Ggleap Application Instructions

Att_GGLEAP Application Instructions.pdf

The Leveraging Educational Assistance and Partnership (LEAP) and Special LEAP (SLEAP) Programs Application to Participate


OMB: 1845-0028

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Application to Participate in
Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership (LEAP)
Special Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership (SLEAP)
and Grants for Access and Persistence (GAP) Programs

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This form allows you to complete your state‟s application to participate and submit the data securely via the internet
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Once you‟ve completed the application and are ready to submit, select the submit button. This will generate a data file to
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It is no longer necessary to mail hard copies to the Department. However, again, please be sure to print a copy of the
completed and signed application for your records. Submit or forward an electronic copy of all signed materials to the
Department at
Please submit your completed application to us by May 31, 2010.
Page 1, Part A: State Contact Information
Instructions for Part A, Items 1 through 10
Self-explanatory. Please complete all items in Part A with complete information as indicated.
Page 1, Part B: State Request for Federal Funds (Section 415C(a))
Instructions for Item 11
Request for LEAP: Enter the total Federal funds you request for your state from the fiscal year 2010 appropriation to
provide awards to students under the LEAP Program in award year 2010-2011. Include the amount of your state's initial
allotment as well as the additional (reallotted) funds your state will be able to match and use for LEAP awards. Should
reallotted funds become available for awards, your request for additional funds will then be reviewed, and you will be
advised as to the amount of reallotted funds to be made available to your state. Allotments and reallotments are
contingent upon the adequacy of available matching funds and maintenance-of-effort expenditures.
LEAP SLEAP and GAP Application to Participate

Instructions for Completion and submission

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Instructions for Item 12
In this initial year of the GAP Program, states have the option of applying for the SLEAP Program or the GAP Program.
Please indicate whether your state is applying to participate in the SLEAP Program or the GAP Program.
Request for SLEAP: If you choose to apply for SLEAP funding, enter the TOTAL FEDERAL FUNDS you request for your
state from the fiscal year 2010 appropriation to provide awards to students under the SLEAP Program in award year
2010-2011. Include the amount your state's initial allotment as well as the additional (reallotted) funds your state will be
able to match and use for SLEAP awards. Should realloted funds become available for awards, your request for
additional funds will then be reviewed, and you will be advised as to the amount of reallotted funds to be made available
to your state. Allotments and reallotments are contingent upon the adequacy of available matching funds (two-to-one),
maintenance-of-effort expenditures, and meeting the SLEAP special (base) rule in section 415E(f) of the HEA.
Special Rule is the same for both SLEAP and GAP: For purposes of determining a state's share of the cost of the
authorized activities under SLEAP or GAP, a state shall consider only those expenditures from non-Federal sources that
exceed the state's total expenditures for need-based grants, scholarships, and work-study assistance for fiscal year 1999,
including state funds reported under LEAP.
Request for GAP: If you choose to apply for GAP funding, enter the TOTAL FEDERAL FUNDS you request for your
state from the fiscal year 2010 appropriation to provide LEAP Grants under GAP to students in award year 2010-2011.
Basic allotments are contingent upon the adequacy of available matching funds* (43% or 33 34/100%), maintenance-ofeffort expenditures, and meeting the GAP special (base) rule in section 415E(f) of the HEA. States must use not less than
ninety-eight percent (98%) of its Federal allotment under GAP to make LEAP Grant awards to students under its GAP
Program. A State that receives an allotment under GAP may reserve not more than two percent (2%) of its Federal
allotment annually for State administrative functions required for administering the partnership and other GAP Program
*The state match of the Federal allotment must be forty-three percent of the total expenditures if a State applies for a GAP
allotment in partnership with degree-granting institutions of higher education in the State whose combined full-time
enrollment represents less than a majority of all students attending institutions of higher education in the State, or thirtythree and thirty-four onehundredths percent of the total expenditures if a State applies for a GAP allotment in partnership
with degree-granting institutions of higher education in the State whose combined full-time enrollment represents a
majority of all students attending institutions of higher education in the State.
Page 1, Part C: State Matching Funds Available
Instructions for Part C Items 13 through 16
NOTE: Amounts entered in this section signify the state's commitment to provide the state matching funds
required by section 415C(b)(10) and 415E(b) of the LEAP and SLEAP program statutes.
Section 415C(b)(10)) requires that state funds for the LEAP and SLEAP programs be used for matching federal LEAP and
SLEAP allotments. Item 13 must include the total state funds appropriated by the state for need-based (undergraduate
and graduate) awards. Item 14 must include total state funds from Public Tuition Revenues from all public institutions
within the State for need-based (undergranduate and graduate) awards. Item 15 must include total state funds from other
sources (e.g., state lottery program) for need-based (undergraduate and graduate) awards. Item 16 must include all
funds for non-need based (undergraduate and graduate) awards.
The total of item 13, 14, 15 and 16 includes all state expenditures, (appropriated funds and funds from other sources) for
grants and work-study jobs for students projected for the 2010-2011 award year (need-based and non-need-based
awards, both to undergraduates and graduates), but does not include the LEAP and SLEAP federal share you anticipate.
Please note that including all state aid funds in Part C, does not indicate the level of expenditures your state will be
required to match under LEAP and SLEAP programs. This section only indicates the availability of all known or projected
state aid funds and used to determine a state‟s ability to meet its base, and matching requirements under the programs.
For a state to receive the full amount it requests in item 11 for the LEAP Program, the total of item 13 through 16 must be
at least as large as the sum of: (1) the state's base-year amount, which is on file with the Department and derived from
expenditure data when your state first entered the LEAP Program, (2) its award year 2010-2011 basic LEAP allotment,
and (3) the amount of reallotment LEAP funds requested (if any).

