60-day notice

I-212 PUBLISHED 60-day notice.5-1-12.pdf

Application for Permission to Reapply for Admission into the United States after Deportation or Removal

60-day notice

OMB: 1615-0018

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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 84 / Tuesday, May 1, 2012 / Notices

comments no later than May 9, 2012
and identified by docket number
[USCG–2011–0975] by using one of the
following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://
www.regulations.gov. Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
• Mail: Docket Management Facility
(M–30), U.S. Department of
Transportation, West Building Ground
Floor, Room W12–140, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590–
0001. We encourage use of electronic
submissions because security screening
may delay delivery of mail.
• Fax: (202) 493–2251.
• Hand Delivery: Same as mail
address above, between 9:00 a.m. and
5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday,
except Federal Holidays. The telephone
number is 202–366–9329.
• Instructions: All submissions
received must include the words
‘‘Department of Homeland Security’’
and docket number [USCG–2011–0975].
All submissions received will be posted
without alteration at
www.regulations.gov, including any
personal information provided. You
may review a Privacy Act notice
regarding our public dockets in the
January 17, 2008 issue of the Federal
Register (73 FR 3316).
• Docket: Any background
information or presentations available
prior to the meeting will be published
in the docket. For access to the docket
to read background documents or
submissions received by the NMSAC, go
to http://www.regulations.gov and use
‘‘USCG–2011–0975’’ as your search
Public comment period will be held
during the open portion of the meetings
on May 15, 2012, from 4:00 p.m. to 4:30
p.m., and May 16, 2012 from 11:30 a.m.
to 12 p.m. Speakers are requested to
limit their comments to 5 minutes.
Please note that the public comment
period will end following the last call
for comments. Contact the person listed
CONTACT section below to register as a
Ryan Owens, ADFO of NMSAC, 2100
2nd Street SW., Stop 7581, Washington,
DC 20593–7581; telephone 202–372–
1108 or email ryan.f.owens@uscg.mil. If
you have any questions on viewing or
submitting material to the docket, call
Renee V. Wright, Program Manager,
Docket Operations, telephone 202–366–
this meeting is given under the Federal
Advisory Committee Act, 5 U.S.C. App.
(Pub. L. 92–463). NMSAC operates

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under the authority of 46 U.S.C. 70112.
NMSAC provides advice, consults with,
and makes recommendations to the
Secretary of Homeland Security, via the
Commandant of the Coast Guard, on
matters relating to national maritime
Agenda of Meeting
Day 1
The agenda for the Committee
meeting is as follows:
(1) Classified Security Briefing for
NMSAC members only. Closed to the
Basis for Closure. In accordance with
Section 10(d) of the Federal Advisory
Committee Act, it has been determined
that this portion of the meeting requires
closure as the disclosure of the
information would not be in the public
interest. There will be briefings from
personnel from Coast Guard Intelligence
Coordination Center regarding current
domestic and international security
threats to maritime commerce. Under 5
U.S.C. 552b(c)(1), this information is
specifically authorized under criteria
established by Executive Order 12968 to
be kept secret in the interests of national
defense or foreign policy. Accordingly,
this portion of the meeting will be
closed to the public.
(2) Global Supply Chain Security
Initiative. Per the SAFE Port Act (Pub.
L. 109–347) the Coast Guard consults
with the NMSAC on the Global Supply
Chain Security Initiative. The
Committee will receive an update and
provide further guidance/
recommendations on this initiative.
(3) Transport Canada/USCG
Regulatory Harmonization. The
Committee will receive an update from
Transport Canada and the USCG on
efforts to harmonize Security
Regulations across the Northern Border.
The Committee will then provide
recommendations on these efforts.
(4) Detain On-Board Requirements.
NMSAC will receive an update from the
chair of the NMSAC working group and
vote on recommendations concerning
Coast Guard and U.S. Customs and
Border Protection (CBP) field guidance
pertaining to requirements for vessels to
post or contract for guards while in U.S.
(5) Port Security Grant Program and
Transportation Worker Identification
Credential (TWIC) Readers. The NMSAC
will receive an update and provide
guidance on efforts to accommodate
TWIC readers into the Port Grant
Program as a result of the Completion of
the TWIC Reader Pilot.
(6) Public Comment Period. NMSAC
will hear any other matters raised by the

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public. Please note that the public will
have an opportunity to comment
throughout the day on each topic as it
is discussed.
Day 2
(7) Maritime Domain Awareness and
Information Sharing. The Committee
will hold a follow up discussion from
its last meeting to discuss the results of
the Committee’s efforts to poll the
maritime industry on what gaps still
remain in information sharing between
the industry and the Federal
Government with a panel of DHS
Information Sharing Executives.
(8) Public comment period. NMSAC
will hear any other matters raised by the
public. Please note that the public will
have an opportunity to comment
throughout the day on each topic as it
is discussed.
Dated: April 13, 2012.
P.F. Thomas,
Captain, U.S. Coast Guard, Acting Director
of Prevention Policy.
[FR Doc. 2012–10477 Filed 4–30–12; 8:45 am]

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Form I–212; Extension of an
Existing Information Collection;
Comment Request
60-Day Notice of Information
Collection Under Review; Form I–212,
Application for Permission to Reapply
for Admission into the United States
after Deportation or Removal.


