Early Hearing Detection and Intervention
Hearing Screening and Follow-up Survey
Reinstatement with Change
Marcus Gaffney
Project Officer
1600 Clifton Rd. MS E-88
Atlanta, GA 30333
(404) 498-3031
Attachment 12:
Invitation to Complete the Survey
Dear EHDI Program,
You are invited to complete the 2009 CDC Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) Hearing Screening and Follow-up Survey (HSFS). This survey requests aggregate information related to infant hearing screening and follow-up activities in calendar year 2009. This information will be used to report on progress towards achieving the National EHDI Goals and related Healthy People 2010 objectives. It would be greatly appreciated if you could complete this survey. Responses are requested by (insert date here). If you are not the correct person to receive this request please let us know.
Your participation in this survey is voluntary. This information is important in determining the status of EHDI efforts across the United States. Once this data is collected summaries will be available on the CDC EHDI website at: www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/ehdi. Please see below for information about how to complete this online survey.
2009 Online CDC EHDI Survey
As in the past this survey consists of three parts and can be completed online using the below link. Instructions and additional information are included in an explanations document that is available online through the below link.
Survey Link (insert here)
Thank you for your attention in this matter. If you have any questions, need assistance in filling out the survey, or would like to complete a paper version of this survey instead of the online version, please contact Marcus Gaffney at: MGaffney@cdc.gov or (404) 498-3031.
Thank you,
Marcus Gaffney
Gaffney, MPH
Health Scientist
Center on Birth Defects
and Developmental Disabilities
for Disease Control and Prevention
Phone: (404) 498-3031
(404) 498-3060
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Marc |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-02-02 |