OMB Control Number: 0923-0042
Expiration Date: 11/30/2013
ATSDR Health Survey of
Marine Corps Personnel
and Civilians
Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 45 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to: CDC/ATSDR Information Collection Review Office, 1600 Clifton Road, MS D-74, Atlanta, GA 30333; ATTN: PRA (0923-0042).
Instructions for Completing the
use a black or blue pen to complete this form. Do not
use a felt-tip pen or a pencil.
to indicate your answer.
you want to change your answer, completely fill in the answer box
for the wrong answer X
and mark X in the box next to the correct answer.
answers are important. Please print clearly, using upper case block
letters (for example, “WEDNESDAY”).
entering numbers, fill all boxes. For example, enter “4”
as “0
A1. Questions in this survey ask about the person named below. Are you this person?
<NAME OF PARTICIPANT> Yes GO TO Section B, Residential History, on page XX No
A2. Is the person named in A1 deceased or is he/she unable to complete this survey for some other reason?
Deceased Unable to complete
behalf of the person named in A1. Please answer questions A3 and A4 about yourself.
A3. What is your name? First: ________________________________ Middle: _________________________ Last: ________________________________ Suffix (Jr., Sr., etc.): _____ |
A4. What is your relationship to the person named in A1?
Husband/Wife GO TO A5 Parent Other-specify:___________________
A5. Were you living with this person during time he/she was living or working at Camp Lejeune or Camp Pendleton?
Yes No
you are answering this survey on behalf of the person in A1,
please answer all questions about that person, not
B. Residential History
B1. Did you live on base at Camp Lejeune or Camp Pendleton?
Yes, active duty GO TO B2 Yes, civilian worker GO TO B4 Yes, living with someone who was active duty or a civilian worker GO TO B3 No, did not live on base GO TO Section C, Medical History, on next page
_____________________________ ___________________________
B3. What is the full name of that person?
B4. Thinking about the first place you lived on base, was it at Camp Lejeune or Camp Pendleton?
Camp Lejeune Camp Pendleton
B5. What was the location or address where you resided (location of barracks/street address/family housing area)? ________________________________ _________________________________
B6. When did you start living there (month and year)? / m m y y y y
B7. When did you stop living there (month and year)? / m m y y y y
B8. Were there any other places you lived on base at Camp Lejeune or Camp Pendleton?
Yes, Camp Pendleton No GO TO Section C, Medical History, on next page
B9. What was the location or address where you resided (location of barracks/street address/family housing area)?
________________________________ ________________________________
B10. When did you start living there (month and year)? / m m y y y y
B11. When did you stop living there (month and year)? / m m y y y y
B12. Were there any other places you lived on base at Camp Lejeune or Camp Pendleton?
Yes, Camp Pendleton No GO TO Section C, Medical History, on next page
B13. What was the location or address where you resided (location of barracks/street address/family housing area)?
_______________________________ ________________________________
B14. When did you start living there (month and year)? / m m y y y y
B15. When did you stop living there (month and year)? / m m y y y y
B16. Were there any other places you lived on base at Camp Lejeune or Camp Pendleton?
Yes, Camp Pendleton No GO TO Section C, Medical History, in next column
B17. What was the location or address where you resided (location of barracks/street address/family housing area)?
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
B18. When did you start living there (month and year)? / m m y y y y
B19. When did you stop living there (month and year)? / m m y y y y
C. Medical History
We are interested in finding out about any diseases, medical conditions, or illnesses you may have had.
you are answering this survey on behalf of the person listed in
A1, please answer all questions about that person, not
C1. Between the time you first lived or worked at Camp Lejeune or Camp Pendleton and the present time, have you been told by a doctor or other health care provider that you had cancer or a malignancy of any kind? Yes No GO TO Section D, Other Health Conditions, on page XX
C2. Thinking of your first diagnosed cancer, what kind of cancer was it?
