Attachment P -- Semi-structured Interview Respondent Materials

Attachment P -- Semi-structured Interview Respondent Materials.doc

Evaluation of ARRA Comparative Effectiveness Research Dissemination Contractor Efforts

Attachment P -- Semi-structured Interview Respondent Materials

OMB: 0935-0191

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Attachment P

Semi-structured Interview Respondent Materials

Recruitment Phone Script

<Insert Date>

Dear <Insert Name>

Good morning/Good afternoon. My name is <insert name> from IMPAQ International, LLC and I am calling to follow-up to see if you received our E-mail inviting you to participate in an interview for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s evaluation of awareness, knowledge, benefits, and use of Patient Centered Outcomes Research (PCOR) project. The purpose of this discussion is to gather feedback from you on your and your organization’s <Agency’s> experience and awareness of PCOR and the AHRQ’s Effective Healthcare Program.

Will you be able to participate in a call with us?

If the participant indicates he/she is not interested in being interviewed…

<Is there someone else from your organization that you think would be valuable for us to speak with?>

If the answer is “Yes” < Great! Can we have the spelling and contact information for that person?>

If the answer is “No” <Thank you. We appreciate your time. This is a very exciting project, so if your schedule changes and you are able to speak with us, or if you think there would be an opportunity to speak with someone else, please contact me at or 443-718-4356.

If the participant indicates he/she is interested in being interviewed…

That is great. Let’s try to schedule something now. Please let me know what date/time would be convenient for you within the next <insert timeframe>. We will call you at <insert participant’s phone number> on that <insert date and time>.

In preparation for the interview, we will forward you an Informed Consent form that you need to read, sign, and mail or email to me at <insert email and address> by <insert date>. A self-addressed stamped envelope is included for your convenience.

If you have any questions, please call me at 443.718.4356 or E-mail me at An IMPAQ team member will call you the day before the interview to remind you of that the interview will be held the following day and confirm that we have received your signed informed consent.

In advance, thank you for your time and participation.


Camellia Bollino

IMPAQ International, LLC

Recruitment Letter

<insert date>

<insert address>

Dear <insert name>

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is conducting an exciting evaluation of the knowledge, use, awareness, and benefits of Patient Centered Outcomes Research (PCOR) among multiple audiences.

PCOR is designed to help patients and doctors work together to make informed health-care decisions by providing evidence on the effectiveness, benefits, and harms of different treatment options. This evidence is generated from research studies that compare drugs, medical devices, tests, surgeries, or ways to deliver health care. The Effective Health Care Program (EHCP) funds individual researchers, research centers, and academic organizations to work together with the AHRQ to produce PCOR for clinicians, consumers, and policymakers. The EHCP generates new scientific evidence, reviews existing scientific evidence, and compiles the findings of this evidence into reports on original research, research reviews, and summary guides.

We received your name from AHRQ as someone representing a <purchaser or business health care decision maker>, <a health care provider or systems decisionmaker>, or <health care policymaker>. As part of the evaluation, we would like to talk to you for approximately one hour about PCOR and shared decision-making. This input will help us provide critical guidance to AHRQ in strategizing the best way to increase knowledge and use of its EHCP and PCOR. Our ability to understand how AHRQ’s research for shared decision-making reaches its audience and how they use the information is important to AHRQ’s mission of improving the quality, safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of health care for all Americans.

AHRQ has selected IMPAQ International, LLC and Battelle Memorial Institute to conduct this evaluation. IMPAQ is a social science and policy research firm based in Columbia, MD. Battelle is the world’s largest nonprofit independent research and development organization, with a large Center for Public Health Research and Evaluation.

Your responses will be kept confidential to the extent permitted by law, including AHRQ’s confidentiality statute, 42 USC 299c-3(c). Information gathered through the interview will not be reported in any way that can be attributed to individual participants or their affiliated organizations without their permission.

We will call you within the next three to five days to confirm your receipt of this letter and schedule your interview.

Thank you in advance for your participation. If you have any questions regarding AHRQ’s EHCP, PCOR, or this evaluation, please do not hesitate to contact me at or 443-718-4356. You can also learn more about these programs at


Camellia Bollino

IMPAQ International, LLC

Informed Consent Form

As part of a research study for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), IMPAQ International Inc. is conducting interviews to obtain opinions, experiences, and perceptions on Patient Centered Outcomes Research.

Before you participate in the interview, we would like you to understand your rights in the process and how what you share will be used. Please review the conditions listed below.

  • Your participation is totally voluntary.

  • Participation poses minimal risks to you. If you feel uncomfortable expressing your opinions and ideas you can choose not to answer any questions you do not want to answer. If you would like more information or would like to talk to someone about the topics, please let the moderator know.

  • Your name will not be used in any reports. We will be taking notes during the discussions about what was said and report aggregate responses and opinions. Summary information will be shared with the AHRQ.

  • You may discontinue participation at any time.

  • Any questions you have about this study will be answered before we begin the interview. Contact information is provided below for any questions that arise after your participation.

  • The interview will last about 1 hour.

  • The entire session will be audio taped for report writing and analysis purposes only. Tapes will not be released outside the team responsible for the evaluation.

Contact information: If you have any questions or concerns about your participation or have any questions about the study, please contact Camellia Bollino at 443.718.4356.

By signing this document you understand the above and agree to participate in this group.

Print your Name: ____________________________________ Date____________________

Sign your Name:___________________________________ Witness:___________________

Confirmation Letter

<Insert Date>

<Insert Address>

Dear <Insert Name>

Thank you for agreeing to participate in an interview on <insert date and time> for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s evaluation of awareness, knowledge, benefits, and use of Patient Centered Outcomes Research (PCOR) project. The purpose of this discussion is to gather feedback from you on your and your organization’s <Agency’s> experience and awareness of PCOR and its Effective Healthcare Program.

We will call you at <insert participant’s phone number> on <insert date and time>.

In preparation for the interview, I have included an Informed Consent form that you need to read, sign, and mail or email to me at <insert email and address> by <insert date>. A self-addressed stamped envelope is included for your convenience.

If you have any questions, please call me at 443.718.4356 or E-mail me at An IMPAQ team member will call you the day before the interview to remind you of that the interview will be held the following day and confirm that we have received your signed informed consent.

In advance, thank you for your time and participation.


Camellia Bollino

IMPAQ International, LLC

Reminder Phone Script

[To be used no more than 24 hours prior to the scheduled interview. If participant is not available, leave voice mail message and try back later.]

Hello, may I speak to <insert name>? Hi, my name is <insert name> and I work for IMPAQ International. I’m calling to remind you about the interview you agreed to participate in tomorrow at <insert time>. Are you still able to participate? Great! We will call you at <insert participant’s phone number> <Thank you for sending me your informed consent.> OR <In order to participate in the interview, I need a signed informed consent.> You can fax it to my attention at XXX-XXX-XXXX.

If for some reason you need to reschedule, or if you have any questions, please let me know. You can reach me at <insert number>.

We look forward to talking to you tomorrow.

Participant Thank You Letter

Dear [Participant Name],

Thank you for participating in the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s (AHRQ) Patient Centered Outcomes Research interview. We valued your time, and the information you shared will enhance our research.

Your input will help AHRQ improve its methods for communicating information to help expand the quality, safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of health care.

We appreciate your ongoing support of the Effective Health Care Program. You should be receiving your incentive in a few days.

Many thanks,

[Contact Person]


File Typeapplication/msword
Last Modified BySari Siegel
File Modified2011-11-28
File Created2011-11-25

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