Draft Screener and Questionnaires
Screener Draft
S1. Are you at least 18 years old?
Yes continue
No eliminate [Respondents who are eliminated are thanked1]
S2. In what year were you born? ______
If Year is > 1994 eliminate
DO NOT READ Don’t Know 8 eliminate
DO NOT READ Refused 9 eliminate
S4. Are you trained or employed as a health care professional?
Yes eliminate
No continue
S5. Do you work for a pharmaceutical company, an advertising agency, or a market research company?
Yes eliminate
No continue
S6. Gender
S7. What is the highest level of school you have completed or the highest degree you have received?
Less than high school
High school graduate—high school diploma or equivalent( for example, GED)
Some college but no degree
Associate’s degree in college
Bachelor’s degree in college (for example, BA, AB, BS)
Advanced or post-graduate degree (for example, Master’s degree, Ph.D., M.D., J.D., etc.)
S8. Are you Hispanic or Latino?
S9. What is your race? You may select one or more races.
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
Some other race
Disease Information Pretest Questionnaire Draft
• The viewing time of each page of the ad must be timed separately in milliseconds.
• Program progresses to the questioning in a “one-way” manner
• Record time in milliseconds spent on each screen (including questions) throughout protocol and when participants click the link to go back to the ad while answering questions.
Replace [DRUG X] with appropriate drug name
Replace [disease] with appropriate disease condition
Initial exposure: show small version of the ad on screen- all pages. If participants want to see a bigger image of any section on the page, they can enlarge that section by clicking on it, and they can flip between the pages by clicking the ”Next” and “Back” buttons at the bottom of the screen. ]
Thank you for agreeing to participate in this study today.
Make sure you are comfortable and can read the screen from where you sit. This study is about advertising for a new product. We will show you some advertising then ask you questions about it. Your answers are private and will not be connected with your name. Your input is extremely valuable.
Before we begin, we would like to find out what you know about certain topics. This will help us describe our sample of participants.
A1. Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements about COPD.
I know a lot about COPD
I know a good bit about COPD
I know some about COPD
I know only a slight amount about COPD
I know nothing at all about COPD
A2. Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements about anemia.
I know a lot about anemia
I know a good bit about anemia
I know some about anemia
I know only a slight amount about anemia
I know nothing at all about anemia
A3. Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements about lymphoma.
I know a lot about lymphoma
I know a good bit about lymphoma
I know some about lymphoma
I know only a slight amount about lymphoma
I know nothing at all about lymphoma
Let’s begin.
We will ask you questions about the advertising after you have finished reading it. Do your best to remember details about the advertising. We will ask you to explain your answers.
You can flip between the pages by clicking the “Next” and “Previous” buttons at the bottom of the screen. Once you finish reading the advertising, please click “Next” to move to the next part of the study. You may begin when you are ready.
[PROGRAMMER: Participants will be randomly assigned to medical condition and ad reference condition (available or not available). Show ONE Drug X ad.]
1. Were you able to view the ad for Drug X?
No (terminate)
Not sure (terminate)
2. What kind of product is Drug X? [PROGRAMMER: randomize responses]
_____Prescription drug
_____Over-the-counter (OTC) drug
_____Don’t know
3. What are the benefits of Drug X? Use one line for each benefit you remember. [open-ended] (Beliefs about benefits)
[PROGRAMMER: Five separate text boxes]
Possible Codes:
Risks (from product info)
Incorrect risks (not in ad)
Incorrect Benefits (from outcome info)
Incorrect Benefits (from non-outcome info)
Incorrect Benefits (from disease info)
Incorrect Benefits (not mentioned in ad)
Benefits (from product info)
4. What are the risks of Drug X? Use one line for each risk you remember. [open-ended] (Beliefs about risks)
[PROGRAMMER: Five separate text boxes]
Possible Codes:
