Form NAHMS-235 Poultry 2010 - Company Questionnaire

Poultry 2010 Study


Poultry 2010 Study - Business

OMB: 0579-0364

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National Animal Health
Monitoring System
2150 Centre Ave Bldg B
Fort Collins, CO 80526
Animal and
Plant Health

Poultry 2010

Form Approved
OMB Number 0579-XXXX

Company Questionnaire


1. To describe overall poultry industry structure including movements from one segment of the
industry to the next.
2. To describe general company biosecurity policies.
Farm: A premises with one or more poultry house(s) under common management, including
company-owned and contract farms.
Flock: A group of birds housed together in one house and managed as a unit.
Primary breeder flock: A breeding flock that produces chicks/poults that will become breeding birds
(grandparent and higher).
Multiplier (parent) flock: A breeding flock that produces chicks/poults that will become broilers, table
egg layers, and market turkeys.
Breeder company: A company that owns only breeder flocks, and does not own any production

Type of company [Check one only.]
†1 Breeder [Go to section I.]
†2 Broiler [Go to section II.]
†3 Turkey [Go to section III.]
†4 Table egg layer [Go to section IV.]

Section I: Breeder
1. Type of breeder company: [Check one only.]
†1 Broiler breeders
†2 Layer breeders
†3 Turkey breeders

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to
resond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this
information collection is 0579-XXXX. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 0.5
hours per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and
complete and review the information collected.

May 2010

Important: For the following questions, include only farms that have hens and are located in the United
States. Farms that have hens as well as pullets and/or males are OK. EXCLUDE farms that have ONLY
cocks/toms and farms that have ONLY pullets.
2. How many of your company’s breeder farms are:
[Include only farms with hens; no pullet-only or cock/tom-only farms.]
a. Primary breeder [If none, enter 0.] ........................................................................

_____ farms

b. Multiplier/parent [If none, enter 0.] ........................................................................

_____ farms


_____ farms

Total [Add Items 2a–2b.] .......................................................................................

A. Primary Breeder Farms
The next questions refer only to primary breeder farms (Item 2a). If no primary breeder
farms, SKIP to Item 15.
3. How many of your company’s primary breeder farms are:
a. Company-owned? .................................................................................................

_____ farms

b. Contract?...............................................................................................................

_____ farms


_____ farms

Total [Add Items 3a–3b, should equal Item 2a.] ...................................................

4. How many of these primary breeder farms have the following bird types?
a. Pedigree (Elite/Foundation) only...........................................................................

_____ farms

b. Great-grandparent only .........................................................................................

_____ farms


Elite and other breeders........................................................................................

_____ farms

d. Great-grandparent and grandparent .....................................................................

_____ farms

e. Other (specify: ________________________________________) ....................

_____ farms


Total [Add Items 4a–4e, should equal Item 2a.] ...................................................

_____ farms

5. How many of your company’s primary breeder farms raise pullets on-farm?...........

_____ farms

6. How many of your company’s primary breeder farms received any birds
during the previous 12 months from:
[If a single farm received birds from more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Within the farm’s State? ........................................................................................

_____ farms

b. Outside the farm’s State but within the United States? ........................................

_____ farms


_____ farms

Outside the United States? ...................................................................................

[If Item 6c = 0, SKIP to Item 8.]


7. How many of these (Item 6c) primary breeder farms received birds from:
[If a single farm received birds from more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Canada?................................................................................................................

_____ farms

b. Mexico?.................................................................................................................

_____ farms


Central America/South America/Caribbean? ........................................................

_____ farms

d. Europe?.................................................................................................................

_____ farms

e. Asia? .....................................................................................................................

_____ farms


_____ farms

Other country? (specify: _______________________________) .......................

8. How many of your company’s primary breeder farms shipped any eggs
during the previous 12 months:
[If a single farm shipped eggs to more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Within the farm’s State? ........................................................................................

_____ farms

b. Outside the farm’s State but within the United States? ........................................

_____ farms


_____ farms

Outside the United States? ...................................................................................

[If Item 8c = 0, SKIP to Item 10.]
9. How many of these (Item 8c) primary breeder farms shipped eggs to:
[If a single farm shipped eggs to more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Canada?................................................................................................................

_____ farms

b. Mexico?.................................................................................................................

_____ farms


Central America/South America/Caribbean? ........................................................

_____ farms

d. Europe?.................................................................................................................

_____ farms

e. Asia? .....................................................................................................................

_____ farms


Other country? (specify: ___________________________) ...............................

_____ farms

10. What is the average length of time (in weeks) from placement to removal
for your company’s primary breeder flocks? .............................................................

_____ weeks

The next two questions ask about feed production and delivery.
11. During the previous 12 months, did any of the feed mills that produce
feed for your company’s primary breeder farms:
a. Produce feed for other companies?.....................................

†1 Yes †2 Don’t know †3 No

b. Produce feed for more than one species of poultry? ...........

†1 Yes †2 Don’t know †3 No


†1 Yes †2 Don’t know †3 No

Produce feed for other species besides poultry?.................


12. During the previous 12 months, did any of the vehicles that deliver
feed to your company’s primary breeder farms:
a. Deliver feed to farms in different stages of production
(within your company or to other companies) (e.g., same vehicle
delivers to laying farms and to pullet farms)? ......................

†1 Yes †2 Don’t know †3 No

b. Deliver feed to other companies? ........................................

†1 Yes †2 Don’t know †3 No


Deliver feed for more than one species of poultry? .............

†1 Yes †2 Don’t know †3 No

d. Deliver feed for other species besides poultry?...................

†1 Yes †2 Don’t know †3 No

The next two questions are for turkey primary breeders only.
13. How many of your company’s turkey primary breeder farms have
toms on the same farm as hens? ................................................................................

_____ farms

14. How many tom-only turkey primary breeder farms does your
company have (either company-owned or contract)? .................................................

_____ farms

B. Multiplier (Parent) Farms
The next questions refer only to multiplier (parent) farms (Item 2b).
If NO multiplier (parent) farms, SKIP to Item 24.
15. How many of your company’s multiplier (parent) farms are:
[Include only farms with hens; no pullet-only or cock/tom-only farms.]
a. Company owned? .................................................................................................

_____ farms

b. Contract?...............................................................................................................

_____ farms


Total [Add Items 15a–15b, should equal Item 2b.] ...............................................

_____ farms

16. How many of these multiplier (parent) farms raise pullets on-farm? .......................

_____ farms

17. How many of your company’s multiplier (parent) farms received any birds
during the previous 12 months from:
[If a single farm received birds from more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Within the farm’s State? ........................................................................................