LEAP SLEAP and GAP Application to Participate

Instructions for Completion and submission

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For a state to receive the full amount it requests in item 12 for the SLEAP Program, the total of item 13 through 15 must
be at least as large as the sum of: (1) the state's total expenditures for need-based grants, scholarships, and work-study
assistance for the 1999-2000 award year, (2) double its award year 2010-2011 basic SLEAP allotment, and (3) double the
amount of reallotment SLEAP funds requested (if any).
Page 1, Part D: Institutional Eligibility Within Your State
Instructions for Items 17 and 18
Section 415C(b)(5) requires that all public and nonprofit institutions in a state must be eligible to participate in LEAP and
SLEAP unless excluded by the state's constitution or a statute before October 1, 1978.
Please select all types of institutions that are eligible to participate in your state‟s LEAP and SLEAP programs. If any
public or nonprofit institutions are not eligible, please indicate the reason and cite the appropriate state law.
Page 2, Part E: State Program names and Maximum
Instructions for Section F
Enter the name of the state program(s) that makeup the LEAP Program in your state. Also, if participating in SLEAP, enter the name of
the state program(s) that makeup this component. Please include the maximum grant amount for the program(s) listed in this section
as well. For example: State Program Name, $3000.

Page 2, Part F: State Determination of Substantial Financial Need of Students
Instructions for Part F
This section is designated to enable the Secretary to review and approve your state's criteria for the selection of recipients
under the LEAP and SLEAP programs on the basis of substantial financial need as provided by section 415C(b)(4). Use
the space provided on the form to explain your answers to the questions in this section.
Instructions for Items 21-22
Please forward an electronic copy in Portable Document Format (PDF) of any state forms used by your state for
determining student eligibility for your state LEAP and SLEAP programs. For the purposes of this question, a form
includes any electronic data collection from the student.
Instructions for Item 23
The methodology used by your state to determine student financial need, if not the Federal Needs Analysis Methodology,
must be explained in sufficient detail to allow the Secretary to determine its adequacy. Please forward an electronic copy
in PDF of all descriptive materials produced by your state regarding your state‟s need analysis methodology.
Instructions for Item 24
If your answer to 24 is no, you must 1) provide the reason(s) why your state wishes to use a variant "independent student"
definition in sufficient detail to allow the Secretary to determine whether its approvable; and 2) provide a detailed
description of your state's "independent student" definition used in your LEAP and SLEAP programs. Please use the
space provided on the form.
You must check "No" for item G4 if your state does not allow a financial aid administrator's professional judgment to
document a student's independent status.
Instructions for Item 25
The criteria used for determining whether a student's need is substantial must be explained in sufficient detail to allow the
Secretary to determine their adequacy. The following are examples of how a state may define substantial need:
A minimum level of relative need as measured by the difference between a student's cost of attendance and
the resources available to meet that cost.
A measure of a family's ability to pay for a student's educational expenses, such as a maximum expected
