

California Health Interview Survey Cancer Control Module (CHIS-CCM) 2009 (NCI)


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Organizations and Publications Using CHIS Data

C alifornia Health Interview Survey

Use of CHIS Data

  • More than 2,000 individuals have downloaded the CHIS Public Use Files from the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research's web site. There have been 2,730 downloads of the CHIS 2001 PUFs, 2,293 downloads of the CHIS 2003 PUFs, and 1,727 downloads of the 2005 PUFs to date.

  • More than 16,000 individuals have used AskCHIS, the online data query system to conduct analysis and generate state or local-level estimates using CHIS data. To date, more than 300,000 individual queries have been made via AskCHIS.

  • Previous CHIS funders, who actively promote and use CHIS data, include:

    • California Department of Public Health

    • The California Endowment

    • National Cancer Institute

    • Centers for Disease Control

    • The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

    • First Five California

    • California Department of Managed Care

    • California Department of Health Services Office of Disability and Health

    • California Department of Mental Health

    • LA Health Care

    • Kaiser Permanente

    • California Area Indian Health Services

    • Alameda County Health Services Agency

    • Solano County Public Health Department

    • County of San Diego, Public Health Services

    • Marin County Department of Health and Human Services

There are many other users of CHIS data products, including local health departments, research institutions, and other health and community organizations. Although we do not have complete information on all the organizations that have used CHIS data for their needs, the tables on the following pages provide information on some of the organizations that are actively using CHIS data, the peer-reviewed publications that have been generated based on CHIS data, and the impact of CHIS data.