_____ farms

b. Outside the farm’s State but within the United States? ........................................

_____ farms


_____ farms

Outside the United States? ...................................................................................

[If Item 17c = 0, SKIP to Item 19.]


18. How many of these (Item 17c) multiplier (parent) farms received birds from:
[If a single farm received birds from more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Canada?................................................................................................................

_____ farms

b. Mexico?.................................................................................................................

_____ farms


Central America/South America/Caribbean? ........................................................

_____ farms

d. Europe?.................................................................................................................

_____ farms

e. Asia? .....................................................................................................................

_____ farms


_____ farms

Other country? (specify: _________________________________) ...................

19. How many of your company’s multiplier (parent) farms shipped any eggs
during the previous 12 months:
[If a single farm shipped eggs to more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Within the farm’s State? ........................................................................................

_____ farms

b. Outside the farm’s State but within the United States? ........................................

_____ farms


_____ farms

Outside the United States? ...................................................................................

[If Item 19c = 0, SKIP to Item 21.]
20. How many of these (Item 19c) multiplier (parent) farms shipped eggs to:
[If a single farm shipped eggs to more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Canada?................................................................................................................

_____ farms

b. Mexico?.................................................................................................................

_____ farms


Central America/South America/Caribbean? ........................................................

_____ farms

d. Europe?.................................................................................................................

_____ farms

e. Asia? .....................................................................................................................

_____ farms


Other country? (specify: _________________________________) ...................

_____ farms

21. What is the average length of time (in weeks) from placement to removal for your
company’s multiplier (parent) flocks?........................................................................

_____ weeks

The next two questions ask about feed production and delivery.
22. During the previous 12 months, did any of the feed mills that
produce feed for your company’s multiplier (parent) farms:
a. Produce feed for other companies?.....................................

†1 Yes †2 Don’t know †3 No

b. Produce feed for more than one species of poultry? ...........

†1 Yes †2 Don’t know †3 No


†1 Yes †2 Don’t know †3 No

Produce feed for other species besides poultry?.................


23. During the previous 12 months, did any of the vehicles that
deliver feed to your company’s multiplier (parent) farms:
a. Deliver feed to farms in different stages of production
(e.g., same vehicle delivers to laying farms and
to pullet farms)? ...................................................................

†1 Yes †2 Don’t know †3 No

b. Deliver feed to other companies? ........................................

†1 Yes †2 Don’t know †3 No


Deliver feed for more than one species of poultry? .............

†1 Yes †2 Don’t know †3 No

d. Deliver feed for other species besides poultry?...................

†1 Yes †2 Don’t know †3 No

The next two questions are for turkey multipliers only.
24. How many of your company’s turkey multiplier (parent) farms have
toms on the same farm as hens? ................................................................................

_____ farms

25. How many tom-only turkey multiplier (parent) farms does your
company have (either company-owned or contract)? .................................................

_____ farms

C. Hatcheries
26. How many hatcheries are owned by your company?...........................................

_____ hatcheries

[If Item 26 = 0, SKIP to End.]
27 How many of these company-owned hatcheries hatched any eggs from
other companies or independent producers during the previous 12 months? .....

_____ hatcheries

28. How many of your company-owned hatcheries received any eggs
during the previous 12 months from:
[If a single hatchery received eggs from more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Within the hatchery’s State? ................................................................................. _____ hatcheries
b. Outside the hatchery’s State but within the United States?.................................. _____ hatcheries

Outside the United States? ................................................................................... _____ hatcheries

[If Item 28c = 0, SKIP to Item 30.]
29 How many of these (Item 28c) company-owned hatcheries received eggs from:
[If a single hatchery received eggs from more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Canada?................................................................................................................ _____ hatcheries
b. Mexico?................................................................................................................. _____ hatcheries

Central America/South America/Caribbean? ........................................................ _____ hatcheries

d. Europe?................................................................................................................. _____ hatcheries
e. Asia? ..................................................................................................................... _____ hatcheries

Other country? (specify: _________________________________) ................... _____ hatcheries


30. During the previous 12 months, how many of your company-owned hatcheries
supplied chicks/poults to:
a. Farms owned by or contracting with your company only? ............................

_____ hatcheries

b. Farms belonging to other companies or independent producers only?........

_____ hatcheries


Farms owned by or contracting with your company and other companies?..

_____ hatcheries

d. Total [Add Items 30a–30c; should equal Item 26.] .......................................

_____ hatcheries

31. How many of your company-owned hatcheries shipped any chicks/poults
during the previous 12 months:
[If a single hatchery shipped birds to more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Within the hatchery’s State? ................................................................................. _____ hatcheries
b. Outside the hatchery’s State but within the United States?.................................. _____ hatcheries

Outside the United States? ................................................................................... _____ hatcheries

[If Item 31 = 0, SKIP to End.]
32. How many of these (Item 31c) company-owned hatcheries shipped birds to:
[If a single hatchery shipped birds to more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Canada?................................................................................................................ _____ hatcheries
b. Mexico?................................................................................................................. _____ hatcheries

Central America/South America/Caribbean? ........................................................ _____ hatcheries

d. Europe?................................................................................................................. _____ hatcheries
e. Asia? ..................................................................................................................... _____ hatcheries

Other country? (specify: _________________________________) ................... _____ hatcheries

This completes the company questionnaire. Thank you for your participation.
Please complete a separate Breeder Farm Questionnaire for each Primary Breeder farm or Multiplier
(Parent) farm selected to participate in the Breeder Farm phase of the study.


Section II: Broiler Company
A. Broiler Production Farms
The following questions refer to your broiler production farms.
1. How many of your company’s broiler farms are:
a. Company-owned? .................................................................................................

_____ farms

b. Contract?...............................................................................................................

_____ farms


Total production farms [Add Items 1a–1b.] ...........................................................

_____ farms

2. How many of your company’s broiler farms have at least one house
designated organic (certified, USDA National Organic Program)? .............................

_____ farms

For the next questions, categorize your broiler production farms based on
the hatchery and parent farms that supplied the broiler chicks.
3. During the previous 12 months, how many of your company’s broiler farms
received chicks from the following types of multiplier (parent) farms?
[If a farm received chicks from more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Multiplier (parent) birds are owned by a primary breeder company .....................

_____ farms

b. Multiplier (parent) birds are owned by your company...........................................

_____ farms


Multiplier (parent) birds are owned by an independent
operation or another integrator .............................................................................

_____ farms

d. Other (specify:__________________________________) .................................

_____ farms

4. During the previous 12 months, how many of your company’s broiler farms
received broiler chicks from a multiplier (parent) farm located:
[If a farm received chicks from more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Within the farm’s State? ........................................................................................

