Youth Admin Guide

HIV Youth Admin Guide 120321_Cleaned.docx

Minority Substance Abuse/HIV Prevention Initiative

Youth Admin Guide

OMB: 0930-0298

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Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Center for Substance Abuse Prevention

Data Analysis Coordination and Consolidation Center

National Minority SA/HIV Prevention Initiative

Youth Questionnaire

Administration Guide

I. Questionnaire Administration Procedures


Specific procedures for administering the common questionnaires are provided in this section.

Administration Staff

The Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP) strongly recommends that grantees designate program or evaluation staff to conduct data collection. Program staff should not be responsible for administering questionnaires to participants to whom they provide direct services. Grantees may designate survey administrators (proctors) if this occurs or if data collection staff cannot administer the questionnaires.

Proctors should be present at the survey administration to explain the process of filling out the questionnaire and to answer any questions that may arise. Additional involvement of the proctor may be required for respondents with limited reading and/or English language ability.

Sections of the Questionnaire and Administration Time

The Youth Questionnaire is divided into three sections:

  1. Section One: Facts About You

  2. Section Two: Attitudes & Knowledge

  3. Section Three: Behavior & Relationships

The number of sections an individual respondent is required to complete depends on the duration of the intervention he or she receives. This should be determined by program staff responsible for data collection prior to survey administration. If you are unsure which sections of the questionnaire to administer, please ask the person in charge of data collection at your organization.

The following table shows which sections of the questionnaire to administer based on the intervention duration:

Intervention Duration

Sections of Survey To be Administered

Amount of Time To Complete*

Single Session Intervention

Pages 1-9

  • Section One: Facts about You

  • 3 to 5 items from Section Two: Attitudes & Knowledge

15 minutes

Multiple Session Brief Intervention

(less than 30 days duration)

Pages 1-9

  • Section One: Facts about You

  • Section Two: Attitudes & Knowledge

30 minutes

Multiple Session Long Intervention

(30 days or longer duration)

Pages 1-17

  • Section One: Facts about You

  • Section Two: Attitudes & Knowledge

  • Section Three: Behavior & Knowledge

50 minutes

*Does not include administrative time; respondents with limited reading and/or English ability may require extra time

Sections of the questionnaire that are not applicable to an individual respondent should be torn off and discarded prior to survey administration (see Pre-Administration Tasks Section below).

Respondents taking the survey at the second or third time point (exit or followup) should receive the same sections of the questionnaire that they received at the first time point (baseline).

Please allow extra time for the distribution of the questionnaires, reading of the instructions, collection of completed questionnaires, and any local administration activities (e.g. distributing incentives, collecting tracking information).

Full Proctoring of the Questionnaire

Respondents with limited reading and/or English language ability may require full proctoring (reading the entire questionnaire aloud). If the questionnaire is read aloud, it is important to instruct respondents not to answer the questions out loud, but simply to mark their answers in the questionnaire. In all cases, respondents should fill out their own questionnaires.

Administration Setting

The questionnaire is designed to be administered in individual or group settings. The administration should be conducted in a quiet room with sufficient lighting and space, and with desks or tables to seat the respondents. Some of the questions are sensitive, so the seating arrangements should maximize privacy for each respondent.

Pre-administration Tasks

Before questionnaires are distributed, they must be prepared according to the following steps. This should be done prior to the time that is set aside to administer the questionnaire to respondents. The program staff responsible for data collection should prepare the questionnaires, not the proctor (although in some cases staff responsible for data collection may also serve as proctors):

  1. Write the name of each survey respondent and his or her assigned 5 digit numeric Participant ID number on the front of the questionnaire

  2. Tear off and discard any section of the questionnaire that is not applicable to a respondent. The section the respondent receives is based on the duration of the intervention he or she will receive/has received:

    1. Respondents receiving a single session intervention should receive Section One (pages 1-4) and 3 to 5 items from Section Two (pages 5-9) that should be selected by the staff responsible for data collection prior to delivery of the intervention;

    2. Respondents receiving multiple sessions lasting less than 30 days should receive only Sections One and Two (pages 1-9);

    3. Respondents receiving multiple sessions lasting 30 days or longer should receive the entire questionnaire (Pages 1-17).

  3. Complete the Record Management Section on page 2 of each questionnaire

Preparing each questionnaire in advance will help reduce tracking and data processing errors. Sections of the questionnaire that are not applicable to an individual respondent may be thrown away, shredded or recycled.

Administration Materials

In addition to the prepared questionnaires, the following materials are needed for each administration session:

  • No. 2 Pencils: A No. 2 pencil must be used to mark responses on the questionnaire. Bring enough pencils for everyone who will be in the session and a few extras in case they are needed.

  • Two Large Envelopes or Folders: One envelope or folder should be used to store the front tear-off pages of the questionnaires. These pages will have the individual’s name and unique 5-digit ID recorded on them. Respondents should be asked to tear off the front page of their questionnaire after they confirm that their name is on it and the correct 5 digit ID is entered at the top of page 2. The tear-off pages should then be sealed in an envelope for use in record-keeping and tracking by qualified project staff. After a record has been made in the roster of the respondent’s date and type of survey, the face sheets should be shredded or destroyed. The second envelope or folder should be used to store the completed questionnaires until they are entered or uploaded online via the Prevention Management Reporting and Training System (PMRTS) Portal.

  • Roster: It is helpful to have a roster available with the participants’ names and 5 digit ID number. This roster serves as a crosswalk between the study participants’ names and their ID number. Once the face sheet is separated from the questionnaire, the roster will be the only way to link the completed survey with the respondent. The roster should also include any other numbers the grantee uses to identify the respondent’s; however, the same unique participant identification number should be used on all CSAP data collection instruments. To ensure confidentiality, the roster must be kept separate from the completed questionnaires at all times.

  • Administration Guide: When administering the questionnaire, be sure to have a copy of this Administration Guide on hand. Section II provides detailed instructions for addressing potential issues and answering questions that may arise from respondents.

  • Incentive Materials: Incentives are not required, and if used, should be approved by your CSAP Project Officer. Procedures for documenting the distribution of incentives are the responsibility of the grantees.

Questionnaire Introduction

Introduce the questionnaire with a statement similar to the following:

This questionnaire is being used to gather information on how to prevent substance abuse and HIV infection. The questions are being asked of hundreds of other individuals throughout the United States. The findings will be used to help our country learn more about how to keep people from abusing drugs or alcohol and getting infected with HIV.

This questionnaire is voluntary. If you do not want to answer any of the questions, you do not have to. If you decide not to participate in this survey, it will have no effect on your participation in direct service programs. However, your answers are very important to us. Please answer the questions honestly, based on what you really do, think, and feel. Your answers will not be told to anyone in your family or community.

Questionnaire Instructions

Read the following instructions to the survey respondents:

1. Check to make sure that the questionnaire has your name on the front page and an ID number written in below your name. Now check to make sure that the ID number marked at the top of the second page is the same number as the one on the first page. If the Date of Administration has not been marked, please mark today’s date, which is (today’s date) .

2. Please tear off the front page of your questionnaire and pass it to me. Do not write your name anywhere else on this questionnaire.

