In Depth Interviews and Director Surveys, Job Corps Sites

Job Corps Process Study

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In Depth Interviews and Director Surveys, Job Corps Sites

OMB: 1205-0501

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Job Corps Process Study

Appendix B. Job Corps Center Director Survey


Public reporting burden of this collection of information, which is required to obtain or retain benefits (20 CFR 670.970 and 670.975) is 3 hours, including the time for verbal consent, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information Savi Swick at


What is this survey about?

This survey collects information from all Job Corps Center Directors regarding various aspects of their centers’ operations and management. The survey is part of the Job Corps Process Study, which is being conducted by IMPAQ International, LLC, an independent social science research and survey firm, along with subcontractors Battelle Memorial Institute and Decision Information Resources, Inc. Researchers will use information from this survey to identify promising practices across centers and assess how they may be related to center performance.

In general, the survey questions concern center practices on: operational and management routines, processes, and procedures, including those pertaining to staff performance measurement and accountability; academic, career, technical, and support service delivery approaches; services offered; staff characteristics including education and tenure; and factors perceived by Job Corps national office and center staff as potentially associated with student outcomes.

This survey is organized in the following 14 topical areas:

  1. Center Director Background Information

  2. Outreach and Admissions and New Student Arrivals

  3. Student-Focused Management Practices

  4. Student Services

  5. General Training Practices

  6. Career Technical Training Programs

  7. Academic Instruction

  8. Center Management Practices and Leadership

  9. Staff-Focused Management and Evaluation Practices

  10. Staffing Levels and Vacancies and Staff Hiring Practices

  11. Staff Support Services and Practices

  12. Use of Community Resources and Support Systems

  13. Use of Performance Management System Information

  14. Corporate Management Practices

Who should complete the survey?

The Center Director is the intended – and best – respondent for the survey. Center Directors, however, are encouraged to consult, as needed, with other staff members or supervisors and refer to center records when responding to survey items requiring additional details or input.

Answering survey questions

Individual center responses to questions will be kept private within the limits of the law and available only to the research team. The information you provide will be presented only in aggregate form by pooling responses across groups of centers. Responses to the survey will not be identified by organization or person in any publication.

We ask you not to skip questions so that we can obtain complete and accurate information on the practices and techniques at your center and derive the maximum benefit from this study that is examining associations between center practices and performance. Some questions include instructions to select only one answer choice while others allow multiple answers. Please read the instructions and response choices before answering. Please complete and submit your responses to the online survey by no later than [DATE].

What to do if you have questions

If you have questions about the survey, please contact XXXXXX at (XXX) XXX-XXXX or email your questions to


Center Director Background Information

  1. How many years have you been a Center Director?

    1. Total number of years at this Job Corps Center _______

    2. Total number of years at any Job Corps Center ______

  1. How many years total have you worked in the Job Corps program? Please include time spent in any full-time or part-time positions associated with Job Corps, including, the length of time you have: served as a Center Director at this or another Job Corps Center; worked in other management or non-management positions at centers; worked for a Job Corps contractor, at the National Office or a Regional Office, etc.

________ years

  1. How many years total have you worked in a youth development setting? Please include time spent in any full-time or part-time positions associated with Job Corps, and time spent in any full-time or part-time position in another youth development setting.

________ years

  1. What is the highest degree you have received? [PLEASE CHECK ONE]

High school diploma or GED

Associate’s degree

Bachelor’s degree

Master’s degree (including Master in Business Administration)

Terminal professional degree

Doctoral degree


(Please specify)______________________________________________________

  1. What is the name of the highest degree and what discipline is it in?

Name of Highest Degree:________________________________________________


  1. In addition to your highest degree, what other professional certifications, credentials, and/or licensures have you attained?


Outreach and Admissions and New Student Arrivals

  1. In answering this question please refer to the Outreach and Admissions (OA) agency that recruits the most students for your center. How familiar are OA staff members with the following?

Very Familiar

Somewhat Familiar

Slightly Familiar

Not at all Familiar

    1. Your center’s staff

    1. Your center’s standards of conduct

    1. Your center’s social development, residential life, and recreation activities

    1. Your center’s available support services

    1. Your center culture

    1. Academic offerings available at your center

    1. Career Technical Training (CTT) programs offered at your center, including the training process, program length, academic prerequisites, and potential placement opportunities for each CTT offering

    1. Job-related credentials (certificates, licenses, etc.) students at your center tend to obtain

    1. Advanced Training (AT) opportunities students at your center tend to pursue

    1. Engagement of your center’s students with the opportunities in your local community

  1. In answering this question, please refer to the Outreach and Admissions (OA) agency that recruits the most students for your center. From the list below, which aspects of the program and your center would you say OA staff members do not provide sufficient information about to new students? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]

Job Corps’ Zero Tolerance (ZT) policy

Job Corps’ Attendance, Leave and Absent Without Leave (AWOL) policies

Center culture and dorm life

Student standards of conduct and center expectations for student behavior

The Career Preparation Period (CPP) process

CTT program offerings and their prerequisites

Average time required to complete the training for each CTT program offering

Certification, credential, and licensure opportunities related to each CTT program offering

Academic programs


(Please specify)______________________________________________________

Why do you believe that? _____________________________________________

  1. What activities and types of information does your center provide to OA staff members to familiarize them with your center?


