NPCR Program Evaluation
Results Web Display
National Program of Cancer Registries (NPCR) Program Evaluation Results 2006 |
Staffing |
1. FTE staff positions funded at CCR |
National |
Filled |
Vacant |
NPCR-funded FTE positions |
88.93% (381.10) |
11.07% (47.45) |
State-funded FTE positions |
91.69% (316.75) |
8.31% (28.70) |
FTE positions funded by other sources |
96.16% (142.65) |
3.84% (5.70) |
2. Percentage of FTEs with the following qualifications: |
National |
FTE Certified Tumor Registrars (CTR) |
42.02% (387.95) |
FTE Epidemiologists (Ph.D., Dr.P.H., or Sc.D.) |
4.36% (40.25) |
FTE Epidemiologists (M.P.H.) |
5.84% (53.90) |
FTE Medical Doctors (M.D.) |
1.79% (16.51) |
FTE Statisticians (masters or doctoral level) |
4.40% (40.60) |
Other (B.A., B.S., no degree) |
41.59% (383.95) |
Legislation |
3a. With the passing of Public Law 107-260 (the Benign Brain Tumor Cancer Registry Amendment Act), NPCR-funded registries are required to collect data on benign brain tumors beginning in diagnosis year 2004. Do regulations or legislation in your State or territory authorize you to collect data on benign brain tumors? |
National |
91.49% (43) |
3b. If No, what are your plans, including timeframes, to modify your State or territory's legislation or regulations to allow you to collect benign brain tumor data? |
National |
Modification of legislation or regulations in process |
75% |
Plan to be addressed after key position is filled |
25% |
4. Does your State or Territory have legislation or regulations prohibiting you from reporting county level data? |
National |
10.64% (5) |
Data Quality And Completeness |
5. Does your CCR have at least one staff member responsible for QC? |
National |
97.87% (46) |
6. Does your CCR have at least one CTR who performs abstract review? |
National |
95.74% (45) |
7. Does your CCR analyze information from edit procedures on a regular basis to identify trouble spots? |
National |
100.00% (47) |
8. Has your CCR included reportable hematopoietic diseases in any case finding and quality control skills? |
National |
80.85% (38) |
9. Does your CCR perform any of the following methods of acceptance sampling? |
National |
Automated edit checks |
91.49% (43) |
Duplicate data entry |
34.04% (16) |
Duplicate coding |
36.17% (17) |
Duplicate abstracting |
34.04% (16) |
None |
6.38% (3) |
Total Respondents: 47 |
10. When abstracts are corrected or changed at your CCR, is information about the changes returned to the abstractor for review? |
National |
63.83% (30) |
11. Does your CCR match all cancer causes of death against your registry data? |
National |
97.87% (46) |
12a. Do you update your CCR database following death clearance matching? |
National |
97.87% (46) |
12b. If “yes”, by which method do you perform this update? |
National |
Manual |
19.15% (9) |
Electronic |
78.72% (37) |
Total Respondents: 47 |
13. Does your CCR perform follow back to or on the following sources of death clearance? |
National |
Hospitals |
97.87% (46) |
Physician(s) / Medical Examiner |
93.62% (44) |
Nursing Homes |
76.60% (36) |
Hospices |
59.57% (28) |
Coroner |
46.81% (22) |
Resident, died out of state |
31.91% (15) |
Non-resident, died in state |
8.51% (4) |
Next of kin |
2.13% (1) |
None |
Total Respondents: 47 |
14. Does your CCR receive cases from: |
National |
All bordering States |
91.49% (43) |
Some bordering States |
6.38% (3) |
Out-of-State facilities |
46.81% (22) |
Total Respondents: 47 |
Computer Infrastructure |
15. Listed below are commonly used software systems for central cancer registries. What is the primary software system used to process and manage cancer data in your CCR? |
National |
RMCDS (Rocky Mountain Cancer Data System) |
42.55% (20) |
ELM (Premier) (IMPAC Medical Systems, Inc.) |
CansurFacs (IMPAC Medical Systems, Inc.) |
IMPAC (IMPAC Medical Systems, Inc.) |
4.26% (2) |
MRS (Medical Registry Services, Inc.) |
4.26% (2) |
OncoLog (Onco, Inc.) |
ERS (Electronic Registry Systems, Inc.) |
Registry Plus Products |
14.89% (7) |
In-house software (developed specifically for your State) |
23.40% (11) |
