Focus Group Guide for Farmers Market Consumers

Evaluation of Childhood Obesity Prevention and Control Initiative: New York City Healthy Bucks Program

Appendix H-1 Consumer FG Guide_01.21.10

Focus Group with Consumers

OMB: 0920-0855

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Appendix H-1

Focus Group Moderator Guide

Farmers’ Market Consumers

Form Approved

OMB No.: 0920-xxxx

Exp. Date: xx/xx/xxxx

Consumers’ Focus Groups

Discussion Outline

Project: “Evaluation of Childhood Obesity Prevention and Control Initiative: New York City Health Bucks Program”

Focus groups with ____________ (insert description of type of consumer)

Discussion Outline

I. Introduction: Welcome (10 minutes)

A. Purpose: During the next 2 hours, we will be discussing some of your experiences shopping at farmers’ markets.

B. Disclosure

  • Observation

  • Audio

  • Data Security

  • Voluntary Participation

C. Ground Rules

  • Would like to hear from everyone; one at a time please

  • No right or wrong answers

  • Moderator is impartial, please be candid

  • Remind participants not to repeat anything heard today or disclose identity of participants.

Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 2 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC Reports Clearance Officer, 1600 Clifton Road, MS D-74, Atlanta, GA 30333, ATTN: PRA (0920-xxxx).

  • We will take a break after the first hour, but feel free to leave the room if you need a break before that time.

D. Participant Introduction

  • Name (Ask them to introduce themselves by first name only. Advise them that last names will not be recorded if inadvertently disclosed.)

  • When was the last time you visited a farmers’ market and list 2-3 items you purchased

II. Farmers’ Market Awareness and Attendance (30 minutes)

Let’s spend some time talking about your experience with farmers’ markets.

  1. How often do you shop at a farmers’ market?

    • Every week; throughout the season; specific months

    • How long have you shopped at farmers’ markets?

  1. Would you consider yourself a “regular” farmers’ market shopper (e.g., you shop at farmers’ markets consistently during a certain period of time)?

  1. Do you consistently shop at one market, a few different markets, or many different markets?

    • What is considered “few” and “many”?

  1. State some of the reasons why you have chosen to shop at the farmers’ markets. [Unaided, then probe as necessary.]

Convenience – what makes a farmers’ market convenient?


    • On my way to/from work/school/child care? How far?

    • Close to home? How far?

    • Close to public transportation?

    • Can drive or ride bike to?

    • No other stores close-by?

    • Other

Product Selection/Price

    • What is considered a good selection of products?

(Probe: Quality of products or how appealing the products appear? Amount of products or variety)

    • What types of foods?

(Probe: Fruits and vegetables, meats, baked goods, etc.)

    • How do the prices of products compare to other “stores” or markets?

    • How much does price matter?

Other Benefits/Incentives


    • Offer cooking classes or other educational classes?

    • Offer different payment methods?

    • Accepts Food Stamps?

    • Offer and accept HB?

    • Aesthetics (neighborhood; environment)?

    • Social aspect?

    • Good customer service/friendly

    • Samples/tastings of products?

    • What benefits/incentives are most important to you?

  1. Considering the different reasons you have all mentioned, are there some that matter more than others?

  1. Close your eyes and think about the market environment during your most recent visit,

    • List some of the things that made it a pleasant experience for you

    • List some of the things that made it an unpleasant experience for you

  1. Are there any reasons you would no longer shop at farmers’ markets?

III. Farmers’ Market Purchases (10 minutes)

  1. What do you generally buy at the market?

  1. How do you decide what to buy?

    • Where else do you shop for similar products?

    • Where else could you shop for similar products?

    • How do those other options compare to the farmers’ market?

IV. Payment for Purchases (10 minutes)

  1. How did you pay for the products you purchased at the market?

    • Is this typically how you pay?

    • If not, what other payment methods do you use?

    • How important is it to have payment options?

    • Are their other forms of payment you would like to use?

  1. How convenient was the payment process?

    • What made it easy or difficult?

V. Health Bucks (30 minutes)

  1. Have you ever seen a Health Buck (show Health Buck)?

    • Where have you seen a Health Buck?