Organizations Using
CHIS Data: Representative Organizations

Research Institutions

Community Organizations

Local Health Departments

Agency for Healthcare Research and Policy

African American Coalition on Health

Alameda County Public Health Department

Applied Survey Research

American Association of Retired Persons

Calaveras County

Boston University

Asian and Pacific Islander Bay Area Health Council

City of Berkeley

California Health Benefits Review Program

Blue Cross of CA State Programs

Contra Costa County Health Services

California Institute for County Government, San Francisco, CA

California Health Collaborative

Department of Health Services

California Institute for Rural Studies

California Primary Care Association

Department of Social Services

California State University Fresno

California Pan-Ethnic Network

El Dorado County Public Health Department

California State University Long Beach

Central California Children's Institute

Health Services Agency

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Washington DC

Central California Policy Institute

Humboldt County

Center on Policy Initiatives, San Diego, CA

Community Clinic Association of Los Angeles County

Imperial County Public Health Department

Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science

The Community Action to Fight Asthma

Kern County

Children’s Hospital and Research Center, Oakland, CA

First Five of Marin County

Kings County Department of Health Services

Columbia University

First Five of Monterey County

Long Beach Department of Health and Human Services

Greater Los Angeles Veterans Health Administration

First Five of San Benito County

Los Angeles County

Harvard University

First Five of San Diego County

Marin County Department of Health and Human Services

Johns Hopkins

First Five of Santa Barbara County

Mendocino County

PolicyLink, Oakland, CA

Fresno West Coalition for Economic Development

Merced County Health Department

Princeton University

Fresno Metro Ministry

Napa County Health and Human Services Agency

Public Health Institute of California

Health San Diego

Nevada County

Public Policy Institute of California, San Francisco, CA

Kaiser Permanente Health

Orange County Health Care Agency


Los Angeles County Children's Health Initiative

Pasadena Public Health Department

San Francisco General Hospital

Madera One by One Leadership

Placer County Human Health Services

San Francisco State University

Monterey Apollonia Foundation

Riverside County

SRI International, Menlo Park, CA

Monterey Clinica De Salued Del Valle

Sacramento County

Stanford University

Monterey Department of Social and Employment Services

San Bernardino County

Trust for Public Land, Los Angeles, CA

Monterey County Farm to School Partnerships

San Diego County Public Health Services

University of California, Berkeley

Monterey Department of Social Services

San Francisco County

University of California, Davis

NICOS Chinese Health Coalition

San Joaquin County

University of California, Irvine

Pajaro Valley Community Health Trust

San Luis Obispo County

University of California, Los Angeles

San Diego American Indian Health Care

San Mateo County

University of California San Diego

San Diego Business Healthcare Connection

Santa Barbara County

University of California San Francisco

San Diego Community Health Improvement Partners

Santa Clara County Public Health Department

University of Chicago

San Diego League of Women Voters

Santa Cruz County

University of Massachusetts

San Diego Mountain Health

Shasta County

University of Michigan

San Diego Scripps Health

Sierra County

University of Southern California

Siskiyou County

University of Utah

San Francisco Community Clinic Consortium

Solano County

San Francisco Southeast Asian Community Center

Sonoma County

Sequoia Community Health Centers

Stanislaus County

Santa Barbara County Kids Network

Sutter County Division of Health Services

Union of Pan Asian Communities

Trinity County

Tulare County

Ventura County

Yolo County Health Department


California Health Interview Survey

UCLA Center for Health Policy Research

Los Angeles, CA 90024

1-866-ASK-CHIS (1-866-275-2447)

Fax: (310) 794-2686


California Health Interview Survey

Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

Ahn, M.K., Juon, H.S., Gittelsohn, J. Association of race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, acculturation, and environmental factors with risk of overweight among adolescents in California, 2003. Preventing Chronic Disease. Jul. 2008;5(3):A75.

Allen, M.L., Elliott, M.N., Morales, L.S., Diamant, A.L., Hambarsoomian, K., & Schuster, M.A. Adolescent participation in preventive health behaviors, physical activity, and nutrition: Differences across immigrant generations for Asians and Latinos compared with Whites. American Journal of Public Health. Feb. 2007;97(2):337-343.

Ambs, A.H., Miller, M.F., Smith, A.W., Goldstein, M.S. Hsiao, A.F., & Ballard-Barbash, R. Religious and spiritual practices and identification among individuals living with cancer and other chronic disease. Journal of the Society for Integrative Oncology. Spring 2007;5(2):53-60.

Babey, S., Hastert, T.A., Yu, H., & Brown, E.R. Physical activity among adolescents: When do parks matter? American Journal of Preventive Medicine. April 2008;34(4):345-348.

Banta, J.E., Haviland, M.G., & Przekop, P. Datapoints: Mapping estimated county-level income and binge drinking among California men. Psychiatric Services. Feb. 2008;59(2):138.

Berrigan, D., Troiano, R.P., McNeel, T., Disogra, C., & Ballard-Barbash, R. Active transportation increases adherence to activity recommendations. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Sept. 2006;31(3):210-216.

Bowie, J.V., Juon, H.S., Cho, J., & Rodriguez E.M. Factors associated with overweight and obesity among Mexican Americans and Central Americans: Results from the 2001 California Health Interview Survey. Preventing Chronic Disease. Jan. 2007;4(1):A10.

Brown, E.R., Holtby, S., Zahnd, E., & Abbott, G.B. Community-based participatory research in the California Health Interview Survey. Preventing Chronic Disease. Oct. 2005;2(4):A03.

Carpenter, C. Self-reported sexual orientation and earnings: Evidence from California. Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 2005;58(2):258-273.

Chen, J.Y., Diamant, A., Pourat, N., & Kagawa-Singer, M. Racial/ethnic disparities in the use of preventive services among the elderly. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Dec. 2005;29(5):388-395.

Cho, J. & Juon, H.S. Assessing overweight and obesity risk among Korean Americans in California using World Health Organization Body Mass Index Criteria for Asians. Preventing Chronic Disease. Jul. 2006;3(3):A79.

Cochran, S.D., & Mays, V.M. Physical health complaints among lesbians, gay men, and bisexual and homosexually experienced heterosexual individuals: Results from the California Quality of Life Survey. American Journal of Public Health. Nov. 2007;97(11):2048-2055.

