DoD Directive 5105.68


DoD Building Pass Application

DoD Directive 5105.68

OMB: 0704-0328

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Department of Defense

NUMBER 5105.68
May 3, 2002
Certified Current as of November 21, 2003


SUBJECT: Pentagon Force Protection Agency
References: (a) Title 10, United States Code
(b) DoD Directive 5210.46, "DoD Building Security for the National Capital
Region," January 28, 1982 (hereby canceled)
(c) DoD Directive 5105.53, "Director, Administration and Management,"
November 23, 1998
(d) Title 40, United States Code
(e) through (r), see enclosure 1

This Directive:
1.1. Establishes the Pentagon Force Protection Agency (PFPA), pursuant to the
authority vested in the Secretary of Defense by reference (a), with the mission,
responsibilities, functions, relationships, and authorities, as prescribed herein; and cancels
reference (b).
1.2. Authorizes future consolidation, within the PFPA, of activities related to force
protection, security, and law enforcement in the National Capital Region (NCR) under
the cognizance of the Director of Administration and Management (DA&M).

This Directive applies to the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Military
Departments, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Combatant Commands, the
Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense, the Defense Agencies, the
DoD Field Activities and all other organizational entities within the Department of
Defense (hereafter referred to collectively as "the DoD Components").

DoDD 5105.68, May 3, 2002

The mission of the PFPA is to provide force protection, security, and law enforcement, as
required for the people, facilities, infrastructure and other resources at the Pentagon
Reservation and for DoD activities and DoD-occupied facilities not under the jurisdiction
of a Military Department within the NCR (hereinafter referred to as "the Pentagon
Facilities"). This mission includes addressing the full spectrum of threats to the Pentagon
Facilities by utilizing a balanced strategy of prevention, preparedness, detection,
response, crisis management, and consequence management. The PFPA will be the DoD
focal point for coordination with other DoD Components, other Executive Departments
and Agencies, and State and local authorities on matters involving force protection,
security, and law enforcement activities that impact the Pentagon Facilities.

4.1. The PFPA is an agency of the Department of Defense, under the authority,
direction, and control of the DA&M, in accordance with DoD Directive 5105.53
(reference (c)).
4.2. The PFPA shall consist of a Director and such subordinate organizational
elements as are established by the Director within resources authorized by the Secretary
of Defense.

The Director of the Pentagon Force Protection Agency shall provide the full range of
services to protect personnel, facilities, infrastructure, and other resources at Pentagon
Facilities, pursuant to the authorities of the Secretary of Defense under Section 2674 of
reference (a), and those authorities delegated to the Secretary of Defense by the
Administrator of General Services (GSA), under reference (d). In the exercise of these
responsibilities, the Director, PFPA shall:
5.1. Organize, direct, and manage the PFPA and all assigned resources.
5.2. Establish systems and processes to:
5.2.1. Enable responsive and complete command and control of assigned
personnel, forces, and other resources.


DoDD 5105.68, May 3, 2002
5.2.2. Enable prompt notifications, alerts, and coordination of crisis and
consequence management operations with the DoD Components, Federal Agencies, and
local jurisdictions.
5.2.3. Enable prompt and effective communication concerning the Pentagon
Facilities to ensure the safe movement, control, or evacuation of personnel.
5.3. Establish, manage, and continuously operate operations and communications
centers capable of supporting the requirements of the PFPA mission and the
responsibilities of this Directive.
5.4. Provide security, in accordance with reference (e), and law enforcement for the
Pentagon Facilities.
5.4.1. Enforce, and investigate violations of, Federal law and regulations.
Ensure compliance with DoD policies pertaining to access, security, and emergency
operations on Pentagon Facilities. Investigate allegations of misconduct by officers and
other officials of the PFPA. Allegations against senior officials will be handled in
accordance with reference (f).
5.4.2. Control access to Pentagon Facilities and to special events when
5.4.3. Maintain a response force capable of providing security commensurate
with the designated Force Protection Conditions (FPCONs).
5.4.4. Provide personal protection for the Secretary of Defense, other DoD
officials, and official visitors and dignitaries doing business with the Department of
Defense, as required. Assess threats made against members of the DoD workforce,
including senior DoD officials.
5.4.5. Coordinate law enforcement actions pertaining to Pentagon Facilities as
required with Federal and local jurisdictions.
5.4.6. Provide technical security countermeasure (TSCM) support for
designated Pentagon Facilities and other locations when specified in accordance with
reference (e). Serve as the single coordinating agency for TSCM activities performed by
other DoD Components at the Pentagon Reservation.
5.4.7. Provide services to meet physical security support requirements
including locking devices, alarm systems, closed circuit television, parking, personnel
identification badges, and other support requirements for Pentagon Facilities.