_____ farms

b. Outside the farm’s State but within the United States? ........................................

_____ farms


_____ farms

Outside the United States? ...................................................................................

[If Item 4c = 0, SKIP to Item 6.]
5. How many of these (Item 4c) broiler farms received birds from a
multiplier (parent) farm located in:
[If a single farm received birds from more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Canada?................................................................................................................

_____ farms

b. Mexico?.................................................................................................................

_____ farms


Central America/South America/Caribbean? ........................................................

_____ farms

d. Europe?.................................................................................................................

_____ farms

e. Asia? .....................................................................................................................

_____ farms


_____ farms

Other country? (specify: _________________________________) ...................


6. During the previous 12 months, how many of your company’s broiler farms
received chicks from hatcheries that are:
[If a farm received chicks from more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Owned by a primary breeder company?...............................................................

_____ farms

b. Owned by your company? ....................................................................................

_____ farms


Independently owned (or owned by another integrator)? .....................................

_____ farms

d. Other? (specify: ____________________) ..........................................................

_____ farms

7. Which of the following best describes the vehicle most often used to bring
broiler chicks onto your company’s broiler farms during the previous 12 months?
[Check one only.]
†1 Vehicle is dedicated to a single farm
†2 Vehicle is dedicated to your company only
†3 Vehicle is also used on other companies’ farms or independent farms
†4 Other (specify: ___________________________________)
8. What is the average age (in weeks) when broilers are marketed or slaughtered? ...

_____ weeks

9. How many of your company’s broiler farms market any birds
via a live bird market? .................................................................................................

_____ farms

10. During the previous 12 months, how many of your company’s broiler farms
shipped any birds to a slaughter facility located:
[If a single farm shipped birds to more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Within the farm’s State? ........................................................................................

_____ farms

b. Outside the farm’s State but within the United States? ........................................

_____ farms


_____ farms

Outside the United States? ...................................................................................

[If Item 10c = 0, SKIP to Item 12.]
11. How many of these (Item 10c) broiler farms shipped birds to a slaughter facility in:
[If a single farm shipped birds to more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Canada?................................................................................................................

_____ farms

b. Mexico?.................................................................................................................

_____ farms


Central America/South America/Caribbean? ........................................................

_____ farms

d. Europe?.................................................................................................................

_____ farms

e. Asia? .....................................................................................................................

_____ farms


_____ farms

Other country? (specify: _________________________________) ...................


12. Which of the following best describes the vehicle most often used to transport
broilers to slaughter or market during the previous 12 months?
[Check one only.]
†1 Vehicle is dedicated to a single farm
†2 Vehicle is dedicated to your company only
†3 Vehicle is also used on other company’s farms or independent farms
†5 Other (specify: ____________________________________)
The next questions ask about clostridial dermatitis and infectious bursal
Disease (IBD) vaccination on broiler production farms.
13. How many of your company’s broiler farms have had severe, moderate,
slight, or no problem with clostridial dermatitis (gangrenous dermatitis)
during the previous 12 months?
a. Severe (nearly every flock, very high mortality) ...................................................

_____ farms

b. Moderate ...............................................................................................................

_____ farms


Slight (occasional, low mortality)...........................................................................

_____ farms

d. None......................................................................................................................

_____ farms

e. Total [Add Items 13a-13d; should equal Item 1c.] ................................................

_____ farms

14. Are broilers normally vaccinated for IBD? ............................................................

†1 Yes †3 No

[If Item 14 = No, SKIP to Item 17.]
15. What type of IBD vaccine is used for broilers?
Killed virus (Inactivated) ................................................................................

†1 Yes †3 No

b. Live virus ........................................................................................................

†1 Yes †3 No

Modified live virus...........................................................................................

†1 Yes †3 No

d. Recombinant ..................................................................................................

†1 Yes †3 No

Other (specify: ________________________) .............................................

†1 Yes †3 No




16. What delivery system is used for IBD vaccination of broilers?
a. Spray ..............................................................................................................

†1 Yes †3 No

b. Drinking water ................................................................................................

†1 Yes †3 No

Individual bird injection...................................................................................

†1 Yes †3 No

d. In ovo injection ...............................................................................................

†1 Yes †3 No

e. Other (specify: _________________________) ...........................................

†1 Yes †3 No



The next two questions ask about feed production and delivery.
17. During the previous 12 months, did any of the feed mills that produce
feed for this company’s broiler farms:
a. Produce feed for other companies?.....................................

†1 Yes †2 Don’t know †3 No

b. Produce feed for more than one species of poultry? ...........

†1 Yes †2 Don’t know †3 No


†1 Yes †2 Don’t know †3 No

Produce feed for other species besides poultry?.................

18. During the previous 12 months, did any of the vehicles that deliver
feed to this company’s broiler farms:
a. Deliver feed to farms in different stages of production
(e.g., same vehicle delivers to parent farms and
to broiler farms)? ..................................................................

†1 Yes †2 Don’t know †3 No

b. Deliver feed to other companies? ........................................

†1 Yes †2 Don’t know †3 No


Deliver feed for more than one species of poultry? .............

†1 Yes †2 Don’t know †3 No

d. Deliver feed for other species besides poultry?...................

†1 Yes †2 Don’t know †3 No

B. Multiplier (Parent) Farms
19. Does your company have any multiplier (parent) farms (either
company-owned or under contract)? ...................................................................

†1 Yes †3 No

[If Item 19 = No, SKIP to Item 27.]
The following questions refer to your multiplier (parent) farms.
Important: For the following questions, include only farms that have hens and are located in the United
States. Farms that have hens as well as pullets and/or males are OK. EXCLUDE farms that have ONLY
cocks and farms that have ONLY pullets.
20. How many of your company’s multiplier (parent) farms are:
[Include only farms with hens; no pullet or cock/tom-only farms.]
a. Company-owned? ...................................................................

_____ multiplier (parent) farms

b. Contract?.................................................................................

_____ multiplier (parent) farms


_____ multiplier (parent) farms

Total multiplier (parent) farms [Add Items 20a + 20b.] .........

21. How many of your company’s multiplier (parent) farms raise pullets on farm? .........

_____ farms

22. During the previous 12 months, how many of your company’s
multiplier (parent) farms received any birds from:
[If a single farm received birds from more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Within the farm’s State? ........................................................................................

_____ farms

b. Outside the farm’s State but within the United States? ........................................

_____ farms


_____ farms

Outside the United States? ...................................................................................

[If Item 22c = 0, SKIP to Item 24.]


