PUBLISHED IC12-4-000 (FERC-716) 60-day notice

PUBLISHED IC12-4-000 (FERC-716) 60-day notice.pdf

FERC-716, Transmission Services (Good Faith Request, Response by Transmitting Utility, and Application) under Sections 211 and 213a of the Federal Power Act

PUBLISHED IC12-4-000 (FERC-716) 60-day notice

OMB: 1902-0170

Document [pdf]
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 1 / Tuesday, January 3, 2012 / Notices

Burden Statement: The Commission
estimates the Public Reporting Burden
for this collection as:
Number of

Number of
responses per

burden hours
per response

burden hours

102 ...............................................................................................................................................




pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

The total annual cost of filing FERC–
598 is: 612 hours/2080 7 hours ×
$142,372 8 per year = $41,890. The
annual cost of filing FERC–598 per
respondent is $411. This cost estimate
for respondents includes salary and
employee benefits and is based on the
cost for professional and clerical
support within the Commission.
The reporting burden includes the
total time, effort, or financial resources
expended to generate, maintain, retain,
disclose, or provide the information
including: (1) Reviewing instructions;
(2) developing, acquiring, installing,
using technology and systems for the
purposes of collecting, validating,
verifying, processing, maintaining,
disclosing and providing information;
(3) adjusting the existing ways to
comply with any previously applicable
filing instructions and requirements; (4)
training personnel to respond to a
collection of information; (5) searching
data sources; (6) completing and
reviewing the collection of information;
and (7) transmitting, or otherwise
disclosing the information.
Comments are invited on: (1) Whether
the proposed collection of information
is necessary for the proper performance
of the functions of the Commission,
including whether the information will
have practical utility; (2) the accuracy of
the agency’s estimate of the burden of
the proposed collection of information,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used; (3)
ways to enhance the quality, utility and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and (4) ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on those who are to respond, including
through the use of automated collection
techniques or other forms of information
Dated: December 23, 2011.
Kimberly D. Bose,
[FR Doc. 2011–33636 Filed 12–30–11; 8:45 am]
7 Number
8 Average

of hours an employee works per year.
annual salary per employee.

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15:13 Dec 30, 2011

Jkt 226001

Federal Energy Regulatory
[Docket No. IC12–4–000]

Commission Information Collection
Activities, Proposed Collection (FERC–
716); Comment Request; Extension
Federal Energy Regulatory
ACTION: Notice of proposed information
collection and request for comments.

In compliance with the
requirements of section 3506(c)(2)(a) of
the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(Pub. L. 104–13), the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (FERC or
Commission) is soliciting public
comment on the specific aspects of the
information collection described below.
DATES: Comments on the collection of
information are due by March 5, 2012.
ADDRESSES: Comments may be filed
either electronically (eFiled) or in paper
format. The comments should refer to
Docket No. IC12–4–000. Documents
must be prepared in an acceptable filing
format and in compliance with
Commission submission guidelines at: eFiling instructions are
available at: First time users must
follow eRegister instructions at: http://
eregistration.asp, to establish a user
name and password before eFiling. The
Commission will send an automatic
acknowledgement to the sender’s email
address upon receipt of eFiled
comments. Commenters making an
eFiling should not make a paper filing.
Commenters that are not able to file
electronically must send an original of
their comments to: Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, Secretary of the
Commission, 888 First Street, NE.,
Washington, DC 20426.
Users interested in receiving
automatic notification of activity in this
docket may do so through eSubscription
esubscription.asp. All comments and
FERC issuances may be viewed, printed

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or downloaded remotely through
FERC’s eLibrary at:
docs-filing/elibrary.asp, by searching on
Docket No. IC12–4–000. For user
assistance, contact FERC Online
Support by email at, or by phone
at: (866) 208–3676 (toll-free), or (202)
502–8659 for TTY.
Ellen Brown may be reached by email
at, telephone
at (202) 502–8663, by fax at (202) 273–
Commission uses the information
collected under the requirements of
FERC–716 (‘‘Good Faith Request for
Transmission Service and Response by
Transmitting Utility Under Sections
211(a) and 213(a) of the Federal Power
Act’’ [OMB No. 1902–0170]) to
implement the statutory provisions of
sections 211 and 213 of the Federal
Power Act (FPA) as amended and added
by the Energy Policy Act 1992. FERC–
716 also includes the requirement to file
a section 211 request if the negotiations
between the transmission requestor and
the transmitting utility are unsuccessful.
For the initial process, the information
is not filed with the Commission.
However, the request and response may
be analyzed as a part of a section 211
action. The Commission may order
transmission services under the
authority of FPA 211.
The Commission’s regulations in the
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), 18
CFR 2.20, provide standards by which
the Commission determines if and when
a valid good faith request for
transmission has been made under
section 211 of the FPA. By developing
the standards, the Commission sought to
encourage an open exchange of data
with a reasonable degree of specificity
and completeness between the party
requesting transmission services and the
transmitting utility. As a result, 18 CFR
2.20 identifies 12 components of a good
faith estimate and 5 components of a
reply to a good faith request.
Action: The Commission is requesting
a three-year extension of the current
expiration date with no changes to the
existing collection.




Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 1 / Tuesday, January 3, 2012 / Notices
Burden Statement: The Commission
estimates the Public Reporting Burden
for this information collection as:
Number of respondents annually

Number of responses per

Average burden hours per

Information exchange between parties ...........................................................
Application submitted to FERC if parties’ negotiations are unsuccessful .......





Total ..........................................................................................................





FERC data collection FERC–716 (OMB control No. 1902–0170)

Total annual
burden hours

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

* Rounded.

The total annual cost of filing FERC–
716 is: 308 hours/2080 hours 1 ×
$142,372 = $21,082.2
The reporting burden includes the
total time, effort, or financial resources
expended to generate, maintain, retain,
disclose, or provide the information
including: (1) Reviewing instructions;
(2) developing, acquiring, installing,
using technology and systems for the
purposes of collecting, validating,
verifying, processing, maintaining,
disclosing and providing information;
(3) adjusting the existing ways to
comply with any previously applicable
filing instructions and requirements; (4)
training personnel to respond to a
collection of information; (5) searching
data sources; (6) completing and
reviewing the collection of information;
and (7) transmitting, or otherwise
disclosing the information.
The Commission bases the cost
estimate for respondents upon salaries
within the Commission for professional
and clerical support. This cost estimate
includes respondents’ total salary and
employment benefits.
Comments are invited on: (1) Whether
the collection of information is
necessary for the proper performance of
the functions of the Commission,
including whether the information will
have practical utility; (2) the accuracy of
the agency’s estimate of the burden of
the collection of information, including
the validity of the methodology and
assumptions used; (3) ways to enhance
the quality, utility and clarity of the
information to be collected; and (4)
ways to minimize the burden of the
collection of information on those who
are to respond, including through the
use of automated collection techniques
or other forms of information

1 Number
2 Average

of hours an employee works in a year.
annual salary per employee.

VerDate Mar<15>2010

15:13 Dec 30, 2011

Jkt 226001

Dated: December 27, 2011.
Kimberly D. Bose,
[FR Doc. 2011–33643 Filed 12–30–11; 8:45 am]

Federal Energy Regulatory
[Project No. 13022–003]

Barren River Lake Hydro LLC; Notice
of Application Tendered for Filing With
the Commission, Soliciting Additional
Study Requests, and Establishing
Procedural Schedule for Licensing and
a Deadline for Submission of Final
Take notice that the following
hydroelectric application has been filed
with the Commission and is available
for public inspection.
a. Type of Application: Original Major
b. Project No.: 13022–003.
c. Date Filed: December 9, 2011.
d. Applicant: Barren River Lake
Hydro LLC (Barren Hydro).
e. Name of Project: Barren River Lake
Dam Hydroelectric Project.
f. Location: On the Barren River, in
Allen County, Kentucky. The project
would occupy 18.65 acres of land, the
majority of which are United States
lands administered by the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers (Corps).
g. Filed Pursuant to: Federal Power
Act 16 U.S.C. 791 (a)–825(r).
h. Applicant Contact: Brent Smith,
Symbiotics LLC, 371 Upper Terrace,
Suite 2, Bend, Oregon 97702; (541) 330–
8779; email—
i. FERC Contact: Allan Creamer, (202)
502–8365 or via email at
j. Cooperating agencies: Federal, state,
local, and tribal agencies with
jurisdiction and/or special expertise
with respect to environmental issues
that wish to cooperate in the

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preparation of the environmental
document should follow the
instructions for filing such requests
described in item l below. Cooperating
agencies should note the Commission’s
policy that agencies that cooperate in
the preparation of the environmental
document cannot also intervene. See, 94
FERC ¶ 61,076 (2001).
k. Pursuant to section 4.32(b)(7) of 18
CFR of the Commission’s regulations, if
any resource agency, Indian Tribe, or
person believes that an additional
scientific study should be conducted in
order to form an adequate factual basis
for a complete analysis of the
application on its merit, the resource
agency, Indian Tribe, or person must file
a request for a study with the
Commission not later than 60 days from
the date of filing of the application, and
serve a copy of the request on the
l. Deadline for filing additional study
requests and requests for cooperating
agency status: February 7, 2012.
All documents may be filed
electronically via the Internet. See 18
CFR 385.2001(a)(1)(iii) and the
instructions on the Commission’s Web
efiling.asp. Commenters can submit
brief comments up to 6,000 characters,
without prior registration, using the
eComment system at http://
ecomment.asp. You must include your
name and contact information at the end
of your comments. For assistance,
please contact FERC Online Support at or toll
free at 1 (866) 208–3676, or for TTY,
(202) 502–8659. Although the
Commission strongly encourages
electronic filing, documents may also be
paper-filed. To paper-file, mail an
original and seven copies to: Kimberly
D. Bose, Secretary, Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street
NE., Washington, DC 20426.
m. This application is not ready for
environmental analysis at this time.
n. The proposed project would utilize
the existing Corps’ Barren River Lake



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File Modified2011-12-31
File Created2011-12-31

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