Form 1122-0017 Semi-annual Progress Report for the Technical Assistance

Semi-Annual Progress Report for Technical Assistance Program

TA Provider Form 030507

Semi-Annual Progress Report for Technical Assistance Program

OMB: 1122-0017

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OMB Clearance # 1122-XXXX
Expiration Date XXXXX

Brief Instructions: This form must be completed for each Technical Assistance (TA) Cooperative Agreement award
received. The TA Cooperative Agreement administrator or coordinator must ensure that the form is completed fully with
regard to all Cooperative Agreement activities.
All TA providers should read through each section to determine which questions they must answer based on the activities
engaged in under this TA Cooperative Agreement during the current reporting period. Sections B and D of this form must
be completed by all TA providers. In section A, subsection A1 must be answered by all TA providers. In subsection A2 and
section C, TA providers must answer an initial question in each subsection about whether they engaged in certain activities
during the current reporting period. If the response is yes, then the TA provider must complete that subsection. If the
response is no, the rest of that subsection is skipped.
For example, (1) if you only provided technical assistance with staff funded under this cooperative agreement during the
current reporting period, you would complete sections A, B, C2, and D (and answer ‘no’ in C1 and C3).
The activities of volunteers or interns may be reported if they are coordinated or supervised by TA Cooperative Agreementfunded staff or if TA Cooperative Agreement funds substantially support their activities..
For further information on filling out this form, refer to the separate set of instructions, which contains detailed definitions and
examples, illustrating how questions should be answered.

Page Number

Section A: General Information
Section B: Program Activities
Section C: Function Areas
C1 Training
C2 Technical Assistance
C3 Underserved Populations
C4 Products
Section D: Narrative
Appendix A: Status of Goals and Objectives Table

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OMB Clearance # 1122-XXXX
Expiration Date XXXXX

A1. Awardee information

All TA Cooperative Agreement awardees must complete this section.
1. Date of report
2. Current reporting period

‰ January 1-June 30

‰ July 1-December 31


3. TA provider name
4. TA project name
5. Award number (the federal award number assigned to your TA Cooperative Agreement)

6. Type of lead organization receiving the funds (pick the item that most closely resembles your organization.)
‰ Advocacy organization
‰ State/Tribal/Territory Coalition
‰ Faith-based organization
‰ Victim services
‰ Membership or professional organization
‰ Training organization
‰ University/college
‰ Governmental agency
‰ Policy/research institute
‰ Other (specify)
7. Does your TA Cooperative Agreement address (Check all that apply.)
‰ Domestic violence
‰ Probation
‰ Sexual assault
‰ Law Enforcement
‰ Stalking
‰ Tribal issues
‰ Underserved population (people with disabilities,
‰ Criminal/civil justice
‰ Other (specify)
‰ Courts
8. Point of contact (person responsible for the day-to-day coordination or administration of the award)
Agency/organization name



9. Does this TA Cooperative Agreement target tribal populations? (Check yes if your TA specifically focuses on tribal
‰ Yes
‰ No
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OMB Clearance # 1122-XXXX
Expiration Date XXXXX

10. List the grantee population(s) for which you provide technical assistance.

List OVW grant program(s) or special initiatives for which you provide TA and Training

11. Project partners (from Summary Data Sheet)

12. Priority areas addressed

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OMB Clearance # 1122-XXXX
Expiration Date XXXXX

A2. Staff Information
Were TA Cooperative Agreement funds used to fund staff positions during the current reporting period? (Check
yes if TA Cooperative Agreement funds were used to pay staff, including part-time staff and contractors.)
‰ Yes--answer question 13
‰ No--skip to Section B
13. Staff (Report the total number of full-time equivalent [FTE] staff funded by TA Cooperative Agreement during the current
reporting period. Include employees who are part-time and/or only partially funded with these cooperative agreement funds
as well as contractors. Round to the second decimal. See separate instructions for examples of how to calculate FTEs for
part-time staff and contractors.)
Total number of FTE staff______________________________.

All TA providers must complete this section.
14. Program activities (Check all program activities your TA Cooperative Agreement engaged in during the current
reporting period.)


