Corps of Engineers Civil Works Questionnaires Generic Clearance

Supporting Statement B

Slip Renter Survey

Corps of Engineers Civil Works Questionnaires Generic Clearance

OMB: 0710-0001

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(Personal Interview)

OMB 0710-0001

Expires: 30 September 2012

The public report burden this information collection is estimated to average 25 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this data collection, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services, Executive Services Directorate, Information Management Division, and the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, Washington, D.C. 20503, Attn.: Desk Officer for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Please DO NOT RETURN your completed form to either of these offices.




1a. Did you rent a slip in the ___________________________________________ area

during the ____ boating season ? [ ] Yes [ ] No

1b. If yes, please provide the name and location of the marina/boating facility where your boat was located during the ____ boating season.


1c. Please provide the marina dock or slip number where your boat was kept.


If you did not rent a slip in ____________________________________ Area during the ____ boating season, please do not complete this survey, but return it uncompleted in the enclosed pre-addressed envelope. This will ensure that you will not be sent with reminder mailings. Thank you very much.

2. Mark the category that best describes the type of boat that you now own. (If you presently own more than one boat, answer for the boat that you berthed at the location you indicated in question 1c.)

a. Boat (1) [ ] Outboard (2) [ ] Inboard

(3) [ ] Inboard/Outboard (4) [ ] Sailboat

(0) [ ] Other __________________

b. Manufacturer ________________ c. Model _________________ d. Year______

e. What is the length of your boat (overall)? Feet_____ Inches____

f. What is your boat draft (depth of boat in water)? Feet_____ Inches____

g. What is the beam (width) of your boat)? Feet_____ Inches____

3. How many years have you owned/operated a boat? ________ Years

4. How many years have you operated a boat in the [U.S. Site Name] area? ________ Years

5. What problems have you personally encountered during the ____ boating season? Mark an "X" to all that apply.

(1) Inadequate channel (9) inadequate protection for

depths _____ boats during storms ____

(2) Inadequate open (10) Lower unit damage _____

water depths _____

(3) Inadequate depths (11) Slip rental costs

at berth or slip _____ too high _____

(4) Inadequate security (12) Poor water quality _____

at docks _____

(13) Overcrowding _____

(5) Zebra Mussels _____

(14) Submerged Objects _____

(6) Inadequate parking _____

(7) Hull Scratches _____ (15) Other


(8) Hull Punctures _____

6. How many times during the ____ boating season did you use your boat?

a. trips to boating facility: _______ b. number of times boat left slip: _______

7a. Including yourself, how many person are on your boat on a typical trip? __________ Persons

7b. On the average, how many persons that go with you are members of your immediate household? __________ Persons

8. Please provide your best estimate of the expenses you incurred in (place) for each expense category listed. Do not include automobile costs for traveling to the boat, club dues and food or entertainment expenses.

a. Seasonal slip/mooring rental cost.............. $____________

b. Winter storage cost ........................... $____________

c. Boat repair and maintenance.................... $____________

d. Fishing supplies (bait, tackle, etc)........... $____________

e. Marina supplies ............................... $____________

f. Boat fuel and oil ............................. $____________

g. Boat insurance ................................ $____________

PART II. Value of Recreational Boating in the ______________ Area.

The _____________ River system is one of North America’s most important natural resources. The water levels of the _______ change in response to many factors: over-lake precipitation, water runoff from land, evaporation, flow restrictions and human activities. The water levels change from month to month and from year to year. In some months and some years, levels are higher than average. In some months and years, levels are lower than average. Given that water levels will continue to fluctuate, the following question is designed to determine the value of the boating in the [U.S. Site Name] area. It is important for us to know how current slip holders value boating on the _______________ River System.

9. High construction costs have limited the number of wet storage spaces that are available in the [U.S. Site Name] area. Suppose that all current slip spaces were going to be auctioned off to boaters who bid the highest dollar amount to rent a slip. How much more would you be willing to pay above your ____ slip cost per season to rent a slip or mooring in the [U.S. Site Name] area knowing that if you bid too low you could lose your slip? Circle the additional cost you would pay from the list below.

$ 3000 $ 2500 $ 2000 $ 1800 $ 1600

$ 1400 $ 1200 $ 1000 $ 900 $ 800

$ 700 $ 600 $ 500 $ 450 $ 400

$ 350 $ 325 $ 300 $ 275 $ 250

$ 225 $ 200 $ 175 $ 150 $ 125

$ 100 $ 75 $ 50 $ 25 $ 0

If the amount you would pay per season is not shown on the list above,

please write in the amount here. $______________.

