Child Information Update Form (CIUF)
No burden is attached to this instrument. It is included here for illustrative purposes only.
CIUFDATE (Today’s date) / /
Month Day Year
CHILDID (National evaluation ID)
TIMEFRAM (Assessment period) 2 = 6 months
3 = 12 months
4 = 18 months
5 = 24 months
A. Sources of information used to complete this form [Select all that apply]
1 = Caregiver (child’s caregiver in a family, household environment)
2 = Staff as Caregiver (staffperson who has acted as the child’s day-to-day caregiver for the majority of the past 6 months)
3 = Youth
4 = Case record review
5 = Other
B. Agency that the child is currently involved with [Select all that apply]
1 = Corrections
2 = Juvenile court
3 = Probation
4 = School
5 = Mental health agency/clinic/provider
6 = Physical health care agency/clinic/provider
7 = Public child welfare
8 = Substance abuse agency/clinic/provider
9 = Family court
10 = Early care: Early Head Start program
11 = Early care: Head Start program
12 = Early care: Early intervention (Part C)
13 = Early care: Preschool special education program (Part B)
14 = Early care: Other early care and education programs/providers (including childcare/providers)
15 = Other—please specify
B1. Child welfare involvement
1 = Receiving child abuse and neglect investigation/assessment
2 = Court-ordered out-of-home placement— Foster care
3 = Court-ordered out-of-home placement—Kinship care
4 = Court-ordered out-of-home placement—Residential treatment
5 = Voluntary out-of-home placement— Foster care
6 = Voluntary out-of-home placement— Kinship care
7 = Voluntary out-of-home placement—Residential treatment
8 = Court-ordered in-home services
9 = Voluntary in-home services
SECTION I. Child Demographic Information
[Questions #1–4 are skipped, as they are not applicable.]
5. |
What is the ZIP Code of the address where (child’s name) currently lives? _______________ |
[Question #6 is skipped, as it is not applicable.]
7. |
During the past 6 months, was (child’s name) the recipient of . . . ? [Select all that apply] 1 = Medicaid 2 = CHIP 3 = SSI 4 = TANF 5 = CMHS grant program funds 6 = Private insurance 7 = Other—please specify ____________________________________ |
SECTION II. Child Diagnostic Information: DSM–IV–R and ICD–9
Children may have diagnostic codes for more than one classification system (e.g., DSM–IV–R and DC:0–3R).
8. |
Does (child’s name) have a DSM–IV–R or ICD–9 diagnosis? 1 = No [GO TO QUESTION #13] 2 = Yes |
[Question #9 is skipped, as it is not applicable.]
In this section, please record the DSM–IV–R or ICD–9 diagnostic codes in the indicated fields.
10. |
Date of the most recent multiaxial diagnostic evaluation ________________________________ (mm/dd/yyyy) |
11. |
Who provided the diagnosis? 1 = Child psychiatrist 2 = General psychiatrist 3 = Child psychologist 4 = General psychologist 5 = Licensed mental health staff (clinical social worker/professional counselor/ therapist) 6 = Primary care physician 7 = Nurse practitioner psychiatric nurse practitioner/physician’s assistant) 8 = Other licensed physical health staff 9 = Unlicensed staff (mental health assessment specialist) 10 = Other—please specify ____________________________________ 666 = Not applicable 777 = Refused to answer 888 = Don’t know 999 = Missing |
[Primary diagnosis should be listed as the first diagnosis on each axis (1a, 2a).]