23. How many of these (Item 22c) multiplier (parent) farms received birds from:
[If a single farm received birds from more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Canada?................................................................................................................

_____ farms

b. Mexico?.................................................................................................................

_____ farms


Central America/South America/Caribbean? ........................................................

_____ farms

d. Europe?.................................................................................................................

_____ farms

e. Asia? .....................................................................................................................

_____ farms


_____ farms

Other country? (specify: _________________________________) ...................

24. How many of your company’s multiplier (parent) farms shipped
any eggs during the previous 12 months:
[If a single farm shipped eggs to more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Within the farm’s State? ........................................................................................

_____ farms

b. Outside the farm’s State but within the United States? ........................................

_____ farms


_____ farms

Outside the United States? ...................................................................................

[If Item 24c = 0, SKIP to Item 26.]
25. How many of these (Item 24c) multiplier (parent) farms shipped eggs to:
[If a single farm shipped eggs to more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Canada?................................................................................................................

_____ farms

b. Mexico?.................................................................................................................

_____ farms


Central America/South America/Caribbean? ........................................................

_____ farms

d. Europe?.................................................................................................................

_____ farms

e. Asia? .....................................................................................................................

_____ farms


Other country? (specify: _________________________________) ...................

_____ farms

26 What is the average length of time (in weeks) from placement to removal
for your company’s multiplier (parent) flocks?.............................................................

_____ weeks

C. Hatcheries
The following questions refer to the hatcheries that supply your broiler chicks.
27. How many hatcheries supplied chicks to your company’s broiler farms
during the previous 12 months? ..........................................................................

_____ hatcheries

28. How many of these hatcheries are owned by your company?.............................

_____ hatcheries

[If Item 28 = 0, SKIP to Item 35.]
29. How many of these company-owned hatcheries hatched any eggs from
other companies or independent producers during the previous 12 months? .....

_____ hatcheries


30. How many of your company-owned hatcheries received any eggs
during the previous 12 months from:
[If a single hatchery received eggs from more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Within the hatchery’s State? ................................................................................. _____ hatcheries
b. Outside the hatchery’s State but within the United States?.................................. _____ hatcheries

Outside the United States? ................................................................................... _____ hatcheries

[If Item 30c = 0, SKIP to Item 32.]
31. How many of these (Item 30c) company-owned hatcheries received eggs from:
[If a single hatchery received eggs from more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Canada?................................................................................................................ _____ hatcheries
b. Mexico?................................................................................................................. _____ hatcheries

Central America/South America/Caribbean? ........................................................ _____ hatcheries

d. Europe?................................................................................................................. _____ hatcheries
e. Asia? ..................................................................................................................... _____ hatcheries

Other country? (specify: _________________________________) ................... _____ hatcheries

32. During the previous 12 months, how many of your company-owned
hatcheries supplied chicks to:
a. Farms owned by or contracting with your company only?............................

_____ hatcheries

b. Farms belonging to other companies or independent producers only?........

_____ hatcheries


Farms owned by or contracting with your company and other companies?..

_____ hatcheries

d. Total [Add Items 32a–32c, should equal Item 28.] .......................................

_____ hatcheries

33. How many of your company-owned hatcheries shipped
any chicks during the previous 12 months:
[If a single hatchery shipped birds to more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Within the hatchery’s State? ................................................................................. _____ hatcheries
b. Outside the hatchery’s State but within the United States?.................................. _____ hatcheries

Outside the United States? ................................................................................... _____ hatcheries

[If Item 33c = 0, SKIP to Item 35.]


34. How many of these (Item 33c) company-owned hatcheries shipped chicks to:
[If a single hatchery shipped birds to more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Canada?................................................................................................................ _____ hatcheries
b. Mexico?................................................................................................................. _____ hatcheries

Central America/South America/Caribbean? ........................................................ _____ hatcheries

d. Europe?................................................................................................................. _____ hatcheries
e. Asia? ..................................................................................................................... _____ hatcheries

Other country? (specify: _________________________________) ................... _____ hatcheries

D. Slaughter Facilities
35. How many slaughter facilities did your company ship birds to for slaughter?

_____ sltr facilities

36. How many of these slaughter facilities are owned by your company? .............

_____ sltr facilities

[If Item 36 = 0, SKIP to End.)
37. How many of these company-owned slaughter facilities:
a. Slaughter birds for other companies? .........................................................

_____ sltr facilities

b. Slaughter other species of poultry? ............................................................

_____ sltr facilities


_____ sltr facilities

Slaughter other species besides poultry? ...................................................

This completes the company questionnaire. Thank you for your participation.
Please complete a separate Breeder Farm Questionnaire for each Multiplier (Parent) farm selected to
participate in the Breeder Farm phase of the study.


Section III: Turkey Company
1. How many complexes does your company have?
[If only one complex, enter 1 and SKIP to Item 3.] ..............................................

_____ complexes

If each of your complexes has its own dedicated slaughter facility(s), hatchery(s), and multiplier
(parent) farm(s), you may choose to fill in one questionnaire for each complex. Otherwise, please
fill in one questionnaire for your entire company.
2. Have you chosen to fill in this questionnaire for your company or for one complex?
[Check one only.]
†1 Entire company
†2 One complex
A. Grower Farms
The following questions refer to your turkey grower farms. Include only farms where turkeys are
grown to market age. Do not include brooder-only farms.
3. How many of your company’s/complex’s turkey grower farms are:
a. Company-owned? .................................................................................................

_____ farms

b. Contract?...............................................................................................................

_____ farms


Total turkey grower farms [Add Items 3a–3b.] ......................................................

_____ farms

4. How many of your company’s/complex’s turkey grower farms have at least
one house designated organic (certified, USDA National Organic Program)? ...........

_____ farms

5. How many of your company’s/complex’s turkey grower farms have:
a. Hens only? ............................................................................................................

_____ farms

b. Toms only?............................................................................................................

_____ farms


Both hens and toms? ............................................................................................

_____ farms

d. Total [Add Items 5a–5c; should equal Item 3c.]....................................................

_____ farms

6. How many of your company’s/complex’s turkey grower farms:
a. Brood birds on the same farm?.............................................................................

_____ farms

b. Receive birds from a brooder farm? .....................................................................

_____ farms


For the next questions, categorize your turkey grower farms based on the
hatchery and multiplier (parent) farms that supplied the poults.
7. During the previous 12 months, how many of your company’s/complex’s turkey grower
farms received poults that originated from the following types of multiplier (parent) farms?
[If a farm received poults from more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Multiplier (parent) birds are owned by a primary breeder company .....................

_____ farms

b. Multiplier (parent) birds are owned by your company...........................................