Mark only one answer. Appendix Mouth/Tongue/Lip Bladder Multiple Myeloma Bone Ovary Brain Pancreas Breast Prostate Cervix Rectum
Esophagus Small intestine Gallbladder Soft tissue (muscle or fat) Kidney Stomach Larynx or Windpipe Testicle Leukemia Throat or Pharynx Liver Thyroid Lung Uterus Lymphoma Other-specify: __________________ Melanoma Don't know |
C3. How old were you when this cancer was first diagnosed? years old C4. Was this: A primary cancer, or A cancer that had spread or metastasized from somewhere else in the body? C5. What state were you living in when this cancer was first diagnosed? _________________________
C6. Between the time you first lived or worked at Camp Lejeune or Camp Pendleton and the present time, have you been diagnosed with any other kind of cancer? No GO TO Section D, Other Health Conditions, on next page
C7. What kind of cancer was this?
Mark only one answer. Appendix Mouth/Tongue/Lip Bladder Multiple Myeloma Bone Ovary Brain Pancreas Breast Prostate Cervix Rectum
Colon Small intestine
Esophagus Soft tissue (muscle or fat) Gallbladder Stomach
Kidney Testicle Larynx or Windpipe Throat or Pharynx Leukemia Thyroid Liver Uterus Lung Other-specify: __________________ Lymphoma
Melanoma Don't know |
C8. How old were you when this cancer was first diagnosed? years old
C9. Was this: A primary cancer, or A cancer that had spread or metastasized from somewhere else in the body?
C10. What state were you living in when this second cancer was first diagnosed? _________________________________
C11. Between the time you first lived or worked at Camp Lejeune or Camp Pendleton and the present time, have you been diagnosed with any other kinds of cancer? No GO TO Section D, Other Health Conditions, on next page
C12. What kinds of cancer were they?
Please mark all that apply. Appendix Mouth/Tongue/Lip Bladder Multiple Myeloma Bone Ovary Brain Pancreas Breast Prostate Cervix Rectum
Colon Small intestine Esophagus Soft tissue (muscle or fat) Gallbladder Stomach
Kidney Testicle Larynx or Windpipe Throat or Pharynx Leukemia Thyroid Liver Uterus Lung Other-specify: __________________ Lymphoma Don't know
Melanoma |
D. Other Health Conditions
worked at Camp Lejeune or Camp Pendleton and the present time, have you ever been told by a doctor or other
care provider that you had any of
D1. Have you been told you had kidney disease or kidney failure? Do not include kidney cancer, kidney stones, bladder infection or incontinence.
D2. What was the name of your kidney disease? ____________________________________
D3. How old were you when this was first diagnosed? years old
D4. Have you been told you had liver disease? Do not include liver cancer.
No GO TO D7 in next column
D5. What was the name of the liver disease?
Necrosis Cirrhosis Liver Failure Fatty Liver Other–specify: ____________________
D6. How old were you when this was first diagnosed? years old
D7. Have you been told you had lupus?
D8. How old were you when this was first diagnosed? years old
D9. Have you been told you had scleroderma?
No GO TO D11
D10. How old were you when this was first diagnosed? years old
D11. Have you been told you had Parkinson’s Disease?
No GO TO D13
D12. How old were you when this was first diagnosed?
years old
D13. Have you been told you had Multiple Sclerosis (MS)?
No GO TO D15 on next page
D14. How old were you when this was first diagnosed?
years old
D15. Have you been told you had Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (also known as ALS or “Lou Gehrig’s Disease”) or some other motor neuron disease?
No GO TO D17
D16. How old were you when this was first diagnosed?
years old
No GO TO D19
D18. How old were you when this was first diagnosed?
years old
D19. Between the time you first lived or worked at Camp Lejeune or Camp Pendleton and the present time, have you been told by a doctor or other health care provider that you had a persistent skin rash or dermatitis?
No GO TO D26 on next page
D20. Did you have hepatitis at the same time you had the skin rash or dermatitis?
