MEMORANDUM FOR: Reviewer of 1220-0141
DATE: December 14, 2009
FROM: Kathy Downey
Research Psychologist
Office of Survey Methods Research
Bureau of Labor Statistics
SUBJECT: Feasibility/RAS Study for the development of a BLS Environmental Sector Industry Employment Survey
In the President’s Fiscal Year 2010 budget, BLS has been tasked with collecting and publishing data on employment in the environmental sector of the United States. BLS intends to conduct a feasibility study or response analysis survey (RAS) of 200 establishments to gain a better understanding of the collection environment surrounding environmental sector product and service lines at establishments. The goal of the study is for BLS to gain a better understanding of the availability of revenue and employment information for product and/or service lines in individual establishments, where in the establishment that data is collected, who in the establishment has access to the data, and the reference period and timing of the availability of that data.
The interviews will be conducted in-person or over the telephone with a sample of 200 active establishments from a fixed set of industries in the BLS Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) business register. Respondents will include establishments in a variety of geographic locations and of various business sizes. Respondents will be taken through the attached script, and the answers will help BLS better understand the collection environment and to help refine the potential questions on the final survey to minimize respondent burden. We are planning to ask current QCEW respondents these questions between January and June 2010.
We expect to complete 140 interviews (a 70 percent response rate) with an average response time of 38 minutes. The expected number of burden hours is 89 hours for the interviews, given the expected response rate and possibility of needing to speak to more than one person at an establishment.
If you have any questions about this request, please contact Kathy Downey at (202) 691-7382 or e-mail at
Note to Reviewer of 1220-0141
The QCEW program publishes a quarterly count of employment and wages reported by employers covering 98 percent of U.S. jobs, available at the county, MSA, state and national levels by industry. The QCEW program also maintains a business register database of all establishments in the U.S. subject to unemployment insurance taxes.
The President’s fiscal year 2010 budget proposal allocates funds for the QCEW program to produce objective and reliable information on environmental sector industry employment. To satisfy this directive, BLS intends to contact a sample of respondents as part of a feasibility/RAS study to help determine survey procedures. The goals of the study are to determine the following:
What revenue and employment information is available for product and/or service lines at individual establishments?
Who has access to the data (the office or title that maintains this information), and does providing the information require multiple respondents in an establishment?
What is the optimal reference period?
What is the optimal timing of the request for the information?
The feasibility/RAS study will be the first of many steps leading to environmental sector data collection forms. The interviews will help BLS understand the type of data available to establishments engaged in environmental sector business activities and product lines, identify the individual or department at the establishment with access to the data, learn when certain data items become available for different reference periods, clarify language, and identify and eliminate areas of potential respondent confusion.
Prior to the larger feasibility/RAS study, we will test the interview protocol in a small number of establishments (fewer than nine) using personal visits conducted by BLS staff. The interview scripts can be found in Attachment A. The introductory letter that respondents will receive prior to the interview is found in Attachment B.
A random sample of 200 reporting units, both single and multi-units, from various geographic locations and of various sizes will be drawn from five major industry groups (utilities, construction, manufacturing, trade, and professional and business services). The most current quarter of the QCEW business register will be used as the sample frame. These units will be contacted for the feasibility/RAS study.
Table 1. Number of Establishments to Interview, by Single and Multi-unit status, size, and industry
Single units |
Multi units |
Small (0-19) |
Medium (20-99) |
Large (100+) |
Small (0-19) |
Medium (20-99) |
Large (100+) |
Total |
Construction |
8 |
9 |
8 |
8 |
9 |
8 |
50 |
Manufacturing |
8 |
9 |
8 |
8 |
9 |
8 |
50 |
Trade |
8 |
9 |
8 |
8 |
9 |
8 |
50 |
Prof. & Bus. Services |
8 |
9 |
8 |
8 |
9 |
8 |
50 |
Total |
32 |
36 |
32 |
32 |
36 |
32 |
200 |
BLS, or an outside contractor working under BLS confidentiality regulations, will mail out the introductory letter and conduct the interviews in person or over the telephone. Interviews will be conducted by experienced interviewers. The script will ask the same questions of each respondent although some of the terminology may change based on the respondent’s industry. For example, a manufacturing establishment may be asked about revenue by product line while a consulting establishment may be asked about revenues by service line. To capture these slight variations we have different scripts based on whether the primary business activity involves products or services (Attachment A).