Other |
10.64% (5) |
None |
Total Respondents: 47 |
15a. Please indicate which Registry Plus Products software are used primarily to process and manage cancer data in your CCR? |
National |
Abstract Plus |
77.78% (7) |
Prep Plus |
77.78% (7) |
CRS Plus |
66.67% (6) |
TLC Plus |
66.67% (6) |
Link Plus |
66.67% (6) |
NAACCR Record Conversion Utility |
66.67% (6) |
Registry Plus Online Help |
77.78% (7) |
Total Respondents: 47 |
16. Listed below are commonly used registry software systems. What software systems are used by most of your reporting sources as the primary software for managing cancer data? |
National |
RMCDS (Rocky Mountain Cancer Data System) |
51.06% (24) |
Abstract Plus |
27.66% (13) |
Registry Plus Online Help |
12.77% (6) |
Precis Central (IMPAC Medical Systems, Inc.) |
19.15% (9) |
IMPAC (IMPAC Medical Systems, Inc.) |
82.98% (39) |
SHACRS (Scotts Hill Associates Cancer Registry Systems) |
4.26% (2) |
ERS (Electronic Registry Systems, Inc.) |
53.19% (25) |
MRS (Medical Registry Services, Inc.) |
61.70% (29) |
In-house software (developed specifically for your State) |
21.28% (10) |
Other |
48.94% (23) |
Total Respondents: 47 |
17. Is your CCR able to receive encrypted cancer abstract data from reporting sources via the Internet? |
National |
Yes |
65.96% (31) |
Currently being developed and/or implemented |
23.40% (11) |
No, not able to receive encrypted data via Internet from reporting sources |
10.64% (5) |
Total Respondents: 47 |
18. Which edit programs are used by your CCR to check cases? |
National |
CDC EDITS (batch) |
93.62% (44) |
CDC EDITS (interactive) |
61.70% (29) |
Other in-house |
51.06% (24) |
Other vendor |
59.57% (28) |
None |
Total Respondents: 47 |
19. On which edit sets are your edits based? |
Percentages do not equal 100 |
National |
NPCR - Required |
100.00% (47) |
NPCR - Supplemental |
78.72% (37) |
State Example with NPCR RX |
10.64% (5) |
CoC (any CoC sets) |
42.55% (20) |
NAACCR call-for-data |
95.74% (45) |
Extent of disease |
14.89% (7) |
Verify ICD-0-2 to 3 conversion |
42.55% (20) |
Recodes |
8.51% (4) |
40.43% (19) |
17.02% (8) |
Staging |
21.28% (10) |
In-house |
29.79% (14) |
Other |
23.40% (11) |
Total Respondents: 47 |
20. How are edits applied at your CCR? |
National |
Source records |
4.26% (2) |
Consolidated records |
4.26% (2) |
Both source and consolidated records |
91.49% (43) |
Total Respondents: 47 |
21a. Do you perform record consolidation on your data? |
National |
97.87% (46) |
21b. If "yes", do you perform record consolidation on the following: |
National |
Electronic |
Manual |
Both |
Patient |
12.77% (6) |
10.64% (5) |
74.47% (35) |
Treatment |
8.51% (4) |
27.66% (13) |
57.45% (27) |
Follow-up |
14.89% (7) |
6.38% (3) |
61.70% (29) |
22a. Do you provide a registry-specific edit set to your reporting facilities and/or vendors for use prior to data submissions to your CCR? |
National |
46.81% (22) |
22b If yes, do you require facilities to run registry-specific edits prior to their data submission to your CCR? |
National |
29.79% (14) |
Reporting Completeness |
23. Types of facilities and healthcare providers reporting: |
National |
No. required |
Total |
Reporting |
Reporting |
to report |
reporting |
electronically |
by paper |
Non-Federal Hospital Cancer Registries |
1582 |
98.74% |
99.87% |
0.13% |
Non-federal Hospitals with no cancer registry |
2769 |
97.87% |
76.05% |
23.95% |
CoC Approved Hospital Registries |
1327 |
100.00% |
99.70% |
0.30% |
In-State Reference Pathology Laboratories |
1973 |
53.47% |
49.00% |
51.00% |
Out-of-State Reference Pathology Laboratories |
406 |
70.44% |
62.59% |
37.41% |
Radiation Therapy Centers |
798 |
66.79% |
78.05% |
21.95% |
Dermatologists |
4855 |
50.26% |
35.37% |
64.63% |
Urologists |
4910 |
34.28% |
33.04% |
66.96% |
Oncologists |
3642 |
48.90% |
39.02% |
60.98% |
Hematologists |
1974 |
54.00% |
33.21% |
66.79% |
Other Physicians |
252484 |
6.86% |
5.57% |
94.43% |
VA Hospitals |
132 |
88.64% |
94.02% |
5.98% |
Military Hospitals |
80 |
96.25% |
96.10% |
3.90% |
Indian Health Services (IHS) Hospitals |
25 |
76.00% |
