Corps of Engineers Civil Works Questionnaires Generic Clearance

Supporting Statement B

Recreation Sites

Corps of Engineers Civil Works Questionnaires Generic Clearance

OMB: 0710-0001

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(Personal Interview)

OMB 0710-0001

Expires: 30 September 2012

The public report burden this information collection is estimated to average 60 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this data collection, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services, Executive Services Directorate, Information Management Division, and the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, Washington, D.C. 20503, Attn.: Desk Officer for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Please DO NOT RETURN your completed form to either of these offices.



1. Did anyone in your party use public lands adjacent to [site name] for recreation today?

YES. If yes please complete ____ NO. If no please seal the rest of the survey, mail it to us or place it in the drop box provided.

The following group of questions is an example of a block of screening questions which can be used together. The format is such that explicit instructions are listed with the questions so that the screening questions will be read in the order specified and that all interviewers will conduct the interview in the same manner.

2. What is the primary purpose of your visit to [site name]? Recreation (or driving through to view scenery) GO TO NEXT QUESTION


Thank you for your time, but we are only interested in speaking with recreationists who have completed their visits. We appreciate your cooperation.

Passing through (not for scenery)

3. Are you ending your visit to this location today (or early tomorrow morning)?


NO --- DISCONTINUE AND SAY: This concludes the interview. Thank you

for your time.


Questions contained in this section deal with three aspects of the respondent’s site-use behavior. These three aspects are (1) current site-use, which contains questions regarding a specific trip; (2) past site-use behavior, which contains questions about the respondent’s historical patterns of site-use; and (3) general site-use characteristics, which are more general questions about the respondent’s site-use.

1. Current Site-Use

4. What time did you and your party arrive at the lake for the first time today? (If you are camping on the lake what time did you leave your campsite for other recreational activities today?)

a.m./p.m. (circle one) example 6:30 a.m./p.m.

What time did your party leave the lake for the last time today? (If you are camping, what time will you leave to return to your campsite?)

__ a.m./p.m. (circle one)

5. Please estimate the farthest distance from your vehicle that your group traveled to recreate today. (circle one)

a) less than feet

  1. 500-1000 feet

  2. 1000 feet-half a mile

d) half a mile to 1 mile

e) greater than 1 mile

6. Was your group’s recreational activity occurring on lands owned by:

(circle one)

a) Private Individual e) State Government

b) Industry f) Federal Government

c) City Government g) Don’t Know

d) County Government

How did you determine this?

7. How long in total will you stay at this recreation area? (hours/days)

8. How long have you been at this recreation area? (hours/days)

2. Past Site-Use

In determining site-use screening questions (Section II.A) should be used first in order to determine the purposes for respondent’s visits. For example, the number of visits to a site and the number of visits to the same site for recreation may not be the same value.

9. Is this the first time you have visited this area? YES NO

10. About what year did you first [activity] at [site name]? year

11. How many years have you [activity] one or more times at [site name]? years

12. What was the last year you [activity] at [site name]? _____ year

  1. How many times did you visit [site name] last year for recreation? _______

  1. When did you last visit [site name]?

First visit

In the past week

In the past month

In the past 6 months

In the past year

In a previous year (write year)

15. Listed below are all/most/some of the [activity areas] in [geographic region]. Please check those where you stayed overnight during [time period]

[site name] [site name]

[site name] [site name]

16. If you visited this site before, about how many times did you fish here in the last year?

______ Times

3. General Site-Use Characteristics

17. When [activity], how many [time unit] do you usually stay at/use [site] during each trip?

[same time unit] per trip in spring (May, Apr, May)

[same time unit] per trip in summer (Jun, Jul, Aug)

[same time unit] per trip in autumn (Sep, Oct, Nov)

[same time unit] per trip in winter (Dec, Jan, Feb)

18. During what months of the year do you use [site name]?

(Check all that apply)

January ____ July

February ____ August

March ____ September

April ____ October

May ____ November

June ____ December

19. How many times a year do you visit [site name] during the course of a year? (Check one)

___once ___twice ____three ____four ___five ____six-ten times

____more than ten times

20 Please estimate the percentage of your (year) [activity] that took place on/beside the following types of bodies of water (total should equal 100%).