It is expected that each interview will take an average of 30 minutes to complete per QCEW respondent. We expect that in approximately 40 percent of the responses, the interviewer may need to speak with another individual from the establishment in order to complete the interview. For the cases where this occurs, it will add another 20 minutes to the total interview time per reporting unit for a total of 50 minutes. We anticipate an overall response rate of 70 percent for the interviews.
The following table shows expected workload for the interviews between December 2009 and December 2010.
Feasibility/RAS interview - One respondent |
Feasibility/RAS interview - More than one respondent |
Starting sample |
200 |
Percent of calls |
60% |
40% |
Number of sample |
120 |
80 |
Minutes per completed interview |
30 |
50 |
Number of responses (70% response rate) |
84 |
56 |
Total Minutes |
2,520 |
2,800 |
Average minutes per interview |
38 |
Total burden hours |
89 |
Total Hours Response Burden is = 89 hours
estimate of costs to respondents based on burden hours to participate
in the interviews is $1,530. This estimate is based on an hourly pay
rate of $17.19, which is the 2008 annual average of the median hourly
earnings of "Human Resources Assistants, Except Payroll and
Timekeeping" from the OES survey, and was multiplied by the 89
burden hours.
All respondents will receive an introduction letter prior to the interview informing them of the expected time burden. Attachment B includes a copy of the advance letter.
The following Privacy Act statement and confidentiality assurance will be relayed to the respondent through the introductory cover letter as well as in the introduction script at the beginning of the interview. Respondents will be informed the interview is voluntary and the information collected will be used for internal research purposes only.
“Your voluntary participation is requested to help BLS understand business records and their use in designing a more effective long-term approach to collecting and publishing these new data types. The purpose of this call is for internal purposes only. Information related to this study is confidential and will not be released to the public in any way that would allow identification of individuals or establishments except as prescribed under the conditions of the Privacy Act Notice.”
There are no payments made to the respondents for this survey.
Attachment A. Feasibility/RAS interview scripts (Products; Services)
Attachment B. Feasibility/RAS interview introductory letter
Attachment A. Feasibility/RAS interview script: Services
Script for Environmental Sector Feasibility/RAS interview
Typographical conventions: italics for programmer notes, all caps for items not read or instructions to the interviewer.
Intro1. Hello. My name is ______________ from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. I'm calling in reference to a new data initiative being undertaken by BLS. May I please speak to (contact name)?
Intro2. (Reintroduce yourself if necessary) Our records indicate you are the contact person for your firm’s (Name of state quarterly wage and tax report) that you submit to (Name of state employment agency name) for unemployment insurance tax purposes. Are you the contact person for this report?
If not, who is the contact person?
Thank you for your time (hang up and contact the name given).
Continue with correct respondent
Intro3. It would be very helpful to us if we could talk to you about your various services. Would you be able to answer questions about revenues and employment for your service lines?
Yes → Go to Intro5.
No → Do you know who at your firm would be able to answer those questions for us?
Thank you for your time. (hang up and contact name given).
Intro4. We routinely ask businesses to help us collect the best data possible, so we are contacting a small sample of our respondents to discuss a new data initiative that we are very excited about. We recently mailed you a letter about this. Did you receive our letter?
No → Can I can fax or email you a copy of that letter now?
What is your fax number/email address?________________________
Intro5. I realize you are very busy, but would you have some time now to answer a few questions? The questions usually take about 30 minutes.
Yes, have time
No → When would be a good time to call you back?
Appointment Information:
APPT DAY: _________________
TIME OF DAY: _________________
Intro6. I called [Phone number]. Is this the best phone number to use to reach you?
No → Correct the information here: ____________________
Questionnaire Script
BLS has been asked to collect data that measures the environmental sector of the U.S. economy. Before we can do this though, we need to better understand how businesses track information regarding their various service lines. The questions I will ask you today will help us collect the most accurate and reliable data possible.
Before we begin, let me assure you that the purpose of this call is strictly for informational and statistical purposes to help us understand business records and their use in designing a new survey. Your participation is completely voluntary and you can decline to answer any question at any time. The information we collect is only for BLS internal use, and it will not be released to the public in any way that would allow identification of individuals or establishments.
NAICS index item mapping questions
Do you have the introductory letter available that we sent to you, so you can refer to it?
