DTIC Supporting Statement (revised)

DTIC Supporting Statement (revised).pdf

Customer Satisfaction Surveys - Generic Clearance

OMB: 0704-0403

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Supporting Statement
Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC)
Generic Customer Satisfaction Surveys
(OMB Control Number 0704-0403)
1. Need for Information Collection
The purpose of these surveys is to assess the level of service the Defense Technical
Information Center (DTIC) provides to its current customers. The surveys will provide
information on customer satisfaction with several attributes of service that impact the level of
overall satisfaction. In addition, the surveys will help DTIC (1) gauge the level of
satisfaction among its registered users and (2) identify possible areas for improving our
products and services. These customer satisfaction surveys are required to implement
Executive Order 12862, dated September 11, 1993, titled “Setting Customer Service
Standards"; the memorandum of the Deputy Secretary of Defense dated January 7, 1994,
directing the components to apply the principles in the Executive Order to all of their
customers; the GPRA of 1993; and the E-Government Act of 2002.
2. Use of the Information
The information obtained by these surveys will be used to assist DTIC senior management
in determining agency business policies and processes that should be selected for
examination, modification, and reengineering from the customer’s perspective. These
surveys will also provide statistical and demographic information for other projects. Future
surveys will be used to assist monitoring of changes in the level of customer satisfaction
over time.
3. Improved Information Technology
Survey design, data collection, analysis and reporting functions are all automated.
Respondents have the option to be surveyed via email or through the DTIC Web site. In very
limited numbers, respondents without email or Internet access may be interviewed via
telephone using Web-based call scripts. To preclude potential respondent confusion,
complete submission instructions appear in the advance notification letter as well as in the
introduction and end of email and Web-based electronic survey questionnaires. All
electronically generated response data will be automatically downloaded into specified
databases for analysis and reporting.
4. Efforts to Identify Duplication
There is no current data existing in the Department of Defense (DoD) that addresses the
levels of customer satisfaction with DTIC information products and services.

5. Methods Used to Minimize Burden on Small Entities
Collection of this information does not have a significant impact on small business.
6. Consequences to Federal Program or Policy Activities If the Collection Is Not Conducted
or Is Conducted Less Frequently
Not collecting the information, or collecting it less frequently, would result in the inability to
effectively measure customer satisfaction and improve products and services based on
7. Special Circumstances
Collection of this information does not require any of the characteristics of collection cited in
5 CFR 1320.5(d)(2).
8. Agency 60-Day Federal Register Notice and Consultations Outside of the Agency
Public comments were solicited in the Federal Register on 9 November 2009
Vol. 74, No. 215, p.57663-57664 (copy attached). No comments were received.
9. Payments to Respondents
No payments or gifts will be provided to the respondents.
10. Confidentiality
All survey response data is anonymous and only group statistics will be reported. No
identifying or special codes are to be used on any form printed and/or electronically
transmitted for purposes of collecting data from respondents.
11. Sensitive Questions
There are no sensitive questions asked in this information collection.
12. Estimated Burden and Burden Hour Cost
DTIC’s customer base has historically experienced response rates in the 15-27 percent range.
The estimated average time to complete the Web-based survey is five to ten minutes. There
are two respondent cost categories that have been developed to better describe the respondent
cost burden. Total Annual Burden Hours:

a. Estimation of Annualized Respondent Burden

Customer Satisfaction
DTIC CARES Evaluation
DoDTechipedia Customer Care
Small Business Web Site User
Human Systems Web site
Web Usability
New Users
Search Enhancements
Customer Retention Feedback
Additional Customer
Satisfaction Adhoc Surveys
Total annual hour burden to
respondent (estimated)
Three years total of hour burden
to respondent (estimated)

No. of



Burden per











10 minutes
3 minutes
3 minutes
3 minutes
3 minutes
3 minutes
8 minutes
3 minutes
3 minutes
3 minutes

Total annual reporting burden hours is 809. This figure was derived by multiplying
number of respondents (12130) x frequency of response (1) x hours per response
(4 minutes).