D21. What was the name of the skin rash or dermatitis? _________________________________ _________________________________ |
D22. How old were you when this was first diagnosed? years old
D23. How long did your skin rash or dermatitis last? Less than a week 1–3 weeks 1 month 2–5 months 6 months–1 year More than 1 year
D24. Where on your body did your skin rash or dermatitis occur?
Mark all that apply.
D25. What were the symptoms of your skin rash or dermatitis?
Mark all that apply.
D26. Between the time you first lived or worked at Camp Lejeune or Camp Pendleton and the present time, have you been told by a doctor or other health care provider that you were infertile? Do not include your partner’s infertility, if any.
No GO TO Section E, Additional Health Conditions, in next column
D27. What did your doctor or other health care provider tell you was the reason for your infertility?
Mark all that apply.
D28. How old were you when this was first diagnosed? years old
E. Additional Health Conditions
you are answering this survey on behalf of the person listed in
A1, please answer all questions about that person, not
E1. Between the time you first lived or worked at Camp Lejeune or Camp Pendleton and the present time, have you had any other serious health conditions that have not been covered above?
E2. Please list them below.
a. __________________________________ __________________________________ b. __________________________________ __________________________________ c. __________________________________ __________________________________ d. __________________________________ __________________________________ e. __________________________________ ___________________________________
E3. Are you:
Female GO TO Section F, Reproductive History, on next page Male GO TO Section G, Occupational History, on page XX
Reproductive History (WOMEN ONLY)
F1. Between the time you first lived or worked at Camp Lejeune or Camp Pendleton and the present time, have you been told by a doctor or other health care provider that you had endometriosis?
F2. How old were you when this was first diagnosed? years old
F3. Have you ever been pregnant? No GO TO Section G, Occupational History, on page XX
F4. Have you ever had a pregnancy that resulted in a live birth? Yes No
F5. Were you pregnant during the time you lived or worked at Camp Lejeune or Camp Pendleton? No GO TO Section G, Occupational History, on page XX
F6. How many times were you pregnant during the time you lived or worked at Camp Lejeune or Camp Pendleton?
No. of pregnancies
pregnancies that occurred during the time you lived or worked at Camp Lejeune or Camp Pendleton. Please complete all of the questions for each pregnancy during this time.
F7. When did your first pregnancy end? (month/year) / m m y y y y
F8. What was the outcome of this pregnancy?
Live birth of single child Tubal pregnancy Elective abortion
F9. How many weeks were you when the pregnancy ended? weeks
F10. Did you have a positive pregnancy test before miscarriage/stillbirth occurred? Yes No
F11. Was the miscarriage/stillbirth confirmed by a doctor or other health care provider? Yes No
F12. Did this pregnancy involve a birth defect? No GO TO F14 on next page
GO TO F13 on next page |
F13. If yes, what is the name of the birth defect? _______________________________ _______________________________ F14. Did you have another pregnancy during the time you lived or worked at Camp Lejeune or Camp Pendleton? No GO TO Section G, Occupational History, on page XX
F15. When did your second pregnancy end? (month/year) / m m y y y y
F16. What was the outcome of this pregnancy?
Tubal pregnancy Elective abortion
F17. How many weeks were you when the pregnancy ended? weeks pregnancy test before the miscarriage/stillbirth occurred? Yes No
F19. Was the miscarriage/stillbirth confirmed by a doctor or other health care provider? Yes No
GO TO F20 in next column |
F20. Did this pregnancy involve a birth defect? No GO TO F22
F21. If yes, what is the name of the birth defect? _______________________________ _______________________________
F22. Did you have another pregnancy during the time you lived or worked at Camp Lejeune or Camp Pendleton? No GO TO Section G, Occupational History, on page XX
F23. When did your third pregnancy end? (month/year) / m m y y y y
F24. What was the outcome of this
Live birth of single child Tubal pregnancy Elective abortion
F25. How many weeks were you when the pregnancy ended? weeks
F26. Did you have a positive pregnancy test before the miscarriage/stillbirth occurred? Yes No
GO TO F28 on next page
F27. Was the miscarriage/stillbirth confirmed by a doctor or other health care provider? Yes No
F28. Did this pregnancy involve a birth defect? No GO TO F30
F29. If yes, what is the name of the birth defect? _______________________________ _______________________________
F30. Did you have another pregnancy during the time you lived or worked at Camp Lejeune or Camp Pendleton? No GO TO Section G, Occupational History, on next page
F31. When did your fourth pregnancy end? (month/year) / m
m y y y y F32. What was the outcome of this pregnancy?