  1. Please indicate in the table below how frequently OA staff members and your center’s staff members interact to perform each of the following activities:

Weekly or More Frequently

Every Two Weeks


Less Often Than Monthly

Only When Necessary

    1. Review and discuss applications

    1. Discuss wait-listed applicants

    1. Coordinate new student arrivals

    1. Discuss the CTT or academic curricula

    1. Discuss changes in policies or procedures that affect students

    1. Discuss the progress of new student arrivals

    1. Other:

(Please specify)______


  1. How frequently does new student intake typically occur at your center?

Once a week

Once every two weeks

Once a month


(Please specify)______________________________________________________

  1. At your center, housing assignments for new students are determined: [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]

By gender

By age: 16-17 year olds are housed separately from the older students

By age: 22-24 year olds are housed separately from the younger students

By enrollment cohorts

By selected CTT program area

By bed availability


(Please specify)______________________________________________________

  1. Explain the reason behind the method(s) you use to assign housing for new students.


  1. Which of the following does your center provide to prospective students? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]

A welcome or orientation letter

Brochure or other material describing the center and its training offerings

An invitation to tour the center

A telephone call to welcome the incoming student and arrange arrival details

E-mail communication to welcome and orient the incoming students and arrange arrival details


(Please specify)______________________________________________________

  1. Your center’s orientation program is delivered through:

An instructor-led one-session course

A Web-based or DVD one-session course

A series of instructor-led sessions

A series of Web-based or DVD sessions

A combination of instructor and Web-based or DVD sessions


(Please specify)______________________________________________________

  1. What is the overall duration of your center’s new student orientation?

________ hours

  1. What topics does your center’s new student orientation cover? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]

Job Corps mission

The Career Development Services System (CDSS)

Information on center safety, security, health and wellness

Student rights and responsibilities

The center’s basic schedule for training and activities

The Career Success Standards (CSS)

Residential life


Program structure

Different staff roles

Choosing a CTT field

Academic instruction offerings

Support resources

Local community


(Please specify)______________________________________________________

  1. Which of the following are new students on your center expected to receive during the Career Preparation Period (first 60 days on center)? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]

A meeting with a counselor to develop a Personal Career Development Plan (PCDP)

Formal or structured introductions to management staff members

Formal or structured introductions to non-management staff members

Details about the student standards of conduct and evaluation, sanction and incentive programs and procedures

Details about the expectations of student performance and accomplishments

Information on center life – including health, wellness, cafeteria, security, recreational, and housing regulations and procedures

Details about expectations for student safety

Targeted help with transitioning to center life

Training on Career Success Standards (CSS) and personal skills development

Training in conflict management and resolution

Assignment to a trade

Academic assessments

Career interest assessments

Overview of academic offerings



(Please specify)______________________________________________________

Student-Focused Management Practices

  1. In which of the following ways does your center rely on peers to communicate policies and procedures and/or influence student behavior? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]

A structured system that individually matches younger students with older peers

A structured system that matches new students with students who have been on center longer

Having senior or more experienced peers participate in the orientation for new students

The use of peer mediators (i.e., a formal process by which a group of students facilitate dispute resolution among two or more students)

The use of peer mentors (e.g., a relationship where a more experienced student shares his or her knowledge, experience and guidance with a new student)

The use of group self-governance mechanisms (e.g., class officers)


(Please specify)______________________________________________________

  1. Are there specific practices or policies at your center for students who are 16-17 years old? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]

Assigned to separate housing

A longer CPP

More frequent assessments and/or counseling sessions

More intensive academic classes

Use of a buddy or mentor system


(Please specify)______________________________________________________

No, there are no specific practices or policies

  1. Please indicate which option below best describes the way your center manages student absent without leave (AWOL) issues. [CHECK ONE]

Multiple repeated attempts to contact AWOL student and encourage return to center

Multiple repeated attempts to contact parents/guardian of AWOL student to encourage student’s return to center

Refer students with a pattern of AWOL days to local social services or community resources

Refer students with a pattern of AWOL days for personal counseling


(Please specify)______________________________________________________

  1. Please indicate which option below best describes how your center manages safety violations by students. [CHECK ONE]

Graduated sanctions:

(Please specify)______________________________________________________

Peer adjudication (e.g., dormitory courts):

(Please specify)______________________________________________________

Prescribed penalties:

(Please specify)______________________________________________________


(Please specify)______________________________________________________

  1. Please indicate which option below best describes how your center manages drug-related violations by students. [CHECK ONE]

Graduated sanctions:

(Please specify)______________________________________________________

Peer adjudication (e.g., dormitory courts):

(Please specify)______________________________________________________

Prescribed penalties:

(Please specify)______________________________________________________


(Please specify)______________________________________________________

  1. Please briefly describe how your center manages issues related to:

    1. Poor student behavior:


    1. Student policy or procedure infractions:


    1. Significant incidents involving students:


  1. What practices and strategies do staff members utilize to engage and retain non-residential students at your center successfully?


  1. If a student is not enrolled in a CTT program within the first 60 days of arrival, what techniques are used to ensure the student’s continued engagement in Job Corps? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]

Involvement in a mentoring or buddy system

Involvement in student leadership activities

Involvement in career preparation and job readiness activities

Instruction for the attainment of driver’s license, OSHA-10, CPR, and/or other certificates

Enrollment in a “foundation” training program for an industry



(Please specify)_________________________________________________________


Student Services

  1. What specific activities does your center have in place for students? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]

Use of a student “buddy” system

Use of peer mentors (e.g., a relationship where a more experienced student shares his or her knowledge, experience and guidance with a new student)

Peer-to-peer learning (group learning in the academic or CTT environment)

Student leadership opportunities (other than through the Student Government Association (SGA)) (Please specify): _______________________________________

Availability of recreational resources (e.g., computers, equipment, space)

Structured after-hours activities (Please specify):____________________________

Outings to community cultural, sporting and other events

Routine meetings with a center counselor

Personal career planning activities (e.g., career exploration, development of long and short term goals)


(Please specify)______________________________________________________

  1. How are peer matches made, and what factors are taken into account? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. What types of recreational and leisure opportunities are available to students at your center, and what proportion of your current student population participates in these activities?


