(Personal Interview)
OMB 0710-0001
Expires: 30 September 2012
The public report burden this information collection is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this data collection, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services, Executive Services Directorate, Information Management Division, and the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, Washington, D.C. 20503, Attn.: Desk Officer for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Please DO NOT RETURN your completed form to either of these offices.
1. Did you [activity] at [site name] during [time unit]?
___ Yes ___ No
If yes, where did you participate in [activity]? _______________________________
(The tense of this question should be changed to inquire about future behavior)
2. Have you finished [activity] for today?
If no, what time do you plan to start [activity] again?
______ (time)
When do you plan to stop [activity] for the day?
_______ (time)
3. What was the primary purpose of your trip to [activity site]? (Circle one)
1. [activity]
2. [activity]
3. [activity]
4. [activity]
5. No main activity
Another approach to the question above is to use a list of possible activities which is given to the respondent from which the respondent identifies activities.
4. Did you use a boat today? ___ YES ___ NO
Questions contained in this section deal with three aspects of the respondent’s involvement in an activity. These three aspects are (1) current activity, which contains questions regarding a specific activity trip; (2) past activity, which contains questions about the respondent’s historical patterns of activity involvement; and (3) general activity characteristics, which are more general questions about the respondent’s involvement in the activity.
5. How many [time unit] do you plan to/ did you spend [activity] on this trip? [time unit matching above]
6. Please answer these questions for the boat you used most on the lake today.
a. Please mark (x) the boat type below that best describes the boat you used most today
___ Cabin Cruiser
___ Runabout
___ Bass boat
___ Houseboat
___ Pontoon
___ Sailboat
___ Rowboat
___ Canoe
___ Other (please describe)____________________________________
b. What type of power does your boat use? (please mark only the best answer)
___ Outboard
___ Inboard
___ Inboard/Outboard
___ Sail only; no auxiliary engine
___ Sail with auxiliary engine
___ Paddle/oar only
c. How long is your boat? ______________feet
d. What is the total horsepower of your boat? _________Horsepower
e. In what state is your boat registered? ________State
Here is a list of boating activities you might have participated in today. Please rank them according to how long you did them.
7. Write a number 1 in front of the activity you did the longest, a number 2 in front of the activity you did second longest, and so on. If you did not do one or more of the activities listed, just leave the space in front of it blank.
____ Still fishing
____ Trolling
____ Swimming from your boat
____ Waterskiing
____ Pleasure cruising
____ Sailing
____ Jet skiing
____ Other (please describe) ______________________________________
____ Other (please describe) ______________________________________
8. Which of the following did you use most frequently on this fishing trip?
___ Lures___ Bait___ Flies___ All about the same
(This question could be modified to request respondent to answer in percentages as opposed to a forced choice.)
9. How many fish did you catch on this (or most recent) fishing trip?
____ Fish
(This question could be broken down into species types)
10. How many fish did you catch that were at/or above the legal limit? (longer than 14 inches)
____ Fish
11. On average, how many times do you fish during each of the following seasons?
____ Spring (March, April, May)
____ Summer (June, July, August)
____ Fall (September, October, November)
____ Winter (December, January, February)
12. What percentage of all the time you spend fishing do you fish for:
___% cold freshwater fishing (trout)
___% warm freshwater fishing (bass, bream, etc.)
___% saltwater fishing
___% an anadromous fishing (salmon, striped bass, shad, etc)
13. About how many times in [specified year] did you:
1. Fish streams or rivers ____ times
2. Fish lakes ____ times
3. Fish reservoirs ____ times
4. Ice fish ____ times
14. If you could fish as much as you wanted, how often would you fish? (please check only one)
___ A lot more than I do now
___ A little more than I do now
___ As often as I do now
___ A little less than I do now
___ A lot less than I do now
15. Are you now, or have you ever been a member of a fishing club or organization?
__YES__ NO
IF YES, what is the name the name of the club or organization?
16. If hunting, fill in the appropriate boxes below for your entire party.
Deer Turkey Squirrel Dove Quail Waterfowl Other
Check game hunted ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
Number sighted ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
Number shot at ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
Number bagged ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
17. Please identify the type of camping shelter you normally use at [site name(s)]. (Check one or more)
___ Less than tent ___ Pickup camper
___ Tent ___ Van
___ Tent trailer ___ Cabin
___ Screened shelter ___ Travel trailer
___ Recreation motor home
___ Other (specify) _______________________________
18. During [time unit] how many trips did you stay overnight at a campground in [site name]? (Consider a trip as the time from leaving your residence to returning to your residence).