Tubal pregnancy Elective abortion
F33. How many weeks were you when the pregnancy ended? weeks
GO TO F36 in next column
F34. Did you have a positive pregnancy test before the miscarriage/ stillbirth occurred? Yes No
F35. Was the miscarriage/stillbirth confirmed by a doctor or other health care provider? Yes No
F36. Did this pregnancy involve a birth defect?
No GO TO Section G, Occupational History, on next page
F37. If yes, what is the name of the birth defect? _______________________________ _______________________________
G. Occupational History
hazardous materials from jobs that you have held since the time you first lived or worked at Camp Lejeune or Camp Pendleton up until the present time. This includes any part-time and full-time military and civilian jobs, or jobs on a farm that lasted at least one month or longer.
G1. Since you first lived or worked at Camp Lejeune or Camp Pendleton up until the present time, did you work with or were you exposed to any of the following in any of your jobs:
G2. Did you answer “Yes” to any of the items above (a-e)?
No GO TO Section H, Service in Vietnam, on page XX
J Starting with the time you first worked or lived at Camp Lejeune or Camp Pendleton up until the present time, please tell us about the first job where you worked with or were exposed to pesticides, radiation, metals, solvents, or other chemicals or hazardous substances.
G3. Was this job on base at Camp Lejeune or Camp Pendleton?
No, not at Camp Lejeune or Camp Pendleton GO TO G5
G4. Please specify the area on base
or building number). _____________________________ _____________________________
G5. What was the name and location of the company or organization you worked for? _____________________________ ______________________________ G6. In what month and year did you start this job? / m m y y y y
G7. In what month and year did you end this job? / m m y y y y
G8. What was your job title? _______________________________
G9. What were your main activities or duties on this job? ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________
G10. Did you usually work part-time or full- time? Part-time Full-time
G11. In this job, did you work with or were you exposed to pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, or rat poison?
No GO TO G12
G12. In this job, did you work with or were you exposed to radiation such as x- rays, radar, or electro-magnetic fields (EMFs)?
No GO TO G13
G13. In this job, did you work with or were you exposed to metals such as lead, mercury, nickel, cadmium, or arsenic?
No GO TO G14 in next column
G14. In this job, did you work with or were you exposed to solvents such as paint thinners, paints, glues, metal degreasing agents, toluene, carbon disulfide, trichloroethylene, or carbon tetrachloride? No GO TO G15
____________________________ G15. In this job, did you work with or were you exposed to other chemicals or hazardous substances such as asbestos or chlorine? No GO TO G16
______________________________ ______________________________
G16. Did you have any other jobs after this one up until the present time that involved working with or being exposed to pesticides, radiation, metals, solvents, or other chemicals or hazardous substances? No GO TO Section H, Service in Vietnam, on page XX
JOB #2
G17. Was this job on base at Camp Lejeune or Camp Pendleton?
No, not at Camp Lejeune or Camp Pendleton GO TO G19 on next page
GO TO G18 on next page |
G18. Please specify the area on base where you worked (that is, address or building number). _____________________________ _____________________________
G19. What was the name and location of the company or organization you worked for? _____________________________ _____________________________ G20. In what month and year did you start this job? / m m y y y y
G21. In what month and year did you end this job? / m m y y y y
G22. What was your job title? _______________________________
G23. What were your main activities or duties on this job? ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________
G24. Did you usually work part-time or full time? Part-time Full-time
G25. In this job, did you work with or were you exposed to pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, or rat poison?
No GO TO G26 in next column
_______________________________ |
G26. In this job, did you work with or were you exposed to radiation such as x-rays, radar, or electro-magnetic fields (EMFs)?
