Corps of Engineers Civil Works Questionnaires Generic Clearance

Supporting Statement B

Emergency Response Questionnaire

Corps of Engineers Civil Works Questionnaires Generic Clearance

OMB: 0710-0001

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(Personal Interview)

OMB 0710-0001

Expires: 30 September 2012

The public report burden for this information collection is estimated to average 40 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this data collection, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services, Executive Services Directorate, Information Management Division, and the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, Washington, D.C. 20503: Attn.: Desk Officer for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Please DO NOT RETURN your completed form to either of these offices.

Emergency Response Questionnaire

Hello, my name is and I’m calling on behalf of the Army Corps of Engineers and the State
Division of Emergency Management. I’m conducting a telephone survey of residents concerning experiences in hurricane ________ last year, so that we can improve hurricane evacuation plans for the future. May I please speak with the

1. Youngest male over 18

2. Oldest male

3. Youngest female over 18

4. Oldest female in your household?

My questions will only take a few minutes. Your responses are important to us so that we may have accurate information about hurricane preparedness. Before we begin, let me assure you everything you say will remain strictly confidential.

1. Were you at home, that is, not out of town, when HURRICANE ________ began to threaten this area last year?

1 Yes (GO TO Q2)




2. Did you leave your home to go someplace safer in response to the threat created by Hurricane ________?

1 Yes (GO TO Q8)

2 No (GO TO Q3)


3. What made you decide not to go any place else?


1. Forecast said storm would hit a different location

2. Officials seemed unsure whether evacuation was necessary

3. Heard conflicting messages from officials whether evacuation was necessary

4. Storm wasn’t severe enough to pose a severe danger even if it hit

5. Location was on the weak (left) side of the storm

6. House is well built (strong enough to be safe in storm)

7. Home is elevated above the level of storm surge

8. Officials said evacuation was not necessary

9. Officials didn’t say to evacuate

10. Media said evacuation wasn’t necessary

11. Friend/relative said evacuation wasn’t necessary

12. Probabilities indicated low chance of a hit

13. Other information indicated storm wouldnt hit

14. Had no place to go

15. Wanted to protect property from looters

16. Wanted to protect property from storm

17. Left unnecessarily in past storms

18. Job required staying

19. Waited too long to leave

20. Evacuation notice from officials came too late

21. Traffic too bad

22. Tried to leave, but returned home because of traffic

23. Too dangerous to evacuate because might get caught on road in storm

24. No place to take pets/Shelter would not accept pets

25. Concerned about being able to re-enter community after evacuating

26. Unable to re-enter area after evacuating in past storms

27. Had no transportation

28. Other, specify: ______________________________________

29. Don’t know

30. No second or third option.

4. IF ________ had looked to you like it was going to hit your location directly, would you have left your home to go someplace safer?

1 Yes

2 No

3 Don’t Know/Depends

4 Other (Specify)___________________________________________________

5. Were you ready, that is had you made the necessary preparations, to leave your home to go someplace safer if the threat had gotten worse?

1 Yes

2 No

3 Don’t Know/Depends

4 Other (Specify)___________________________________________________

6. Were you prepared to survive on your own for 3 days after the storm hit? (i.e., without electricity, telephones)

1 Yes

2 No

3 Don’t Know/Depends

4 Other (Specify)___________________________________________________

7. Did you feel safe staying in your home during the storm?

1 Yes

2 No

3 Don’t Know/Depends

4 Other (Specify)___________________________________________________


8. Did you go to a public shelter, a friend or relative’s house, a hotel, or somewhere else? (DO NOT READ OTHER OPTIONS)

1 Public shelter (or Red Cross shelter)

2 Church

3 Friend/relative

4 Hotel

5 Workplace

6 Other, specify: ________________________________

9 Don’t know

9. Is that (ANSWER FROM Q8) located in your neighborhood or someplace else?

1 Neighborhood (SKIP TO Q13)

2 Somewhere else

9 Don’t know

10. Is that (ANSWER FROM Q8) located in your county?

1 Yes (SKIP TO Q13)

2 No

9 Don’t know

11. Is that (ANSWER FROM Q8) located in (state) or another state (specify state)?

1 (state)

2 (state)

3 (state)

4 (state)

6 Other______________________________________________________

9 Don’t know

12. What city or town was that (specify)?

___________________________________ 9 Don’t know

13. Was that your original destination when you left your home or did you change your mind about where to go after leaving home?

