Corps of Engineers Civil Works Questionnaires Generic Clearance

Supporting Statement B

Beach Questionnaire

Corps of Engineers Civil Works Questionnaires Generic Clearance

OMB: 0710-0001

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(Personal Interview)

OMB 0710-0001

Expires: 30 September 2012

The public report burden for this information collection is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this data collection, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services, Executive Services Directorate, Information Management Division, and the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, Washington, D.C. 20503: Attn.: Desk Officer for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Please DO NOT RETURN your completed form to either of these offices.

Beach Questionnaire

  1. How far away from this beach do you live (your primary residence)?

 In (beach town/city) Outside (beach town/city), but within 20 miles Within 60 miles

 More than 60 miles but in (state) In the US, but not in (state) Outside the US

  1. We would like to know how many people are in your group today (friends and family members) who have approximately the same beach attendance as you and live with or near you. _______

2a. Of these people, how many are under 16? ______

  1. How many days this year will you go to a beach including this one __________?

  2. How many days this year will you go to this (name) Beach? ________?.

5. On a typical day, how many hours do you spend at the beach?

a. Less than 1 hour b. 2-3 hours c. 3-5 hours d. 5-8 hours e. More than 8 hours

6. Do you ever go to beaches other than this one? Yes No

If you answered yes, please answer questions 6a-6f.

6a. What beach do you go to most often, other than this beach? _____________________

6b. How many days a year do you go to the beach you listed in 6a. ? __________________

6c. How far away (miles) from your home (permanent residence) is the beach you listed in 6a? _____________

6d. How do you get to the beach you listed in 6a?

Walk Bicycle Train Car Plane City Bus/MetroOther

6e. How long does it take to get from your home to you listed in 6a?

Hours_______ Minutes_______

6f. Please compare the alternative beach you listed in 6a to (this) beach. We would like you to rate the level of amenities and your overall satisfaction. Please DO NOT include the time it takes to get to the beach in your rating.


Much Worse than this Beach

Worse than this Beach

About the Same as this Beach

Better than this Beach

Much Better than this Beach

  1. If (this) beach was lost to erosion, would you continue beach use at another beach?

 yes no

If you answered YES, please answer question 8 and 9

  1. At what beach? ____________________

  2. How far away (miles) from your home (permanent residence) is the beach you listed in 8? _____________

10. Please check the most appropriate box:

 I’m here on a day trip from my home. [Answer 10a-10c]

 I’m on a trip/vacation to the area away from my permanent residence. [Answer 11]

If you are on a DAY TRIP only please answer 10a-10c and skip to question 12.

10a. How many miles away is your home (permanent residence) from this Beach? ______________ miles

10b. How long did it take to get from your home (permanent residence) to here?

_________ hours ________minutes

10c. How did you get to (this) Beach today?

a. By Car b. By Foot c. By bicycle d. By Train e. City Bus/Metro f. Other

If you are staying in this area away from your permanent home, please answer questions 11a to 11h.

11a. How many days do you plan to be away from home on your current trip? _________days

11b. How many days will you spend at the beach on your current trip? _________days

11c. How many miles away is your home (permanent residence) from this Beach? ______________ miles.

11d.. How did you get from your home to this area on this trip? [Check all appropriate boxes.]

a. By Car b. By Airplane c. By Train d. Other ________________

11e. How long did it take to get from your home (permanent residence) to where you are staying locally?

_________ hours ________minutes

11f. How did you get to (this) Beach today?

a. By Car b. By Foot c. By bicycle d. By Train e. Other

11g. How long did it take you to get to this beach TODAY?

a. Less than 20 minutes b. 20-45 minutes c. 45 minutes-1 ½ hours d. 1 ½ -3 hours e. 3-5 hours f. 5-8 hours g. More than 8 hours

11h. How would you characterize your trip?

a. Vacation b. Business trip with a break c. Half business/half vacation

Demographic Information: It would help us a great deal you could provide us with some other information about you and your household. All information is confidential.

12. How old are you?

a. 16-19 b. 20-24 c. 25-34 d. 35-44 e. 45-54 f. 55-64 g. 65 or older

13. Which of the following best describes your ethnic background?

1. Hispanic Origin

2. Non-Hispanic Origin

14. Which of the following best describes your race?

1. White

2. Black

3. American Indian or Alaska Native

4. Asian or Pacific Islander

15. What is your highest level of Education?

a. Did not finish High School b High School c. Some College

d. College Degree e. Post Graduate Degree

16. Including yourself, how many people are in your current household (people you live with and share financial resources)?

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. 5-6 f. 7-9 g. 10 or more

17. Please indicate which group represents your total pre-tax household income for last year? Please circle one box.

Less than $10,000









$200,000 or more

18. How would you characterize your household?

one income two incomes more than two incomes

19 Is the person with the highest income in your household here today? Yes No

20. What percent of the time does the highest income person accompany the rest of the household to the beach? ______%

21 Is the person in your household with the second highest income here today? Yes No

22. What percent of the time does the second highest income person accompany the rest of the household to the beach? ______%

23. What is the total expected length of time at the beach today? ________ hours

24.. In answering the questions below about your expenditures in connection with the beach

visit today, please tell us the number of persons, including yourself, for whom you were

paying expenses:


25. Please tell us how much you spent on transportation in connection with your visit to this beach and others that you have traveled to in the US this year:

Lodging &

Food Item

(this) Beach Amount

Elsewhere in United States this year

Auto Rental

Auto Gas & Oil

Auto Repair & Services

Parking Fees & Tolls

Airline Fares

Package Tours

Other (Specify)

$ ___________

$ ___________

$ ___________

$ ___________

$ ___________

$ ___________

$ ___________

$ ___________

$ ___________

$ ___________

$ ___________

$ ___________

$ ___________

$ ___________

26. Please tell us how much you spent on lodging and food items.

Lodging and Food Item

(this) Beach Amount

Elsewhere in United States this year


Rental Homes/Condos

Camping Sites

Other Lodging (Specify)


Food at Store

Beverages at Store

Food & Drinks at Restaurants & bars

$ ___________

$ ___________

$ ___________

$ ___________

$ ___________

$ ___________

$ ___________

$ ___________

$ ___________

$ ___________

$ ___________

$ ___________

$ ___________

$ ___________

27. Please tell us how much you spent on shopping in connection with your visit.

Lodging and Food Item

(this) Beach Amount

Elsewhere in United States this year

Towels, swimwear,

footwear & clothing

Sun Block & Other Drug Store Items

Beach Equipment

Film Purchases/Digital

Camera supplies

Latop computer/ digital music player/personal stereo supplies & equipment



Other (Specify)

$ ___________

$ ___________

$ ___________

$ ___________

$ ___________

$ ___________

$ ___________

$ ___________

$ ___________

$ ___________

$ ___________

$ ___________

$ ___________

$ ___________

$ ___________

$ ___________

$ ___________

$ ___________

$ ___________

$ ___________

$ ___________

$ ___________

File Typeapplication/msword
Last Modified ByStuart A. Davis
File Modified2009-05-21
File Created2005-07-15

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