Community-Based Job Training Grant Recipients Survey

Evaluation of the Community-Based Job Training Grants

CBJTG recipient survey instrument FINAL

Community-Based Job Training Grant Recipients Survey

OMB: 1205-0480

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CBJTG Recipient Survey Instrument


Community-Based Job Training Grants: Grantee Survey

Thank you for taking the time to participate in the Survey of Community-Based Job Training Grants (CBJTG).

  • Who is administering this survey? The Urban Institute, a nonprofit, nonpartisan research organization, is under contract with the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), Employment and Training Administration (ETA) to conduct an evaluation of the CBJTG program, which includes this survey.

  • What is the purpose of the survey? This survey will develop an inventory of activities undertaken with the grant funds and will provide information about promising strategies for developing effective training programs.

  • How long will it take to complete? This survey will take approximately 60 minutes.

  • Is participation mandatory? Please note that the solicitation for grant applications requires grantees to participate in an evaluation activities sponsored by DOL/ETA, including any that occur after the expiration of the grant.

  • Who will see my responses? The Urban Institute treats the information you provide as private. All reports based on the survey will report findings at the aggregate level and responses to the survey will not be identified by organization or person in any publication.

  • Who can I contact with questions? If you have any questions please contact:

Alexandra Stanczyk at (202) 261-5732 or

Lauren Eyster at (202) 261-5621 or

Thank you again for participating in this survey. We greatly appreciate your time and assistance.

Please return by XXXX.

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is XXXXXXX and expires on XXXXX. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average XXXX, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration, Room N-5641 Frances Perkins Building, Attention: Bogdan Tereshchenko, 200 Constitution Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20210.



Technical Instructions:

  • This web-based survey can be saved and completed in several sittings by simply clicking the "Next" button at the bottom of the page to save your work.  Upon reentering the survey, you will be routed to the last completed question. 

  • The survey allows for multiple respondents, which allows you to delegate sections of the survey to individuals who might have more in-depth information on a particular program or section.  To share the survey, simply forward on your username and password. Two users, however, cannot simultaneously enter information from different computers at the same time.

  • Should you prefer to complete the survey on paper rather than computer, we will either mail you a paper version or email you a Microsoft Word document version of this survey. To request a survey in an alternative format, please contact Alexandra Stanczyk at (202) 261-5732 or

Survey Contents: The survey is divided into nine sections:

  • Respondent contact information;

  • Basic information about the community-based job training grant;

  • Training and other program activities;

  • Capacity-building activities;

  • Partnering with employers and other organizations;

  • Leveraged resources;

  • Sustainability of programming;

  • Accomplishments; and

  • Information about your organization.

Suggested Reference Documents: It may be necessary or helpful to have the following documents on hand while completing the survey, particularly for the sections pertaining to training activities, capacity-building activities, and leveraged resources:

  • the original grant application and any modifications; and

  • quarterly reports submitted to DOL.

Scope of Questions: Unless otherwise indicated, survey questions refer to all CBJTG-funded educational and training programs. Please answer in the affirmative if any of your CBJTG funded educational and training programs had the experience in question. We recognize that your CBJTG activities may be part of a larger effort by your organization but please answer the questions to the best of your ability as they are directly related to the CBJTG activities.


Section A. Respondent Contact Information

(Questions A3-A5 will be pre-entered to allow respondents to change if incorrect)

We have the following contact information in our records. Please correct the information as needed:

  1. Name of primary person completing the survey:

  1. Job title:

  1. Name of institution or organization:

  1. Contact information

    1. Mailing address: ______________________

    2. Phone: ______________________

    3. E-mail: ______________________

    4. Website: ______________________

  1. Name, title, and organization of individual responsible for managing the grant (if different than survey respondent):

    1. Full name: ______________________

    2. Title: ______________________

    3. Organization: ______________________


Section B. Basic Information about Your Community-Based Job Training Grant (CBJTG) Program

The purpose of this section is to confirm and obtain general information about your CBJTG program and the overall design and objectives of the grant activities.

  1. Was your grant still operational as of September 30, 2010?

__ Yes __ No


  1. What is the industry of focus for your CBJTG program activities? Check all that apply.

    1. __ Advanced Manufacturing

    2. __ Aerospace

    3. __ Automotive

    4. __ Aviation

    5. __ Biotechnology

    6. __ Construction

    7. __ Education

    8. __ Energy

    9. __ Engineering & Process Technology

    10. __ Financial Services

    11. __ Forestry

    12. __ Geospatial Technology

    13. __ Health Care

    14. __ Hospitality

    15. __ Information Technology

    16. __ Movie/TV Production

    17. __ Nanotechnology

    18. __ Transportation

    19. __ Non-Sector Specific

    20. __ Other, please specify _______________

  1. Under your CBJTG grant, does/did your institution/organization operate all grant-funded programs and activities or do/did you contract or have financial arrangements with others for some of them?

