1 SDC Record Layout

National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS)

Attachment II.3.B_SDC Record Layout_200907

Summary Data Component (SDC), NCANDS

OMB: 0980-0229

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OMB No. 0980-0229

Expiration Date: ____________

Attachment II.3.B

Summary Data Component (SDC) File Contents




According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (Public Law 104-13), the public reporting burden for information collecting must be estimated. The collection of SDC File information is estimated to average 32 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and reviewing the collection of information. Respondents may direct comments concerning this estimate to: John A. Gaudiosi, Mathematical Statistician, Children's Bureau, 1250 Maryland Avenue SW Room 8116, Washington, DC 20024 (jgaudiosi@acf.hhs.gov)



Name :

Title :

Unit/Office :

Department :

Address 1 :

Address 2 :

Phone :

Fax :

E-Mail :


1.1 Children and Families Who Received Preventive Services From the State for Year -

Enter the number of children or number of families who received services aimed at preventing child abuse and neglect during the year. These services may be directed at specific populations identified as being at increased risk of becoming abusive and may be designed to increase the strength and stability of families, to increase parents’ confidence and competence in their parenting abilities, and to afford children a stable and supportive environment. To the extent practicable, indicate the funding sources for the number of children and families receiving preventive services.

Note: The items in this section request data on recipients of preventive services by various funding sources. For each funding source, the number of children and the number of families is requested. The two possibilities are provided since some programs report by "family" and other report by "child." In answering these questions, you should not duplicate your counts. In other words, if under CAPTA you served 1,000 families in which there were 3,000 children, you would report 3,000 children and nothing for families. On the other hand, if you funded 5 programs under CAPTA and two reported in terms of children and three in terms of families, you would enter the total number of children reported by the two programs in the Children items below and the total number of families reported by the three programs in the Family items below.

1.1.A-C Children and Families Who Received Preventive Services From the State During the Year -

Children Funding Source: Child Abuse and Neglect State Grant (PSSTGTC)

Enter the number of children. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



1.1.B-C Children and Families Who Received Preventive Services From the State During the Year -

Children Funding Source: Community-Based Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect Grant (PSCOSPC)

Enter the number of children. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



1.1.C-C Children and Families Who Received Preventive Services From the State During the Year -

Children Funding Source: Promoting Safe and Stable Families Program (PSTLIVBC)

Enter the number of children. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



1.1.D-C Children and Families Who Received Preventive Services From the State During the Year -

Children Funding Source: Social Services Block Grant (PSTLXXC)

Enter the number of children. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



1.1.E-C Children and Families Who Received Preventive Services From the State During the Year -

Children Funding Source: Other (PSOTHERC)

Enter the number of children. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



1.1.A-F Children and Families Who Received Preventive Services From the State During the Year -

Families Funding Source: Child Abuse and Neglect Grant (PSSTGTF)

Enter the number of families. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



1.1.B-F Children and Families Who Received Preventive Services From the State During the Year -

Families Funding Source: Community-Based Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect Grant (PSCOSPF)

Enter the number of families. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



1.1.C-F Children and Families Who Received Preventive Services From the State During the Year -

Families Funding Source: Promoting Safe and Stable Families Program (PSTLIVBF)

Enter the number of families. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



1.1.D-F Children and Families Who Received Preventive Services From the State During the Year -

Families Funding Source: Social Services Block Grant (PSTLXXF)

Enter the number of families. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



1.1.E-F Children and Families Who Received Preventive Services From the State During the Year -

Families Funding Source: Other (PSOTHERF)

Enter the number of families. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)




2.1 Referrals by Initial Screening Decision -

Enter the number of reports alleging child abuse and neglect that were received during the reporting period, and the number of children in these reports

2.1.A-R Referrals by Initial Screening Decision -

Referrals screened out prior to being referred for Investigation or Assessment (SCRNRPT)

Enter the number of referrals that did not meet the State’s standards for acceptance and were screened out prior to Investigation or Assessment. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



2.1.A-C Referrals by Initial Screening Decision -

Children screened out prior to Investigation or Assessment (SCRNCHLD)

Enter the number of children screened out prior to being referred for Investigation or Assessment. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