3. To answer each question, you should mark one of the answer circles by filling in the circle completely. Some questions allow you to mark more than one answer. If you don’t find an answer that fits exactly, choose the one that comes closest.

4. Mark your answers carefully so your answer is obvious. Make heavy dark marks that fill in the circle completely. Do not mark between the circles.

5. Please work quietly by yourself. Raise your hand to let me know if you have a question or don’t understand something.

6. We think you will find the questionnaire to be interesting and that you will like filling it out. Before we begin, do you have any questions?

7. Thank you very much for being an important part of this effort!

Responses to Questions during the Administration

The questionnaire is designed to be self-administered, meaning respondents should fill out their own questionnaire privately. However, questions about certain items may arise that require clarification from the proctor. Section II of this guide provides question by question instructions on how to respond to potential issues/questions for each item in the survey, including definitions of words. Please refer to this guide when answering questions from respondents. If a respondent asks a question about the meaning or intent of an item for which the answer is not provided in Section II, tell them to answer according to “what it means to you.”

If respondents at your site have serious problems understanding the questionnaires, please contact your assigned CSAP Project Officer.

Administration Conclusion

When completed, collect the questionnaires from each respondent, making sure that the face sheet on each has been torn off. Place the questionnaires in an envelope or folder.

Thank all of the respondents for taking the time to help with the survey.

Conclude with this debriefing statement:

Some of the questions on this survey may have been troubling for some of you. If there is anyone who feels they would like to talk to someone about any concern or problem, please see . S/he will be glad to listen to you and provide whatever help s/he can.

Makeup Administrations

When scheduled administrations of the instrument are complete, check the intervention and comparison group (if any) roster to determine if any scheduled respondents missed the session. If there are missing respondents, take the following steps:

  • Arrange to attend the next program session to speak to the respondent(s) who did not attend the questionnaire administration session.

  • Arrange a makeup session that is convenient for respondents; this can be done in person, by phone, or in writing.

  • If a respondent still misses a makeup session, or if a group makeup cannot be arranged, make reasonable efforts to administer the questionnaire individually.

II. Review of Questionnaire Items


This section provides a detailed review of the items in each section of the questionnaire. For each item, or group of items, potential issues are identified, and one or more recommended solutions are provided for each potential issue. The potential issues focus on questions that respondents may ask about the items in the questionnaire. The recommended solutions are appropriate responses to questions that respondents may ask. Following the recommended solutions will allow for consistency in the way the questionnaire is administered across settings and sites.


Section One: Facts About You


General Section Comments: The section asks seventeen basic questions about the respondent such as gender, age, race, sexual orientation, primary language, place of origin, length of time in the United States, living situation, type of residence, grade level, drug and alcohol use and repercussions and experience with the penal system. This information is not used to identify respondents, but is instead used to learn what different groups of people do and think. For example, the information might be used to examine what boys have to say, and how that may be different from what girls have to say.

1. How would you describe yourself? (Gender)

Potential Issue: This question asks for the gender of the respondent.

Recommended Solution: Have respondents mark the answer that best describes their gender. If the respondent is unsure, say “mark the answer that comes closest to how you describe yourself.”

Comments on Item 2-3: These questions are asked to determine the respondent’s age.

2. In what year were you born? (Enter all four digits of the year in the boxes below)

3. In what month were you born?

Potential Issue #1: Respondents may be confused about how to complete this question.

Recommended Response: Instruct respondents to provide their best estimate. For question 2, they should write in the year they were born, and fill in the corresponding values in the circles below.

Potential Issue #2: Respondents are reluctant to answer because of concern this information will be used to identifying them.

Recommended Response: Assure respondent that these questions are asked to determine their exact age so that evaluators can analyze the information accurately and that this information will not be used to identify respondents.

4. Are you Hispanic or Latino?

Potential Issue: Respondents may not understand the question.

Recommended Solution: The intent of the question is to determine if respondents identify as Hispanic/Latino(a). Also, included in the category are those whose origins are from Spanish-speaking nations in Spain, Latin America, and the Caribbean, or people who identify themselves generally as Spanish, Spanish-American, Hispanic, Hispano, etc. Individuals from non-Spanish speaking countries, such as Brazil and Haiti, may also identify as Latino or Hispanic.

5. What is your race? (Select one or more)

Potential Issue #1: Respondent is multiracial.

Recommended Solution: The intent of the question is to determine what race or races the respondent considers himself or herself. Respondents may mark more than one group if they identify with two groups represented on the list. For example, if a respondent identifies as half Asian and half African-American, he or she should fill in the bubbles for both Asian and African American.

Potential Issue #2: Respondent is Hispanic or Latino and does not know which category to mark.

Recommended Solution: The intent of the question is to determine what race the respondent considers himself or herself. For those respondents that mark yes to Question 5, ask them to also mark any of the races that apply to them. If none of the races apply to them, ask respondents to select “Other.”

6. How would you describe yourself? (Sexual orientation)

Potential Issue: Respondents may express confusion over these categories.

Recommended Solution: Have respondents mark the answer that most closely matches their sexual orientation—how they feel right now, or most of the time. Also, remind respondents that their names are not on the survey and their answers will be kept private.

7. What is your primary spoken language?

Potential Issue: Respondents might be unsure which language to pick. There may be confusion over the language spoken at home or school.

Recommended Solution: Ask respondents to mark the response for the language which corresponds to the language they are most comfortable with.

8. How long have you lived in the United States?

Potential Issue: Respondent unsure about how long they have been in the U.S.

Recommended Solution: Ask respondents to provide their best estimate. If the respondents have left the United States or frequently visit their home countries for extended periods of time, ask respondents to give the total time they have lived in the U.S. Tell them not to include short trips or summer vacations abroad as time not living in the U.S.

9. With whom do you live? (Mark all that apply)

Potential Issue: Respondent confusion about which bubble to fill in.

Recommended Solution: Respondents should mark all the people with whom they are currently living. If their current living situations are not represented by the categories (i.e. if a respondent is currently living with other people in a group home), have them select “other.”

10. Describe where you live.

Potential Issue: Respondents may not be sure as to what category would apply to them, or their current living situation is temporary.

Recommended Solution: We are interested in the current living situation, even if it is temporary. Have respondents pick the category that best describes their current living situation. If their current living situation is not represented by the categories, have them select “other.”

11. What is the highest level of education you have finished, whether or not you received a degree? (Mark the highest grade you have completed.)

Potential Issue: Respondents may not know what grade to select.

Recommended Solution: We are interested in the highest grade respondents completed. If it is the middle of the school year, have respondents mark the grade they were in last year. If respondents were homeschooled, they should select the grade that is equivalent to the highest grade level they have completed.

12. During the past 12 months, have you driven a vehicle while you were under the influence of alcohol?

Potential Issue: Respondents may not understand what constitutes being “under the influence.”

Recommended Solution: Explain to respondents that “under the influence” means having had enough alcohol to feel the effects, such as feeling high.