No (Provide examples from your list at Question 3)
Are you familiar with the concept of NAICS codes which is the North American Industry Classification System?
No (give brief explanation to respondent)
Please look at the list of major activities attached to the letter (it might be on the back side – if respondent doesn’t have letter read off activities to them). This list reflects the NAICS code that BLS has assigned to your business. Does this list provide an accurate description of your primary business activity?
Yes → Go to Question 4
3a. Can you tell me about your primary business activities?
Service line questions
We are interested in information about your service lines to help us better understand how this can help us collect data on the environmental sector. Can you describe your major service lines? (Collect up to 3 services)
service 1:______________________________
service 2:______________________________
service 3:______________________________
How many service lines does your firm have in total?__________________________
Questions about products
Now I would like to ask you some questions about your major services. We’ll begin with SERVICE 1, which is (fill).
Does (Service 1 2 3), or any of the specific activities that make up (Service 1 2 3), meet any environmental standards, such as EnergyStar?
Service 1:______________________________
Yes → Go to Question 7
No → Repeat for each product, if no to all three, go to revenue by product
Service 2:______________________________
Yes → Go to Question 7
No → Repeat for each product, if no to all three, go to revenue by product
Service 3:______________________________
Yes → Go to Question 7
No → Repeat for each product, if no to all three, go to revenue by product
What are those environmental standards that (Service 1 2 3) meets (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)?
Service 1:________________________________
Energystar→ Go to Question 8
USDA Certified Organic→ Go to Question 8
Green seal→ Go to Question 8
LEED certified→ Go to Question 8
8a. Are these national, state, or local-area specific standards?
Service 2:________________________________
Energystar→ Go to Question 8
USDA Certified Organic→ Go to Question 8
Green seal→ Go to Question 8
LEED certified→ Go to Question 8
8a. Are these national, state, or local-area specific standards?
Service 3:________________________________
Energystar→ Go to Question 8
USDA Certified Organic→ Go to Question 8
Green seal→ Go to Question 8
LEED certified→ Go to Question 8
8a. Are these national, state, or local-area specific standards?
Do all (Service 1 2 3) meet those standards or just certain activities? For example, if you remodel houses do some of the activities involve weatherization?
Service 1:_________________________
All → Go to Question 6 for service 2
Just certain activities → Go to Question 6 for service 2
Service 2:_________________________
All → Go to Question 6 for service 3
Just certain activities → Go to Question 6 for service 3
Service 3:_________________________
All → Go to revenue by service
Just certain activities → Go to revenue by service
Revenue by service
Do you track how much revenue a major service line produces?
Yes → Go to Question 10
No → Go to Question 13
Do you track how much revenue is generated by a particular activity of a major service?
Yes → Go to Question 11
No→ Go to Question 11
comment→ Go to Question 11
What was the revenue for (fill in Service 1) for your most recent fiscal year?______
What was your firm’s total revenue for that same fiscal year?
Go to Question 14
How do you track revenue?
Go to revenue compile
Time period
If you were asked to provide the share of your total revenue generated by a major service line for your fiscal year, would you be able to provide that information?
Yes → A. What is your fiscal year?
Start date:____________
End date:_____________
B. When would that revenue share information be available? _____________________
No → Why not? ______________________________________________
Would you be able to provide that revenue information for your prior fiscal year?
No → Why not?_________________________________________
If you were asked to provide the share of your total revenue generated by a major service line for the calendar year, would you be able to provide that information?
Yes → When would that information be available?_____________________
No → Why not?______________________________________________
Would you be able to provide that revenue information for the prior calendar year?
No → Why not?_____________________________________________
Do you track revenues for a major service line for other timeframes?
Yes → What are the timeframes?
No → Go to Question 19
If you were asked to provide the information on a survey form, how long do you think it would take you to compile the information about the share of revenues generated by your major service lines?
Couldn’t do it
Wouldn’t do it
Time estimate given: __________________
Multi-unit establishments
a. (If multi-unit) Is there a central office that tracks information about the revenue produced by each major service line for all the establishments that are part of your firm?
Yes → Go to Question 20b
No → Go to Employment
b. Would you be able to provide us with a contact person at that location who might be able to help us answer our questions?
Office location:_________________________________
BLS is considering using the amount of revenue generated by service lines to estimate employment at a firm. Do you think revenue is a reasonable proxy for employment associated with a particular service line?