Percent of Students Participating

  1. Arts and crafts

  1. Intramural sports or athletics

  1. Billiards or foosball

  1. On-campus social events (e.g., movie nights, dances)

  1. Off-campus local recreation trips (e.g., shopping, movies)

  1. Off-campus special field trips (e.g., museums, exhibits, parks)

  1. Other:

(Please specify)__________________________


Please provide the source(s) of the percentages entered above: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. What types of structured student activities and clubs, other than student government, are available?


Percentage of Students Participating

    1. Drama

  1. Chorus

  1. Cultural groups

  1. Band

  1. Other:

(Please specify)________________________


Please provide the source(s) of the percentage entered above: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. What types of leadership opportunities are available to students at your center, and what proportion of your current student population participates in these opportunities?


    1. Leadership classes or leadership camp

  1. Dorm and recreation leaders

  1. Enterprise leaders

  1. Career Preparation Leaders

  1. Peer mediators, mentors or educators

  1. Serving on the Student Government Association (SGA)

  1. Serving on the Youth Council

  1. Serving on the Industry Council

  1. Serving on the Community Relations Council

  1. Other:

(Please specify)________________________


What percentage of current students participates in any leadership opportunities?


Please provide the source(s) of the percentage entered above: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. Please provide a brief description of your center’s Student Government Association (e.g., How does SGA operate? What prerequisites, if any, are there for holding office? How are officers elected or selected? What interactions does SGA have with center management? What are the job titles of staff members’ involved with the SGA?) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. What kinds of leadership training or preparation does your center offer? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]

Social and interpersonal skills

Goal setting and prioritization

Parliamentary procedure and rules of holding meetings

Conflict resolution

Public speaking

Other (Specify _____________)

  1. The leadership training or preparation opportunities are:

Open to all interested students

Only limited to SGA members or candidates.

General Training Practices

  1. During Career Development Period (CDP), what proportion of students’ normal waking hours do they typically spend participating in each of the following activities?

  1. In academic instruction ________%

  2. In CTT training ________%

  3. In other instruction ________%

  4. In structured after-hours leisure time learning activities ________%

  5. In other structured after-hours activities ________%

  6. In Career Technical Skills Training (CTST) activities ________%

  7. In recreation or leisure time ________%

  8. Other: ________%

(Please specify)________________________________________________________


  1. What other courses or areas of instruction are offered? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]


Information Technology

Driver’s Education

Career Success Standards

Conflict Resolution

CTST projects


(Please specify)________________________________________________________


None of the above

  1. What innovative policies, processes or practices do staff members implement to get a student through academic and/or CTT programs successfully?


  1. Approximately how frequently are the following activities scheduled at your center to ensure the integration and alignment of academics and CTT?

Weekly or More Often

Every Two Weeks


Less Often than Monthly

Not Scheduled

  1. Staff lesson planning time involving both academic and CTT instructors

  1. CTT and academic integration activities

  1. Staff cross-training

  1. Cross-department staff panels for evaluating student progress

  1. Staff or management work groups on curriculum coordination

  1. Other (specify ________)

  1. What type of scheduling system does your center use?

Week CTT and week academic

Combined CTT and academic (set weekly schedule)

Mixed (Please specify: ____________________________________)

Cohort (lock-step)

  1. Does your center adjust the schedule and distribution of academic and CTT instruction individually for each student?

Yes (Please describe how: ____________________________________________)


  1. Do you think your system for scheduling CTT and academic activities and for individualizing the mix of classes is effective?

Yes (Please describe why: _________________________________________)

No (Please describe why not: ______________________________________)

Career Technical Training Programs

  1. Please describe the process(es) at your center for selecting which CTT program it will offer, including the groups or individuals involved in the decision-making, what information is reviewed and its source(s), what analyses are conducted (if any), and how the decision is finalized.


  1. Please list each CTT program offered at your center and rate on a scale of 1 to 5 (where 1 is ALWAYS, 2 is VERY OFTEN, 3 is SOMETIMES, 4 is RARELY, and 5 is NEVER) the extent to which the each of the CTT programs offered at your center does the following:

Program Offered at Your Center

Align with Your Students’ Career Interests

Align with Your Students’ Abilities

Align with Local Labor Market Conditions

Align with Local Employers’ Needs

[Please enter name of CTT Program #1]

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

[Please enter name of CTT Program #2]

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

[Please enter name of CTT Program #3]

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

[Please enter name of CTT Program #4]

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

[Please enter name of CTT Program #5]

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

  1. Please explain why the mix of CTT programs at your center either meets or does not meet the needs of your students, and what evidence supports this.




  1. How often do you revisit the mix of programs offered?

Every year or more frequently

Every 2-5 years

Less frequently than every 5 years

  1. When did you last review your mix of CTT programs? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. How did the last review of your center’s CTT program offerings take place? Please describe the sequence of processes and the salient features of each as well as the participants and stakeholders involved. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. What, if any, changes were made following the review and why were they made? Please describe. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. How do you determine whether to offer programs on center, through a National Training Contractor (NTC), or through other sources?




  1. Do you refer students to training programs offered in the community?.

Yes (Please specify how many and to what programs (provider and occupation), and briefly discuss the experience, successes and challenges) ______________________________________________________________________

No (Please specify why not: ______________________________________________)

  1. Please indicate how difficult the following CTT program-related processes are at your center:

Very Difficult


Neither Difficult nor Easy


Very Easy

Cannot Judge (specify below why)

  1. Adding a CTT program

  1. Discontinuing a CTT program

  1. Modifying a curriculum for a CTT program

  1. Modifying the number of slots in a CTT program

Specify why you feel you cannot judge the item(s) checked above (if applicable): ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. What kind of career interest assessment tools are you using? With whom do you use them and how would you characterize them?