Maintaining a current database of grantee contacts
Developing and maintaining Web-based information for grantees to include training
announcements, promising practice summaries, and other information of interest to grantees
Convening national and/or regional training events including training institutes, conferences,
seminars, roundtables, meetings, new grantee orientation
Assisting grantees through on-site consultations, email, by telephone, and/or through audio
and/or video conferences
Developing training materials for grantees
Responding to requests for problem-solving from grantees
Providing technical assistance on the full range of statutory and programmatic requirements
grantees must meet
Facilitating peer-to-peer mentoring
Facilitating access to other sources of specialized technical assistance available through other
OVW technical assistance providers
Policy development




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OMB Clearance # 1122-XXXX
Expiration Date XXXXX

C1. Training
Were your TA Cooperative Agreement funds used for training during the current reporting period? Check yes if TA
Cooperative Agreement -funded staff provided training or if TA Cooperative Agreement funds were used to directly support
the training.
‰ Yes--answer questions 15-18
‰ No--skip to C2
For the purposes of this reporting form, training means providing information on sexual assault, dating violence, domestic
violence, and stalking that enables a professional to improve their response to victims/survivors as it relates to their role in
the system.
15. Type and number of training events provided (Report the number of national, statewide, and regional training events
by the type of training that were either provided by TA Cooperative Agreement-funded staff or directly supported with
TA Cooperative Agreement funds. Staff development training provided to TA Cooperative Agreement-funded staff
should not be counted.)

Type of training


Total number of training events
Regional (several states)

New grantee
Other (specify):

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OMB Clearance # 1122-XXXX
Expiration Date XXXXX

16. Number of people trained (Report the number of people trained during the current reporting period by TA Cooperative
Agreement-funded staff or training supported by TA Cooperative Agreement funds. Use the category that is most
descriptive of the people attending the training event. TA Cooperative Agreement-funded staff attending staff
development training should not be counted.)
People trained


Adult protective services staff
Attorneys/law students
Batterer intervention program staff
Campus judicial/disciplinary board members
Child welfare/protection workers
Child advocates
Community advocacy organization staff (NAACP, Gray Panthers)
Corrections personnel (probation, parole, and correctional facilities)
Court personnel (judges, clerks)
Culturally specific community programs
Disability/Deaf organization staff (non-governmental)
Domestic violence program staff (and boards)
Dual sexual assault and domestic violence program staff (and boards)
Educators (teachers, university faculty)
Elder organization staff (non-governmental)
Faith-based organization staff
Government agency staff (vocational rehabilitation, DHS)
Health professionals (excluding forensic examiners)
Transitional housing staff
Immigrant organization staff (non-governmental)
Law enforcement officers
Mental health professionals
Multidisciplinary group
Personal care attendants
Sexual assault forensic examiners
Sexual assault program staff (and boards)
Social service organization staff
Spiritual leaders
State, tribal and/or territory sexual assault coalition and/or domestic
violence coalition (staff and boards)
Substance abuse providers
Supervised visitation and exchange center staff
Transportation providers
Tribal community groups
Tribal council members
Tribal elders
Tribal government/Tribal government agency staff
University student affairs staff
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OMB Clearance # 1122-XXXX
Expiration Date XXXXX

Victim-witness specialists
Other national technical assistance providers
Other (specify):______________________________________________
17. Total number of hours spent on training (Report the total number of hours of training funded by TA Cooperative
Agreement during the current reporting period.
Total number of training hours ______________________________.

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OMB Clearance # 1122-XXXX
Expiration Date XXXXX

18. Training content areas (Indicate all topics addressed in training events provided by your TA Cooperative Agreement
funds during the current reporting period. Check all that apply.)
Sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence
and stalking
‰ Abuse of people who are deaf/have disabilities
‰ Advocate response
‰ Child witnesses to domestic violence
‰ Confidentiality
‰ Cultural issues specific to American Indians and/or
Alaska Natives
‰ Cyberstalking
‰ Dating violence overview, dynamics, and services
‰ Domestic violence overview, dynamics, and services
‰ Drug facilitated sexual assault
‰ Dynamics and history of violence against American
Indian and/or Alaska Native women
‰ Elder abuse
‰ Indian Child Welfare Act
‰ Forensic evidence collection and documentation
‰ Mandatory reporting requirements
‰ Safety planning for victims/survivors
‰ Sexual assault forensic evidence collection
‰ Sexual assault overview, dynamics, and services
‰ Sex offender management
‰ Stalking overview, dynamics, and services
‰ Supervised visitation and exchange
‰ Tribal strategies to address sexual assault, domestic
violence, dating violence or stalking
‰ Other (specify): _________________________


Underserved populations
Issues specific to victims/survivors who:
‰ live in rural areas
‰ are American Indian or Alaska Native
‰ are Asian
‰ are black or African American
‰ are deaf
‰ have disabilities
‰ are elderly
‰ are Hispanic or Latino
‰ are homeless or living in poverty
‰ are immigrants, refugees, or asylum seekers
‰ are institutionalized or isolated
‰ are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or intersex
‰ are Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
‰ have mental health/substance abuse issues
‰ Other (specify):

Justice system
‰ Child victimization statutes/codes
‰ Civil court procedures
‰ Criminal court procedures
‰ Decreasing dual arrests/identifying predominant
‰ Dating violence statutes/codes
‰ Domestic violence statutes/codes
‰ Evidence analysis, collection, and preservation
‰ Evidence-based prosecution
‰ Family court procedures
‰ Federal agency response to sexual assault, domestic
violence, dating violence and stalking (IHS, BIA, FBI,
‰ Firearms and domestic violence
‰ Immigration
‰ Judicial response
‰ Law enforcement response
‰ Mandatory reporting requirements

