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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 31 / Tuesday, February 15, 2011 / Notices
Interested persons whose registrations
have been accepted may be permitted to
participate in the discussions at the
discretion of the meeting chairman and
with approval of the DFO.
Anyone requiring special
accommodations should notify Ms.
Huntoon at least seven (7) days in
advance of the meeting.
registration as a bulk manufacturer of
the basic classes of controlled
substances listed.
Dated: February 4, 2011.
Joseph T. Rannazzisi,
Deputy Assistant Administrator, Office of
Diversion Control, Drug Enforcement
[FR Doc. 2011–3406 Filed 2–14–11; 8:45 am]
Office of Justice Programs
[OJP (BJA) Docket No. 1545]
Meeting of the Department of Justice’s
(DOJ’s) National Motor Vehicle Title
Information System (NMVTIS) Federal
Advisory Committee
Office of Justice Programs
(OJP), Justice.
ACTION: Notice of meeting.
This is an announcement of a
meeting of DOJ’s National Motor
Vehicle Title Information System
(NMVTIS) Federal Advisory Committee
to discuss the role of the NMVTIS
Federal Advisory Committee Members
and various issues relating to the
operation and implementation of
The meeting will take place on
Wednesday, March 2, 2011, from 8:30
a.m. to 4 p.m. ET and on Thursday,
March 3, 2011, from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.
ADDRESSES: The meeting will take place
at the Bureau of Justice Assistance,
Office of Justice Programs, 810 7th
Street, NW., Washington, DC 20531;
Phone: (202) 305–1661.
Alissa Huntoon, Designated Federal
Official (DFO), Bureau of Justice
Assistance, Office of Justice Programs,
810 7th Street Northwest, Washington,
DC 20531; Phone: (202) 305–1661 [Note:
this is not a toll-free number]; E-mail:
The NMVTIS Federal Advisory
Committee will provide input and
recommendations to the Office of Justice
Programs (OJP) regarding the operations
and administration of NMVTIS. The
primary duties of the NMVTIS Federal
Advisory Committee will be to advise
the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA)
Director on NMVTIS-related issues,
including but not limited to:
Implementation of a system that is selfsustainable with user fees; options for
alternative revenue-generating
opportunities; determining ways to
enhance the technological capabilities
of the system to increase its flexibility;
and options for reducing the economic
burden on current and future reporting
entities and users of the system.
Alissa Huntoon,
NMVTIS DFO, Bureau of Justice Assistance,
Office of Justice Programs.
[FR Doc. 2011–3352 Filed 2–14–11; 8:45 am]
meeting is open to the public. Due to
security measures, however, members of
the public who wish to attend this
meeting must register with Ms. Alissa
Huntoon at the above address at least
seven (7) days in advance of the
meeting. Registrations will be accepted
on a space available basis. Access to the
meeting will not be allowed without
registration. All attendees will be
required to sign in at the security desk.
Please bring photo identification and
allow extra time prior to the meeting.
jdjones on DSK8KYBLC1PROD with NOTICES
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Jkt 223001
Occupational Safety and Health
[Docket No. OSHA–2011–0032]
Construction Standards on Posting
Emergency Telephone Numbers and
Floor Load Limits; Extension of the
Office of Management and Budget’s
(OMB) Approval of Information
Collection (Paperwork) Requirements
Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA), Labor.
ACTION: Request for public comments.
OSHA solicits public
comments concerning its proposal to
extend OMB approval of the
information collection requirements
specified by the Construction Standards
on Posting Emergency Telephone
Numbers and Floor Load Limits
(paragraph (f) of § 1926.50 and
paragraph (a)(2) of § 1926.250,
DATES: Comments must be submitted
(postmarked, sent, or received) by April
18, 2011.
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Electronically: You may submit
comments and attachments
electronically at http://, which is the
Federal eRulemaking Portal. Follow the
instructions online for submitting
Facsimile: If your comments,
including attachments, are not longer
than 10 pages, you may fax them to the
OSHA Docket Office at (202) 693–1648.
Mail, hand delivery, express mail,
messenger, or courier service: When
using this method, you must submit
your comments and attachments to the
OSHA Docket Office, Docket No.
OSHA–2011–0032, U.S. Department of
Labor, Room N–2625, 200 Constitution
Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20210.
Deliveries (hand, express mail,
messenger, and courier service) are
accepted during the Department of
Labor’s and Docket Office’s normal
business hours, 8:15 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.,
Instructions: All submissions must
include the Agency name and OSHA
docket number for the Information
Collection Request (ICR) (OSHA–2011–
0032). All comments, including any
personal information you provide, are
placed in the public docket without
change, and may be made available
online at
For further information on submitting
comments see the ‘‘Public Participation’’
heading in the section of this notice
Docket: To read or download
comments or other material in the
docket, go to
or the OSHA Docket Office at the
address above. All documents in the
docket (including this Federal Register
notice) are listed in the http:// index; however,
some information (e.g., copyrighted
material) is not publicly available to
read or download through the Web site.
All submissions, including copyrighted
material, are available for inspection
and copying at the OSHA Docket Office.
You may also contact Theda Kenney or
Todd Owen at the address below to
obtain a copy of the ICR.
Todd Owen, Directorate of Standards
and Guidance, OSHA, U.S. Department
of Labor, Room N–3609, 200
Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington,
DC 20210; telephone (202) 693–2222.