Career Interest Assessment Tools Used


Rating of the Tool

  1. What types of career exploration activities does your center offer to incoming students? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]

Use of an assessment tool to measure career aptitude and interests

Assistance in developing career goals (please specify _____________________)

Career counseling

Assistance in developing a PCDP

Work place tours, job shadowing, or employer presentations

A visit (in person or online) to a One-Stop Career Center


(Please specify)______________________________________________________

  1. For each of the career exploration activities that your center provides to new students, please explain when and how the activity is provided, the frequency and duration of the activity (for example, the specific assessment tools used to measure career aptitudes and interests, when and how frequently the assessments occur, and how the results of these tools are used by staff members and students), and the percentage of students engaged.




  1. How are new students placed in a CTT program? Choose one:

Through a discussion between a student and a counselor/CTT manager, primarily based on student interest

Through a discussion between a student and a counselor/CTT manager, primarily based on the staff member’s recommendation

Primarily through an automatic algorithm, based on slot availability

Primarily through an automatic algorithm, based on assessment results (Please discuss the type and nature of assessment _______________________________)


(Please specify)______________________________________________________

  1. Generally, within how many weeks after arriving at the center do new students begin CTT instruction? [CHECK ONE]

Within 1 week of arrival

Within 2 weeks of arrival

Within 4 weeks of arrival

Within 6 weeks of arrival

More than 6 weeks after arrival

  1. Do any students enroll in more than one CTT program?

Yes (Please specify why, if the assignments are consecutive or concurrent, and for approximately what percentage of students this is the case): ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


  1. Approximately what percentage of students is currently waitlisted for a CTT program (on average across all training areas)?


Between 1% and 10%

Between 11% and 25%

Between 26% and 45%

Between 46% and 60%

More than 60%

Please indicate the source(s) of your response to this question: ______________________________________________________________________

  1. How long does it usually take a waitlisted student to enter a CTT program (on average across all programs)?

1-2 weeks

3-4 weeks

5-8 weeks

9-12 weeks

More than 12 weeks

  1. For each CTT program at your center that currently has a waiting list, please list the name of the program and the average waiting time:

Name of CTT Program

Average Waiting Time for Students to Enter Program (# of days)

_________ days

_________ days

_________ days

  1. If there is a wait list for a student’s first-choice CTT program, the student is usually: [CHECK ONE]

Encouraged to enter another trade in place of his or her first-choice CTT

Encouraged to enter another trade until a slot opens for his or her first-choice CTT

Placed in non-CTT training classes until a slot opens for his or her first-choice CTT


(Please specify)_________________________________________________________


  1. Are there academic or other prerequisites for any of your CTT programs?

Yes (Please specify for which CTT programs, and provide details about the academic or other prerequisites, including reasons for their existence): ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


  1. If a student does not meet the academic prerequisites for a CTT program, typically the student: [CHECK ONE]

Is encouraged to enter another trade where the academic prerequisites are already met

Enters the CTT program and simultaneously enters academic classes (e.g., remedial or developmental instruction)

Is required to complete remedial academic classes before entering the CTT program


(Please specify)________________________________________________________


  1. Please explain under what circumstances a student may not enroll in a CTT program within the first 60 days of arrival.




  1. What number and percent of students who arrived at your center during the past program year did not enroll in a CTT program within their first 60 days on center?

Number: _________

Percent: __________%

  1. Across all of the CTT areas and programs currently offered at your center, how many CTT programs are provided?

    1. On-center by the center: ________

    2. On-center by NTCs: ________

    3. Off-center: ________

    4. Other: ________

    5. Total number of CTT areas and programs offered at your center: ________

If a number was provided for “Other”, please provide details about the providers and locations) :_____________________________________________________________



  1. Using a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is Strongly Agree and 5 is Strongly Disagree, please indicate to what extent the following statements apply to CTT programs provided by your center: (Note: If needed, please consult with center staff members in answering this question)

Strongly Agree




Neither Agree nor Disagree




Strongly Disagree


Not Applicable

  1. Sufficient training-related materials and equipment are available in the classroom and CTT facilities.

  1. CTT facilities and training-related equipment are in good repair and adequate to ensure that training students receive meets current industry standards.

  1. Ample opportunities are provided for students to attain industry certification, licensure or pre-apprentice status.

  1. Sufficient instructors are available to meet the required student-to-teacher ratio for instructional and training activities.

  1. Students are offered opportunities and time for project-based learning activities.

  1. There is adequate industry and community input into the curriculum and materials.

  1. CTT and academic instructors collaborate in lesson planning and career technical and academic integration activities.

  1. Using a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is Strongly Agree and 5 is Strongly Disagree, indicate your opinions on the following statements for CTT programs provided by NTCs:

Strongly Agree




Neither Agree nor Disagree




Strongly Disagree


Not Applicable

  1. Sufficient training-related materials and equipment are available in the classroom and CTT facilities.

  1. CTT facilities and training-related equipment are in good repair and equivalent and relevant to current industry standards.

  1. Ample opportunities are provided for students to attain industry certification, licensure or pre-apprentice status.

  1. Sufficient instructors are available to meet the required student-to-teacher ratio for instructional and training activities.

  1. Students are offered opportunities and time for project-based learning activities.

  1. There is adequate industry and community input into the curriculum and materials.

  1. CTT and academic instructors collaborate in lesson planning and career technical and academic integration activities.

  1. Using a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is Strongly Agree and 5 is Strongly Disagree, indicate your opinions on the following statements for CTT programs provided off-center:

Strongly Agree




Neither Agree nor Disagree




Strongly Disagree


Data Not Available

  1. Sufficient training-related materials and equipment are available in the classroom and CTT facilities.

  1. CTT facilities and training-related equipment are in good repair and equivalent and relevant to current industry standards.

