Draft for Public Comment
Child Care and Development Fund Plan Preprint FFY 2012-2013
NACCRRA Comments
Submitted by Linda K. Smith, Executive Director
November 23, 2010
General Comments
The National Association of Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies (NACCRRA) appreciates the opportunity to comment on the proposed FY2012-2013 Child Care and Development Fund Plan Preprint. We commend the commitment to collect more data on the quality of child care and CCDF quality investments, as well as revising CCDF’s national performance measures.
NACCRRA’s vision is that the United States is a nation that supports the development and learning of all children. We are pleased to see the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office for Child Care is putting increased emphasis on health and safety and quality improvement in child care and accountability for CCDF expenditures. We are particularly glad to see attention to understanding the quality of care for children who are in situations that are exempt from child care licensing regulations. CCR&R services provide foundational supports for many aspects of CCDF services, including training, technical assistance, consumer education, referrals, market rate surveys, subsidy administration, and local leadership to support child care providers and decision makers. Our comments reflect the ongoing commitment of NACCRRA and its members to promote policies and partnerships to ensure access to quality child care and early learning services for all children.
Specific comments
Text in italics is text from the Draft document or text that NACCRRA suggests adding to the document. Text in red is proposed NACCRRA language.
Table 1.3.2 CCDF Program Administration and Implementation (p. 7)
Comment: Add new row to table with information about who delivers quality activities:
CCDF Services/Activities |
Agency (Check all that apply) |
Who delivers quality activities? |
Other. List and describe |
2.1.3 (p. 14-15)
Comment: Reword statement and add phrase about websites with inspection reports
how the Lead Agency ensures that
parents applying for CCDF assistance are
informed about tools to assess the quality of
care provided by various providers. For example,
memorandums of understanding with resource and referral agencies to
provide consumer education to families applying for CCDF assistance,
providing parents with provider lists showing licensing history,
websites with inspection reports,
and/or QRIS ratings, or informational
brochures that address the importance of quality and different care
options available.
Comment: Add questions about who conducts the market rate survey and how much is spent for the survey.
2.6.4. Market Rate Survey …
a) Provide the month and year when the most recent local market rate survey(s) was completed (§98.43(b)(2)): .
b) Attach a copy of the Market Rate Survey instrument and a summary of the results of the survey.
c) Who is responsible for conducting the most recent local Market Rate Survey(s)?
d) How much was spent conducting the most recent local Market Rate Survey(s)?
2.6.7 (p. 29)
Comment: Add meals to list
2.6.7. Will the Lead Agency allow providers to charge parents any additional fees?
Providers are allowed to charge the difference between the maximum reimbursement rate and their private pay rate
Providers are allowed to charge registration fees/transportation fees
Providers are allowed to charge for meals
Providers are allowed to charge additional incidental fees such as field trips or supplies
Policies vary across region, counties and or geographic areas. Describe
No, providers may not charge parents any additional fees
Other. Describe
Part 3: Health and Safety and Quality Improvement Activities (p. 30)
Comment: Add inspections to the first key component:
This section is organized based on four key components of quality which encompass most of the quality investments and initiatives undertaken by CCDF Lead Agencies:
1. Ensuring health and safety of children through licensing, on-site inspections and health and safety standards
3.1.1 – Definition - Family Child Care Home, b-1 (p. 32)
Comment: Add hours of care are limited as an option
Family Child Care Homes. Family child care provider is defined as one individual who provides child care services for fewer than 24 hours per day per child, as the sole caregiver, in a private residence other than the child’s residence, unless care in excess of 24 hours is due to the nature of the parent(s)’s work. (§98.2). …
Based on the number of children in care
Care provided by a relative (in the provider's home)
Children in care are siblings or from one family
Hours of care are limited
Other. Describe
3.1.2 Enforcement of Licensing Requirements (p. 33)
Comment: Add two columns to table to show types of inspection visits
a) Does your State/Territory use announced and unannounced visits to effectively enforce the licensing requirements?
Provider Categories |
Frequency of Routine Announced Visits |
Frequency of Routine Unannounced Visits |
Types of Routine Announced Visits |
Types of Routine Unannounced Visits |
3.1.2 Enforcement of Licensing Requirements
Does your State/Territory use background checks to effectively enforce the licensing requirements? (p. 34)
Comment 1: Add text about using a fingerprint for state criminal records check to each category.
Comment 2: Add check of juvenile records as a type of background check to each category.
b) Does your State/Territory use background checks to effectively enforce the licensing requirements?
Provider Categories |
Types of Background Check |
Frequency |
[Also add in these rows:]
Comment: Add a new question that asks about background checks for volunteers, other residents of a family child care home, etc.
xxx) Does your State/Territory require background checks for any person other than the provider (e.g., volunteers, other residents of a group child care home or family child care homes, etc?)
c) If not performing visits (announced or unannounced) or background checks, how does the State/Territory ensure that its licensing requirements are effectively enforced per the CCDF regulations? (658E(c)(2)(E),§98.40(a)(2))
Comment: Add question about training related to shaken baby syndrome.
