Form KP 2-65 KP 2-65 U.S. Merchant Marine Academy Candidate Application for A

U.S. Merchant Marine Academy Candidate Application for Admission

USMMA Application for Admission

U.S. Merchant Marine Academy Candidate Application for Admission

OMB: 2133-0010

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BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHIESSAY: (On a separale sheet d paper, give a biographical sketch of a! least 200 but not more than 300words. If is suggested lhsi p u Include your reasons for wlshlng lo attend !he A c a d e m ~a discussion of your cummcu/um
preference, the deveIgwnent of your career interest as a resutt of your h/gh ghschool ctasses, hobbies and
actinties, inciudlng any sailrng experience, aeamank experience, andror milrtary expertence.) See Page 5 for new essay requirements.
Have you ever vislted the Academy?



Plan Te Vialt ( h b )

Indicate below the persOn(s)w%hwhom the Admissions Office may disclos-8 information regarding your candtdacy.

0 Yes

O No


O Yes

0 No

School CounsolorlPrtncipal

Other (/@en#&)


E understand that if t am appointed, alter reporting to the Academy to begin the program, I must sign a Sewice Obligation Contracfas set brth in
the current official catalog.
S certify that the statements of dates, place of birth, citizenship, and all other information contained on Parts I and II of this application, are tnra and
correct to the best of my knowledge, Knowingly pmldlng false informatlon may result in forfeiture of appointment to the Academy.


Signature of Applicant

(Not required It applkant has reachad rnajorlty age of coneant under the laws of hlwher State of resldem.)

Ihereby consent to my son, daughter or ward's appointment as a MidshIprnan to the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy shouEd helshe become
entitled to such appointment. I am aware and in agreement with their mandatory obligation to serve in the U.S. Merchant Marine and to seek and
accept, if tendered, a commission in an armed force resarve unlt as set forth in the current catalog.
Icertlfy that the statements of dates, place of birth, cltlrenshlp, and all other Information contained on Parts I and II of this application, are true and
correct to the best of my knowledge. Knowingly providing false information may result in forfeiture of appointment to the Academy.

Signature of Parent or Guardlan


An Appointment will nol be cwrsldwed unless Parts Iand 3 and the Bioqmphical Essay d e s c r i w a b m are R~SOcompletedand received by Me &ow deadline.

Prlvacy Act Statement
In accordance with 5 USC 552a(e)(3), the following information Is provided to you when supplying personal information To the Maritime Administration.

1. Author@ which authorized the solicitation of the information: 48 App. USC 1295b and 12958.
2. Principat purpose(s) for which tnformation is Intended to be used: The information Is used to evaluate each applicant for an appointment to the
U.S.Merchant Marrne Academy.

3.The routine uses which may be made of the information: As badrground information on applicants for the selection process. To contact me applicant.
The social security number rs a basic identif~er.
4. Whether or not disclosure of such information is mandatory or voluntary (required by law or optlonal) and the effects on the indlvldual, If any, of nol
providing all or any part of the requested information: Disclosure of the information is voluntary, but the applicant will not be considered further if all
informat~onis not provided.

This collection 07 ~nbrmatlonis required ta obtaln benefits and will be used to determine the ellgibllity of respondenh for admisslon to the U.S Merchant Marlne Academy. Publlc
reporting burden IS estlrnated to average f~vehours per response, lncludlng the tlme for reviewing instructions, searching exist~ngdata sources, gather~ngand ma~ntainingthe
Tlle U.S. Merchant Marine Academy does not consult or discuss any inforrnatlon with anyone not
data needed, and completing and rwlewlng the collection of ~nbrmat~on.
expressly des~gnatedby the candidate, Please note that an agency may not conduct or sponsor, end a person IS not requ~redto respond to, a collection of lnformatlon unless It
d~splaysa currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number lor thls collectlon is 2133-0010. Send comments regarding thls burden astrmata or any other aspect of
thls informatlon collect~onlo the Marltime Adm~n~stration,
Ofice of Management and Information Servlces, 400 Seventh Street. S.W., Room 7301, Washington, D.C. 20590

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Kings Point, New York

New Essay Requirement
The United States Merchant Marine Academy has initiated a new essay requirement. In place of
the old Biographical Sketch/Essay instructions, Candidates (applicants for admission) must submit
the information requested below.

Required Essay: On a separate sheet of paper, give a biographical sketch of at least 200
but not more than 300 words. In this sketch, it is required that you include your reasons for
wishing to attend the academy and that you state your understanding and willingness to
accept the service obligation upon graduation. Furthermore, it is highly recommended that
you also include a discussion of your curriculum preference, and the development of your
career interest as a result of your high school classes, hobbies, and activities – including
any sailing and/or military experience.

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File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2011-05-04
File Created0000-01-01

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