  1. Ample opportunities are provided for students to attain industry certification, licensure or pre-apprentice status.

  1. Sufficient instructors are available to meet the required student-to-teacher ratio for instructional and training activities.

  1. Students are offered opportunities and time for project-based learning activities.

  1. There is adequate industry and community input into the curriculum and materials.

  1. CTT and academic instructors collaborate in lesson planning and career technical and academic integration activities.

  1. Are the requirements necessary for the attainment of industry-recognized credentials integrated within the CTT instruction for every CTT program offered at your center? In other words, for each CTT program offered, can students simultaneously work toward attaining an industry-recognized credential in the program’s field(s) while working toward the completion of the CTT program? [CHECK ONE]

Yes, for every CTT program

No, it is for some but not every CTT program

(Please specify for which ones it is or is not integrated)


No, it is not integrated into any of our CTT programs

  1. What proportion of CTT completers from your center participate in the following activities?


1% - 24%

25% - 49%

50% - 74%

75% - 100%

  1. Job shadowing opportunities

  1. On-the-job, work-based learning opportunities

  1. Center-based learning opportunities

  1. Other opportunities for real-world job experience (e.g., internships, apprenticeships)

  1. Does your center offer students access to an Advanced Training (AT) program, either on- or off-center?



  1. What percentage of students who actually apply to an AT program offered by your center meet the program’s entry criteria? ______%

  1. What percentage of your students go to AT programs outside your center? ______%

  1. Where do students going to AT programs outside your center typically go, and what subjects do they study? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. What prerequisites does your center or the AT program impose? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. For students going to AT programs outside your center, please discuss those students’ success and completion rates. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. In considering how AT is handled by the existing performance measure system, does this influence the management or flow of students to AT? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. What processes are in place at your center:

          1. For staff members to recognize and remedy student learning difficulties in their CTT program?


          1. When a student is unable to meet all the requirements of their CTT program successfully?


  1. What measures of success or performance does the center employ for CTT programs? How are they collected, used, and publicized?

Academic Instruction

  1. How is academic instruction (e.g., reading, math, GED preparation, high school classes, applied academic skills training, ESL classes) offered to your students? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]

Through on-center instruction

Through off-center instruction

Through online instruction

  1. Students are enrolled in academics at your center:

Only if they do not have a GED or high school diploma at entry

Only if they test below 567 in the Reading component and/or below 566 on the Math component of the Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE)

Only if they test at or below 552 in the Reading component and/or at 551 on the Math component of the TABE

All students are enrolled in academics


(Please specify)______________________________________________________

  1. What processes are in place at your center:

  1. For staff members to recognize and remedy student learning difficulties in their academic program?


  1. When a student is unable to progress in his or her academic program successfully?


Center Management Practices and Leadership

  1. Explain what processes are in place at your center to obtain and incorporate student feedback about center management.


  1. Explain what processes are in place at your center to obtain and incorporate staff members’ feedback about center management. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. The table below lists different aspects of your role as Center Director. From the list below, please select the three roles you feel are most important and rank them in the order of importance.

Most Important

2nd Most Important

3rd Most Important

    1. Ensuring compliance with Job Corps policies

    1. Maintaining student safety

    1. Ensuring student learning

    1. Building and maintaining community relationships

    1. Identifying or offering professional development opportunities for staff members

    1. Inspiring staff members

    1. Inspiring students

    1. Setting goals

    1. Other

(Please specify)__________________


  1. On average, how frequently does your center’s Regional Office Project Manager communicate or interact with you and other center staff members? [CHECK ONE]


Every few days


Every two weeks


(Please specify)________________________________________________________

Staff-Focused Management and Evaluation Practices

  1. How have you attempted to create a positive working climate at your center? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]

I hold regular meetings with all my staff to provide policy and management updates

I hold regular meetings with my Management or Administrative Team to provide policy and management updates

I meet personally with every new staff member to communicate specific expectations for performance

I review all performance appraisals every year and provide comments to managers

I routinely provide positive feedback to staff, outside of their performance appraisal, either through face-to-face meetings or written communications, to express my appreciation on a specific achievement or their overall performance

I ensure that the center’s goals, mission and expectations for staff are visibly posted on-center

Please specify where on center: ________________________________________

I have regular office “open-door” hours where staff can walk in to discuss any issues or concerns they may have.

I receive at least two staff members not directly reporting to me every week in my office on a walk-in basis

I hold at least one special event per year (e.g., holiday party, staff appreciation day, recognition lunch/dinner) for all staff members to attend

I provide a formal process for staff members to share their ideas with me and colleagues

Please specify the process: ______________________________________________________________________

I require staff members to hold regular inter-departmental meetings to encourage collaboration and trust between staff

For major center-level decisions, I assign a committee composed of staff members to provide input or recommendations in the decision-making process


(Please specify)______________________________________________________

  1. What do you do to ensure that you are perceived as a reliable leader? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. How do you work to ensure that you are seen as collegial? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. As the Center Director, please indicate how often during a typical work week you interact with the following individuals or groups:

Never/ Almost Never

Once a Week

A Few Times a Week

One Time a Day

Several Times a Day

  1. Center operator

  1. Regional Project Manager

  1. Center Management staff

  1. Academic and CTT Instructors

  1. Students

  1. Community Relations Council, Industry Council, Workforce Investment Boards (WIBs), and other community groups

  1. Staff at other Job Corps Centers

  1. Other

(Please specify) __________________

  1. What are your procedures for addressing staff members’ grievances?


  1. On average, how frequently are formal performance reviews or appraisals conducted for center staff? [CHECK ONE]




Less often than annually


(Please specify)_____________________________________________________

  1. How is ongoing performance feedback provided? Please include descriptions of any policies or procedures related to ongoing performance assessment and feedback, and any structured class observations and similar practices utilized. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. Are there different formal performance review or appraisal periods for staff in different job categories?