Yes → Why? _____________________
No → Why not? _____________________
Don’t know
BLS does not intend to publish information about service lines or revenue. If BLS asked you to provide the share of your total revenues accounted for by a major service, would you share this information?
No → Would you be willing to tell us why not? _____________________
Skip to Percentage revenue
Revenue compile
a. If you don’t track the revenue associated with a service line, would you would be able to compile that information if asked?
Yes → Go to 23b
No → Go to 23C
comment_____________________→ Go to 23b
23b. On a scale of 1 to 5 (with 1 being the easiest and 5 being the most difficult), how difficult would it be to compile this information?
1 2 3 4 5
23c. Why not?
23d. Is there anyone else who would be able to compile that information?
IF YES: Name:________________________________________
Percentage revenue
a. Let’s switch from the amount of revenue associated with a service. If asked, could you or someone else in your firm, be able to tell us the percentage of your total revenue generated by each of your major services?
Yes, for all items
Yes, for some items
No → Is this information tracked? __________________
Don’t know
24b. Would that be you or someone else?
Person on the phone
Someone else → Ask for:
Phone number:_______________(thank respondent and hang up)
a. (if yes to question 24b) Would you be willing to provide this information?
No, definitely not → Can you tell us your objections?__________
Don’t think so, or depends → What does your decision depend on?___
25b. On a scale of 1 to 5 (with 1 being the easiest and 5 being the most difficult), how difficult would it be to provide this information?
1 2 3 4 5
Number of jobs by timeframe
Of the total employment at your location, would you be able to estimate the proportion of your employees (including administrative employees) who spent any time in the provision of each service line?
Yes → go to question 27
No → Go to Question 31A
If you were asked to estimate the proportion of your employees who spent any time in the provision of services for each service line for your fiscal year, would you be able to provide that information?
Yes → When would that information be available? ______________
No → Why not? ________________________
If you were asked to estimate the proportion of your employees who spent any time in the provision of each service line for the calendar year, would you be able to provide that information?
Yes → When would that information be available?_____________________
No → Why not?________________________________________________
Would you be able to provide this information for other timeframes?
Yes → What are the timeframes?_________________
How long do you think it would take you to compile information about the proportion of your employees who spent any time in the provision of each service line if asked?
Couldn’t do it
Wouldn’t do it
Time estimate given: __________________
Job compile
a. If you don’t track the proportion of employees who spent any time providing each of your services, would that information be something you would be able to compile if asked?
Yes → Ask question 31b
No → go to environmental information
31b. On a scale of 1 to 5 (with 1 being the easiest and 5 being the most difficult), how difficult would it be to compile this information?
1 2 3 4 5
Environmental information
Please describe any environmental sector business activity at your firm (the letter describes the environmental sector as having to do with renewable energy, energy efficiency, pollution reduction and abatement, and environmental services).
Do you have any environmental sector service lines not already discussed?
Yes → Go to Question 34
NO, aLREADY DISCUSSED THEM → Go to Question 38
No → go to closing
Please describe them.
Are there environmental standards, such as EnergyStar or USDA certified organic, for these services?
Yes → Go to Question 36
No → Go to Question 38
What are those standards?
If BLS were to ask for revenue shares for service lines that met one of those environmental standards, would you be able to provide that information? For example, what percent of revenue is represented by LEED certified building projects.
Don’t think so or don’t know
Do you have any suggestions as to how BLS can best capture environmental sector-related employment at your firm?
Those are all the questions I have for you. Thank you for your time, the information you have provided is very useful
Attachment A. Feasibility/RAS interview script: Products
Script for Environmental Sector Feasibility/RAS interview
Typographical conventions: italics for programmer notes, all caps for items not read or instructions to the interviewer.
Intro1. Hello. My name is ______________ from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. I'm calling in reference to a new data initiative being undertaken by BLS. May I please speak to (contact name)?
Intro2. (Reintroduce yourself if necessary) Our records indicate you are the contact person for your firm’s (Name of state quarterly wage and tax report) that you submit to (Name of state employment agency name) for unemployment insurance tax purposes. Are you the contact person for this report?
If not, who is the contact person?
Thank you for your time (hang up and contact the name given).
