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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 164 / Thursday, August 23, 2012 / Notices
number of
Data collection activity
total hour
Interview and Tracking Data Submission ....................................................................................
Total Annualized ...................................................................................................................
Written comments and
recommendations concerning the
proposed information collection should
be sent by September 24, 2012 to the
SAMHSA Desk Officer at the Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs,
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB). To ensure timely receipt of
comments, and to avoid potential delays
in OMB’s receipt and processing of mail
sent through the U.S. Postal Service,
commenters are encouraged to submit
their comments to OMB via email to:
Although commenters are encouraged to
send their comments via email,
commenters may also fax their
comments to: 202–395–7285.
Commenters may also mail them to:
Office of Management and Budget,
Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs, New Executive Office Building,
Room 10102, Washington, DC 20503.
Summer King,
[FR Doc. 2012–20718 Filed 8–22–12; 8:45 am]
Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration
Agency Information Collection
Activities Under Emergency Review by
the Office of Management and Budget
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
The Substance Abuse and Mental
Health Services Administration
(SAMHSA) has submitted the following
request (see below) for emergency OMB
review under the Paperwork Reduction
Act (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35). OMB
approval has been requested by August
31, 2012. A copy of the information
collection plans may be obtained by
calling the SAMHSA Reports Clearance
Officer on (240) 276–1243.
Title: Monitoring of National Suicide
Prevention Lifeline Form.
Frequency: Annually.
Affected public: Non-Profit
SAMHSA is requesting an emergency
extension for this data collection. The
data collection expires on August 31,
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2012 and the Agency has determined
that this information must be collected
beyond the expiration date. This
information is essential to the mission
of SAMHSA so that the Agency may
monitor the extent to which crisis
hotline networks are preventing
suicides and saving lives.
SAMHSA cannot reasonably comply
with the normal clearance procedures
because an unanticipated event has
occurred in that additional funds have
become available this month to continue
this important monitoring effort. This is
ongoing monitoring and data collection,
as such a disruption in the ability to
collect this data would result in lost
This emergency request is to extend
data collection activities of the
Monitoring of National Suicide
Prevention Lifeline Form (OMB No.
0930–0274). The Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Services
Administration’s (SAMHSA), Center for
Mental Health Services (CMHS) funds a
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Network (NSPL), consisting of a two
toll–free telephone number that routes
calls from anywhere in the United
States to a network of local crisis
centers. In turn, the local centers link
callers to local emergency, mental
health, and social service resources.
The overarching purpose of the this
data collection is to continue to monitor
calls and gather follow-up information
from the callers themselves in order for
SAMHSA to understand and direct their
crisis hotline lifesaving initiatives.
Clearance is being requested to
continue call monitoring and caller
follow-up assessment activities; as well
as the process (silent monitoring) and
impact of motivational training and
safety planning (MI/SP) with callers
who have expressed suicidal desire
(follow-up interviews with callers and
counselors). These activities are
enumerated below:
(1) To ensure quality, the vast
majority of crisis centers conduct on-site
monitoring of selected calls by
supervisors or trainers using
unobtrusive listening devices. To
monitor the quality of calls and to
inform the development of training for
networked crisis centers, the national
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Suicide Prevention Lifeline proposes to
remotely monitor calls routed to sixteen
crisis centers during the shifts of
consenting staff. The procedures are
anonymous in that neither staff nor
callers will be identified on the Call
Monitoring Form. The monitor, a
trained crisis worker, will code the type
of problem presented by the caller, the
elements of a suicide risk assessment
that are completed by the crisis worker
as well as what action plan is developed
with and/or what referral(s) are
provided to the caller. No centers will
be identified in the reports.
During the shifts of consenting crisis
staff, a recording will inform callers that
some calls may be monitored for quality
assurance purposes. Previous
comparisons of matched centers that did
and did not play the recordings found
no difference in hang–up rates before
the calls were answered or within the
first 15 seconds of the calls.