1 Original destination

2 Changed mind after leaving home

9 Don’t know

14. How long did it take you to get to your destination after leaving home? (Specify in hours)


99 Don’t know

15. About how long does that trip normally take, when there’s not an evacuation going on?


99 Don’t know

16. Approximately how far did you travel? (Specify in miles)


99 Don’t know

17. What convinced you to leave your home to go someplace safer? (CATEGORIZE - PROBE UP TO 3)

1. Advice or order by elected officials

2. Advice or order by public safety officials

3. Advice from National Weather Service

4. Advice/order from police officer or fire fighter

5. Advice from the media

6. Advice from friend or relative

7. Information about the severity of the storm

8. Concerned storm would cause home to flood

9. Concerned strong winds would make house unsafe

10. Concerned flooding would cut off roads

11. __

12. Concerned that storm might hit

13. Forecast indicated storm would hit

14. Forecast indicated storm could hit

15. Probability (odds) were high that the storm could hit

16. National Weather Service issued Hurricane Watch

17. National Weather Service issued Hurricane Warning


19. Experience in other storms

20. Other, specify:________________________________________

21. Don’t know

  1. No Second or third option.

18. I’m going to ask about WHEN you left your home to go someplace safer. To refresh your memory ________ made landfall (place) around (time) on the (date). ________ then crossed the state and moved into the (water body) near (place) near midnight that same night.

On what day did you leave your home to go someplace safer?

1 Before the 11th

2 Wednesday, August 11th

3 Thursday, August 12th

4 Friday, August 13th

5 Other _______________________

9 Don’t know

18a. About what time on the (REPEAT DATE) did you leave? (USE 1 HOUR INCREMENTS)


Hour (IF 99, SKIP TO Q )

18b. Was that AM or PM? (NOTE: 12 O’CLOCK NOON = 12 PM)


1 AM (morning / or midnight until noon)

2 PM (afternoon / evening or noon until midnight)

19. How many vehicles were available in your household that you could have used to evacuate?

Number of vehicles (IF 0, GO TO Q20 ; OTHERWISE GO TO Q21)


20. Did your household members leave in someone else’s vehicle, did they use public transportation, or did you evacuate another way?

1 Other’s vehicles (GO TO Q23)

2 Public transportation (GO TO Q23)

3 Other, specify: (GO TO Q23)

9 Don’t know (GO TO Q23)

21. How many vehicles did your household take in evacuating? (9 = DK) (8 =NA) (RECORD “0” IF NO VEHICLES WERE TAKEN)

Number of vehicles

22. When you evacuated, did you take a motor home or pull a trailer, boat, or camper?

1 Yes

2 No

3 Other, specify:____________________________________

9 Don’t know

23. About how much time passed from the time you first decided to evacuate and when you actually left your home to go someplace safer?

1 1 hour or less

2 2 to 3 hours

3 4 to 6 hours

4 7 to 12 hours

5 12 to 24 hours

6 More than 24 hours

7 Other__________________________________________________

9 Don’t know

24. Is there anything in particular that you think officials in your area should do to improve the evacuation information they provide to the public?

1 Yes

2 No (SKIP TO Q26)

9 Don’t know (SKIP TO Q26)

25. What do you suggest that officials do to improve the information?

1 Issue information earlier

2 Update information more frequently

3 Be more specific about areas needing to evacuate

4 More information about evacuation routes

5 More information about shelters

6 More information about transportation

7 Improve dissemination of message (e.g., have police go door-to-door)

8 Other__________________________________________________

9 Don’t know

26. How did you decide which route to take when you evacuated?

1 Used same route usually used when going to that destination

2 Followed recommendations of officials

3 Forced by officials to use that route

4 Only route that goes to that destination

5 Thought that would be fastest (or shortest or least congested)

6 Most familiar with that route

7 Tried one, changed because of traffic

8 Other__________________________________________________

9 Don’t know

27. After you got on the road during the evacuation, were you able to get the kind of information about traffic that you needed?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

28. About how much money did you spend per day on the evacuation, considering gas, lodging, food, and other expenses caused by having to evacuate?