family contribution.
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A process of selecting recipients on the basis of a ranking of eligible applicants according to their financial
Page 2, Part G: LEAP State Maintenance of Effort (MOE) Requirement
Instructions for Part G
Section 415C(b)(8) provides that state LEAP expenditures shall not be less than the average annual aggregate
expenditures for the proceeding three award years or the average annual expenditures per full-time equivalent student for
such years.
In this section show your state's LEAP expenditures used to match the federal LEAP allotment. Include only those state
funds which the state uses to match the federal allotment and which are awarded in accordance with all the LEAP
Program statutory and regulatory requirements. Do not include federal funds or other expenditures for state grants that
are not considered part of your federal LEAP Program.
Instructions for Items 26
Use actual state matching expenditures under the LEAP Program. These figures should equal the total amount of state
matching expenditures under the LEAP Program as reported on your performance report for the corresponding award
years. Please verify your state‟s matching expenditures are accurately reported to the Secretary on your state‟s
performance report under the LEAP Section(s). Any changes to what was previously reported on your state‟s
performance report must be amended and resubmitted to the Department along with this application.
Instructions for Item 26d
Use best available state matching figures under your state‟s LEAP Program.

Instructions for Item 26e
Use best available state matching figures under your state‟s LEAP Program for the projected (application) award year.

Instructions for Item 27
If information is required for item 27, enter the total full-time equivalent enrollment of all institutions of higher education in your state that
are eligible to participate in your state‟s LEAP Program.

Page 3, Part H: SLEAP or GAP Base Year Requirement
Instructions for Item 28
Section 415E(i) requires states, for purposes of determining its share of the cost for SLEAP or GAP, to consider only
those expenditures from nonfederal sources that exceed its total expenditures for need-based grants, scholarships, and
work-study assistance for award year 1999-2000.
If your state has previously applied for SLEAP funding, the amount reported here would remain the same as previously
reported on your state‟s application to participate and as approved by the Secretary. If your state has not applied for
SLEAP funding in the past, the amount reported here should be equivalent to the need-based aid expenditures your state
might have reported to the Secretary on its 1999-2000 performance report under Part I.
Page 3, Part I: SLEAP or GAP MOE Requirement
Instructions for Items 29 and 30
The SLEAP or GAP Maintenance-of-Effort (MOE) for the 2010-2011 award year requires that a state‟s expenditures from
non-federal funds for the SLEAP or GAP authorized activities, in the aggregate or per student, in the 2009-2010 award
year must not be less than its expenditures for those same authorized activities, in the aggregate or per student, in the
2008-2009 award year.
The following instructions apply for state’s applying for SLEAP funding:
If your state received SLEAP funding in award year 2008-2009, the data you enter for Item 29a must represent your
state‟s 2008-2009 award year total non-federal expenditures for the three SLEAP authorized postsecondary activities.
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Instructions for Completion and submission

