Corps of Engineers Civil Works Questionnaires Generic Clearance

Supporting Statement B

Internet Reservation (PARK.NET) Service Survey

Corps of Engineers Civil Works Questionnaires Generic Clearance

OMB: 0710-0001

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(Personal Interview)

OMB 0710-0001

Expires: 30 September 2012

The public report burden for this information collection is estimated to average 40 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this data collection, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services, Executive Services Directorate, Information Management Division, and the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, Washington, D.C. 20503, Attn.: Desk Officer for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Please DO NOT RETURN your completed form to either of these offices.


You recently made reservations for a Corps of Engineers or Forest Service recreation site (campground, cabin, group shelter, etc.) for xxxx date using an online centralized reservation System. As a customer of this system, your opinions are valuable in helping us give you the best possible service.

This survey will take about 10 minutes, so as our way of saying thanks for your time, we will be randomly selecting one respondent to win a xxxx (grand prize), plus 10 additional prizes of xxxx.

All your answers to this survey are private and confidential, and will only be used for the purpose of enhancing our services.

1. a) Did you personally make the reservation for this trip?

( ) Yes

( ) No, stop survey

b) If you made the reservation, did you make more than one reservation during your Internet session?

( ) Yes

( ) No (go to question #2)

c) If you made more than one reservation, please respond to the following survey using your reservation date outlined above.

2. What type of facility did you make your reservations for?

( ) Campground

( ) Cabin

( ) Group Shelter

( ) Other

3. What website did you use to make your reservation?

( ) ReserveAmerica

( ) ReserveUSA

( ) The NRRS

( ) Don’t know

4. Other than email, how often are you on the Internet?

( ) More than once a day

( ) Once a day

( ) 1-6 times a week

( ) Once every 2-4 weeks

( ) Once every 1-3 months

( ) Less than once every 3 months

5. What type of connection do you primarily use to access the Internet?

( ) 33.6K/28.8K/14.4K modem

( ) 56.6K modem

( ) Cable modem

( ) DSL/ADSL Line

( ) ISDN Line

( ) T1 or T3 Line (typical at- work connection)

( ) Other

( ) Don’t know

6. Was this the first time you made an advance reservation for a Corps of Engineers or Forest Service recreation site?

a) Yes (go to question #8)

b) No (go to question #7)

c) Don’t know (go to question #8)

7. Including this time, how many times have you made advance reservations for Corps of Engineers or Forest Service recreation sites during the past 12 months?

a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 4

e) 5 or more

8. How did you learn about the online reservation system?

a) Newspaper or other media report

b) Friends or family

c) Phone book

d) Camping Show

e) Internet

f) Park/Field staff

g) Brochure at Information Center

h) At the park or campground

i) Search Engine

j) Banner Ads

k) Camping Information Portals

l) Other

9. How desirable is having the opportunity to make a reservation in advance? Please answer using a scale from 1 through 5, where 1 means not at all desirable and 5 means extremely desirable (check “don’t know” if you can’t answer the question).

Not at all Slightly Moderately Very Extremely Don’t Know/

Desirable Desirable Desirable Desirable Desirable Not Applicable

1 2 3 4 5 0

10. Which, if any, of the following methods have you used in the past 12 months to make a reservation for Corps of Engineers or Forest Service recreation sites? (check all that apply)

( ) Internet only

( ) Telephone only

( ) At the park

( ) Researched on Internet, Reserved by Telephone

11. When searching the website, did you find the information you needed to select a park or recreation area to visit, or a specific site to reserve?

( ) Yes

( ) No

( ) Don’t recall

12. Did you search the website for information or links regarding local recreation or conditions of the site you reserved?

( ) Yes

( ) No

( ) Don’t recall

13. Please rate your satisfaction with the following service items in connection with this online reservation. Using a scale from 1 through 5, where 1 means not at all satisfied, 3 is moderately satisfied and 5 is extremely satisfied (check “don’t know” if you can’t answer the question).