12. |
AXIS I: Clinical Disorders Diagnostic code DSM–IV–R name axis_1a _________.____ _________________________________________ axis_1b _________.____ _________________________________________ axis_1c _________.____ _________________________________________ |
AXIS II: Personality Disorders and Mental Retardation Diagnostic code DSM–IV–R name axis_2a _________.____ _________________________________________ axis_2b _________.____ _________________________________________ |
AXIS III: General Medical Condition (ICD–9–CM numeric code) [Separate multiple codes with commas] ICD–9–CM numeric code axis 3 ______________________________________________________________________ |
AXIS IV: Psychosocial and Environmental Problems [Select all that apply] 1 = Problems with primary support group 2 = Problems related to the social environment 3 = Educational problems 4 = Occupational problems 5 = Housing problems 6 = Economic problems 7 = Problems with access to health care services 8 = Problems related to interaction with the legal system/crime 9 = Other psychosocial and environmental problems 666 = Not applicable 777 = Refused to answer 888 = Don’t know 999 = Missing |
AXIS V: Global Assessment of Functioning Scale (GAF) [Enter current GAF score] |
_______________ |
SECTION III. Child Enrollment Information
[Question #13 is skipped, as it is not applicable.]
13a. System of care enrollment status of the child 1 = Child is receiving system of care services [GO TO QUESTION #13c] 2 = Formally completed services/discharged [GO TO QUESTION #13c] 3 = Family no longer receiving services, but not discharged [GO TO QUESTION #13c] 4 = Other—please specify ____________________________________ [GO TO QUESTION #17] |
[Question #13b is skipped, as it is not applicable.]
13c. Date of the child’s most recent assessment for the system of care ________________________________ (mm/dd/yyyy) |
13d. Date of the child’s most recent service planning team meeting in the system of care ________________________________ (mm/dd/yyyy) |
13e. Date of the child’s most recent service received through the system of care ________________________________ (mm/dd/yyyy) |
[Questions #13f–16 are skipped, as they are not applicable.]
SECTION IV. Additional Child Diagnostic Information: Revised DC:0–3 (DC:0–3R)
17. |
Does (child’s name) have diagnostic information for the Revised DC:0–3 (DC:0–3R)? [Note: The DC:0–3R codes are intended for use with children up to age 4.] [Enter 666 if the child is aged 4 or older.] 1 = No [END OF QUESTIONNAIRE] 2 = Yes 666 = Not applicable [END OF QUESTIONNAIRE] 777 = Refused to answer [END OF QUESTIONNAIRE] 888 = Don’t know [END OF QUESTIONNAIRE] 999 = Missing [END OF QUESTIONNAIRE] |
[Question #18 is skipped, as it is not applicable.]
19. |
Date of the most recent DC:0–3R diagnostic evaluation ________________________________ (mm/dd/yyyy) |
20. |
Who provided the diagnosis? 1 = Child psychiatrist 2 = General psychiatrist 3 = Child psychologist 4 = General psychologist 5 = Licensed mental health staff (clinical social worker/professional counselor/ therapist) 6 = Primary care physician 7 = Nurse practitioner psychiatric nurse practitioner/physician’s assistant) 8 = Other licensed physical health staff 9 = Unlicensed staff (mental health assessment specialist) 10 = Other—please specify ____________________________________ 666 = Not applicable 777 = Refused to answer 888 = Don’t know 999 = Missing |
21. |
AXIS I: Clinical Disorders [Select from the attached list of DC:0–3R Axis I codes] |
21a. First/primary diagnosis ____________________________________________________ [If “800 = other disorders” selected, please specify the code with the appropriate prefix, e.g., DSM, ICD9, ICD10] |
21b. Second diagnosis ____________________________________________________ [If “800 = other disorders” selected, please specify the code with the appropriate prefix, e.g., DSM, ICD9, ICD10] |
21c. Third diagnosis ____________________________________________________ [If “800 = other disorders” selected, please specify the code with the appropriate prefix, e.g., DSM, ICD9, ICD10] |