1 Less than $25 a day

2 $25 to $49 a day

3 $50 to $99 a day

4 $100 to $149 a day

5 $150 to $200 a day

6 More than $200 a day

8 Other__________________________________________________

9 Don’t know

29. How many days were you away from home when you evacuated?

1 1 day or less

2 2 days

3 3 days

4 4 days

5 5 days

6 6 days

7 7 days

8 more than 1 week

9 Don’t know

30. After the storm passed, was it easy to find information about how to get back into your community (e.g., which roads were open, whether people were being allowed back into their homes)?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

31. How did you find out about that kind of information?

1 TV

2 Radio

3 Newspaper

4 Word of mouth from friends or relatives

5 Phoned authorities (e.g., police, emergency management, mayor’s office)

6 Internet

8 Other__________________________________________________

9 Don’t know

32. Did you take an evacuation supply kit with you when you left your home? (food, medicine, personal items, extra clothes)

1 Yes

2 No (SKIP TO Q35)

9 Don’t know (SKIP TO Q35)

33. Did you already have it packed and ready before the storm or did you put it together just before leaving?

1 Already packed

2 Packed just before leaving

3 Had some things packed, added to it

9 Don’t know

34. Was it everything you needed or did you wish you had included some things you didn’t?

1 Included everything needed

2 Needed more

9 Don’t know

35. Would you do anything differently in the same situation again? (CATEGORIZE) (PROBE UP TO 3)

1. Would evacuate

2. Wouldn’t evacuate

3. Would leave earlier

4. Would wait later to leave

5. Would go further away

6. Wouldn’t go as far away

7. Would go to public shelter

8. Wouldn’t go to public shelter

9. Would use different route

10. No

11. Other, specify:________________________________________

12. Don’t know

13. No second or third option.

36. During the threat, did you hear either directly or indirectly anyone in an official position - such as elected officials, emergency management officials, or police - say that you and people in your location should evacuate to a safer place? That is, did state or local officials issue any kind of evacuation notice that applied to you that you were aware of before the storm had passed?

1 Yes (GO TO Q37)

2 No (GO TO Q42)

9 Don’t know (GO TO Q42)

37. Did officials recommend that you should evacuate or did they say it was mandatory that you must evacuate?

1 Should

2 Must

9 Don’t know

38. Did police or other authorities come into your neighborhood going door-to-door or with loudspeakers, telling people to evacuate?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

39. How did you first hear about the evacuation notice for your location?

1 Radio/Television

2 Word of Mouth (Friend/Relative/Neighbor)

3 Police/Authorities Came Into Neighborhood with Loudspeakers

4 Police/Authorities Came Into Neighborhood Door-to-Door

5 Phone Call from Authorities

6 Newspaper

7 NOAA Weather Radio

8 Other________________________________________________

9 Don’t know

40. Was the evacuation notice for your location issued early enough?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

41. Was the evacuation notice for your location useful to you? That is, was it clear about whom it applied to and what they needed to do?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

42. Where you live, who is responsible for deciding whether or not people need to evacuate in a hurricane and issuing evacuation notices?

1 Mayor

2 County Administrator

3 Police/Sheriff

4 Local Emergency Management Director

5 Governor

6 National Weather Service

7 National Hurricane Center

8 Other________________________________________________

9 Don’t know

43. We're interested in how you got most of your information about ________ - where the storm was; when it was going to hit; how severe it was. I'm going to list a number of different ways you might have gotten information, and I'd like you to tell me whether you relied upon that source none at all (0), a little (1), a fair amount (2), or a great deal (3). (READ & ROTATE)

Fair Great

None Little Amount Deal

a 0 1 2 3 Local radio stations

b 0 1 2 3 Local television stations

c 0 1 2 3 CNN on cable

d 0 1 2 3 The Weather Channel on cable

e 0 1 2 3 Other cable stations

f 0 1 2 3 The Internet

g 0 1 2 3 Word of mouth

44. Did you or anyone in your household have to go to work while the ________ evacuation was going on?

1 Yes (GO TO Q45)

2 No (SKIP TO Q46)

9 Don't Know (SKIP TO Q46)

45. How did that affect the way your household responded during the evacuation?

1 Not at all

2 Kept household from evacuating

3 Kept part of household from evacuating

4 Delayed at least part of household from evacuating

5 Other,____________________________________________________________________

  1. Don’t Know

46. Were schools in your community closed early enough so that your family could evacuate in case you wanted to?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don't Know

47. When you were deciding whether to leave your home to go someplace safer, how important in your decision was concern about damage from the hurricane’s winds?