    1. __ My institution/organization operates/d all grant activities and has/d no contracts or financial arrangements for other organizations to operate grant activities

    2. __ My institution/organization operates/d some grant activities and has/d contracts or financial arrangements with other organizations to operate some grant activities

    3. __ My institution/organization operates/d no grant activities and has/d contracts or financial arrangements with other organizations to operate all grant activities

    4. __ Don’t know


If you answered b or c, then:

      1. What percentage of your CBJTG funds do (did) you contract out to other organizations?

        1. __ 1-25%

        2. __ 26-50%

        3. __ 51-75%

        4. __ 76-100%

        5. __ Don’t know

      1. How many organizations do (did) you have a contract or other financial arrangements with to operate CBJTG activities?

### organization(s)

      1. What CBJTG activities do (did) these organizations operate or support? (Check all that apply)

        1. __ Training programs

        2. __ Capacity building activities (e.g., curriculum development, web site development)

        3. __ Other, please specify: ______________________

      1. With what types of organizations do (did) you have a contract or financial arrangement associated with the CBJTG grant? (Check all that apply)

        1. __ Community college

        2. __ Community college district

        3. __ Community-based organization

        4. __ Employer

        5. __ Faith-based organization

        6. __ Independent consultant

        7. __ Industry association

        8. __ Technical college

        9. __ State community college system

        10. __ University or other four-year institution

        11. __ Workforce investment system organization (e.g., Workforce

Investment Board, One-Stop Career Center)

        1. __ Other, please specify: ­­­­­­­­­­­_______________________


CBJTG Project Design and Objectives:

  1. Does your CBJTG program address the following workforce issues?

Workforce Issues



a. Insufficient number of skilled workers in the community in the industry of focus

b. Lack of available education and/or training programs for industry in the community

c. Lack of training facilities, trainers/teachers, and/or equipment

d. Low levels of education or skills in the community

e. Poor employment opportunities, especially for low-skilled or other disadvantaged workers

f. Other, please specify________________

g. Other, please specify_______________

h. Other, please specify _______________

  1. On a scale of 1 to 4, with 1 being “not important at all” and 4 being “very important,” how important are (were) the following training objectives for your CBJTG program?

If your CBJTG program does not have or include the specific training objectives listed or an “other” training objective, please check the "Not applicable" box.

Training objectives


Not important at all

2 A little important

3 Somewhat important


Very important

Not applicable/ Did not have this objective

a. Meeting trainee enrollment goals

b. Meeting trainee credential/certificate attainment goals

c. Meeting graduation/completion goals

d. Matching graduates with available jobs

e. Increasing earnings for graduates

f. Creating opportunities for promotion or moving up career ladders/ lattices

g. Increasing trainee satisfaction with training program

h. Meeting employer needs

i. Increasing skills of the workforce, including incumbent and dislocated workforce

j. Other, please specify________________

  1. On a scale of 1 to 4, with 1 being “not important at all” and 4 being “very important,” how important are (were) the following capacity-building objectives for your CBJTG program?

If your CBJTG program does not have or include the specific capacity-building objectives listed or an “other” capacity-building objective, please check the "Not applicable" box.

Capacity-building objectives


Not important at all

2 A little important

3 Somewhat important


Very important

Not applicable/Did not have this objective

  1. Developing new educational/training programs

  1. Expanding the number of education/training slots

  1. Hiring or retraining faculty or instructors

  1. Hiring or retraining staff to support education/training activities

  1. Developing financial aid or scholarship programs

  1. Expanding existing financial aid or scholarship options for trainees

  1. Updating existing programs (including updating curriculum and upgrading equipment)

  1. Designing or implementing new instructional techniques or technologies

  1. Creating train-the-trainer programs (instructional training for faculty or other trainers)

  1. Attracting future workers to the industry (e.g., creating “pipelines” of new workers or youth)

  1. Improving access of disadvantaged workers to educational and training opportunities

  1. Other, please specify: __________________________

Recruitment and Target Populations:

  1. Which of the following groups did/does your CBJTG program actively recruit or target? Note: categories below are not mutually exclusive.

Population groups



  1. Dislocated workers

  1. New entry-level workers

  1. Incumbent workers

  1. Unemployed workers

  1. Youth (pre-high school)

  1. Youth (high school)

  1. Youth (out-of-school/dropout)

  1. People with disabilities

  1. Veterans

  1. Immigrants/refugees

  1. African Americans

  1. Hispanics

  1. American Indians

  1. Asian Pacific Islanders

  1. Low-income/disadvantaged

  1. Men

  1. Women

  1. Underemployed

  1. Older workers

t. Other, please specify: _____________________


Section C. Training and Other Program Activities

This section includes questions about the education/training programs (e.g., certificate/degree programs, apprenticeship/on-the-job training programs, summer programs for youth) that you operate(d) using CBJTG funds. Please complete this section using the definition of “education/training programs” that makes the most sense for your project; later questions gather more detailed information on your education/training programs.

Note that this survey can be filled out by multiple respondents if it is helpful to share this section with anyone in your organization who might have in-depth knowledge of particular grant-funded training/education programs.

Information on CBJTG-funded Education/Training Programs:

  1. How many education/training programs do you operate with CBJTG funds? ___________

C1a. Of these grant-funded training/education programs, how many primarily served youth?

(Youth 18 and under, including pre-high school, high school, and out-of-school youth) (Write "DK" if you do not know)______

C1b. How many primarily served adults? (Write "DK" if you do not know) _____________

C1c. How many served both youth and adults? (Write "DK" if you do not know) __________


  1. From what geographic area are (were) the participants drawn? (Check only one)

    1. ____ Within one city

    2. ____ Within one county

    3. ____ Multiple counties in a state

    4. ____ Multiple counties in more than one state

    5. ____ All counties in a state

    6. ____ Multiple states

    7. ____ Other (please specify)

  1. What are the general characteristics of your program participants to date? (Check all that apply, categories may not be mutually exclusive)

    1. _____ Dislocated workers

    2. _____ Incumbent workers

    3. _____ New entry-level workers

    4. _____ Unemployed

    5. _____ Underemployed

    6. _____ Youth, Pre-High School

    7. _____ Youth, High School

    8. _____ Youth, Out-of school/dropout

    9. _____ Low Income/ Disadvantaged

    10. _____ Other, please specify:_____________

    11. _____ Other, please specify:_____________

    12. _____ Do not know

  1. Which of the following recruitment strategies does (did) your training program use? (Check all that apply)

    1. ____ Direct mail campaigns

    2. ____ Distribution of flyers, posters or other self-produced educational/informational


    1. ____ Door-to-door outreach

    2. ____ Informational websites

    3. ____ In-person presentations in the community (e.g., at schools, neighborhood centers,


    1. ____ Media outreach campaigns (e.g., TV, radio, newspapers, professionally prepared

ads on buses/bus shelters)

    1. ____ Partnerships with employers and industry organizations

    2. ____ Referrals from community- or faith-based organizations

    3. ____ Referrals from the workforce system

    4. ____ Toll-free informational hotlines

    5. ____ Did not have a recruitment strategy

    6. ____ Other, please specify:________________________

PAGE 10.