(2) With input from multiple experts
in the field of suicide prevention, a
telephone interview survey was created
to collect data on follow-up assessments
from consenting individuals calling the
Lifeline network. During year 1 of the
proposed three year clearance period, a
total of 1,095 callers will be recruited
from 18 of the approximately 100 crisis
hotline centers that participate in the
Lifeline network. Trained crisis workers
will conduct the follow-up assessment
(‘‘Crisis Hotline Telephone Follow-Up
Assessment’’) within one month of the
initial call. Assessments will be
conducted only one time for each client.
Strict measures to ensure privacy will
be followed. Telephone scripts provide
potential participants with standardized
information to inform their consent
decision. Using the Crisis Hotline
Telephone Initial Script, trained crisis
counselors will ask for permission to
have the staff re-contact the caller. The
Crisis Hotline Telephone Consent
Script, used at the time of re-contact,
incorporates the required elements of a
written consent form. The resulting data
will measure (a) suicide risk status at
the time and since the call, (b)
depressive symptoms at follow-up, (c)
service utilization since the call, (d)
barriers to service access, and (e) the
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 164 / Thursday, August 23, 2012 / Notices
client’s perception of the efficacy of the
hotline intervention.
(3) Call monitors, trained crisis
counselors not affiliated with the
centers in the project, will access a
remote ‘‘real-time’’ monitoring system
through the internet to conduct silent
monitoring. Monitors will complete the
‘‘MI/SP Silent Monitoring Form,’’ to
gather: (a) Call specifics for each call
such as date, time, and length; (b)
suicide risk status of the caller; (c)
information on elements of safety
planning, such as making the
environment safe and identifying
triggers that led to the caller’s
suicidality; (d) types of referrals the
counselor gave and to what services; (e)
ratings of counselor behaviors and caller
behavioral changes that occurred; and
(f) re-contact permission status. At the
end of the call and once the counselor
deems the intervention to be complete,
counselors will ask all appropriate
callers, using the MI/SP Caller Initial
Script, for permission to be re-contacted
by data collection staff for a follow-up
interview. Only a caller whose call has
been silently monitored is eligible to be
followed by the data collection team;
thus, counselors will state that the caller
may be contacted by the data collection
team if randomly selected for a followup call. Prior to monitoring and
collecting of the data, crisis counselors
must have read and signed a MI/SP
Counselor Consent. This form explains
the purpose of the data collection,
privacy, risks and benefits, what the
data collection entails, and participant
(4) The ‘‘MI/SP Counselor Attitude
Questionnaire’’ attitude questionnaire
will be administered to counselors at
the conclusion of their MI/SP training
and be used as a possible predictor of
fidelity of the MI//SP intervention.
Information to be gathered includes (a)
counselors’ views of the applicability of
the MI/SP for preparing them to conduct
safety planning and follow up with
callers; (b) possible anticipated
challenges (i.e., impeding factors) to
applying the MI/SP training in their
centers; (c) the relationship of the MI/
SP model to their centers; (d) the extent
to which trainees are provided with or
obtain adequate resources to enable
them to use MI/SP on the job; (h)
impeding and facilitating factors; and
(9) attitudes about counselors’ selfefficacy to use MI/SP and views on its
(5) Counselors will be asked to
complete the ‘‘MI/SP Counselor Followup Questionnaire’’ for each call that is
monitored. The questionnaire will
incorporate an assessment of the
outreach, telephonic follow up and/or
other strategies that the center has
proposed to implement, and whether
the counselor was able to implement the
center’s site plan as originally
conceived. The questionnaire will also
include items on the demographic
characteristics of the caller, whether
contact was successfully made with the
caller, whether the caller followed
through with the safety plan and/or
referral given by the counselor, whether
MI/SP was re-implemented during the
follow-up contact, whether another
follow-up is scheduled, the educational
and crisis experience of the person
attempting re-contact with the caller,
and that person’s prior experience with
follow-up. Barriers to implementing the
follow-up, as well as types of deviation
from the site’s follow-up plan will also
be assessed. Open-ended questions
about what led to deviations from the
site’s follow-up plan will also be
(6) Follow-up interviews will be
conducted with callers approximately 6
weeks after the initial call to the center.