Risks (from product info)
Incorrect risks (not in ad)
Incorrect Benefits (from outcome info)
Incorrect Benefits (from non-outcome info)
Incorrect Benefits (from disease info)
Incorrect Benefits (not mentioned in ad)
Benefits (from product info)
6_1. Based on the information in the ad, please check which of the following are benefits of taking Drug X. [COPD version]
[PROGRAMMER: randomize a-l] (Benefit Recall)
Yes |
No |
a. Drug X is taken once a day |
X |
b. Drug X reduces the chance of COPD flare-ups |
X |
c. Drug X helps make your lungs work better for 24 hours |
X |
d. Drug X helps patients walk farther |
X |
e. Drug X helps patients continue to take care of themselves |
X |
f. Drug X helps patients do basic activities like lifting objects |
X |
g. Drug X reduces the effects of air pollution on the lungs |
X |
h. Drug X prevents dust from entering the lungs and causing COPD |
X |
i. Drug X prevents chemicals from damaging the lungs and causing COPD |
X |
j. Drug X reduces the chance of death from COPD |
X |
k. Drug X helps patients stop smoking |
X |
l. Drug X is used for long-term control of COPD symptoms |
X |
6_2. Based on the information in the ad, please check which of the following are benefits of taking Drug X. [Anemia version]
[PROGRAMMER: randomize a-k] (Benefit Recall)
Yes |
No |
a. Drug X treats iron-deficiency anemia in adults |
X |
b. Drug X helps your red blood cells retain iron |
X |
c. Drug X is taken once a week |
X |
d. Drug X prevents liver damage |
X |
e. Drug X prevents heart damage |
X |
f. Drug X prevents spleen damage |
X |
g. Drug X prevents anemia by improving diet |
X |
h. Drug X reduces the chance seniors will get anemia |
X |
i. Drug X reduces the chance pregnant women will get anemia |
X |
j. Drug X reduces the chance of brain damage from anemia |
X |
k. Drug X prevents anemia in vegetarians |
X |
6_3. Based on the information in the ad, please check which of the following are benefits of taking Drug X. [Lymphoma version]
[PROGRAMMER: randomize a-l] (Benefit Recall)
Yes |
No |
a. Drug X treats a type of aggressive non-Hodgkins lymphoma |
X |
b. Drug X is for patients who have tried at least two other chemotherapy treatments |
X |
c. Drug X treats diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) |
X |
d. Drug X prevents fatigue |
X |
e. Drug X prevents depression |
X |
f. Drug X reduces the chance that older people will get lymphoma |
X |
g. Drug X reduces the chance of getting lymphoma from infections |
X |
h. Drug X reduces the chance that toxic chemicals will cause lymphoma |
X |
i. Drug X reduces the chance of death from lymphoma |
X |
j. Drug X prevents weight loss caused by lymphoma |
X |
k. Drug X reduces the chance lymphoma will start in lymph tissue |
X |
l. Drug X is given by infusion |
X |
[If 6d = YES:]
7a. You said Drug X [Drug X outcome #1 from disease awareness info]. What in the ad for [INSERT DRUG X] made you say that? (open-ended)
[If 6e = YES:]
7b. You said Drug X [Drug X outcome #2 from disease awareness info]. What in the ad for [INSERT DRUG X] made you say that? (open-ended)
[If 6f = YES:]
7c. You said Drug X [Drug X outcome #3 from disease awareness info]. What in the ad for [INSERT DRUG X] made you say that? (open-ended)
[If 6g = YES:]
7d. You said Drug X [Drug X non-outcome #1 from disease awareness info]. What in the ad for [INSERT DRUG X] made you say that? (open-ended)
[If 6h = YES:]
7e. You said Drug X [Drug X non-outcome #2 from disease awareness info]. What in the ad for [INSERT DRUG X] made you say that? (open-ended)
[If 6i = YES:]
7f. You said Drug X [Drug X non-outcome #3 from disease awareness info]. What in the ad for [INSERT DRUG X] made you say that? (open-ended)
[If 6j = YES:]
7g. You said Drug X [Drug X outcome, other from disease awareness info]. What in the ad for [INSERT DRUG X] made you say that? (open-ended)
[If 6k = YES:]
7g. You said Drug X [Drug X non-outcome, other from disease awareness info]. What in the ad for [INSERT DRUG X] made you say that? (open-ended)
[If 6d = NO:]
8a_1. Was there anything in the ad that suggested [Drug X outcome #1]?
Yes [ask 8a_2]
8a_2. What in the ad made you say that? (open-ended)
[If 6e = NO:]
8b_1. Was there anything in the ad that suggested [Drug X outcome #2]?
Yes [ask 8b_2]
8b_2. What in the ad made you say that? (open-ended)
[If 6f = NO:]
8c_1. Was there anything in the ad that suggested [Drug X outcome #3]?
