1525-0012-0189 thru 1525-0012-0195 US Mint Focus Groups and Quantitive Surveys

Generic Clearance for Voluntary Surveys to Implement E.O. 12882

1525-0012-0191 Instrument FY15 Quarterly Product Fulfillment Survey for OMB

1525-0012-0189 thru 1525-0012-0195 US Mint Focus Groups and Quantitive Surveys

OMB: 1525-0012

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United States Mint Quarterly

Product Fulfillment Research

FY15 Questionnaire

OMB Control #1525-0012-0191

July 15, 2014

Note to reader: Bold lines in between questions signify page/screen breaks.

Welcome to the United States Mint’s product satisfaction survey.

This survey is designed to help the United States Mint understand how it can improve the products and services it provides. According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1525-0012-xxxx. Your participation in this survey is ENTIRELY VOLUNTARY and should require approximately 10 minutes of your time.

It is National Analysts Worldwide's policy to keep interviews anonymous. Consistent with this policy, National Analysts Worldwide will only entrust survey data with other entities when: 1) the participant gives explicit permission to release this data, or 2) the data is shared with an entity who agrees in writing that the data will be held strictly adequately protected and that the data will be used for research purposes only, or 3) the release of this data is required by law.

You will not be contacted for sales purposes as a result of participating in this survey.

For further information on National Analysts' privacy policy, you can view our website at www.nationalanalysts.com/privacy/domestic-global.asp

If you have any questions or problems while completing the survey, please call Kyle Konopka weekdays from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM EDT at 1-800-342-9102, or send an e-mail to kkonopka@nationalanalysts.com

Please click the Forward button to begin the survey.

To begin, we will first take a few minutes to familiarize you with our survey.

The survey will NOT ALLOW YOU TO SKIP A QUESTION. If you do not know an exact answer, then please give your best estimate.

You may click on the STOP button to pause the program to take a break. When you re-enter the survey you must use the same User ID and Password; the survey will return to the screen where you clicked Stop.

Please click the FORWARD button to begin.

(Based on sample file, assign order as high value $101 or more or low value, $100 or less.)


S-1 Have you received a product shipment from the United States Mint in the past 30 days?



Send to terminate screen if “No.”


For this survey, please think about the most recent order that you received from the United States Mint. (Do not think about an order that you have placed but have not yet received.)

Q.1 First, please indicate which items were included in this most recent order. (Select all that apply.)



Product Types

Items included in this most recent order
– Select all that Apply -

Annual Coin Sets

Annual Clad Proof Sets (Full set, Quarters, Presidential $1 Coin)


- Full set


- Quarters set


- Presidential $1 Coin set

Annual Silver Proof Sets (Full set, Quarters)


- Full set


- Quarters set


Uncirculated Sets (the full set of P and D coins)

American Eagle Coins


American Eagle Silver Coins


American Eagle Gold Coins

American Buffalo Coins


American Buffalo 24K Gold Coins

First Spouse Coins


First Spouse 24K Gold Coins

Commemorative Coins


Gold, Silver or Clad Commemorative Coins


Special Commemorative Coin Sets

Other Coins and Merchandise


Other United States Mint Products

Q.2a [IF MORE THAN 1 ITEM CHECKED IN Q1, INSERT “First think about your order overall. (We’ll ask about the individual items in your order a little later.)”] Please rate your satisfaction with the following aspects of this order, using a scale of 1 to 6, where “1” means “extremely dissatisfied” and “6” means “extremely satisfied.”

Extremely Extremely

Dissatisfied Satisfied

1 2 3 4 5 6

Overall satisfaction with your order

Quality of the coins/items

Quality of the product packaging

Condition of the external (shipping) package

Timeliness/speed of receiving the order

Security of the delivery method

Packing material

Packing slip

Q.2b We’d like to understand more about the relative value you place on each of these aspects of your order.

Please distribute 100 “importance points” across the options below to indicate how important each would be to you. You can give each option as many, or as few importance points as you like – as long as the total sums to 100. If you do not think an item is important at all, give that item “0” points.

# of importance points

Quality of the coins/items


Quality of the product packaging


Condition of the external (shipping) package


Timeliness/speed of receiving the order


Security of the delivery method


Packing material


Packing slip



Q.2c Earlier you rated your satisfaction with the Quality of the Coins/Items a [insert rating from Q2a2]. Why are you not fully satisfied with the Quality of the Coins/Items?

PROGRAMMING: Only ask if Q2a2 (satisfaction rating on Quality of Coins/Items) = <6; Do not force entry.

Q.2d Earlier you rated your satisfaction with the Quality of the Product Packaging a [insert rating from Q2a3]. Why are you not fully satisfied with the Quality of the Product Packaging?

PROGRAMMING: Only ask if Q2a3 (satisfaction rating on Quality of Product Packaging) = <6; Do not force entry.

Q.3. Earlier you rated your satisfaction with [item being asked about from Q2a] a [insert rating from Q2a]. Why are you dissatisfied with the [INSERT ANSWER FROM Q2a]?

[If a respondent was already asked Q.2c and Q.2d do not ask Q3. If a respondent was only asked either Q2.c OR Q2.d (but not both) randomly select one row from Q2.a to ask about in Q.3 that’s not rows 1-3. If a customer was asked neither Q2c or Q2d, and has 2 rows, excluding rows 1-3, that are a “1” or “2” then ask Q.3 for both rows. If customer has 3 or more rows, excluding rows 1-3, that are a “1” or “2” then randomly select 2 rows to ask for Q.3.

Skip Q3 if they answered 3 or higher for all other rows, that are not rows 1-3, in Q.2a.]

Q.3b (Skip if they answered 6 for Quality of the coins/items in Q.2a.)

