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Audience Analysis for Environmental Health Issues

ATTACHMENT 4B - Focus Group Materials Testing Guide- Audience Analysis for Environmental Health Issues

Materials Testing Guide

OMB: 0920-0817

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OMB No. 0920-XXXX

Exp. Date xx/xx/20xx

Focus Group Materials Testing Guide

DRAFT To be developed upon completion of the exploratory focus groups and analysis of findings that will determine actual content.

  1. Introduction (15 minutes)

  1. Purpose

The purpose of our discussion is to find out what you think about the following concepts and messages. These concepts and messages are meant to raise awareness and prepare for climate change health effects that may occur in the US or in California.

2. Disclosures

  • Observation

  • Audio taping

  • Measures for safeguarding privacy

3. Ground rules

  • Need to hear from everyone; one at a time please

  • No right or wrong answers

  • Moderator is impartial, please be candid

4. Participant introduction

  • Your first name only

  • A little bit about yourself, how long you’ve lived in this community, and what you do

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 2 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to: Information Collection Review Office, 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA (0920-XXXX).

  1. General Health Messages (20 minutes)

  1. When you see the phrase climate change health effects, what do you think of?

Moderator to write “climate change health effects” on flipchart and record responses

Listen for topics such as: Injuries and fatalities related to severe weather events (e.g., heat waves, wildfires), air pollution, infectious diseases, food and water contamination, droughts, water shortages

Probe: Which of these concerns you most?

2. How concerned are you about these health effects in your community?

Probe: What makes you concerned or not concerned about health effects in your community?

3. What are ways to prepare for these health effects?

4. Do you know what resources are available in your community to help you?

Probe: What have you heard? What information would you want? What would you need to make a decision about whether or not to use community resources?

  1. Advertising and Radio Executions Testing (20 minutes)

  1. Initial reactions: What do you think? What is your first reaction? What went through your mind as you were listening to this ad? (probe: top-of-mind impressions and overall appeal)

  1. Communication: What is the main message in this ad? What gave you that idea? How do you feel about that message? Are there any other messages? Did the message grab your attention? Why?

  1. Likes: What do you like about the ad? How does it make you feel?

  1. Dislikes: What, if anything, do you not like about the ad? Is there anything confusing or hard to understand? Is there anything about this idea that turns you off, or upsets you, as a parent?

IV. Message Testing: Outreach Products (60 minutes)

For each item, moderator to show item and read headline and body copy to respondents. Then pin/tape item to wall. Order of items should be rotated between groups.

Before we talk about this I’d like you to write down what you think is the main idea on your notepad.

  1. What did you write down on your notepad as the main idea?

Probe: What do you think of that? Was this a new idea or something that you’ve heard before?

  1. Was the main idea clear?

Probe: Were there any words that were unusual or unfamiliar?

What other words can be used in their place?

3. Who do you think this is for?

Probe: Is it for people like you or someone else?

4. Does this motivate you to take action?

5. Now let’s look at the photo/graphic. What do you think of it?

Probe: Is the picture/graphic appropriate?

What do you think the picture/graphic is trying to show you?

Would you rather see different people in the photo?

6. Now that you’ve seen all of these concepts, which one catches your attention the most?

Probe: What makes it most effective?

Which of these materials would be the most likely to raise awareness of climate change health effects in

your community?

V. Closing (5 minutes)

  • Check for additional questions.

  • Thank and dismiss participants.

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleAudience Analysis for Environmental Health Issues
AuthorSimani Price
Last Modified Byshari steinberg
File Modified2009-05-27
File Created2009-05-27

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