US Mint Surveys and Focu Groups 1525-0012-0149,-0150,-0151,-0152 and 0153

Generic Clearance for Voluntary Surveys to Implement E.O. 12882. Implemented by Sales and Marketing Division.

1525-0012-0151 Instrument United States Mint Communications Survey -New- 10-21-10

US Mint Surveys and Focu Groups 1525-0012-0149,-0150,-0151,-0152 and 0153

OMB: 1525-0012

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United States Mint Communications Survey

October 21, 2010

Shape2 Shape1

Note to reader: Bold lines in between questions signify page/screen breaks.

Welcome to the United States Mint’s survey.

This survey is designed to help the United States Mint understand how it can improve the way in which it communicates with you. According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1525-0012-XXX. Your participation in this survey is ENTIRELY VOLUNTARY and should require approximately 10-15 minutes of your time.

All of your responses will be kept completely confidential.

We will not use this information to contact you or attempt to sell you any products or services.

If you have any questions or problems while completing the survey, please call Kim Hamilton weekdays from 9:00am to 5:00pm EDT at 1-800-342-9102, or send an e-mail to

Please click the Forward button to begin the survey.

To begin, we will first take a few minutes to familiarize you with our survey.

The survey will NOT ALLOW YOU TO SKIP A QUESTION. If you do not know an exact answer, then please give your best estimate.

You may click on the STOP button to pause the program to take a break. When you re-enter the survey you must use the same Login Number and Password; the survey will return to the screen where you clicked Stop.

Please click the FORWARD button to begin.

Screening Criteria

S-1 What is your age in years?

Age (in years)




  • Send to terminate screen if under 18

S-2 Have you purchased any coins or other merchandise from the United States Mint during the past 12 months?

Select one.





  • Send to terminate screen if “No”

S-3 In the past 12 months, have you ordered products from the United States Mint using the subscription ordering program (whereby you enroll in the subscription ordering program and identify the specific products you wish to have shipped to you when they are released)?

Check one



S-4 When was the very first time that you ever purchased coins or other merchandise directly from the United States Mint?

Select only one.

Within the past 12 months

13 months to 23 months ago

2 to 5 years ago

6 to 10 years ago

11 to 20 years ago

More than 20 years ago

Based on your answers to these questions, you are eligible to participate in our survey.

Please click the Forward button to proceed.

Programming: Ask All

Q1 Which of the following types of communications were you aware that you can sign up to receive from the U.S. Mint?

Please answer for each row

Were You Aware You Could Request (or That These Were Available) from the U.S. Mint…




E-mails related to an order (e.g., confirming that your order has been placed or has been shipped, subscription notifications)

New product notifications via e-mail

Coins Online e-mail newsletter


RSS feeds from the U.S. Mint



  • Ask All

Programming: Ask All

Q2 Which of the following types of communications have you actually signed up to receive (or tried to sign up to receive) from the U.S. Mint?

Please answer for each row

Have You Signed Up to Receive (or Attempted to Sign Up to Receive) from the U.S. Mint…

Yes (signed up or tried to)



New product notifications via e-mail

Coins Online e-mail newsletter

Subscription ordering program (whereby you enroll in the subscription ordering program and identify the specific products you wish to have shipped to you when they are released)


RSS feeds from the U.S. Mint


Programming: Only show rows selected “yes” in Q1 and Subscription ordering (row 3)

Programming: Ask All

Q3 In the past 6 months, which of the following types of communications did you receive directly from the U.S. Mint?

Please answer for each row

Communications from U.S. Mint Received in the Past 6 Months?



In the mail…

Print catalog

Schedule of products postcard

Postcard product notifications in general (that is, not including the schedule of products postcard)

Product notifications mailed to you in envelopes (not postcards)

Product notification inserts included in the product packages you receive from the U.S. Mint


E-mails related to an order (e.g., confirming that your order has been placed or has been shipped, subscription notifications)

Schedule of products notification

New product notifications via e-mail in general (that is, not including the schedule of products notification)

Coins Online e-mail newsletter


RSS feeds from the U.S. Mint



  • Ask All

Programming: Ask All

Q4 If you could choose the types of communications that were sent to you by the U.S. Mint, which of the following would you choose to receive (or continue to receive)?