  1. For each of the following recruitment strategies (auto-populate from C4), how effective did you find it? Rate a given strategy “effective” if you would recommend it without reservation to an operator of a similar program in the future, with the knowledge of the gamut of available recruitment strategies and under time and resource constraints similar to those your program faced.

Recruitment Strategy


Somewhat effective

Not effective

Direct mail campaigns

Distribution of flyers, posters or other self-produced educational/informational materials

Door-to-door outreach

In-person presentations in the community (e.g., at schools, neighborhood centers, libraries)

Informational websites

Media outreach campaigns (e.g., TV, radio, newspapers, professionally prepared ads on buses/bus shelters)

Partnerships with employers and industry organizations

Referrals from community- or faith-based organizations

Referrals from the workforce system

Toll-free informational hotlines

Other, please specify:________________________

  1. On a scale of 1 “A great challenge/problem” to 4 “Not a challenge/problem at all”, do (did) any of the following potential problems or barriers affect your recruitment or enrollment of participants? (Check all that apply for each program)

If your CBJTG grant program does not have or include the specific factors listed or an “other” factor, please check the "Not applicable" box.

Potential recruitment or enrollment problems/barriers

1 A great challenge/ problem

2 Somewhat of a challenge/problem

3 A minor challenge/problem

4 Not a challenge at all

Not applicable

Adverse economic and labor market conditions

Difficulties with identifying and finding eligible participants

Insufficient referrals from partner community-based organizations

Insufficient referrals from partner employers/employer organizations

Insufficient referrals from partner(s) in the workforce system

Insufficient resources devoted to outreach and recruitment

Lack of effectiveness of selected outreach strategies

Low or inadequate basic skill levels of applicants

Participants’ difficulties with transportation

Other (please specify) ____________

  1. List the job titles/occupations for which your grant-funded education/training programs prepare participants (e.g., Registered Nurse, Industrial Maintenance Technician, Certified Supply Chain Professional, Emergency Medical Technician).

    1. ________________

    2. ________________

    3. ________________

    4. ________________

    5. ________________

    6. ________________

    7. ________________

    8. ________________

    9. ________________

    10. ________________

    11. ________________

    12. ________________

    13. ________________

    14. ________________

    15. ________________

PAGE 11.

  1. Are the occupations for which participants are trained (auto-populate from C8) part of established, industry-recognized career ladders/career pathways?

Occupation (from C7)

Part of an established career pathway/ladder

Not part of an established career pathway/ladder
















  1. What specific education and training components are included in each of your programs? (Check all that apply)

    1. ____ Classroom-based occupational/instruction other than college level

    2. ____ Cooperative education or work-study program

    3. ____ Distance learning or online tutorials

    4. ____ English as a second language classes

    5. ____ For credit courses that lead to a degree or certificate

    6. ____ Job shadowing

    7. ____ Longer-term on-the-job training experiences (including registered apprenticeships)

    8. ____ Mentorships

    9. ____ Non-credit college-level courses

    10. ____ Other preparatory classes (e.g., pre-apprenticeship)

    11. ____ Part of an established career pathway/ladder

    12. ____ Remedial/basic education classes (e.g., adult basic education)

    13. ____ Short-term on-the-job training experience (e.g., internships)

    14. ____Other, please specify

  1. What credential(s) do (did) participants receive upon completing training for each of the following job titles/occupations? (Check all that apply)

Education/Training Programs

Applied Associate’s Degree

Associate’s degree

Bachelor’s degree

Industry-Recognized Certificate

Occupational certificate

Occupational license

Other, please specify










































  1. What support services do (did) your organization or its partners provide to participants in your grant-funded training/education programs? (check all that apply)

    1. ____Child care assistance

    2. ____Coordination with public assistance

    3. ____”Critical friend,” coach, or mentor

    4. ____ Emergency assistance (e.g., rental or utility assistance)

    5. ____ Financial aid

    6. ____ Financial counseling

    7. ____ Peer support groups

    8. ____ Personal/family counseling

    9. ____ Transportation assistance

    10. ____ Other (please specify)

    11. ____ None

  1. What employment services do (did) your organization or its partners make available to participants in your grant-funded training/education programs? (check all that apply for each program)

    1. ____ Employment/career counseling

    2. ____ Interviewing skills/résumé workshops

    3. ____ Job search assistance

    4. ____ Referrals to job openings

    5. ____Other, please specify

    6. ____None

PAGE 12.

Questions C13 and C14 ask for general assessments across all CBJTG-funded education/training programs.

  1. On a scale of 1-4, with 1 being “Very difficult” and 4 being “Not difficult at all,” how would you rate your experiences in the following areas?



Very difficult

2 Somewhat difficult


A little difficult

4 Not difficult at all

Not applicable

  1. Finding appropriate curriculum

  1. Having applicants with basic skill levels needed to enter the training program

  1. Having enough qualified faculty or


  1. Having the proper training facilities and equipment

  1. Placing trainees in jobs after program completion

  1. Receiving referrals from partner organizations

  1. Recruiting eligible participants

  1. Retaining trainees in the program

  1. In your opinion, how successful would you say the program has been in each of the following areas (auto-populate from B5)?