____ % on natural lakes (over 100 acres)

____ % on natural ponds (under 100 acres)

____ % on man-made reservoirs and lakes

____ % on rivers

____ % on wetlands (swamp, marsh, bog)

____ % on other

____100 % (total should equal 100%)

21. What is the name of the access site that you have been to most often at this site?



This section contains questions that ask about the respondent’s attitudes towards a site or sites in general. These questions are concerned with more stable feelings about sites as opposed to specific reactions or evaluations of a particular site. Questions, which ask the respondent to react to a specific site, or aspect of a site, are listed in section II.D. SITE EVALUATIONS.

Physical Environment

22. How would rate the physical environment of (site name) compared to other sites that you have been to?

Much Worse than Other Sites

Slightly Worse than Other Sites

About the Same as Other Sites

Slightly Better than Other Sites

Much Better than Other Sites

Social Environment

23. How serious a problem is it for you to see too many people during a river trip?

Not at All Serious

Slightly Serious

Somewhat Serious

Quite Serious

Extremely Serious

24. How much do you enjoy seeing other people during a river trip?

Dislike it Very Much

Slightly Dislike It

Neither Dislike Nor Enjoy It

Slightly Enjoy It

Enjoy It Very Much

25. How much does it bother you to encounter people on the river?

It is Not a Problem

It is a Slightly Problem

It is Somewhat of a Problem

It is a Quite Serious Problem

It is Very Serious Problem

26. How important is the scenery of the river bank to you when you are recreating with your friends?

Not at All Important

Slightly Important

Somewhat Important

Quite Important

Extremely Important

27. How serious of a safety problem is created by boaters who drink alcoholic beverages?

It is Not a Problem

It is a Slightly Problem

It is Somewhat of a Problem

It is a Quite Serious Problem

It is Very Serious Problem

D. Evaluations of Site

Questions in this section ask the respondent to make some evaluation of the site or some aspect of it. There are two general forms of evaluation of the site. One is of an objective nature, which asks the respondent to evaluate some objective aspect of the site (such as the number of people seen). The other form asks the respondent to make a subjective evaluation of the site (such as if the number of people seen detracted from their experience.

The following block of questions is of the standard format in which respondents are asked their degree of agreement or disagreement with a variety of statements. All questions are suitable for face-to-face interviewing, self-report survey, or telephone interview. Questions of this sort are typically presented as a block of questions and ask for evaluations of site as well as evaluations of activity and management.

Physical Environment

28. How much is this site affected by human activity compared to other areas of the state?

It is much less affected.

It is affected slightly less than other sites.

It is affected about the same as other areas.

It is affected slightly more than other areas.

It is affected much more than other areas>

29. How important would it be to you to see more wildlife at this site?

Not at All Important

Slightly Important

Somewhat Important

Quite Important

Extremely Important

30. How pleased are you with the scenery at this site?

Not at all pleased

Slightly Pleased

Somewhat Pleased

Quite Pleased

Extremely Pleased

31. How much has the number of boats reduced your enjoyment of the lake today?

Not at All





32. How much has the noise from other boats reduced your enjoyment of the lake today?

Not at All





33. Have you noticed any changes in [site name] since your first visit here?


If YES, what changes have you seen?


34. Have these changes affected your use of this area?


If YES, what effect have these changes had?