Yes [ask 8c_2]
8c_2. What in the ad made you say that? (open-ended)
[For each YES answer to 6a-l]
9a-l. How confident are you that Drug X [insert text of each item 6a through 6l]?
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Not at all confident |
Somewhat confident |
Confident |
Very confident |
Completely confident |
10. If you took [INSERT Drug X], how likely or unlikely do you think it is that [INSERT Drug X], would help your [INSERT CONDITION]?
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Very Unlikely |
Very Likely |
Q11. If [INSERT DRUG X] did help your [INSERT CONDITION], how effective do you think [INSERT DRUG X] would be?
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Not at all Effective |
Very Effective |
12. Based on the information in the ad for [INSERT Drug X], how easy or difficult is it to treat disease X with [INSERT Drug X]?
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Very difficult |
Somewhat difficult |
Neither difficult nor easy |
Somewhat easy |
Very easy |
Manipulation Checks
13a. How many ads did you see?
2 (ask 13b)
3 (ask 13b)
4 (ask 13b)
13b. How different or similar were the ads you saw?
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Very different |
Somewhat different |
Neither different nor similar |
Somewhat similar |
Very similar |
14. Did the ad for [DRUG X] include information about the possible negative outcomes of [disease condition]?
Don’t know
15. Did the ad for [DRUG X] include information on the possible causes of [disease condition]?
Don’t know
16. Did the ad for [DRUG X] include information on who may be at risk of [disease condition]?
Don’t know
17. Was the information about [DRUG X] separate from the information about [disease condition]?
Don’t know
17a: Was the information about [DRUG X] mixed with the information about [disease condition]?
Don’t know
18. Was it hard to tell the difference between the information about [DRUG X] and the information about [disease].
Don’t know
19. Did you notice the drug company name and logo?
Don’t know
20. Where did it appear? Choose all that apply.
Top right
Bottom right
Top left
Bottom left
21. What is the purpose of having the company logo on advertisements? (open-ended)
[For separated conditions, show ad again with logo circled on both sides]
22. What does it mean when you see the company logo presented in this way? (open-ended)
23. What do you think about the information when you see the company logo presented in this way? (open-ended)
[New page]
Those are all the questions we have for you!
The purpose of this study is to learn about how people understand information about prescription drugs in advertisements. In order to get a real-life reaction to this information, we created a brand to use in this study.
The advertisement you read is not a real advertisement for a product to treat [DISEASE CONDITION]. The negative outcomes of [DISEASE CONDITION] discussed in this advertisement were used as examples only. Please see your healthcare professional for any questions about [DISEASE CONDITION], treatments for [DISEASE CONDITION], and outcomes of untreated [DISEASE CONDITION]. [Drug X] is not a real product and is not available for sale.
You have been very helpful. Thank you very much for your participation!
OMB Control #____________
Expires ___________
OMB Control #____________
Expires ___________
Disease Information Main Study Questionnaire Draft
• The viewing time of each page of the ad must be timed separately in milliseconds.
• Program progresses to the questioning in a “one-way” manner
• Record time in milliseconds spent on each screen (including questions) throughout protocol.
Show small version of the ad on screen- all three pages. If participants want to see a bigger image of any section on the page, they can enlarge that section by clicking on it, and they can flip between the pages by clicking the ”Next” and “Back” buttons at the bottom of the screen. ]
Thank you for agreeing to participate in this study today.
Make sure you are comfortable and can read the screen from where you sit. This study is about advertising for a new product. We will show you some advertising then ask you questions about it. Your answers are private and will not be connected with your name. Your input is extremely valuable.
Before we begin, we would like to find out what you know about certain topics. This will help us describe our sample of participants.
A1. Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements about COPD.
I know a lot about COPD
I know a good bit about COPD
I know some about COPD
I know only a slight amount about COPD
I know nothing at all about COPD
A2. Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements about anemia.
I know a lot about anemia
I know a good bit about anemia
I know some about anemia
I know only a slight amount about anemia
I know nothing at all about anemia
A3. Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements about lymphoma.
I know a lot about lymphoma
I know a good bit about lymphoma
I know some about lymphoma
I know only a slight amount about lymphoma
I know nothing at all about lymphoma
Let’s begin.
We will ask you questions about the advertising after you have finished reading it. Do your best to remember details about the advertising. We will ask you to explain your answers.