DoDD 5105.68, May 3, 2002
5.4.8. Provide information security and industrial security support for
designated Pentagon DoD Components and other locations when specified in accordance
with references (e), (g), and (h).
5.5. Be responsible for antiterrorism/force protection for Pentagon Facilities and
implement an antiterrorism/force protection program for those Pentagon Facilities in
accordance with references (i), (j), and (k). In meeting this responsibility:
5.5.1. Coordinate with the Department of Defense and Federal intelligence
organizations to obtain terrorism-related intelligence information. Maintain a current
terrorist threat assessment relevant to Pentagon Facilities and distribute pertinent
information to designated DoD Component officials.
5.5.2. Ensure compliance with vulnerability assessments for Pentagon
Facilities, in coordination with reference (l), and take action to mitigate vulnerabilities.
Report uncorrected vulnerabilities to the DA&M.
5.5.3. Implement antiterrorism, force protection, and terrorism consequence
management plans at Pentagon Facilities. Ensure plans are integrated with plans for
emergency actions by the National Military Command Center and the command centers
of the Military Departments, interagency response plans, community operations planners,
local jurisdictions, and where appropriate, other DoD Components.
5.5.4. Provide for antiterrorism/force protection training and exercises for
personnel at Pentagon Facilities in accordance with reference (j).
5.5.5. Direct changes in FPCONs and ensure that such information is
distributed uniformly to designated officials at Pentagon Facilities. Monitor
implementation of FPCON measures and assist the DoD Components at the Pentagon
5.6. Provide chemical, biological, and radiological (CBR) protection at Pentagon
Facilities consistent with DoD policy, directives, and guidance concerning Chemical,
Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive (CBRNE) protection. In meeting this
5.6.1. Provide scientific and technical advice on CBR threats, vulnerabilities,
defenses, and consequence management pertinent to Pentagon Facilities to the DA&M
and to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense, as required.
5.6.2. Implement CBR protection at Pentagon Facilities. Ensure protection
and consequence management plans are integrated with plans for emergency actions by
the National Military Command Center, command centers of the Military Services,
interagency CBR response plans, continuity of operations planners, and where


DoDD 5105.68, May 3, 2002
appropriate, other DoD Components. Also, ensure plans are coordinated with appropriate
officials in jurisdictions where Pentagon Facilities are located.
5.6.3. Acquire, deploy, and maintain CBR equipment for detection and
monitoring of CBR threats and protection of Pentagon Facilities personnel. Monitor and
report incidents in accordance with plans. Provide for the modernization of CBR
equipment to ensure capabilities are adequate to counter CBR threats.
5.6.4. Provide a CBR response force capable of a prompt response in support
of First Responders to CBR incidents, including incidents involving the release of toxic
substances. This force shall be capable of performing a full range of CBR operations
including sampling, detection, identification, verification, mitigation, render safe,
decontamination, advice and training on CBR matters, and operation and maintenance of
CBR equipment. This full range of CBR operational capabilities will be exercised at
least annually.
5.6.5. Prepare and conduct periodic tiered CBR training for the workforce,
managers, and senior officials at Pentagon Facilities. The workforce, managers, and
senior officials at Pentagon Facilities will exercise reaction to a CBR incident at least
5.6.6. Coordinate with DoD medical activities to ensure that medical treatment
plans include response to CBR attacks.
5.7. Provide security screening services for the operation of the Pentagon Remote
Delivery Facility and its contingency mail facility. These services will include use of Xray and other detection equipment to screen all packages and items delivered to
designated Pentagon Facilities.
5.8. Operate the Pentagon Incinerator Plant to provide for the destruction of
classified documents and other classified material in accordance with reference (m).
5.9. At facilities occupied by the DoD Components, but controlled by GSA,
coordinate with GSA for the protection of DoD personnel. Where adequate force
protection and security measures are not available from GSA and cannot be provided
within the resources available to the PFPA, identify the affected organization to the
DA&M so that resources can be made available, or organizations can be relocated to
Pentagon Facilities where adequate protection is available.
5.10. Chair the Pentagon Security Advisory Group in accordance with reference (e).
5.11. Perform such other functions as may be assigned by the Secretary or Deputy
Secretary of Defense, consistent with applicable laws and regulations.