  1. Do you know what a Health Buck is?

If you know what a Health Buck is, how did you learn or hear about the Health Bucks Program?


    • At a farmers’ market

    • When you got your EBT tokens

    • Signage

    • Saw other people using it

    • Participating in a nutritional program/demonstration

    • Other

    • Friend or family,

    • As part of a program or organization that you are a member of (e.g., WIC clinic, church, community center)

If you do not know what a Health Buck is, would you be interested in learning more about the program? (Note: If so, we can give you some information at the end of our discussion.)

  1. Have you ever used a Health Buck?

If so, where did you get the HB that you used?

        • Farmer’s Market

          • When you got your EBT tokens?

          • Participating in a nutritional class/demonstration?

        • Community-based organization (CBO)

        • Other

  1. If you got your Health Buck(s) from a CBO, did you have to do anything to receive the HB?

(Probe: participate in any nutrition education or physical activity (e.g, walking group, walk and shopping trip to the Farmer’s Market, cooking class).

  1. Thinking of the different ways you receive Health Bucks, is any method (e.g., at a farmers’ market when getting your EBT tokens or participating in a demonstration or through a CBO) better or preferable?

  • If yes, in what ways (e.g., more convenient, faster, other)?

  1. Are there other ways/places in which you would like to receive Health Bucks (e.g., by mail)?

  1. How often have you used Health Bucks?

(Probe: at each of your farmers’ market visits; many visits; few visits; only 1-2 visits)

  1. Is there a particular time when you prefer to use your Health Bucks?

  • during the Farmer’s Market season (June-November)

  • during a month

  1. What is important about using the Health Bucks during this particular time of the season, month, or other?

(Probe: when you receive a Health Buck, do you usually spend it right away, or save it for use at another time or another market?)

  1. Do you typically have enough Health Bucks at the times that you prefer to use them?

  • If yes, what is important about having enough Health Bucks at the right time?

  • If no, what would make it easier for you to get the Health Bucks when you want them?

  • What happens when you don’t get the Health Bucks when you need them (e.g., don’t buy fruits and vegetables at the FM, don’t shop at the FM to buy anything, etc.)?

  1. Is the process for getting and using Health Bucks convenient?

  1. Is there anything that you would change about the process?

  1. When you have used your Health Bucks, what did you purchase with them?

  • Do you use your Health Bucks to purchase new or unusual fruits or vegetables you may not have tried before?

  1. Has there been a time when you have had Health Bucks, but not used it/them?

  • What are the reasons for not using the Health Bucks?

  1. Is there anything that would influence your willingness to try or use Health Bucks?

VI Consumption (20 minutes)

  1. What do you do with the products you purchase at the Farmer’s Market? (Probe: use as snacks, serve at meals times, pack lunches for school kids, freeze, can, share with others, other)

  • How do you normally eat fruit you buy at the farmers’ market?

(Probe: fresh; prepared in some way; other)

  • How do you normally eat vegetables you buy at the farmers market?

(Probe: fresh; baked; prepared using oil or butter)

  1. Who eats the produce you purchased from the Farmer’s Market?

(Probe: family/friends; adults; kids (what ages); other)

  1. How do you normally eat fruit that you buy at the farmers market?

  1. Was there an event or any materials at the Farmers Market that gave you information on how to use the products (e.g., cooking demonstration, educational class, pamphlets or hand-outs, etc.)?

  • What did you learn?

  • If both an event and materials were available, do you prefer an event (e.g., demo/class) or written material?

  1. Do you generally use all of the products you purchase?

  • If yes, how long does it take you to consume the products you purchased? (Probe: few days, week, other)

  • If not, what happened to the products you did not use? (Probe: gave away, spoiled, other).

  1. As a final question, thinking about what you have shared about your Farmer’s Market experiences, your use of Health Bucks, and how you use the products you purchase at the Farmer’s Market, has Health Bucks influenced or changed your behavior in any way?

    • About what you purchase?

    • How you use your purchases?

    • Any other changes?

VI. Conclusion (5 minutes)

Check with clients for additional questions.

Thank and dismiss participants.

Note for participants where information about the Health Bucks program is displayed.

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleAppendix G
Last Modified ByHewittC
File Modified2010-01-21
File Created2009-11-09

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