13. Have you ever been suspended from school for drug or alcohol use?

Potential Issue: None

14. Have you ever been in juvenile/adult detention, jail, or prison for more than 3 days?

Potential Issue: Respondents are uncomfortable answering and find this question intrusive.

Recommended Response: Explain that this question is asked of everyone and there are no expectations about them, their past, or how they behave. If respondents are still reluctant to answer, please indicate that their answers are voluntary and they do not have to answer these questions. If respondents indicate they have not been in jail or prison for more than 3 days, have them mark “No.”

15. If YES to question 15, how long has it been since you last got out of juvenile/adult detention, jail, or prison?

Potential Issue: Respondents don’t remember how long ago it was.

Recommended Response: The question is asking if the respondent has ever been in jail or prison for more than three days, how long ago was the most recent time. Ask respondents to provide their best estimate if they have been in detention or incarcerated for longer than three days. If they have not, respondents can check the corresponding circle for “never in juvenile/adult detention, jail, or prison for more than 3 days”.

16. Is anyone in your family or someone close to you on active duty in the Armed Forces, in the Reserves, or the National Guard, or separated or retired from Armed Forces, Reserves, or the National Guard?

Potential Issue #1: The respondent may not know the additional branches of the Armed Forces.

Recommended Response: In addition to the Reserves and the National Guard, the Armed Forces includes the Army, Air Force, Marine Corp, Navy and Coast Guard.

Potential Issue #2: The respondent may not know what is meant by active duty.

Recommended Response: Active duty is similar to working at a full-time civilian job. There are hours when, as a Service Member, individuals will be training or performing a military job. The respondent should also complete these items if they have a family member or know someone close to them who is in the Reserves or Armed Forces.

17. If yes, answer the following questions for each person you marked in question 16 (up to six people), service members relationship to you:

Potential Issue: The respondent may have more than six family members or know multiple individuals in the Armed Forces, the Reserves or the National Guard who are close to him/her.

Recommended Response: Have the respondent indicate the service members to whom he or she feels the closest.

Has the Service Member experienced any of the following (check all that apply):

17a. Deployed in support of combat operations (e.g., Iraq or Afghanistan)?

17b. Was physically injured during combat operations?

17c. Developed combat stress symptoms/ difficulties adjusting following deployment, including PTSD, depression, or suicidal thoughts?

17d. Died or was killed?

Potential Issue: Respondent may not understand what is meant by “difficulties adjusting”.

Recommended Response: Difficulties adjusting includes any negative changes in behavior after deployment.

Shape6 Section Two: Attitudes & Knowledge


In Section Two, respondents are asked how they feel about certain things, such as school, substances use and sexual behavior. They are also asked about HIV/AIDS. Although respondents are asked about HIV/AIDS and a wide range of activities, it is not assumed that respondents have HIV/AIDS or have done any of the activities that are asked about. Respondents’ answers are private and will not be used to identify them.

Comments on Items 18-26: The next few questions ask how respondents feel about school. First, they are asked some background information.

18. Are you enrolled in school?

Potential Issue: Respondents do not understand the question.

Recommended Solution: Ask respondents if they are currently attending school. If respondents are no longer enrolled in school (i.e. they have graduated or dropped out), have respondents mark the bubble for “No” and continue to the next question.

19. Are you on summer break or vacation?

Potential Issue: Respondents may have graduated or dropped out and be confused about whether they are on summer break or vacation.

Recommended Solution: If respondents are NOT planning on returning to school after vacation or summer break is over, have respondents mark the bubble for “No” and continue to the next question.

20. What were your most recent grades in school?

Potential Issue: Respondents may not be sure which answer best reflects their grades.

Recommended Solution #1: If respondents indicate a combination—for example, mostly A's and B's—have them mark which grades they think they received more of.

Recommended Solution #2: If they are not currently in school (summer break, graduated or dropped out), have them respond based on the grades they received most during the most recent school semester.

Comment on Items 21-23: The following set of questions asks respondents about their feelings toward school. If they are on summer break or vacation, have them mark the circle for how they felt about school before summer vacation.

Potential Issue: What if respondents are not currently in school?

Recommended Solution: Have respondents indicate answers for when they were last in school.

21. How often do you feel that the school work you are assigned is meaningful and important?

Potential Issue: Respondents are confused about the term “meaningful.”

Recommended Solution: The term “meaningful” means the purpose of the assignment is significant or relevant to the respondent.

22. How interesting are most of your classes to you?

Potential Issue: None

23. How important do you think things you are learning in school are going to be for you later in life?

Potential Issue: None

Comment on Items 24-26: This set of questions asks the respondents for their feelings about the last year in school.

For these questions, the answer categories are:

I was not in school during the last year

Almost always You felt this way ALMOST or nearly all the time. (For example, you may have felt this way 90% or more of the time.)

Often You felt this way most of the time. (For example, you may have felt this way about 75% of the time.)

Sometimes You felt this way some of the time. (For example, you may have felt this way about 50% of the time.)

Seldom You felt this way hardly ever or rarely. (For example, you may have felt this way about 25% of the time.)

Never You NEVER felt this way.

Now think back over the last year in school . . .

24. How often did you enjoy being in school?

25. How often did you hate being in school?

26. How often did you try to do your best in school?

Potential Issue: None

Comments on Items 27-32: These questions ask about the respondent’s “ethnic group.” An ethnic group is a cultural group that has a shared history, similar customs, traditions, and sometimes shared values. For example, Hispanics, African Americans, Native Americans, Asians, and Pacific Islanders are usually considered to be ethnic groups.

For these questions, possible answers include:

Strongly agree You REALLY believe this.

Agree You believe this.

Disagree You do not believe this.

Strongly disagree You REALLY do not believe this.

Potential Issue: Respondents do not identify themselves with any one ethnicity or with any ethnicity.

Recommended Solution: Tell the respondent to refer to what their family identifies themselves as or what ethnicity they feel the closest to.

27. I have spent time trying to find out more about my ethnic group, such as its history, traditions, and customs.

Potential Issue #1: Respondents may not understand “traditions.”

Recommended Solution: “Traditions” are regular practices passed down in the family or community. For example, special foods for the holidays, dress, or (more generally) the specific way, order, or rituals in which occasions are observed.

Potential Issue #2: Respondents may not understand “customs.”

Recommended Solution: A “custom” is a common practice of people of a particular background. For example, the way people greet each other is a custom. In some ethnic groups, it is common to shake hands while other ethnic groups greet each other with a kiss on each cheek.

28. I am active in organizations or social groups that include mostly members of my own ethnic group.

Potential Issue: Respondents may not understand what we mean by “active in organizations or social groups.”

Recommended Solution: By “active in organizations or social groups” we mean an affiliation with a group where the membership requirements are tied to a specific racial, ethnic, or religious background. It can also include church membership. (Some examples are 100 Black Men, AME church, Latino student organizations, Muslim student organizations).

29. I think a lot about how my life is affected by my ethnic group membership.

Potential Issue: None.

30. I have often talked to other people about my ethnic background.

Potential Issue: None.

31. I am interested in learning more about my ethnic background.

Potential Issue: None.

