Schedule D: Unaccompanied Refugee Minors Program
III. Narrative
1. Discuss data elements reported in Section I of Schedule D (Current Population) that warrant an explanation. Provide detail by program location. Include noticeable increases or decreases from previous periods. State the number of youth who, at the end of the reporting period, were no longer receiving placement services but only independent living benefits and/or services funded by ORR, such as education and training benefits. Indicate if the following occurred during this period: 1) a youth left a URM program but the case remains open because state, county or agency must retain legal responsibility, or 2) a youth re-entered care after a prior termination. Additionally, regarding youth who left care, have they left care for reasons other than permanency or emancipation? If so, discuss emerging trends (i.e. lack of employment opportunities, no vocational programs, etc.). |
2. Discuss data elements reported in Section II of Schedule D (Placement Capacity Chart) that warrant an explanation, including any numbers placed in the “other” column. Provide detail by program location. Discuss recent progress or obstacles in developing placement capacity (i.e. diversifying placement types, recruiting foster families, networking or developing memoranda of understanding with new service providers, etc.). Describe recent efforts to add therapeutic or specialized group home placements, and to recruit foster homes reflective of the ethnicities, religions, cultures and languages of the youth being referred to the URM program. Describe languages and cultures represented among existing foster families. Describe administrative and other constraints to using open and available placements (i.e. a cap in the agency’s contract or child-placing license, budget limitations, insufficient staff to meet required staff to child ratios, foster family schedules or preferences, etc). Explain how such constraints affect the number of URM youth that can be served in the near future, and describe any efforts to remove constraints and facilitate placement of URM youth. |
3. Discuss significant developments in the administration of your program (i.e. program staff turnover, administrative changes in counties, the local courts ability to establish legal responsibility, changes in state child welfare law, amendments to the State's Title IV-B plan, etc.). Discuss significant increases or decreases in program expenditures, as well as trends contributing to these changes. Provide detail by program location. |
4. Discuss program initiatives and accomplishments in the reporting period (i.e., establishing a youth council, developing an administrative review system for children in private custody, securing relevant training for staff or foster parents). Provide detail by program location. Include success stories of youth in the program. |
5. Discuss emerging problems or challenges that affect the operation of the URM program (i.e. enrolling URM youth in school; lack of access to interpreters, culturally appropriate mental health service providers, pro-bono attorneys, etc.). Describe ideas or plans for addressing challenges, as well as barriers to resolution on the state or program level. Provide detail by program location. |
6. List monitoring and/or licensing activities occurring during the reporting period including the date, monitoring agency’s name, location and purpose. Attach summaries or copies of monitoring reports and any corrective action plans required by the State or county. |
Date |
Monitoring Agency |
Program Location |
Purpose |
Discuss recent results of corrective actions implemented during previous periods; provide detail by program location. If applicable, attach documentation of license renewal. |
File Type | application/msword |
Author | gdebelnogich |
Last Modified By | DHHS |
File Modified | 2012-06-27 |
File Created | 2012-06-27 |