Please answer for each row

Communications you want to receive from the U.S. Mint



In the mail…

Print catalog

Schedule of products postcard

Postcard product notifications containing basic information about the product

Full-color brochure with order form product notifications containing detailed information about the product and its associated program


E-mails related to an order (e.g., confirming that your order has been placed or has been shipped, subscription notifications)

Schedule of products notification

New product notifications via e-mail

Coins Online e-mail newsletter


RSS feeds from the U.S. Mint



  • Ask All

Programming: Ask If Wanted Notifications But Didn’t Receive

Q5 You indicated you signed up (or tried to sign up) to receive new product notification e-mails from the U.S. Mint but have not received them in the past 6 months. Can you please explain your specific experience (e.g., how you signed up, how long ago, why you think you didn’t receive any e-mail, etc.)



  • Only show if Q2 is “yes” for row 1 and Q3 is “no” for row 8.

Programming: Ask If Wanted Coins Online But Didn’t Receive

Q6 You indicated you signed up (or tried to sign up) to receive the Coins Online newsletter via e-mails from the U.S. Mint but have not received them in the past 6 months. Can you please explain your specific experience (e.g., how you signed up, how long ago, why you think you didn’t receive any e-mail, etc.)



  • Only show if Q2 is “yes” for row 2 and Q3 is “no” for row 9.

Programming: Ask All

Q7 How would you characterize your use of the communications that you received in the past 6 months from the U.S. Mint?

(If you received multiples of any of the items listed, please select the option that describes your typical usage/response.)

Select one for each row

Communications from U.S. Mint

Received but did not read

Lightly browsed/ skimmed

Read/use extensively and/or frequently

In the mail…

Print catalog

Schedule of products postcard

Postcard product notifications

Product notifications mailed to you in envelopes (not postcards)

Product notification inserts included in the product packages you receive from the U.S. Mint


E-mails related to an order (e.g., confirming that your order has been placed or has been shipped, subscription notifications)

Schedule of products notification

New product notifications via e-mail

Coins Online e-mail newsletter


RSS feeds from the U.S. Mint



  • Only show rows selected “yes” in Q3.

Programming: Ask All

Q8 How frequently do you receive each of these types of communications from the U.S. Mint?

Select one for each row

Communications from U.S. Mint

1 or more times per week

A few times per month

About 1 per month

A few times per year

1 per year

In the mail…

Print catalog

Postcard product notifications

Product notifications mailed to you in envelopes (not postcards)


New product notifications via e-mail

Coins Online e-mail newsletter


RSS feeds from the U.S. Mint

Communications from U.S. Mint

Every Order

Most of My Orders

A Few of My Orders

None of My Orders

In the mail…

Product notification inserts included in the product packages you receive from the U.S. Mint


E-mails related to an order (e.g., confirming that your order has been placed or has been shipped, subscription notifications)



  • Only show rows selected “yes” in Q3.

Programming: Ask All

Q9 How frequently would you like to receive each of the following types of communications from the U.S. Mint in the future?

Select one for each row

Communications from U.S. Mint

1 or more times per week

A few times per month

About 1 per month

A few times per year

1 per year

In the mail…

Print catalog

Schedule of products postcard

Postcard product notifications

Product notifications mailed to you in envelopes (not postcards)


New product notifications via e-mail

Schedule of products notification

Coins Online e-mail newsletter


RSS feeds from the U.S. Mint

Communications from U.S. Mint

Every Order

Most of My Orders

A Few of My Orders

None of My Orders

In the mail…

Product notification inserts included in the product packages you receive from the U.S. Mint


E-mails related to an order (e.g., confirming that your order has been placed or has been shipped, subscription notifications)



  • Only show rows selected “yes” in Q4

  • For row 2 and row 6, can only select from column 5 or column 6

Programming: Ask All

Q10 How satisfied are you with the content of each of these types of communications that you currently receive?

(If you received multiples of any of the items listed, please select the option that describes your typical usage/response.)