Constantine, N.A., & Moskowitz, J.M. California adolescents' use of family planning services. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health. Nov. 2004;36(6):288.

Cook, P.J. & Sorenson, S.B. The gender gap starts young: survey responses by teenagers regarding guns in the home. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 2006;22(1):61-76.

Coombs, N.J., Taylor, R., Wilcken, N., Fiorica, J., & Boyages, J. Hormone replacement therapy and breast cancer risk in California. Breast Journal. Nov./Dec. 2005;11(6):410-415.

De Alba, I., Hubbell, F.A., McMullin, J.M., Sweningson, J.M., & Saitz, R. Impact of U.S. citizenship status on cancer screening among immigrant women. Journal of General Internal Medicine. Mar. 2005;20(3):290-296.

De Alba, I., Ngo-Metzger, Q., Sweningson, J.M., & Hubbell, F.A. Pap smear use in California: Are we closing the racial/ethnic gap? Preventive Medicine. Jun. 2005; 40(6): 747-755.

Elliott, J.O., Lu, B., Moore, J.L., McAuley, J.W., & Long, L. Exercise, diet, health behaviors, and risk factors among persons with epilepsy based on the California Health Interview Survey, 2005. Epilepsy & Behavior. May 2008; [Epub ahead of print].

Etzioni, D.A., Ponce, N.A., Babey, S.H., Spencer, B.A., Brown, E.R., Ko, C.Y. Chawala, N., Breen, N., & Klabunde, C.N. A population-based study of colorectal cancer test use: Results from the 2001 California Health Interview Survey. Cancer. Dec. 2004;101(11):2523-2532.

Fahimi, M., Link, M., Schwartz, D.A., Levy, P., Mokdad, A. Tracking chronic disease and risk behavior prevalence as survey participation declines: statistics from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System and other national surveys. Preventing Chronic Disease. Jul 2008; 5(3):A80.

Goldstein, M.S., E. Brown, E.R., Ballard-Barbash, R., Morgenstern, H., Bastani, R., Lee, J., Gatto, & Ambs, A. The use of complementary and alternative medicine among California adults with and without cancer. Evidence-Based Complimentary and Alternative Medicine. Oct. 2005; 24(4): 557-565.

Gomez, S., Tan S., Keegan, T.H., & Clarke, C.A. Disparities in mammographic screening for Asian women in California: A cross-sectional analysis to identify meaningful groups for targeted intervention. BMC Cancer. Oct. 2007;7(1):201.

Guendelman, S., Angulo, V., & Oman, D. Access to health care for children and adolescents in working poor families: Recent findings from California. Medical Care. Jan. 2005; 43(1): 68-78.

Guendelman, S., Angulo, V., Wier, M., & Oman, D. Overcoming the odds: Access to care for immigrant children in working poor families in California. Child Health Journal. Nov. 2005;15:1-12

Guendelman, S., Wier, M., Angulo, V., & Oman, D. The effects of child-only insurance coverage and family coverage on health care access and use: Recent findings among low-income children in California. Health Services Research. Feb. 2006;41(1):125-47.

Hemenway, D. & Miller, M. Gun threats against and self-defense gun use by California adolescents. Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine. 2004;158:395-400.

Heslin, K., Gore, J., King, W., & Fox, S. Sexual orientation and testing for prostate and colorectal cancers among men in California. Medical Care. [Pubmed – in process].

Hsiao, A.F., Wong, M.D., Goldstein, M.S., Becerra, L.S., Chem, E.M., & Wenger, N.S. Complementary and alternative medicine use among Asian-American subgroups: Prevalence, predictors, and lack of relationship to acculturation and access to conventional health care. Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine. Dec. 2006;12(10):1003-1010.

Hsiao, A.F., Wong, M.D., Goldstein, M.S., Yu, H.J., Andersen, R.M., Brown, E.R., Becerra, L.M., & Wenger, N.S. Variation in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) use across racial/ethnic groups and the development of ethnic-specific measures of CAM use. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. Apr. 2006;12(3):281-90.