32. I participate in cultural practices of my own ethnic group, such as special food, music, or customs.

Potential Issue: Respondents don’t understand “cultural practices of my own group.”

Recommended Solution: Indicate that by “cultural practices” we are referring to activities such as performance of special rituals and attendance at specific activities, such as celebration of specific religious practices (Kwanzaa celebrations, fasting during high holidays, or dressing in a specific manner – such as wearing a hijab) relevant to the respondents’ own cultural, ethnic or religious background.

Comments on Items 33-35: These items ask respondents about religious or spiritual beliefs, meaning a belief system based on something sacred, and their role in respondents’ daily life.

Potential Issue: Respondents may be unsure of what is meant by “religious or spiritual beliefs.”

Recommended Solution: Have respondent answer the question, as it applies to HIM or HER. In general, a spiritual belief is a belief system based on something sacred.

33. In general, how important are religious or spiritual beliefs in your day-to-day life?

The possible response options to this question are:

Very important Religious or spiritual beliefs guide my day-to-day life.

Fairly important Important, but not very important.

Not too important Somewhat important, but not fairly important.

Not at all important Religion or spirituality are not important

Potential Issue: Respondent may be unsure of what is meant by “religious or spiritual beliefs.”

Recommended Solution: Have respondent answer the question, as it applies to HIM or HER. In general, a spiritual belief is a belief system based on something sacred, the belief in a spirit or soul, or a belief in a god or other deity.

34. When you have problems or difficulties with your school (education), work, family, friends, or personal life, how often do you seek spiritual guidance and support?

The possible response options to this question are:

Almost always Most of the time.

Often Not always, but frequently.

Sometimes From time to time—occasionally.

Rarely Hardly ever

Never None of the time

Potential Issue #1: Respondents may be unsure as to what we mean by “spiritual guidance and support.

Recommended Solution: “Spiritual guidance and support” may include going to church, temple or other place of worship; faith-based meetings; or retreats. It may also include speaking to a clergy or other faith representative.

Potential Issue #2: Does it include prayer or meditation?

Recommended Solution: No, we are interested in knowing if respondents sought guidance from a clergy-member or other spiritual leader.

35. How spiritual or religious would you say you are?

Possible response categories to this question are:

Very spiritual or religious Spirituality/Religion is extremely important to me.

Fairly spiritual or religious Spirituality/Religion is somewhat important to me.

Not too spiritual or religious Spirituality/Religion is not very important to me.

Not spiritual or religious at all Spirituality/Religion is not important at all to me.

Potential Issue: Respondents may be unsure of what is meant by “religious or spiritual beliefs.”

Recommended Solution: Have respondent answer the question, as it applies to HIM or HER. Ask, “What do the words ‘spiritual’ or ‘religious’ mean to you?”

Comments on Items 36-40: The next five questions ask about respondents’ thoughts on someone their age using alcohol, tobacco and other drugs and about how their friends feel about their cigarette use. They are asked if they approve or disapprove of their peers’ actions.

For these questions, possible answers include:

Neither approve nor disapprove This behavior is neither good nor bad; it’s neutral

Somewhat disapprove This behavior is more bad than good,

Strongly disapprove This behavior is very bad

Don’t know or can’t say I don’t know enough about this behavior to say

36. How do you think your close friends would feel about YOU smoking one or more packs of cigarettes a day?

Potential Issue: Respondents may be confused because the question asks how their close friends feel about their use of cigarettes.

Recommended Solution: Tell respondents the question is asking about how someone they trust and whom they consider a close friend would feel about them smoking one or more packs of cigarettes a day.

37. How do you feel about someone your age smoking one or more packs of cigarettes a day?

Potential Issue: None.

38. How do you feel about someone your age trying marijuana or hashish once or twice?

Potential Issue: Respondents may not understand what the question is asking.

Recommended Solution: Tell respondents the question is asking if they approve or disapprove of someone their age trying marijuana or hashish once or twice.

39. How do you feel about someone your age using marijuana once a month or more?

Potential Issue: Respondents may not understand what the question is asking.

Recommended Solution: Tell respondents the question is asking if they approve or disapprove of someone their age using marijuana once a month or more on a regular basis.

40. How do you feel about someone your age having one or two drinks of an alcoholic beverage nearly every day?

Potential Issue: Respondents do not understand what one drink means.

Recommended Solution: One drink is equivalent to:

  • 12-ounces of beer or one regular bottle or can of beer.

  • 8-ounces of malt liquor.

  • 5-ounces of wine.

  • 1.5-ounces or a “shot” of 80-proof distilled spirits or liquor (e.g., gin, rum, vodka, or whiskey).

Comments on Items 41-43: These questions ask respondents about what they think happens when people use tobacco, marijuana and alcohol. Remind respondents that there are no right or wrong answers. Also mention that we are not implying that they do any of these things. We are only interested in what they think about these actions.

For these questions, possible responses include:

No risk You think nothing bad will happen if people do this.

Slight risk You think something bad MIGHT happen if people do this.

Moderate risk You are pretty sure something bad will happen if people do this.

Great risk You really think something bad will happen if people do this.

Can’t say/don’t know You really don’t know about this substance or don’t know how risky it is to use it.

Potential Issue: Respondents are not sure how to answer the question because they do not smoke, use marijuana, or drink alcohol.

Recommended Solution: Explain that we would like their thoughts or opinions about people who smoke, use illegal substances, or drink alcohol regardless of their own behavior.

41. How much do people risk harming themselves physically or in other ways when they smoke one or more packs of cigarettes per day?

Potential Issue: None.

42. How much do people risk harming themselves physically or in other ways when they smoke marijuana once or twice a week?

Potential Issue: None.

43. How much do people risk harming themselves physically or in other ways when they have five or more drinks of an alcoholic beverage once or twice a week?

Potential Issue: Respondents may be confused by the question.

Recommended Solution: Explain that this means having five or more drinks in one sitting and doing this once or twice a week. One drink is equivalent to:

  • 12-ounces of beer or one regular bottle or can of beer.

  • 8-ounces of malt liquor.

  • 5-ounces of wine.

  • 1.5-ounces or a “shot” of 80-proof distilled spirits or liquor (e.g., gin, rum, vodka, or whiskey).

General Comments on Items 44-50: These questions ask respondents about sex and things that are related to sex. Many of these questions are of a sensitive, personal nature. The questions do not assume that respondents have engaged in any of the sexual behaviors stated in the questions. The following definitions are used for the items:

  • Sex or Sexual Activity -- a situation where two partners get sexually excited or aroused (turned on) by touching each other’s genitals (penis or vagina) or anus (butt) with their own genitals, hands, or mouths

  • Vaginal Sex -- a male inserts his penis into his female partner’s vagina

  • Oral Sex -- when one partner’s mouth is in contact with the other partner’s genitals (penis or vagina) or anus during sex

  • Anal Sex -- when a male’s penis is inserted into his male or female partner’s anus

  • Sexual Partners – with whom you have sex, that is, engage in sexual activity

  • Safe Sex sex that is protected using a condom.