Yes (please describe)_________________________________________________


  1. What measures are included in the performance appraisal system for academic instructors? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]

Performance of individual students in academics (e.g., percent of students achieving Math TABE benchmark of 566 or higher, percent of students attaining a high school diploma)

Student retention rates (e.g., AWOL rates, 30/45 day Level 1 zero tolerance (ZT) rates, 90 day enrollment rates)

Percent of students who enter an Advanced Training (AT) or Advanced Career Training (ACT) program

OMS Performance Rating (actual performance against the goal) on specific measures (e.g., average math learning gain, HSD/GED attainment rate, Job Training Match (JTM)/Post-secondary Credit (PSC) placement)

OMS Performance Ranking (how the performance rate compares to other centers) on specific measures (e.g., average reading learning gain, former enrollee initial placement)

Other initial placement metrics (e.g., Percent of students who enter an initial placement within 30 days of separation; percent of students who enter a Post-secondary education program)

Overall Center OMS Performance (actual performance against the goal)

Overall Center OMS Performance Ranking (how the performance rate compares to other centers)


(Please specify)__________________________________________________________

  1. What measures are included in the performance appraisal system for CTT instructors? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]

Performance of individual students in the CTT program according to staff’s instructional area (e.g., percent of student completing 80% or more of the TAR, percent of students completing project-based training or CTST)

Student retention rates (e.g., AWOL rates, 30/45 day Level 1 ZT rates, 90 day enrollment rates)

Percent of students who enter an AT or ACT program related to the instructor’s training area

Percent of students who complete WBL related to the instructor’s training area

OMS Performance Rates (actual performance against the goal) on specific measures related to staff’s CTT program instructional area (e.g., CTT completion, full-time job placement)

OMS Performance Ranking (how the performance rate compares to other centers) on specific measures related to staff’s CTT program instructional area (e.g., credential attainment, follow-up 6 month placement)

Other initial placement metrics (e.g., Percent of students who enter an initial placement within 30 days of separation; percent of students who enter an apprenticeship program)

Overall Center OMS Performance (actual performance against the goal)

Overall Center OMS Performance Ranking (how the performance rate compares to other centers)


(Please specify)_______________________________________________

  1. Are specific OMS measures used as indicators in the performance appraisals for management staff?



If yes, please specify:


  1. Are specific OMS measures used as indicators in the performance appraisals for non-instructor line staff?



If yes, please specify:


  1. What activities does your center have in place to inculcate its values and philosophy among staff? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]

Staff assembly(ies)

Written materials

As part of orientation

Guest speakers

Other (Specify ____)

  1. In cases where there has been unacceptable behavior by a staff person as defined in your center’s Employee Handbook which of the following sanctions are available to your center? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]

Verbal reprimand

Written reprimand

Corrective action plan (e.g., counseling, training)

Temporary suspension



(Please specify)___________________________________________________

  1. Please describe the disciplinary process for your center staff.


Staffing Levels and Vacancies and Staff Hiring Practices

  1. Please provide your best estimates of the number of 1) FTEs you currently have employed under each of the following key positions, 2) the number of these staff members that at least have the experience, education level and/or credentials listed next to their position, as shown below, and 3) your current staff-to-student ratio for each position.

Staff Position

Level of Experience/ Education/ Credentialing

Number of FTEs

Number of FTEs Meeting the Experience/ Education/ Credentials Listed for Staff Position

Staff to Student Ratio

    1. Academic Instructor

Teaching Certification

1: ____

    1. CTT Instructor

Certification, licensure or accreditation in state

1: ____

    1. Residential Advisor


1: ____

    1. Senior Residential Advisor

HSD/GED + 1 year experience with youth

1: ____

    1. Residential Manager

Post-secondary degree + 2 years experience with youth

1: ____

    1. Counselor

Bachelor’s Degree + 1 year experience in counseling

1: ____

    1. Senior Counselor or Supervisor

Bachelor’s Degree + 2 years experience in counseling

1: ____

    1. Recreation Specialist

Associate of Arts Degree OR 1 year experience with youth

1: ____

    1. Registered Nurse

Registered Nurse

1: ____

    1. Licensed Practical Nurse

Licensed Practical Nurse

1: ____

    1. Mental Health Consultant

Licensed Psychiatrist, Clinical Psychologist or Psychiatric Social Worker

1: ____

    1. Physician

Licensed in state

1: ____

    1. Dentist or Hygienist

Licensed in state

1: ____

    1. Trainee Employee Assistance Program (TEAP) Specialist

Certified in state

1: ____

  1. For each of the following in the table below, please enter your best estimates of the 1) number of FTEs that were vacant for more than three months and 2) total number of FTEs for these positions at your center during PY 2010:

# Vacant FTEs for >3 Months

Total # FTEs

    1. FTE center management staff positions

    1. FTE academic and CTT instructor positions

    1. FTE residential staff positions

    1. FTE counselor positions

    1. FTE health and wellness staff positions

  1. In your opinion, are any of the following barriers to filling vacant staff positions at your center? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]

Salary range offered for the position

Benefits offered for the position

Hiring criteria do not easily identify applicants with the right qualifications or experience

Hiring criteria do not easily identify applicants with a commitment to serving youth

Application and interview process is too laborious for applicants

Location with few suitable candidates

Poor reputation of the center or the program

IT or HR systems


(Please specify)______________________________________________________

None of the above

  1. Please indicate the extent to which the following items are barriers in retaining quality staff at your center:

Not a Barrier

Somewhat of a Barrier

Major Barrier

  1. Salary offered

  1. Benefits offered

  1. Minimum staff qualifications or experience needed

  1. Work schedule or hours

  1. Work culture

  1. Student conduct

  1. Personal safety

  1. Other

(Please specify) ___________________

  1. When interviewing to hire a new academic or CTT instructor, please explain how you determine whether a candidate is an effective instructor. What specific information and documents are reviewed, and what credentials, experience, qualities and attributes are considered desirable in the successful candidate? How do you establish if a specific candidate has these attributes? Discuss the interview process and what it involves.