TA 3/5/2007

Pro-arrest policies
Probation response
Prosecution response
Protection orders (including full faith and credit)
Safety audits
Sexual assault statutes/codes
Stalking statutes/codes
Trial skills
Tribal jurisdiction and Public Law 280
Victims not polygraphed
Other (specify): _______________________

Organizational community response
‰ Accessibility
‰ Coalition development
‰ Coordinated community response
‰ Discrimination and oppression issues
‰ Emergency preparedness
‰ Evaluation
‰ Outreach to underserved populations
‰ Response teams (DART, DVRT, SART)
‰ Standards of service for sexual assualt, domestic
violence, dating violence, and stalking programs
‰ Strategic planning
‰ Technology
‰ Technology safety issues
‰ Victim service administration and operations
‰ Other (specify): _________________________


C2. Technical Assistance
Were your TA Cooperative Agreement funds used to provide technical assistance during the current reporting
period? Check yes if TA Cooperative Agreement-funded staff provided technical assistance or if TA Cooperative
Agreement funds directly supported the provision of technical assistance.
For the purposes of this reporting form, technical assistance includes a wide variety of activities
designed to facilitate individual or agency change in some systematic manner by providing expertise to
solve a problem. Examples of technical assistance activities include clarifying legislative and policy
implementation and/or standards of service, technology consultations, and assistance with problemsolving.

Yes--answer questions 19-21
No--skip to C3

19. Number of technical assistance activities (Report the total number of technical assistance activities provided to
programs during the current reporting period, indicating whether they were site visits, technical assistance
consultations (ongoing problem solving, strategy developing), information request responses (giving an example of
a training protocol for law enforcement, giving information about another jurisdiction that has developed an
approach to prosecuting stalking cases) or referrals (referring a grantee to another organization with specialized
expertise). Contact other than site visits (delivery of technical assistance in person) may include telephonic,
electronic, or other types of contact. Each contact should be counted as one activity.)
technical assistance

Number of site

Adult protective services
Batterer intervention program
Child protection workers
State, tribal or territory coalitions
Coordinating council/task force
Corrections (probation, parole,
and correctional facility)
Culturally specific community
Disability/deaf organization
Domestic violence program (staff and
Dual sexual assault
and domestic violence program (staff
and boards
Elder abuse/aging network
Faith-based organization
Forensic examiner program
Health care provider
(excluding forensic examiner)
Law enforcement
Legal services/attorneys/law students
Mental health care provider
TA Provider 3/5/2007


Number of

Number of

Number of

Prosecutor’s office
Sex offender management programs
Sexual assault program (staff and
Stalking program
Supervised visitation
Other national technical assistance
Tribal government
Tribal sexual assault
or domestic violence program
Other (specify): ____________

20. Total number of hours spent on technical assistance (Report the total number of hours of technical assistance
funded by TA Cooperative Agreement during the current reporting period.)
Total number of technical assistance hours ______________________________.

TA Provider 3/5/2007


21. Topics of technical assistance (Check the topics that apply to technical assistance provided with TA Cooperative
Agreement funds during the current reporting period. The technical assistance provided may be categorized by
more than one topic. Check all that apply.)
Topics of technical assistance
Board development for sexual assault, domestic violence, and stalking programs
Board development for Family Justice Centers or co-located responses
Coordinated community response
Civil legal services for victims/survivors
Court response
Creating/sustaining diverse organizations
Criminal codes
Enhancing culturally and linguistically appropriate services
Curricula and training issues
Developing or enhancing culturally appropriate services for underserved populations
Fatality reviews
Sexual assault forensic evidence collection and documentation
Full faith and credit
Grant guidelines
Law enforcement response
Policy/protocol development
Program development
Program evaluation
Probation and parole response
Prosecution response
Protection orders enforcement
Response to abuse of people with disabilities/who are deaf
Response to elder abuse
Response to sexual assault victims/survivors
Response to domestic violence victims/survivors
Safety planning
Sex offender management
Standards of service for sexual assault, domestic violence, and stalking programs
Strategic planning
Supervised visitation and exchange
Technology and technology capacity
Technology safety and security (confidentiality)
Victim service administration and operations
Women of color leadership development
Other (specify): __________________________________________________