No GO TO G27
G27. In this job, did you work with or were you exposed to metals such as lead, mercury, nickel, cadmium, or arsenic?
No GO TO G28
G28. In this job, did you work with or were you exposed to solvents such as paint thinners, paints, glues, metal degreasing agents, toluene, carbon disulfide, trichloroethylene, or carbon tetrachloride?
No GO TO G29
G29. In this job, did you work with or were you exposed to other chemicals or hazardous substances such as asbestos or chlorine?
No GO TO G30 on next page
______________________________ ______________________________
G30. Did you have any other jobs after this one up until the present time that involved working with or being exposed to pesticides, radiation, metals, solvents, or other chemicals or hazardous substances?
No GO TO Section H, Service In Vietnam, on page XX JOB #3
G31. Was this job on base at Camp Lejeune or Camp Pendleton?
No, not at Camp Lejeune or Camp Pendleton GO TO G33
G32. Please specify the area on base
address or building number). _____________________________ _____________________________
G33. What was the name and location of the company or organization you worked for? _____________________________ _____________________________ G34. In what month and year did you start this job? / m m y y y y G35. In what month and year did you end this job? / m m y y y y G36. What was your job title? _______________________________
G37. What were your main activities or duties on this job? _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________
G38. Did you usually work part-time or full-time? Part-time Full-time
G39. In this job, did you work with or were you exposed to pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, or rat poison?
No GO TO G40
G40. In this job, did you work with or were you exposed to radiation such as x-rays, radar, or electro-magnetic fields (EMFs)?
No GO TO G41
G41. In this job, did you work with or were you exposed to metals such as lead, mercury, nickel, cadmium, or arsenic?
No GO TO G42 on next page
G42. In this job, did you work with or were you exposed to solvents such as paint thinners, paints, glues, metal degreasing agents, toluene, carbon disulfide, trichloroethylene, or carbon tetrachloride?
No GO TO G43
G43. In this job, did you work with or were you exposed to other chemicals or hazardous substances such as asbestos or chlorine?
No GO TO G44
__________________________________ __________________________________
G44. Did you have any other jobs after this one up until the present time that involved working with or being exposed to pesticides, radiation, metals, solvents, or other chemicals or hazardous substances?
No GO TO Section H, Service in Vietnam, on page XX JOB #4
G45. Was this job on base at Camp Lejeune or Camp Pendleton?
No, not at Camp Lejeune or Camp Pendleton GO TO G47 in next column
G46. Please specify the area on base
address or building number). _____________________________ _____________________________ GO TO G48 in next column |
G47. What was the name and location of the company or organization you worked for? ____________________________ _____________________________ G48. In what month and year did you start this job? / m m y y y y
G49. In what month and year did you end this job?
/ m m y y y y
G50. What was your job title? ____________________________
G51. What were your main activities or duties on this job? _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________
G52. Did you usually work part-time or full- time? Part-time Full-time
G53. In this job, did you work with or were you exposed to pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, or rat poison?
No GO TO G54 on next page
G54. In this job, did you work with or were you exposed to radiation such as x-rays, radar, or electro-magnetic fields (EMFs)?
No GO TO G55
G55. In this job, did you work with or were you exposed to metals such as lead, mercury, nickel, cadmium, or arsenic?
No GO TO G56
G56. In this job, did you work with or were you exposed to solvents such as paint thinners, paints, glues, metal degreasing agents, toluene, carbon disulfide, trichloroethylene, or carbon tetrachloride?
No GO TO G57
F57. In this job, did you work with or were you exposed to other chemicals or hazardous substances such as asbestos or chlorine?
No GO TO G58 in next column
__________________________________ __________________________________
G58. Did you have any other jobs after this one up until the present time that involved working with or being exposed to pesticides, radiation, metals, solvents, or other chemicals or hazardous substances??