Not at all successful


Not very successful

3 Somewhat successful


Very successful

Too soon to tell

Not applicable

a. Meeting enrollment goals






b. Achieving high graduation/completion rates

c. Matching graduates with available jobs

d. Increasing earnings for graduates

e. Creating opportunities for promotion or moving up career ladders/lattices

f. Meeting employer needs

g. Increasing trainee satisfaction

h. Other (please specify)

PAGE 13.

Goals and Progress to Date for CBJTG-Funded Activities

This section asks about your program’s overall goals and progress to date.

  1. In which of the following areas did your program propose training goals in your original grant application? (Check all that apply)

    1. Enrollment

    2. Program completion/graduation

    3. Credential attainment

    4. Employment or job placement

    5. Employment/job retention

    6. Other (please specify) ________________________

    7. No original training/education goals

PAGE 14.

  1. In each area (auto-populate from C15) what was the original goal for your project, including all training programs? (in number of persons-do not use percentages)

    1. Enrollment __________ (# of persons)

    2. Program completion/graduation __________ (# of persons)

    3. Credential attainment __________ (# of persons)

    4. Employment or job placement __________ (# of persons)

    5. Employment/job retention __________ (# of persons)

    6. Other (please specify) ________________________ (# of persons)

  1. For the proposed goals (auto-populate from C15), which of the goals have been met to date? (Check all that apply)

    1. Enrollment

    2. Program completion/graduation

    3. Credential attainment

    4. Employment or job placement

    5. Employment/job retention

    6. Other (please specify) ________________________

PAGE 15.

  1. (For operational grantees only) For the proposed goals that have not been met to date (auto-populate from C15), do you anticipate that they will be met by the end of your grant? (Check all that apply)

    1. Enrollment

    2. Program completion/graduation

    3. Credential attainment

    4. Employment or job placement

    5. Employment/job retention

    6. Other (please specify) ________________________

Questions C19 – C21 ask about your training programs that have separate goals and/or information on progress to date for youth.

  1. In what areas do (did) your CBJTG-funded training/education programs have separate goals for youth? (Check all that apply)

    1. Enrollment

    2. Placement in employment or post-secondary education

    3. Attainment of a credential or degree

    4. Increase in one or more educational functioning levels

    5. Employment or education retention

    6. Earnings

    7. Completion of basic skills education or other work readiness activities

    8. Other (please specify) ________________________

    9. No specific youth goals

PAGE 16.

  1. For the proposed youth-specific goals (auto-populate from C19), which of the goals have been met to date? (Check all that apply)

    1. Enrollment

    2. Placement in employment or post-secondary education

    3. Attainment of a credential or degree

    4. Increase in one or more educational functioning levels

    5. Employment or education retention

    6. Earnings

    7. Completion of basic skills education or other work readiness activities

    8. Other (please specify) ___________________

PAGE 17.

  1. (For operational grantees only) For the proposed youth-specific goals that have not been met to date (auto-populate from C20), do you anticipate that they will be met by the completion of your grant? (Check all that apply)

    1. Enrollment

    2. Placement in employment or post-secondary education

    3. Attainment of a credential or degree

    4. Increase in one or more educational functioning levels

    5. Employment or education retention

    6. Earnings

    7. Completion of basic skills education or other work readiness activities

    8. Other (please specify) ________________________

PAGE 18.

Section D. Capacity-Building Activities

This section asks about the capacity-building activities undertaken during the grant period and how these activities were structured to meet the grant’s objectives.

  1. What capacity-building activities are you implementing (did your program implement) using CBJTG funds? (Check all that apply)

    1. __ Certification program development

    2. __ Curriculum development

    3. __ Degree program development

    4. __ Dual enrollment, articulation, or other programs that link secondary and post-

secondary programs

    1. __ Hiring or retraining staff to support education/training activities

    2. __ Improvement or expansion of existing training program

    3. __ Installation and use of new instructional techniques or technologies

    4. __ New training program

    5. __ Programs to attract future workers to the industry

    6. __ Program to share faculty from business or other sectors

    7. __ Training of new or incumbent faculty or instructors

    8. __ Other, please specify_____________________________________

PAGE 19. (“D1 - Continued”)

D1b. If a or b (will automatically skip if not applicable):

  1. What is (was) the goal for the number of training slots per year to be created? ______

  2. How many new training slots per program year have been created as of XXX? _______

D1c. If a, c or d, what types of credentials are being (were) created? (Check all

that apply) (will automatically skip if not applicable)

  1. __ Associate’s degree

  2. __ Industry-recognized certificate

  3. __ Occupational certificate

  4. __ Occupational license

  5. __ Other type of credential, please specify: ______________________________

  6. __ None

D1d. If h, how has (was) your curriculum (been) developed for your training programs?

