From: Heil, Valerie, CIV, DSS
Sent: Thursday,
April 17, 2008 5:33 PM
To: 'vincent.jarvie@L-3com.com';
'Daniel_E_Schlehr@raytheon.com'; 'Hudson, Doug';
'engel_richard@bah.com'; 'Weymouth, Joyce'; 'Tomaselli, Patricia';
'rmusser@generaldynamics.com'; 'Kirton, Sam'; 'Sheri Escobar
(sheri.escobar@sncorp.com)'; 'Conway, Scott';
'thomas.j.langer@baesystems.com'; 'dkonicki@ebmail.gdeb.com'; 'John
G. Kemp (john.g.kemp@lmco.com)'; 'Ed P. Halibozek'; 'Valora A. Van
Horn (valora.vanhorn@ngc.com)'; 'Dave.Davis@ngc.com';
'Frederick.Riccardi@mantech.com'; 'kent.hamilton@ngc.com';
'timothy.mcquiggan@boeing.com'; 'ps.wheeler@lmco.com'
Warner, Wendell, SES, DSS; Griggs, Mary, SES, DSS; Reuschel, Lynn,
CIV, DSS; Berry, Clyde, CIV, DSS; Cole, David, CIV, DSS; Dunn,
Patrick, CIV, DSS; Bishop, Nelson, CIV, DSS; Wheeler, Edward, CIV,
DSS; Martin, Angela, CIV, DSS; Rice, Otelia, CIV, DSS; Payton,
Arthur, CTR, DSS; Smith, Larry, CIV, DSS; Mazza, Richard, CIV, DSS;
Harrington, Sherry, CIV, DSS; Faulkner, John, CIV, DSS; Heimrich,
Virginia, CIV, DSS; O'Heron, James, CIV, DSS; Deloney, Ryan, CIV,
DSS; Dietrich, Roger, CIV, DSS; Hawkins, Helmut, CIV, DSS; Harper,
Preston, CIV, DSS; McGovern, Cindy, CIV, DSS; Fraude, Jay, CIV, DSS;
Sterling, Barry, SES, DSS; Jones, Kevin, CIV, DSS; Martini, Michael,
CIV, DSS; Baker, Kevin, CIV, DSS; Skudlarek, John, SES, DSS; Simmons,
Gregory, CIV, DSS; Needham, Jamie, CIV, DSS; Rutherford, Susan, CIV,
DSS; Smeraldi, Joseph, CIV, DSS; Kispert, Alice, CIV, DSS; Binns,
Tamara, CTR, DSS; Davis, Daisy, CIV, DSS; Doyle-Terfry, Gail, CTR,
DSS; Yeow, Kim, CTR, DSS; Johnston, Linda, CIV, DSS; Roche, Matthew,
CIV, DSS; Denison, Vera, CIV, DSS; Lindquist, Steven, CTR, DSS;
Watts, Patricia, CTR, DSS; Pietrowski, Michael, CTR, DSS; Cereghino,
Barbara, CIV, DSS; Montoro, Asuncion, CIV, DSS; Geisinger, Larry,
CIV, DSS; James, Sheila T., CIV, DSS; Stanley, Mark, CIV, DSS;
Donnelly, Michael, CIV, DSS; Alber, Elizabeth, CIV, DSS; Winneberger,
Drew, CIV, DSS; Kindle, Tracy, CIV, DSS; Beckett, Corey, CIV, DSS;
Hollingsworth, Clarence, CIV, DSS; de la Garza, Nancy, CIV, DSS;
Boccuzzi, Michael, CIV, DSS; Whatley, Carole, CIV, DSS; Farley,
Michael, CIV, DSS; Flores, Rolando, CTR, DSS; Smith, Teane, CIV, DSS;
Lawhorn, Richard, CIV, DSS; Branch, Kathleen, CIV, DSS; Buccigrosso,
Alfred, CIV, DSS; Forrest, Christopher, CIV, DSS; Sanchez, Alfredo,
CIV, DSS; Whitecotton, John, CIV, DSS
Subject: Update2 to
Industry Associations-NISPPAC PSI Survey FIRST Reminder
At approximately 1730 eastern time on Thursday, April 17, 2008,
DSSPSISurvey2009@dss.mil will begin sending the FIRST REMINDER of the PSI Survey to the FSOs or their designees.
We have had a strong initial response since we sent the Survey invitation on April 14th. A number of Facility Security Officers (FSOs) told DSS that they are now in the process of reviewing and coordinating their PSI projections before they open the Survey link in the invitation by May 3rd. However, others have indicated to DSSPSISurvey2009@dss.mil that they did not receive the initial email and do not have it in their junk email or quarantined file; but our records indicate that we did send them the initial invitation.