No GO TO ‘Service in Vietnam’ section on page XX JOB #5 G59. Was this job on base at Camp Lejeune or Camp Pendleton? No, not at Camp Lejeune or Camp Pendleton GO TO G61
G60. Please specify the area on base address or building number). _____________________________ _____________________________
G61. What was the name and location of the company or organization you worked for? _____________________________ _____________________________ G62. In what month and year did you start this job? / m
m y y y y G63. In what month and year did you end this job? / m m y y y y
G64. What was your job title? ____________________________
G65. What were your main activities or duties on this job? _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________
G66. Did you usually work part-time or full- time? Part-time Full-time
G67. In this job, did you work with or were you exposed to pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, or rat poison?
No GO TO G68
G68. In this job, did you work with or were you exposed to radiation such as x-rays, radar, or electro-magnetic fields (EMFs)?
No GO TO G69
G69. In this job, did you work with or were you exposed to metals such as lead, mercury, nickel, cadmium, or arsenic?
No GO TO G70 in next column
G70. In this job, did you work with or were you exposed to solvents such as paint thinners, paints, glues, metal degreasing agents, toluene, carbon disulfide, trichloroethylene, or carbon tetrachloride?
No GO TO G71
G71. In this job, did you work with or were you exposed to other chemicals or hazardous substances such as asbestos or chlorine?
No GO TO G72
________________________________ ________________________________
G72. Did you have any other jobs after this one up until the present time that involved working with or being exposed to pesticides, radiation, metals, solvents, or other chemicals or hazardous substances?
No GO TO Section H, Service in Vietnam, on next page
GO TO next page
Please answer the following questions about all of the other jobs held since the last job you reported that involved working with or being exposed to pesticides, radiation, metals, solvents, or other chemicals or hazardous substances.
G73. In any of these jobs, did you work with or were you exposed to pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, or rat poison?
No GO TO G75
G74. What is the name of the chemical(s) you worked with or were exposed to? ____________________________________ ____________________________________
G75. In any of these jobs, did you work with or were you exposed to radiation such as x-rays, radar, or electro-magnetic fields (EMFs)?
No GO TO G77 in next column
G76. What kind of radiation did you work with or were exposed to? ___________________________________ ___________________________________
G77. In any of these jobs, did you work with or were you exposed to metals such as lead, mercury, nickel, cadmium, or aresenic?
No GO TO G79
G78. What is the name of the metal(s) you worked with or were exposed to? __________________________________ __________________________________ G79. In any of these jobs, did you work with or were you exposed to solvents such as paint thinners, paints, glues, metal degreasing agents, auto fluids, dry cleaning agents, toluene, carbon disulfide, trichloroethylene, or carbon tetrachloride? No GO TO G81 G80. What is the name of the solvent(s) you worked with or were exposed to? ____________________________________ ____________________________________
G81. In any of these jobs, did you work with or were you exposed to any other chemicals or hazardous substances such as asbestos or chlorine? No GO TO Section H, Service in Vietnam, on next page
G82. What is the name of the other chemical(s) or hazardous substance(s) you worked with or were exposed to? ____________________________________ ____________________________________ |
H. Service in Vietnam
Remember: If
you are answering this survey on behalf of the person listed in
A1, please answer all questions about that person, not
H1. Were you stationed in Vietnam between 1965 and 1971?
No GO TO Section I, Smoking History, in next column
H2. When were you in Vietnam?
Mark all years that apply. 1965 1969 1966 1970 1967 1971 1968
H3. In total, how many months or years were you in Vietnam between 1965 and 1971?
months OR years
H4. Did you ever come into contact with herbicides while you were in Vietnam? For example, did you inhale herbicides or get herbicides on your skin or clothing?
Not sure History, in next column
H5. Describe how you came in contact with herbicides.
______________________________ ______________________________ |
I. Smoking History
I1. Have you ever smoked cigarettes?
No GO TO I8 on next page
I2. Do you smoke cigarettes now?