(Check all that apply) (will automatically skip if not applicable)

  1. __ Adapted from pilot courses funded through the grant

  2. __ Based on industry-recognized standards

  3. __ Based on input from employers and/or industry

  4. __ Developed in collaboration with other colleges or state education systems

  5. __ Used available ETA products/materials (e.g., curriculum available on ETA’s

knowledge-sharing and e-learning platform

  1. __ Used “off the shelf” curriculum or curriculum already in use elsewhere

  2. __ Used standard processes (e.g., DACUM)

  3. __ Other, please specify: ________________________________________

D1e. If i, what populations did (are) you target(ing) to develop new pipelines of future workers for your industry of focus? (Check all that apply) (will automatically skip if not applicable)

  1. __ Elementary school students

  2. __ Middle school students

  3. __ High school students

  4. __ Out-of-school youth

  5. __ Dislocated (laid-off) workers

  6. __ Unemployed

  7. __ Other workers, please specify: __________

  1. Have any of your CBJTG-funded activities resulted in any of the following products? (Check all that apply)

  1. __ Assessment tools

  2. __ Distance learning programs

  3. __ Formal career ladder/lattice models

  4. __ New or improved web sites

  5. __ New or revised curricula and course materials

  6. __ Outreach or recruitment materials

  7. __ Reports on or analyses of CBJTG-funded efforts

  8. __ Training curricula blended with basic skills education or training

  9. __ Training program designs and tools

  10. __ CBJTG-funded activities did not result in any products

  11. __ Other, please specify: ______________________________________

  1. Other than through ETA’s e-learning and knowledge-sharing platform, are the products (mentioned in D2) being shared with other programs and organizations?

  1. __ Yes, please specify specific programs and organizations: _________________________________________

  2. __ No

PAGE 20.

  1. In your opinion, how successful has this grant-funded program been in the following areas?

If your CBJTG grant program does not have or include the specific issues listed or an “other” issue, please check the "Not applicable" box.



Not at all successful


A little successful

3 Somewhat successful


Very successful

Too soon to tell

Not applicable

a. Developing new training programs

b. Expanding the number of training slots

c. Hiring or funding new faculty or instructors

d. Hiring or funding new staff to support training programs

e. Developing financial aid or scholarship options for trainees

f. Designing or implementing new instructional techniques or technologies

g. Creating train-the-trainer programs

h. Attracting future workers to the industry

i. Improving access to education and training opportunities for disadvantaged populations

j. Other, please specify: _______

PAGE 21.

Section E. Partnering with Employers and Other Organizations

This section includes questions about the partners engaged in CBJTG activities and their roles.

  1. What types of organizations do (did) you partner with for CBJTG? (Check all that apply)

    1. __ Career or job centers (other than One-Stop Career Centers)

    2. __ Community colleges, community college consortia, community college districts, or workforce development departments within community colleges

    3. __ Community-based organizations or other social services agencies

    4. __ Economic development organizations

    5. __ Faith-based organizations

    6. __ Industry associations, employers, or chambers of commerce

    7. __ Local government

    8. __ One-Stop Career Centers

    9. __ Philanthropic community (e.g., foundations)

    10. __ School districts

    11. __ Seed and venture capital organizations or individuals, investor networks, or entrepreneurs

    12. __ State government

    13. __ Technical colleges

    14. __ Unions

    15. __ Universities or other four-year colleges

    16. __ Vocational schools

    17. __ Workforce investment boards

    18. __ None, we do not partner with other organizations (skip to section F)

    19. __ Other, please specify: _____________

PAGE 22.

  1. Which of the following partners (auto-populated based on those checked in E1) did you work with in the planning stages of your program? (Check all that apply)

  1. __ Career or job centers (other than One-Stop Career Centers)

  2. __ Community colleges, community college consortia, community college districts, or

workforce development departments within community colleges

  1. __ Community-based organizations or other social services agencies

  2. __ Economic development organizations

  3. __ Faith-based organizations

  4. __ Industry associations, employers, or chambers of commerce

  5. __ Local government

  6. __ One-Stop Career Centers

  7. __ Philanthropic community (e.g., foundations)

  8. __ School districts

  9. __ Seed and venture capital organizations or individuals, investor networks, or


  1. __ State government

  2. __ Technical colleges

  3. __ Unions

  4. __ Universities or other four-year colleges

  5. __ Vocational schools

  6. __ Workforce investment boards

  7. __ Other, please specify: _____________

  1. Which of the following partners (auto-populated based on those checked in E1) did you work with while operating your CBJTG activities?

  1. __ Career or job centers (other than One-Stop Career Centers)

  2. __ Community colleges, community college consortia, community college districts, or

workforce development departments within community colleges

  1. __ Community-based organizations or other social services agencies

  2. __ Economic development organizations

  3. __ Faith-based organizations

  4. __ Industry associations, employers, or chambers of commerce

  5. __ Local government

  6. __ One-Stop Career Centers

  7. __ Philanthropic community (e.g., foundations)

  8. __ School districts

  9. __ Seed and venture capital organizations or individuals, investor networks, or


  1. __ State government

  2. __ Technical colleges

  3. __ Unions

  4. __ Universities or other four-year colleges

  5. __ Vocational schools

  6. __ Workforce investment boards

  7. __ Other, please specify: _____________

  1. List the names up to five (5) organizational partners that dedicated the most time/resources or played the most active/significant role in developing or implementing the CBJTG-funded project.

        1. _________________

        2. _________________

        3. _________________

        4. _________________

        5. _________________

PAGE 23.

  1. Indicate the type of organization for each partner? (auto-populated from E4)


Partner 1

Partner 2

Partner 3

Partner 4

Partner 5

  1. Career or job centers (other than One-Stop Career Centers)

  1. Community-based organizations or other social services agencies

  1. Economic development organizations

  1. Faith-based organizations

  1. Industry associations, employers, or chambers of commerce

  1. Local government

  1. One-Stop Career Centers

  1. Philanthropic community (e.g., foundations)

  1. School districts

  1. Seed and venture capital organizations or individuals, investor networks, or entrepreneurs

  1. State government

  1. Technical colleges

  1. Unions

  1. Universities or other four-year colleges

  1. Vocational schools

  1. Workforce investment boards

  1. Other, please specify: _____________

PAGE 24.