The first reminder email will be sent automatically to all who have not yet opened the survey link in the invitation or have opened the link and saved their survey in process; but have not yet clicked on the final page to submit their Survey results. The Survey data collection will be from April 14 to May 3, 2008. Responses are only submitted through the on-line survey.
Thanks for your support of this important initiative.
And, as we noted in the UPDATE1
If an FSO did not receive the Survey and believes that he/she should have, there are several questions that DSS asks the FSO to consider before sending any email to DSSPSISurvey2009@dss.mil or calling the DoD Call Center at 1-888-282-7682:
1. Has your facility clearance been in place prior to March 2008? If not, then you will not receive the Survey this year.
2. Did your home office or cleared parent firm decide to submit a Consolidated survey submission covering more than one active, cleared facility (CAGE Code)? If yes, DSS only sent the Survey to the consolidated sender if we were notified of the decision during our recent email validation request. A number of the largest cleared corporations did provide advanced notice to DSS that they would submit consolidated submissions.
3. Did the FSO email address change in the last month and the change was not provided to the IS Rep?
4. Has the FSO (or designee) checked his/her “junk mail” or “quarantined” email folder to see if the DSSPSISurvey2009@dss.mil email was automatically shifted to one of those folders?
5. Does your firm have anti-spam software that may have blocked an email from DSSPSISurvey2009@dss.mil? When DSS receives a reply to register through anti-spam software, we are doing so.
Valerie Heil
Industrial Security Liaison
Personnel Security Clearance Office
Defense Security Service
-----Original Message-----
From: Heil, Valerie, CIV, DSS
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2008 5:54 PM
To: 'Daniel_E_Schlehr@raytheon.com'; Hudson, Doug; 'engel_richard@bah.com'; Weymouth, Joyce; Tomaselli, Patricia; 'rmusser@generaldynamics.com'; Kirton, Sam; Sheri Escobar (sheri.escobar@sncorp.com); 'vincent.jarvie@L-3com.com'; Conway, Scott; thomas.j.langer@baesystems.com; 'dkonicki@ebmail.gdeb.com'; John G. Kemp (john.g.kemp@lmco.com); Ed P. Halibozek; Valora A. Van Horn (valora.vanhorn@ngc.com); 'Dave.Davis@ngc.com'; 'Frederick.Riccardi@mantech.com'; 'kent.hamilton@ngc.com'; 'timothy.mcquiggan@boeing.com'; 'ps.wheeler@lmco.com'
Cc: Warner, Wendell, CIV, DSS; Griggs, Mary, SES, DSS; Reuschel, Lynn, CIV, DSS; Berry, Clyde, CIV, DSS; Cole, David, CIV, DSS; Dunn, Patrick, CIV, DSS; Bishop, Nelson, CIV, DSS; Wheeler, Edward, CIV, DSS; Martin, Angela, CIV, DSS; Rice, Otelia, CIV, DSS; Payton, Arthur, CTR, DSS; Smith, Larry, CIV, DSS; Mazza, Richard, CIV, DSS; Harrington, Sherry, CIV, DSS; Faulkner, John, CIV, DSS; Heimrich, Virginia, CIV, DSS; O'Heron, James, CIV, DSS; Deloney, Ryan, CTR, DSS; Dietrich, Roger, CIV, DSS; Hawkins, Helmut, CIV, DSS; Harper, Preston, CIV, DSS; McGovern, Cindy, CIV, DSS; Fraude, Jay, CIV, DSS; Sterling, Barry, SES, DSS; Jones, Kevin, CIV, DSS; Martini, Michael, CIV, DSS; Baker, Kevin, CIV, DSS; Skudlarek, John, CIV, DSS; Simmons, Gregory, CIV, DSS; Needham, Jamie, CIV, DSS; Rutherford, Susan, CIV, DSS; Smeraldi, Joseph, CIV, DSS; Kispert, Alice, CIV, DSS; Binns, Tamara, CTR, DSS; Davis, Daisy, CIV, DSS; Doyle-Terfry, Gail, CTR, DSS; Yeow, Kim, CTR, DSS; Johnston, Linda, CIV, DSS; Roche, Matthew, CIV, DSS; Denison, Vera, CIV, DSS; Lindquist, Steven, CTR, DSS; Watts, Patricia, CTR, DSS; Pietrowski, Michael, CTR, DSS; Cereghino, Barbara, CIV, DSS; Montoro, Asuncion, CIV, DSS; Geisinger, Larry, CIV, DSS; James, Sheila T., CIV, DSS; Stanley, Mark, CIV, DSS; Donnelly, Michael, CIV, DSS; Alber, Elizabeth, CIV, DSS; Winneberger, Drew, CIV, DSS; Kindle, Tracy, CIV, DSS; Beckett, Corey, CIV, DSS; Hollingsworth, Clarence, CIV, DSS; de la Garza, Nancy, CIV, DSS; Boccuzzi, Michael, CIV, DSS; Whatley, Carole, CIV, DSS; Farley, Michael, CIV, DSS; Flores, Rolando, CTR, DSS; Smith, Teane, CIV, DSS; Lawhorn, Richard, CIV, DSS; Branch, Kathleen, CIV, DSS; Buccigrosso, Alfred, CIV, DSS; Forrest, Christopher, CIV, DSS; Sanchez, Alfredo, CIV, DSS; Whitecotton, John, CIV, DSS
Subject: Update1 to Industry Associations - PSI Survey from DSS 14 APR - 3 May 08
The Defense Security Service (DSS) sent out the email invitations for the annual online survey of U.S. cleared defense industry for projected personnel security investigation (PSI) requirements after 1400 Eastern Time on Monday, April 14, 2008.
