Appendix A.7: Head Start CARES Site Visit: Teacher Interview Guide
January 15, 2009
Program Model:
Name of Coach:
Interviewed by:
Head Start CARES: Teacher/Assistant Interview Discussion Guide
Introductory script:
Hello, my name is _____, and as you know we are conducting the Head Start CARES study and evaluating the implementation of <program model>. The purpose of the implementation study is to help inform replication in the field and help interpret the impact of <program model>. Your experience and opinions are very important to us, and we want to thank you for taking the time to speak with us.
We would like to understand more about your experiences with <program model>, any factors that have helped you implement <program model>, your opinion of the coaching sessions, as well as what makes your job easier or more difficult.
Your comments will remain confidential, and we will not quote your name in any publications or presentations about this project. Do you have any questions for me before we begin?
Views on Children’s Social-Emotional Development
Prior to implementing <program model>, can you describe for me some of the things you have done in the past to support preschoolers’ social behavior and emotional skills?
Transition: Now I’d like to discuss your thoughts about <program model>.
II. Program Model
How would you rate <program model> in terms of:
Fostering children’s social emotional development? Please explain.
Appropriateness for the children you work with (e.g., special needs, disabilities, cultural appropriateness)? Please explain.
The effect on the classroom environment in which it is implemented (e.g., children’s social behavior, teacher classroom management)? Please explain.
Can you give me an example of any changes you have witnessed in your children’s behavior that you think are due to <program model>?
(If there are changes): In your view, what was it about <program model> that produced these changes?
Has using <program model> changed the way you do your job?
Has <program model> made your job harder or easier? Please explain.
III. Adaptations in Program Model Implementation
In implementing <program model>, what adaptations/changes, if any, have you made?
Did changes involve altering existing materials?
Did changes involve incorporating new materials?
Did changes involve shortening or reducing the program?
What was the reason(s) for the changes? Please explain what factor(s) caused you to modify the way that you use <program model> in your classroom.
How well did the training and/or coaching prepare you to adapt to children of different developmental needs (e.g., 3-year-olds, special needs children)? Please explain.
IV. Challenges in Classroom Implementation
In general, how often do you use <program model> strategies and techniques in the classroom? Would you say… “many times a day, “once a day,” “a few times per week,” “once a week,” “a few times a month,” or “very rarely”?
(IF LESS THAN ONCE A DAY): What prevents you from using the strategies every day?
What makes it easier or harder to implement <program model>? Please give examples.
Have there been challenges in working with 3-year-olds? If so, please explain.
How much do you think that 3-year-olds understand and benefit from the concepts? Please explain.
Transition: The next series of questions regard your coach’s assistance in implementing <program model> in your classroom, as well as the role of the trainer.
V. Coaching
Overall, is your coach providing helpful guidance on how to implement <program model> in your classroom?
Can you give me an example of how your coach has helped you implement or integrate <program model> into your daily classroom activities?
Can you give me an example of how your coach has been less effective in helping you implement or integrate <program model> into your daily classroom activities?
Can you give me an example of when you provided feedback to your coach about the coaching sessions?
How do you think your coach felt about that?
Was your coach open to your feedback? Please explain.
Please explain how your coach adapted the coaching sessions based on your feedback or other circumstances?
Tell me about the relationship you have with your coach in general.
Are you comfortable raising questions and concerns about how to use <program model> in your classroom? Please explain.
Do you feel that the quality of your relationship affects how you implement <program model> in the classroom? If so, how?
Tell me about what’s working with the coaching. Please give some examples.
Tell me about what’s not working with the coaching.
What challenges, if any, have there been to the coaching process?
Is there anything that you would change about the sessions? Please explain.
Have you had direct contact with the trainer regarding the implementation of <program model>? If so, describe:
The nature of the contact
The support provided
The involvement of the coach
Transition: Now let’s talk about your relationships with your teaching partner in your classroom.
VI. Teacher & Teacher Assistant Dynamic
In your classroom, do you share teaching responsibilities with anyone?
(If there is no teaching partner, SKIP TO SECTION VII)
Tell me about your relationship with your teaching partner.
What roles do each of you play in delivering <program model> and how are these decisions made?
How has the use of <program model> affected your relationship with the (teacher/teaching assistant)?
Is there any conflict between you and (teacher/teaching assistant) in how much of <program model> should be implemented?
When you disagree with (teacher/teaching assistant) about an element of <program model> implementation, how comfortable do you feel talking through the problem with him/her?
Has the use of <program model> affected how you and (teacher/teaching assistant) typically deliver the everyday Head Start curriculum and activities? Please describe.
Transition: Now let’s discuss what happens between you and other teachers here at this center.
VII. Informal Peer Coaching
1. Besides (the lead teacher/your teaching assistant), do you and other teachers who are also implementing <program model> ever talk about <program model> and how it’s going in your particular classroom? If so, please explain.
Transition: Now let’s talk more broadly about your work environment and how that relates to your use of <program model>. I’d like to get your sense of and how this center has affected or shaped the way you implement <program model>. And again, your comments will remain confidential.
VIII. Organizational Setting
Has your work environment affected the way you implement <program model>? If so, how?
What priority does this center place on teaching social-emotional development to preschoolers? Please explain.
Relative to the other requirements of your Head Start program, what priority does your supervisor place on using <program model>? Please explain.
Has your supervisor established clear expectations regarding your implementation of <program model>? Please explain.
Please tell me about how your supervisor monitors how much time you spend implementing <program model>.
What kind of support have you received in implementing <program model> and from whom?
What steps has your supervisor taken to support your implementation of <program model>? Please explain.
Is there anything else that is affecting the way that you implement <program model> or the amount of time you spend implementing <program model>?
Has <program model> affected the center’s operations? If so, how?
Has <program model> affected what it’s like to work here? If so, how?
IX. Additional Comments
Is there anything else that you would like to add regarding your experiences as a teacher implementing <program model>?
Do you have any advice or suggestions for teachers that will implement <program model> in the future?
Do you have any other general comments, concerns, or suggestions?
Closing script:
On behalf of the Head Start CARES evaluation team, I’d like to thank you for your time and efforts in helping to evaluate <program model>.
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Head Start CARES |
Author | DANA.FONEY |
Last Modified By | Ximena Portilla |
File Modified | 2009-02-02 |
File Created | 2009-01-26 |