This follow-up telephone interview
(‘‘MI/SP Caller Follow-up Interview’’)
will be conducted to collect information
on demographic characteristics, gather
caller feedback on the initial call made
to the center, suicide risk status at the
time of and since the call, current
depressive symptomatology, follow
through with the safety plan and
referrals made by the crisis counselor,
and barriers to service. Taking into
account attrition and the number of
callers who do not give consent, it is
expected that the total number of
follow-up interviews conducted by the
data collection team will not exceed
885. The MI/SP Caller Initial Script
protects the privacy of callers by asking
the caller how and when they want to
be contacted, and what type of message
(if any) can be left on an answering
machine or with the person picking up
the telephone. The caller also has the
option of not providing contact
information to the crisis center if he/she
prefers to call the data collection team
back directly. The telephone script used
when the data collection team contacts
the participant for their follow-up
interview (MI/SP Caller Follow-up
Consent Script, see Attachment H)
includes (1) the fact that the information
collection is sponsored by an agency of
the Federal Government, (2) the purpose
of the information collection and the
uses which will be made of the results,
(3) the voluntary nature of participation,
and (4) the extent to which responses
will be kept private.
The estimated response burden to
collect this information is as follows
annualized over the requested three year
clearance period is presented below:
Number of
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Number of
responses per
respondent *
Total number
of responses
burden *
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline—Call Monitoring Form
Crisis Hotline Telephone Initial Script ..................................
Crisis Hotline Telephone Consent Script .............................
Crisis Hotline Telephone Follow–up Assessment ...............
MI/SP Silent Monitoring Form ..............................................
MI/SP Caller Initial Script .....................................................
MI/SP Caller Follow-up Consent Script ...............................
MI/SP Caller Follow-up Interview ........................................
MI/SP Counselor Consent ...................................................
MI/SP Counselor Attitudes Questionnaire ...........................
MI/SP Counselor Follow-up Questionnaire .........................
Total ..............................................................................
* Rounded to the nearest whole number.
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 164 / Thursday, August 23, 2012 / Notices
Emergency approval is being
requested to begin on August 31, 2012.
About four months after OMB
approval, SAMHSA will publish a 60Day Federal Register Notice to request
comments during that period. SAMHSA
encourages comments at anytime.
Summer King,
[FR Doc. 2012–20720 Filed 8–22–12; 8:45 am]
Coast Guard
[Docket No. USCG–2011–0138]
Merchant Mariner Medical Advisory
Coast Guard, DHS.
ACTION: Notice of Federal Advisory
Committee Meeting.
The Merchant Mariner
Medical Advisory Committee
(MMMAC) will meet on September 25–
26, 2012 to discuss matters relating to
medical certification determinations for
issuance of merchant mariner
credentials, medical standards and
guidelines for physical qualifications of
operators of commercial vessels,
medical examiner education, and
medical research. The meeting will be
open to the public.
DATES: MMMAC will meet on Tuesday,
September 25, and Wednesday,
September 26, 2012 from 8:00 a.m. to
5:30 p.m. Please note that the meeting
may close early if the committee has
completed its business.
ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held at
the Paul Hall Center for Maritime
Training and Education, 2nd floor
conference room (Maryland Room),
45353 St. Georges Avenue, Piney Point,
Maryland 20674–0075. Please be
advised that in order to gain access to
the Paul Hall Center, you must provide
identification in the form of a
government-issued picture
identification card. If you plan to attend,
please notify the individual listed in
later than September 14, 2012 so that
administrative access into the Paul Hall
Center can be processed prior to arrival.