Isong, U. & Weintraub, J.A. Determinants of dental service utilization among 2 to 11-year-old California children. Journal of Public Health Dentistry. 2005;65(3):138-145.

Ivey, S.L., Mehta, K.M., Fyr, C.L., & Kanaya, A.M. Prevalence and correlates of cardiovascular risk factors in South Asians: Population-based data from two California surveys. Ethnic Disparities. Autumn 2006;16(4):886-93.

Javier, J.R., Wise, P.H., & Mendoza, F.S. The relationship of immigrant status with access, utilization, and health status for children with asthma. Ambulatory Pediatrics. Nov.-Dec. 2007;7(6):421-430.

Johansson, P., Jacobsen, C., & Buchwald, D. Perceived discrimination in health care among American Indians/Alaska natives. Ethnic Disparities. Autumn 2006;16(4):766-771.

Kagawa-Singer, M., Pourat, N., Breen, N., Couglin, S., McLean, T., McNeel, T., and Ponce, N. Breast and cervical cancer screening rates of subgroups of Asian American women in California. Medical Care Research and Review. Dec. 2007;64(6):706-730.

Kandula, N.R. & Lauderdale, D.S. Leisure time, non-leisure time, and occupational physical activity in Asian Americans. Annals of Epidemiology. Apr. 2005;15(4):257-265.

Kandula, N.R., Lauderdale, D.S., & Baker, D.W. Differences in self-reported health among Asians, Latinos, and non-Hispanic Whites: The role of language and nativity. Annals of Epidemiology. Mar 2007;17(3):191-198.

Kandula, N.R., Wen, M., Jacobs, E.A., & Lauderdale, D.S. Low rates of colorectal, cervical, and breast cancer screening in Asian Americans compared with non-Hispanic whites: Cultural influences or access to care? Cancer. Jul. 2006;107(1):184-192.

Kim, J. & Shin, H. Public health insurance enrollment among immigrants and nonimmigrants: Findings from the 2001 California Health Interview Survey. Journal of Immigrant Minority Health. Oct. 2006;8(4):303-311.

Kincheloe, J., Brown, E.R., Frates, J., Call, K.T., Yen, W., & Watkins, J. Can we trust population surveys to count Medicaid enrollees and the uninsured? Health Affairs (Millwood). Jul./Aug. 2006;25(4):1163-1167.

Kincheloe, J., Frates, J., & Brown, E.R. Determinants of children's participation in California's Medicaid and SCHIP Programs. Health Services Research. Apr. 2007;42(2):847-866.

Kobau, R., Zahran, H., Grant, D., Thurman, D.J., Price, P.H., & Zack M.M. Prevalence of active epilepsy and health-related quality of life among adults with self-reported epilepsy in California: California Health Interview Survey, 2003, Epilepsia. Jun. 2007;48(10):1904-1913.

Kominski, G.F., Ripps, J.C., Laugesen, M.J., Cosway, R.G. & Pourat, N. The California cost and coverage model: Analyses of the financial impacts of benefit mandates for the California legislature. Health Services Research. Jun. 2006;41(3 Pt 2):1027-1044.

Lauderdale, D.S., Wen, M., Jacobs, E.A., & Kandula, N.R. Immigrant perceptions of discrimination in Health Care: The California Health Interview Survey 2003. Medical Care. Oct. 2006;44(10):914-920.

Lopez-Zetina, J., Lee, H. & Friis, R. The link between obesity and the built environment: Evidence from an ecological analysis of obesity and vehicle miles of travel in California. Health Place. Dec. 2006;12(4):656-664.

Luck, J., Chang, C., Brown, E.R., & Lumpkin, J. Using local health information to promote public health.

Health Affairs (Millwood). Jul.-Aug. 2006; 25(4): 979-991.

