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CDC NHBS Publications
1. Abdul-Quader AS, Heckathorn DD, McKnight C, Bramson H, Nemeth C, Sabin K,
Gallagher K, Des Jarlais DC. Effectiveness of respondent-driven sampling for
recruiting drug users in New York City: Findings from a pilot study. J Urban Health
2006; 83(3):459-476.
2. Allen DR, Finlayson T, Abdul-Quader A, Lansky A. The role of formative research
in the National HIV Behavioral Surveillance System. Public Health Rep. 2009 JanFeb;124(1):26-33.
3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). HIV prevalence, unrecognized
infection, and HIV testing among men who have sex with men--five U.S. cities, June
2004-April 2005. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2005 Jun 24; 54(24):597-601.
4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). HIV-associated behaviors among
injecting-drug users--23 Cities, United States, May 2005-February 2006. MMWR
Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2009 Apr 10; 58(13):329-32.
5. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Prevalence and awareness of HIV
infection among men who have sex with men --- 21 Cities, United States, 2008.
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2010 Sep 24; 59(37):1201-1207.
6. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Sanchez T, Finlayson T, Drake A, Behel
S, Cribbin M, Dinenno E, Hall T, Kramer S, Lansky A. Human immunodeficiency
virus (HIV) risk, prevention, and testing behaviors--United States, National HIV
Behavioral Surveillance System: Men who have sex with men, November 2003-April
2005. MMWR Surveill Summ. 2006 Jul 7; 55(6):1-16.
7. Gallagher KM, Sullivan PS, Lansky A, Onorato IM. Behavioral surveillance among
people at risk for HIV infection in the U.S.: the National HIV Behavioral
Surveillance System. Public Health Rep. 2007;122 Suppl 1:32-8.
8. Lansky A, Brooks JT, DiNenno E, Heffelfinger J, Hall HI, Mermin J. Epidemiology
of HIV in the United States. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2010; 55 Suppl 2:S64S68.
9. Lansky A and Mastro TD. Using respondent-driven sampling for behavioural
surveillance: Response to Scott. International Journal of Drug Policy 19 (2008) 241–
10. Lansky A, Abdul-Quader AS, Cribbin M, Hall T, Finlayson TJ, Garfein RS, Lin LS,
Sullivan PS. Developing an HIV behavioral surveillance system for injecting drug
users: the National HIV Behavioral Surveillance System. Public Health Rep.
2007;122 Suppl 1:48-55.
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11. Lansky A, MacKellar D, Gallagher KM, Lin LS, Sullivan PS, Onorato IM.
Evaluation of the new National HIV Behavioral Surveillance System (NHBS) is
imperative. Sex Transm Dis. 2006 Apr;33(4):272-3; author reply 274-5.
12. MacKellar DA, Gallagher KM, Finlayson T, Sanchez T, Lansky A, Sullivan PS.
Surveillance of HIV risk and prevention behaviors of men who have sex with men—a
national application of venue-based, time-space sampling. Public Health Rep.
2007;122 Suppl 1:39-47.
13. Sullivan PS, Salazar L, Buchbinder S, Sanchez TH. Estimating the proportion of HIV
transmissions from main sex partners among men who have sex with men in five US
cities AIDS. 2009; 23(9): 1153-1162.
14. Tai E, Sanchez T, Lansky A, Mahle K, Heffelfinger J and Workowski K. Selfreported syphilis and gonorrhoea testing men who have sex with men: national HIV
behavioural surveillance system, 2003-2005. Sex Transm Infect. 2008;84(6):478-482.
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NHBS Sites’ Publications
January 24, 2011
1. Arnold MP, Raymond HF, McFarland W. Socioeconomic position and HIV riskrelevant behavior among lower-income heterosexuals in San Francisco. AIDS Behav.
Epub 2010 Jul 1.
2. Bernstein KT, Liu KL, Begier EM, Koblin B, Karpati A, Murrill C. Same -sex
attraction disclosure to health care providers among New York City men who have sex
with men: implications for HIV testing approaches. Arch Intern Med.