Describe the health and safety requirements for health and safety training in effect for child care providers of services for which assistance is provided under CCDF. (658E(c)(2)(F)(iii), §98.41(a)(3))
Health and Safety Training Requirements |
Pre-Service |
On-Going |
Child Care Centers
[Also add in these rows:]
SIDS Prevention (i.e., Safe Sleep) |
Medication Administration |
Mandatory Reporting of Suspected Abuse or Neglect |
Shaken Baby Syndrome |
Child Development |
Supervision of Children |
Behavior Management |
Comment: Add question about requirements for exempt care providers that parallels the question about relative providers
d) What are the Lead Agency’s requirements for relative providers (grandparents, great-grandparents, siblings if living in a separate residence, aunts, and uncles)?
All relative providers are subject to the same health and safety requirements as described in 3.1.3a-c, as appropriate; there are no exceptions for relatives.
No relative providers are required to meet all health and safety requirements as described in 3.1.3a-c, as appropriate.
Relative providers are subject to certain requirements (e.g., different training content or hours). Describe the different requirements below.
Relative providers are subject to background checks. Describe
Relative providers are subject to monitoring visits. Describe
Other. Describe
xxx) What are the Lead Agency’s requirements for other child care providers who are exempt from child care licensing who provide services for which assistance is provided under CCDF?
All exempt providers are subject to the same health and safety requirements as described in 3.1.3a-c, as appropriate; there are no exceptions for exempt providers.
No exempt providers are required to meet all health and safety requirements as described in 3.1.3a-c, as appropriate.
Exempt providers are subject to certain requirements (e.g., different training content or hours). Describe the different requirements below.
Exempt providers are subject to background checks. Describe
Exempt providers are subject to monitoring visits. Describe
Other. Describe
3.1.4 Data & Performance Measures on Licensing and Health and Safety Compliance (p. 41)
Comment: Add total capacity of licensed programs to list.
a) Data collected on licensing and health and safety. At a minimum, indicate if the Lead Agency or another agency collects:
Number of licensed programs
Total capacity of licensed programs
Numbers of programs operating that are legally exempt from licensing
Comment 1: Add additional types and methods of nonmonetary supports used to support child care programs.
Comment 2: Add column on Provider of Support.
Identify which types and methods you use to support to child care programs in the following chart. Check all that apply.
Areas of Support |
Information or Written Materials |
Training |
On-Site Consultation |
Provider of Support |
Comment: Add scholarship as at type of Financial Incentive
Types of Financial Incentives |
Child Care Centers |
Child Care Homes |
License-Exempt Providers |
Comment 1: In the Environment Rating Scales row, separate ERS into infant/toddler, preschool, and school age.
Comment 2: CLASS does not apply to Child Care Homes.
Comment 3: Add The Business Administration Scale for Family Child Care (BAS) – PAS is for center-based programs.
Types of Program Quality Assessment |
Child Care Centers |
Child Care Homes |
License-Exempt Providers |
Describe, including frequency of assessments |
Comment: Include accreditation, but delete “private”
Has the State/Territory taken steps to establish reciprocity with or alignment with …
Comment: Add clarifying text
b) Does the State/Territory use multiple forms of media to reach parents and the public to communicate about levels of quality for child care programs? Check all that apply.
Comment 1: For states with statewide QRIS, ask if it is voluntary or mandatory.
Comment 2: Add clarifying language to the option about not having a QRIS that includes linked activities.
Based on the five key elements …
Yes, the State/Territory has a QRIS or similar quality improvement system that includes linked activities in all five areas operating State/Territory-wide.
Participation is voluntary.
Participation is mandatory.
No, the State/Territory does not have a QRIS or similar quality improvement system that includes linked activities in all five elements.
State/Territory is in the development phase.
State/Territory has no plans for development.
Other. Describe
Comment 3: Add school age as a category to types of providers eligible to participate in QRIS.
If yes to 3.3.1a …
School-age providers
Comment: Include “trainers” with Education and Training Staff
b) For which roles has the State/Territory developed CKC’s? Check all that apply.
Education and Training Staff (such as trainers, TA providers, CCR&R staff, instructors, faculty). Describe
Comment: Add the word “describe” to the career ladder options
Early childhood career ladder. Describe
School-age career ladder. Describe
Comment: Include “trainers” with Education and Training Staff
b) Which roles are included in the career ladder? Check all that apply.
Practitioners (working directly with children, including center-based aides, assistant teachers, teachers, master teachers, educational coordinators, directors, and family child care home providers and assistants)
Support staff (such as mentors, coaches, home visitors, mental health consultants, etc
Education and Training Staff (such as trainers, TA providers, CCR&R staff, instructors, faculty)
Other. Describe
Comment: Add Other. Describe as an option to d)
d) Does the career ladder apply to:
Other. Describe
Comment 1: Add state licensing as a possible alignment.