2.1.B-R Referrals by Initial Screening Decision -

Referrals screened-in for CPS Investigation or Assessment (RPTFB)

Enter the number of referrals screened-in for CPS Investigation or Assessment. These screened-in referrals are also called reports. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



2.1.B-C Referrals by Initial Screening Decision -

Children screened-in for CPS Investigation or Assessment (RPTCB)

Enter the number of children screened-in for CPS Investigation or Assessment. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



2.2 Investigations or Assessments by Disposition -

Enter the number of reports that received dispositions based on investigations or assessments completed in Year. This could include investigations of reports received in prior Year.

2.2.A Investigations or Assessments by Disposition -

Investigations or Assessments in Which the Allegation of Maltreatment or Risk of Maltreatment Was Substantiated (INVSUB)

Enter the number of investigations or assessments in which the allegation of maltreatment or risk of maltreatment was supported or founded according to State law or State policy. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



2.2.B Investigations or Assessments by Disposition -

Investigations or Assessments in Which the Allegation of Maltreatment Was Indicated (INVIND)

Enter the number of investigations or assessments for which the allegation of maltreatment was indicated, or there was reason to suspect maltreatment, but it was unable to be founded under State law or State policy. NOTE: Use this category only if your State distinguishes between substantiated and indicated dispositions. If your State uses only "indicated," enter the number of indicated dispositions under A. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



2.2.C Investigations or Assessments by Disposition -

Assessments in Which the Allegation of Maltreatment Was Given an Alternative Response Disposition That Identified Child Victims (INVALTV)

NOTE: Use this category only if your State has a diversified response system. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



2.2.D Investigations or Assessments by Disposition -

Assessments in Which the Allegation of Maltreatment Was Given an Alternative Response Disposition That Did Not Identify Child Victims (INVALTNV)

NOTE: Use this category only if your State has a diversified response system. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



2.2.E Investigations or Assessments by Disposition -

Investigations or Assessments in Which the Allegation of Maltreatment Was Not Substantiated (INVUN)

Enter the number of investigations for which the alleged maltreatment was unfounded or not substantiated. Investigations determined to be intentionally false should appear in 2.2.F. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



2.2.F Investigations or Assessments by Disposition -

Investigations or Assessments in Which the Allegation Was Determined to Be Intentionally False (INVFALSE)

Do not include this number in 2.2.E. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



2.2.G Investigations or Assessments by Disposition -

Investigations or Assessments Closed Without a Finding (INVNO)

Enter the number of investigations or assessments that were concluded without a specific finding, e.g., family moved, investigation time exceeded that allowed, etc. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



2.2.H Investigations or Assessments by Disposition -

Other Dispositions (INVOTH)

Enter the number of completed investigations or assessments for which the dispositions are not included in the above categories. Please provide a breakout of the categories reported in the comments section. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



2.2.I Investigations or Assessments by Disposition -

Unknown Dispositions or Assessment (INVUNK)

Enter here the number of investigations for which dispositions were not recorded. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



2.3 Reports by Report Source -

Enter the number of reports that were counted in 2.2 by the primary reporting source. If categories are grouped differently in your State, please provide the best estimate for each item listed below

2.3.A Reports by Report Source -

Social Services Personnel (RS1SOC)

Social workers, counselors, supervisors, etc. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



2.3.B Reports by Report Source -

Medical Personnel (RS2MED)

Physicians, nurses, emergency medical technicians, dentists, chiropractors, coroners, etc. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



2.3.C Reports by Report Source -

Mental Health Personnel (RS3MHP)

Psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists, etc. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



2.3.D Reports by Report Source -

Legal, Law Enforcement, or Criminal Justice Personnel (RS4LEG)

Personnel employed in local, county, State, Tribal or Federal law enforcement agencies, courts, probation agencies, etc. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



2.3.E Reports by Report Source -

Education Personnel (RS5EDU)

Teachers, principals, school counselors, Head Start staff, etc. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



2.3.F Reports by Report Source -

Child Daycare Providers (RS6CCP)

Daycare staff, babysitters, etc. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



