30 day Federal Register Notice


Reporting Required for International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)

30 day Federal Register Notice

OMB: 2138-0039

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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 248 / Wednesday, December 24, 2008 / Notices

collections. The ICR describes the
nature of the information collection and
its expected burden. The Federal
Register Notice with a 60-day comment
period soliciting comments on the
following collection of information was
published on October 7, 2008 (73 FR
Written comments should be
submitted by January 23, 2009.
Bernie Stankus, Office of Airline
Information, RTS–42, Room 4125, RITA,
BTS, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE.,
Washington, DC 20590–0001,
Telephone Number (202) 366–4387, Fax
Number (202) 366–3383 or e-mail

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OMB Approval No. 2138–0004.
Title: Submission of Audit Reports—
Part 248.
Form No.: None.
Type of Review: Extension of a
currently approved collection.
Respondents: Large certificated air
Number of Respondents: 77.
Number of Responses: 77.
Total Annual Burden: 20 hours.
Needs and Uses: BTS collects
independent audited financial reports
from U.S. certificated air carriers.
Carriers not having an annual audit
must file a statement that no such audit
has been performed. In lieu of the audit
report, BTS will accept the annual
report submitted to the stockholders.
The audited reports are needed by the
Department of Transportation as (1) A
means to monitor an air carrier’s
continuing fitness to operate, (2)
reference material used by analysts in
examining foreign route cases (3)
reference material used by analysts in
examining proposed mergers,
acquisitions and consolidations, (4) a
means whereby BTS sends a copy of the
report to the International Civil Aviation
Organization (ICAO) in fulfillment of a
United States treaty obligation, and (5)
corroboration of a carrier’s Form 41
The Confidential Information
Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act
of 2002 (44 U.S.C. 3501), requires a
statistical agency to clearly identify
information it collects for non-statistical
purposes. BTS hereby notifies the
respondents and the public that BTS
uses the information it collects under
this OMB approval for non-statistical
purposes including, but not limited to,
publication of both Respondent’s
identity and its data, submission of the
information to agencies outside BTS for
review, analysis and possible use in

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regulatory and other administrative
ADDRESSES: Send comments to the
Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs, Office of Management and
Budget, 725–17th Street, NW.,
Washington, DC 20503, Attention BTS
Desk Officer.
Comments are invited on: Whether
the proposed collection of information
is necessary for the proper performance
of the functions of the Department
concerning consumer protection.
Comments should address whether the
information will have practical utility;
the accuracy of the Department’s
estimate of the burden of the proposed
information collection; ways to enhance
the quality, utility and clarity of the
information to be collected; and ways to
minimize the burden of the collection of
information on respondents, including
the use of automated collection
techniques or other forms of information
Anne Suissa,
Director, Office of Airline Information.
[FR Doc. E8–30667 Filed 12–23–08; 8:45 am]

Research & Innovative Technology
Agency Information Collection;
Activity Under OMB Review; Reporting
Required for International Civil
Aviation Organization (ICAO)
AGENCY: Research & Innovative
Technology Administration (RITA),
Bureau of Transportation Statistics
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: In compliance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), this notice
announces that the Information
Collection Request (ICR) abstracted
below has been forwarded to the Office
of Management and Budget (OMB) for
extension of currently approved
collections. The ICR describes the
nature of the information collection and
its expected burden. The Federal
Register Notice with a 60-day comment
period soliciting comments on the
following collection of information was
published on October 7, 2008 (73 FR
DATES: Written comments should be
submitted by January 23, 2009.
Bernie Stankus, Office of Airline
Information, RTS–42, Room 4125, RITA,

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BTS, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE.,
Washington, DC 20590–0001,
Telephone Number (202) 366–4387, Fax
Number (202) 366–3383 or e-mail