I. Background
The Department of Labor, as part of its
continuing effort to reduce paperwork
and respondent (i.e., employer) burden,
conducts a preclearance consultation
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 31 / Tuesday, February 15, 2011 / Notices
program to provide the public with an
opportunity to comment on proposed
and continuing information collection
requirements in accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)). This program
ensures that information is in the
desired format, reporting burden (time
and costs) is minimal, collection
instruments are clearly understood, and
OSHA’s estimate of the information
collection burden is accurate. The
Occupational Safety and Health Act of
1970 (the OSH Act) (29 U.S.C. 651 et
seq.) authorizes information collection
by employers as necessary or
appropriate for enforcement of the OSH
Act or for developing information
regarding the causes and prevention of
occupational injuries, illnesses, and
accidents (29 U.S.C. 657). The OSH Act
also requires that OSHA obtain such
information with minimum burden
upon employers, especially those
operating small businesses, and to
reduce to the maximum extent feasible
unnecessary duplication of efforts in
obtaining information (29 U.S.C. 657).
Two construction standards, ‘‘Medical
Services and First Aid’’ (§ 1926.50), and
‘‘General Requirements for Storage’’
(§ 1926.250), contain posting provisions.
Paragraph (f) of § 1926.50 requires
employers to post emergency telephone
numbers for physicians, hospitals, or
ambulances at the worksite if the 911
emergency telephone service is not
available; in the event a worker has a
serious injury at the worksite, this
posting requirement expedites
emergency medical treatment of the
employee. Paragraph (a)(2) of § 1926.250
specifies that employers must post the
maximum safe load limits of floors
located in storage areas inside buildings
or other structures, unless the floors are
on grade. This provision prohibits
employers from overloading floors in
areas used to store material and
equipment in multi-story units that are
under construction, thereby preventing
the floors from collapsing and seriously
injuring workers.
jdjones on DSK8KYBLC1PROD with NOTICES
II. Special Issues for Comment
OSHA has a particular interest in
comments on the following issues:
• Whether the proposed information
collection requirements are necessary
for the proper performance of the
Agency’s functions to protect workers,
including whether the information is
• The accuracy of OSHA’s estimate of
the burden (time and costs) of the
information collection requirements,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used;
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• The quality, utility, and clarity of
the information collected; and
• Ways to minimize the burden on
employers who must comply; for
example, by using automated or other
technological information collection
and transmission techniques.
III. Proposed Actions
OSHA is requesting that OMB extend
its approval of the information
collection requirements contained in the
two construction standards, ‘‘Medical
Services and First Aid’’ paragraph (f) of
§ 1926.50, and ‘‘General Requirements
for Storage’’ paragraph (a)(2) of
§ 1926.250. The Agency is requesting an
adjustment decrease to its current
burden hour total from 197,819 to
139,078 for a total decrease of 58,741
hours associated with these two
Standards. The Agency will summarize
the comments submitted in response to
this notice and will include this
summary in the request to OMB.
Type of Review: Extension of a
currently approved collection.
Title: Construction Standards on the
Posting of Emergency Telephone
Numbers and Floor Load Limits (29 CFR
1926.50(f) and 29 CFR 1926.250(a)(2)).
OMB Number: 1218–0093.
Affected Public: Business or other forprofits; Not-for-profit institutions;
Federal Government; State, Local or
Tribal Governments.
Number of Respondents: 282,050.
Frequency: Varies from 2 minutes (.03
hour) to post emergency numbers to 15
minutes (.25 hour) to develop and post
load limits for floors.
Total Responses: 559,958.
Estimated Total Burden Hours:
Estimated Cost (Operation and
Maintenance): $0.
IV. Public Participation—Submission of
Comments on This Notice and Internet
Access to Comments and Submissions
You may submit comments in
response to this document as follows:
(1) Electronically at http://, which is the
Federal eRulemaking Portal; (2) by
facsimile; or (3) by hard copy. All
comments, attachments, and other
material must identify the Agency name
and the OSHA docket number for this
ICR (Docket No. OSHA–2011–0032).
You may supplement electronic
submissions by uploading document
files electronically. If you wish to mail
additional materials in reference to an
electronic or a facsimile submission,
you must submit them to the OSHA
Docket Office (see the section of this
notice titled ADDRESSES). The additional
materials must clearly identify your
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electronic comments by your name,
date, and docket number so the Agency
can attach them to your comments.
Because of security procedures, the
use of regular mail may cause a
significant delay in the receipt of
comments. For information about
security procedures concerning the
delivery of materials by hand, express
delivery, messenger or courier service,
please contact the OSHA Docket Office
at (202) 693–2350, (TTY (877) 889–
Comments and submissions are
posted without change at http:// Therefore, OSHA
cautions commenters about submitting
personal information such as social
security numbers and date of birth.
Although all submissions are listed in
the index,
some information (e.g., copyrighted
material) is not publicly available to
read or download through this Web site.
All submissions, including copyrighted
material, are available for inspection
and copying at the OSHA Docket Office.
Information on using the http:// Web site to submit
comments and access the docket is
available at the Web site’s ‘‘User Tips’’
link. Contact the OSHA Docket Office
for information about materials not
available through the Web site, and for
assistance in using the Internet to locate
docket submissions.
V. Authority and Signature
David Michaels, PhD, MPH, Assistant
Secretary of Labor for Occupational
Safety and Health, directed the
preparation of this notice. The authority
for this notice is the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3506
et seq.) and Secretary of Labor’s Order
No. 4–2010 (75 FR 55355).
Signed at Washington, DC, on February 10,
David Michaels,
Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational
Safety and Health.
[FR Doc. 2011–3363 Filed 2–14–11; 8:45 am]
File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | Document |
Subject | Extracted Pages |
Author | U.S. Government Printing Office |
File Modified | 2011-02-14 |
File Created | 2011-02-14 |