Select one for each row

Not at All Extremely

Satisfied Satisfied

1 2 3 4 5 6

In the mail…

Print catalog

Postcard product notifications

Product notifications mailed to you in envelopes (not postcards)

Product notification inserts included in the product packages you receive from the U.S. Mint


E-mails related to an order (e.g., confirming that your order has been placed or has been shipped, subscription notifications)

New product notifications via e-mail

Coins Online e-mail newsletter


RSS feeds from the U.S. Mint



  • Only show rows selected “yes” in Q3.

Q11 You indicated you were not highly satisfied with the content of [xxx]. Please explain the source of your dissatisfaction with [xxx].

Source of Your Dissatisfaction



  • Open ended text box(es); do not limit # of characters

  • For each item rated <=4 in Q10, show above text stem

Programming: Ask All

Q12 How satisfied are you with the process for receiving each of these types of communications that you currently receive?

(If you received multiples of any of the items listed, please select the option that describes your typical usage/response.)

Select one for each row

Not at All Extremely

Satisfied Satisfied

1 2 3 4 5 6

In the mail…

Print catalog

Postcard product notifications

Product notifications mailed to you in envelopes (not postcards)

Product notification inserts included in the product packages you receive from the U.S. Mint


E-mails related to an order (e.g., confirming that your order has been placed or has been shipped, subscription notifications)

New product notifications via e-mail

Coins Online e-mail newsletter


RSS feeds from the U.S. Mint



  • Only show rows selected “yes” in Q3.

Q13 You indicated you were not highly satisfied with the process for receiving [xxx]. Please explain the source of your dissatisfaction with [xxx].

Source of Your Dissatisfaction



  • Open ended text box(es); do not limit # of characters

  • For each item rated <=4 in Q12, show above text stem

Programming: Ask All

Q14 How do you feel about the amount of information that is included in these communications?

(If you received multiples of any of the items listed, please select the option that describes your typical usage/response.)

Select one for each row

Communications from U.S. Mint

Too short/ not enough information

About the right amount/ length

Too long / too much information

In the mail…

Print catalog

Postcard product notifications

Product notifications mailed to you in envelopes (not postcards)

Product notification inserts included in the product packages you receive from the U.S. Mint


E-mails related to an order (e.g., confirming that your order has been placed or has been shipped, subscription notifications)

New product notifications via e-mail

Coins Online e-mail newsletter


RSS feeds from the U.S. Mint



  • Only show rows selected “yes” in Q3.

Programming: Ask All

Q15 Which, if any, of the following information sources directly influenced you to make a purchase?

Please select one choice per row

U.S. Mint/Related Communications/Information Sources

Did Influence Me To Purchase

Did Not Influence Me To Purchase

In the mail…

Print catalog

Postcard product notifications

Product notifications mailed to you in envelopes (not postcards)

Product notification inserts included in the product packages you receive from the U.S. Mint


E-mails related to an order (e.g., confirming that your order has been placed or has been shipped, subscription notifications)

New product notifications via e-mail

Coins Online e-mail newsletter


RSS feeds from the U.S. Mint



  • Only show rows selected “yes” in Q3.

Programming: Ask All

Q16 Which of the information sources listed is the “first source you look to” to find out about information about new U.S. Mint product release information? What is your second source? Which other sources do you also use to learn about new U.S. Mint product release information?

Select one for each row

U.S. Mint Communications/Information Sources

My 1st option/ source for new product release information

2nd option/ source for new product release information

Other source I use for new product release information

Do not use this source for new product release information

In the mail…

Print catalog

Schedule of products postcard

Postcard product notifications

Product notifications mailed to you in envelopes (not postcards)

Product notification inserts included in the product packages you receive from the U.S. Mint


E-mails related to an order (e.g., confirming that your order has been placed or has been shipped, subscription notifications)

Schedule of products notification

New product notifications via e-mail

Coins Online e-mail newsletter


RSS feeds from the U.S. Mint

U.S. Mint Website

Press release section

Upcoming product schedule section

Other section

External (non-U.S. Mint) newsletters/periodicals

External (non-U.S. Mint) newsletters/periodicals


Other (Specify__________)

Did not look to any sources for information about new U.S. Mint product release information



  • Each row should have one answer

  • Column one should have one answer; Column two may have either one answer or no answer

  • Columns three and four may be no answer, one answer, or multiple answers

  • Only show rows among rows 1-8 that are selected “yes” in Q3. Show all rows 9-13

