Form EIA-861S |
Due Date: 2013 |
Form Approval: OMB No. 1905-0129 |
(Short Form) |
Approval Expires: 10/31/2013 |
Burden hours: 0.75 |
NOTICE: This report is mandatory under the Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-275). Failure to comply may result in criminal fines, civil penalties and other sanctions as provided by law. For further information concerning sanctions and data protections see the provisions on sanctions and the provisions concerning the confidentiality of information in the instructions. Title 18 U.S.C. 1001 makes it a criminal offense for any person knowingly and willingly to make to any Agency or Department of the United States any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements as to any matter within its jurisdiction. Entities that report using the Form EIA-861 do not complete the Form EIA-861S. For information on which entities are required to file the Form EIA-861 or EIA-861S survey forms, see the instructions for Form EIA-861S. |
Entity Name: |
Entity ID: |
Contact Information |
First Name: |
Last Name: |
Title: |
Telephone: |
FAX: |
Email: |
Supervisor Information |
First Name: |
Last Name: |
Title: |
Telephone: |
FAX: |
Email: |
Entity and Preparer Information |
Legal Name of Entity: |
Current Address of Entity's Principal Business Office: |
Preparer's Legal Name (If Different From Entity's Legal Name): |
Current Address of Preparer's Office (If Different From Current Address of Entity's Principal Business Office): |
Respondent Type (check one) |
Federal |
State |
Political Subdivision |
Municipal |
Municipal Marketing Authority |
Investor-Owned |
Cooperative |
For questions or additional information about the Form EIA-861S contact the Survey Managers, preferably by email at EIA-861@eia.gov. |
Jorge Luna-Camara |
Stephen Scott |
Phone: (202) 586-3945 |
Phone: (202) 586-5140 |
FAX Number: (202) 287-1938 |
Form EIA-861S |
Due Date: |
2013 |
Form Approval: |
OMB No. 1905-0129 |
(Short Form) |
Approval Expires: |
10/31/2013 |
Burden hours: |
0.75 Hours |
Entity Name: |
ABC Company |
Entity ID: |
0000000 |
Data Year: |
2012 |
Green Pricing programs are voluntary retail programs where customers pay an extra fee to purchase electricity generated from renewable sources. DO NOT include RPS here. |
Did you have voluntary Retail Green Pricing Programs during the reporting year? |
[ ] YES |
[ ] NO |
Net Metering programs allow customers to sell excess power they generate back to the electrical grid to offset consumption. For net metering applications of 2 MW nameplate capacity and less, provide the information about programs. |
Did you have Net Metering Programs during the reporting year? |
[ ] YES |
[ ] NO |
Schedule 4. Part A Sales to Ultimate Customers. Full Service-Energy and Delivery Service (Bundled) |
Provide total Revenue in thousand of dollars, megawatt hours of Retail Sales, and customer counts by state. |
State |
Revenue (1000$) |
Retail Sales (Mwh) |
Number of Customers |
Schedule 5. Merger and Acquisitions |
Was your entity a part of a merger or acquisition during the reporting year? |
[ ] YES |
[ ] NO |
Schedule 6. Part A. Demand-Side Management Information |
Did you have company-administered Demand-Side Management programs during the reporting year? |
[ ] YES |
[ ] NO |
Schedule 6. Part C. Time-Based Rate Programs (Dynamic Pricing Programs) |
Time based rate programs include real-time pricing, critical peak pricing, variable peak pricing and time-of-use rates, also known as dynamic pricing programs. |
Did you operate any time-based rate programs which are administered through a tariff during the reporting year? |
[ ] YES |
[ ] NO |
If yes provide: |
Residential (a) |
Commercial (b) |
Industrial (c) |
Transportation (d) |
Total (e) |
1 |
Number of Customers |
0.000 |
Schedule 6. Part D. Advanced Metering |
AMR- data transmitted one-way, from customer to utility. AMI- data can be transmitted in both directions, between the delivery entity and the customer. |
Did you operate any AMR during the reporting year? |
[ ] YES |
[ ] NO |
If yes provide: |
Residential (a) |
Commercial (b) |
Industrial (c) |
Transportation (d) |
Total (e) |
1 |
Number of AMR Meters |
0 |
Did you operate any AMI during the reporting year? |
[ ] YES |
[ ] NO |
If yes provide: |
2 |
Number of AMI Meters |
0 |
3 |
Energy Served Through AMI |
0 |