2.3.G Reports by Report Source -

Substitute Care Providers (RS7SUB)

Foster parents, residential facility staff, etc. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



2.3.H Reports by Report Source -

Alleged Victims (RS8VIC)

Children who allege they have been maltreated. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



2.3.I Reports by Report Source -

Parents (RS9PAR)

Birth mother/father, adoptive mother/father, or stepmother/father of the child. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



2.3.J Reports by Report Source -

Other Relatives (RS10REL)

Siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, legal guardians, etc. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



2.3.K Reports by Report Source -

Friends and Neighbors (RS11FRI)

Non-relatives who interact with the family or who live nearby. Includes non-relative household members, landlords, clergy, youth group workers, etc. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



2.3.L Reports by Report Source -

Alleged Perpetrators (RS12PER)

Self-reported abusers regardless of other relationship to the child. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



2.3.M Reports by Report Source -

Other (RS14OTH)

Other sources not included above. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



2.3.N Reports by Report Source -

Unknown or Anonymous Reporters (RS13ANO)

Individuals who did not identify themselves, or where the source was not known. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)




3.1 Children Subject of a CPS Investigation or Assessment by Disposition -

Enter the number of children, by disposition, who were in the reports counted in Item 2.2. A child is counted by each report that receives a disposition. For example, a child is found to be a substantiated victim of a report in February and later in May is counted twice in 3.1.A.

3.1.A Children Subject of a CPS Investigation or Assessment by Disposition -

Children for Whom the Report of Maltreatment or Risk of Maltreatment was Substantiated. (CHSUB)

Enter the number of children for whom the allegation of maltreatment or risk of maltreatment was supported or founded according to State law or State policy. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



3.1.B Children Subject of a CPS Investigation or Assessment by Disposition -

Children for Whom the Report of Maltreatment Was Indicated (CHIND)

Enter the number of children for whom the allegation of maltreatment was indicated, or there was reason to suspect maltreatment, but it was unable to be founded under State law or State policy. NOTE: Use this category only if your State distinguishes between substantiated and indicated dispositions. If your State uses only "indicated," enter the number of indicated dispositions under 3.1.A. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



3.1.C Children Subject of a CPS Investigation or Assessment by Disposition -

Children for Whom the Report of Maltreatment Was Given an Alternative Response Disposition that Identified Child Victims (CHALTV)

NOTE: Use this category only if your State has a diversified response system. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



3.1.D Children Subject of a CPS Investigation or Assessment by Disposition -

Children for Whom the Report of Maltreatment Was Given an Alternative Response Disposition that Did Not Identify Child Victims (CHALTNV)

NOTE: Use this category only if your State has a diversified response system. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



3.1.E Children Subject of a CPS Investigation or Assessment by Disposition -

Children for Whom the Report of Maltreatment Was Not Substantiated (CHUN)

Enter the number of children for whom the alleged maltreatment was unfounded or unsubstantiated. Allegations determined to be intentionally false should appear in

3.1.F. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



3.1.F Children Subject of a CPS Investigation or Assessment by Disposition -

Children for Whom the Report Was Determined to Be Intentionally False (CHFALSE)

Do not include this number in 3.1.E. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



3.1.G Children Subject of a CPS Investigation or Assessment by Disposition -

Children for Whom the Report Was Closed Without a Finding (CHNO)

Enter the number of children for whom the investigation was concluded without a specific finding, e.g., family moved, investigation time exceeded that allowed, etc. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



3.1.H Children Subject of a CPS Investigation or Assessment by Disposition -

Other Dispositions (CHOTH)

Enter the number of children for whom the report disposition is not included in the above categories. Please provide a breakout of the categories reported in the comments section. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



3.1.I Children Subject of a CPS Investigation or Assessment by Disposition -

Unknown Dispositions (CHUNK)

Enter here the number of children for whom the report dispositions were not recorded. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



3.2 Children Who Received Services -

The sum of children counted by disposition in 3.2 and 3.4 should equal the comparable disposition in 3.1. For example, if 125 substantiated children are reported in 3.1.A, the sum of 3.2.A and 3.4.A should equal 125. Enter the number of children by disposition who were opened for or continued to receive services in addition to CPS investigation or assessment.

