revised OMB Supporting Statement B_11012011

revised OMB Supporting Statement B_11012011.docx

Violence and Victimization Experiences of Indian Women Living in Tribal Communities Project

OMB: 1121-0332

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B.1. Respondent Universe and Sampling Methods

This one-time pilot study is being conducted to test methods and instrumentation that will inform future research methods for use in Indian Country. Aims of this future study may involve generating prevalence estimates of IPV, sexual violence, and stalking among American Indian and Alaska Native women living on tribal reservations and in Alaska Native villages. Therefore, this sampling and data collection design is intended not to generate estimates, but to test the viability of this particular sampling and data collection approach for the future research.

The target population for the VAIW pilot study and for cognitive testing includes American Indian and Alaska Native women 18 and older. Those under age 18 are excluded because they are legally considered minors and their participation would necessitate significant changes to the study protocol. Those who do not speak English well enough to be interviewed are excluded because the pilot instrument and survey materials are currently limited to that language.

B.1.a) Sampling Plan

No estimates will be derived from the pilot test data, so the representativeness and rigor of the sample of women interviewed is not important. The pilot test is designed to test the instrument and the procedures. As described above, RTI and NIJ staff will explore the viability of two sampling approaches (map-based sampling and counting and listing in pilot site #1 and list-based sampling in pilot site # 2) that may be possible on tribal reservations and in Alaska Native communities for future efforts. For the cognitive test, the research team will depend on convenience sampling with the help of local service providers in pilot site #3.

For pilot site #1, we would conduct and compare two parallel activities designed to generate lists of eligible households on tribal land (also called “household enumeration”). First, we would use a map-based approach to identify and count all household units in one or two predefined areas of the reservation land and identify which of them are households of tribal members. We would predefine one or two geographic areas (e.g., a 5 square mile area, two 2 square mile areas, or Census blocks) and study aerial photographic maps of the areas. Maps would be obtained from the 2010 U.S. Census.

Using the aerial maps, we would identify and count every dwelling unit that we believe is a household based on observable photographic evidence. We would note the geographic coordinates and physical address of each. We would then prepare a list of the physical addresses of these identified households. We anticipate identifying approximately 50 households. Next, we would provide this list of identified addresses to an authorized tribal representative for comparison against the tribal enrollment list. For this step, we propose to contract with a tribal government employee who could access the tribal enrollment list and determine how many of the houses we identified likely include 1) tribal members, and 2) a woman who is at least 18 years of age.

Second, we would use a traditional “counting and listing” approach to note the location of all household units in the same predefined area or areas of MBCI reservation land. RTI staff would travel in person to the geographic area or areas used for the map-based approach and count all households in the predefined areas. This would be done by traveling by car and foot over all roads contained within the identified areas and noting all dwellings along the route. Their physical addresses and geographic coordinates would be documented. We would like to work with a tribal government employee (or someone else from the local community) to guide and accompany this effort. RTI staff or consultants would be escorted by this local contact at all times while on the reservation land. As was the case for the map-based approach, we would then need a tribal government employee to access the tribal enrollment list and determine how many of the houses we identified via counting and listing likely include 1) tribal members, and 2) a woman who is at least 18 years of age.

Once we have used each of these two different strategies to identify households in the selected areas of tribal land, we will compare the results of these two efforts to determine which approach yielded more total households. We would also assess what proportion of the identified households contained an adult female tribal member. This comparison would enable us to know whether the map-based approach has promise for sampling in Indian Country sites where list-based sampling (such as from a tribal enrollment list) is not viable. It would also give us a sense of what proportion of households on the reservation land likely includes an adult woman.

In pilot site #2, the tribal government partner has agreed to provide a list of all enrolled members of the tribe for use as a sampling frame. Eligibility-relevant data elements, such as age and sex, are included in the enrollment list. Only list members who are potentially eligible for the study will be included in the selection process. The research team will draw random, replicate samples and release them in random order. If the first replicate yields a sufficient number of completed interviews, the second replicate would not be released but additional replicates can be released as needed. This process will ensure that all cases released will be representative of the respondent universe from which the replicates were drawn.

B.1.b) Sample Allocation and Precision

Approximately 35 pilot interviews will be completed in pilot site #2. Since the pilot study data will not be used to generate estimates of any measures of interest, precision and representativeness are not considerations. Approximately 20 cognitive interviews will be completed in site #3.