_____ farms


Multiplier (parent) birds are owned by an independent
operation or another integrator .............................................................................

_____ farms

d. Other (specify: ____________________________________) ............................

_____ farms

8. During the previous 12 months, how many of your company’s/complex’s
turkey grower farms received poults that originated from a multiplier (parent) farm located:
[If a single farm received birds from more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Within the farm’s State? ........................................................................................

_____ farms

b. Outside the farm’s State but within the United States? ........................................

_____ farms


_____ farms

Outside the United States? ...................................................................................

[If Item 8c = 0, SKIP to Item 10.]
9. How many of these (Item 8c) turkey grower farms received birds from
a multiplier (parent) farm located in:
[If a single farm received birds from more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Canada?................................................................................................................

_____ farms

b. Mexico?.................................................................................................................

_____ farms


Central America/South America/Caribbean? ........................................................

_____ farms

d. Europe?.................................................................................................................

_____ farms

e. Asia? .....................................................................................................................

_____ farms


_____ farms

Other country? (specify: _________________________________) ...................

10. During the previous 12 months, how many of your company’s/complex’s turkey
grower farms received poults that originated from hatcheries that are:
[If a farm received poults from more than one category, count it in all
categories that apply.]
a. Owned by a primary breeder company?...............................................................

_____ farms

b. Owned by your company? ....................................................................................

_____ farms


Independently owned (or owned by another integrator)? .....................................

_____ farms

d.. Other? (specify: __________________________) ..............................................

_____ farms


11. Which of the following best describes the vehicle most often used to bring
turkey poults onto this company’s/complex’s grower farms during the
previous 12 months?
[Check one only.]
†1 Vehicle is dedicated to a single farm
†2 Vehicle is dedicated to your company only
†3 Vehicle is also used on other companies’ farms or independent farms
†4 Other (specify: ______________________________________)
12. What is the average age (in weeks) when turkeys are marketed or slaughtered?
a. Hens ......................................................................................................................

_____ weeks

b. Toms .....................................................................................................................

_____ weeks

13. How many of your company’s/complex’s turkey grower farms market
any birds via a live bird market? ..................................................................................

_____ farms

14. During the previous 12 months, how many of your company’s/complex’s
turkey grower farms shipped any birds to a slaughter facility located:
[If a single farm shipped birds to more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Within the farm’s State? ........................................................................................

_____ farms

b. Outside the farm’s State but within the United States? ........................................

_____ farms


_____ farms

Outside the United States? ...................................................................................

[If Item 14c = 0, SKIP to Item 16.]
15. How many of these (Item 14c) turkey grower farms shipped birds to a
slaughter facility in:
[If a single farm shipped birds to more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Canada?................................................................................................................

_____ farms

b. Mexico?.................................................................................................................

_____ farms


Central America/South America/Caribbean? ........................................................

_____ farms

d. Europe?.................................................................................................................

_____ farms

e. Asia? .....................................................................................................................

_____ farms


_____ farms

Other country? (specify: _________________________________) ...................

16. Which of the following best describes the vehicle most often used to transport
birds to slaughter or market during the previous 12 months?
[Check one only.]
†1 Vehicle is dedicated to a single farm
†2 Vehicle is dedicated to your company only
†3 Vehicle is also used on other companies’ farms or independent farms
†5 Other (specify: ______________________________________)


The next question asks about clostridial dermatitis on turkey grower farms.
Please report based on the region where the farm is located (West, Central, East).

Poultry 2010 Regions





































17. How many of your company’s/complex’s turkey grower farms have had severe,
moderate, slight, or no problem with clostridial dermatitis (gangrenous dermatitis)
during the previous 12 months?


a. Severe (nearly every
flock, high mortality) ...................




b. Moderate ....................................




Slight (occasional,
low mortality) ..............................




d. None...........................................




e. Total [Add Items 15a–15d.........]





The next two questions ask about feed production and delivery.
18. During the previous 12 months, did any of the feed mills that produce
feed for this company’s/complex’s grower farms:
a. Produce feed for other companies?.....................................

†1 Yes †2 Don’t know †3 No

b. Produce feed for more than one species of poultry? ...........

†1 Yes †2 Don’t know †3 No


†1 Yes †2 Don’t know †3 No

Produce feed for other species besides poultry?.................

19. During the previous 12 months, did any of the vehicles that deliver
feed to this company’s/complex’s grower farms:
a. Deliver feed to farms in different stages of production
(e.g., same vehicle delivers to brooder farms and to
grower farms)? .....................................................................

†1 Yes †2 Don’t know †3 No

b. Deliver feed to other companies? ........................................

†1 Yes †2 Don’t know †3 No


Deliver feed for more than one species of poultry? .............

†1 Yes †2 Don’t know †3 No

d. Deliver feed for other species besides poultry?...................

†1 Yes †2 Don’t know †3 No


B. Multiplier (Parent) Farms
20 Does your company/complex have any multiplier (parent) farms
(either company-owned or under contract)? ........................................................

†1 Yes †3 No

[If Item 20 = NO, SKIP to Item 30.]
The following questions refer to your multiplier (parent) farms. If this questionnaire is for one
complex, please answer only for multiplier farms that belong to that complex.
Important: For the following questions, include only farms that have hens and are located in the United
States. Farms that have hens as well as breeder hen candidates and/or toms are OK. EXCLUDE farms
that have ONLY toms and farms that have ONLY breeder hen candidates.
21. How many of your company’s/complex’s multiplier (parent) farms are:
[Include only farms with hens; no breeder hen candidate only/tom-only farms.]
a. Company-owned? .................................................................................................

_____ farms

b. Contract?...............................................................................................................

_____ farms


Total multiplier (parent) farms [Add Items 21a–21b.]............................................

_____ farms

22. How many of your company’s/complex’s multiplier (parent) farms
raise breeder hen candidates on-farm? ......................................................................

_____ farms

23. During the previous 12 months, how many of your company’s/complex’s
multiplier (parent) farms received any birds from:
[If a single farm received birds from more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Within the farm’s State? ........................................................................................

_____ farms

b. Outside the farm’s State but within the United States? ........................................

_____ farms


_____ farms

Outside the United States?. ..................................................................................

[If Item 23c = 0, SKIP to Item 25.]
24. How many of these (Item 23c) multiplier (parent) farms received birds from:
[If a single farm received birds from more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Canada?................................................................................................................

_____ farms

b. Mexico?.................................................................................................................

_____ farms


Central America/South America/Caribbean? ........................................................

_____ farms

d. Europe?.................................................................................................................

_____ farms

e. Asia? .....................................................................................................................

_____ farms


_____ farms

Other country? (specify: _________________________________) ...................