35 What do you find attractive about this site?

(Circle all that apply)

1. Water 6. Beach

2. Setting & scenery 7. Good place for [activity]

3. Facilities 8. Temperature

4. Clear Water 9. People

5. Clean 10. Other

36. What do you find unattractive about this site?

(Circle all that apply)

1. Too many weeds 6. Dirty water

2. Too many boats 7. Litter

3. Muddy water 8. Shallow water

4. Too many people 9. Algae

5. Poor fishing 10. Other

(The two questions above may be also used in an open-ended format so that respondents are not limited in their responses)

37. How would you describe the water at this lake?

(Circle one answer.)

1. Clean 4. Dirty

2. Clear 5. Unclear, Murky, Muddy

3. Fresh 6. Stagnant

Social Environment

38. How would there being fewer people on the lake affect your enjoyment of the lake?

It would be much less enjoyable.

It would be slightly less enjoyable.

Your enjoyment would be about the same.

It would be slightly more enjoyable.

It would be much more enjoyable.

39. The number of people I saw on this trip was...?

far too few

too few

about right

too many

far too many

40. How significant of a problem was the closeness of other boats on the lake?

not at all significant

slightly significant

somewhat significant

very significant

extremely significant

41. How safe are boating conditions on the lake?

not at all safe

slightly safe

somewhat safe

very safe

extremely safe

42. How significant of an interference has the behavior of other [boaters, campers, and anglers] been on the quality of your experience on the lake?

not at all significant

slightly significant

somewhat significant

very significant

extremely significant

If VERY SIGNIFICANT OR EXTREMELY, how did the behavior of others interfere with your experience?


43. Did you observe any unsafe conditions on the lake?


If YES, could you describe the unsafe situations you observed?


44. Estimate the number of people you saw at each of the following places, or while traveling on the river. (do not count members in your own group)

Estimated number of people seen:

____ Where you first put in the river

____ Where you last took out

____ Float fishermen you saw

____ Bank fisherman you passed

____ Recreational boaters you passed

____ Trail users you saw

At your campsite if you camped along the river

(enter NA if you did not camp along the river)

a. Crowding

45. How would you describe [activity] conditions at [site name] today? (Please mark only one response)

Not at all crowded

Slightly crowded

Moderately crowded

Very Crowded

Extremely Crowded


46. Based on the following scale, how would you describe the boating conditions at each of the following areas?

1 2 3 4 5

Not at all Slightly Moderately Very Extremely

Crowded Crowded Crowded Crowded Crowded

At the access area at the start of your trip?

Out on the lake while boating?

At the access area at the end of your trip?

47. Did you avoid some kinds of boating activity today because of crowded conditions on the lake?

NO YES IF YES, please mark each of the

IF NO, please go activities listed below that you

To question [number] did not participate in because of


Mark all that apply.

Still Fishing


__ _ Swimming from your boat


Pleasure Cruising

____ Sail Boating

____ Other (describe)

48. If the lake were less crowded on weekends and holidays how would it affect your boating? (please mark one and explain)

  1. Less crowding would not change the way I boat.

  2. If it were less crowded, I would do more of some kinds of boating

activities than I usually do on crowded week-ends and holidays.

What would you do more?


3. If it were less crowded, I would boat at different times than I usually do on crowded weekends and holidays.

What times would these be? Please mark each time during which you would boat if it were less crowded.

Midnight to 6 am 2 pm to 4 pm

6 am to 8 am 6 pm to 8 pm

10 am to Noon 8 pm to 10 pm

Noon to 2 pm 10 pm to Midnight

4. If it were less crowded, I would spend more time boating than I usually do on crowded weekends and holidays

49. How likely is that the presence of too many boats would cause you avoid your favorite parts of the lake?

not at all likely

slightly likely

somewhat likely

very likely

extremely likely

50. How likely is that the presence of too many boats would cause you avoid boating on the lake?

not at all likely

slightly likely

somewhat likely

very likely

extremely likely

51. How likely are you not to participate in some boating activities because of crowded conditions?

not at all likely

slightly likely

somewhat likely

very likely

extremely likely

52. How serious of a safety problem is the number of boats on the lake?

not at all serious

slightly serious

somewhat serious

very serious

extremely serious

53. How close did you come to having an accident on the lake today because of crowded conditions?

not at all close

slightly close

somewhat close

very close

extremely close

54. How significant of a problem was the amount of time that you had to wait to get on the water today?

not at all significant

slightly significant

somewhat significant

very significant

extremely significant


How much time did you have to wait? minutes

How much time are you willing to wait? minutes


Questions in this section deal with what causes respondents to stop using a site, prevents them from using a site they would like to use, or limits them from using a site as often as they would like.