3.2.A Children Who Received Services -

Substantiated (SERSUB)

Enter the number of children with substantiated dispositions who received services. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



3.2.B Children Who Received Services -

Indicated (SERIND)

Enter the number of children with indicated dispositions who received services. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



3.2.C Children Who Received Services -

Alternative Response Victim (SERALTV)

Enter the number of children with alternative response victim dispositions who received services. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



3.2.D Children Who Received Services -

Alternative Response Nonvictim (SERALTNV)

Enter the number of children with alternative response nonvictim dispositions who received services. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



3.2.E Children Who Received Services -

Unsubstantiated (SERUN)

Enter the number of children with unsubstantiated dispositions who received services. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



3.2.F Children Who Received Services -

Intentionally False (SERF)

Enter the number of children with intentionally false dispositions who received services. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



3.2.G Children Who Received Services -

No Finding (SERNO)

Enter the number of children for whom no finding was made and who received services. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



3.2.H Children Who Received Services -

Other (SEROTH)

Enter the number of children for whom an “Other” disposition was made who received services. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



3.2.I Children Who Received Services -

Unknown (SERUNK)

Enter the number of children for whom no disposition was made who received services. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



3.3 Children Who Were Removed from the Home -

Enter the number of children counted in 3.2 who were removed from their home during or as an immediate result of a CPS investigation or assessment. All children in 3.3 must also appear in 3.2.

3.3.A Children Who Were Removed from the Home -

Substantiated (REMSUB)

Enter the number of children with a substantiated disposition who were removed from the home. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



3.3.B Children Who Were Removed from the Home -

Indicated (REMIND)

Enter the number of children with an indicated disposition who were removed from the home. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



3.3.C Children Who Were Removed from the Home -

Alternative Response Victim (REMALTV)

Enter the number children with an alternative response victim disposition who were removed from the home. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



3.3.D Children Who Were Removed from the Home -

Alternative Response Nonvictim (REMALTNV)

Enter the number of children with an alternative response nonvictim disposition who were removed from the home. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



3.3.E Children Who Were Removed from the Home -

Unsubstantiated (REMUN)

Enter the number of children with an unsubstantiated disposition who were removed from the home. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



3.3.F Children Who Were Removed from the Home -

Intentionally False (REMF)

Enter the number of children with an intentionally false disposition who were removed from the home. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



3.3.G Children Who Were Removed from the Home -

No Finding (REMNO)

Enter the number of children for whom no finding was made who were removed from the home. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



3.3.H Children Who Were Removed from the Home -

Other (REMOTH)

Enter the number of children for whom an “Other” disposition was made who were removed from the home. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



3.3.I Children Who Were Removed from the Home -

Unknown (REMUNK)

Enter the number of children for whom no disposition was made who were removed from the home. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



3.4 Children Who Did Not Receive Services -

Enter the number of children by disposition who did not receive any services in addition to CPS investigation or assessment, e.g., were closed after the investigation or assessment

3.4.A Children Who Did Not Receive Services -

Substantiated (NOSUB)

Enter the number of children with a substantiated disposition who did not receive services. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



3.4.B Children Who Did Not Receive Services -

Indicated (NOIND)

Enter the number of children with an indicated disposition who did not receive services. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



3.4.C Children Who Did Not Receive Services -

Alternative Response Victim (NOALTV)

Enter the number of children with an alternative response victim disposition who did not receive services. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



3.4.D Children Who Did Not Receive Services -

Alternative Response Nonvictim (NOALTNV)

Enter the number of children with an alternative response nonvictim disposition who did not receive services. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



3.4.E Children Who Did Not Receive Services -

Unsubstantiated (NOUN)

Enter the number of children with an unsubstantiated disposition who did not receive services. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



3.4.F Children Who Did Not Receive Services -

Intentionally False (NOF)

Enter the number of children with an intentionally false disposition who did not receive services. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



3.4.G Children Who Did Not Receive Services -

No Finding (NONO)

Enter the number of children for whom no finding was made who did not receive services. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



3.4.H Children Who Did Not Receive Services -

Other (NOOTH)

Enter the number of children for whom an “Other” disposition was made who did not receive services. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



3.4.I Children Who Did Not Receive Services -

Unknown (NOUNK)

Enter the number of children for whom no disposition was made who did not receive services. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)




4.1 Child Victims by Type of Maltreatment -

Enter the number of children who were found to be victims of maltreatment by type of maltreatment. One or more types of maltreatment can be recorded for each child victim.