B.1.c) Responsive Design

To address nonresponse in pilot site #2, a nonresponse protocol will be implemented, as described in section B.3.d. Briefly, the nonresponse phase is a protocol implemented at some point during survey recruitment, in order to decrease nonresponse and gain information from sample members who have not yet chosen to respond or participate. As described in section B.3.d, indicators of cost and survey measures will be monitored to determine when the nonresponse protocol is implemented. This approach is “responsive” to maintain the most effective data collection.

A nonresponse bias analysis will not be conducted since the data gathered will not be used to generate estimates.

B.1.d) Response Rates

Based on an anticipated response rate (60 percent), screening rates (90 percent), and desired number of respondents in site #2 (N=35), a random sample of 65 women in site #2 will be selected. Two reserve samples of women will be drawn and fielded only if the initial random sample of 65 women proves to be insufficient. Response rate will be computed based on the American Association of Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) response rate #4 formula (AAPOR, 2008). The AAPOR calculation is a standard developed by researchers and established as a requirement by a leading journal for survey methodology (Public Opinion Quarterly). This particular formula is the most commonly implemented formula that 1) accounts for ineligibility among cases with unknown eligibility; and 2) treats partial interviews (by respondents who have answered all pre-identified essential questions) as interviews.

The importance of increasing and maintaining response rates is recognized. Even if evidence is provided that various survey estimates do not suffer from nonresponse bias, the response rate remains the single number that is reported and used to gauge the representativeness of the survey data. Response rates will be maximized, in part, by utilizing contractor experience from previous survey efforts, such as the National Survey on Drug Use and Health that included Indian Country respondents. One way to increase response rates is the use of an advance letter to inform households about a forthcoming household visit (Traugott, Groves, and Lepkowski, 1987). Another way is through interviewer training, thus reducing the variation of response rates by interviewer through improving techniques among lower performing interviewers (Groves and McGonagle, 2001). Implementing an effective incentive plan can, over the course of data collection, reduce overall costs and burden to respondents by reducing the need for additional calls to potential respondents. These strategies are described further in section B.3.

B.2. Procedures for the Collection of Information

B.2.a) Advance Letter of Introduction

Using a letter to inform possible respondents about a forthcoming telephone call and giving them a general description of the survey being conducted has been shown to increase survey response rates. Such a procedure will be used in pilot site #2. The letter will describe the purpose of the survey and will: 1) inform sample members that they have been randomly chosen to participate in the survey; 2) provide useful information regarding the survey; 3) include a toll-free telephone number that respondents can call if they have questions; and 4) include information regarding the incentive that will be offered to eligible respondents who agree to participate.

To maximize human subjects’ protection, the introductory letter has been carefully written to be very general and describe the study in broad terms (Attachment L). The lack of detailed study information in the advance letter is intentional for the protection of the prospective study participant. If the prospective study participant is in a relationship where IPV is present, a more general introductory letter will be less likely to raise suspicion or incite potential perpetrators.

The study identification numbers will contain an indicator specifying whether or not the respondent was mailed a letter. At no time will the address file used to mail lead letters (and later to contact respondents in person) be linked to data collected during the in-person interview. Upon completion of the study, the address file will be destroyed to further prevent any matching.

B.2.b) Interviewer Training

Response rates vary greatly across interviewers (e.g., O’Muircheartaigh and Campanelli 1999). Improving interviewer training has been found effective in increasing response rates, particularly among interviewers with lower response rates (Groves and McGonagle 2001). For this reason, extensive interviewer training is a key aspect of the success of this data collection effort. The following interviewing procedures, all of which have been proven in the OMB-approved NISVS (control number 0920-0822) and other previous studies, will be used to maximize response rates in pilot site #2:

    1. Interviewers will be briefed on the potential challenges of administering a survey on IPV, sexual violence, and stalking.

    2. Well-defined conversion procedures will be established. If a respondent initially declines to participate, a member of the conversion staff will re-contact the respondent to explain the importance of participation. Conversion staff members are highly experienced interviewers who have demonstrated success in eliciting cooperation. The main purpose of this contact is to ensure that the potential respondent understands the importance of the survey and to determine if anything can be done to make the survey process easier (e.g., schedule a convenient call-back time). At no time will staff pressure or coerce potential respondents to change their minds about their participation in the survey, and this will be carefully monitored throughout survey administration to ensure that no undue pressure is placed on potential respondents.