  • Protected Sex -- when a latex or polyurethane condom (rubber) is used to cover the penis; a female condom is used to cover the vagina; or a dental dam is used to cover the anus

  • Unprotected Sex -- vaginal, oral, or anal sex without a barrier such as a condom or dental dam

Potential Issue #1: There may be some confusion between similar questions.

Recommended Solution: Explain that respondents should think about and pay attention to the time frames.

Potential Issue #2: Respondents may be uncomfortable answering these types of questions.

Recommended Solution: Remind respondents that these questions are voluntary. Explain to the respondents that their answers are private—the page with the respondent’s name was taken off the survey. Also explain that these questions are being asked of everyone, and there are no expectations or judgments made about them or certain individual behaviors.

Comments on Items 44-46: The following set of questions asks respondents how likely they are to do something in the next 3 months. For these questions, the answers include:

Not at all likely This will NOT happen.

A little likely There is a chance it could happen but probably not (For example, there is a 25% chance that this might happen.)

Somewhat likely There is a good chance I will do this.

(For example, there is a 50% chance that this might happen.)

Very likely There is a very strong chance this will happen.

(For example, there is a 75% chance that this might happen.)

In the next 3 months, how likely are you to...

44. Be sexually active?

Potential Issue: Respondents may be unclear as to the term “sexually active.”

Recommended Solution: By “sexually active” we mean a situation where two partners get sexually excited or aroused (turned on) by touching each other’s genitals (penis or vagina) or anus (butt) with their own genitals, hands, or mouth. If the respondent indicate they do not intend to be sexually active in the next 3 months, have them mark the bubble for “Not at all likely”.

45. Have more than one sexual partner?

Potential Issue: Respondents may be unclear about the meaning of the term “sexual partner.”

Recommended Solution: By “sexual partner,” we mean any person with whom a respondent is sexually active (see question 44). This question asks whether or not respondents plan to be sexually active with more than one person. The question refers to having multiple partners. It can mean one-on-one contact with different partners over the next 3 months, and can also mean more than one person at the same time.

46. To practice safe sex?

Potential Issue: Respondents may be unclear on the term “safe sex.”

Recommended Solution: By “safe sex,” we mean having (vaginal, oral, or anal) sex using a latex or polyurethane condom.

Comments on Items 47-50: These questions ask the respondents about their boyfriend or girlfriend, or the person with whom they are currently having sex and whether they agree or disagree with the listed statements.

For these questions, the answers include:

Strongly agree You REALLY believe this.

Agree You believe this.

Disagree You do not believe this.

Strongly disagree You REALLY do not believe this.

47. I can get my boyfriend or girlfriend to use a condom, even if he or she does not want to. (If you don’t have a boyfriend or girlfriend right now, think about how you might answer this question if you did.)

48. I would be able to say to my boyfriend or girlfriend that we should use a condom. (If you don’t have a boyfriend or girlfriend right now, think about how you might answer this question if you did.)

49. I could refuse if someone wanted to have sex without a condom.

50. I could say no if someone pressured me to have sex when I did not want to.

Potential Issue: None.

Comments on Items 51-52:

51. I would be able to say no if a friend offered me a drink of alcohol.

52. I would be able to refuse if a friend offered me drugs, including marijuana.

Potential Issue: None.

Comments on Items 53-61: These questions test the respondents’ knowledge about HIV/AIDS and the risk of certain actions for contracting the HIV virus.

53. Only people who look sick can spread the HIV/AIDS virus.

Potential Issue: None.

54. Only people who have sex with gay (homosexual) people get HIV/AIDS.

Potential Issue: None.

55. Birth control pills protect women from getting the HIV/AIDS virus.

Potential Issue: Respondents do not know what birth control pills are.

Recommended Solution: Birth control pills, or “the Pill,” are a common name for oral contraception—or pills that can be taken by women to prevent pregnancies.

56. There are drugs available to treat HIV that can lengthen the life of a person infected with the virus.

Potential Issue: Respondents do not understand the use of the word “drugs.”

Recommended Solution: Explain that “drugs” refers to medication given by a doctor that is meant to help the person with HIV to live longer.

57. There is no cure for AIDS.

Potential Issue: Respondents do not understand the use of the word “cure.”

Recommended Solution: Explain that “cure” refers to a way of ridding AIDS from a person’s body forever.

58. Young people under the age 18 need their parents’ permission to get an HIV test.

Potential Issue: None.

59. Having another sexually transmitted disease like gonorrhea or herpes increases a person’s risk of becoming infected with HIV.

Potential Issue: Respondents do not understand the question.

Recommended Solution: Explain that this is asking if a person’s chances of getting HIV are higher if they already have another STD.

60. Sharing intravenous needles increases a person’s risk of becoming infected with HIV.

Potential Issue: Respondents do not understand the term “sharing intravenous needles.”

Recommended Solution: Explain to respondents that this question refers to putting a syringe (or “needle”) directly into one person’s blood stream (i.e. vein or muscle) and then using that same needle to inject a substance into another person’s blood stream.

61. You can become infected with HIV by having unprotected oral sex.

Potential Issue: Respondents do not understand the term “unprotected.”

Recommended Solution: Protected oral sex is when a latex condom (rubber) or a dental dam is used. A dental dam is a piece of latex that is placed on the vulva or anus. By unprotected oral sex, we mean oral sex without the use of a latex condom or other barrier (i.e. dental dam, Saran Wrap).

Comments on Items 62-64: These questions ask the respondents about HIV testing.

62. Have you ever been tested for the HIV virus that causes AIDS?

Potential Issue: Respondents may interpret this as asking for their HIV status.

Recommended Solution: We are only interested in whether they have been tested or not.

Potential Issue #2: Respondents are confused by the wording of this question.

Recommended Solution: Explain that the question is asking whether or not respondents have ever been tested for HIV. Although it might seem to imply that some forms of HIV virus do not cause AIDS, clarify that all strains of HIV cause AIDS. We are interested in whether respondents have ever been tested for HIV.

63. If YES to question 62, did you receive or go back to get your results?

Potential Issue: Respondents may interpret this as asking for their HIV status.

Recommended Solution: We are only interested in whether they have been and gotten their results. We do not want to know if they have HIV/AIDS.

64. If you had the opportunity to be tested for HIV, would you?

Potential Issue: Respondents may interpret this as asking about their likelihood of contracting HIV.

Recommended Solution: We are only interested in whether they would want to be tested if they had the opportunity.

Shape9 Shape8 Section Three: Behavior & Relationships

General Section Comments: The questions in this section address alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use. Some questions may be sensitive for some respondents. Many of the questions ask about substance use within the past 30 days. These questions do NOT assume that respondents have used alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs.

Potential Issue #1: Respondents may be uncomfortable answering questions about health behaviors and illicit drug use.

Recommended Solution: Remind respondents that their names are not on the survey and information will not be reported on an individual level. Also explain that these questions are being asked of everyone and there are no expectations about them or certain individual behaviors. Ask the respondents to be as truthful as possible.

Potential Issue #2: Respondents have limited ability to recall behaviors within certain time frames.

Recommended Solution: Explain that we only expect them to provide their best estimate and ask them to try to recall to the best of their ability.