25. How many of your company’s/complex’s multiplier (parent) farms
shipped any eggs during the previous 12 months:
[If a single farm shipped eggs to more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Within the farm’s State? ........................................................................................

_____ farms

b. Outside the farm’s State but within the United States? ........................................

_____ farms


_____ farms

Outside the United States? ...................................................................................

[If Item 25c = 0, SKIP to Item 27.]
26. How many of these (Item 25c) multiplier (parent) farms shipped eggs to:
[If a single farm shipped eggs to more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Canada?................................................................................................................

_____ farms

b. Mexico?.................................................................................................................

_____ farms


Central America/South America/Caribbean? ........................................................

_____ farms

d. Europe?.................................................................................................................

_____ farms

e. Asia? .....................................................................................................................

_____ farms


Other country? (specify: _________________________________) ...................

_____ farms

27. What is the average length of time (in weeks) from placement to removal
for your company’s/complex’s multiplier (parent) flocks? .........................................

_____ weeks

28. How many of your company’s/complex’s multiplier (parent) farms have
toms on the same farm as hens? ................................................................................

_____ farms

29. How many tom-only multiplier (parent) farms does your company/complex
have (either company-owned or contract)?.................................................................

_____ farms

C. Hatcheries
The following questions refer to the hatcheries that supply your poults. If you are
filling in this questionnaire for one complex, please answer the following questions
for only the hatcheries that serve your complex.
30. How many hatcheries supplied poults to your company’s/complex’s
turkey grower farms during the previous 12 months? .........................................

_____ hatcheries

31. How many of these hatcheries are owned by your company?.............................

_____ hatcheries

[If Item 31 = 0, SKIP to Item 38.]
32. How many of these company-owned hatcheries hatched any eggs from
other companies or independent producers during the previous 12 months? .....

_____ hatcheries


33. How many of your company-owned hatcheries received any eggs during
the previous 12 months from:
[If a single hatchery received eggs from more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Within the hatchery’s State? ................................................................................. _____ hatcheries
b. Outside the hatchery’s State but within the United States?.................................. _____ hatcheries

Outside the United States? ................................................................................... _____ hatcheries

[If Item 33c = 0, SKIP to Item 35.]
34. How many of these (Item 33c) company-owned hatcheries received eggs from:
[If a single hatchery received eggs from more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Canada?................................................................................................................ _____ hatcheries
b. Mexico?................................................................................................................. _____ hatcheries

Central America/South America/Caribbean? ........................................................ _____ hatcheries

d. Europe?................................................................................................................. _____ hatcheries
e. Asia? ..................................................................................................................... _____ hatcheries

Other country? (specify: _________________________________) ................... _____ hatcheries

35. During the previous 12 months, how many of these company-owned hatcheries
supplied poults to:
a. Farms owned by or contracting with your company only?............................

_____ hatcheries

b. Farms belonging to other companies or independent producers only?........

_____ hatcheries


Farms owned by or contracting with your company and other companies?..

_____ hatcheries

d. Total [Add Items 35a–35c; should equal Item 31.] .......................................

_____ hatcheries

36. How many of your company-owned hatcheries shipped any poults
during the previous 12 months to:
[If a single hatchery shipped birds to more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Within the hatchery’s State? ................................................................................. _____ hatcheries
b. Outside the hatchery’s State but within the United States?.................................. _____ hatcheries

Outside the United States? ................................................................................... _____ hatcheries

[If Item 36c = 0, SKIP to Item 38.]


37. How many of these (Item 36c) company-owned hatcheries shipped birds to:
[If a single hatchery shipped birds to more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Canada?................................................................................................................ _____ hatcheries
b. Mexico?................................................................................................................. _____ hatcheries

Central America/South America/Caribbean? ........................................................ _____ hatcheries

d. Europe?................................................................................................................. _____ hatcheries
e. Asia? ..................................................................................................................... _____ hatcheries

Other country? (specify: _________________________________) ................... _____ hatcheries

D. Slaughter Facilities
If you are filling in this questionnaire for one complex, please answer the
following questions for only the slaughter facilities that serve your complex.
38. How many slaughter facilities did your company ship birds to for slaughter? ......

_____ sltr facilities

39. How many of these slaughter facilities are company-owned?.............................

_____ sltr facilities

[If Item 39 = 0, SKIP to End.]
40. How many of these company-owned slaughter facilities:
a. Slaughter birds for other companies? ............................................................

_____ sltr facilities

b. Slaughter other species of poultry? ...............................................................

_____ sltr facilities


_____ sltr facilities

Slaughter other species besides poultry? ......................................................

This completes the company questionnaire. Thank you for your participation.
Please complete a separate Clostridial Dermatitis Questionnaire for each case and control farm selected
to participate in the Clostridial Dermatitis phase of the study.


Section IV: Table Egg Production
A. Production Farms
The following questions refer to your table egg production farms.
1. How many of your company’s table egg production farms are:
a. Company-owned? .................................................................................................

_____ farms

b. Contract?...............................................................................................................

_____ farms


Total production farms [Add Items 1a–1b.] ...........................................................

_____ farms

2. How many of your company’s table egg production farms have at least
one house designated organic (certified, USDA National Organic Program)? ...........

_____ farms

3. On how many of your company’s table egg production farms are birds:
a. All caged? ...........................................................................................................

_____ farms

b. All cage-free? ........................................................................................................

_____ farms


Mixed (some caged and some cage-free)? ..........................................................

_____ farms

d. Total production farms [Add Items 3a–3c; should equal Item 1c.]........................

_____ farms

The next two questions ask about practices on your caged-hen farms,
cage-free farms, and mixed farms (some hens caged and some cage-free).
4. How many of your company’s table egg production farms
Have the following age groupings?



a. Different age birds in same house



_____ farms

b. Different age birds in different houses



_____ farms


Whole farm one age



_____ farms

d. Total [Add Items 4a–4c.]

[Should = 3a]

[Should = 3b]

_____ farms
[Should = 3c]




a. By belt only



_____ farms

b. By hand only



_____ farms




_____ farms

[Should = 3a]

[Should = 3b]

_____ farms
[Should = 3c]

5. On how many of your company’s table egg
production farms are eggs gathered?

Both belt and hand

d. Total [Add Items 5a–5c.]

6. How many of your company’s table egg production farms primarily produce:
a. Eggs for breaking? ................................................................................................

_____ farms

b. Shell eggs (whole eggs for packing, not for breaking)?........................................

_____ farms


_____ farms

Total [Add Items 6a–6b; should equal Item 1c.] ...................................................