Continue with correct respondent
Intro3. It would be very helpful to us if we could talk to you about your various product lines. Would you be able to answer questions about revenues and employment for your product lines?
Yes → Go to Intro5.
No → Do you know who at your firm would be able to answer those questions for us?
Thank you for your time. (hang up and contact name given).
Intro4. We routinely ask businesses to help us collect the best data possible, so we are contacting a small sample of our respondents to discuss a new data initiative that we are very excited about. We recently mailed you a letter about this. Did you receive our letter?
No → Can I can fax or email you a copy of that letter now?
What is your fax number/email address?________________________
Intro5. I realize you are very busy, but would you have some time now to answer a few questions? The questions usually take about 30 minutes.
Yes, have time
No → When would be a good time to call you back?
Appointment Information:
APPT DAY: _________________
TIME OF DAY: _________________
Intro6. I called [Phone number]. Is this the best phone number to use to reach you?
No → Correct the information here: ____________________
Questionnaire Script
BLS has been asked to collect data that measures the environmental sector of the U.S. economy. Before we can do this though, we need to better understand how businesses track information regarding their various product lines. The questions I will ask you today will help us collect the most accurate and reliable data possible.
Before we begin, let me assure you that the purpose of this call is strictly for informational and statistical purposes to help us understand business records and their use in designing a new survey. Your participation is completely voluntary and you can decline to answer any question at any time. The information we collect is only for BLS internal use, and it will not be released to the public in any way that would allow identification of individuals or establishments.
NAICS index item mapping questions
Do you have the introductory letter available that we sent to you, so you can refer to it?
No (Provide examples from your list of index items for Question 3)
Are you familiar with the concept of NAICS codes which is the North American Industry Classification System?
No (give brief explanation to respondent)
Please look at the list of major products attached to the letter (it might be on the back side – if respondent doesn’t have letter read off product lines to them).
This list reflects the NAICS code that BLS has assigned to your business. Does this list provide an accurate description of your primary business activity?
Yes → Go to Question 4
3a. Can you tell me about your primary business activities?
Product line questions
We are interested in information about your product lines to help us better understand how this can help us collect data on the environmental sector. Can you describe your major product lines? By a major product, we mean something like dishwashers or refrigerators, not an individual line or model. (Collect up to 3 products)
Product 1:______________________________
Product 2:______________________________
Product 3:______________________________
How many product lines does your firm have in total? _______________
Questions about products
Now I would like to ask you some questions about your major products. We’ll begin with Product 1, which is (fill).
Does (Product 1 2 3), or any of the specific lines that make up (Product 1 2 3), meet any environmental standards, such as EnergyStar?
Product 1:______________________________
Yes → Go to Question 7
No → Repeat for each product, if no to all three, go to revenue by product
Product 2:______________________________
Yes → Go to Question 7
No → Repeat for each product, if no to all three, go to revenue by product
Product 3:______________________________
Yes → Go to Question 7
No → Repeat for each product, if no to all three, go to revenue by product
What are those environmental standards that (Product 1 2 3) meets (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)?
Product 1:________________________________
Energystar→ Go to Question 8
USDA Certified Organic→ Go to Question 8
Green seal→ Go to Question 8
8a. Are these national, state, or local area specific standards?
Product 2:________________________________
Energystar→ Go to Question 8
USDA Certified Organic→ Go to Question 8
Green seal→ Go to Question 8
8a. Are these national, state, or local area specific standards?
Product 3:________________________________
Energystar→ Go to Question 8
USDA Certified Organic→ Go to Question 8
Green seal→ Go to Question 8
8a. Are these national, state, or local area specific standards?
Do all (Product 1 2 3) meet those standards or just certain lines?
Product 1:_________________________
All → Go to Question 6 for product 2
Just certain lines → Go to Question 6 for product 2
Product 2:_________________________
All → Go to Question 6 for product 3
Just certain lines → Go to Question 6 for product 3
Product 3:_________________________
All → Go to revenue by product
Just certain lines → Go to revenue by product
Revenue by product
Do you track how much revenue a major product produces?
Yes → Go to Question 10
No → Go to Question 13
Do you track how much revenue is generated by a particular line of a major product?
Yes → Go to Question 11
No→ Go to Question 11
comment→ ________________ Go to Question 11
What was the revenue for (fill in Product 1) for your most recent fiscal year?______
What was your firm’s total revenue for that same fiscal year?