10. Please mark the answer that best describes your reason for answering the previous question the way you did.

(1) [ ] That 's what it's worth to me

(2) [ ] It's worth more to me, but it's all I can afford to pay

(3) [ ] Not enough information is provided

(4) [ ] I didn't want to place a dollar value

(5) [ ] I object to the wording of the question

(0) [ ] Other ________________________________

(Please specify)

11. If lake level regulation were to occur, I would like the boating season's minimum water level to:

1 [ ] remain the same

2 [ ] be lowered by ____________feet _____________inches

3 [ ] be raised by _____________feet _____________inches

12. If lake level regulation were to occur, I would like the boating season's long term average water level to:

1 [ ] remain the same

2 [ ] be lowered by ____________feet _____________inches

3 [ ] be raised by _____________feet _____________inches

13. Who do you think should pay for lake level regulation?

1 [ ] the federal governments of the U.S. and Canada only

2 [ ] all levels of government

3 [ ] costs should be shared among the interests who benefit such as shipping, hydropower, shoreline property owners, recreational boaters, recreational beach users, etc.

4 [ ] I do not support regulation

9 [ ] others; please specify _____________________________________

14. What is your primary source of information about lake levels?

Please mark one only.

1 [ ] personal experience 4 [ ] government publications

2 [ ] neighbors 5 [ ] university publications

3 [ ] newspapers, magazines, 9 [ ] other; please specify




There are many different opinions about the fluctuating water levels in the ___________ River System. In the statements below please check the bracket that most closely corresponds with how you feel. Mark only one per question.

15. How important are water level fluctuations for wetlands, wildlife and fisheries?

Not at All Important

Slightly Important

Somewhat Important

Quite Important

Extremely Important

16. How serious are problems that water level fluctuations can create for boaters.

Not at All Serious

Slightly Serious

Somewhat Serious

Quite Serious

Extremely Serious

17. How effective are Lake level management measures, with the use of physical structures, such as dams and diversions, to fully controlling fluctuating water levels.

Not at All Effective

Slightly Effective

Somewhat Effective

Quite Effective

Extremely Effective

18. How effective are the dams at ______________ at controlling the water levels at __________.

Not at All Effective

Slightly Effective

Somewhat Effective

Quite Effective

Extremely Effective

19. How effective are the dams at _______________ controlling the levels of the lakes below them.

Not at All Effective

Slightly Effective

Somewhat Effective

Quite Effective

Extremely Effective

20. How effectively does the government manage the levels of the lakes to satisfy the needs of shipping and hydro-electric power interests.

Not at All Effective

Slightly Effective

Somewhat Effective

Quite Effective

Extremely Effective

21. What, in your opinion, is the cause of fluctuating water levels:

Mostly natural forces 1 [ ]

Mostly man made factors 2 [ ]

Both natural and

man-made factors 3 [ ]

Don't know 4 [ ]

Other__________________________ 5 [ ]

22. Does the government now provide emergency forecasts of winds and water levels for the [U.S. Site Name] area ?

1 [ ] yes 2 [ ] no 3 [ ] don't know

23. Are you in favor of governments constructing more dams and channels in the attempt to regulate water levels to the extent that is possible?

1 [ ] yes 2 [ ] no 3 [ ] don't know

Please refer to the chart below in answering the next four questions. Answer the question in terms of the lake/river you are on.

Since (year), the monthly water levels on the ______ River have fluctuated as follows:

(Elevations in feet above sea level.)


average maximum minimum range

_________ River XXX.X XXX.X XXX.X X.X


The following information will help our research staff analyze the results of the study properly.

24. What was the highest level of education that you completed?

(1) [ ] No schooling (5) [ ] Some college

(2) [ ] Grade school (1‑8) (6) [ ] College graduate

(3) [ ] Some high school (7) [ ] Post graduate

(4) [ ] High school graduate (8) [ ] Other school after high


25. Including yourself, how many persons live in your household? ________ Persons

26. Please mark the category that contains your age.

(1) [ ] 15‑ 19 (2) [ ] 20‑ 24 (3) [ ] 25‑ 29

(4) [ ] 30‑ 34 (5) [ ] 35‑ 39 (6) [ ] 40‑ 44

(7) [ ] 45‑ 49 (8) [ ] 50‑ 54 (9) [ ] 55‑ 59

(10) [ ] 60‑ 64 (11) [ ] 65‑ 74 (12) [ ] 75 & over

27. Please indicate which group represents your total pre-tax household income for last year? Please circle one box.

Less than $10,000









$200,000 or more

28. We are interested in your thoughts about the need for additional boating facilities and your comments about this questionnaire. Do you have any comments?




Thank you for your time. Your cooperation in filling out this questionnaire is greatly appreciated. Please put this questionnaire in the enclosed, postage‑paid envelope and mail it to us. If you have misplaced the envelope, please send this questionnaire to:

If you have any questions about the survey, the point of contact is ________, who can be reached weekdays at ____________.


File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleSLR Boater Survey
Last Modified ByStuart A. Davis
File Modified2009-05-21
File Created2006-12-27

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