Year 3 Evaluation Survey: Part I
We would like to thank you for agreeing to complete this survey about the WISEWOMAN program. In concert with our continued assessment of the quality and impact of programs, this survey will focus on your program’s outreach and recruitment efforts, identification and assessment of participant needs, and specific training and technical assistance needs.
Responses provided to this survey are considered those of individual WISEWOMAN programs—not those of individuals—and all responses provided will be maintained securely by ICF Macro, CDC’s contractor for this evaluation.
You will receive Part II of the survey in approximately 1 month, and you will receive Part III of the survey in approximately 2 months. We anticipate sharing preliminary findings during the 2011 Annual WISEWOMAN Meeting in Atlanta, and we will share an executive summary and facilitate a Webinar after all data analysis has been completed before the end of this year.
We would like to thank you for agreeing to complete this initial survey, and ask that you respond to the questions that follow.
Informed Consent Statement
ICF Macro is conducting this survey as part of the evaluation of the CDC’s WISEWOMAN program. The purpose of this survey is to better understand WISEWOMAN program implementation in your State/Tribe, including:
how programs maximize reach to priority populations
specific training and technical assistance needs
how programs develop and use quality assurance protocols
programs’ use of non-WISEWOMAN resources to provide services
program sustainability
data use
supplemental program activities
Participation in the survey is voluntary; you may choose to end the survey at any time for any reason with no penalty and may choose not to answer any questions at any time for any reason. Your participation in the survey poses few, if any risks to you and you may choose not to participate in the survey for any reason.
ICF Macro evaluation staff will know which program has provided responses. This will allow us to follow up with programs should any responses require clarification. In addition, ICF Macro staff will track responses from each of the 3 surveys to link a given program’s responses across the 3 data collection points. All responses provided to CDC will be in aggregate—across all programs—and without linking specific responses to the programs that provide them.
Your answers will help CDC assess how well WISEWOMAN is able to meet its objectives, and your responses will help CDC work with program staff to improve the program in the most sustainable manner moving forward.
If you have any questions about this survey, or evaluation, please contact Mr. Lawrence Scholl, ICF Macro Senior Project Manager, at Phone: (404) 433-0735, E-mail:
unless otherwise indicated, these questions relate to your current program activities. Please answer all questions about your current activities, performed DURING THE PERIOD of the current Funding opportunity announcement (DP08-804, june 30, 2008-PRESENT).
SECtion a: Outreach and Recruitment Efforts
The WISEWOMAN Program is interested in learning about efforts to maximize the reach of the program. The WISEWOMAN Program acknowledges that your funded program may operate differently than others. Responses to these questions will not impact your funded program negatively, and programs will not be penalized in any way.
Among WISEWOMAN-eligible women, which specific priority populations receive special recruitment efforts to increase their participation? Select all that apply.
Hispanic/Latina women
Black/African American women
American Indian/Alaska Native women
Asian/Pacific Islanders
Women in rural areas
Women in specific counties
Women in specific neighborhoods
Other (please specify) ____________
None (Skip to question #6)
Do not know (Skip to Question #6)
For which reasons do you choose to focus on recruiting these priority populations? Select all that apply.
The specific focus on these priority populations by my State/Tribe BCCEDP
High concentration of these priority populations in my State/Tribe
Easy access to these priority populations in my State/Tribe
Health disparities affecting these priority populations in my State/Tribe
History of health disparities affecting these priority populations the U.S.
Other reasons (please specify)_______
Do not know
What specific types of strategies do you use to recruit women in these priority populations? Select all that apply.
Coordination with BCCEDP staff in my State/Tribe
Print materials (e.g., newspaper ads, posters, flyers)
Radio spots
Clinic staff
Television ads
Electronic media (e.g., email, text messages, Web sites)
Social media (e.g., Facebook, MySpace)
Community events
Partnering with organizations focused on reaching these priority populations
Other strategies (please specify) ____________
Do not know
Which recruitment strategies have you found to be successful for reaching your program’s priority population(s)—the priority populations identified in Question #1? Select all that apply.
Print materials (e.g., newspaper ads, posters, flyers)
Radio spots
Television ads
Electronic media (e.g., email, text messages, Web sites)
Social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter)
Community events
Partnering with organizations focused on reaching [PRIORITY POPULATION] women
Other strategies (please specify) ____________
Do not know (Skip to Question #6)
In what ways have these recruitment strategies been successful? Select all that apply.
Improved overall reach to priority population(s)
Improved relationships with partner organizations with access to priority population(s)
Ability to create culturally relevant recruitment materials (print and electronic)
Increased participation in LSIs among priority population(s)
Increased awareness of WISEWOMAN among priority populations(s)
Other reasons (please specify) _____
Do not know
What barriers has your program faced in implementing strategies to recruit priority populations to WISEWOMAN? Select all that apply.
Not enough time to plan strategies
Not enough time to implement strategies
Not enough funding to plan strategies
Not enough funding to implement strategies
Not enough staff expertise to plan strategies
Not enough staff expertise to implement strategies
Not enough knowledge about the priority population(s)
Lack of interest among the priority population(s)
Lack of involvement of partner organizations
Other barriers (please specify) ______
None – we have not faced any barriers
Do not know
How can CDC help you in recruiting underserved priority populations in your State/Tribe? Select all that apply.