OMB Approval No. 2138–0039.
Title: Reporting Required for
International Civil Aviation
Organization (ICAO).
Form No.: BTS Form EF.
Type of Review: Extension of a
currently approved collection.
Respondents: Large certificated air
Number of Respondents: 40.
Number of Responses: 40.
Total Annual Burden: 26 hours.
Needs and Uses: As a party to the
Convention on International Civil
Aviation (Treaty), the United States is
obligated to provide ICAO with
financial and statistical data on
operations of U.S. carriers. Over 99% of
the data filled with ICAO is extracted
from the air carriers’ Form 41
submissions to BTS. BTS Form EF is the
means by which BTS supplies the
remaining 1% of the air carrier data to
The Confidential Information
Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act
of 2002 (44 U.S.C. 3501), requires a
statistical agency to clearly identify
information it collects for non-statistical
purposes. BTS hereby notifies the
respondents and the public that BTS
uses the information it collects under
this OMB approval for non-statistical
purposes including, but not limited to,
transmission of both respondent’s
identity and its data to the International
Civil Aeronautics Organization.
ADDRESSES: Send comments to the
Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs, Office of Management and
Budget, 725—17th Street, NW.,
Washington, DC 20503, Attention BTS
Desk Officer.
Comments are invited on: Whether
the proposed collection of information
is necessary for the proper performance
of the functions of the Department
concerning consumer protection.
Comments should address whether the
information will have practical utility;
the accuracy of the Department’s
estimate of the burden of the proposed
information collection; ways to enhance
the quality, utility and clarity of the
information to be collected; and ways to
minimize the burden of the collection of
information on respondents, including
the use of automated collection



Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 248 / Wednesday, December 24, 2008 / Notices
techniques or other forms of information
Anne Suissa,
Director, Office of Airline Information.
[FR Doc. E8–30666 Filed 12–23–08; 8:45 am]

Surface Transportation Board
[STB Ex Parte No. 290 (Sub-No. 5)

Quarterly Rail Cost Adjustment Factor

Surface Transportation Board.

Approval of rail cost adjustment

SUMMARY: The Board has approved the
first quarter 2009 rail cost adjustment
factor (RCAF) and cost index filed by
the Association of American Railroads.
The first quarter 2009 RCAF
(Unadjusted) is 1.022. The first quarter
2009 RCAF (Adjusted) is 0.467. The first
quarter 2009 RCAF–5 is 0.442.

Effective Date: January 1, 2009.


Pedro Ramirez, (202) 245–0333. (Federal
Information Relay Service (FIRS) for the
hearing impaired: 1–800–877–8339.)

Additional information is contained in
the Board’s decision, which is available
on our Web site http://www.stb.dot.gov.
This action will not significantly
affect either the quality of the human
environment or energy conservation.
Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 605(b), we
conclude that our action will not have
a significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities
within the meaning of the Regulatory
Flexibility Act.
Decided: December 18, 2008.
By the Board, Chairman Nottingham, Vice
Chairman Mulvey, and Commissioner
Jeffrey Herzig,
Clearance Clerk.
[FR Doc. E8–30651 Filed 12–23–08; 8:45 am]

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Surface Transportation Board
[STB Finance Docket No. 35208]