73.68% |
26.32% |
IHS Health Centers |
33 |
9.09% |
0.00% |
100.00% |
Tribally Owned Hospitals |
12 |
66.67% |
62.50% |
37.50% |
Tribally Owned Health Centers |
63 |
30.16% |
0.00% |
100.00% |
Surgery Centers |
2134 |
47.70% |
63.65% |
36.35% |
Other |
832 |
84.13% |
16.86% |
83.14% |
24. Of the anatomical pathology lab reports your CCR receives, what percentage of these reports is in the CAP cancer protocol checklist format? |
National |
100% |
2.13% (1) |
75% - 99% |
6.38% (3) |
50% - 74% |
8.51% (4) |
10% - 50% |
21.28% (10) |
None |
61.70% (29) |
Total Respondents: 47 |
25. Do you require non-analytic (classes 3 and 4) cases be reported to your CCR? |
National |
82.98% (39) |
26. Do you require historical cases to be reported to your CCR? |
National |
27.66% (13) |
Use of Registry Data |
27. Is an analytic data set that meets NPCR standards for data completeness and quality available for research within 24 months after the completion of the diagnosis year? |
National |
93.62% (44) |
28a. Will an electronic data file or report be produced this year of cancer incidence in your central registry? |
National |
Yes, using 12-month-old data |
19.15% (9) |
Yes, using 24-month data |
93.62% (44) |
No Annual Report will be produced this year (Skip to Q28) |
Total Respondents: 47 |
28b. If "Yes", in which format(s) is the most recent "report" available? |
National |
Hardcopy |
53.19% (25) |
Electronic word-processed or pdf file |
85.11% (40) |
Web page or query system |
63.83% (30) |
Other |
4.26% (2) |
Total Respondents: 47 |
28c. Also, to which population were most recent incidence rates standardized? |
National |
2000 U.S. standard population |
97.87% (46) |
Other |
4.26% (2) |
Total Respondents: 47 |
29a. Registry data used for planning and evaluation of cancer control objectives in at least three ways in the past on year: |
National |
95.74% (45) |
29b. If “yes”, methods selected: |
National |
Additional detailed incidence/mortality estimates |
78.72% (37) |
Linkage with a statewide cancer screening program to improve follow-up of screened patients |
70.21% (33) |
Health event investigations |
82.98% (39) |
Needs assessment/program planning |
82.98% (39) |
Program evaluation |
70.21% (33) |
Epidemiologic studies |
87.23% (41) |
Total Respondents: 47 |
30a. CCR’s maintaining a log of data requests made for the use of registry data |
National |
100.00% (47) |
30b. If “yes”, how many requests per year? |
National |
Less than 10 per year |
4.26% (2) |
11 - 49 per year |
31.91% 15) |
50 - 99 per year |
36.17% 17) |
100 - 199 per year |
12.77% (6) |
200 - 299 per year |
8.51% (4) |
299 or greater per year |
6.38% (3) |
Total Respondents: 47 |
Self Assessment |
31. Reasons for any difficulties your CCR experiences in meeting NPCR program objectives for data completeness, quality, and timeliness. |
National |
Important/ |
Relevant |
Not Relevant/ |
Critical |
Important |
Not enough staff |
14.89% (7) |
27.66% (13) |
44.68% (21) |
Not enough staff with the necessary qualifications |
23.40% (11) |
25.53% (12) |
34.04% (16) |
Software inadequate |
44.68% (21) |
34.04% (16) |
4.26% (2) |
Hardware inadequate |
65.96% (31) |
17.02% (8) |
0.00% (0) |
State data exchange not happening |
44.68% (21) |
25.53% (12) |
12.77% (6) |
Reporting facilities lack adequate staff |
4.26% (2) |
21.28% (10) |
59.57% (28) |
Other |
2.13% (1) |
10.64% (5) |
19.15% (9) |
None of the above, our CCR does not have difficulty meeting this objective |
8.51% (4) |
0.00% (0) |
2.13% (1) |
32. Which of the following reasons are responsible for any difficulties your CCR experiences in meeting NPCR program objectives for data use. |
National |
Important/ |
Relevant |
Not Relevant/ |
Critical |
Important |
Not enough staff |
10.64% (5) |
19.15% (9) |
31.91% (15) |
Not enough staff with the necessary qualifications |
17.02% (8) |
12.77% (6) |
31.91% (15) |
Software inadequate |
44.68% (21) |
6.38% (3) |
4.26% (2) |
Hardware inadequate |
51.06% (24) |
4.26% (2) |
0.00% (0) |
Other |
0.00% (0) |
6.38% (3) |
14.89% (7) |
None of the above, our CCR does not have difficulty meeting this objective. |
