propane/propylene stocks)
• Add stocks of residual fuel oil
• Add stocks of unfinished oils
• Add stocks of products currently
listed on Form EIA–805 including:
—Fuel ethanol
—Finished Motor Gasoline,
Reformulated, blended with Fuel
—Finished Motor Gasoline,
Reformulated, Other
—Finished Motor Gasoline,
Conventional, blended with Fuel
Ethanol, Ed55 and lower
—Finished Motor Gasoline,
Conventional, blended with Fuel
Ethanol, Greater than Ed55
—Finished Motor Gasoline,
Conventional, Other
—Motor Gasoline Blending
Components, Reformulated
Blendstock for Oxygenate Blending
—Motor Gasoline Blending
Components, Conventional
Blendstock for Oxygenate Blending
—Motor Gasoline Blending
Components, Gasoline Treated as
Blendstock (GTAB)
—Motor Gasoline Blending
Components, All Other
—Kerosene-Type Jet Fuel
—Distillate Fuel Oil by Sulfur Category
(15 ppm sulfur and under, Greater
than 15 ppm to 500 ppm sulfur, and
Greater than 500 ppm sulfur)
EIA also proposes to change the data
protection policy regarding monthly

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atmospheric crude oil distillation
capacity reported on Form EIA–810,
‘‘Monthly Refinery Report,’’ to no longer
protect monthly atmospheric crude oil
distillation reported on Form EIA–810
because atmospheric crude oil
distillation capacity data is reported
annually on Form EIA–820 and has
been publicly released in identifiable
form for over twenty years.
In addition, EIA proposes to
discontinue collection of maximum
sustainable fuel ethanol production
capacity and change the data protection
policy on Form EIA–819 to treat all
information reported on fuel ethanol
nameplate production capacity on Form
EIA–819 as public information and
release this information on EIA’s Web
site. The proposed policy change is
consistent with past EIA practices and
will improve the utility of the data by
permitting comparisons of the growth in
capacity at the state level over the past
twenty years. Also, this type of
information is currently publicly
available from other exogenous sources
through the Internet.
Also, EIA proposes to include the
Form EIA–22M in the PSRS data
collection and treat all information
reported on biodiesel production
capacity on Form EIA–22M as public
information that may be released on
EIA’s Web site. Information on biodiesel
production capacities by plant is
currently publicly available from the
National Biodiesel Board Web site at
This change also provides a consistent
policy for biodiesel production capacity
data, oil refinery capacity, and fuel
ethanol production capacity.
Finally, EIA proposes to further
modify the data protection policy for
monthly biodiesel production data
reported on Form EIA–22M by not
applying any disclosure limitation
methodology to the published statistical
aggregates for quantities of biodiesel
production and ending stocks at the
Petroleum Administration for Defense
District (PADD) level. The change in
data protection policy for production
and stocks of biodiesel is necessary, as
EIA has incorporated biodiesel
production and stocks in petroleum
supply and disposition balance tables
(with data for the U.S. and PADDs)
published in the Petroleum Supply
Monthly and Petroleum Supply Annual,
and disclosure limitation procedures are
not applied to data in these reports. EIA
is not proposing to explicitly report
biodiesel production in company
identifiable form, but only to
discontinue application of disclosure
limitation procedures to U.S. and PADD