Winamac Southern Railway
Company—Trackage Rights
Exemption—A. & R. Line, Inc.
Pursuant to a written trackage rights
agreement,1 A. & R. Line, Inc. (A&R) has
agreed to grant overhead trackage rights
to Winamac Southern Railway Company
(WSRY) between milepost 71.5 at or
near Van and milepost 74.5 at or near
Logansport, a distance of approximately
3.0 miles in Cass County, IN.2
The earliest this transaction may be
consummated is January 10, 2009, the
effective date of the exemption (30 days
after the exemption was filed).
The purpose of the trackage rights is
to achieve operating economies and to
improve rail service by making
operations by WSRY more efficient.
As a condition to this exemption, any
employees affected by the trackage
rights will be protected by the
conditions imposed in Norfolk and
Western Ry. Co.—Trackage Rights—BN,
354 I.C.C. 605 (1978), as modified in
Mendocino Coast Ry., Inc.—Lease and
Operate, 360 I.C.C. 653 (1980).
This notice is filed under 49 CFR
1180.2(d)(7). If the notice contains false
or misleading information, the
exemption is void ab initio. Petitions to
revoke the exemption under 49 U.S.C.
10502(d) may be filed at any time. The
filing of a petition to revoke will not
automatically stay the effectiveness of
the exemption. Stay petitions must be
filed by January 2, 2009 (at least 7 days
before the exemption becomes
1 A redacted version of the trackage rights
agreement was filed with the notice of exemption.
2 The involved line was acquired by A&R from
WSRY in A. & R. Line, Inc.—Acquisition
Exemption—Winamac Southern Railway Company,
Finance Docket No. 32694 (ICC served July 6, 1995).
However, WSRY continued to operate the line, as
well as its connecting lines. Although WSRY and
A&R entered into a trackage rights agreement for
WSRY to conduct operations over the line, through
oversight no Interstate Commerce Commission or
Surface Transportation Board approval of the
trackage rights was ever sought. According to
WSRY, WSRY’s operations under the trackage
rights agreement have continued for 13 years and,
in the interim, Central Railroad Company of
Indianapolis took over the operations of WSRY, as
WSRY’s agent, and A&R was taken over by Toledo,
Peoria & Western Railway Corporation. WSRY
states that this filing was made to remedy the prior
In a revised notice of exemption filed on
December 17, 2008 in STB Finance Docket No.
35205, US Rail Corporation—Lease and Operation
Exemption—Winamac Southern Railway Company
and Kokomo Grain Co., Inc., US Rail Corporation
seeks to acquire the trackage rights involved in this

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Pursuant to the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2008, Pub. L. 110–
161, § 193, 121 Stat. 1844 (2007),
nothing in this decision authorizes the
following activities at any solid waste
rail transfer facility: collecting, storing
or transferring solid waste outside of its
original shipping container; or
separating or processing solid waste
(including baling, crushing, compacting
and shredding). The term ‘‘solid waste’’
is defined in section 1004 of the Solid
Waste Disposal Act, 42 U.S.C. 6903.
An original and 10 copies of all
pleadings, referring to STB Finance
Docket No. 35208, must be filed with
the Surface Transportation Board, 395 E
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20423–
0001. In addition, a copy of each
pleading must be served on Thomas F.
McFarland, 208 South LaSalle Street,
Suite 1890, Chicago, IL 60604.
Board decisions and notices are
available on our Web site at ‘‘http://
Decided: December 18, 2008.
By the Board, David M. Konschnik,
Director, Office of Proceedings.
Kulunie L. Cannon,
Clearance Clerk.
[FR Doc. E8–30664 Filed 12–23–08; 8:45 am]

Open Meeting of the Financial Literacy
and Education Commission
Departmental Offices, Treasury.
Notice of open meeting.


SUMMARY: This notice announces the
sixteenth meeting of the Financial
Literacy and Education Commission,
established by the Financial Literacy
and Education Improvement Act (Title
V of the Fair and Accurate Credit
Transactions Act of 2003).
DATES: The sixteenth meeting of the
Financial Literacy and Education
Commission will be held on Tuesday,
January 15, 2009, beginning at 10 a.m.
ADDRESSES: The Financial Literacy and
Education Commission meeting will be
held in the Cash Room at the
Department of the Treasury, located at
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.,
Washington, DC 20220. To be cleared
for admittance to the Treasury building,
attendees must RSVP with their name as
shown on a government-issued ID,
organization represented (if any), phone
number, date of birth, Social Security
number and country of citizenship. This
information can be provided in an email to the Treasury Department at
FLECrsvp@do.treas.gov or by a



File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleDocument
SubjectExtracted Pages
AuthorU.S. Government Printing Office
File Modified2008-12-24
File Created2008-12-24

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