Formal training (e.g., Webinar)
Technical assistance (TA) (e.g., individual consultation, assistance with developing tools)
Guidance (e.g., emails, documents, and tools to provide suggestions or advice based on policies or evidence)
Data analysis support for facts and figures included in recruitment materials
Help locating electronic media that can be used for recruiting specific priority populations
Help locating print materials that can be used for recruiting specific priority populations
Help locating recruitment materials that have been translated into different languages
Other assistance (please specify) _____
We do not need any help from CDC in recruiting underserved priority populations (Skip to Question #9)
Do not know (Skip to Question #9)
Please describe the training, TA, and guidance (e.g., emails, documents, tools) that would help you recruit underserved priority populations. [Open entry]
In program year 2, many programs described ways they tailor WISEWOMAN for participants depending on women’s specific needs. The WISEWOMAN Program is interested in learning more about how your program identifies and meets the needs of WISEWOMAN participants. The WISEWOMAN Program acknowledges that your funded program may operate differently than others. Responses to these questions will not impact your funded program negatively, and programs will not be penalized in any way.
Identification of Participant Needs
Yes/No/Don’t know |
Yes/No/Don’t know |
Yes/No/Don’t know |
Yes/No/Don’t know |
Yes/No/Don’t know |
Yes/No/Don’t know |
Yes/No/Don’t know |
Yes/No/Don’t know |
Yes/No/Don’t know |
Yes/No/Don’t know |
Yes/No/Don’t know |
Yes/No/Don’t know |
Yes/No/Don’t know |
Yes/No/Don’t know |
Yes/No/Don’t know |
Yes/No/Don’t know |
Yes/No/Don’t know |
Yes/No/Don’t know |
Yes/No/Don’t know |
Yes/No/Don’t know |
What barriers does your program face in developing and implementing strategies to identify participant needs? Select all that apply.
Not enough time to plan strategies
Not enough time to implement strategies
Not enough funding to plan strategies
Not enough funding to implement strategies
Not enough staff expertise to plan strategies
Not enough staff expertise to implement strategies
Lack of involvement of partner organizations
Other barriers (please specify) ______
None – we have not faced any barriers
Do not know/not sure
How can CDC help you to develop strategies to identify participant needs? Select all that apply.
Formal training (e.g., Webinar)
Technical assistance (TA) (e.g., individual consultation, assistance with developing tools)
Guidance (e.g., emails, documents, and tools to provide suggestions or advice based on policies or evidence)
Help locating electronic materials that can be used to identify participant needs
Help locating print materials that can be used to identify participant needs
Help locating materials, to identify participant needs, that have been translated into different languages
Other assistance (please specify) _____
Do not know (Skip to Question #14)
Please describe the training, TA, and guidance (e.g., emails, documents, tools) that would help you develop strategies to identify participant needs. [Open entry]
Are Participant Needs Being Met
What strategies does your program use to assess whether participants’ needs are being met? Select all that apply.
Post initial screening client surveys
Post re-screening client surveys
Post-LSI session client surveys
Informal discussions with clients (e.g., anecdotal information)
Client focus groups
Surveys of direct service providers
Focus groups with direct service providers
Informal discussions with direct service providers
Surveys of partners
Focus groups with partners
Informal discussions with partners
Other methods (please specify) _____
None - we do not assess whether participant needs are being met
Do not know
What barriers does your program face to assess whether participant needs are being met? Select all that apply.
Not enough time to plan strategies
Not enough time to implement strategies
Not enough funding to plan strategies
Not enough funding to implement strategies
Not enough staff expertise to plan strategies
Not enough staff expertise to implement strategies
Lack of involvement of partner organizations
Lack of involvement by direct service providers
Other barriers (please specify) ______
None - we have not faced any barriers
Do not know
How can CDC help you assess whether participant needs are being met? Select all that apply.
Formal training (e.g., Webinar)
Technical assistance (TA) (e.g., individual consultation, assistance with developing tools)
Guidance (e.g., emails, documents, and tools to provide suggestions or advice based on policies or evidence)
Help locating electronic materials that can be used to assess whether participant needs are being met
Help locating print materials that can be used to assess whether participant needs are being met
Help locating assessment materials that have been translated into different languages
Other assistance (please specify) _____
None – we do not need assistance from CDC to assess whether participant needs are being met (Skip to Question #18)
Don’t know (Skip to Question #18)
Please describe the training, TA, and guidance (e.g., emails, documents, tools) that would help you assess whether participant needs are being met. [Open entry]
What are the most commonly mentioned participant needs? Select all that apply.
Financial assistance
Access to immediate screening results
Help negotiating language barriers
Low health literacy
Cultural needs
Religious needs
Other needs (please specify) _______
Do not know (Skip to Question #20)
How does your program respond to best meet these participant needs? Please explain.[Open entry]
In program year 2, funded programs expressed several training and technical assistance needs. The following questions are related to your technical assistance needs in program year 3. Responses to these questions will not impact your funded program negatively, and programs will not be penalized in any way.
Yes/No/Don’t know |
Yes/No/Don’t know |
Yes/No/Don’t know |
Yes/No/Don’t know |
Yes/No/Don’t know |
Yes/No/Don’t know |
Yes/No/Don’t know |
Yes/No/Don’t know |
Yes/No/Don’t know |
Yes/No/Don’t know |
Yes/No/Don’t know |
Yes/No/Don’t know |
Yes/No/Don’t know |
Yes/No/Don’t know |
Yes/No/Don’t know |
Yes/No/Don’t know |
These are all of the questions that we have for now. Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey today. We will send you the second survey, Part II, in approximately one month. Should you have any questions about this survey, future surveys, or the evaluation overall, please contact Mr. Lawrence Scholl, ICF Macro Senior Project Manager, at Phone: (404) 404-0735, E-mail:
Information Collection #3
File Type | application/msword |
File Modified | 2011-02-12 |
File Created | 2011-02-12 |