The Department of Homeland
Security, U.S. Citizenship and
Immigration Services (USCIS) will be
submitting the following information
collection request for review and
clearance in accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. This
information collection notice is
published in the Federal Register to
obtain comments from the public and
affected agencies. Comments are
encouraged and will be accepted for
sixty days until July 2, 2012.
During this 60 day period, USCIS will
be evaluating whether to revise the
Form I–212. Should USCIS decide to
revise Form I–212 we will advise the
public when we publish the 30-day
notice in the Federal Register in
accordance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act. The public will then



Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 84 / Tuesday, May 1, 2012 / Notices
have 30 days to comment on any
revisions to the Form I–212.
Written comments and/or suggestions
regarding the item(s) contained in this
notice, especially regarding the
estimated public burden and associated
response time, should be directed to the
Department of Homeland Security
(DHS), USCIS, Chief, Regulatory
Coordination Division, Office of Policy
and Strategy, Clearance Office, 20
Massachusetts Avenue NW.,
Washington, DC 20529. Comments may
also be submitted to DHS via facsimile
to 202–272–0997 or via email at
uscisfrcomment@dhs.gov. When
submitting comments by email, please
make sure to add OMB Control No.
1615–0018 in the subject box.
Note: The address listed in this notice
should only be used to submit comments
concerning this information collection.
Please do not submit requests for individual
case status inquiries to this address. If you
are seeking information about the status of
your individual case, please check ‘‘My Case
Status’’ online at: https://egov.uscis.gov/cris/
Dashboard.do, or call the USCIS National
Customer Service Center at 1–800–375–5283.

mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

Written comments and suggestions
from the public and affected agencies
concerning the collection of information
should address one or more of the
following four points:
(1) Evaluate whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the agency, including
whether the information will have
practical utility;
(2) Evaluate the accuracy of the
agencies estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used;
(3) Enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and
(4) Minimize the burden of the
collection of information on those who
are to respond, including through the
use of appropriate automated,
electronic, mechanical, or other
technological collection techniques or
other forms of information technology,
e.g., permitting electronic submission of
Overview of This Information
(1) Type of Information Collection:
Extension of an existing information
(2) Title of the Form/Collection:
Application for Permission to Reapply
for Admission into the United States
after Deportation or Removal.
(3) Agency form number, if any, and
the applicable component of the

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Department of Homeland Security
sponsoring the collection: Form I–212;
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration
Services (USCIS).
(4) Affected public who will be asked
or required to respond, as well as a brief
abstract: Primary: Individuals or
households. The information provided
on Form I–212 is used by USCIS to
adjudicate applications filed by aliens
requesting consent to reapply for
admission to the United States after
deportation, removal or departure, as
provided under section 212 of the
Immigration and Nationality Act.
(5) An estimate of the total number of
respondents and the amount of time
estimated for an average respondent to
respond: 1,877 responses at 2 hours per
(6) An estimate of the total public
burden (in hours) associated with the
collection: 3,754 annual burden hours.
If you need a copy of the information
collection instrument, please visit the
Web site at: http://www.regulations.
We may also be contacted at: USCIS,
Regulatory Coordination Division,
Office of Policy and Strategy, 20
Massachusetts Avenue NW.,
Washington, DC 20529, Telephone
number 202–272–1470.
Dated: April 19, 2012.
Laura Dawkins,
Acting Chief Regulatory Coordinator,
Regulatory Coordination Division, Office of
Policy and Strategy, U.S. Citizenship and
Immigration Services, Department of
Homeland Security.
[FR Doc. 2012–10406 Filed 4–30–12; 8:45 am]

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration
[CIS No. 2521–12; DHS Docket No. USCIS
RIN 1615–ZB11

Extension and Redesignation of
Somalia for Temporary Protected
U.S. Citizenship and
Immigration Services, DHS.
ACTION: Notice.

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redesignating Somalia for TPS for 18
months, effective September 18, 2012
through March 17, 2014. The extension
allows currently eligible TPS
beneficiaries to retain their TPS through
March 17, 2014. The redesignation of
Somalia allows additional individuals
who have been continuously residing in
the United States since May 1, 2012, to
obtain TPS, if eligible. The Secretary has
determined that an extension is
warranted because the conditions in
Somalia that prompted the TPS
designation continue to be met. There
continues to be a substantial, but
temporary, disruption of living
conditions in Somalia based upon
ongoing armed conflict and
extraordinary and temporary conditions
in that country that prevent Somalis
who now have TPS from safely
This notice also sets forth procedures
necessary for nationals of Somalia (or
aliens having no nationality who last
habitually resided in Somalia) to reregister under the extension if they
already have TPS or to submit an initial
registration application under the
redesignation, and to file Applications
for Employment Authorization (Forms
I–765) with U.S. Citizenship and
Immigration Services (USCIS).
Under the redesignation, individuals
who currently do not have TPS, or a
TPS application pending, may apply for
TPS from May 1, 2012 through October
29, 2012. In addition to demonstrating
continuous residence in the United
States since May 1, 2012, USCIS will
determine whether initial applicants for
TPS under this redesignation have
demonstrated that they have been
continuously physically present in the
United States since September 18, 2012,
the effective date of the redesignation of
Somalia, before USCIS grants them TPS.
For individuals who have already
been granted TPS under the Somalia
designation, the 60-day re-registration
period will run from May 1, 2012
through July 2, 2012. USCIS will issue
new Employment Authorization
Documents (EADs) with a March 17,
2014 expiration date to eligible Somali
TPS beneficiaries who timely re-register
and apply for EADs under this
Extension of TPS: The 18-month
extension of the TPS designation of
Somalia is effective September 18, 2012,
and will remain in effect through March
17, 2014. The 60-day re-registration
period begins May 1, 2012 and will
remain in effect until July 2, 2012.
Redesignation of Somalia for TPS:
The redesignation of Somalia for TPS is
effective September 18, 2012, and will


This notice announces that
the Secretary of Homeland Security
(Secretary) is both extending the
existing designation of Somalia for
temporary protected status (TPS) for 18
months from September 18, 2012
through March 17, 2014, and





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File Modified2012-05-01
File Created2012-05-01

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