Potential Issue #3: Respondents may be unclear as to the meaning of certain terms in this section.

Recommended Solution: Definitions are provided throughout this section, and common street terms of certain substances are also included. More detailed solutions are provided on a question-by-question basis. Explain that they should answer the question as best they can given the information that is in the question. If they are still puzzled as to what a certain drug is, explain that if they don’t know what it is, have them mark the “Don’t know or can’t say” response option.

65. During the past 30 days, on how many days did you smoke part or all of a cigarette? (Includes menthol and regular cigarettes and loose tobacco rolled into cigarettes)

Potential Issue: Question may be unclear to the respondents.

Recommended Solution: Tell the respondents we are interested in the number of days on which they smoked all or part of a cigarette. The respondents should be instructed not to indicate the number of drags or puffs or the number of occasions the respondents smoked all or part of a cigarette.

66. During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use other tobacco products? (Includes any tobacco product other than cigarettes such as snuff, chewing tobacco, and smoking tobacco from a pipe)

Potential Issue: Question may be unclear to the respondent.

Recommended Solution: Tell the respondents we are interested in the number of days they used tobacco products, not the amount or the number of times or occasions they used tobacco products.

Comments on Items 67–70: These questions are about alcohol. By alcohol, we mean BEER, WINE, WINE COOLERS, MALT BEVERAGES or HARD LIQUOR . Different groups of people in the United States may use alcohol for religious reasons. For example, some churches serve wine during a church service. If the respondents drink wine at church or for some other religious reason, they should not count these times in their answers to the questions below.

67. During the past 30 days, on how many days did you drink one or more drinks of an alcoholic beverage?

Potential Issue: Question may be unclear to respondents.

Recommended Solution: Tell respondents we are interested in the number of days they drank alcohol, not the amount of sips or occasions they used alcohol. One drink is equivalent to:

  • 12-ounces of beer or one regular bottle or can of beer.

  • 8-ounces of malt liquor.

  • 5-ounces of wine.

  • 1.5-ounces or a “shot” of 80-proof distilled spirits or liquor (e.g., gin, rum, vodka, or whiskey).

68. During the past 30 days, on how many days did you have 4 or more drinks on the same occasion? [By 'occasion,' we mean at the same time or within a couple of hours of each other].

Potential Issue: Question may be unclear to respondents.

Recommended Solution: Tell them to indicate the number of days on which they consumed alcohol, not the occasions they used alcohol. One drink is equivalent to:

  • 12-ounces of beer or one regular bottle or can of beer.

  • 8-ounces of malt liquor.

  • 5-ounces of wine.

  • 1.5-ounces or a “shot” of 80-proof distilled spirits or liquor (e.g., gin, rum, vodka, or whiskey).

69. During the past 30 days, on how many days did you have 5 or more drinks on the same occasion? [By 'occasion,' we mean at the same time or within a couple of hours of each other].

Potential Issue: Question may be unclear to respondents.

Potential Issue: Question may be unclear to respondents.

Recommended Solution: Tell them to indicate the number of days on which they consumed alcohol, not the occasions they used alcohol. One drink is equivalent to:

  • 12-ounces of beer or one regular bottle or can of beer.

  • 8-ounces of malt liquor.

  • 5-ounces of wine.

  • 1.5-ounces or a “shot” of 80-proof distilled spirits or liquor (e.g., gin, rum, vodka, or whiskey).

70. During the past 30 days, on how many days have you been drunk or very high from drinking alcoholic beverages?

Potential Issue: Question may be unclear to respondents.

Recommended Solution: Tell respondents to indicate the number of days they have been drunk or high from alcohol, not the number of drinks, or the number of occasions.

Comment on Item 71: This question is about MARIJUANA or HASHISH. Marijuana is sometimes called weed, blunt, hydro, grass, or pot. Hashish is sometimes called hash or hash oil.

71. During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use marijuana or hashish?

Potential Issue: Question may be unclear to respondents.

Recommended Solution: Tell respondents to indicate the number of days they smoked or consumed marijuana or hashish, not the number of puffs, joints or the number of occasions.

Comments on Items 72-76: These questions are about OTHER ILLEGAL DRUGS, excluding marijuana or hashish. Include substances like inhalants or sniffed substances such as glue, gasoline, paint thinner, cleaning fluid, or shoe polish (used to feel good or to get high); heroin, crack or cocaine, methamphetamine, hallucinogens (drugs that cause people to see or experience things that are not real) such as LSD (sometimes called acid), Ecstasy (MDMA), PCP, peyote (sometimes called angel dust); and prescription drugs used without a doctor’s orders, just to feel good or to get high.

72. During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use any other illegal drug?

Potential Issue #1: Question may be unclear to respondents.

Recommended Solution: Tell the respondents to indicate the number of days, not the number of illegal drugs, or the number of occasions they used. If they used more than one illegal drug on any given day, tell respondents to count this as only one day, not by the number of illegal drugs they used on each day.

Potential Issue #2: Respondents may not know what other illegal drugs are.

Recommended Solution: Tell respondents other illegal drugs are substances used to alter how a person feels or thinks and are taken without a doctor’s orders, just to feel good or get high. Tell them that this does not include substances like ibuprofen taken for headaches. Common illegal substances are those listed on the questionnaire above this item. Remind the respondents that the question is not asking about marijuana.

Comments on Items 73-76: These questions are about your use of several specific drugs. The definition of each drug is included in the question.

73. During the past 30 days, on how many days have you sniffed glue or breathed the contents of aerosol spray cans, or inhaled (huffed) any other gases or sprays in order to get high?

Potential Issue #1: Question may be unclear to the respondents.

Recommended Solution: Tell respondents to indicate the number of days they inhaled or consumed inhalants, not the number of puffs, or the number of occasions.

Potential Issue #2: Respondents do not know what an inhalant is.

Recommended Solution: Other terms for inhalant use that respondents may be more familiar with include sniffing, breathing, and huffing. Other names for substances used as inhalants include nitrous oxide, amyl nitrate, glue, solvents, gasoline, toluene, and aerosols (hair spray, Lysol, air freshener).

74. During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use cocaine or crack?

Potential Issue #1: Question may be unclear to respondents.

Recommended Solution: Tell respondents we are interested in the number of days they used crack or cocaine, not the number of occasions.

Potential Issue #2: Respondent may not know what cocaine or crack is.

Recommended Solution: Common street terms for crack include: 151, badrock, base, basing, cloud, crunch, dice, dime, glo, ice cube, patico, piedra, roca, topo, and basa. Common street terms for cocaine include: aspirin, C, candy sugar, basuco, bazulco, and blanco/a.

75. During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use methamphetamine? (Also called meth, crystal meth, crank, go, and speed)

Potential Issue: Question may be unclear to respondents.

Recommended Solution: Tell respondents we are interested in the number of days they used meth, not the number of occasions.

76. During the past 30 days, on how many days did you inject any drugs? (Count only injections without a doctor’s orders, those you had just to feel good or to get high)

Potential Issue: Respondents might be unsure of the meaning of “inject.”