Important: Questions 7 to 10 refer to processing of shell eggs. Answer
only for those farms that primarily produce shell eggs.
7. How many of your farms have on-farm shell egg processing? ...........................

_____ farms

[If Item 7 = 0, SKIP to Item 9.]
8. Of these farms with on-farm shell egg processing, how many also process
eggs for other farms (including other farms from your company and/or
farms from other companies)?..............................................................................

_____ farms

9. Which of the following best describes the vehicle used most often to remove
processed (packed) eggs from your company’s farms during the previous
12 months?
[If more than one category below applies, choose the category that describes
the majority of vehicles used.]
†1 Vehicle is dedicated to a single farm
†2 Vehicle is dedicated to your company only
†3 Vehicle is also used on other company’s farms or independent farms
†4 Do not know because vehicle is owned by an independent company
†5 Other (specify: ____________________________________)
10. How many of your farms send eggs off-farm for shell egg processing (including
farms that send eggs to a company-owned processing plant)?...........................

_____ farms

[If Item 10 = 0, SKIP to Item 16.]
11. Which of the following best describes the vehicle used most often to remove
unprocessed eggs from your company’s farms during the previous 12 months?
[If more than one category below applies, choose the category that describes
the majority of vehicles used.]
†1 Vehicle is dedicated to a single farm
†2 Vehicle is dedicated to your company only
†3 Vehicle is also used on other company’s farms or independent farms
†4 Do not know because vehicle is owned by an independent company
†5 Other (specify: ____________________________________)
12. For farms with off-farm processing, which best describes how flats are usually handled?
[Check one only.]
†1 Flats are disposable
†2 Flats are returned to the same farm
†3 Flats may go to other farms, your company only
†4 Flats may go to other farms, other companies
†5 No flats
[If Item 12 = 1 or 5, SKIP to Item 14.]


13. Are flats usually cleaned and disinfected before returning to a farm? ................

†1 Yes †3 No

14 For farms with off-farm processing, which best describes how racks/pallets
are usually handled?
[Check one only.]
†1 Racks/pallets are returned to the same farm
†2 Racks/pallets may go to other farms, your company only
†3 Racks/pallets may go to other farms, other companies
†4 No racks/pallets
[If Item 14 = 4, SKIP to Item 16.]
15. Are racks/pallets usually cleaned and disinfected before returning to a farm?...

†1 Yes

†3 No

16. During the previous 12 months, how many of your company’s table egg
production farms received pullets that originated from the following types
of multiplier (parent) farms?
[If a farm received pullets from more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Multiplier (parent) birds are owned by a primary breeder company .....................

_____ farms

b. Multiplier (parent) birds are owned by your company...........................................

_____ farms


Multiplier (parent) birds are owned by an independent operation ........................

_____ farms

d. Other (specify: _______________________________________) ......................

_____ farms

17. During the previous 12 months, how many of your company’s table egg
production farms received pullets that originated from the following types
of hatcheries?
a. Hatchery owned by a primary breeder company ..................................................

_____ farms

b. Hatchery owned by your company........................................................................

_____ farms


Independent hatchery (or hatchery owned by another company) ........................

_____ farms

d. Other (specify: _______________________________________) ......................

_____ farms

18. How many of your company’s table egg production farms have
the following pullet sources?
a. Pullets raised on egg production farm ...........................................................

_____ farms

b. Pullets raised on separate farm, same company...........................................

_____ farms


Pullets raised on separate farm, different company ......................................

_____ farms

d. Total [Add Items 18a–18c should = Item 1c.] ................................................

_____ farms

If all farms raise pullets on farm, SKIP to Item 21.


19. How many of your company’s table egg production farms received any pullets
during the previous 12 months from pullet farms located:
[If a single farm received birds from more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Within the farm’s State? ........................................................................................

_____ farms

b. Outside the farm’s State but within the United States? ........................................

_____ farms


_____ farms

Outside the United States? ...................................................................................

[If Item 19c = 0, SKIP to Item 21.]
20. How many of these (Item 19c) table egg production farms received pullets from:
[If a single farm received birds from more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Canada?................................................................................................................

_____ farms

b. Mexico?.................................................................................................................

_____ farms


Central America/South America/Caribbean? ........................................................

_____ farms

d. Europe?.................................................................................................................

_____ farms

e. Asia? .....................................................................................................................

_____ farms


_____ farms

Other country? (specify: _________________________________) ...................

21. Which of the following best describes the vehicle most often used to bring pullets
onto your company’s table egg production farms during the previous 12 months?
[Check one only.]
†1 Vehicle is dedicated to a single farm
†2 Vehicle is dedicated to your company only
†3 Vehicle is also used on other company’s farms or independent farms
†4 Other (specify: ____________________________________)
The next questions ask about vaccinations.
22. How many times are layers usually vaccinated while in lay (against any disease)?

_____ times

Now we’d like to focus on vaccination for infectious bursal disease (IBD).
23. Are layers normally vaccinated for IBD:
a. In ovo? ...........................................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

b. As pullets?......................................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No


†1 Yes

†3 No

In lay?.............................................................................................................

[If no IBD vaccination, SKIP to Item 26.]


24. What type of IBD vaccine is used?
a. Killed virus (Inactivated) .................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

b. Live virus ........................................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

Modified live virus...........................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

d. Recombinant ..................................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

e. Other (specify: ______________________) .................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

a. Spray ..............................................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

b. Drinking water ................................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

Individual bird injection...................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

d. In ovo injection ...............................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

e. Other (specify: ________________________) .............................................

†1 Yes

†3 No


25. What delivery system is used for IBD vaccination?


The next two questions ask about feed production and delivery.
26. During the previous 12 months, did any of the feed mills that
produce feed for this company:
a. Produce feed for other companies? ....................................

†1 Yes †2 Don’t know †3 No

b. Produce feed for more than one species of poultry? ...........

†1 Yes †2 Don’t know †3 No


†1 Yes †2 Don’t know †3 No

Produce feed for other species besides poultry?.................

27. During the previous 12 months, did any of the vehicles that deliver
feed to this company’s farms:
a. Deliver feed to farms in different stages of production
(e.g., same vehicle delivers to parent farms and to
table egg production farms)? ...............................................

†1 Yes †2 Don’t know †3 No

b. Deliver feed to other companies? ........................................

†1 Yes †2 Don’t know †3 No


Deliver feed for more than one species of poultry? .............

†1 Yes †2 Don’t know †3 No

d. Deliver feed for other species besides poultry?...................

†1 Yes †2 Don’t know †3 No

28 How many of your company’s table egg production farms molted
their last completed flock? ..........................................................................................
29. What is the average length of time (in weeks) from placing
birds in the laying house until they are removed, for molted
and nonmolted flocks?


