Development of CDC's Act Against AIDS Social Marketing Campaigns Targeting Consumers

Formative Research and Tool Development

OMB: 0920-0840

IC ID: 209289

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Development of CDC's Act Against AIDS Social Marketing Campaigns Targeting Consumers

Document Type Form No. Form Name Instrument File URL Available Electronically? Can Be Submitted Electronically? Electronic Capability
Other-WORD Att 2q Paper Pencil - HIV Prevention.docx Yes Yes Fillable Printable
Other-WORD Att 2f Consumer Msg Testing-IDI.docx Yes Yes Fillable Printable
Other-WORD Att 2g Consumer Concept Testing-IDI.docx Yes Yes Fillable Printable
Other-WORD Att 2h Consumer Materials Testing-IDI.docx Yes Yes Fillable Printable
Other-WORD Att 2i Exploratory-HIV Testing-FG.docx Yes Yes Fillable Printable
Other-WORD Att 2k Exploratory-HIV Comm Aware-FG.docx Yes Yes Fillable Printable
Other-WORD Att 2l Exploratory-HIV PWP-FG.docx No No Fillable Printable
Other-WORD Att 2j Exploratory-HIV Prevention-FG.docx Yes Yes Fillable Printable
Other-WORD Att 2m Consumer Concept Testing-FG.docx Yes Yes Fillable Printable
Other-WORD Att 2n Consumer Message Testing-FG.docx Yes Yes Fillable Printable
Other-WORD Att 2o Consumer MaterialsTesting.docx Yes Yes Fillable Printable
Other-WORD Att 2p Paper Pencil - HIV Testing.docx Yes Yes Fillable Printable
Other-WORD Att 2a Screening Instrument.docx Yes Yes Fillable Printable
Other-WORD Att 2b Exploratory-HIV Testing-IDI.docx Yes Yes Fillable Printable
Other-WORD Att 2c Exploratory-HIV Prevention-IDI.docx Yes Yes Fillable Printable
Other-WORD Att 2d Exploratory-Comm Aware-IDI.docx Yes Yes Fillable Printable
Other-WORD Att 2e Exploratory-PWP-IDI.docx Yes Yes Fillable Printable
Other-WORD Att 2r Paper Pencil - HIV Comm and Awarness.docx Yes Yes Fillable Printable
Other-WORD Att 2s Paper Pencil - HIV Prevention with Positives.docx Yes Yes Fillable Printable
Other-WORD Att 2t Intercept Guide.docx Yes Yes Fillable Printable

Health Consumer Health and Safety


5,038 0
Individuals or Households
   100 %

  Approved Program Change Due to New Statute Program Change Due to Agency Discretion Change Due to Adjustment in Agency Estimate Change Due to Potential Violation of the PRA Previously Approved
Annual Number of Responses for this IC 5,038 0 0 0 0 0
Annual IC Time Burden (Hours) 2,061 0 0 0 0 0
Annual IC Cost Burden (Dollars) 0 0 0 0 0 0

Title Document Date Uploaded
Sup Sta A Supporting Statement A.docx 11/06/2013
Sup Sta B Supporting Statement B.docx 11/06/2013
Att 1_Authorizing Legislation Att 1_Authorizing Legislation.pdf 11/06/2013
Att 3a Consent Form-Exploratory-IDI FG Att 3a Consent Form-Exploratory-IDI FG.docx 11/06/2013
Att 3b Consent Form-Msg Testing-IDI FG Att 3b Consent Form-Msg Testing-IDI FG.docx 11/06/2013
Att 3c Consent Form-Intercept Att 3c Consent Form-Intercept.docx 11/06/2013
Att 4 Data Management Ack Att 4 Data Management Ack.docx 11/06/2013
Att 5 Intercept Receipt Form Att 5 Intercept Receipt Form.docx 11/06/2013
Att 6 Messages Att 6 Messages.docx 11/06/2013
            Blank fields in records indicate information that was not collected or not collected electronically prior to July 2006.

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