DoDD 5105.68, May 3, 2002
6.1. In the performance of assigned functions and responsibilities:
6.1.1. The Director, PFPA, shall coordinate and exchange information and
advice with the DoD Components and other Federal, State and local agencies having
collateral or related responsibilities.
6.1.2. The Heads of DoD Components shall coordinate with the Director,
PFPA, as appropriate, on matters relating to PFPA operations, functions, and
6.2. Unless otherwise directed by the Secretary or the Deputy Secretary of Defense,
the law enforcement responsibilities assigned by this Directive do not replace or
supersede those responsibilities currently assigned to the Defense Criminal Investigative
Service, the U.S. Army Criminal Investigative Command, the Naval Criminal
Investigative Service, or the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, as the Defense
Criminal Investigative Organizations, or the law enforcement and oversight authority of
the Inspector General of the Department of Defense in accordance with references (n)
and (o).

The Director, PFPA, or designee, is specifically delegated authority to:
7.1. Act as the DoD principal liaison with the GSA and State and local authorities
for force protection, security, and law enforcement at Pentagon Facilities in the NCR.
7.2. Communicate directly with the DoD Components and other Executive
Departments and Agencies, as necessary, in carrying out assigned responsibilities and
7.3. Obtain reports and information consistent with reference (p), as necessary, to
carry out assigned functions.
7.4. Exercise the administrative authorities contained in enclosure 2.

8.1. The Director, PFPA, shall be selected by, and report to, the DA&M.
8.2. PFPA shall be authorized such personnel, facilities, funds, and other
administrative support as the Secretary of Defense deems necessary.


DoDD 5105.68, May 3, 2002
8.3. The Military Departments shall assign military personnel to PFPA in
accordance with approved authorizations and established procedures for assignment to
joint duty.
8.4. Administrative support for PFPA shall be provided by the Washington
Headquarters Services (WHS) under reference (q) or, as required, by selected DoD
Components through inter-Service support agreements in accordance with reference (r).

This Directive is effective immediately.

Enclosures - 2
E1. References, continued
E2. Delegations of Authority


DoDD 5105.68, May 3, 2002
REFERENCES, continued

(e) Director of Administration and Management Memorandum, "Security for the
Pentagon Reservation," August 18, 2000
(f) DoD Directive 5505.6, "Investigations of Allegations Against Senior Officials of the
Department of Defense," July 12, 1991
(g) DoD 5200.1-R, "Department of Defense Information Security Program," January
(h) DoD Directive 5220.22, "Department of Defense Industrial Security Program,"
December 8, 1980
(i) DoD Directive 2000.12, "DoD Antiterrorism/Force Protection (AT/FP) Program,"
April 13, 1999
(j) DoD Instruction 2000.16, "DoD Antiterrorism Standards," June 14, 2001
(k) DoD Instruction 2000.14, "DoD Combating Terrorism Program Procedures," June
15, 1994
(l) DoD Directive 5105.62, "Defense Threat Reduction Agency," September 30, 1998
(m) Administrative Instruction 26, "Information Security Supplement to DoD 5200.1R," April 1, 1987
(n) Appendix 3 of title 5, United States Code, "Inspector General Act of 1978," as
(o) DoD Instruction 5505.2, "Criminal Investigation of Fraud Offenses," July 16, 1990
(p) DoD Directive 8910.1, "Management and Control of Information Requirements,"
June 11, 1993
(q) DoD Directive 5110.4, "Washington Headquarters Services," October 19, 2001
(r) DoD Instruction 4000.19, "Interservice and Intragovernmental Support," August 9,