Recommended Solution: Inject means to put a syringe (or “needle”) into a body part. Drugs can be injected into a vein, into a muscle or under the skin. Do not count injection of legal and prescribed medications (i.e., insulin, hormones). However, include injection drugs taken without the advice of a doctor or other health care professional, including steroids and hormones.

Comments on Items 77-78: These items are about how substance abuse may have affected the respondents’ personal lives.

77. During the past 30 days, how stressful have things been for you because of your use of alcohol or drugs?

Potential Issue: Respondents may not understand the meaning of this question.

Recommended Solution: Tell the respondents the question is asking if their drug use has caused them problems in their personal lives (such as difficulties at work or school) or in their relationships with others.

78. During the past 30 days, has your use of alcohol or drugs caused you to have emotional problems?

Potential Issue: Respondents may not understand the meaning of this question.

Recommended Solution: Tell respondents the question is asking if their drug use has made them feel bad or caused them to experience depression, confusion, mood swings, anxiety, etc.

79. Would you be more or less likely to want to work for an employer that tests its employees for drug or alcohol use on a random basis? Would you say more likely, less likely, or would it make no difference to you? (Mark one)

Potential Issue #1: Respondents may not have been in the work force and not know how to answer.

Recommended Solution: Ask the respondents to think about getting a job in the future. Would they want to work for an employer that randomly tests its employees for drugs or alcohol?

Potential Issue #2: Respondents may not know what a drug test is.

Recommended Solution: Explain to the respondents that a drug test is when a person’s blood, urine, or hair is tested to see if they have used drugs or alcohol.

Comments on Items 80-84: These items are asking the respondents about the FIRST TIME they used tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, and other illegal drugs. Each substance is defined within the question.

80. How old were you the first time you smoked part or all of a cigarette? (Include menthol and regular cigarettes and loose tobacco rolled into cigarettes)

Potential Issue: Respondents might be unsure of how to respond based on the term “part or all.”

Recommended Solution: This question is asking about the age of first use regardless of the amount, even if it was just a few puffs from someone else’s cigarette.

81. How old were you the first time you used any other tobacco product? (Include any tobacco product other than cigarettes such as snuff, chewing tobacco, and smoking tobacco from a pipe)

Potential Issue: Respondents might be confused about which bubble to fill in.

Recommended Solution: This question is asking about the age of first use regardless of the amount, even if it was just a few puffs or a small amount of chew.

82. How old were you the first time you had a drink of an alcoholic beverage? (Includes beer, wine, wine coolers, malt beverages, and liquor) DO NOT include any time when you only had a sip or two from a drink.

Potential Issue: Respondents may not remember exactly when they first had a drink of an alcoholic beverage.

Recommended Solution: Ask respondents to mark their best guess as to what age they were the first time they had an alcoholic beverage. Remind them that a sip or drink of alcohol for religious purposes (i.e., first communion, Sabbath dinner, etc.) is NOT what we are asking about here. We are interested in their first drink for nonreligious purposes.

83. How old were you the first time you used marijuana or hashish? (Also known as grass, pot, hash, or hash oil)

Potential Issue: Respondents may not remember exactly when they first tried marijuana or hashish.

Recommended Solution: Have respondents mark their best guess as to what age they were the first time they tried marijuana or hashish, even if it was one or two puffs.

84. How old were you the first time you used any other illegal drug?

Potential Issue #1: Respondents may not remember exactly how old they were the first time they used other illegal drugs.

Recommended Solution: Have respondents make their best guess as to what age they were the first time they tried an illegal drug.

Potential Issue #2: Respondents do not know what “other illegal drug” includes.

Recommended Solution: Remind the respondents that the questions do NOT include marijuana or hashish. Refer back to item 72 for a definition of other illegal drugs.

General Comments on Items 85-94: These questions ask the respondents about sex and things that are related to sex. Many of these questions are of a sensitive, personal nature. The questions do not assume that the respondents have engaged in any of the sexual behaviors stated in the questions.

The following definitions are used for the items:

  • Sex or Sexual Activity -- a situation where two partners get sexually excited or aroused (turned on) by touching each other’s genitals (penis or vagina) or anus (butt) with their own genitals, hands, or mouths

  • Vaginal Sex -- a male inserts his penis into his female partner’s vagina

  • Oral Sex -- when one partner’s mouth is in contact with the other partner’s genitals (penis or vagina) or anus during sex

  • Anal Sex -- when a male’s penis is inserted into his male or female partner’s anus

  • Sexual Partners – with whom you have sex, that is, engage in sexual activity

  • Protected Sex -- when a latex or polyurethane condom (rubber) is used to cover the penis; a female condom is used to cover the vagina; or a dental dam is used to cover the anus

  • Unprotected Sex -- vaginal, oral, or anal sex without a barrier such as a condom or dental dam

Potential Issue #1: There may be some confusion between similar questions.

Recommended Solution: Explain that respondents should think about and pay attention to the time frames.

Potential Issue #2: Respondents may be uncomfortable answering these types of questions.

Recommended Solution: Remind respondents that these questions are voluntary. Explain to the respondents that their answers are private—the page with respondent’s name was taken off the survey. Also explain that these questions are being asked of everyone, and there are no expectations or judgments made about them or certain individual behaviors.

85. Have you ever had sex (either vaginal, oral, or anal)?

Potential Issue: Respondents may not understand the term “sex.”

Recommended Solution: Definitions for the terms are provided above and in their questionnaire booklet. Have them answer the question as best they can with the information provided.


86. How old were you when you had sex for the first time (include vaginal, oral, or anal sex)?

Potential Issue: Respondents do not remember how old they were the first time they had sexual intercourse.

Recommended Solution: If respondents cannot remember how old they were the first time they had sexual intercourse, have them indicate their best estimate.

87. During the last 30 days, have you had sex?

Potential Issue: Respondents do not remember the last time they had sexual intercourse.

Recommended Solution: If respondents cannot remember within the past 30 days, have them indicate their best estimate.

88. If Yes to question 88, did you or your partner use a condom?

Potential Issue #1: Respondents may not understand the term “condom.”

Recommended Solution: By “condom” we mean a latex rubber, or other latex barrier, like a dental dam. It can also include the female condom.

Potential Issue #2: Respondents have never had this type of sex.

Recommended Solution: Let the respondents know that if they have never had the type of sex being asked, they can fill in the bubble indicating that they have not had this type of sex during the past 30 days.

89. In the last 30 days, did you and your boyfriend or girlfriend talk about using condoms?

Potential Issue: Respondent may indicate they are not having sex yet.

Recommended Solution: Indicate to respondents that we are interested in whether they have been talking with their boyfriend or girlfriend about using a condom regardless of whether they have started to have sex yet.

90. During your life, with how many people have you had sex?

Potential Issue #1: Respondents may not understand the question.

Recommended Solution: This question is asking about the number of people, not the number of times.

Potential Issue #2: Respondents may not know or remember exactly how many people they have had sexual intercourse with.

Recommended Solution: Ask respondents to provide their best estimate.

Potential Issue #3: Respondents may not understand the term “sex.”

