2010 OPT Customer Survey
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) produces measures of productivity for major sectors of the U.S. economy (such as business, nonfarm business, and manufacturing) and for selected industries (such as coal mining, motor vehicle manufacturing, electronics and appliance stores, and wireless telecommunications). Data and publications related to these measures can be found at the BLS labor productivity website (www.bls.gov/lpc) and multifactor productivity website (www.bls.gov/mfp).
The goal of this survey is to collect feedback from users and potential users of BLS productivity data. The information collected will be used to improve the usefulness of BLS data.
Please complete this survey even if you do not currently use BLS productivity data. If you have problems completing the survey, please contact OPTfeedback@bls.gov
We are collecting this information under OMB Number 1225-0059. Without this currently-approved number, we could not conduct this survey. (Expiration: 11/30/2012) Please note that this survey is being administered by SurveyMonkey.com and resides on a server outside of the BLS domain. The BLS cannot guarantee the protection of survey responses and advises against the inclusion of sensitive personal information in any response.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.
Use of BLS productivity data and publications
Which BLS productivity data do you use? (Check all that apply.)
Labor productivity (output per hour)
Multifactor productivity (output per unit of combined inputs)
Unit labor costs
Capital stock and services
Labor composition/labor quality data series
Research and development data series
I do not use BLS productivity data (skips to #10)
Other; specify _______
Which level of detail do you use for productivity data? (Check all that apply.)
Major sectors (business and nonfarm business sectors for private and all businesses)
Manufacturing sector (total, durable and nondurable manufacturing)
Nonfinancial corporate sector
Detailed industries
Other; specify _______
Which productivity publications do you use? (Check all that apply.)
News releases
Technical notes
Monthly Labor Review articles
Frequently Asked Questions
Other; specify _______
For which of the following purposes do you use BLS productivity data? (Check all that apply.)
Business analysis and forecasting
Policy analysis
Negotiating contracts
Economic news reporting
Economic research
Economic instruction and education
Other; specify _______
Accessing BLS productivity data and publications
How do you obtain BLS productivity data? (Check all that apply.)
BLS website
E-mail or phone request to BLS staff
Private data supplier/re-packager
News media
Other; specify _______
How often do you access BLS productivity data?
Once a year or less
2-3 times a year
4 or more times a year
How would you prefer to be notified when BLS productivity data and publications are released? (Check all that apply.)
I do not want/need to be notified
BLS News Service emails (currently available for selected series)
BLS online calendar for news releases (currently available for selected series)
RSS feeds (currently available for selected series)
Twitter (not currently available)
Facebook (not currently available)
Other; specify _______
Customer satisfaction
Based on your experience using BLS productivity data and publications, please check the appropriate box for each of the following statements.
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Neutral |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
No Basis to Decide |
Data are accurate |
Data are available for the industry or sector I require |
Data are current enough for my needs |
Data are easy to find |
Data are easy to download |
Data release schedules are easy to find |
Data are in the file format I need |
Productivity articles and research summaries are available on topics that interest me |
Productivity articles and research summaries are easy to understand |
Productivity news releases provide useful information |
Productivity news releases are easy to understand |
Productivity concepts, sources, and methods are explained in a way that I understand |
What can BLS do to better meet your needs in the areas addressed in the previous question? (free form) (skips to #12)
Use of BLS productivity data and publications (continued after #1 skip pattern)
I was unaware of the data
Data have no application to my work
Data are not available for the industry or sector I require
I have concerns about data accuracy
Data are not current enough for my needs
Data are not explained and/or presented clearly
Data are difficult to locate/BLS productivity-related web pages are difficult to navigate
Data are not in the file format I need
Other; specify _______
What can BLS do that would enable you to use its productivity data? (free form)
Customer service
No (skips to #17)
How have you contacted BLS staff about productivity data? (Check all that apply.)
Website (“Contact us” link)
Direct email
Telephone call
Other; specify _______
Did you receive a timely reply?
How satisfied were you with the reply?
Very satisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Do you have any additional comments, positive or negative, regarding your interaction with BLS staff about productivity data? (free form)
Additional economic data series used
Yes; specify _______
Which other economic data series do you use? (Check all that apply.)
Employment data (payroll employment, unemployment rates, Employment Cost Index, etc.)
Price data (Consumer Price Index, Producer Price Index, etc.)
National Accounts (aggregate output, national income, input/output tables, etc.)
International (import and export data, exchange rates, balance of payments, etc.)
Financial data (interest rates, stock prices, monetary data, etc.)
Other; specify _______
Respondent affiliation
Which category below best describes the organization at which you work or study? (Check all that apply.)
Research organization
Private business
News media
Internet blog
U.S. Government
Non-U.S. Government, or international organization
Financial institution
Industry or trade association
Nonprofit organization
Data supplier/re-packager
Independent consultant
Other; specify _______
Concluding comments
We appreciate any additional comments or feedback you may have about BLS productivity data. (free form).
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We appreciate your input.
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | OPT 2010 Survey - response to OCOMM |
Author | Raynor_J |
Last Modified By | Michel Smyth |
File Modified | 2010-10-05 |
File Created | 2010-10-05 |