  1. What resources and/or services does (did) the workforce investment system provide to your CBJTG activities? (Check all that apply)

  1. __ Access to financial aid (e.g., Pell grants)

  2. __ Access to support services

  3. __ Advisory committee/steering committee participation

  4. __ Connections to employers or industry associations

  5. __ Curriculum development

  6. __ Direct funding/training contracts

  7. __ Internships

  8. __ Job placement services

  9. __ Job shadowing

  10. __ Mentoring

  11. __ Operation of training activities

  12. __ Referral to or assistance developing apprenticeships

  13. __ Referrals to your training programs

  14. __ Use of facilities

  15. __ Use of Individual Training Accounts (ITA)

  16. __ Use of staff as trainers

  17. __ None

  18. __ Other, please specify____________

  1. What resources do (did) employers or industry associations provide to the CBJTG activities? (Check all that apply)

  1. __ Advisory committee/steering committee participation

  2. __ Apprenticeships

  3. __ Curriculum development

  4. __ Financial resources for training

  5. __ Internships

  6. __ Interviews of program graduates

  7. __ Job shadowing opportunities

  8. __ Mentoring

  9. __ Operation of training programs

  10. __ Paid time for incumbent workers in training, or other incentives to workers for


  1. __ Referrals of employees to your training program

  2. __ Referrals of individuals outside partner organization to your training program

  3. __ Support services

  4. __ Use of facilities

  5. __ Use of staff/employees as trainers

  6. __ None

  7. __ Other, please specify____________

  1. What roles do (did) your other partner organizations play in the implementation of the project? (Check all that apply)

  1. __ Access to financial aid (e.g., Pell grants)

  2. __ Advisory committee/steering committee participation

  3. __ Apprenticeships

  4. __ Curriculum development

  5. __ Direct funding/training contracts

  6. __ Employment services

  7. __ Internships

  8. __ Job shadowing opportunities

  9. __ Mentoring

  10. __ Operation of training programs

  11. __ Referrals to your training program

  12. __ Support services

  13. __ Use of facilities

  14. __ Use of staff

  15. __ None

  16. __ Other, please specify____________

  1. On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being definitely not and 5 being definitely will, which partnerships are likely to continue after the end of the grant? (auto-populated from E1)



Will not continue


Not likely to continue




Likely to continue


Will continue

  1. Career or job centers (other than One-Stop Career Centers)

  1. Community-based organizations or other social services agencies

  1. Economic development organizations

  1. Faith-based organizations

  1. Industry associations, employers, or chambers of commerce

  1. Local government

  1. One-Stop Career Centers

  1. Philanthropic community (e.g., foundations)

  1. School districts

  1. Seed and venture capital organizations or individuals, investor networks, or entrepreneurs

  1. State government

  1. Technical colleges

  1. Unions

  1. Universities or other four-year colleges

  1. Vocational schools

  1. Workforce Investment Boards

  1. Other, please specify: _____________

E9. (past – for those survey respondents whose grants have ended) Which partnerships have continued after the end of the grant? (auto-populated from E1)



Did not continue

  1. Career or job centers (other than One-Stop Career Centers)

  1. Community-based organizations or other social services agencies

  1. Economic development organizations

  1. Faith-based organizations

  1. Industry associations, employers, or chambers of commerce

  1. Local government

  1. One-Stop Career Centers

  1. Philanthropic community (e.g., foundations)

  1. School districts

  1. Seed and venture capital organizations or individuals, investor networks, or entrepreneurs

  1. State government

  1. Technical colleges

  1. Unions

  1. Universities or other four-year colleges

  1. Vocational schools

  1. Workforce Investment Boards

  1. Other, please specify: _____________

  1. Why did/will your partnerships not continue?

    1. ___ Changing economic conditions

    2. ___ Conflicting goals between your organization and partner organization

    3. ___ Funding levels in partner organization

    4. ___ Reached end of MOU, contract or financial arrangement

    5. ___Staff turnover in partner organization

    6. ___ Other, please specify: ____________________________________________

  1. How difficult or easy has your experience been in the following areas? (Rate all that apply)

If your CBJTG grant program does not have experience in the listed areas or an “other” area, please check the "Not applicable" box.



Very difficult

2 Somewhat difficult

3 A little difficult

4 Not difficult at all

Not applicable

a. Accessing planned leveraged resources

b. Engaging partners throughout the grant period

c. Communicating with partners

d. Working with partners during changing economic conditions

e. Other (please specify) _____________________________

  1. In your opinion, how successful has your program been on supporting and strengthening partnerships with the following institutions?

If your CBJTG grant program does not have experience in the listed dimensions or an “other” dimension, please check the "Not applicable" box.



Not at all successful

2 A little successful

3 Somewhat successful


Very successful

Too soon to tell

Not applicable

a. Educational institutions





b. Employers or industry associations

c.  Public workforce system

d.  Other organizations ________________

PAGE 25.

Section F. Leveraged Resources

This section asks about the resources leveraged for your CBJTG-funded activities.

  1. In your grant application, you proposed to “leverage” resources in the amount of $_______ (pre-enter amount from database). Please change if incorrect.