    3. Should a respondent interrupt an interview for some reason, the interviewer will reschedule the interview for completion at a later time.

    4. Study enrollment and survey completion will take place on an ongoing basis until 35 interviews have been completed.

    5. Conversion staff will be able to provide a reluctant respondent with the name and telephone number of the contractor’s project manager who can provide respondents with additional information regarding the importance of their participation.

    6. The contractor will establish a toll-free number, dedicated to the project, so potential respondents may call to confirm the study’s legitimacy.

Special attention will be given to refusal procedures. The contractor will work closely with NIJ to set up these rules and procedures. Examples include:

  • Detailed definition when a refusal is considered final

  • Monitoring of interview break-offs

  • Hours of the day during which prospective respondents may be approached

Refusal avoidance training will take place shortly after data collection begins. Supervisors will select a team of refusal avoidance specialists from among the interviewers who demonstrate special talents for obtaining cooperation and avoiding initial refusals. These interviewers will be given additional training in specific techniques tailored to the interview, with an emphasis on gaining cooperation, overcoming objections, addressing concerns of gatekeepers, and encouraging participation. If a respondent does refuse to be interviewed or terminates an interview in progress, interviewers will attempt to determine their reason(s) for refusing to participate, by asking the following question: “Could you please tell me why you do not wish to participate in the study?” The interviewer will then code the response and any other additional relevant information. Particular categories of interest include “Don’t have the time,” “Inconvenient now,” “Not interested,” “Don’t participate in any surveys,” and “Opposed to government intrusiveness into my privacy.”

Interviewers will be highly trained AI&AN women. The decision to use only female interviewers is based on both the survey topics and the literature regarding gender and reporting. A study conducted by Pollner (1998) indicates that interviewer gender is significantly related to respondents' reports of psychiatric symptoms. Male and female respondents interviewed by women reported more symptoms of depression, substance abuse, and conduct disorders than respondents interviewed by men. These results suggest that female interviewers may create conditions more conducive to disclosure and be perceived as more sympathetic than male interviewers (Pollner, 1998). An additional consideration specifically related to interviews about IPV, sexual violence, and stalking includes the fact that the majority of victims will be female and the majority of the perpetrators will be male. Thus, females may be less comfortable reporting IPV, sexual violence, and stalking to a male interviewer. Based on the lack of evidence to suggest the need for matching interviewers and respondents by gender and because evidence suggests that female interviewers may create conditions more conducive to disclosure, only female interviewers will conduct interviews for this study. Similarly, female interviewers may be more comfortable asking these questions than would a male interviewer. It is essential that the interviewers be comfortable with the survey because their level of comfort will, in turn, impact quality with which they administer the interview. The decision to hire only AI&AN persons was made based on guidance provided by experts consulted in designing the data collection (see A8, above).

Interviewers who have been selected will receive a minimum of 28 hours of training (3 ½ day training). Only those who have successfully completed all training sessions will conduct interviews. Training topics include the purpose of the study, question-by-question review of the instrument, ways to engage respondents, role-playing, and techniques to foster cooperation and completed surveys. Interviewers will be briefed on the potential challenges of administering a survey on IPV, sexual violence, and stalking.

Interviewers will be trained to follow specific interviewing procedures that have been proven in previous studies. They will learn about the need for the use of explicit language and will be coached on being matter-of-fact in their delivery. Interviewers will also learn about resource information that will be provided for participants who are coping with traumatic and violent events.

A detailed written training manual specific to this study is being developed. For the table of contents of the draft manual, see Attachment N. The content of the training will focus on the study background, project-specific protocols, confidentiality procedures, questionnaire content, refusal avoidance and well-defined conversion protocols. The information will be presented using a variety of methods, including lecture, demonstration, round-robin practice, paired practice, and group and paired mock interviews. Due to the nature of the study, particular attention will be paid to the distressed respondent protocol for this study.