55. Have you stopped using a site that you used in the past for [activity]? (circle one)


If yes, what is the name of that site?

Site name

Lake or river (if applicable)

Why did you stop using this site?

Reason 1

Reason 2

Reason 3

(This set of questions can be repeated to identify all sites at which respondent has discontinued use)

56. Please circle the number indicating how much you agree with the following statements.

Pick from the following for each statement: strongly disagree (SD), disagree (D), neither agree nor disagree (N), agree (A), and strongly agree (SA).

57. If air quality deteriorated, how likely is it that you would stop using this site?

not at all likely

slightly likely

somewhat likely

very likely

extremely likely

58. If water quality deteriorated, how likely is it that you would stop using this site?

not at all likely

slightly likely

somewhat likely

very likely

extremely likely

59. If residential development increased, how likely is it that you would stop using this site?

not at all likely

slightly likely

somewhat likely

very likely

extremely likely

60. If industrial development increased, how likely is it that you would stop using this site?

not at all likely

slightly likely

somewhat likely

very likely

extremely likely

61. If threats to your personal safety increased, how likely is it that you would stop using this site?

not at all likely

slightly likely

somewhat likely

very likely

extremely likely

62. If threats to your personal safety increased, how likely is it that you would stop using this site?

not at all likely

slightly likely

somewhat likely

very likely

extremely likely

63. If recreational development increased, how likely is it that you would stop using this site?

not at all likely

slightly likely

somewhat likely

very likely

extremely likely

64. If crime and vandalism increased, how likely is it that you would stop using this site?

not at all likely

slightly likely

somewhat likely

very likely

extremely likely

65. If the quality of fish and wildlife declined, how likely is it that you would stop using this site?

not at all likely

slightly likely

somewhat likely

very likely

extremely likely

66. If the number of fish and wildlife declined, how likely is it that you would stop using this site?

not at all likely

slightly likely

somewhat likely

very likely

extremely likely


Questions in this section deal with what sites would be suitable substitutions for sites they are currently using. Questions of this nature can be used to address what sites are relatively similar in the respondent’s mind, or to assess the respondent’s alternative site choices.

67. What best describes the situation you would be in if you could not go to [site name]?

1. There are other places around that would serve me just as well.

2. I would have no other place to go to get the same experience.

3. I would not have the time to get to other sites.

4. The drive to other sites would be too long and costly.

5. Other

68. If this site were unavailable for [activity] what site would you use most often?

Site name

Lake or river (if applicable)

69. Suppose you had learned that [site name] had been closed for [activity]. Would you have gone to another site to [activity]?



IF YES, what is the name of the site you would have gone to?

(site name)

How many miles is this site from your home? miles (one way)

70. Do you prefer the alternate site you mentioned above for [activity] more than, less than, or about the same as [site name]?

(check one)

More Less About the same


Questions in this section address what sites respondents prefer to use and why, as well as what attributes are preferable at a site.

1. Preferred Sites

71. What is the name of the site (lake or river) you use most often to engage in [activity]?

Site name

Lake or river name (if applicable)

Why do you select this site over other sites fir [activity]?

Reason 1

Reason 2

Reason 3

72. What is the name of your favorite site to engage in [activity]?

Site name

Lake or river (if applicable)

(If different from most often site) Why do you prefer this site to most often [activity]?