  1. How much of the planned leveraged resources were in the form of a financial contribution or grant from your own organization (not “in-kind” resources such as staff or equipment)? $___________

If unknown, please estimate:

      1. __ $0

      2. __ $1 - $499,000

      3. __ $500,000 – 999,999

      4. __ $1,000,000 – 1,999,999

      5. __ $2,000,000 – 4,999,999

      6. __ $5,000,000 or more

      7. __ Don’t know

  1. How much of the planned leveraged resources were in the form of a financial contribution or grant from partners (not “in-kind” resources such as staff or equipment)? $___________

If unknown, please estimate:

      1. __ $0

      2. __ $1 - $499,000

      3. __ $500,000 – 999,999

      4. __ $1,000,000 – 1,999,999

      5. __ $2,000,000 – 4,999,999

      6. __ $5,000,000 or more

      7. __ Don’t know

  1. How much of the planned leveraged resources were “in-kind” donations from your own organization (e.g., staff time, facilities, equipment) $_______ If unknown, please estimate:

      1. __ $0

      2. __ $1 - $499,999

      3. __ $500,000 – 999,999

      4. __ $1,000,000 – 1,999,999

      5. __ $2,000,000 – 4,999,999

      6. __ $5,000,000 or more

      7. __ Don’t know

  1. How much of the planned leveraged resources were “in-kind” donations from partners (e.g., staff time, facilities, equipment) $_______ If unknown, please estimate:

      1. __ $0

      2. __ $1 - $499,999

      3. __ $500,000 – 999,999

      4. __ $1,000,000 – 1,999,999

      5. __ $2,000,000 – 4,999,999

      6. __ $5,000,000 or more

      7. __ Don’t know

PAGE 26.

  1. What share of the planned resources have you been able to (were you able to) leverage for CBJTG grant activities as of September 30, 2010? Estimate the share from 1 (None) to 5 (All).

If your CBJTG grant program did not plan to receive resources from the listed types of leveraged resources or an “other” type of leveraged resource, please check the "Not applicable" box.

Type and Source of Leveraged Resources









Not applicable

a. Financial contribution or grant (not “in-kind’ resources such as staff or equipment) from your own organization





b. Financial contribution or grant from partners

c.  “In-kind” donations from your own organization (e.g., staff time, facilities, equipment)

d.  “In-kind” donations from partners

  1. What in-kind resources are being (were) provided to your CBJTG program? (check all that apply)

    1. __ Curriculum

    2. __ Expert consultants (e.g., trainers, curriculum developers, technology specialists,

web designers)

    1. __ Staff time

    2. __ Supplies

    3. __ Training facility or space

    4. __ Training/office equipment

    5. __ Other, please specify: ____________________________

  1. Are you on track to meet (or have you met) your original goals for amount of leveraged funds?

  1. __ Yes

  2. __ No

  1. Are (did) these leveraged funds coming (come) from the planned sources listed in your original application/project plan?

  1. __ Yes

  2. __ No

  1. Did you leverage any money that you did not anticipate? Please explain.

PAGE 27.

Section G. Sustainability of Programming

This section asks about the efforts underway to continue your CBJTG-funded activities after the end of the grant period.

  1. Do you plan to maintain (have you maintained) the number of new training slots after the end of the CBJTG grant period? (auto-populated from D1)

    1. __ Yes

    2. __ No

  1. How many of your (auto-populated # from C1) grant-funded education/training programs do you plan to continue operating (have you continued operating) after the end of the CBJTG grant period? ______________________

  1. What are/will be the major challenges to sustaining each of your education/training programs?

  1. __ Changes in the industry of focus

  2. __ Insufficient funding

  3. __ Insufficient partner support

  4. __ Lack of potential participants/students

  5. __ Staff time/experience in fundraising

  6. __ No major challenges

  7. __ Other, please specify:__________

PAGE 28.

If yes to G1 or if G2 is completed:

  1. What specific role will (is) the public workforce system (WIBs and One-Stops, etc.) play (playing) in sustaining programming after the CBJT grant ends?

    1. __ Access to financial aid (e.g., Pell grants)

    2. __ Access to support services

    3. __ Advisory committee/steering committee participation

    4. __ Connections to employers or industry associations

    5. __ Curriculum development

    6. __ Direct funding/training contracts

    7. __ Internships

    8. __ Job placement services

    9. __ Job shadowing

    10. __ Mentorships

    11. __ Operation of training activities

    12. __ Referral to or assistance with developing apprenticeships

    13. __ Referrals to your training programs

    14. __ Use of facilities

    15. __ Use of Individual Training Accounts (ITA)

    16. __ Use of staff as trainers

    17. __ None

    18. __ Other, please specify____________

  1. What specific role will (are) employer or industry association partners play (playing) in sustaining programming after the CBJT grant ends?

  1. __ Advisory committee/steering committee participation

  2. __ Apprenticeships

  3. __ Curriculum development

  4. __ Financial resources for training

  5. __ Internships

  6. __ Interviews of program graduates

  7. __ Job shadowing opportunities

  8. __ Mentoring

  9. __ Operation of training programs

  10. __ Paid time for incumbent workers in training, or other incentives to workers for


  1. __ Referrals of employees to your training program

  2. __ Referrals of individuals outside partner organization to your training program

  3. __ Support services

  4. __ Use of facilities

  5. __ Use of staff/employees as trainers

  6. __ None

  7. __ Other, please specify____________

  1. What specific role will (are) other partner organizations play (playing) in sustaining programming after the CBJT grant ends?

  1. __ Access to financial aid (e.g., Pell grants)

  2. __ Advisory committee/steering committee participation

  3. __ Apprenticeships

  4. __ Curriculum development

  5. __ Direct funding/training contracts

  6. __ Employment services

  7. __ Internships

  8. __ Job shadowing opportunities

  9. __ Mentorships

  10. __ Operation of training programs

  11. __ Referrals to your training program

  12. __ Support services

  13. __ Use of facilities

  14. __ Use of staff

  15. __ None

  16. __ Other, please specify____________

If the grant is still operational:

  1. Will you or have you developed a plan in the following areas for continuing beyond the grant period?

Program Areas

Yes, have developed plans

No, will not develop plans

Have not developed plans yet

a. Capacity-building initiatives

b. Organizational/institutional partnerships

c. Recruitment

d. Training programs/initiatives

e. Other project components? Please specify: _____ __

If the grant is no longer operational:

  1. Prior to grant completion, did you develop plans for continuing grant activities beyond the grant end date?

    1. __ Yes

    2. __ No

  1. Have you continued all or at least part of grant activities after the end of the grant?

  1. __ Yes

  2. __ No

PAGE 27.