23.40% (11) |
4.26% (2) |
8.51% (4) |
Outcome Measures - Data Items/Format |
33. Does your central registry collect or derive information on cancer cases that includes all data elements currently required by the NPCR? |
National |
100.00% (47) |
34. Were the following NPCR recommended data items collected for 2003 cases? Refer to NAACCR standards, Vol II, for description of 2003 data items. |
National |
RX Summ - Surg Primary Site |
97.87% (46) |
RX Summ - Scope Reg LN Sur |
97.87% (46) |
RX Summ - Surg Oth Reg/Dis |
95.74% (45) |
Reason for No Surgery |
85.11% (40) |
RX-Summ-Surg/Rad Seq |
78.72% (37) |
RX Summ-Chemo |
89.36% (42) |
RX Summ-Horm |
87.23% (41) |
RX Summ-BRM |
87.23% (41) |
RX Summ-Other |
87.23% (41) |
Rad-Regional RX Modality |
82.98% (39) |
RX Summ-Transplnt/Endocr |
80.85% (38) |
Primary Payer at DX |
65.96% (31) |
Total Respondents: 47 |
35. Does your CCR collect treatment data from: |
National |
Non-CoC approved facilities |
97.87% (46) |
Freestanding treatment facilities |
87.23% (41) |
Ambulatory surgery centers |
78.72% (37) |
Physicians offices |
85.11% (40) |
None of the above |
due to lack of resources |
due to lack of training |
Total Respondents: 47 |
36. Does your CCR currently have the ability to collect data on: |
National |
Advanced directives |
4.26% (2) |
Quality of survival (#1780) |
14.89% (7) |
Pain (or other symptom) management |
4.26% (2) |
Total Respondents: 47 |
37. Does your CCR collect data on family history of cancer, NAACCR data item # 360? |
National |
42.55% (20) |
38a. Does your CCR have the ability to collect site-specific data on chemotherapy agents used? |
National |
44.68% (21) |
38b. If "YES", how are you able to collect these data? |
National |
Text |
66.67% (14) |
Database Field |
14.28% (3) |
Other |
19.05% (4) |
39. Does your CCR submit census tract data to NPCR as required? |
National |
70.21% (33) |
40. If you cannot submit census tract data to NPCR because of existing legislation in your State, are steps being taken to change this legislation? |
National |
41 a. Receives data from DOD’s ACTUR data set |
National |
70.21% (33) |
41 b. If yes, frequency |
National |
Every quarter |
7.69% (3) |
Every 6 months |
33.33% (13) |
Once/year |
35.90% (14) |
Other |
7.69% (3) |
Total Respondents: 47 |
41 c. If yes, have these data proven to be helpful in finding new incident cases? |
National |
76.92% (30) |
41 d. If not, why not? |
National |
Data are incomplete |
5.71% (2) |
Data are not in the proper format for us to consolidate with existing records |
We don't have time to deal with it |
Other |
5.71% (2) |
Total Respondents: 47 |
42. Number of VA facilities being sent staff for data collection/abstracting |
National |
6 |
43. Number of VA facilities where data collected by combo of VA staff and CRR staff |
National |
25 |
44. How many VA facilities currently report to the central registry indirectly from the VA central cancer registry? |
National |
15 |
45. If there are VA facilities not reporting, please explain why? |
National |
No VA registry |
2.13% |
VA data rejected due to poor quality |
2.13% |
VA registry backlog |
2.13% |
No VA registry staff |
4.26% |
VA resources and priority |
2.13% |
VA HIPAA concerns |
6.38% |
Lack of VA cooperation |
8.51% |
46. Based on historical data, how many cases per diagnosis year do you estimate are missed (i.e., not ever received) by your CCR because of non-reporting by VA facilities? |
National |
10211 |
Advanced Activities |
54 a. Does your central registry conduct at least one of the following advanced activities: |
National |
91.49% (43) |
54 b. If Yes, which activities? |
National |
Receipt of encrypted case reports |
50.98% (26) |
Automated casefinding via interfacing with pathology reports, disease indices, or other data sources in addition to vital records |
37.25% (19) |
Survival analysis |
23.53% (12) |
Linkage with the National Death Index for survival analysis |
19.61% (10) |
Quality of care studies |
35.29% (18) |
Clinical Studies |
13.73% (7) |
Publication of research studies using registry data |