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level biodiesel production and stocks
totals calculated from data reported on
Form EIA–22M. Applying statistical
disclosure limitation procedures to
biodiesel production and stocks data
would potentially prevent EIA from
accurately reporting data on distillate
fuel oil supply, disposition, and
demand including biodiesel, especially
at the PADD level. Disclosure limitation
procedures will continue to be applied
to the other data reported on Form EIA–
22M not addressed in this notice.
(5) Estimated Number of Survey
Weekly Survey Forms:
EIA–800: 141 Respondents; EIA–802:
51 Respondents; EIA–803: 57
Respondents; EIA–804, 104
Respondents; EIA–805, 750
Respondents; EIA–809, 142
Monthly Survey Forms:
EIA–22M: 150 Respondents; EIA–810:
153 Respondents; EIA–812: 80
Respondents; EIA–813: 167
Respondents; EIA–814: 391
Respondents; EIA–815: 1,476
Respondents; EIA–816: 451
Respondents; EIA–817: 34 Respondents;
EIA–819: 203 Respondents;
Annual Survey Forms:
EIA–820: 148 Respondents.
Total respondents for Petroleum
Supply Reporting System: 4,491
respondents. (Many respondents report
on multiple surveys and are counted for
each survey they report. For example,
the 104 respondents on the weekly
Form EIA–804 are also included as a
subset of the 391 respondents reporting
on the monthly Form EIA–814, so that
the two surveys contribute a total of 495
(6) Annual Estimated Number of
Total Responses:
Weekly Survey Forms (Respondents x
EIA–800: 7,332 Responses; EIA–802:
2,652 Responses; EIA–803:2,964
Responses; EIA–804: 5,408 Responses;
EIA–805: 39,000 Responses; EIA–809:
7,384 Responses;
Monthly Survey Forms (Respondents
x 12):
EIA–22M: 1,800 Responses; EIA–810:
1,800 Responses; EIA–812: 960
Responses; EIA–813: 2,004 Responses;
EIA–814: 4,692 Responses; EIA–815:
17,712 Responses; EIA–816: 5,412
Responses; EIA–817: 408 Responses;
EIA–819: 2,436 Responses;
Annual Survey Forms (Respondents x
EIA–820: 144 Responses.
Total annual responses for the
Petroleum Supply Reporting System:
102,108 responses;
(7) Annual Estimated Number of
Burden Hours:



Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 228 / Tuesday, November 27, 2012 / Notices
Weekly Survey Forms:
EIA–800: 11,585 hours; EIA–802:
2,519 hours; EIA–803: 1,482 hours; EIA–
804: 9,464 hours; EIA–805: 62,400
hours; EIA–809: 7,384 hours;
Monthly Survey Forms:
EIA–22M: 5,400 hours; EIA–810:
9,360 hours; EIA–812: 3,360 hours; EIA–
813: 4,008 hours; EIA–814: 11,965
hours; EIA–815: 74,390 hours; EIA–816:
5,141 hours; EIA–817: 918 hours; EIA–
819: 3,898 hours;
Annual Survey Forms:
EIA–820: 288 hours;
Total annual response burden for the
Petroleum Supply Reporting System:
213,562 hours;
(8) Annual Estimated Reporting and
Recordkeeping Cost Burden: EIA
estimates that there are not any
additional costs to respondents
associated with the surveys other than
the costs associated with the burden
Statutory Authority: Section 13(b) of the
Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974,
P.L. 93–275, codified at 15 U.S.C. 772(b), and
the DOE Organization Act of 1977, Public
Law 95–91, codified at 42 U.S.C. 7101 et seq.
Issued in Washington, DC, November, 20,
Stephanie Brown,
Director, Office of Survey Development and
Statistical Integration, U.S. Energy
Information Administration.
[FR Doc. 2012–28712 Filed 11–26–12; 8:45 am]

U.S. Energy Information
Proposed Change to Data Protection
U.S. Energy Information
Administration (EIA), U.S. Department
of Energy (DOE).
ACTION: Notice and Request for Review
and Comment.

This notice pertains to Forms
EIA–3, the Quarterly Coal Consumption
and Quality Report—Manufacturing and
Transformation/Processing Coal Plants
and Commercial and Institutional Coal
Users; EIA–5, the Quarterly Coal
Consumption and Quality Report—Coke
Plants; EIA–7A, the Coal Production
and Preparation Report—Coal Mines
and Preparation Plants; and EIA–8A, the
Coal Stocks Report—Traders and
Brokers. DOE’s proposed changes will
release or publish data received from
mandatory respondents that is not
company identifiable, and does not
satisfy the criteria for an exemption
under the Freedom of Information Act