Reason 1

Reason 2

Reason 3

73. Please indicate below the type of setting where you spent most of your time [activity] and which type of setting you generally prefer as a place to do [activity].

Setting visited Preferred

on this trip ______________ setting ______________

Primitive natural area where you would expect to find few other people. Recreation facilities are not provided and motorized vehicles are prohibited.

Undeveloped natural area where informal campsites and picnic spots have been established (usually by recreation visitors) along primitive roads.

Minimally developed recreation areas with only rustic facilities such as outhouses, tables and water at central locations.

Moderately developed recreation areas with flush toilets running water, tables and fireplaces, but no showers.

Highly developed recreation areas with many facilities and conveniences (e.g. electrical hookups, hot showers) usually located in area with higher concentrations of people.

2. Preferred Attributes

74. In general, what are the things that are pleased to you in selecting a site to engage in [activity]?

(rank in order of importance, with 1 being the most pleased)

___ Close to home

___ Facilities are free

___ Not crowded

___ Site is clean and well maintained

___ Site is safe

___ Other visitors are well behaved

75. How pleased are the following items in making [place name] a favorite place for you?

Not at all Pleased

Slightly Pleased

Moderately Pleased

Very Pleased

Extremely Pleased

Good boat access






Good road access






Campgrounds available






Cabins available






Good saltwater fishing






Good freshwater fishing






Good hunting






Good opportunity to view wildlife






Good swimming






Undisturbed natural area












76. Which of the following items would make [site name] more appealing to you? (mark all that apply)

Concession stands More wildlife

(More) flush toilets Less wildlife

(More) showers in campground ___ (More) swimming areas

___ (More) camping spaces ___ (More) cabins

___ (More) picnic spaces ___ (More) boat launches

___ Gift/curio shops ___ (More) hiking trails

___ Fewer people ___ (More bike trails

___ More people ___ Allow Off-road vehicles

___ (More) guided nature walks, slide

___ (More) horse trailers, shows, tourist information

3. Motive Reasons

77. Have you visited other [lakes, recreation areas, access points] for similar trips?


If YES, please name a few of them

Why did you choose this site rather than one of the other sites you mentioned?

(The above question can be limited to one place such as all the recreation areas at one lake, or open-ended so that respondents can mention areas at more than one place)

78. For which of the following reasons did you choose [site name] as a place to [activity] rather than some other place? (check all that apply)

___ Convenient location ___ Scenic beauty

___ Good facilities ___ To see object, or attraction

___ Group trip ___ Wanted to try new area

___ Repeat visit ___ Other areas too crowded

___ Just like area; relax; fun ___ Other


79. Have you ever used other boat ramps at [site name]?


If YES, please name a few of them


80. Why did you use this boat ramp rather than one of the other boat ramps you mentioned?



81. In comparison with the best fishing you’ve ever experience, how good is the typical quality of fishing at [site name]? (Circle one number)

1 2 3 4 5 N/A

the worst the best Not applicable

fishing you’ve average fishing you’ve

experienced fishing experienced


82. What sources of information on new sites for [activity] are most pleased when selecting a new [activity] site? (Rank in order of importance)

___ Recommendations from family and friends

___ Magazines

___ Vacation and recreation guides

___ Pamphlets and brochures

___ Radio and television programs

___ Newspaper articles

___ Advertisements

___ Visitor centers

___ Recreation equipment dealers

___ Website

___ Posting at the lake area

___ Other (specify) ___________________________________


83. How did you learn about this particular area? (Check all that apply)

___ Friends and acquaintances ___ Accidentally found it

___ Family ___ Live near area ___ Tourist information ___ Radio or television

___ Advertisement from tackle shop ___ Website

___ Rental agency ___ Posting at the lake area

___ Fish and Game publication


File Typeapplication/msword
Last Modified ByStuart A. Davis
File Modified2009-05-28
File Created2007-01-08

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