Maxwell, A.E., Bernaards, C.A. & McCarthy, W.J. Smoking prevalence and correlates among Chinese- and Filipino-American adults: Findings from the 2001 California Health Interview Survey. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Aug. 2005;41(2):693-699.

Mays, V.M., Ponce, N.A., Washington, D.L., & Cochran, S.D. Classification of race and ethnicity: Implications for Public Health. Annual Review of Public Health. 2003;24:83-110.

McMenamin, S.B., Halpin, H.A., & Ganiats, T.G. Assessing the public health impact of state health benefit mandates. Health Research and Educational Trust. Jun. 2006; 41(3 Pt 2):1045-1060.

Mendez-Luck, C.A., Yu, H., Meng, Y.Y., Jhawar, M., & Wallace, S.P. Estimating health conditions for small areas: Asthma symptom prevalence for state legislative districts. Health Services Research. Dec. 2007; 42(6 Pt 2): 2389-2409.

Meng, Y.Y., Babey, S.H., Brown, E.R., Malcolm, E., Chawla, N., & Lim, Y.W. Emergency department visits for asthma: The role of frequent symptoms and delay in care. Annals of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology. Feb. 2006;96(2):291-297.

Meng, Y.Y. Wilhem, M., Rull, R.P., English, P. & Ritz, B. Traffic and outdoor air pollution levels near residences and poorly controlled asthma in adults. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. May 2007;98 (5):455-463

Mikolajczyk RT, Bredehorst M, Khelaifat N, Maier C, Maxwell AE. Correlates of depressive symptoms among Latino and Non-Latino White adolescents: Findings from the 2003 California Health Interview Survey. BMC Public Health. Feb. 2007;7(21):1-9.

Miller, M., & Hemenway, D. Unsupervised firearm handling by California adolescents. Injury Prevention. 2004;10:163-168.

Oliver, T.R. & Singer, R.F. Health services research as a source of legislative analysis and input: The role of the California Health Benefits Review Program. Health Services Research. June 2006;1124-1158.

Ortega, A.N., Fang, H., Perez, V.H., Rizzo, J.A., Carter-Pokras, O., Wallace, S.P., &Gelberg, L. Health care access, use of services, and experiences among undocumented Mexicans and other Latinos. Archives of Internal Medicine. 2007;167(21):2354-2360.

Owen, J.E., Goldstein, M.S., Lee, J.H., Breen, N., & Rowland, J.H. Use of health-related and cancer-specific support groups among adult cancer survivors. Cancer. 2007;109(12):2580-2589.

Ponce, N.A., Chawla, N., Babey, S.H., Gatchell, M.S., Etzioni, D.A., Spencer, B.A., Brown, E.R., & Breen, N. Is there a language divide in pap test use? Medical Care Research and Review. Nov. 2006;44(11):998-1004.

Ponce, N.A., Cochran S.D., Mays, V.M., Chia J., & Brown, E.R. Health coverage of low-income citizen and non-citizen wage earners: Sources and disparities. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. Apr. 2008;10(2):167-176.

Ponce, N., Hays, R.D., & Cunningham, W.E. Linguistic disparities in health care access and health status among older adults. Journal of General Internal Medicine. Jul. 2006;21(7):786-791.

Ponce, N., Ku, L., Cunningham, W., & Brown, E.R. Language barriers to health care access among Medicare beneficiaries. Inquiry. Spring 2006;43 (1):66-76.

Ponce, N., Lavarreda, S.A., Yen, W., Brown, E.R., DiSogra, C., & Satter, D. The California Health Interview Survey 2001: Translation of a major survey for California’s multiethnic population. Public Health Reports. Jul./Aug. 2004;119:388-395.

Pourat N., Rice T, Tai-Seale M, Bolan G, Nihalani J. Association between physician compensation methods and delivery of guideline-concordant STD care: Is there a link? The American Journal of Managed Care. July 2005;11:426-432.

Ramirez, A., Farmer, C.G., Grant, D., & Papachristou, T. Disability and preventive cancer screening: Results from the 2001 California Health Interview Survey. American Journal of Public Health. Nov. 2005;95(11):2057-2064.