3. Berry M, Raymond HF, McFarland W. Same race and older partner selection may
explain higher HIV prevalence among black men who have sex with men. AIDS.
4. Berry M, Raymond HF, Kellog T, McFarland W. The Internet, HIV serosorting and
transmission risk among men who have sex with men, San Francisco. AIDS. 2008;
5. Bohl D, Raymond HF, Arnold, MP, McFarland W. Concurrent sexual partnerships and
racial disparities in HIV infection among men who have sex with men. Sex Transm Inf.
6. Bohl, D., Katz, K., Bernstein, K., Raymond, H.F., Klausner, J.D.,McFarland, W.
(2009). Prevalence and correlates of HSV-2 infection among men who have sex with
men, San Francisco, 2008. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Forthcoming.
7. Burt RD, Hagan H, Sabin K, Thiede H. Evaluating respondent driven sampling in a
major metropolitan area: Comparing the injection drug using study populations of the
2005 Seattle area National HIV Behavioral Surveillance System with injector in the
RAVEN and Kiwi studies. Ann Epidemiol. 2010;20(2):159-167.
8. Burt RD, Thiede H, Hagan H. Serosorting for hepatitis C status in the sharing of
injection equipment among Seattle Area IDU. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2009;105(3):215–
9. Chen YH, McFarland W, Raymond HF. Behavioral Surveillance of Heterosexual
Exchange-Sex Partnerships in San Francisco: Context, Predictors and Implications.
AIDS Behav. Epub 2010 Mar 5.
10. Chen YH, Raymond HF, McFarland W, Truong HM. HIV risk behaviors in
heterosexual partnerships: Female knowledge and male behavior. AIDS Behav.
Page 4 of 8
11. Crosby R, Holtgrave DR, Stall R, Peterson, Shouse L. Differences in HIV risk
behaviors among black and white men who have sex with men. Sex Transm Dis.
12. Mackellar DA, Hou SI, Whalen CC, Samuelsen K, Sanchez T, Smith A, Denson D,
Lansky A, Sullivan P; for the WHBS Study Group. Reasons for Not HIV Testing,
Testing Intentions, and Potential Use of an Over-the-Counter Rapid HIV Test in an
Internet Sample of Men Who Have Sex With Men Who Have Never Tested for
HIV.Sex Transm Dis. 2010 Dec 22. [Epub ahead of print]
13. Forrest DW, Metsch LR, LaLota M, Cardenas G, Beck DW, Jeanty Y. Crystal
Methamphetamine Use and Sexual Risk Behaviors among HIV-Positive and HIVNegative Men Who Have Sex with Men in South Florida. J Urban Health 2010;
14. Gindi RM, Sifakis F, Sherman SG, Towe VL, Flynn C, Zenilman JM. The geography
of heterosexual partnerships in Baltimore City adults. Sex Transm Dis 2010; 37(12):17.
15. Hagan H, Jenness SM, Wendel T, Murrill CR, Neaigus A, Gelpi-Acosta C. Prevalence
of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 among New York City Heterosexuals living in highrisk areas. Int J STD AIDS. 2010; 21: 580-583.
16. Holtgrave DR, Crosby R, Shouse RL. Correlates of Unprotected Anal Sex with Casual
Partners: A Study of Gay Men Living in the Southern United States. AIDS Behav.
17. Jenness SM, Murrill CS, Liu KL, Wendel T, Begier E, Hagan H. Missed opportunities
for HIV testing among high-risk heterosexuals. Sex Transm Dis. 2009; 36(11):704710.
18. Jenness SM, Neaigus A, Hagan H, Wendel T, Gelpi-Acosta, C, et al. Reconsidering the
Internet as an HIV/STD Risk for Men who Have Sex with Men. AIDS Behav. Epub
2010 Jul 28.
19. Jenness SM, Begier EM, Neaigus A, Murrill C, Wendel T, Hagan H. Unprotected Anal
Intercourse and Sexually Transmitted Diseases in High-Risk Heterosexual Women. Am
J Public Health. Epub 2010 Jun 17.