_____ farms



30. How many of your company’s table egg production farms primarily
dispose of spent hens in the following ways:
a. Processing? ..........................................................................................................

_____ farms

b. Rendering?............................................................................................................

_____ farms


Composting on-farm?............................................................................................

_____ farms

d. Burial on-farm?......................................................................................................

_____ farms

e. Live bird market?...................................................................................................

_____ farms


Other? (specify: ___________________________________) ............................

_____ farms

g. Total [Add Items 30a–30f; should equal Item 1c.] ................................................

_____ farms

31. Which of the following best describes the vehicle most often used to remove
spent hens from your company’s farms (e.g., transport birds to slaughter or market)?
[Check one only.]
†1 Vehicle is dedicated to a single farm
†2 Vehicle is dedicated to your company only
†3 Vehicle is also used on other company’s farms or independent farms
†4 Spent hens not removed (disposal on-farm only)
†5 Other (specify: ___________________________________)
B. Multiplier (Parent) Farms
32. Does your company have any multiplier (parent) farms (either
company-owned or under contract)?

†1 Yes

†3 No

[If Item 32 = NO, SKIP to Item 40.]
The following questions refer to your multiplier (parent) farms.
Important: For the following questions, only include farms that have hens and are located in the United
States. Farms that have hens as well as pullets and/or males are OK. EXCLUDE farms that have ONLY
cocks and farms that have ONLY pullets.
33. How many of your company’s multiplier (parent) farms are:
[Include only farms with hens, no pullet/cock-only farms.]
a. Company-owned? .................................................................................................

_____ farms

b. Contract?...............................................................................................................

_____ farms


Total [Add Items 33a–33b.] ...................................................................................

_____ farms

34. How many of your company’s multiplier (parent) farms raise pullets on farm? .......

_____ farms


35. During the previous 12 months, how many of your company’s multiplier (parent)
farms received any birds from:
[If a single farm received birds from more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Within the farm’s State? ........................................................................................

_____ farms

b. Outside the farm’s State but within the United States? ........................................

_____ farms


_____ farms

Outside the United States? ...................................................................................

[If Item 35c = 0, SKIP to Item 37.]
36. How many of these (Item 35c) multiplier (parent) farms received birds from:
[If a single farm received birds from more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Canada?................................................................................................................

_____ farms

b. Mexico?.................................................................................................................

_____ farms


Central America/South America/Caribbean? ........................................................

_____ farms

d. Europe?.................................................................................................................

_____ farms

e. Asia? .....................................................................................................................

_____ farms


_____ farms

Other country? (specify: _________________________________) ...................

37. How many of your company’s multiplier (parent) farms shipped any eggs
during the previous 12 months:
[If a single farm shipped eggs to more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Within the farm’s State? ........................................................................................

_____ farms

b. Outside the farm’s State but within the United States? ........................................

_____ farms


_____ farms

Outside the United States? ...................................................................................

[If Item 37c = 0, SKIP to Item 39.]
38. How many of these (Item 37c) multiplier (parent) farms shipped eggs to:
[If a single farm shipped eggs to more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Canada?................................................................................................................

_____ farms

b. Mexico?.................................................................................................................

_____ farms


Central America/South America/Caribbean? ........................................................

_____ farms

d. Europe?.................................................................................................................

_____ farms

e. Asia? .....................................................................................................................

_____ farms


Other country? (specify: _________________________________) ...................

_____ farms

39. What is the average length of time (in weeks) from placement to removal
for your company’s multiplier (parent) flocks?.............................................................

_____ weeks


C. Hatcheries
The following questions refer to the hatcheries that supply the chicks that
are eventually placed as pullets on your table egg production farms.
40. How many hatcheries hatched chicks that were eventually placed as pullets
on your company’s table egg production farms during the previous 12 months?

_____ hatcheries

41. How many of these hatcheries are owned by your company?.............................

_____ hatcheries

[If Item 41 = 0, SKIP to Item 48.]
42. How many of these company-owned hatcheries hatched any eggs from
other companies or independent producers during the previous 12 months? .....

_____ hatcheries

43 How many of your company-owned hatcheries received any eggs
during the previous 12 months from:
[If a single hatchery received eggs from more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Within the hatchery’s State? ................................................................................. _____ hatcheries
b. Outside the hatchery’s State but within the United States?.................................. _____ hatcheries

Outside the United States? ................................................................................... _____ hatcheries

[If Item 43c = 0, SKIP to Item 45.]
44. How many of these (Item 43c) company-owned hatcheries received eggs from:
[If a single hatchery received eggs from more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Canada?................................................................................................................ _____ hatcheries
b. Mexico?................................................................................................................. _____ hatcheries

Central America/South America/Caribbean? ........................................................ _____ hatcheries

d. Europe?................................................................................................................. _____ hatcheries
e. Asia? ..................................................................................................................... _____ hatcheries

Other country? (specify: _________________________________) ................... _____ hatcheries

45. During the previous 12 months, how many of your company-owned
hatcheries supplied chicks to:
a. Farms owned by or contracting with your company only?............................

_____ hatcheries

b. Farms belonging to other companies or independent
producers only?.............................................................................................

_____ hatcheries


Farms owned by or contracting with your company and other companies?..

_____ hatcheries

d. Total [Add Items 45a–45c; should equal Item 41.] .......................................

_____ hatcheries


46. How many of your company-owned hatcheries shipped any chicks
during the previous 12 months:
[If a single hatchery shipped birds to more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Within the hatchery’s State? ................................................................................. _____ hatcheries
b. Outside the hatchery’s State but within the United States?.................................. _____ hatcheries

Outside the United States? ................................................................................... _____ hatcheries

[If Item 46c = 0, SKIP to End.]
47. How many of these (Item 46c) company-owned hatcheries shipped birds to:
[If a single hatchery shipped birds to more than one category, count it in
all categories that apply.]
a. Canada?................................................................................................................ _____ hatcheries
b. Mexico?................................................................................................................. _____ hatcheries

Central America/South America/Caribbean? ........................................................ _____ hatcheries

d. Europe?................................................................................................................. _____ hatcheries
e. Asia? ..................................................................................................................... _____ hatcheries

Other country? (specify: _________________________________) ................... _____ hatcheries

This completes the company questionnaire. Thank you for your participation.
Please complete a separate Breeder Farm Questionnaire for each Multiplier (parent) farm selected to
participate in the Breeder Farm phase of the study.


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleMicrosoft Word - Company questionnaire OMB.doc
File Modified2010-01-27
File Created2010-01-27

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