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Further, the data you enter for Item 29a of this application must equal the data you provided in Part III, Section A, Item 1
on the performance report for the 2008-2009 award year. If the data provided on the 2008-2009 performance report is
incorrect, you must amend that report and submit along with this application.
The data you enter for Item 29b must represent your reasonable projected 2009-2010 award year total non-federal
expenditures for the three SLEAP authorized postsecondary activities.
Compare your state‟s projected 2009-2010 award year total non-federal expenditures for the three SLEAP authorized
postsecondary activities reported in Item 29b with your state‟s final 2008-2009 award year non-federal expenditures for
the same SLEAP postsecondary activities reported in Item 29a. The 2009-2010 award year figures, when finalized must
equal or exceed the final data for the 2008-2009 award year for the same three authorized postsecondary activities. If not,
you must complete Item 30.
If information is required in this item for the SLEAP MOE, enter the total number of students who received assistance for
the three SLEAP authorized postsecondary activities for the 2008-2009 award year in Item 30a and for the 2009-2010
award year in Item 30b.
The following instructions apply for state’s applying for GAP funding:
Because states can only participate in the GAP Program starting in the 2010-2011 award year, the total state
expenditures for authorized GAP activities which include both grants and administrative costs for the 2008-2009 and
2009-2010 award years would be zero. Your state‟s GAP MOE would not be relevant to qualifying for an allotment until
the 2012-2013 award year.
Page 3, Part J: SLEAP Authorized Activities
Instructions for Part J
The SLEAP Program for the 2010-2011 award year includes three authorized activities to assist states in providing
financial assistance to eligible postsecondary students who demonstrate financial need. Under the SLEAP Program for
the 2009-2010 award year a state may do the following:
If your state is applying for the SLEAP Program, please indicate each activity your state plans to fund using its SLEAP
allotment for the 2010-2011 award year.
Page 3, Part K: State Matching Funds Available Under the Grants for Access and Persistence (GAP) Program
Instructions for Part K
NOTE: Amounts entered in this section signify the state's commitment to provide the state matching funds
required by section 415E(b)(2) under the GAP program statute.
Section 415E(b)(2) of the HEA provides that the non-Federal matching funds for a State‟s GAP Program may be cash or a
noncash, in-kind contribution that has monetary value and helps a student meet the cost of attendance at an institution of
higher education. Matching funds do not include funds used to meet administrative costs.
Cash that qualifies as matching funds may include, but is not limited to, State appropriated funds or other State funds
such as funds from a State lottery or tuition revenue at public institutions of higher education. Matching cash may also be
grants to students provided by private institutions or philanthropic organizations or private corporations.
If your state applies for GAP funding, please complete Part K. Please include any matching funds directly provided by
your state for LEAP Grants under GAP in item 32, such as a direct appropriation or State lottery program. Please indicate
any matching funds by your state coming from institutions of higher education in items 33a – 33c. Please specify any
matching funds coming from philanthropic organizations within your state‟s partnership in item 34. Please specify any
funds coming from private corporation(s) within your state‟s partnership in item 35.
An in-kind contribution is a noncash contribution that has monetary value, such as a tuition waiver, the provision of room
and board, transportation passes, or other provisions that help a student meet the cost of attending an institution of higher
education. In-kind contribution must be considered to be estimated financial assistance under 34 CFR 673.5(c). As in the
case of matching cash, matching in-kind contributions may be provided by the State, institutions of higher education, or
philanthropic organizations or private corporations.
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Instructions for Completion and submission