Would you say that the reason you were not fully satisfied with the quality of the coins/items was due to…

Production by the United States Mint

Issues that occurred while the coins/items were in transit (i.e., shipping problems)

Both were likely factors

Not sure

Q.3c (Skip if they answered 6 for Quality of the product packaging in Q.2a.)

Would you say that the reason you were not fully satisfied with the quality of the product packaging was due to…

Production by the United States Mint

Issues that occurred while the product packaging was in transit (i.e., shipping problems)

Both were likely factors

Not sure

If only 1 row checked in Q.1, skip Q4 and Q4b and ask Q.5

Q.4 Now please rate your satisfaction with each of the individual types of items you received in your order.

Extremely Extremely

Dissatisfied Satisfied

1 2 3 4 5 6


Quality of the coins/items

Quality of the product packaging (not the external shipping packaging)


Quality of the coins/items

Quality of the product packaging (not the external shipping packaging)


Quality of the coins/items

Quality of the product packaging (not the external shipping packaging)

Q.4b Earlier you rated your satisfaction with the Quality of the [insert product name] a [insert rating from Q4] on [Product Quality] and a [insert rating from Q4] on [Product Packaging Quality]. Why are you not fully satisfied with the Quality of the [insert product name]?

PROGRAMMING: Ask Q.4b for each specific product that is rated <6 on either Quality of the Coins/Items OR Quality of the Product Packaging in Q4. If more than 3 products are rated <6 on either Quality of the Coins/Items or Quality of the Product Packaging, cap the number of products asked about in Q.4b at 3, showing the products that so far have been asked about least.

Cap the number of Open Ends that a respondent sees for Q.4b at 3. Show all 3 open ends for Q.4b on the same screen.

Do not force entry.

Q.5a [If only 1 row checked in Q.1 ask] Was this most recent order…?

For yourself

For a gift

Please indicate if each item you purchased was for yourself or a gift.

For yourself

For a gift




Q.5b If Q.5a is a gift then ask: Did you buy a gift box for $4.95?



Please indicate if you purchased a gift box for $4.95 for each item listed below.



INSERT ITEM #1 FROM Q1 and Q.5a is gift

INSERT ITEM #2 FROM Q1 and Q.5a is gift


Q.5c If no for any item ask: Why didn’t you purchase a gift box?


Q.6 How did you place this most recent order?

By phone


Mail-in order form

Part of my subscription order


Q50. Did you receive an email confirming your order?



Q51. (Ask only if Q50 = Yes) How satisfied were you with the…

Extremely Extremely

Dissatisfied Satisfied

1 2 3 4 5 6

Clarity of the confirmation email

Timeliness of the confirmation email

Q52. Was this the first order you ever placed with the United States Mint?



Q53. Do you recall having heard or seen any advertisements for the United States Mint in the past 6 months?



Q54. (Ask only if Q53 = Yes) From which of the following sources do you recall having heard or seen these advertisements?

Please select all that apply.

National Newspaper (e.g., USA Today, The Wall Street Journal)

Parade Magazine

Weekly News Magazines (e.g., Time)

Monthly Financial Magazines (e.g., Smart Money, Fortune, etc.)

Monthly Military Magazine (e.g., American Legion, etc.)

Monthly History Magazine (e.g., National Geographic, Smithsonian, etc.)

Monthly Leisure Magazine (e.g., Golf, Sports Fishing, etc.)

Monthly General Interest Magazines (e.g., Poder Hispanic, Black Enterprise, JET)

Online Banner Ad

Streaming Video (e.g., Hulu, 60 Minutes, Today)

Streaming Audio (Pandora)

Search on Google

Search on Bing





Other (please specify) ________________

 [Randomize order of rows ,except “Other”]

Q.7 Was this most recent order delivered within the time frame you expected when you placed the order?



[If Q.7= Yes, skip to Q.11]

Q.8 Were you informed that there would be a delay in receiving the order after you placed your order?



[If Q.8 = No, skip to Q.11]

Q.9 Were you given a new estimated timeframe for expecting the order when you were notified of the delay?



[If Q.9 = No, skip to Q.11]

Q.10 Was the order delivered within the new expected time frame that you were told?



Q.11 Prior to receiving this order, did you receive a notification from the United States Mint informing you that this order had shipped?



By E-mail

By Phone

[If Q.11= Yes for either row 1 or 2, skip to Q.13]


Q.13 Please explain in detail any other issues you experienced with the fulfillment of your order.


Q.14 Now, please rate your satisfaction with these United States Mint product and service areas.

Extremely Extremely

Dissatisfied Satisfied

1 2 3 4 5 6

Breadth of product types offered

Product availability / access

Communications overall

Overall customer service

Q35. How likely are you to recommend United States Mint collectible products to someone else?

Not At All




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Likelihood to recommend to someone else

Q35b. Please tell us your reasons for giving this rating.

Do not force entry


[[INSERT HERE]] – Rotational Section TBD quarterly


Next, we’d like to understand what types of purchases, if any, you expect to make from the United States Mint in the future.

Q.15 How likely are you to purchase products directly from the United States Mint in the next 12 months for yourself or for a gift?

Not At All Extremely

Likely Likely

1 2 3 4 5 6

For self

For gift

Q.16 Based on what you know today, over the next 12 months would you say you are most likely to…?

Please select one.

Future Purchasing with the United States Mint (Next 12 Months)

  1. Increase the amount of merchandise you purchase from the United States Mint

  1. Purchase about the same amount from the United States Mint

  1. Decrease the amount of merchandise you purchase from the United States Mint

  1. Stop purchasing from the United States Mint altogether

Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey!

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleNote to reader: Bold lines in between questions signify page/screen breaks
AuthorAdine Frank
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-31

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