DC:0–3R Axis I codes:
100 = Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
150 = Deprivation/Maltreatment Disorder
200 = Disorders of Affect
210 = Prolonged Bereavement/Grief Reaction
220 = Anxiety Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood
221 = Separation Anxiety Disorder
222 = Specific Phobia
223 = Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia)
224 = Generalized Anxiety Disorder
225 = Anxiety Disorder NOS (Not Otherwise Specified)
230 = Depression of Infancy and Early Childhood
231 = Type 1 (type I) Major Depression
232 = Type 2 (type II) Major Depression
240 = Mixed Disorders of Emotional Expressiveness
300 = Adjustment Disorder
400 = Regulation Disorders of Sensory Processing
410 = Hypersensitive
411 = Hypersensitive—Type A: Fearful/Cautious
412 = Hypersensitive—Type B: Negative/Defiant
420 = Hyposensitive/Underresponsive
430 = Sensory Stimulation-Seeking/Impulsive
500 = Sleep Behavior Disorder
510 = Sleep-Onset Disorder (Sleep-Onset Protodyssomnia)
520 = Night-Waking Disorder (Night-Waking Protodyssomnia)
600 = Feeding Behavior Disorder
601 = Feeding Disorder of State Regulation
602 = Feeding Disorder of Caregiver–Infant Reciprocity
603 = Infantile Anorexia
604 = Sensory Food Aversions
605 = Feeding Disorder Associated With Concurrent Medical Condition
606 = Feeding Disorder Associated With Insults to the Gastrointestinal Tract
700 = Disorders of Relating and Communicating
710 = Multi-System Developmental Disorder (MSDD)
800 = Other Disorders (DSM–IV–TR or ICD10)
666 = Not applicable
777 = Refused to answer
888 = Don’t know
999 = Missing
22. |
AXIS II: Relationship Classification: Parent–Infant Relationship Global Assessment Scale (PIR–GAS) |
22a. Parent–Infant Relationship Global Assessment Scale (PIR–GAS) Score [Enter PIR–GAS score—valid scores range from 1 to 100] _________________ [IF 1–100, GO TO QUESTION #23] 666 = Not applicable [GO TO QUESTION #22b] 777 = Refused to answer [GO TO QUESTION #22b] 888 = Don’t know [GO TO QUESTION #22b] 999 = Missing [GO TO QUESTION #22b] |
22b. Parent–Infant Relationship Global Assessment Scale (PIR–GAS) Categories [Choose one, only if numeric PIR–GAS score is not entered above] 91–100 = Well adapted 81–90 = Adapted 71–80 = Perturbed 61–70 = Significantly perturbed 51–60 = Distressed 41–50 = Disturbed 31–40 = Disordered 21–30 = Severely disordered 11–20 = Grossly impaired 1–10 = Documented maltreatment 666 = Not applicable 777 = Refused to answer 888 = Don’t know 999 = Missing |
23. |
AXIS II: Relationship Classification: Relationship Problems Checklist (RPCL) [Choose one for each relationship feature] |
23a. Overinvolved 1 = No evidence 2 = Some evidence, needs further investigation 3 = Substantive evidence 666 = Not applicable 777 = Refused to answer 888 = Don’t know 999 = Missing |
23b. Underinvolved 1 = No evidence 2 = Some evidence, needs further investigation 3 = Substantive evidence 666 = Not applicable 777 = Refused to answer 888 = Don’t know 999 = Missing |
23c. Anxious/tense 1 = No evidence 2 = Some evidence, needs further investigation 3 = Substantive evidence 666 = Not applicable 777 = Refused to answer 888 = Don’t know 999 = Missing |
23d. Angry/hostile 1 = No evidence 2 = Some evidence, needs further investigation 3 = Substantive evidence 666 = Not applicable 777 = Refused to answer 888 = Don’t know 999 = Missing |
23e. Verbally abusive 1 = No evidence 2 = Some evidence, needs further investigation 3 = Substantive evidence 666 = Not applicable 777 = Refused to answer 888 = Don’t know 999 = Missing |
23f. Physically abusive 1 = No evidence 2 = Some evidence, needs further investigation 3 = Substantive evidence 666 = Not applicable 777 = Refused to answer 888 = Don’t know 999 = Missing |
23g. Sexually abusive 1 = No evidence 2 = Some evidence, needs further investigation 3 = Substantive evidence 666 = Not applicable 777 = Refused to answer 888 = Don’t know 999 = Missing |
24. |
AXIS III: General Medical Condition (ICD–9–CM/ICD–10 numeric code) [Separate multiple codes with commas] ICD–9–CM/ICD–10 numeric code ___________________________________________________________________________ |