  1. If yes, have you continued your program’s:

If your CBJTG grant program does not have or include the listed program areas or an “other” program area, please check the "Not applicable" box.

Program Areas

At the same level of effort as during the grant period

At a greater level of effort

At a smaller/ modified level of effort

Not sustained at all

Not applicable

a. Capacity-building initiatives

b. Organizational/institutional partnerships

c. Recruitment

d. Training programs/initiatives

e. Other project components? Please specify: _____ __

  1. Were any new sources of funding and resources developed for your CBJTG activities after the grant ended and/or were you able to continue using the same funding and resources (other than DOL/ETA grant funds)?

  1. __ All new funding and resources developed

  2. __ New funding and resources developed but previous ones still used

  3. __ Same funding and resources still used and no new ones developed

  4. __ Do not know

PAGE 29.

Section H. Accomplishments

This section asks about your overall impressions of what you have been able to (were able to) accomplish with the CBJTG and any improvements you would suggest to the grant program.

  1. In your opinion, what were the greatest accomplishments of your program? Please list.

    1. ______________________________________________________________


    1. ______________________________________________________________


    1. ______________________________________________________________


  1. What were the biggest challenges and/or obstacles that your organization encountered as you tried to accomplish goals.

  1. ______________________________________________________________


  1. ___________________________________________________________


  1. ______________________________________________________________

  1. Please feel free to share anything else we may not have asked you about.

PAGE 30.

Section I. Information about Your Educational Institution or Public Workforce System Organization

The purpose of this final section is to learn about your institution, organization, or agency.

  1. Based on your grant records, your organization or institution is a XXXX. (Response will be pre-entered and will allow respondent to change if incorrect) If this is incorrect, how would you classify the grantee organization/institution?

  1. __ Community college or other post-secondary educational institution or group of post

secondary institutions (e.g., district or consortium)

  1. __ An organization or agency within the public workforce investment system (e.g.,

workforce investment board, One-Stop Career Center, state or local workforce


  1. __ This is correct

PAGE 31.

(Skip pattern will take respondents to separate questions for educational institutions or workforce organizations.)

(For educational institutions)

  1. Is your educational institution a:

  1. __ Community college

  2. __ Technical college

  3. __ Community college district

  4. __ State community college system

  5. __ Other, please specify ________________________

  1. Approximately how many students or trainees attended programs at your institution (or for grantees that are community college districts or community college systems, in your district or system) in the 2009-2010 school year?

    1. __ None

    2. __ 1 - 2,500

    3. __ 2,501 - 5,000

    4. __ 5,001 - 10,000

    5. __ 10,001 - 20,000

    6. __ 20,001 - 30,000

    7. __ More than 30,000

    8. __ Don’t know

  1. What year was your organization founded?

  1. _______ (year)

  2. __ Do not know

  1. If the exact year is unknown, then please mark one of these ranges:

    1. __ After 1990

    2. __ 1960-1990

    3. __ Before 1960

    4. __ Don’t know

  1. What is your institution’s/district’s/system’s budget for your most recent fiscal year?

  1. $

  2. __ Don’t know

If exact budget number is unknown, then please mark one of these ranges:

  1. __ $0

  2. __ $1-100,000

  3. __ $100,001-500,000

  4. __ $500,001-1,000,000

  5. __ $1,000,001-2,500,000

  6. __ $2,500,001-5,000,000

  7. __ Over $5,000,000

  8. __ Don’t know

PAGE 31.

  1. What percentage of your student body in the 2009-2010 school year received a Pell grant?

  1. __ 0%

  2. __1-25%

  1. __ 26-50%

  2. __ 51-75%

  3. __ 76-100%

  4. __ Don’t know

(For workforce investment system organizations)

  1. Is your organization a: (check all that apply)

  1. __ Workforce investment board

  2. __ One-Stop Career Center or One-Stop Operator

  3. __ State workforce agency

  4. __ Local workforce agency

  5. __ Other, please specify __________________________________

  1. Approximately how many clients did your organization serve in your most recent program year (not including customers that received “core services”)? Please use an unduplicated count.

  1. __ None

  2. __ 1-500

  3. __ 501-1,000

  4. __ 1,001-2,500

  5. __ 2,501-5,000

  6. __ 5,001-10,000

  7. __ More than 10,000

  8. __ Don’t know

  1. What year was your organization founded?

    1. _______ (year)

    2. __ Do not know

If exact year is unknown, then please mark one of these ranges:

    1. __ After 1990

    2. __ 1960-1990

    3. __ Before 1960

    4. __ Don’t know

  1. What was your organization’s budget for your most recent fiscal year?

  1. $

  2. __ Don’t know

If exact budget number is unknown, then please mark one of these ranges:

  1. __ $0

  2. __ $1-100,000

  3. __ $100,001-500,000

  4. __ $500,001-1,000,000

  5. __ $1,000,001-2,500,000

  6. __ $2,500,001-5,000,000

  7. __ Over $5,000,000

  8. __ Don’t know

  1. What percentage of your clients in your most recent program year was considered low-income?

  1. __ 0%

  2. __ 1-25%

  3. __ 26-50%

  4. __ 51-75%

  5. __ 76-100%

  6. __ Don’t know

Thank you for taking the time to answer this survey!

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleCommunity-Based Job Training Grants: Grantee Survey
Last Modified Bynaradzay.bonnie
File Modified2011-01-19
File Created2011-01-19

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