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or satisfy the requirements of the Trade
Secrets Act.
No changes are proposed for the
standby surveys Forms: EIA–1, Weekly
Coal Monitoring Report—General
Industries and Blast Furnaces; EIA–4,
Weekly Coal Monitoring Report—Coke
Plants; EIA–6Q, Quarterly Coal Report—
Coal Producers and Distributors; and
EIA–20, Weekly Coal Monitoring Report
of Coal Burning Utilities and
Independent Power Producers.
Prior to 2011, data reported on Forms
EIA–1, EIA–3, EIA–4, EIA–5, EIA–6Q,
EIA–8A, and EIA–20 were protected to
the extent it satisfied exemption criteria
under the Freedom of Information Act
and the Trade Secrets Act. Disclosure
limitation procedures were applied to
all data. The data protection policy for
Form EIA–7A was similar except that
the name and address of the responding
company, the mine or plant type, and
location were considered public
Effective January, 2011, EIA changed
the data protection policy for Forms
EIA–3, EIA–5, EIA–7A and EIA–8A
from protecting the data as described
above, to release all data reported in
company identifiable form with the
exception of cost data. Cost data are
protected and not released in company
identifiable form to the extent it satisfies
exemption criteria under the Freedom of
Information Act and the Trade Secrets
Act. Disclosure limitation procedures
(suppression methods) are applied to
protect against the identifiability of the
reported cost data. No changes were
made to the pre-2011 protection policy
for Forms EIA–1, EIA–4, EIA–6Q, and
The U.S. Energy Information
Administration proposes to change and
strengthen the data protection
provisions on Forms EIA–3, EIA–5,
EIA–7A and EIA–8A. Currently, data
reported on these forms are not
protected except for certain selected
cost and revenue data elements. For
Forms EIA–3, EIA–5 and EIA–8A, EIA
proposes to protect company
information reported on these forms
from public release in identifiable form
to the extent it satisfies exemption
criteria under the Freedom of
Information Act and the Trade Secrets
Act. However, disclosure limitation
procedures will not be applied to the
State—and regional-level, statistical,
and quantity data published from these
surveys. Thus, there may be some
statistics that are based on data from
fewer than three respondents that may
affect the identifiability of reported data.
Disclosure limitation procedures will be
applied to cost data reported on Forms
EIA–3 and EIA–5 and revenue data

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reported on Forms EIA–7A and EIA–8A.
With regards to Form EIA–7A only, the
name and address of the responding
company, the mine or plant type, and
location will continue to be considered
public information. These data elements
will continue to be released in EIA’s
public use files and will not be
protected from disclosure in identifiable
form when releasing statistical aggregate
(State-level) information. These data
elements are currently released on the
EIA Web site in the Form EIA–7A
public use file, along with company
identifiable MSHA data, which are also
not protected. All other information
reported on Form EIA–7A will be
protected from public release in
identifiable form to the extent it satisfies
exemption criteria under the Freedom of
Information Act and the Trade Secrets
Act. All proposed changes to the data
protection provisions for Forms EIA–3,
EIA–5, EIA–7A and EIA–8A will be
retroactive and apply to data reported
for calendar years 2011 and 2012.
Applying this change retroactively to
data reported for 2011 preserves the
continuity of certain data series and
provides continuity for the main
components of EIA’s pre-2011 data
protection policy.
DATES: Comments regarding this
collection must be received on or before
December 27, 2012. If you anticipate
that you will be submitting comments,
but find it difficult to do so within the
period of time allowed by this notice,
please advise the EIA–3 Survey Manager
at DOE of your intention to make a
submission as soon as possible. The
Survey Manager may be telephoned at
202–586–8926 or emailed at
ADDRESSES: Written comments should
be sent to: Attn: Tejasvi Raghuveer,
EIA–3 Survey Manager, U.S. Energy
Information Administration, EI–24,
1000 Independence Avenue SW.,
Washington, DC 20585.
EIA–3: (1) OMB No. 1905–0167; (2)
Information Collection Request Title:
Quarterly Coal Consumption and
Quality Report—Manufacturing and
Transformation/Processing Coal Plants
and Commercial and Institutional Coal
Users; (3) Type of Request: Change to
respondent-level protection policy and
disclosure limitation procedures; (4)
Purpose: To collect all data elements
from Form EIA–3 respondents, to
release or publish data that is not
company identifiable, and does not
satisfy the criteria for an exemption
under the Freedom of Information Act
or satisfy the requirements of the Trade
Secrets Act; (5) Estimated Number of



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