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Please include any in-kind contribution in item 36.
Regardless of whether the funds are cash or are an in-kind contribution, funds would qualify as matching funds only if
awarded in accordance with the GAP Program requirements, and the matching funds would be considered title IV, HEA
program assistance.
Please indicate whether your state plans to use any of its Federal allotment for administrative costs in item 37. If your
state chooses to do so, only up to 2% is allowable under the program statute.
Page 3, Part L: LEAP Grant Award Amounts Under GAP and Institutional Participation
Instructions for Item 38
Please indicate established minimum and maximum range of awards under your state‟s GAP Program. The maximum
amount must meet 34 CFR 692.111(b); there is no limitation on the maximum award. Also, please include the name of
your state‟s GAP Program.
Instructions for Item 39 and 40
States may restrict the use of LEAP Grants under GAP only to students attending institutions of higher education that are
participating in the partnership. Please indicate if your state is placing a restriction on its awards to students. If states
provide LEAP Grants to students attending institutions of higher education located in another state, LEAP Grants under
GAP may also be used at institutions of higher education located in another state. Please indicate if your state will allow
for such portability of grant awards to students under your state‟s GAP Program.
Page 4, Part M: Identify Your State Partnership
Instructions for Part M
Section 415E(c)(3) provides that states applying for an allotment under GAP, must apply for the allotment in
partnership with at least:
One public and one private degree-granting institution of higher education located in your state; and
Two early intervention programs (includes early information, intervention, mentoring, or outreach) located in your
state; and
One philanthropic organization located in, or that provides funding in, your state; or one private corporation
located in, or that does business in your state.
Instructions for Item 41 and 42
Please identify all public degree-granting institutions of higher education in your state‟s partnership. Please include name,
official address, and OPE ID number in the space provided on the form.
Please identify all private degree-granting institutions of higher education in your state‟s partnership. Please include
name, official address, and OPE ID number in the space provided on the form.
Section 415E(c)(2)(B)(ii) gives the Secretary the authority to give priority in making allotments to states under GAP if the
state applies for an allotment in partnership with any number of degree-granting institutions of higher education in the
state whose combined full-time enrollment represents a majority of all students attending institutions of higher education in
the state.
Please indicate, by checking the box on the form proceeding Item 42, if the institutions identified meet this requirement.
The Department will use the most recently available IPEDS data to determine matching requirement.
Instructions for Item 43
Please identify at least two early intervention programs in your state‟s partnership. Section 415E(c)(3) of the HEA,
requires that a state partnership have more than one program that offers an early intervention component (includes early
information, intervention, mentoring, or outreach). A State or private organization that has a single early intervention
program that includes several components or programs within its structure would satisfy the requirement of having more
than one early intervention program. Please include name of the programs and official address in the space provided on
the form.
LEAP SLEAP and GAP Application to Participate

Instructions for Completion and submission

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Instructions for Item 44
Please identify at least one philanthropic organization or Private Corporation in your state‟s partnership. Please include
name and official address in the space provided on the form.
Page 4, Part N: Your State’s Plan for GAP
Instructions for Item 45
Section 415E(c)(1)(B)(v) of the HEA provides that a State‟s application for a GAP allotment must include a description of
the organizational structure that the State has in place to administer the activities in its GAP program, including a
description of how the State will compile information on degree completion of students receiving grants under this section.
Please use the space provided on the form to complete this section of your state‟s written plan. Please note that the field
does allow for multiple lines and an unlimited number of characters.
Instructions for Item 46
As the program rules state in section 692.100(a)(1), please describe your state‟s plan for using the Federal funds allotted
under GAP and the non-Federal matching funds. Include the methods by which matching funds will be paid.
Please use the space provided on the form to complete this section of your state‟s written plan. Please note that the field
does allow for multiple lines and an unlimited number of characters.
Instructions for Item 47
Section 415E(c)(1)(B)(vi) of the HEA provides that a State‟s application for a GAP allotment must include a description of
the steps the State would take to ensure that students who receive LEAP Grants under GAP would persist to degree
Please use the space provided on the form to complete this section of your state‟s written plan. Please note that the field
does allow for multiple lines and an unlimited number of characters.
Page 5, Part N: Your State’s Plan for GAP
Instructions for Item 48
Section 415E(c)(1)(B)(vii) of the HEA provides that a State would identify eligible low-income students and award such
students LEAP grants under GAP.
Please use the space provided on the form to complete this section of your state‟s written plan. Please describe your
state‟s method to identify eligible students. Include your state‟s policy that defines the term „„eligible student” in your state.
Please note that the field does allow for multiple lines and an unlimited number of characters.
Instructions for Item 49
Section 415E(c)(4)(A)(i)(III) of the HEA provides that a State shall encourage each institution of higher education in the
State to participate in its partnership.
Please use the space provided on the form to complete this section of your state‟s written plan. Please note that the field
does allow for multiple lines and an unlimited number of characters.
Instructions for Item 50
Section 415E(c)(4)(A)(i)(IV), 415E(d)(2) of the HEA provide that a State make determinations and notify low-income
students in grades seven through 12 in the State, and their families, of their potential eligibility for student financial
assistance, including a LEAP Grant under GAP award, to attend an institution of higher education. According to the GAP
Program rules, a State may consider an „„eligible student‟‟ to be all students submitting an application, thus including
potentially eligible students. It is believed this approach minimizes the State‟s administrative burden. A State may
consider an „„eligible student‟‟ to be students awarded LEAP Grants, or, at a minimum, recipients of LEAP Grants.
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Instructions for Completion and submission