How do you track revenue?
GO TO revenue compile
Time period
If you were asked to provide the share of your total revenue generated by a major product for your fiscal year, would you be able to provide that information?
Yes → A. What is your fiscal year?
Start date:____________
End date:_____________
B. When would that revenue share information be available? _____________________
No → Why not? ________________________________________________
comment _____________________
Would you be able to provide that revenue information for your prior fiscal year?
No → Why not?____________________________________________
comment _____________________
If you were asked to provide the share of your total revenue generated by a major product for the calendar year, would you be able to provide that information?
Yes → When would that information be available?_____________________
No → Why not?____________________________________________
comment _____________________
Would you be able to provide that revenue information for the prior calendar year?
No → Why not?_____________________________________________
comment _____________________ → GO TO QUESTION 18
Do you track revenues for a major product for other timeframes?
Yes → What are the timeframes?
No → Go to Question 19
If you were asked to provide the information on a survey form, how long do you think it would take you to compile the information about the share of revenues generated by your major products?
Couldn’t do it
Wouldn’t do it
Time estimate given: __________________
Multi-unit establishments
a. (If multi-unit) Is there a central office that tracks information about the revenue produced by each major product for all the establishments that are part of your firm?
Yes → Go to Question 20b
No → Go to Employment
20b. Would you be able to provide us with a contact person at that location who might be able to help us answer our questions?
Office location:_________________________________
BLS is considering using the amount of revenue generated by product lines to estimate employment at a firm. Do you think revenue is a reasonable proxy for employment associated with a particular product line?
Yes → Why? _____________________
No → Why not? _____________________
Don’t know
BLS does not intend to publish information about product lines or revenue. If BLS asked you to provide the share of your total revenues accounted for by a major product, would you share this information?
No → Would you be willing to tell us why not? _____________________
Skip to Percentage revenue
Revenue compile
a. If you don’t track the revenue associated with a product line, would you would be able to compile that information if asked?
Yes → Go to 23b
No → Go to 23C
comment __________________ → Go to 23B
23b. On a scale of 1 to 5 (with 1 being the easiest and 5 being the most difficult), how difficult would it be to compile this information?
1 2 3 4 5
Skip to Percentage revenue
23c. Why not?
23d. Is there anyone else who would be able to compile that information?
IF YES: Name:________________________________________
Percentage revenue
a. Let’s switch from the amount of revenue associated with a product. If asked, could you or someone else in your firm, be able to tell us approximately what percentage of your total revenue was generated by each of your major products?
Yes, for all items
Yes, for some items
No → Is this information not tracked? __________________
Don’t know
24b. Would that be you or someone else?
Person on the phone
Someone else → Ask for:
Phone number:_______________(thank respondent and hang up)
a. (if yes to question 24b) Would you be willing to provide this information?
No, definitely not → Can you tell us your objections?__________
Don’t think so, or depends → What does your decision depend on?___
25b. On a scale of 1 to 5 (with 1 being the easiest and 5 being the most difficult), how difficult would it be to provide this information?
1 2 3 4 5
Number of jobs by timeframe
Of the total employment at your location, would you be able to estimate the proportion of your employees (including administrative employees) who spent any time in the production of each product line?
Yes → go to question 27
No → Go to Question 31a
If you were asked to estimate the proportion of your employees who spent any time in the production of each product line for your fiscal year, would you be able to provide that information?
Yes → When would that information be available? ______________
No → Why not? ________________________
If you were asked to estimate the proportion of your employees who spent any time in the production of each product line for the calendar year, would you be able to provide that information?
Yes → When would that information be available?_____________________
No → Why not?________________________________________________
Would you be able to provide this information for other timeframes?
Yes → What are the timeframes?_________________
How long do you think it would take you to compile information about the proportion of your employees who spent any time in the production of each product line if asked?
Couldn’t do it
Wouldn’t do it
Time estimate given: __________________
Job compile
a. If you don’t track the proportion of employees who spent any time in the production of a product line, would that information be something you would be able to compile if asked?
Yes → Ask question 31b
No → go to environmental information
31b. On a scale of 1 to 5 (with 1 being the easiest and 5 being the most difficult), how difficult would it be to compile this information?
1 2 3 4 5
Environmental information
Please describe any environmental sector business activity at your firm (the letter describes the environmental sector as having to do with renewable energy, energy efficiency, pollution reduction and abatement, and environmental services).