4.1.A Child Victims by Type of Maltreatment -

Physical Abuse (VPHYSUB)

Enter the number of victims of physical acts that caused or could have caused physical injury. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



4.1.B Child Victims by Type of Maltreatment -

Neglect or Deprivation of Necessities (VNEGSUB)

Enter the number of victims who failed to receive needed care even though their Caregivers were financially able to do so or were offered means to do so. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



4.1.C Child Victims by Type of Maltreatment -

Medical Neglect (VMEDSUB)

Enter the number of victims who failed to receive the appropriate health care even though their caregivers were financially able to do so or were offered means to do so. May include perinatal exposure to drugs. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



4.1.D Child Victims by Type of Maltreatment -

Sexual Abuse (VSEXSUB)

Enter the number of victims of sexually exploitative activities. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



4.1.E Child Victims by Type of Maltreatment -

Psychological or Emotional Abuse or Neglect (VPSYSUB)

Enter the number of victims of maltreatment that resulted in impaired psychological functioning and development. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



4.1.F Child Victims by Type of Maltreatment -


Enter the number of victims of other forms of maltreatment not included above. Describe these in the comments. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



4.1.G Child Victims by Type of Maltreatment -

Unknown (VUNKSUB)

Enter the number of children for whom the type of maltreatment was not recorded. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



4.2 Child Victims by Age -

Enter the number of child victims by age at the time of the report or as of September 30 of the reporting year. If your State reports by age groups (e.g., 1-3, 4-6, etc.), please divide the number among the years in each group, putting the remainder into the oldest age in the group.

4.2.A Child Victims by Age -

Age in Years <1 (V0)

Enter number of victims less than 1 year old. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



4.2.B Child Victims by Age -

Age in Years =1 (V1)

Enter number of 1 year old victims. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



4.2.C Child Victims by Age -

Age in Years =2 (V2)

Enter number of 2 year old victims. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



4.2.D Child Victims by Age -

Age in Years =3 (V3)

Enter number of 3 year old victims. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



4.2.E Child Victims by Age -

Age in Years =4 (V4)

Enter number of 4 year old victims. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



4.2.F Child Victims by Age -

Age in Years =5 (V5)

Enter number of 5 year old victims. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



4.2.G Child Victims by Age -

Age in Years =6 (V6)

Enter number of 6 year old victims. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



4.2.H Child Victims by Age -

Age in Years =7 (V7)

Enter number of 7 year old victims. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



4.2.I Child Victims by Age -

Age in Years =8 (V8)

Enter number of 8 year old victims. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



4.2.J Child Victims by Age -

Age in Years =9 (V9)

Enter number of 9 year old victims. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



4.2.K Child Victims by Age -

Age in Years =10 (V10)

Enter number of 10 year old victims. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



4.2.L Child Victims by Age -

Age in Years =11 (V11)

Enter number of 11 year old victims. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



4.2.M Child Victims by Age -

Age in Years =12 (V12)

Enter number of 12 year old victims. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



4.2.N Child Victims by Age -

Age in Years =13 (V13)

Enter number of 13 year old victims. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



4.2.O Child Victims by Age -

Age in Years =14 (V14)

Enter number of 14 year old victims. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



4.2.P Child Victims by Age -

Age in Years =15 (V15)

Enter number of 15 year old victims. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



4.2.Q Child Victims by Age -

Age in Years =16 (V16)

Enter number of 16 year old victims. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



4.2.R Child Victims by Age -

Age in Years =17 (V17)

Enter number of 17 year old victims. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



4.2.S Child Victims by Age -

Age in Years =18 and older (V18)

Enter number of 18 year and older victims. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



4.2.T Child Victims by Age -

Age Unknown (V19UNK)

Enter number of victims of age unknown. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



4.3 Child Victims by Sex -

Enter the number of child victims by sex.