Rice, T., Lavarreda, S.A., Ponce, N.A. & Brown, E.R. The impact of private and public health insurance on medication use for adults with chronic diseases. Medical Care Research and Review. Apr. 2005;62(2): 231-249.

Robbins, A.S. & Clarke, C.A. Regional changes in hormone therapy use and breast cancer incidence in California from 2001 to 2004. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2007; 25(23); 3437-3439.

Satter, D.E., Seals, B.F., Chia, Y.J., Gatchell, M. & Burhansstipanov, L. American Indians and Alaska Natives in California: Women's cancer screening and results. Journal of Cancer Education. Spring 2005;20 (Suppl. 1):58-64.

Satter, D.E., Veiga-Ermert, A., Burhansstipanov, L., Pena, L., & Restivo, T. Communicating respectfully with American Indian and Alaska Natives: Lessons from the California Health Interview Survey. Journal of Cancer Education. Spring 2005;20(1):49-51.

Seals, B.F., Burhansstipanov, L., Satter, D.E., Chia, Y.J., & Gatchell, M. California American Indian and Alaska Natives tribal groups' care access and utilization of care: Policy implications. Journal of Cancer Education. Spring 2006;21(1 suppl):S15-S21.

Seligman, H., Chattopadhyay, A., Vittinghoff, E., & Bindman, A. Racial and ethnic differences in receipt of primary care services between Medicaid fee-for-service and managed care plans. Journal of Ambulatory Care Management. Jul./Sept. 2007;30(3):264-273.

Sentell, T., Shumway, M., & Snowden, L. Access to mental health treatment by English language proficiency and race/ethnicity. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2007;22(Suppl 2):289-293.

Solorio, M.R., Yu, H., Brown, E.R., Beccerra, L. & Gelberg, L. A comparison of Hispanic and White adolescent females' use of family planning services in California. Perspectives on Sex and Reproductive Health. Jul./Aug. 2004;36(4):157-161.

Solorio, M.R., Yu, H., Brown, E.R., Beccerra, L. & Gelberg, L. California adolescents' use of family planning services. Perspectives on Sex and Reproductive Health. Nov. 2004;36(6):289.

Sorenson, S.B. & Vittes, K.A. Adolescents and firearms: A California statewide survey. American Journal of Public Health. May 2004;92:852-858.

Spencer BA, Babey SH, Etzioni DA, Ponce NA, Brown ER, Yu H, Chawla N, Litwin MS. A population-based survey of prostate-specific antigen testing among California men at higher risk for prostate carcinoma. Cancer. Feb.2006;106(4):765-774.

Stevens, G.D., Seid, M. & Halfon, N. Enrolling vulnerable, uninsured but eligible children in public health insurance: Association with health status and primary care access. Pediatrics. Apr. 2006;117(4):e751-759.

Stevens, G.D., Seid, M., Mistry, R. & Halfon, N. Disparities in primary care for vulnerable children: The influence of multiple risk factors. Health Services Research. Apr. 2006;41(2):507-531.

Swan, J., Breen, N., Burhansstipanov, L., Satter, D.E., Davis, W.W., McNeel, T., & Snipp, C.M. Cancer screening and risk factor rates among American Indians. American Journal of Public Health. Feb. 2006; 96(2):340-350.

Tang, H., Greenwood, G.L., Cowling, D.W., Lloyd, J.C., Roeseler, A.G. & Bal, D.G. Cigarette smoking among lesbians, gays, and bisexuals: How serious a problem? (United States). Cancer Causes Control. Oct. 2004;15(8):797-803.

Tang, H., Shimizu, R. & Chen Jr., M.S. English language proficiency and smoking prevalence among California’s Asian Americans. Cancer. Dec. 2005;104 (Suppl. 12):2982-2988.