I3. On average, over all the years you have smoked, how many cigarettes per day did you smoke? (1 pack=20 cigarettes) Enter ‘00’ if less than 1 cigarette per day.
cigarettes per day
I4. In total, how many years have you smoked, excluding any times you may have quit? Enter ‘00’ if less than 1 year.
years GO TO I8 on next page
I5. How old were you the last time you quit smoking cigarettes?
years old
I6. On average, when you were smoking, about how many cigarettes per day did you smoke? (1 pack = 20 cigarettes) Enter ‘00’ if less than 1 cigarette per day.
cigarettes per day
I7. In total, how many years did you smoke, excluding any times you may have quit? Enter ‘00’ if less than 1 year.
I8. Have you ever used any other tobacco products (such as chewing tobacco, smokeless tobacco, cigars, a pipe, etc.)? No GO TO I11
I9. Do you currently use any of these tobacco products? Yes No
I10. Which of the following tobacco products have you ever used?
Mark all that apply. Chewing tobacco Smokeless tobacco Pipe Cigars Other-specify: ____________________
I11. Have you ever lived for more than 1 year with someone while they were smoking on a daily basis?
No GO TO Section J, Alcohol History, in next column
I12. In total, how many years have you lived with someone while they were smoking on a daily basis?
1-3 years 10-12 years 4-6 years 13-15 years 7-9 years 16 or more years
I13. During most of this time, how many people living with you smoked on a daily basis?
1 person 2 persons More than 2 persons
J. Alcohol History
you are answering this survey on behalf of the person listed in
A1, please answer all questions about that person, not
The following questions ask about your use of alcohol.
J1. Have you ever had a drink of alcohol?
No GO TO Section K, Demographics, on next page
J2. At what age did you start drinking alcohol?
years old
J3. Do you drink alcoholic beverages now?
No GO TO J7 on next page
J4. On average, how often do you drink alcoholic beverages?
Every day or almost every day 2 to 4 times a week 1 time a week 1 to 3 times a month Less than once a month
J5. When you drink, about how many servings of alcohol do you usually have? One “serving” equals any of the following: 1 can of beer, 1 glass of wine, 1 can or bottle of wine cooler, or 1 shot of liquor.
J6. Was there a time in the past when you drank significantly more than you usually drink now?
No and GO TO Section K, Demographics, in next column
J7. How old were you when you stopped drinking alcoholic beverages?
years old
J8. On average, how often did you drink alcoholic beverages?
Almost every day 2 to 4 times a week 1 time a week 1 to 3 times a month Less than once a month
J9. When you drank, about how many servings of alcohol did you usually have? One “serving” equals any of the following: 1 can of beer, 1 glass of wine, 1 can or bottle of wine cooler, or 1 shot of liquor.
K. Demographics
Remember: If
you are answering this survey on behalf of the person listed in
A1, please answer all questions about that person, not
K1. Do you consider yourself to be Hispanic or Latino?
Hispanic or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino
K2. What race do you consider yourself to be?
Mark all that apply. American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Black or African American White
K3. What is the highest level of education you have completed?
Mark one. Less than a high school diploma High school diploma or GED Some college, Technical/Vocational School, or Associate’s Degree Bachelor’s degree (4 years of college) or higher
please provide the following contact information.
If you filled this survey out on behalf of the person named in A1, the following information is about you.
K4. Please provide your phone number(s) and email address:
Home Phone Number: - - None
Cell Phone Number: - - None
E-Mail address: ______________________________ None
K5. Please provide the contact information of a friend or family member who will always know your whereabouts in case we need to contact you in the future.
First Name: _________________________
Last Name: _________________________
Street Address: ________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________
Apartment Number: _______
City: _____________________ State: __________________ Zip code: _ _ _ _ _ Family/Friend Home Phone Number: - - None Family/Friend Cell Phone Number: - - None
K6. What is this person’s relationship to you?
Spouse Parent Child Brother/Sister Friend Other-specify: ____________________
you for completing this questionnaire. Please
make sure that you:
and sign the Informed Consent Form, and
your completed booklet in the envelope provided.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | Questions for the health survey |
Author | Perri Ruckart |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-31 |