You can flip between the pages by clicking the ”Next” and “Previous ” buttons at the bottom of the screen. Once you finish reading the advertising, please click “Start Next Part of Study” to move to the next part of the study. You may begin when you are ready.
[PROGRAMMER: Participants will be randomly assigned to medical condition and ad condition. Show ONE Drug X ad.]
1. Were you able to view the ad for Drug X?
No (terminate)
Not sure (terminate)
2. What kind of product is Drug X? [PROGRAMMER: randomize responses]
_____Prescription drug
_____Over-the-counter (OTC) drug
_____Don’t know
3. What are the benefits of Drug X? Use one line for each benefit you remember. [open-ended] (Beliefs about benefits)
[PROGRAMMER: Five separate text boxes]
Possible Codes:
Risks (from product info)
Incorrect risks (not in ad)
Incorrect Benefits (from outcome info)
Incorrect Benefits (from non-outcome info)
Incorrect Benefits (from disease info)
Incorrect Benefits (not mentioned in ad)
Benefits (from product info)
(Beliefs about risks)
4. What are the risks of Drug X? Use one line for each risk you remember. [open-ended]
[PROGRAMMER: Five separate text boxes]
Possible Codes:
Risks (from product info)
Incorrect risks (not in ad)
Incorrect Benefits (from outcome info)
Incorrect Benefits (from non-outcome info)
Incorrect Benefits (from disease info)
Incorrect Benefits (not mentioned in ad)
Benefits (from product info)
6_1. Based on the information in the ad, please check which of the following are benefits of taking Drug X. [COPD version]
[PROGRAMMER: randomize a-l] (Benefit Recall)
Yes |
No |
a. Drug X is taken once a day |
X |
b. Drug X reduces the chance of COPD flare-ups |
X |
c. Drug X helps make your lungs work better for 24 hours |
X |
d. Drug X helps patients walk farther |
X |
e. Drug X helps patients continue to take care of themselves |
X |
f. Drug X helps patients do basic activities like lifting objects |
X |
g. Drug X reduces the effects of air pollution on the lungs |
X |
h. Drug X prevents dust from entering the lungs and causing COPD |
X |
i. Drug X prevents chemicals from damaging the lungs and causing COPD |
X |
j. Drug X reduces the chance of death from COPD |
X |
k. Drug X helps patients stop smoking |
X |
l. Drug X is used for long-term control of COPD symptoms |
X |
6_2. Based on the information in the ad, please check which of the following are benefits of taking Drug X. [Anemia version]
[PROGRAMMER: randomize a-k] (Benefit Recall)
Yes |
No |
a. Drug X treats iron-deficiency anemia in adults |
X |
b. Drug X helps your red blood cells retain iron |
X |
c. Drug X is taken once a week |
X |
d. Drug X prevents liver damage |
X |
e. Drug X prevents heart damage |
X |
f. Drug X prevents spleen damage |
X |
g. Drug X prevents anemia by improving diet |
X |
h. Drug X reduces the chance seniors will get anemia |
X |
i. Drug X reduces the chance pregnant women will get anemia |
X |
j. Drug X reduces the chance of brain damage from anemia |
X |
k. Drug X prevents anemia in vegetarians |
X |
6_3. Based on the information in the ad, please check which of the following are benefits of taking Drug X. [Lymphoma version]
[PROGRAMMER: randomize a-l] (Benefit Recall)
Yes |
No |
a. Drug X treats a type of aggressive non-Hodgkins lymphoma |
X |
b. Drug X is for patients who have tried at least two other chemotherapy treatments |
X |
c. Drug X treats diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) |
X |
d. Drug X prevents fatigue |
X |
e. Drug X prevents depression |
X |
f. Drug X reduces the chance that older people will get lymphoma |
X |
g. Drug X reduces the chance of getting lymphoma from infections |
X |
h. Drug X reduces the chance that toxic chemicals will cause lymphoma |
X |
i. Drug X reduces the chance of death from lymphoma |
X |
j. Drug X prevents weight loss caused by lymphoma |
X |
k. Drug X reduces the chance lymphoma will start in lymph tissue |
X |
l. Drug X is given by infusion |
X |
[If 6d = YES:]
7a. You said Drug X [Drug X outcome #1 from disease awareness info]. What in the ad for Drug X made you say that? (open-ended)
[If 6e = YES:]
7b. You said Drug X [Drug X outcome #2 from disease awareness info]. What in the ad for Drug X made you say that? (open-ended)
[If 6f = YES:]
7c. You said Drug X [Drug X outcome #3 from disease awareness info]. What in the ad for Drug X made you say that? (open-ended)
[If 6g = YES:]
7d. You said Drug X [Drug X non-outcome #1 from disease awareness info]. What in the ad for Drug X made you say that? (open-ended)
[If 6h = YES:]
7e. You said Drug X [Drug X non-outcome #2 from disease awareness info]. What in the ad for Drug X made you say that? (open-ended)
[If 6i = YES:]
7f. You said Drug X [Drug X non-outcome #3 from disease awareness info]. What in the ad for Drug X made you say that? (open-ended)
[If 6j = YES:]
7g. You said Drug X [Drug X outcome, other from disease awareness info]. What in the ad for Drug X made you say that? (open-ended)
[If 6k = YES:]
7g. You said Drug X [Drug X non-outcome, other from disease awareness info]. What in the ad for Drug X made you say that? (open-ended)
8a-l. How confident are you that Drug X [insert text of each item 6a through 6l]?