The survey will be open from April 14 to May 3, 2008. Responses will only be submitted through the on-line survey links in the individual email invitations.
Each individual who received the email from DSSPSISurvey2009@dss.mil is the Facility Security Officer for a specific cleared facility or has recently indicated to DSS that he/she is the proper point of contact to complete this survey. DSS queried our Industrial Security Facilities Database (ISFD) in early March 2008 for current, active cleared facilities. The results of that query are the basis for the snapshot of the cleared facilities whose FSOs are receiving the Survey.
If an FSO did not receive the Survey and believes that he/she should have, there are several questions that DSS asks the FSO to consider before sending any email to DSSPSISurvey2009@dss.mil or calling the DoD Call Center at 1-888-282-7682:
1. Has your facility clearance been in place prior to March 2008? If not, then you will not receive the Survey this year.
2. Did your home office or cleared parent firm decide to submit a Consolidated survey submission covering more than one active, cleared facility (CAGE Code)? If yes, DSS only sent the Survey to the consolidated sender if we were notified of the decision during our recent email validation request. A number of the largest cleared corporations did provide advanced notice to DSS that they would submit consolidated submissions.
3. Did the FSO email address change in the last month and the change was not provided to the IS Rep?
4. Has the FSO (or designee) checked his/her “junk mail” or “quarantined” email folder to see if the DSSPSISurvey2009@dss.mil email was automatically shifted to one of those folders?
5. Does your firm have anti-spam software that may have blocked an email from DSSPSISurvey2009@dss.mil? When DSS receives a reply to register through anti-spam software, we are doing so.
DSS learned late on 14 April of a coding issue that is affecting a random population of the Survey respondents because of the large number of survey invitations (more than 10,000) sent by DSSPSISURVEY2009@dss.mil .
This coding issue does not affect submission of the Survey data by an FSO or his/her designee.
But, in a random number of instances, the FSO and the IS Rep on the "To" and "CC" lines are receiving an email with Survey results from a different CAGE Code who completed their Survey. Or, some FSOs submitted their survey responses; but did not receive the email copy of their input.
----WHAT to do if an FSO doesn’t get the Survey results email within a couple of hours after an FSO submits Survey data:
If an FSO has completed/submitted the Survey and does not receive an email with his/her results within an hour or 2 of their Survey submission, then have them send an email to DSSPSISurvey2009@dss.mil . Subject line of the email should have the CAGE Code in the beginning of the Email with note that Survey results email not received--please send copy. The copy will go to the email address we have associated with the specific CAGE Code. Please give DSS a few days to then send that information to the FSO as we download from the Survey system database and only for those who experience this particular problem.
We are working with the Survey vendor; but since it is a coding issue causing this random action, we may not have it resolved before the Survey period closes on May 3rd. I have also notified the ISP field and the DoD Call Center.
And, to restate: this coding issue does not affect submission of the Survey data by an FSO or his/her designee.
Thanks again for your support of this important initiative.
Valerie Heil
Industrial Security Liaison
Personnel Security Clearance Office
Defense Security Service
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | -----Original Message----- |
Author | DSS |
Last Modified By | DSS |
File Modified | 2008-10-17 |
File Created | 2008-10-17 |