Comment 2: Add question about CDA credential and career ladder
Does the career ladder align with the:
State licensing
Is the CDA credential built into the career ladder?
Comment 1: Add State Licensing Standards and National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) as possible alignment.
Comment 2: Delete “are” from c)
Comment 2: Add question about online learning
b) Are higher education programs in the State/Territory aligned with:
Core knowledge and competencies?
Career ladder?
Quality Rating and Improvement System?
State Teacher Licensing Standards
National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE)
the State/Territory have articulation agreements are
in place across and within institutions of higher education and
between the training and technical assistance system and higher
Is online learning an accepted format for training and education?
Yes, Describe
3.4.4 Workforce Element 4 -Training & Technical Assistance Capacity c) (p. 54)
Comment: Add state licensing as an option for alignment
c) Are publicly-funded, non-credit training opportunities in the State/Territory aligned with:
Core knowledge and competencies?
Career ladder?
Quality Rating and Improvement System?
State Teacher Licensing Standards
Comment: add trainer to people working with the workforce
d) Does the State/Territory have trainers, mentors and coaches available to work with the early childhood and school-age workforce?
Comment: Replace “teachers” with “Practitioners (working directly with children, including center-based aides, assistant teachers, teachers, master teachers, educational coordinators, directors and family child care home providers and assistants).”
a) Data collected on the child care workforce. At a minimum, indicate if the Lead Agency or a partner agency collects:
Data on the size of the child care workforce
on the characteristics of teachers
practitioners (working
directly with children, including center-based aides, assistant
teachers, teachers, master teachers, educational coordinators,
directors and family child care home providers and assistants)”
of individual teachers
practitioners and their qualifications
Comment: Add questions about capacity.
1.2.1 Number of licensed programs
a) How many licensed center-based programs operated in the State/Territory as of September 30, 2012? or Data not available
1) What is the capacity of center-based programs operated in the State/Territory as of September 30, 2012? or Data not available
b) How many licensed home-based programs operated in the State/Territory as of September 30, 2012? or Data not available
1) What is the capacity of home-based programs operated in the State/Territory as of September 30, 2012? or Data not available
Comment: Split the question into two questions. Clarify wording about injuries. Ask about setting where injuries or fatalities occurred.
1.2.6 How many reportable injuries occurred in child care as of the end of the last fiscal year?
In a child care center?
In a family child care home?
In license-exempt care?
How many fatalities occurred in child care as of the end of the last fiscal year?
In a child care center?
In a family child care home?
In license-exempt care?
Comment: Add “School-Age Programs” to the following sections:
3.2.2 a) and b), 3.2.3, 3.2.4, 3.2.5, 4.2.2, 4.2.3, 4.2.4, 4.2.5
Comment: Include degrees above the BA
Child Care Center Teachers |
Family Child Care Providers |
Bachelor’s degree |
More than a bachelor’s degree |
Comment: Add the word, “training”
4.2.5 How many teachers or other professionals received training coaching or TA as of the end of the last fiscal year?
Comment: Add “ Data not available” for every option, not just at the end of each category.
3.2.1 How many programs …
Health and safety
Data not available
Social and emotional development
Data not available
3.2.2, 3.2.3, 3.2.4, 3.2.5, 3.2.6
Comment: Add other types of programs to make reporting consistent with required quarterly and annual reporting requirements
3.2.3 Participation rate … :
3.2.4 Progression in QRIS … :
3.2.5 Programs at each level of quality … :
Child Care Centers
Data not available
Family Child Care Home
Data not available
Group Home
Data not available
In-Home Care
Data not available
School-Age Programs
Data not available
License-Exempt Programs
Data not available
Comment: Make include caregivers when choices include teachers to make selection consistent.
Scholarships. How many teachers and caregivers received?
Data not available
Reimbursement … How many teachers and caregivers received?
Data not available
Loans. How many teachers and caregivers received?
Data not available
Wage supplements. How many teachers and caregivers received?
Data not available
Comment: Because CCR&Rs provide services that cover multiple functions, it is important to identify the percentage of CCDF quality funds that go to CCR&Rs. CCR&Rs should be a separate category under table 5.1.
ACF-696 … Categories |
Licensing… |
Technical Assistance |
Financial Supports |
Workforce and Professional Development |
Data Systems |
Consumer Education |
School-Age Targeted Funds |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
Resource and Referral Targeted Funds |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
Please refer questions about specific recommendation to
Rosemary A. Kendall, PhD
Sr. Assoc. Director of Special Projects & Publications
1515 N. Courthouse Road, 11th Floor, Arlington, VA 22201
Ph: (703) 341-4144, Fax: (703) 341-4101
Email: rosemary.kendall@naccrra.org
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | NACCRRA USer |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-02-01 |