Staff Support Services and Practices

  1. During the first 90 days of employment, staff members are provided with: [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]

New staff orientation

Introductory staff training

Specific training in conflict management and resolution

Professional development opportunities

Peer-to-peer learning opportunities

Opportunities for career advancement or promotions

Other professional opportunities

Information regarding procedures for filing grievances

Staff mentoring

Off-center training


(Please specify) ________________________________________________________

None of the above

  1. Which of the following examples of support and training do academic and CTT instructors receive? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]

Staff mentoring by more experienced instructors

Ongoing formal training in instructional strategies and methods (in-house)

Training in instructional strategies and methods (off-site through conferences, coursework, etc.)

Ongoing formal training in their specific content area(s) (in-house)

Training in specific content area(s) (off-site through conferences, coursework, etc.)

Peer-to-peer learning opportunities

Professional development opportunities to remain current in their field

Feedback from supervisors based upon classroom observations

Encouragement to try new approaches and strategies

Other instructional support


(Please specify) ________________________________________________________

None of the above

  1. What processes or procedures are in place to improve instructor performance in areas identified as weak, either through informal evaluations or through performance appraisals? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]

Performance improvement plans to improve instructor performance

Training in instructional strategies, methods and/or specific content area(s)

Mentoring by more experienced instructors

Specific feedback and strategies to improve performance from supervisors


(please specify)__________________________________________________________


  1. Please detail the components of these processes or procedures to improve instructor performance and explain how these are implemented at your center.


  1. For which of the following do staff members work in cross-departmental teams? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]

Evaluating student progress

Developing student PCDPs

Planning the integration of service delivery


(Please specify) ________________________________________________________

None of the above

  1. Approximately how frequently does a typical staff member participate in the following types of meetings?

Weekly or More Often

Every Two Weeks


Less Often than Monthly

Never/ Almost Never

  1. Inter-department staff meetings

  1. Intra-department staff meetings

  1. Curriculum planning sessions

  1. Evaluation of Student Progress panels

  1. Integration of academic and CTT service delivery meetings

  1. Project planning meetings

  1. Meetings to plan recreational, leisure or other after-hours activities

  1. Other meetings (Please specify):



(If the actual frequencies for the different types of meetings listed above do not match well with the categories provided, please specify):



  1. In addition to face-to-face meetings, what other methods are available for staff to communicate with each other? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]




Instant messaging


Blogs or twitter

Conference calls or video conferencing


(Please specify)________________________________________________________

  1. On average, how frequently do center academic and CTT staff typically interact with students outside the classroom in the following settings?



Every Two Weeks


Do Not Know

  1. Recreational or leisure activities

  1. Volunteer or community service activities

  1. Competitive sports or athletic activities

  1. Art or cultural activities

  1. SGA or other leadership activities

  1. Tutoring or mentoring activities

  1. Participation in councils or organizations (e.g., Industry Council, Community Relations Council, Student Government Association)

  1. Other settings

(Please specify):



  1. Which best describes how management staff members typically interact with line (non-management) staff members? [CHECK ONE]

Within a structured process (e.g., regular meetings)

On an ad hoc basis (e.g., “open door” policy)

In the work setting or during center director rounds

During staff evaluations

For disciplinary purposes

  1. On average, how frequently do management staff members tend to interact or communicate with students on an informal basis (i.e., other than during scheduled meetings)?


Every few days


Every two weeks


(Please specify)_____________________________________________________

  1. Typically, how frequently do center management staff members tour the center or walk around the classrooms, dining facilities or dorms while students are present?






(Please specify)_____________________________________________________

Use of Community Resources and Support Systems

  1. Is the staff position of a Business and Community Liaison (BCL) currently filled at your center?



  1. How successful has your BCL been at establishing partnerships with local and distant employers to promote and provide job opportunities for students at your center? [CHECK ONE]

Extremely Successful

Very Successful

Moderately Successful

Slightly Successful

Not at All Successful

  1. In PY 2010, approximately what percentage of graduate job placements was with employers with whom your BCL has established partnerships? ____________%

  1. In PY 2010, for which of the following did your center Industry Council provide you with specific recommendations? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]

Suggestions for appropriate CTT training for your center

Improvements or enhancements for your CTT programs

Identifying job opportunities for your students


(Please specify)______________________________________________________

None of the above

  1. Which types of resources, services, and partnership linkages do you have at your center? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]

Partnerships with social service agencies, One-Stop Career Centers and other organizations to promote referrals for the center

Partnerships with Industry Councils, Workforce Investment Boards, youth councils, and local businesses that provide input and knowledge on the latest industry practices, requirements, and job opportunities for your center

Partnerships with State Health Departments, local health agencies and wellness programs that provide health and wellness services for your center

Partnerships with academic training programs, high school programs, community colleges, and/or other organizations that offer mentoring and tutoring services for students

Partnerships with community colleges, state vocational rehabilitation agencies, and other vocational training programs

Partnerships with social service agencies and local child care programs

Partnerships with local businesses and organizations that provide opportunities to students for job shadowing, on-the-job training, and/or work-based learning

Partnerships with One-Stop Career Centers, career services and job placement programs, and other WIA partners


(Please specify)______________________________________________________

None of the above

  1. Please identify the three organizations with which you have the strongest partnerships and describe how these organizations support your center.