DoDD 5105.68, May 3, 2002

E2.1.1. Pursuant to the authority vested in the Secretary of Defense, and subject to
the authority, direction, and control of the Director, Administration and Management, and
in accordance with DoD policies, Directives, and Instructions, the Director, Pentagon
Force Protection Agency (PFPA), or in the absence of the Director, the person acting for
the Director, is hereby delegated authority as required in the administration and operation
of the PFPA to:
E2.1.1.1. Maintain an official seal and attest to the authenticity of official
records under that seal.
E2.1.1.2. Enforce regulatory procedures in accordance with Executive Order
10450, Executive Order 12333, and Executive Order 12968, and DoD Directive 5200.2,
as appropriate:
E2. Designate any position in the PFPA as a "sensitive" position.
E2. Authorize, in case of emergency, the appointment of a person
to a sensitive position in the PFPA for a limited period of time and for whom a full field
investigation or other appropriate investigation, including the National Agency Check,
has not been completed.
E2. Initiate personnel security investigations and, if necessary, in
the interest of national security, suspend a security clearance for personnel assigned,
detailed to, or employed by the PFPA. Any actions under this paragraph shall be taken in
accordance with procedures prescribed in DoD 5200.2-R.
E2.1.1.3. Authorize and approve:
E2. Temporary duty travel for military personnel assigned or
detailed to the PFPA in accordance with Joint Federal Travel Regulations (JFTR),
Volume 1.
E2. Travel for PFPA civilian personnel in accordance with Joint
Travel Regulations (JTR), Volume 2.
E2. Invitational travel to non-DoD personnel whose consultative,
advisory, or other highly specialized technical services are required in a capacity that is
directly related to, or in connection with, PFPA activities, in accordance with JTR,
Volume 2.



DoDD 5105.68, May 3, 2002
E2. Overtime work for PFPA civilian personnel in accordance
with 5 U.S.C., Chapter 55, Subchapter V, and applicable OPM regulations.
E2.1.1.4. Approve the expenditure of funds available for travel by military
personnel assigned or detailed to the PFPA for expenses incident to attendance at
meetings of technical, scientific, professional, or other similar organizations in such
instances when the approval of the Secretary of Defense, or designee, is required by 37
U.S.C. 412, and 5 U.S.C. 4110 and 4111.
E2.1.1.5. Develop, establish, and maintain an active and continuing Records
Management Program, pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 3102 and DoD Directive 5015.2.
E2.1.1.6. Utilize the Government purchase card for making mircopurchases of
material and services, other than personal services, for the PFPA when it is determined
more advantageous and consistent with the best interests of the Government.
E2.1.1.7. Authorize the publication of advertisements, notices, or proposals in
newspapers, magazines, or other public periodicals, as required for the effective
administration and operation of the PFPA, consistent with 44 U.S.C. 3702.
E2.1.1.8. Establish and maintain, for the functions assigned, an appropriate
publications system for the promulgation of common supply and service regulations,
instructions, and reference documents, and changes thereto, pursuant to the policies and
procedures prescribed in DoD 5025.1-M.
E2.1.1.9. Enter into support and service agreements with the Military
Departments, other DoD Components, or other Federal Government Agencies, as
required, for the effective performance of PFPA functions and responsibilities.
E2.1.1.10. Enter into and administer contracts, through WHS, or a Military
Department, a DoD contract administration services component, or other Federal
Agency, as appropriate, for supplies, equipment, and services required to accomplish the
mission of the PFPA.
E2.1.1.11. Establish and maintain appropriate property accounts for the PFPA
and appoint Boards of Survey, approve reports of survey, relieve personal liability, and
drop accountability for PFPA property contained in the authorized property accounts that
has been lost, damaged, stolen, destroyed, or otherwise rendered unserviceable, in
accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
E2.1.1.12. Promulgate the necessary security regulations for the protection of
property and places under the jurisdiction of the Director, PFPA, pursuant to DoD
Directive 5200.8.



DoDD 5105.68, May 3, 2002
E2.1.1.13. Exercise, with respect to force protection, security, and law
enforcement at Pentagon Facilities, the authorities of the Secretary of Defense under 10
U.S.C. 2674 and those authorities vested in the Secretary of Defense, or delegated to the
Secretary of Defense by the Administrator of the General Services, under title 40 U.S.C.
E2.1.2. The Director, PFPA may re-delegate these authorities as appropriate, and in
writing, except as otherwise specifically indicated above or as otherwise provided by law
or regulation.



File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleDoD Directive 5105.68, May 3, 2002; Certified Current as of November 21, 2003
SubjectPentagon Force Protection Agency
File Modified2007-05-29
File Created2007-05-29

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