Trivedi, A.N. & Ayanian, J.Z. Perceived discrimination and use of preventive health services. Journal of General Internal Medicine. Jun. 2006;21(6):553-558.

Truong K.D., & Sturm R. Alcohol outlets and problem drinking among adults in California. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. Nov. 2007;68(6):923-933.

Unger, J.B., Soto, C. & Baezconde-Garbanati, L. Perceptions of ceremonial and nonceremonial uses of tobacco by American-Indian adolescents in California. Journal of Adolescent Health. Apr. 2006;38(4): 443.e9-16.

Uretsky, M.C. & Mathiesen, S.G. The effects of years lived in the United States on the general health status of California's foreign-Born populations. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. Apr. 2007;9(2):125-136.

Vittes, K.A. & Sorenson, S.B. Risk-taking amongst teens who say they can get a handgun. Journal of Adolescent Health. May 2006;39:929-932.

Vittes, K.A. & Sorenson, S.B. Recreational use of firearms among adolescents. Health Education and Behavior. Dec. 2005;32(6):751-766.

Walter, L.C., Lindquist, K. & Covinsky, K.E. Relationship between health status and use of screening mammography and Papanicolaou smears among women older than 70 years of age. Annals of Internal Medicine. May 2004;140(9):681-688.

Wen, M., Kandula, N.R., Lauderdale, D.S. Walking for transportation or leisure: What difference does the neighborhood make? Journal of General Internal Medicine. Dec. 2007;22(12):1674-1680.

Willis, G. & Zahnd, E. Questionnaire design from a cross-cultural perspective: An empirical investigation. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. Winter 2007;18:197-217.

Wong, S.T., Gildengorin, G., Nguyen, T. & Mock, J. Disparities in colorectal cancer screening rates among Asian Americans and non-Latino Whites. Cancer. Dec. 2005;104 (12 Suppl.):2940-2947.

Wright, K. Examining racial and ethnic disparities and predictors of medication use among California's African-American, Latino, and White children with asthma. Journal of National Black Nurses’ Association. Dec. 2007;18(2):1-15.

Xia, Q., Molitor, F., Osmond, D., Tholandi, M., Pollack, L., Ruiz, J., & Catania, J. Knowledge of sexual partner's HIV serostatus and serosorting practices in a California population-based sample of men who have sex with men. AIDS. 2006;20:2081-2089.

Xia, Q., Osmond, D.H., Tholandi, M., Pollack, L.M., Zhou, W., Ruiz, J.D. & Catania, J.A. HIV prevalence and sexual risk behaviors among men who have sex with men: Results from a statewide population-based survey in California. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. Feb. 2006; 41(2):238-245.

Xia, Q., Tholandi, M., Osmond, D.H., Pollack, L.M., Zhou, W., Ruiz, J.D., and Catania, J. The effect of venue sampling on estimates of HIV prevalence and sexual risk behaviors in men who have sex with men. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Sept. 2006;33(9):545-550.

Yabroff, K.R., Troiano, R.P., & Berrigan, D. Walking the dog: is pet ownership associated with physical activity in california? Journal of Physical Activity & Health. Apr. 2008;5(2):216-228.

Yang, H., Schnall, PL., Jaurequi, M., Su, TC., & Baker, D. Work hours and self-reported hypertension among working people in California. Hypertension. Oct. 2006;48(4):744-750.

Yu, H., Meng, Y., Mendez-Luck, CA., Jhawar, M., & Wallace, S.P. Small-Area estimation of health insurance coverage for California legislative districts. American Journal of Public Health. Feb. 2007;94(4):731-737.

Yu, S.M., Huang, Z.J., Schwalberg, R.H., & Nyman, R.M. Parental English proficiency and children's health services access. American Journal of Public Health. Aug. 2006;96(8):1449-1455.

Zhu, S.H., Pulvers, K., Zhuang Y., & Baezconde-Garbanati, L. Most Latino smokers in California are low-frequency smokers. Addiction. Oct 2007;102(Suppl. 2):104-111.

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