4.3.A Child Victims by Sex -

Male (SEXM)

Enter the number of male victims. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



4.3.B Child Victims by Sex -

Female (SEXF)

Enter the number of female victims. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



4.3.C Child Victims by Sex -

Unknown (SEXUNK)

Enter the number of victims of unknown gender. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



4.4 Child Victims by Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity -

Enter the number of child victims by Hispanic or Latino ethnicity.

4.4.A Child Victims by Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity -

Hispanic or Latino (HISPY)

A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



4.4.B Child Victims by Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity -

Not Hispanic or Latino (HISPN)

Enter number of Not Hispanics/Latinos. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



4.4.C Child Victims by Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity -

Unable to Determine or Unknown (HISPUNK)

The child victim is very young or is severely disabled and no other person is available to identify ethnicity, or the child victim's ethnicity was not recorded. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



4.5 Child Victims by Race -

Enter the number of child victims by race. A child victim may be counted in more than one racial group and should be reported separately for all categories that apply.

4.5.A Child Victims by Race -

American Indian or Alaska Native (R_AIAN)

A child having origins in any of the original peoples of North or South America (including Central America), and who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



4.5.B Child Victims by Race -

Asian (R_ASIAN)

A child having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



4.5.C Child Victims by Race -

Black or African American (R_AA)

A child having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



4.5.D Child Victims by Race -

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (R_NHOPI)

A child having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



4.5.E Child Victims by Race -

White (R_W)

A child having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



4.5.F Child Victims by Race -

Unable to Determine (R_UNABLE)

The child victim is very young or is severely disabled and no other person is available to identify race. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



4.5.G Child Victims by Race -

Unknown (R_UNK)

The child victim's race was not recorded, or the child victim's race was coded as bi-racial or multi-racial. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



4.6 Child Victims Whose Families Received Family Preservation Services in the Previous Five Years - (CH_FP)

Enter the number of child victims whose families had received Family Preservation Services during the five (5) years preceding the report(s) of child abuse or neglect received in this reporting period. Family Preservation Services are activities designed to help families alleviate crises that might lead to out-of-home placement of children; maintain the safety of children in their own homes; support families preparing to reunify or adopt; and assist families in obtaining services and other supports necessary to address their multiple needs in a culturally sensitive manner. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



4.7 Child Victims Who Were Reunited with Their Families in the Previous Five Years - (CH_RU)

Enter the number of child victims who were found to be abused within reporting year by the parents or principal caregivers with whom they had been reunited in the previous five years. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



4.8 Child Victims for Whom Court Action Was Taken - (CH_CA)

Enter the number of child victims for whom court action was initiated either during or as an immediate result of an investigation. Court action is legal action initiated by a representative of the CPS agency on behalf of the child. This includes, for instance, authorization to place the child, filing for temporary custody, dependency, or termination of parental rights. It does not include criminal proceedings against a perpetrator. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



4.9 Child Victims Who Received Court-Appointed Representatives - (CONCH)

Enter the number of child victims for whom a person was appointed by the court to represent or advocate for a child in a neglect or abuse proceeding. This may be an attorney or a Court-appointed Special Advocate (or both) and is often referred to as a Guardian ad Litem. Makes recommendations to the court concerning the best interests of the child. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



4.10 Average Number of Out-of-Court Contacts Between the Court-Appointed Representatives and the Child Victims They Represent - (COCONT)

Enter the average number of out-of-court contacts which enable the court-appointed representatives to obtain first-hand an understanding of the situation and needs of the child victim, and to make recommendations to the court concerning the best interests of the child. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)




5.1 Total Number of Child Victims Who Died as a Result of Maltreatment - (F_)

A fatality is the death of a child as a result of abuse or neglect, because either: (a) an injury resulting from the abuse or neglect was the cause of death; or (b) abuse and/or neglect were contributing factors to the cause of death.

Children counted in 5.2, 5.3, and or 5.4 are included in 5.1. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



5.2 Child Victims Who Died as a Result of Maltreatment While in Foster Care - (F_FC)

A fatality is the death of a child as a result of abuse or neglect, because either: (a) an injury resulting from the abuse or neglect was the cause of death; or (b) abuse and/or neglect were contributing factors to the cause of death.