  1. In which of the following areas do your established resources, services, and partnership linkages help provide required services to your students that are not currently provided by your center? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]

Health care

Academic training (e.g., ESL, high school courses, GED courses)



(Please specify)________________________________________________________

None of the above

  1. In what ways are local and community resources, partners and services leveraged to enhance or add to the services provided at your center?


  1. Does your center create opportunities for students to interact with community members through any of the following? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]

A Community Relations Council

Community service activities or volunteer opportunities

Group projects that benefit the local community

Joint center and community recreational, athletic and/or leisure activities


(Please specify)________________________________________________________

None of the above

Use of Performance Management System Information

  1. Which of the following center staff members typically analyze and use the OMS actual performance results available to them? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]

Management or Administration staff

Academic Instructors

CTT Instructors

Other Academic and CTT staff

Residential staff


Other Support Staff

None of the above

  1. On average, how frequently are the OMS performance results analyzed and used by center management staff members?






(Please specify)________________________________________________________

  1. For what purpose and in what way are the OMS performance results used by the center management staff members?


  1. On average, how frequently are the OMS performance results analyzed and used by center line staff members (e.g., instructors, residential staff, counselors)?






(Please specify)________________________________________________________

  1. For what purpose and in what way are the OMS actual performance results used by the center line staff members?


  1. Select the three center OMS measures you regard as most important.

Average Literacy Gains

Average Numeracy Gains

HSD/GED Attainment Rate

CTT Completion Rate

Combination HSD/GED and CTT Attainment Rate

Industry Recognized Credential Attainment Rate

JTM/Post-secondary Credit Initial Placement Rate

Former Enrollee Initial Placement Rate

Graduate Initial Placement Rate

Graduate Average Hourly Rate at Initial Placement

Graduate Full-time Job Placement Rate

Graduate 6-month Follow-up Placement Rate

Graduate 6-month Follow-up weekly earnings

Graduate 12-month Follow-up Placement Rate

  1. Please explain why you consider the three selected measures to be the most important.


  1. Are there measures that are not included in the OMS that you use to monitor the center’s progress?


(Please specify the measures) ____________________________________________


  1. Explain how and why you use these non-OMS measures to monitor the center’s progress


  1. Is information provided to management staff members showing the association between their daily activities and the center’s OMS performance?


(Please specify)________________________________________________________


  1. Is information provided to line staff members showing the association between their daily activities and the center’s OMS performance?


(Please specify)________________________________________________________


  1. Are center management staff members expected to monitor the center’s performance?



  1. Are center line staff members expected to keep track of the center’s performance in the area related to their job duties?



  1. If center performance begins to decline on any of the OMS measures, are there identified procedures or actions for center staff to follow?



  1. Please describe any procedures or actions center staff follows to address a decline in performance on measures related to:

  1. Academic performance (GED/HSD completion and average literacy and numeracy gains):


  1. CTT-related performance (CTT completion and industry-recognized credential attainment):


  1. Initial placement performance (graduate and former enrollee initial placement, graduate full-time job placement, JTM/PSC placement, and graduate average hourly wage):


  1. Long-term placement performance (graduate 6-month and 12-month follow-up placements and graduate 6-month follow-up earnings):


  1. Are center staff members eligible for incentive payments, bonuses, or other benefits depending upon the center’s OMS performance results?



  1. What specific activities does your center take to increase positive outcomes related to:

    1. Direct Center Service measures (GED/HSD completion, CTT completion, combination CTT-GED/HSD attainment, average literacy and numeracy gains, and industry-recognized credential attainment)?


    1. Short-term Placement measures (graduate and former enrollee initial placement, graduate full-time job placement, JTM/PSC placement, and graduate average hourly wage)?


    1. Long-term Placement measures (graduate 6-month and 12-month follow-up placements and graduate 6-month follow-up earnings)?


Corporate Management Practices

  1. How frequently do management, executive or other monitoring staff members from your center operator visit your center to:





Every Other Year

    1. Conduct a monitoring visit or center review

    1. Conduct a routine update visit

    1. Provide assistance with policy, procedures or service delivery

    1. Provide training

    1. Conduct interviews and participate in hiring decisions

    1. Other:

(Please specify)______


  1. Which of the following services or types of assistance does your center operator provide to your center? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]

Guidance in the development or revision of Standard Operating Procedures, Career Development Services System (CDSS) plans, Quality Assurance (QA) plans, or other Job Corps required plans

Assistance in developing strategies, internal controls, and management policies to maintain or improve service delivery

Assistance in developing policies, processes, and procedures for financial, procurement, and property management

Assistance with training requirements for center staff, curricula and delivery

Assistance with hiring, professional development, and personnel management

Assistance with setting performance goals

Assistance with selecting training programs (e.g., through labor market analysis)


(Please specify)______________________________________________________

None of the above

  1. Does your center operator provide any additional resources, services or assistance that help with center operations, management practices, and/or distribution of financial resources, or in any other way benefit your center and your students?



  1. Please describe these resources, services or assistance provided by your center operator and their effects on your center.


  1. Please describe the management practices and information your center operator uses to identify weaknesses in:

    1. Center leadership and management (e.g., fiscal, operational, policy, operations)


    1. Academics (e.g., instruction, resources, performance)


    1. CTT (e.g., instruction, resources, performance)


    1. Staffing (e.g., number, quality, resources)


    1. Overall center performance


1 ETA and the IMPAQ team expect this instrument to undergo some modification following the site visits in order to allow gathering information on practices that are identified as potentially significant. As noted in the supporting statement, we will then seek a non-substantive change to the Office of Management and Budget clearance.


File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleA Survey of Job Corps Centers
Last Modified ByNaradzay.Bonnie
File Modified2012-06-06
File Created2012-06-06

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