TA Provider 3/5/2007



C3. Underserved Populations

Were your TA Cooperative Agreement funds used to develop or enhance standards protocols or procedures
for underserved populations or to encourage the representation of underserved populations in coordination
activities during the current reporting period? Check yes if TA Cooperative Agreement-funded staff were used to
develop or enhance services for underserved populations or if TA Cooperative Agreement funds directly supported
representation of underserved populations in coordination activities.
‰ Yes-- answer question 22-23
‰ No--skip to C4
22. Activities addressing underserved populations (Check all activities in which TA Cooperative Agreement funds
were used to develop or enhance services for underserved populations or to encourage the representation of
underserved populations in coordination services.)
Developing materials for underserved populations
Identifying gaps in services
Identifying underserved populations
Supporting representatives of historically underserved groups to participate in
Coordinating a task force/caucus to address issues concerning underserved
Training/technical assistance regarding culturally appropriate services for historically
underserved populations
Other (specify):


23. Underserved populations (Indicate which underserved populations were addressed in the activities indicated in
question 20. Check all that apply.)
Victims/survivors who:
‰ live in rural areas
‰ are American Indian or Alaska Native
‰ are Asian
‰ are black or African American
‰ are deaf
‰ have disabilities
‰ are elderly
‰ are Hispanic or Latino
‰ are homeless or living in poverty
‰ are immigrants, refugees, or asylum seekers
‰ are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or intersex
‰ are Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
‰ have mental health/substance abuse issues
‰ Other (specify):

TA Provider 3/5/2007


C4. Products
Were your TA Cooperative Agreement funds used to develop, substantially revise, or distribute products during
the current reporting period? Check yes if TA Cooperative Agreement-funded staff developed products or if TA
Cooperative Agreement funds directly supported the development, revision, or distribution of products.
‰ Yes--answer question 24
‰ No--skip to section D
24. Use of TA Cooperative Agreement funds for product development, substantial revision, or distribution (Report
the number of products developed, substantially revised, or distributed with TA Cooperative Agreement funds during
the current reporting period. Report the number of new products developed or substantially revised during the current
reporting period; the title/topic and intended audience for each product developed, revised, or distributed; and the
number of products used or distributed. If a product was created in or translated into a language other than English,
including Braille, indicate the language. Report on products that were newly developed or substantially revised during
the current reporting period whether or not they were used or distributed, and on products that were previously
developed or revised, but were used or distributed during the current reporting period.)

or revised


Training curricula
Training materials
Tool kits
TA packets
Fact sheets
Web site (report
number of unique
visitors in used or
distributed column)
Other (specify):

TA Provider 3/5/2007



used or


All TA providers must answer question 25.
25. Report on the status of meeting the terms of the TA Cooperative Agreement as outlined in the Award Letter.
(Using Appendix A, report on the status of meeting the terms of the cooperative agreement as outlined in the Award
Letter as of the end of the current reporting period. Indicate whether the activities related to your objectives for the
current reporting period have been completed, are in progress, are delayed, or have been revised. Comment on your
successes and challenges, and provide any additional explanation you feel is necessary for us to understand what you
have or have not accomplished. If you have not accomplished objectives that should have been accomplished during
the current reporting period, you must provide an explanation.)
All Awardees must answer questions 26 and 27 on an annual basis, on the January to June reporting form. You may also,
at your discretion, submit this information on the July to December reporting form.
26. As a TA provider what do you see as the most significant areas of remaining need with regard to increasing
victim/survivor safety and offender accountability? (Consider geographic regions, underserved populations,
service delivery systems, types of victimization, and challenges and barriers unique to the grantees to whom you
provide technical assistance.)
27. What do you see as the most significant needs of grantees/emerging issues (describe the types of support,
technical assistance or other needs of the grantees you serve. Note any new or emerging issues, e.g.,
emergency preparedness)?
Question 28 is optional.
28. Provide any additional information that you would like us to know about your TA Cooperative Agreement and/or
the effectiveness of your cooperative agreement. (If you have other data or information regarding your program that
would more fully or accurately reflect the effectiveness of your TA Cooperative Agreement-funded program than the
data you have been asked to provide on this form, answer this question. If you have not already done so elsewhere on
this form, you may want to report on systems-level changes, community collaboration, the removal or reduction of
barriers and challenges for victims/survivors, promising practices, and positive or negative unintended consequences.)

Public Reporting Burden
Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. Under the Paperwork Reduction Act, a person is not required to respond to a collection of
information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. We try to create forms and instructions that are accurate, can be
easily understood, and which impose the least possible burden on you to provide us with information. The estimated average time to
complete and file this form is 60 minutes per form. If you have comments regarding the accuracy of this estimate, or suggestions for
making this form simpler, you can write to the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice, 810 7th Street, NW,
Washington, DC 20531.

TA Provider 3/5/2007


Goals/Objectives (Describe
your goals and objectives, as outlined
in your grant proposal, or as revised)

TA Provider 3/5/2007

Status (e.g.,

Key Activities/in
furtherance of

completed, in
progress, delayed,


Comments (successes, challenges,

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleMicrosoft Word - TA Provider Form 030507.doc
File Modified2007-04-24
File Created2007-03-05

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