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Not at all confident |
Somewhat confident |
Confident |
Very confident |
Completely confident |
9. If you took [INSERT Drug X], how likely or unlikely do you think it is that [INSERT Drug X], would help your [INSERT CONDITION]?
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Very Unlikely |
Very Likely |
10. If [INSERT DRUG X] did help your [INSERT CONDITION], how effective do you think [INSERT DRUG X] would be?
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Not at all Effective |
Very Effective |
11. Based on the information in the ad for [INSERT Drug X], how easy or difficult is it to treat disease X with [INSERT Drug X]?
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Very difficult |
Somewhat difficult |
Neither difficult nor easy |
Somewhat easy |
Very easy |
12_1. Based on the information in the ad, please check which of the following are risks of taking Drug X. [COPD version]
[PROGRAMMER: randomize a-h] (Risk Recall)
Yes |
No |
a. Drug X may cause pneumonia |
X |
b. Drug X may make glaucoma worse |
X |
c. Drug X may cause sore throat |
X |
d. A swollen throat, tongue or difficulty breathing is a sign of a serious allergic reaction to Drug X |
X |
e. Do not take Drug X if you are allergic to aspirin |
X |
f. Drug X may cause osteoporosis |
X |
g. Drug X may cause muscle damage |
X |
h. Drug X may cause heart damage |
X |
12_2. Based on the information in the ad, please check which of the following are risks of taking Drug X. [anemia version]
[PROGRAMMER: randomize a-h] (Risk Recall)
Yes |
No |
a. Do not take Drug X if you have high levels of iron in your blood |
X |
b. Drug X may cause internal bleeding |
X |
c. Drug X may cause nausea |
X |
d. A swollen throat, tongue or difficulty breathing is a sign of a serious allergic reaction to Drug X |
X |
e. Drug X may cause headaches |
X |
f. Drug X may cause kidney failure |
X |
g. Drug X may cause liver damage |
X |
h. Drug X may cause heart damage |
X |
12_3. Based on the information in the ad, please check which of the following are risks of taking Drug X. [lymphoma version]
[PROGRAMMER: randomize a-h] (Risk Recall)
Yes |
No |
a. Do not take Drug X if you have an infection |
X |
b. Drug X may cause severe mouth sores |
X |
c. Drug X may cause kidney damage |
X |
d. Drug X may cause heart damage |
X |
e. Drug X may cause tiredness |
X |
f. Drug X may cause low blood sugar |
X |
g. Drug X may cause liver damage |
X |
h. Drug X may cause headaches |
X |
[PROGRAMMER: randomize Q13-15]
13. If you took [INSERT Drug X], how likely or unlikely do you think it is that you would have any side effects or negative outcomes?