58.82% (30) |
Geocoding to latitude and longitude |
66.67% (34) |
Other innovative uses of registry data as determined by CDC |
19.61% (10) |
Total Respondents: 47 |
55. Do you receive electronic records from any of the following? |
National |
Anatomical pathology labs |
70.21% (33) |
Hospital radiology departments |
4.26% (2) |
Physician offices |
23.40% (11) |
State-wide disease index |
8.51% (4) |
Freestanding radiology centers |
29.79% (14) |
Hospital disease indices |
31.91% (15) |
Nuclear medicine facilities |
2.13% (1) |
Other |
12.77% (6) |
None |
17.02% (8) |
Total Respondents: 47 |
56. If you receive electronic pathology laboratory reports, in which format do you receive them? |
National |
NAACCR format for pathology reporting (NAACCR Vol. II, Version 10, Chapter VI) |
29.79% (14) |
HL7, Version 2.X |
14.89% (7) |
HL7, Version 3.0 |
10.64% (5) |
Other |
40.43% (19) |
None |
31.91% (15) |
Total Respondents: 47 |
57. For which of the following needs of cancer surveillance have you been in contact with your Health Department's PHIN / NEDSS staff regarding? |
National |
Anatomical pathology laboratory reporting |
57.45% (27) |
Physician disease reporting |
23.40% (11) |
Other healthcare data reporting |
6.38% (3) |
None of the above |
38.30% (18) |
Total Respondents: 47 |
58. Does your CCR geocode cancer cases by latitude/longitude to enable mapping or reporting of cancer cases? |
National |
76.60% (36) |
59. How often does your CCR link to the National Death Index (NDI)? |
National |
Every year |
10.64% (5) |
Every other year |
Every 3 - 5 years |
6.38% (3) |
Never |
70.21% (33) |
Other |
12.77% (6) |
Total Respondents: 47 |
60. For which of the following has your NDI linkage proven to be useful? |
National |
Casefinding |
11.76% (2) |
Survivorship |
58.82% (10) |
Data quality |
23.53% (4) |
Research |
41.18% (7) |
Other |
17.65% (3) |
Total Respondents: 47 |
61. Do you update your database following NDI linkage? |
National |
58.82% (10) |
62. With which databases has your CCR linked its records in the past year (2005) for follow-up or some other purpose? |
National |
State Vital Statistics |
95.74% (45) |
National Death Index |
19.15% (9) |
Department of Motor Vehicles |
17.02% (8) |
Department of Voter Registration |
8.51% (4) |
Medicare (Health Care Financing Administration) |
12.77% (6) |
Medicaid |
10.64% (5) |
Managed Care Organizations |
6.38% (3) |
Breast and Cervical Cancer |
48.94% (23) |
Blue Cross/Blue Shield |
2.13% (1) |
Hospital Discharge |
25.53% (12) |
Other |
55.32% (26) |
None |
4.26% (2) |
Total Respondents: 47 |
63. Has your registry downloaded any of the SNOMED International tools (the SNOMED CT CLUE Browser, the SNOMED CT Technical Reference Guide, the ICD-O topography to SNOMED CT Map, the SNOMED CT User's Guide, and the full set of the 42 SNOMED CT encoded CAP cancer protocols and checklists) |
63a Does your registry use any of these tools? |
National |
17.02% (8) |
63b If no, do you have plans to use them in the next year? |
National |
28.21% (11) |
63c Do you need additional information or training on these tools? |
National |
65.96% (31) |
64 Has your CCR planned or developed a cancer data collection system that will be integrated into a Public Health Information Network (PHIN) compatible health surveillance system? |
National |
25.53% (12) |
65. Has registry data been used in the past year (can be ongoing) for the purpose of comprehensive cancer control planning, breast and cervical cancer programs, or any other cancer program implementation? |
National |
Comprehensive Cancer Control (Planning or Implementation) |
95.74% (45) |
Breast and Cervical Cancer Program (Planning or Implementation) |
87.23% (41) |
Other Cancer Program (Planning or Implementation) |
51.06% (24) |
Total Respondents: 47 |
66. Have any of the above uses of data (Q65) been included in a journal publication? |
National |
21.28% (10) |
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | ATTACHMENT 4 |
Author | dfo8 |
Last Modified By | dfo8 |
File Modified | 2008-06-05 |
File Created | 2008-06-05 |