25. |
AXIS IV: Psychosocial and Environmental Problems [Select all that apply] 1 = Problems with primary support group 2 = Problems related to the social environment 3 = Educational/childcare problems 4 = Occupational problems 5 = Housing problems 6 = Economic problems 7 = Problems with access to health care services 8 = Problems related to interaction with the legal system/crime 9 = Other psychosocial and environmental problems 10 = Problems related to health of the child 666 = Not applicable 777 = Refused to answer 888 = Don’t know 999 = Missing |
26. |
AXIS V: Emotional and Social Functioning: Capacities for Emotional and Social Functioning Rating Scale [Choose one functional rating for each emotional/functioning capacity] |
26a. Attention and regulation 1 = Age-appropriate functioning, all conditions and full affect 2 = Age-appropriate functioning, vulnerable to stress or limited range of affect 3 = Functions immaturely (has the capacity but not at age-appropriate level) 4 = Functions inconsistently without special sensorimotor support 5 = Barely evidences the capacity, even with support 6 = Has not achieved this capacity 7 = N/A, child below age level 666 = Not applicable 777 = Refused to answer 888 = Don’t know 999 = Missing |
26b. Forming relationships/mutual engagement 1 = Age-appropriate functioning, all conditions and full affect 2 = Age-appropriate functioning, vulnerable to stress or limited range of affect 3 = Functions immaturely (has the capacity but not at age-appropriate level) 4 = Functions inconsistently without special sensorimotor support 5 = Barely evidences the capacity, even with support 6 = Has not achieved this capacity 7 = N/A, child below age level 666 = Not applicable 777 = Refused to answer 888 = Don’t know 999 = Missing |
26c. Intentional two-way communication 1 = Age-appropriate functioning, all conditions and full affect 2 = Age-appropriate functioning, vulnerable to stress or limited range of affect 3 = Functions immaturely (has the capacity but not at age-appropriate level) 4 = Functions inconsistently without special sensorimotor support 5 = Barely evidences the capacity, even with support 6 = Has not achieved this capacity 7 = N/A, child below age level 666 = Not applicable 777 = Refused to answer 888 = Don’t know 999 = Missing |
26d. Complex gestures and problem-solving 1 = Age-appropriate functioning, all conditions and full affect 2 = Age-appropriate functioning, vulnerable to stress or limited range of affect 3 = Functions immaturely (has the capacity but not at age-appropriate level) 4 = Functions inconsistently without special sensorimotor support 5 = Barely evidences the capacity, even with support 6 = Has not achieved this capacity 7 = N/A, child below age level 666 = Not applicable 777 = Refused to answer 888 = Don’t know 999 = Missing |
26e. Use of symbols to express thoughts/feeling 1 = Age-appropriate functioning, all conditions and full affect 2 = Age-appropriate functioning, vulnerable to stress or limited range of affect 3 = Functions immaturely (has the capacity but not at age-appropriate level) 4 = Functions inconsistently without special sensorimotor support 5 = Barely evidences the capacity, even with support 6 = Has not achieved this capacity 7 = N/A, child below age level 666 = Not applicable 777 = Refused to answer 888 = Don’t know 999 = Missing |
26f. Connecting symbols logically/abstract thinking 1 = Age-appropriate functioning, all conditions and full affect 2 = Age-appropriate functioning, vulnerable to stress or limited range of affect 3 = Functions immaturely (has the capacity but not at age-appropriate level) 4 = Functions inconsistently without special sensorimotor support 5 = Barely evidences the capacity, even with support 6 = Has not achieved this capacity 7 = N/A, child below age level 666 = Not applicable 777 = Refused to answer 888 = Don’t know 999 = Missing |
File Type | application/msword |
Author | Katherine.E.Young |
Last Modified By | Katherine.E.Young |
File Modified | 2009-11-13 |
File Created | 2009-02-27 |