13. Respondent Costs other than Burden Hour Costs
There are no capital or start-up costs associated with this information collection. Any cost
burdens to respondents as a result of this collection are identified in question 14.
14. Estimated Annualized Cost to the Federal Government
Labor for Web-based survey instrument:
Development, oversight, administration, reviewing and processing the
questionnaire and returns (GS-12/2 $36.19/hr. x 80hrs. x 3)

$ 8,685.60

Report writing, editing and finalizing data for presentation
(GS 12/5 $39.70hr.x 80 hrs. x 4)


Total Estimated Annualized Cost to the Federal Government


15. Changes in Burden
This is an extension of the currently approved collection, OMB Control Number 0704-0403.
The total annual hour burden has been adjusted since the last OMB approval, due to the
implementation of additional survey instruments.
16. Publication Plans/Time Schedule
The analyzed data will be made available to management in a composite report format for the
purpose of improving the products and services afforded DTIC registered users. Once
approved by management, summary results from the collection of respondents' data may
also be published on DTIC 's Web site as well as used in promotional materials.
17. Approval Not to Display Expiration Date
Exception to the policy is not being sought.
18. Exceptions to the Certification Statement
No exceptions to the certification statement are being sought.
1. The current DTIC customer base to be surveyed is more than 29,000 registered users. The
population universe is composed of the Defense community including components of the
Department of Defense (DoD), military services, other federal government agencies, U.S.
government contractors and universities involved in federally funded research.
Historically, response rates for electronic Web surveys have been in the 15-27 percent
range. A sufficient or valid number of individuals will be included in the various survey
samples to achieve a 95 percent confidence level, with a + or – 5 percent error rate.
2. Procedure for the Collection of Information
a. Statistical methodology for sample selection: Each qualified product/service segment
within our user population has been identified, recorded, and stored in agency
databases. Statistically valid samples will be drawn from approximately 29,000+
DTIC's registered user customer base.
b. Degree of accuracy needed: The goal is to achieve a 95 percent confidence level with
an error rate of + or –5 percent.
c. Unusual problems requiring specialized sampling procedures: None.
d. Cyclical data collection: Information will be collected from users on a periodic basis.
This will preclude any undue respondent burden.

Maximization of Response Rates, Non-Response and Reliability
Based on years of previous DTIC survey activity, customer satisfaction surveys
conducted within our DoD community have historically experienced response rates in the
15-27 percent range. To increase response rates, DTIC has developed a two-prong
strategy: first, develop simple and easy-to-use instruments, and second, maximize use of
electronic distribution/collection channels. A series of similarly designed surveys has
been prepared to effectively measure DTIC product/service satisfaction levels. These
surveys contain 25 or fewer questions that use plain, coherent, unambiguous language
and acronyms that are understandable to the respondent. Electronic instruments are easy
to use and time sensitive, making it simple for respondents to complete and submit.
A cover letter for each electronic email announcing the survey will encourage user
response. Targeted email follow up notices will be transmitted to a maximum of 3 times
to all respondents within 7-10 days of the original survey transmission. To increase
awareness, periodic organization-wide publicity (rollout) campaigns will be launched 3045 days prior to any information collection. The campaign will detail the significance of
each collection effort and its impact on the decision-making process.
To preclude and/or minimize single respondent, multiple submission problems,
individual email survey responses are electronically and visually screened for
duplication prior to downloading.
3. Tests of Procedures
The survey instruments undergo extensive review by key agency personnel for question
composition and appropriateness. Based on input from actual customers, DTIC management
and the Marketing team, the customer satisfaction survey has been modified for content, ease
of use and expanded to include Web user access. The survey instrument undergoes extensive
in-house review and in-field testing prior to deployment. After critical review, the feedback
is used to continually improve the quality of the instruments.
5. Statistical Consultation and Information Analysis
a. A consultant firm will sometime perform and provide DTIC with survey
implementation and survey consulting services. Services include designing sample size,
developing survey instruments, analyzing raw data, and preparing final reports.
b. The information will be monitored by:
Defense Technical Information Center
Marketing Team (DTIC – BC)
8725 John J. Kingman Road Suite 0944
Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-6218
(703) 767-8207
Email: surveys@dtic.mil

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleSupporting Statement
File Modified2010-04-22
File Created2010-04-22

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