Programming: Ask All

Q17 Do you use…



Not Sure





  • Ask All

Programming: Ask if Use Site

Q18 The United States Mint has a presence on both Facebook and Twitter. Were you…

Not Aware of the U.S. Mint presence on Facebook and/or Twitter

Aware of the U.S. Mint presence but have not used

Aware of the U.S. Mint presence and have used

U.S. Mint on Facebook

U.S. Mint on Twitter



  • Only Display Rows that are “Yes” in Q17

  • If No Rows would be displayed, skip to Q23

Programming: Ask if Aware and Used Mint

Q19 How satisfied are you with the communications you receive from the U.S. Mint on…?

Not at All Extremely

Satisfied Satisfied

1 2 3 4 5 6





  • Only Display Rows that are “Aware and have Used” in Q18

  • If No Rows would be displayed, skip to Q20

Programming: Ask if Use Sites but not for Mint

Q20 How likely are you to consider following the U.S. Mint on Twitter or becoming a fan of the U.S. Mint on Facebook in the next 12 months?

Not at All Extremely

Likely Likely

1 2 3 4 5 6

Fan on Facebook

Follow on Twitter



  • Only Display Rows that are Columns 1 or 2 in Q18

  • If no rows would be displayed, skip to Q21

Programming: Ask if Aware and Used Mint

Q21a How satisfied are you with the types of information provided on Facebook and/or Twitter by the U.S. Mint?

Not at All Extremely

Satisfied Satisfied

1 2 3 4 5 6


Upcoming products

Product releases

Historical facts about the United States Mint

Upcoming events

Fun facts


Upcoming products

Product releases

Historical facts about the United States Mint

Upcoming events

Fun facts



  • Display Facebook and Twitter sections based on if sites are “Aware and have Used” in Q18

  • If No Rows would be displayed, skip to Q21b

  • Modify text [Facebook and/or Twitter] based on Q18: if both are “Aware and have Used” write “Facebook and Twitter”, if only Facebook is “Aware and have Used” write “Facebook”, if only Twitter is “Aware and have Used” write “Twitter”

  • Insert below definitions as mouseovers for corresponding row in rows 1-5

  • Insert below definitions as mouseovers for corresponding row in rows 6-10

Programming: Ask if Use Either Site

Q21b How valuable would the following types of information be to you if they were provided on Facebook and/or Twitter by the U.S. Mint?

Not at All Extremely

Valuable Valuable

1 2 3 4 5 6


Upcoming products

Product releases

Historical facts about the United States Mint

Upcoming events

Fun facts


Upcoming products

Product releases

Historical facts about the United States Mint

Upcoming events

Fun facts



  • Ask if either or both rows are “Yes” in Q17

  • Display Facebook and Twitter sections based on if Q17 is “Yes”

  • Modify text [Facebook and/or Twitter] based on Q17: if both are “Yes” write “Facebook and Twitter”, if only Facebook is “Yes” write “Facebook”, if only Twitter is “Yes” write “Twitter”

  • Insert below definitions as mouseovers for corresponding row in rows 1-5

  • Insert below definitions as mouseovers for corresponding row in rows 6-10

Programming: Ask Current Mint Fans/Followers

Q22a Are there additional types of information that you would like the U.S. Mint to provide on Facebook and/or Twitter? Please describe in detail.

Additional Information from U.S. Mint on Facebook or Twitter



  • Open Ended Text Box

  • Do not limit # of characters

  • Ask if Q18 is Column 3 for Either Row

Programming: Ask Potential Mint Fans/Followers

Q22b What types of information would you like the U.S. Mint to provide on Facebook and/or Twitter? Please describe in detail.

Information from U.S. Mint on Facebook or Twitter



  • Open Ended Text Box

  • Do not limit # of characters

  • Ask if either or both rows are “Yes” in Q17

  • Do not ask if Q22a was asked.

Programming: Ask All

Q23 How likely would you be to use the following services if they were offered by the United States Mint?