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Notifications must be to individual students rather than general notifications; a State may use electronic media; and a
State may rely on institutions as the agent of the State to provide the notifications.
Please use the space provided on the form to complete this section of your state‟s written plan. Please note that the field
does allow for multiple lines and an unlimited number of characters.
Instructions for Item 51
Section 415E(c)(4)(B) provides that degree-granting institutions of higher education that are in a State‟s partnership are
required to:
recruit and admit participating qualified students and provide such additional institutional grant aid to participating
students as agreed to with the State agency;
provide support services to students who receive LEAP Grants under GAP and are enrolled at such institution;
assist the State in the identification of eligible students and the dissemination of early notifications of assistance
as agreed to with the State agency; and
may provide funding for early information and intervention, mentoring, or outreach programs or provide such
services directly.
Please use the space provided to describe, in detail, the agreement your state has with its partnering degree-granting
institutions of higher education. Clearly describe the role the institutions have in the partnership. Please note that the
field does allow for multiple lines and an unlimited number of characters.
Instructions for Item 52
Section 415E(c)(3) provides that a State apply for a GAP allotment with, among others, early intervention programs
located in the State.
Your state must have at least two early intervention programs in your state‟s partnership. As mentioned earlier under Part
M of these instructions, if your state or private organization has a single early intervention program but includes several
components or programs within its structure, this would satisfy the requirement of having more than one early intervention
Section 415E(c)(4)(C) requires that an early intervention program in a partnership must provide direct services, support,
and information (direct services) to participating students.
For this purpose, early intervention services include, but are not limited to, direct services such as after-school and
summer-school tutoring, test preparation, assistance in obtaining summer jobs, career mentoring, a summer-bridge
component, i.e., a precollege campus experience, and academic, personal and career counseling. These services may
be provided through electronic media if the electronic media is appropriate to the direct service provided and interactively
and directly engages individual students. Disseminating literature, or providing informational web sites, does not qualify
as direct services.
Please use the space provided on the form to complete this section of your state‟s written plan. Please note that the field
does allow for multiple lines and an unlimited number of characters.
Pages 6 and 7, Part O: Assurances and Signature Page
Please read the assurances on the last two pages of the application form and indicate you‟ve read each assurance
statement by checking the “I‟ve read” box immediately following each statement.
Please indicate you‟ve read the submission and certification box by checking the “I‟ve read” box immediately following the
submission statement.
Include the name and title of your state agency‟s Chief Executive Officer in the space provided. Also include the name
and title of the designee submitting the application to the Department. Prior to submitting you may wish to review the
General Information about this Form section on page 1 of these instructions.
LEAP SLEAP and GAP Application to Participate Instructions for Completion and submission
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File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorGreg Alan
File Modified2010-01-22
File Created2010-01-22

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