Do you have any environmental sector product lines not already discussed during this interview?
Yes → Go to Question 34
NO, Already discussed them earlier → go to question 38
No → go to closing
Please describe them.
Are there environmental standards, such as EnergyStar or USDA certified organic, for these products?
Yes → Go to Question 36
No → Go to Question 38
What are those standards?
If BLS were to ask for revenue shares for product lines that met one of those environmental standards, would you be able to provide that information? For example, what percent of revenue is represented by EnergyStar-rated dishwashers product lines.
Don’t think so or don’t know
Do you have any suggestions as to how BLS can best capture environmental sector-related employment at your firm?
Those are all the questions I have for you. Thank you for your time, the information you have provided is very useful
U.S. Department of Labor |
Bureau of Labor Statistics Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages Program 2 Massachusetts Avenue, NE, Room 4840 Washington, DC 20212
[first name] [last name]
[company name]
[city, state, zip]
Dear[salutation] [last name]:
As the chief source of government data on employment, BLS intends to produce data on business employment in the environmental sector, defined as those activities that involve renewable energy, energy efficiency, pollution prevention and abatement, and/or environmental regulation and education. This initiative will produce regular tabulations of aggregate employment and wages for businesses whose primary activities fall into the environmental sector. This series will be key to analyzing workforce trends in the environmental sector.
In order to collect data on environmental sector employment, BLS needs to better understand how firms maintain information on product and/or service lines related to the environmental sector. Therefore, a member of our research team will be calling to ask questions about the following topics:
Your firm’s product and/or service lines
Availability of revenue records by product and/or service line
Availability of employment information by product and/or service line
Where and with whom at the firm this information is available
In addition, we are providing you with a list of activities (attached to this letter) that is primarily associated with your currently assigned BLS industry. We will be asking how your product or service lines match to the items on this list. If none of the activities listed correspond to your primary activities, please let us know during the interview.
Your voluntary participation is requested to help BLS understand business records and their use in designing a more effective long-term approach to collecting and publishing these new data types. The purpose of this call is for internal purposes only. The BLS, its employees, agents, and partner statistical agencies, will use the information you provide for statistical purposes only and will hold the information in confidence to the full extent permitted by law. In accordance with the Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act of 2002 (Title 5 of Public Law 107-347) and other applicable Federal laws, your responses will not be disclosed in identifiable form without your informed consent. The Privacy Act notice on the back of this form describes the conditions under which information related to this study will be used by BLS employees and agents.
It is our goal to keep the length of this interview to a minimum. A member of our research team will contact you to arrange a convenient time and day to answer questions about your data over the telephone. This one-time voluntary interview should only take 30 minutes of your time. The OMB control number is 1220-0141, and expires February 29, 2012.
Please contact Kristin Fairman at (202) 691-6493 with any questions. Again, thank you in advance for your assistance.
Sincerely yours,
Patricia M. Getz,
Assistant Commissioner
Office of Industry Employment Statistics, Office of Employment and Unemployment Statistics
In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended (5 U.S.C. 552a), you are hereby notified that this study is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), under authority of 29 U.S.C. 2. Your voluntary participation is important to the success of this study and will enable the BLS to better understand the behavioral and psychological processes of individuals, as they reflect on the accuracy of BLS information collections. The BLS, its employees, agents, and partner statistical agencies, will use the information you provide for statistical purposes only and will hold the information in confidence to the full extent permitted by law. In accordance with the Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act of 2002 (Title 5 of Public Law 107-347) and other applicable Federal laws, your responses will not be disclosed in identifiable form without your informed consent.
U.S. Department of Labor |
Bureau of Labor Statistics Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages Program 2 Massachusetts Avenue, NE, Room 4840 Washington, DC 20212
Your currently assigned BLS industry: NAICS 325311 |
Description of 325311: |
Activities included in 325311: |
This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in one or more of the following: (1) manufacturing nitrogenous fertilizer materials and mixing ingredients into fertilizers; (2) manufacturing fertilizers from sewage or animal waste; and (3) manufacturing nitrogenous materials and mixing them into fertilizers. |
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | September 28, 2007 |
Author | BLS User |
Last Modified By | KINCAID_N |
File Modified | 2009-12-16 |
File Created | 2009-12-14 |