1 Not important

2 Somewhat important

3 Very important

4 Don’t know

48. How important in your decision was concern about flooding from storm surge and waves?

(coastal counties only)

1 Not important

2 Somewhat important

3 Very important

4 Don’t know

49. How important in your decision was concern about flooding from rainfall or rivers and streams?

1 Not important

2 Somewhat important

3 Very important

4 Don’t know

50. How important in your decision was concern about damage from tornadoes?

1 Not important

2 Somewhat important

3 Very important

4 Don’t know

51. How important in your decision were hurricane watches and warnings issued by the National Hurricane Center?

1 Not important

2 Somewhat important

3 Very important

4 Don’t know

52. How important in your decision were things you heard or saw on your local television or radio stations?

1 Not important

2 Somewhat important

3 Very important

4 Don’t know

53. In general, do you trust local television or radio stations in your community for weather information?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

54. When ________ was threatening this area, did you seek any sort of weather information from your local National Weather Service office?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

55. As ________ was approaching, did you see on television a map showing the track the hurricane was being forecast to follow and where it was expected to hit?

1 Yes

2 No (SKIP TO Q58)

9 Don’t know (SKIP TO Q58)

56. Did the map have a line showing exactly where the storm was predicted to go or did it show a wider area, like a cone, saying the storm would go someplace in that larger area, but you couldn’t tell exactly where?

1 Line

2 Cone

3 Both

9 Don’t know

57. When you were deciding whether or not to evacuate your home and go someplace safer, how important to your decision was that map showing the forecast track?

1 Not important

2 Somewhat important

3 Very important

4 Don’t know

58. I want you to think about a hurricane threatening this area with sustained winds over 155 MPH. That would make it a category 4 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson scale, nearly a category 5 —what meteorologists would call a very dangerous hurricane. A category 1 on the scale is the weakest hurricane and a category 5 is the strongest possible. If a hurricane like that made landfall near your location with sustained winds of 155 MPH and then passed directly over your home, do you believe that your home would be flooded by storm surge, wave action, or river flooding severe enough to pose a threat to your safety if you stayed in your home?

1 Yes

2 No

3 Don't Know/Depends

59. Considering both wind and water, do you think it would be safe for you to stay in your home if a hurricane hit near your location with winds of 155 MPH and then passed directly over your home?

1 Yes

2 No

3 Don't Know/Depends

60. What if a hurricane with sustained winds of 125 MPH made landfall near your location and then passed directly over your home? That would be a category 3 hurricane, what meteorologists call a major hurricane. Do you believe that your home would be flooded by storm surge, wave action, or river flooding, severe enough to pose a threat to your safety if you stayed in your home?

1 Yes

2 No

3 Don't Know/Depends

61. Considering both wind and water, do you think it would be safe for you to stay in your home if a hurricane hit near your location with sustained winds of 125 MPH and then passed directly over your home?

1 Yes

2 No

3 Don't Know/Depends

62. Finally, what if a hurricane with sustained winds of 100 MPH made landfall near your location and then passed directly over your home? That would be a category 2 hurricane. Do you believe that your home would be flooded by storm surge, wave action, or river flooding severe enough to pose a threat to your safety if you stayed in your home?

1 Yes

2 No

3 Don't Know/Depends

63. Considering both wind and water, do you think it would be safe for you to stay in your home if a hurricane hit near your location with sustained winds of 100 MPH and then passed directly over your home?

1 Yes

2 No

  1. Don't Know/Depends

64. Before the beginning of last year’s hurricane season, did you have any kind of window protection such as storm shutters, security film, or plywood sheets designed to protect the windows during a strong hurricane?

1 Yes (GO TO Q65)

2 No (SKIP TO Q66)

9 Don't Know/Not Sure (SKIP TO Q66)

65. What kind of protection was it?

1 Permanent roll-down metal panels

2 Removable metal panels 

3 Plywood sheets

4 Security Film

5 Impact-resistant glass

6 Other______________________________

9 Don't Know/Not Sure

66. Do you have any window protection like that now?

1 Yes (GO TO Q67)

2 No (SKIP TO Q68)

9 Don't Know/Not Sure (SKIP TO Q68)

67. What kind of protection is it?

1 Permanent roll-down metal panels

2 Removable metal panels 

3 Plywood sheets

4 Security Film

5 Impact-resistant glass

6 Other______________________________

9 Don't Know/Not Sure

68. Did you do anything to protect your house and property from ________?

1 Yes

2 No (SKIP TO Q72)

9 Don't Know/Not Sure (SKIP TO Q72)

69. Did you do things that will make your house and property more protected permanently in future storms or did you do temporary things that were just for ________?