Only interviewers whose work has been reviewed and certified by the project team will be permitted to conduct actual interviews. The certification process will involve completing two paired practice interviews, orally answering the 6-8 most frequently asked questions, completing 2-3 written quizzes covering the distress protocol, refusal avoidance, and an overview of the study.

Throughout data collection, interviewers’ data will be monitored to check the quality of their work and to identify areas needing more training or clarification. This process allows the identification of any individual interviewer performance issues, as well as larger issues that might affect the data collection. The information obtained is then used as a teaching tool for other interviewers, as appropriate.

Because of the prevalence of IPV, sexual violence, and stalking, it can be anticipated that potential or selected interviewers may have personal experience with the topics being addressed during the interview. Although disclosure of this private information will not be requested, it is important for the interviewers to have support available, as needed, and opportunities to debrief (regardless of their personal history) on a regular basis during the conduct of this study. In addition to participating in the interviewer training and ongoing monitoring and supervision of interviewers, interviewers will attend weekly meetings with project staff. The purpose of these meetings, which will occur throughout data collection, is typically to discuss progress in data collection, problems in interviewing, and survey instrument changes. These meetings will allow the interviewers to discuss specific experiences as well as their responses to difficult situations.

B.2.c) Collection of Survey Data

Where authorized, sampled women will be contacted via telephone or in person approximately one week after the introductory letter has been sent. Interviewers will introduce themselves and (when applicable) state "You may have received a letter from us”, then will inform the potential participant about the study, select a respondent, and proceed with the introductory script.

B.2.d) Estimation Procedure

The pilot study will not be used to generate estimates of any measures of interest.

B.3. Methods to Maximize Response Rates and Deal with Nonresponse

B.3.a) Lead Letter

When possible, a lead letter will be delivered to inform sampled women in pilot site #2 about a forthcoming telephone contact from a field interviewer. The letter will provide a general description of the survey. Use of lead letters has been shown to increase survey response rates.

B.3.b) Incentives

Upon completion of the pilot survey (pilot site #2), respondents will receive a cash payment of $35 as a token of appreciation for participating. Cognitive interview respondents will receive a cash payment of $40 (pilot site #3). Offering an incentive will help gain cooperation from a larger proportion of the sample. Promised incentives have been found to be an effective means of increasing response rates in Random Digit Dial surveys (e.g., Cantor, Wang, and Abi-Habib 2003)1 and reducing nonresponse bias by gaining cooperation from those less interested in the topic (e.g., Groves Couper, Presser, Singer, Tourangeau, Acosta, and Nelson, 2006; Groves, Singer, and Corning 2000).

Incentives can reduce the cost per case through the need for fewer interviewers to do follow-up with sample members who do not respond. Such evidence is provided by the incentive experiments conducted for the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) and the National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG) Cycle 5 Pretest. For both experiments, the additional incentive costs were more than offset by savings in interviewer labor and travel costs (Duffer et al, 1994; Kennet et al., 2005).

Many other federally-sponsored surveys offer incentives to gain cooperation including the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), the National Survey of Adoptive Parents of Children with Special Health Care Needs, the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being in 2002, the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study-Birth Cohort (ECLS-B), and the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997.

B.3.c) Interview Procedures and Respondent Distress

Respondent safety is a primary concern for any data collection asking about violence, particularly IPV, sexual violence, and stalking. Although participation in surveys is typically not distressful, it is important for researchers to anticipate potential respondent reactions to the questions being asked and to minimize any adverse impact to the fullest extent possible. A distress protocol will be developed. This protocol will address how interviewers should respond and record issues of emotional, physical, or unknown sources of distress throughout the interview process. The distress protocol will include step-by-step instructions on handling different types of distress. Interviewers will be properly trained with well established contingency plans, including early termination of the interview if the respondent becomes distressed or concerned for their safety. The protocol will include instructions on steps to follow for different types of distress: physical, emotional, and unknown. The distress protocol will be covered extensively during interviewer training. Any information entered into CAPI regarding distress cases will be reviewed by project staff. Project staff will forward information regarding distressed respondents to RTI’s IRB, and will provide information regarding these cases to NIJ.