Foster care is 24-hour substitute care for all children placed away from their parents or guardians and for whom the State agency has placement and care responsibility. This includes, but is not limited to, nonrelative foster homes, relative foster homes, group homes, emergency shelters, residential facilities, child care institutions, and pre-adoptive homes regardless of whether the foster care facility is licensed and whether payments are made by the State or local agency for the care of the child or whether there is Federal matching of any payments that are made. Foster care may be provided by those related or not related to the child. All children in care for more than 24 hours are counted.

Enter the number of child victims whose death was caused by maltreatment that occurred while in foster care and was attributed to the foster care provider. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



5.3 Child Victims Who Died as a Result of Maltreatment and Whose Families Had Received Family Preservation Services in the Previous Five Years - (F_FP)

A fatality is the death of a child as a result of abuse or neglect, because either: (a) an injury resulting from the abuse or neglect was the cause of death; or (b) abuse and/or neglect were contributing factors to the cause of death.

Family Preservation Services are activities designed to help families alleviate crises that might lead to out-of-home placement of children; maintain the safety of children in their own homes; support families preparing to reunify or adopt; and assist families in obtaining services and other supports necessary to address their multiple needs in a culturally sensitive manner.

Enter the number of child victims whose death was caused by maltreatment and whose families had received Family Preservation Services during the five (5) years preceding the report(s) of child abuse or neglect received in this reporting period. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



5.4 Child Victims Who Died as a Result of Maltreatment and Had Been Reunited with Their Families in the Previous Five Years - (F_RU)

A fatality is the death of a child as a result of abuse or neglect, because either: (a) an injury resulting from the abuse or neglect was the cause of death; or (b) abuse and/or neglect were contributing factors to the cause of death.

Enter the number of child victims whose death was caused by the parents or principal caregivers with whom they had been reunited during the previous five years. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)




6.1 Number of Staff Responsible for CPS Functions (Screening, Intake, and Investigation/Assessment of Reports) - (WKSIIA)

Screening and intake represent the portion of the case flow from point of initial contact with the reporter, e.g., the phone call, to the time that the report is assigned to a worker or supervisor for investigation/assessment of the allegation. Investigation/assessment represents the portion of the case flow that begins upon assignment of the case and continues until the case is closed or transferred.

Enter the number of full-time equivalent (FTE) staff who carried out these functions during the year. Do not include clerical staff. Report the source of this number in the comments section. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



6.2 Number of Staff Responsible for the Screening and Intake of Reports During the Year - (FTESIONL)

Screening and intake represent the portion of the case flow from point of initial contact with the reporter, e.g., the phone call, to the time that the report is assigned to a worker or supervisor for investigation or assessment. Investigation/assessment represents the portion of the case flow that begins upon assignment of the case and continues until the case is closed or transferred.

Enter the number of full-time equivalent (FTE) staff who were responsible for the screening and intake functions. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



6.3 Response Time with Respect to the Initial Investigation or Assessment - (WKARTIME)

Response time is defined as the time from receipt of report to initial investigation or assessment. Receipt of report is defined as the log-in of a call to the agency from a reporter alleging child maltreatment. Initial investigation is defined as face-to-face contact with the alleged victim, when this is appropriate, or contact with another person who can provide information essential to the disposition of the investigation or assessment.

Enter the average response time in hours. Decimal point is allowed. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)



6.4 Response Time with Respect to the Provision of Services - (RT_SER)

Response time is defined as the time from receipt of report to provision of services. Receipt of report is defined as the log-in of a call to the agency from a reporter alleging child maltreatment. Provision of services is defined as the opening of a case for on-going services or the receipt of continuing services.

Enter the average response time in days to providing services (other than CPS investigation or assessment) to children who were the subject of an investigation or assessment. (Leave blank if data are not collected. Enter zero if data are collected and total is actually zero.)




File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleOMB No
AuthorLarry Shannon
Last Modified ByMadonna Aveni
File Modified2009-07-29
File Created2009-07-23

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