1 Permanent

2 ________ only

3 Both/Some of Each

9 Don't Know/Not Sure

70. Did the things you did to protect your property affect your decision whether or not to evacuate? For example, maybe you didn’t think you needed to evacuate because you already had made your house safe, or maybe you didn’t have time to evacuate after getting all the protective actions done.

1 Yes, affected evacuation

2 No, didn’t affect evacuation

9 Don't Know/Not Sure

71. Approximately how much money did you spend to protect your home and property from ________?

1 zero

2 Less than $100 

3 $100 to $500

4 $500 to $1,000

5 more than $1,000

9 Don't Know/Not Sure

72. All together, this year and in previous years, about how much have you spent on things like window protection or any other permanent changes to protect your current house and property from hurricanes?

1 zero

2 Less than $100 

3 $100 to $500

4 $500 to $1,000

5 $1,000 to $5,000

6 $5,000 to $10,000 

7 More than $10,000

9 Don't Know/Not Sure

73. Are you aware of any government programs in your community where they give you money to help pay for improvements to your house and property that would reduce your damage from hurricanes?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don't Know/Not Sure

74. Were you laid off from work or lose your job because of hurricane ________?

1 Yes

2 No (SKIP TO Q76)

9 Don't Know/Not Sure (SKIP TO Q76)

75. How long were you out of work?

1 Less than 1 week

2 1 week 

3 2 weeks

4 3 to 4 weeks

5 5 to 6 weeks

6 6 to 8 weeks 

7 more than 8 weeks

8 still out of work

9 Don't Know/Not Sure

76. Do you have any plans to move away from here to a place with fewer hurricanes?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don't Know/Not Sure

77. Do you own a business of your own?

1 Yes

2 No (SKIP TO Q78)

9 Don't Know/Not Sure (SKIP TO Q78)

78. Do you have any plans to move your business away from here to a place with fewer hurricanes?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don't Know/Not Sure

79. Is your home or building elevated on pilings or fill material to raise it above flood water?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don't Know/Not Sure

80. Was your home damaged in ________?

1 Yes

2 No (SKIP TO Q83)

9 Don't Know/Not Sure (SKIP TO Q83)

81. How much damage, in dollars, did you experience in ________?

1 None

2 Less than $1,000

3 $1,000 to $4,999

4 $5,000 to $9,999

5 $10,000 to $24,999

6 $25,000 to $49,999

7 $50,000 or more

8 Don’t Know/Refused

82. What was the most damage, in dollars, you’ve ever experienced to your property as the result of ANY hurricane?

1 None

2 Less than $1,000

3 $1,000 to $4,999

4 $5,000 to $9,999

5 $10,000 to $24,999

6 $25,000 to $49,999

7 $50,000 or more

8 Don’t Know/Refused

83. Did you leave your home to go someplace safer in Frances?

1 Yes

2 No (SKIP TO Q85)

9 Don’t Know/Don’t Remember/Not Applicable (SKIP TO Q85)

84. Why not?

1 Expected storm to miss

2 Storm not expected to be strong

3 House well-built

4 House in safe location

5 Officials did not say evacuate

6 Left unnecessarily in previous storm

7 Bad experiences in previous evacuation

8 Cost of previous evacuation

9 Other reason related to previous storm (specify)________________________________

10 Other reason not related to previous storm (specify) _____________________________

11 Don’t Know/Refused

85. Did you leave your home to go someplace safer in ________?

1 Yes

2 No (SKIP TO Q87)

9 Don’t Know/Don’t Remember/Not Applicable (SKIP TO Q87)

86. Why not?

1 Expected storm to miss

2 Storm not expected to be strong

3 House well-built

4 House in safe location

5 Officials did not say evacuate

6 Left unnecessarily in previous storm

7 Bad experiences in previous evacuation

8 Cost of previous evacuation

9 Other reason related to previous storm (specify)________________________________

10 Other reason not related to previous storm (specify) _____________________________

11 Don’t Know/Refused

87. Before the (date), had you ever experienced a major hurricane?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don't Know/Not Sure