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Very Unlikely |
Very Likely |
14. If [INSERT DRUG X] did cause you to have side effects or negative outcomes, how serious would they be?
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Not at all Serious |
Very Serious |
15. Thinking overall about the risks and benefits of Drug X, would you say it has: (Risk/Benefit Balance)
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Many more risks than benefits |
Somewhat more risks than benefits |
Equal risks and benefits |
Somewhat more benefits than risks |
Many more benefits than risks |
[PROGRAMMER: counterbalance 16-17 and 18-19]
16. If someone with this medical condition saw this ad, how likely would that person be to ask their doctor about Drug X? (Behavioral Intention)
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Very unlikely |
Somewhat unlikely |
Neither likely nor unlikely |
Somewhat likely |
Very likely |
17. If someone with this medical condition saw this ad, how likely would that person be to look for more information about Drug X? (Behavioral Intention)
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Very unlikely |
Somewhat unlikely |
Neither likely nor unlikely |
Somewhat likely |
Very likely |
18. If someone with this medical condition saw this ad, how likely would that person be to look for more information about [disease condition]? (Behavioral Intention)
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Very unlikely |
Somewhat unlikely |
Neither likely nor unlikely |
Somewhat likely |
Very likely |
19. If one of your family members had this medical condition, how likely would you be to mention Drug X to them? (Behavioral Intention)
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Very unlikely |
Somewhat unlikely |
Neither likely nor unlikely |
Somewhat likely |
Very likely |
20. How persuasive is this ad? (Perceived persuasiveness)
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Not at All Persuasive
Very Persuasive |
Manipulation Checks
21a. How many ads did you see?
2 (ask 21b)
3 (ask 21b)
4 (ask 21b)
21b. How different or similar were the ads you saw?
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Very different |
Somewhat different |
Neither different nor similar |
Somewhat similar |
Very similar |
22. Did the ad for [INSERT Drug X] include information about the possible negative outcomes of [disease condition]?
Don’t know
23. Did the ad for [INSERT Drug X] include information about the possible causes of [disease condition]?
Don’t know
24. Did the ad for [INSERT Drug X] include information about who may be at risk of [disease condition]?
Don’t know
25. Was the information about [DRUG X] separate from the information about [disease condition ]?
Don’t know
Q25a: Was the information about [DRUG X] mixed with the information about [disease condition]?
Don’t know
26. Was it hard to tell the difference between the information about [DRUG X] and the information about [disease condition]?
Don’t know
27. Are you currently taking any prescription drug medicines?
28. How long have you been taking prescription drug medicines?
_____Less than 2 weeks
_____At least 2 weeks but less than 2 months
_____At least 2 months but less than 6 months
_____At least 6 months but less than 1 year
_____At least 1 year but less than 5 years
_____At least 5 years
29. How often do you have someone (like a family member or friend) help you read instructions, pamphlets, or other written material from your doctor or pharmacy?
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Never |
Occasionally |
Sometimes |
Often |
Always |
30. How confident are you filling out medical forms by yourself?
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Not at all confident |
A little bit |
Somewhat |
Quite a bit |
Extremely confident |
31. What is your household income?
_____Less than $30,000 per year
_____$30,000 - $75,000 per year
_____$75,001 - $150,000 per year
_____$150,001+ per year
32. Has a doctor or other healthcare provider ever said you have any of the following health problems? [RANDOMIZE ORDER]
a. Asthma _____Yes _____No [filler]
b. Obesity _____Yes _____No [filler]
c. Acid reflux or GERD _____Yes _____No [filler]
d. Lymphoma _____Yes _____No
e. Anemia _____Yes _____No
f. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or COPD _____Yes _____No
[If YES to 32d, 32e or 32f]:
33. In what year were you diagnosed with that condition?
______ (year)
Those are all the questions we have for you!
The purpose of this study is to learn about how people understand information about prescription drugs in advertisements. In order to get a real-life reaction to this information, we created a brand to use in this study.
The advertisement you read is not a real advertisement for a product to treat [DISEASE CONDITION]. The negative outcomes of [DISEASE CONDITION] discussed in this advertisement were used as examples only. Please see your healthcare professional for any questions about [DISEASE CONDITION], treatments for [DISEASE CONDITION], and outcomes of untreated [DISEASE CONDITION]. Drug X is not a real product and is not available for sale.
You have been very helpful. Thank you very much for your participation!
OMB Control #____________
Expires ___________
ELIMINATED participants:
I’m sorry, but you are not eligible for this study. There are many possible reasons why people are not eligible. These reasons were decided earlier by the researchers. However, thank you for your interest in this study and for taking the time to answer our questions today.
Click here to see if other studies are available or to update your profile!
OMB Control #____________ Expires ___________
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | APPENDIX 1 |
Author | Aikin |
Last Modified By | DHHS |
File Modified | 2012-11-06 |
File Created | 2012-11-06 |