_____ Trips
19. During [time period] on how many trips did you camp at:
_____ National Forest campgrounds ______County park campgrounds
_____ Corps of Engineer campgrounds ______Privately operated camps
_____ State Park campgrounds ______Don’t know who owns
General Activity Characteristics
20. Is the number of times/days/hours you spent (in) [activity] [time unit] more, less, or about the same as the past few [matching time unit]? (Check only one)
____ More ____ Less ____ About the same
21. How many days per trip, on average, do you spend [activity]?
____ Days
22. How many times a year, on average, do you [activity]? ____Times
(The use of categorical responses may make answering to the above question easier for respondents if the activity is one in which they participate frequently.)
23. How would you rate yourself as a [Boater, Camper, Angler, etc]?
1. Novice 2. Intermediate 3. Advanced 4. Expert
24. How many years have you been [activity]? ____ Years
25. How old were you when you first [activity]? ____Years old
26. Including all the [activity] you did, how many days did you [activity] in [specified year]?
_____ Days
27. How many days did you [activity] at [site name] in [specified year]?
_____ Days
28. How many days did you and other members of your household [activity] during each of the following seasons last year?
Season Months Number of Days
Spring March, April, May _____________
Summer June, July, August _____________
Fall Sept., Oct., Nov. _____________
Winter Dec., Jan., Feb. _____________
Including this trip, how many years have you engaged in [activity]? ____ Years
30. In general, what things have you experienced that have detracted from your enjoyment of [activity]? (rank in order of importance, with 1 being the most important)
__ Crowded facilities
__ Rowdy behavior by other visitors
__ Expensive use fees
__Too many rules and regulations
__ Long waits to use facilities
__ Other_______________________________
31. Generally, how satisfied was your group with their recreational activities? (circle one)
Extremely satisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
e) Extremely dissatisfied
If dissatisfied or extremely dissatisfied, why? __________________________________
32. On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being the perfect trip), how would you rate the quality of your [activity] experience?
________ Rating
33. What were the MOST ENJOYABLE aspects of your [activity] trip today?
34. What were the LEAST ENJOYABLE aspects of your [activity] trip today?
35. How enjoyable was your (activity) trip today?
Not at All Enjoyable |
Slightly Enjoyable |
Somewhat Enjoyable |
Quite Enjoyable |
Extremely Enjoyable |
How well did your (activity) trip compare to your expectations?
Very Poorly |
Poorly |
Met My Expectations |
Exceeded My Expectations |
Far Exceeded My Expectations |
37. Was your (activity) trip worth the money that you spent to take it?
Not at All Worth It |
Slightly Worth It |
Somewhat Worth It |
Quite Worth It |
Extremely Worth It |
Were you disappointed with some aspects of your (activity) trip?
Not at All Disappointed |
Slightly Disappointed |
Somewhat Disappointed |
Quite Disappointed
Exceedingly Disappointed |
39. Do you want to go on any more [activity] trips like this one?
Never |
Seldom |
Sometimes |
Frequently |
Very Frequently |
40. If for some reason you could not engage in [activity] would you engage in another recreational activity instead? ____YES___NO
IF YES, what recreational activity would you do instead?(circle one)
a) [activity]
b) [activity]
c) [activity]
d) [activity]
e) [activity]
f) Other (specify)______________________________________________
41. The following is a list of recreational activities that many people enjoy doing at [site name]. Please indicate the number of people in your group participating in any activity(s) and how long they spent doing the activity today.
Recreational Activities |
Number of People |
Hours Spent in Activity |
Pleasure Boating |
Trapping/Hunting |
Walking/Strolling |
Nature Study |
Collecting (rocks, Driftwood, etc.) |
Hiking |
Picnicking |
Other (Specify: ___________)
42. In what other recreation activities did you participate while at this area? (check all that apply)
___ Power boating
___ Hiking
___ Water skiing
___ Backpacking
___ Swimming
___ Sightseeing
___ Camping
___ Nature study
___ Sailing
___ Birdwatching
___ Canoeing/rafting/kayaking
___ Other: __________________________________________________
File Type | application/msword |
Author | USACE WRC |
Last Modified By | Stuart A. Davis |
File Modified | 2009-05-21 |
File Created | 2006-12-06 |