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Performance Report for the Child Care Access Means Parents in School Program -- 18 monthly/36 month reports.

OMB: 1840-0763

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Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS) Annual Performance Report

Supporting Statement for Request for Approval under the Paperwork Reduction Act and 5 CFR 1320

  1. Justification

1. The Department of Education (Department) is requesting approval of the revised Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS) (OMB No.: 1840-0763) for a period of three years. The currently approved form does not expire until April 30, 2009; however, based upon concerns of interpretation and the presentation of data, as well as comments from CCAMPIS project directors, we are seeking approval of a revised form that is easier for grantees to complete and that collects data more appropriate to the program. Additionally, the CCAMPIS performance reporting period has been changed from an 18-month and 36-month reporting requirement to an annual report as a result of the passage of the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (P.L. 110-315), which amended and reauthorized the Higher Education Act of 1965.

The Department uses the information collected to make decisions on whether to issue non-competing continuation grants to funded grantees under the CCAMPIS Program. The CCAMPIS Program provides grants to institutions of higher education to assist the institutions in providing campus-based child care services to low-income students.

All grantees will be in full compliance with the OMB Race/Ethnicity data collection Guide requirements issued October 2007 and the Final Guidance on Maintaining, Collecting, and Reporting Racial and Ethnic Data to the U.S. Department of Education, by 2010.

  1. The CCAMPIS Program is authorized by the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA), Title IV, Part A, Subpart 7, Sec. 419N; 20 U.S.C. 1070e, and uses the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR), Parts 74, 75, 77. There are no program-specific regulations for this program. The authorizing statute is included in this package. All of the respondents under the collection are institutions of higher education.

The annual performance report requests childcare accreditation data as well as information on students whose children are served by the CCAMPIS program. This data is used to determine progress in student enrollment, persistence, and graduation based on the authorizing legislation and EDGAR. Failure to collect this information would prevent the awarding of appropriated funds since essential information would not be available to determine substantial progress of the grantees in the non-competing continuation phase of the program. Further, failure to collect this information would impede the awarding of non-competing continuation grants to grantees due to lack of information needed to determine if the projects are making satisfactory progress toward required child care accreditations and the achievement of their funded objectives.

In addition, the performance reports are used for the purposes of budget submissions to OMB; Congressional hearing testimonials; Congressional inquiries; performance measuring; and responding to inquiries from higher education interest groups and the general public.

3. The Department continues to work toward an electronic CCAMPIS report format with electronic submission capability. However, reports in the meantime will be submitted electronically via e-mail and optionally via standard mail. The CCAMPIS institutions have been electronically submitting the performance reports via e-mail and optionally via standard mail for the past few years. Collected data summarizes project participant and service information and poses a low-level security risk. No personal identification or sensitive data is requested or required and thereby eliminates the potential risk of exposure in electronically mailed or standardly mailed reports.

  1. Since the information submitted in the report is unique to each respondent, no duplication exists as far as can be determined. No other collection instrument is available to collect the information that is being requested.

  1. This information collection does not involve small businesses or other small entities.

  1. The collection of performance reporting is mandated annually. Collection of information on a less frequent basis would violate authorizing statue of the HEOA Section 419N (e). These reports are used to determine if the grantees are making satisfactory progress in meeting the goals and objectives as proposed in their initial applications. This data collection also provides the CCAMPIS Program with GPRA and PART information; efficiency measures requirements; and information to develop improved policies for program administration.

  1. No information will be collected in the manner covered under any of the special circumstances outlined.

  1. The Department’s Regulatory Information Management Services (RIMS) will solicit comments on this information collection in the Federal Register pursuant to 5CFR#1320.8(d) after submitting the collection to OMB. Summaries of report responses will be shared with OMB. Program staff frequently monitor the small number of currently funded projects via telephone, at technical assistance workshops and national meetings, to provide opportunities for CCAMPIS project directors to recommend changes to the form.

  1. The Department does not provide any payments or gifts to respondents.

  1. The Department's disclosure policies adhere to the provisions of the Privacy Act.

  1. The performance report form does not include questions about sexual behavior and attitudes, religious beliefs or other items that are commonly considered sensitive and private.

12. Estimated burden hours for this collection of information is 6 hours per respondent or 1,050 total burden hours. Burden hours are shown for the total number of estimated respondents for the annual report.

We estimate approximately 175 respondents x 1 report each for the year 2009

program competition:

Estimated number of respondents projected at level funding for the Fiscal Year 2009 program competition: 175 FY 2009 grantees

Estimated number of respondents 175

Estimated preparation time 6 hrs

Total estimated burden hours 1050

(Estimated Burden: 6 hours Total -- Number of hours of preparation time times by the total number of respondents equals estimated burden hours.)

Most of the costs of this data collection are borne by the Federal Government. The annual cost to the grantee to respond to this data collection is estimated as follows:

Estimated annual costs to respondents:


(175 personnel X 5.0 hours @ $30 per hour) $26,250


(175 clerical X 1.0 hours @ $16 per hour) 2,800

Total estimated costs to respondents $29,050

  1. There are no other costs to the respondents. EDGAR regulations require grantees to collect and maintain this information.

The largest portion of the Government’s cost is borne directly by the Department of Education in designing the report form, securing clearance of the form, and in collecting, aggregating and disseminating the information.

14. Estimated annual cost to the Federal Government

Professional staff to develop clearance package

(GS-13/14 employee) 40 hrs. @ $48.00 per hour


Overhead cost related to facilities, administration, and other indirect cost plus accrual of leave and fringe benefits @ 50% of

salary of $1,920


Clerical staff to type, route, and copy report form

$20 per hour X 5 hours

Overhead costs: $100 X 50 percent of salary



Other Department staff to review and approve the request:

(GS 15 employee) $71 per hour X 8 hours = $568.00

(GS 13/14 employee) $48 per hour X 20 hours = $960.00

Overhead costs: $1528.00 X 50 percent = $764.00


Other Administrative Costs

Posting annual performance report to World Wide Web

(2 hours X 1 staff @ $40 per hour)


Professional staff to review and edit reports for dissemination

$48 per hour X 40 hours = $1920.00

Overhead costs: $1,920.00 X 50 percent $960.00



Total Annual Government Cost


  1. The changes in costs estimated in number 14 are based on an increased number of respondents (from 171 to 175). The burden hours per grantee have decreased by 2 hours (from 8 to 6 hours) and are reflective of report streamlining.

  1. The aggregated report data includes the following types of information: (1) project participants demographics; (2) description of project services; and (3) project outcomes (i.e., postsecondary persistence and graduation). The purpose of these reports is to comply with statutory requirements and goals and to, share national information on the CCAMPIS Program with project staff, and the larger education community.

The Department, including a study of the CCAMPIS Program conducted by the Department’s Planning and Evaluation Service, may also use the data to supplement other data collection efforts sponsored.

  1. The Department will display on the form the expiration date for the OMB approval as required.

18. There are no exceptions to the certification statement.

  1. Collection of Information Employing Statistical statement.

The collection of information does not employ statistical methods.

Attachment: Authorizing Statute

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleApplication for Grants under the Student Support Services Program, HEA Title IV-A
Last Modified ByDoED User
File Modified2009-01-06
File Created2009-01-06

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