Not at all Slightly Moderately Very Extremely Don’t Know/

Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied Not Applicable

1 2 3 4 5 0

a) Ability to access the website (connect to the site)

b) Ease of navigating the website (moving from one screen to another)

c) Information provided to complete your reservation

d) Ease of making the reservation (instructions easy to understand and follow)

e) Ease of setting up user profile (membership)

f) Confidence with security of reservation information

g) Explanation of fees and policies

h) Explanation of payment methods

i) Explanation of confirmation methods

j) Look and feel of Website

k) Effectiveness of search tools

l) Ability to change or append information online (membership or reservation)

14. a) Did you use a credit card to pay for your reservation on this visit?

( ) Yes

( ) No (go to question #15)

b) If yes, was the correct amount charged to your card?

( ) Yes

( ) No

( ) Not sure

15. a) Did you receive a written confirmation of your reservation?

( ) Yes

( ) No (go to question #16)

( ) Not sure

b) Was the information shown on the confirmation letter accurate when compared to the reservation you booked?

( ) Yes

( ) No

( ) Not sure

c) Did the confirmation letter clearly tell you everything you needed to know for this reservation?

( ) Yes

( ) No

( ) Not sure

16. For this reservation, did you: (check all that apply)

[ ] make changes to your reservation (go to question #17)

[ ] cancel your reservation (go to question #18)

[ ] take the trip as planned (go to question #19)

17. For those who made changes, what was your degree of satisfaction with the process? Using a scale from 1 through 5, where 1 means not at all satisfied, 3 is moderately satisfied and 5 is extremely satisfied (check “don’t know” if you can’t answer the question).

Not at all Slightly Moderately Very Extremely Don’t Know/

Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied Not Applicable

1 2 3 4 5 0

18. a) If you cancelled your reservation, was the cancellation process convenient?

a) Yes

b) No

b) Did you receive your cancellation refund within 30 days?

  1. Yes (go to question #20)

  2. No (go to question #20)

  3. Not Sure (go to question #20)

19. When you arrived at the park or recreation area to claim your reservation, did you encounter any of the following problems? (check all that apply)

[ ] I did not get the site I reserved

[ ] There was no record of my reservation

[ ] The site amenities were different than described

[ ] No one was available to check me in

[ ] My site wasn’t ready

[ ] My reservation had been canceled

[ ] Other

20. Please indicate your level of satisfaction with each of the following items on a scale from 1 through 5, where 1 means not at all satisfied, 3 is moderately satisfied and 5 is extremely satisfied (check “don’t know/not applicable” if you can’t answer the question).

a) Overall SATISFACTION with the Reservation Service

b) Overall SATISFACTION with the Website

c) Overall SATISFACTION with the characteristics of the site you occupied

d) Overall SATISFACTION with your stay in this recreation area

Not at all Slightly Moderately Very Extremely Don’t Know/

Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied Not Applicable

1 2 3 4 5 0

The last few questions are for classification only. These questions will help us better understand who is using the reservation system.

21. What is the highest level of education you have completed?

( ) Some high school or less

( ) Graduated high school

( ) Some college

( ) Trade/Technical/Vocational training

( ) Graduated from college

( ) Post-graduate work

22. How old are you?

( ) Under 18

( ) 18-24

( ) 25-34

( ) 35-44

( ) 45-54

( ) 55-64

( ) 65 or older

23. Is English your primary language?

  1. Yes

  2. No

24. What is your primary ethnic identity?

  1. Race:

( ) American Indian or Alaskan Native

( ) Asian

( ) Black or African America

( ) White

( ) Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

b) Ethnicity:

( ) Hispanic or Latino

( ) Not Hispanic or Latino

25. Please indicate which group represents your total pre-tax household income for last year? Please circle one box.

Less than $10,000









$200,000 or more

26. What is your gender?

a) ( ) Female

b) ( ) Male

27. Would you like someone to contact you regarding any of the issues in this survey?

  1. Yes

  2. No


File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleCall Center Survey - Long
Last Modified ByStuart A. Davis
File Modified2009-05-21
File Created2005-09-28

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