If a respondent does display distress, either verbally or non-verbally (i.e., crying) the interviewer will immediately offer to finish the interview at another time and will offer the respondent the telephone numbers for the National Domestic Violence Hotline and The Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network so that respondents may obtain services to help alleviate their emotional distress. Similarly, in the unlikely event that a respondent expresses thoughts/intentions of suicide, the interviewer will stop the interview and will encourage the respondent to call the National Suicide Hotline. A project staff member will evaluate any distress events as they are reported. In addition, pilot site #2 field staff will work with tribal social services and behavioral health staff who have offered to make their services available to respondents that may need to talk with a counselor or advocate upon completion of the interview to debrief.

B.3.d) Methods to Maximize Coverage

The survey will be conducted in person due to low telephone coverage on many tribal reservations and in many Alaska Native villages. Our efforts in pilot sites #1 and #2 are designed to test two different sampling methods in order to identify those with the most promise for maximizing coverage in future research.

B.4. Tests of Procedures or Methods to Be Undertaken

Data collection in pilot site #2 sites will be closely monitored to ensure that all skip patterns and data collection procedures are operating correctly. Any necessary adjustments to the CAPI/ACASI instrument or survey protocols will be made during the initial weeks of data collection. An OMB Change Request will be submitted if there is an increase in burden.

B.5. Individuals Consulted on Statistical Aspects and Individuals Collecting and/or Analyzing Data

B.5.a) Individuals who have participated in designing the data collection effort:

NIJ Staff

Telephone Number

Email Address

Bethany Backes, Social Science Analyst, M.S.W, M.P.H


Christine Crossland, Project Officer and Senior Social Science Analyst, M.A.


Angela Moore, Supervisory Social Science Specialist Ph.D.

202- 307-0145

Jane Palmer, Research Assistant M.S.W


RTI International Staff

Telephone Number

Email Address

Marcus Berzofsky, Ph.D.


Lisa Carley-Baxter, M.A.


Christopher Krebs, Ph.D.


Tasseli McKay, M.P.H.


Amy Hendershott, M.S.



Telephone Number

Email Address

Michele Lynberg Black, Ph.D.


Michelle Chino, Ph.D.


Ada Pecos Melton, M.P.A.


Andre Rosay, Ph.D.


For a copy of the Researchers’ Workshop Participants, please Attachment C.

For copy of the Task Force members consulted on this effort, please Attachment F.

B.5.b) The following individuals from RTI International and NIJ will participate in the collection of data:

RTI International Staff

Telephone Number

Email Address

Lisa Carley-Baxter, M.A.


Tasseli McKay, M.P.H.


Amy Hendershott, M.S.


NIJ Staff

Telephone Number

Email Address

Bethany Backes, Social Science Analyst, M.S.W, M.P.H


Christine Crossland, Project Officer and Senior Social Science Analyst, M.A.


Jane Palmer, Research Assistant M.S.W


B.5.c) The following individuals will participate in pilot methods data analysis:

NIJ Staff

Telephone Number

Email Address

Bethany Backes, Social Science Analyst, M.S.W, M.P.H


Christine Crossland, Project Officer and Senior Social Science Analyst, M.A.


Phyllis Newton, Office Director, Office of Research & Evaluation


Jane Palmer, Research Assistant M.S.W


RTI International Staff

Telephone Number

Email Address

Christopher Krebs, Ph.D.


Lisa Carley-Baxter, M.A.


Amy Hendershott, M.S.


Tasseli McKay, M.P.H.


Project Consultants

Telephone Number

Email Address

André Rosay, Ph.D., Director, Justice Center, University of Alaska Anchorage


Ada Melton, M.P.A., American Indian Development Associates


Michelle Chino, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Director of the Center for Health Disparities Research, University of Nevada Las Vegas



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1 Singer and colleagues [Singer, E., J. Van Hoewyk and M. P. Maher (2000). "Experiments with Incentives in Telephone Surveys." Public Opinion Quarterly 64(2): 171-188] have been cited as providing evidence toward the ineffectiveness of promised incentives to increase survey response rates. However, approximately 200 sample cases were assigned to each condition (with or without incentive) in their experiments, requiring very large differences to reach statistical significance. The pattern supported the effectiveness of promised incentives, as in all four of their experiments the response rate was higher in the condition with an incentive. Furthermore, the experiments were conducted in 1996 with response rates close to 70 percent, seemingly more difficult to be increased through incentives relative to the lower current response rates (below 50 percent on that same survey).


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