20. Jenness SM, et al. Heterosexual HIV and Sexual Partnerships Between Injection Drug
Users and Noninjection Drug Users. AIDS Patient Care STDs. 2010; 24(3):175-181.
21. Jenness SM, et al. Association of Syringe Source and Syringe Sharing in New York
City, in press at Substance Use and Misuse.
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22. Jenness SM, Neaigus A, Murrill CS, Wendel T, Forgione & Hagan H. Estimated HIV
Incidence Among High-risk Heterosexuals in New York City, 2007. J Acquir Immune
Defic Syndr, 2011; 56(2): 193-7.
23. Koblin BA, Murrill CS, Camacho M, Xu G, Liu KL, Raj-Singh S & Torian L.
Amphetamine Use and Sexual Risk Among Men Who Have Sex With Men: Results
From the National HIV Behavioral Surveillance Study - New York City. Subst. Use
Misuse 2007; 42(10):1613-1328.
24. Kral AH, Malekinejad M, Vaudrey J, Martinez AN, Lorvick J, McFarland W,
Raymond HF. Comparing Respondent-Driven Sampling and Targeted Sampling
Methods of Recruiting Injection Drug Users in San Francisco. J Urban Health. 2010
25. Lalota M, Beck DW, Metsch LR, Brewer TH, Forrest DW, Cardenas GA, Liberti TM.
HIV Seropositivity and Correlates of Infection Among Heterosexually Active Adults in
High-Risk Areas in South Florida. AIDS Behav. 2010 Dec 10. [Epub ahead of print].
26. Lieb S, Trepka MJ, Thompson DR, Arons P, Liberti T, Maddox L, Metsch L, LaLota
M, Fallon SJ. Men who have sex with men: Estimated population sizes and mortality
rates by race/ethnicity, Miami-Dade County, Florida. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr.
2007;46 (4):485-490.
27. Magnus M, Kuo I, Shelley K, Rawls A, Peterson J, Montanez L, West-Ojo T, Hader S,
Hamilton F, Greenberg AE. Risk factors driving the emergence of a generalized
heterosexual HIV epidemic in Washington, District of Columbia networks at risk.
AIDS 2009;23(10):1277-1284.
28. Magnus M, Kuo I, Phillips G, Shelley K, Rawls A, Montanez L, Peterson J, West-Ojo
T, Hader S, Greenberg AE. Elevated HIV Prevalence despite Lower Rates of Sexual
Risk Behaviors among Black Men in the District of Columbia Who Have Sex with
Men. AIDS Patient Care STDs 2010; 24(10):615-622.
29. Prachand NG and Benbow N. Clarifying the ethnographer’s role in Chicago’s HIV
behavioural surveillance-injecting drug users cycle, 2005: Response to Scott.
International Journal of Drug Policy 19 (2008) 244–245.
30. Raymond HF, Bingham T, McFarland W. Locating unrecognized HIV infections
among men who have sex with men: San Francisco and Los Angeles. AIDS Educ Prev.
31. Raymond HF, Chen YH, Stall RD, McFarland W. Adolescent experiences of
discrimination, harassments, connectedness to community and comfort with sexual
orientation reported by adult men who have sex with men as a predictor of adult HIV
status. AIDS Behav. Epub 2009 Nov 14.
Page 6 of 8
32. Raymond HF, Chen S, Truong HM, Knapper KB, Klausner JD, Choi KH, McFarland
W. Trends in Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Sexual Risk Behavior, and HIV Infection
among Asian/Pacific Islander Men Who Have Sex with Men, San Francisco, 19992005. Sex Transm Dis 2007; 34(5):262-264.
33. Raymond HF, Rebchook G, Curotto A, Vaudrey J, Amsden M, Levine D, McFarland
W. Comparing Internet-based and venue-based methods to sample MSM in the San
Francisco Bay Area. AIDS Behav 2010;14(1):218-224.
34. Raymond HF, Hughes A, O’Keefe K, Stall RD, McFarland W. Hepatitis C among
HIV-positive MSM in San Francisco. Sex Transm Dis. Epub 2010 Oct 8.