For information on facilities or
services for individuals with disabilities
or to request special assistance at the
meeting, contact Lieutenant Ashley
Holm, the MMMAC Assistant
Designated Federal Officer (ADFO),
202–372–1128 as soon as possible.
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
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To facilitate public participation, we
are inviting public comment on the
issues to be considered by the
committee as listed in the ‘‘Agenda’’
section below. Comments must be
submitted in writing to the Coast Guard
on or before September 14, 2012 and
must be identified by USCG–2011–0138
and may be submitted by one of the
following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: http:// Follow the
instructions for submitting comments
(preferred method to avoid delays in
• Fax: 202–372–1246.
• Mail: Docket Management Facility
(M–30), U.S. Department of
Transportation, West Building Ground
Floor, Room W12–140, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590–
• Hand delivery: Same as mail
address above, between 9 a.m. and 5
p.m., Monday through Friday, except
Federal Holidays. The telephone
number is 202–366–9329.
Instructions: All submissions received
must include the words ‘‘Department of
Homeland Security’’ and the docket
number for this action. Comments
received will be posted without
alteration at,
including any personal information
provided. You may review a Privacy Act
notice regarding our public dockets in
the January 17, 2008, issue of the
Federal Register (73 FR 3316). If you
would like a copy of your material
distributed to each member of the
committee in advance of the meeting,
please provide an electronic copy to the
ADFO, no later than September 14,
2012, and it will be placed on the
MMMAC Web site to be made available
to the members of the committee and
the public.
Docket: For access to the docket to
read background documents or
comments related to this notice, go to
A public comment period will be held
on September 25, 2012, from 9:35 a.m.
to 10:05 a.m., and September 26, 2012
from 4:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Speakers are
requested to limit their comments to 5
minutes. Please note that the public
comment period may end before the
time indicated, following the last call
for comments. Additionally, public
comment will be sought throughout the
meeting as specific tasks and issues are
discussed by the committee. Contact the
individual listed below to register as a
Lieutenant Ashley Holm, the MMMAC
ADFO, at telephone 202–372–1128 or
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email If you
have questions on viewing or submitting
material to the docket, call Renee V.
Wright, Program Manager, Docket
Operations, telephone 202–366–9826.
this meeting is given under the Federal
Advisory Committee Act, 5 U.S.C. App.
(Pub. L. 92–463). The MMMAC is
authorized by section 210 of the Coast
Guard Authorization Act of 2010 (Pub.
L. 111–281) and the committee’s
purpose is to advise the Secretary on
matters related to medical certification
determinations for issuance of merchant
mariner credentials; medical standards
and guidelines for the physical
qualifications of operators of
commercial vessels; medical examiner
education; and medical research.
Day 1, September 25
(1) Opening comments by Designated
Federal Officer (DFO), Captain K. P.
(2) Remarks from Paul Hall Center staff
(3) Introduction and swearing in of the
new members.
(4) Review of Last Meeting’s Minutes.
(5) Public Comments.
(6) Working Groups addressing the
following task statements may meet
to deliberate—
(a) Task Statement 1, Revision of
Navigation and Vessel Inspection
Circular (NVIC) 04–08. The NVIC
can be found at http://
Medical and Physical Guidelines
for Merchant Mariner Credentials.
(b) Task Statement 2, Top medical
conditions leading to denial of
mariner credentials.
(c) Task Statement 4, Revising the
CG–719K Medical Evaluation
Report Form for mariner physicals.
The form can be found at http://
(d) Task Statement 5, Creating
medical expert panels for the top
medical conditions.
(e) Task Statement 6, Developing
designated medical examiner
Day 2, September 26
(1) Working Group Discussions
continued from Day 1.
(2) By mid-afternoon, the Working
Groups will report, and if
applicable, make recommendations
for the full committee to consider
for presentation to the Coast Guard.
The committee may take official
action on these recommendations
on this date. The public will have
File Type | application/pdf |
File Modified | 2012-08-23 |
File Created | 2012-08-23 |