Recommended Solution: Sex includes oral, vaginal and anal sex. Definitions for the terms are provided above and in their questionnaire booklet. Have them answer the question as best they can with the information provided.

91. During the last 3 months, with how many people did you have sex?

Potential Issue #1: Respondents may not understand the question.

Recommended Solution: This question is asking about the number of people, not the number of times in the past 3 months the respondents had sex.

Potential Issue #2: Respondent may not understand the term “sex.”

Recommended Solution: Sex includes oral, vaginal and anal sex. Definitions for the terms are provided above and in their questionnaire booklet. Have them answer the question as best they can with the information provided.

Comments on Items 92-94: These questions ask the respondents about sexual activity while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

92. Think about the last time you had sex. Did you drink alcohol or use drugs before you had sex the last time?

Potential Issue: Respondents may be unclear as to the meaning of this question.

Recommended Solution: We are interested in knowing if the respondents had sex immediately after drinking alcohol or using illegal drugs.

93. In the last 3 months, have you had sex after getting drunk or high?

Potential Issue: See question 91 and note the time difference.

94. Have you ever had sex for money, drugs, or other things?

Potential Issue #1: Respondents may not understand question.

Recommended Solution: Explain to respondents that we are interested in any time they traded, or were given, money, drugs, or other things in return for sex.

Potential Issue #2: Confusion regarding the term “other things.”

Recommended Solution: “Other things” can include any gifts or favors, including but not limited to food, shelter, etc.

Comments on Items 95-103: The following questions ask about respondents’ families and their relationship with their family.

95. Do you have any children?

Potential Issue: Respondents may be confused by the question.

Recommended Solution: Explain to respondents that this question is asking if they have ever had a child or fathered a child (including those children that have been adopted or given up for adoption). They should include all children even if the respondents are not living with them.

96. If YES to question 95, how many children do you have?

Potential Issue: Respondents may be confused by the question.

Recommended Solution: Explain to respondents that this question is asking how many children they have given birth to or fathered, regardless of whether the child is living with them or not.

97. Now, think about the past 12 months through today. During the past 12 months, have you talked with at least one of your parents about the dangers of tobacco, alcohol, or drug use? (By PARENTS, we mean your biological parents, adoptive parents, stepparents, or adult guardians, whether or not they live with you.)

Potential Issue: Respondents are living with an aunt, uncle, and/or grandparent.

Recommended Solution: The respondents should include their Aunt’s, Uncle’s and/or Grandparent’s if they consider them as guardians or they live with them more than half the time.

Comments on Items 98-103: These questions also ask about the respondents’ families. For these questions, possible responses include:

I don’t have any family

Not true This is NEVER true.

Sometimes true This is true some of the time (this is true 50% or less of the time).

Usually true This is true ALMOST all the time (this is true about 75% of the time).

Always true This is ALWAYS true (about 90% of the time).

98. I’m available when others in my family want to talk to me.

99. I listen to what other family members have to say, even when I disagree.

100. Members of my family ask each other for help.

101. Members of my family like to spend free time with each other.

102. Members of my family feel very close to each other.

103. We can easily think of things to do together as a family.

Potential Issue: What if respondents have no contact with their family (foster care, detention center, runaway, etc.)?

Recommended Solution: Have respondents indicate the choice for the answer that best applies to their relationship with their family when they last had contact with them.

Comments on Items 104-115: These questions ask respondents about their friends’ behaviors and attitudes toward school, alcohol, cigarettes, other drugs, community, extra-curricular activities, spirituality, and sexual history. The response categories relate to the number of friends that display the particular behavior.

For these questions, possible responses include:

None None of your friends do this.

A few One to two of your friends do this.

Some Three to four of your friends do this.

Most Five to six of your friends do this.

All All of you friends do this.

How many of your friends do the following:

104. Drink beer, wine, wine coolers, or hard liquor (besides a few sips)?

Potential Issue: None.

105. Get good grades?

Potential Issue: None.

106. Smoke cigarettes?

Potential Issue: None.

107. Get suspended from school or dropped out?

Potential Issue: None.

108. Smoke marijuana or weed?

Potential Issue: None.

109. Sniff glue, gases or sprays to get high?

Potential Issue: None.

110. Volunteer for community work?

Potential Issue: Respondents may not understand what is meant by “community work.”

Recommended Solution: Indicate that we are referring to service work done for no pay. Includes community work done for school clubs or through a church or other faith-based organization.

111. Get arrested?

Potential Issue: None.

112. Get involved in religious activities?

Potential Issue: None.

113. Exercise or play sports?

Potential Issue: None.

114. Are sexually active?

Potential Issue: Respondents may be unclear as to the term “sexually active.”

Recommended Solution: By sex or sexual activity, we mean a situation where two partners get sexually excited or aroused (turned on) by touching each other’s genitals (penis or vagina) or anus (butt) with their own genitals, hands, or mouth. Can include oral, vaginal, or anal sex.

115. Been pregnant or got someone pregnant?

Potential Issue: None.

Comments on Items 116-124: These questions ask about the respondents’ sources of information about substance abuse, HIV/AIDS or other health care issues from many different sources. The next few questions ask about some of these sources.

116. During the past 12 months, do you recall hearing, reading, or watching an advertisement about prevention of substance abuse?

Potential Issue: None.

Please tell us how much you have learned about prevention of substance abuse, HIV, or other health problems from the following sources:

Possible response categories to this question are:

A lot Learned many new things

Some Learned a few new things

Only a little Learned one or two things

Nothing at all Learned no new things

117. Your friends, brothers, or sisters?

118. You parents or guardians?

119. Teachers, school nurses, or classes at school?

120. A doctor or other health care provider?

121. Television shows or movies?

122. Books or pamphlets?

123. Popular magazines such as Essence, Seventeen, Audrey, Latina Style, or Cosmopolitan?

124. The Internet?

Potential Issue: None.

Comments on Items 125-126: These questions ask about the respondents’ health related behavior and activities that they have engaged in.

125. In the past 30 days, have you been in any classes or programs where they talked about preventing HIV or AIDS?

Potential Issue: Respondent may think that class means classroom.

Recommended Solution: A class is a group of people who study or learn about a subject, such as health or sex education in school or at a local community center, church, or other location. It does not necessarily have to take place in a classroom.

126. In the past 30 days, have you been in any classes or programs where they talked about prevention of drug and alcohol abuse?

Potential Issue: See above.

Comments on Items 127 and 128: These questions are about respondents’ experiences in answering the survey.

127. How comfortable was it for you to answer the questions in this survey?

Potential Issue: Respondents may be uncertain about the purpose of this question.

Recommended Solution: If respondents wonder why they are being asked this question, say that this question is often asked to help the researchers determine how much confidence they can have in the overall study findings.

128. How truthful were you when answering the questions?

Potential Issue: Respondents may be uncertain about the purpose of this question.

Recommended Solution: If respondents wonder why they are being asked this question, say that this question is often asked to help the researchers determine how much confidence they can have in the overall study findings.

CSAP HIV Youth Questionnaire Administration Guide

Updated 3/2011

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleHIV Cohort 6 Youth Administrative Guide
AuthorMeagan L Carmody
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-30

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