35. Risser J, Cates A, Rehman H, Risser W. Gender differences in social support and
depression amon g injection drug users in Houston, Texas. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse.
36. Risser JMH, Padgett P, Wolverton M & Risser WL. Relationship between heterosexual
anal sex, injection drug use and HIV infection among black men and women. Int J STD
AIDS. 2009; 20(5):310-314.
37. Robinson WT, Risser JM, McGoy S, Becker AB, Rehman H, Jefferson M, Griffin V,
Wolverton M, Tortu S. Recruiting injection drug users: a three-site comparison of
results and experiences with respondent-driven and targeted sampling procedures. J
Urban Health. 2006;83(6 Suppl):i29-38.
38. Salazar LF, Crosby RA, Head, S & Steigler, A. Male injection drug users in the deep
south: Bisexual behavior is a marker for elevated HIV risk. Int J STD AIDS.
39. Salazar LF, Crosby RA, Holtgrave DR, Head S, Hadsock B, Todd J & Shouse RL.
Homelessness and HIV-associated risk behavior among African American men who
inject drugs and reside in the urban south of the United States. AIDS Behav. 2007;11(6
40. Scott HM, Bernstein KT, Raymond HF, Kohn R, Klausner JD. Racial/ethnic and sexual
behavior disparities in rates of sexually transmitted infections, San Francisco, 19992008. BMC Public Health. 2010;10(1):315.
41. Snowden J, Raymond HF, McFarland W. Prevalence of seroadaptive behaviors of men
who have sex with men: San Francisco, 2004. Sex Transm Infect. 2009; 85(6): 469476.
42. Snowden, Raymond, McFarland. Seroadaptive behaviors among men who have sex
with men in San Francisco: The situation in 2008. Sex Transm Infect. In press
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43. Tieu HV, Murrill C, Xu G, Koblin BA. Sexual Partnering and HIV Risk among Black
Men Who Have Sex with Men: New York City. J Urban Health 2010; 87(1):113-121.
44. Towe VL, Sifakis F, Gindi RM, Sherman SG, Flynn C, Hauck H, Celentano DD.
Prevalence of HIV Infection and Sexual Risk Behaviors Among Individuals Having
Heterosexual Sex in Low Income Neighborhoods in Baltimore, MD: The BESURE
Study. J Acquir Immune Defic 2010; 53(4):522-528.
45. Vaudrey J, Raymond HF, Chen S, Hecht J, Ahrens K, McFarland W. Indicators of use
of methamphetamine and others substances among men who have sex with men, San
Francisco 2003-2006. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2007;90(1):97-100.
46. Wei C, Raymond HF. Preference for and maintenance of anal sex roles among men
who have sex with men. Arch Sex Behav. Epub 2010 May 13.
47. Wei C, Raymond HF, McFarland W, Buchbinder S, Fuchs JD. What is the potential
impact of adult male circumcision on the HIV epidemic among men who have sex with
men in San Francisco? Sexually Transmitted Diseases. E Pub 2010 Nov 16.
Page 8 of 8
Other NHBS Publications
1. Broadhead RS. Notes on a cautionary (tall) tale about respondent-driven sampling: A
critique of Scott’s ethnography. International Journal of Drug Policy 19 (2008) 235–
2. Ouellet, LJ. Cautionary comments on an ethnographic tale gone wrong. International
Journal of Drug Policy 19 (2008) 238–240
3. Scott, G. “They got their program, and I got mine”: A cautionary tale concerning the
ethical implications of using respondent-driven sampling to study injection drug users.
International Journal of Drug Policy, 2008: 19(1), 42–51.
4. Scott G. Responses on a cautionary tale concerning the ethics of using
respondent-driven sampling to study injection drug users. International Journal of Drug
Policy 19 (2008) 246–247.
File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | Microsoft Word - 0920-0770_Att 4_NHBS Publications.doc |
Author | gge9 |
File Modified | 2011-02-04 |
File Created | 2011-02-03 |