88. Would you say that you experienced a major hurricane in (year)?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don't Know/Not Sure


89. Which of the following types of structures do you live in? Do you live in a: (READ)

1 Detached single family home? (GO TO Q90)

2 Duplex, triplex, quadaplex home? (SKIP TO Q94)

3 Multi-family building -- 4 stories or less? (Apartment/condo) (SKIP TO Q94)

4 Multi-family building -- more than 4 stories (Apartment/condo) (SKIP TO Q94)

5 Mobile home (SKIP TO Q91)

6 Manufactured home (SKIP TO Q91)

7 Some other type of structure (SKIP TO Q94)

8 Don’t Know (SKIP TO Q94)

9 Refused (SKIP TO Q94)




90. Which of the following materials is your home mostly made of?

1 Wood

2 Brick

3 Cement block

4 Other (specify)_________________________________________________________

9 _ Don’t Know

91. Is your Mobile or Manufactured home built to the stronger wind standards they started using in (year)?

1 Yes (SKIP TO Q94)

2 No (SKIP TO Q94)

3 Don’t Know (GO TO Q93)

92. In what year did you buy your Mobile Home or Manufactured House? (2222=Don’t Know)

93. Was it new when you bought it?

1 Yes

2 No

3 Don’t Know

94. How old were you on your last birthday?

Number of years (99 = DK) (88=REFUSED)

95. How long have you lived in your present home? (ROUND UP) (99 = DK) (88=REFUSED)

Number of years

96. How long have you lived in this area of State?

(ROUND UP) (99 = DK)(88=REFUSED)

Number of years

97. How many people live in your household, including yourself? (99 = DK) (88=REFUSED)

Number of people (IF 1, SKIP TO Q100)

98. How many of these are children, 17 or younger? (99 = DK) (88=REFUSED)

Number of children

99. How many of these are 80 years old or older?

Number of people 80 or older

100. Do you own your home or rent?

1 Own

2 Rent

3 Other

101. Do you have any pets?

1 Yes

2 No (SKIP TO Q103)

9 Refused (SKIP TO Q103)

102. Did that affect your household’s decision about whether or not to evacuate in ________?

1 Yes

2 No

3 Other__________________________________________

103. Does anyone in your household require assistance from an agency in order to evacuate or require any sort of special care in a shelter?

1 Yes

2 No (SKIP TO Q106)

9 Don’t know (SKIP TO Q106)

104. Do they require transportation assistance from an agency, special care in a shelter, or both?

1 Transportation

2 Shelter care

3 Both

4 Other, specify:______________________________________

9 Don’t know

105. Did that affect your household’s decision about whether or not to evacuate in ________?

1 Yes

2 No

3 Other__________________________________________

106. Which of the following best describes your ethnic background?

1 Hispanic Origin

2 Non-Hispanic Origin

107. Which of the following best describes your race?

1 White

2 Black

3 American Indian or Alaskan Native

4 Asian or Pacific Islander

108. Please indicate which group represents your total pre-tax household income for last year? Please circle one box.

Less than $10,000









$200,000 or more

109. Which category best describes your education level? (READ)

1 Some high school

2 High school graduate

3 Some college

4 College graduate

5 Post graduate

9 Refused

110. Did you leave your home to go someplace safer in Hurricane _____ last summer?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t Know/Don’t Remember/Not Applicable

111. Did you leave your home to go someplace safer in Hurricane ______ last summer?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t Know/Don’t Remember/Not Applicable

112. Finally, I’d like to read you a list of subjects related to hurricanes and ask you if you would like to know more about any of them.

Yes No

Insurance ___ ___

Safe rooms ___ ___

Sheltering in place ___ ___

Roadway information ___ ___

Evacuation routes ___ ___

Vulnerability ___ ___

Mitigation techniques ___ ___

Shelters ___ ___

Thank you so much. Sometimes my supervisor will call people to check on my work. May I get your first name in case she wants to check?



File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleHurricane Georges Tampa Bay
Last Modified ByStuart A. Davis
File Modified2009-05-22
File Created2005-07-22

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