Not at All Extremely

Likely Likely

1 2 3 4 5 6

Live Chat

You could go to the US Mint website and ask questions to a representative

Call back

You could have the US Mint call you back automatically if there is a long wait for a telephone representative

Inbound E-mails

You could send the US Mint an e-mail through their website that would be answered within 24 hours



  • Ask All

Programming: Ask If Somewhat Likely to Use

Q24 How would the availability of these services impact your purchasing with the United States Mint?

This would not affect my purchasing

I would increase my purchasing by a little

I would increase my purchasing by a lot

Live Chat

You could go to the US Mint website and ask questions to a representative

Call back

You could have the US Mint call you back automatically if there is a long wait for a telephone representative

Inbound E-mails

You could send the US Mint an e-mail from the website that would be answered within 24 hours



  • Only Display Rows that are >2 in Q23

  • If no Rows would be displayed, skip to Q26

Programming: Ask If Somewhat Likely to Use

Q25 How would the availability of these services impact your satisfaction with the United States Mint?

This would not affect my satisfaction

This would increase my satisfaction by a little

This would increase my satisfaction by a lot

Live Chat

You could go to the US Mint website and ask questions to a representative

Call back

You could have the US Mint call you back automatically if there is a long wait for a telephone representative

Inbound E-mails

You could send the US Mint an e-mail from the website that would be answered within 24 hours



  • Only Display Rows that are >2 in Q23

Programming: Ask All

Q26 Have you experienced any of the following problems with your orders with the United States Mint in the past 12 months?



My order was not processed because my credit card on file had expired

My order was delayed or not shipped because of an address/delivery service issue



  • Ask All

Programming: Ask If Experienced Problem

Q27 What was the outcome of these problems? (If you have experienced a problem more than once, answer for the most recent occurrence).

I was able to receive the item at a later date

I was never able to receive the order

My order was not processed because my credit card on file had expired

My order was delayed or not shipped because of an address/delivery service issue



  • Only display Rows that are “Yes” in Q26

  • If no Rows would be displayed, skip to Q33

Programming: Ask If Experienced Problem

Q28 How did this experience affect your purchasing, in general, with the United States Mint?

This experience did not affect my purchasing

This experience caused me to decrease my purchasing by a little

This experienced caused me to decrease my purchasing by a lot

My order was not processed because my credit card on file had expired

My order was delayed or not shipped because of an address/delivery service issue



  • Only display Rows that are “Yes” in Q26

Programming: Ask If Experienced Problem

Q29 How did this experience affect your overall satisfaction with the United States Mint?

This experience did not affect my satisfaction

This experience decreased my satisfaction a little

This experience decreased my satisfaction a lot

My order was not processed because my credit card on file had expired

My order was delayed or not shipped because of an address/delivery service issue



  • Only display Rows that are “Yes” in Q26

Programming: Ask If Experienced Problem

Q30 Suppose the United States Mint could offer a service where you would be automatically called if one of the following problems occurs.

How useful would this service be to you?

Not at All Extremely

Useful Useful

1 2 3 4 5 6

My order was not processed because my credit card on file had expired

My order was delayed or not shipped because of an address/delivery service issue



  • Only display Rows that are “Yes” in Q26

Programming: Ask If Experienced Problem and Decreased Purchasing

Q31 You indicated that these problems caused you to decrease your purchasing, in general, with the United States Mint.

If the Mint had automatically called you when these problems occurred, would you have still decreased your other purchasing?



My order was not processed because my credit card on file had expired.

My order was delayed or not shipped because of an address/delivery service issue.



  • Only display Rows that are are Columns 2 or 3 in Q28

  • Only display Rows that are “Yes” in Q26

Programming: Ask If Experienced Problem and Decreased Satisfaction

Q32 You indicated that these problems caused you to be less satisfied overall with the United States Mint.

If the Mint had automatically called you when these problems occurred, would you still have been less satisfied overall?



My order was not processed because my credit card on file had expired.

My order was delayed or not shipped because of an address/delivery service issue.



  • Only display Rows that are are Columns 2 or 3 in Q29

  • Only display Rows that are “Yes” in Q26

Programming: Ask All

Q33 What one thing in the area of communications could the United States Mint do that would improve your satisfaction and/or your ability to purchase products?

Suggestion for Improving Communications



  • Open Ended Text Box

  • Do not limit # of characters

Programming: Ask All

Q34 On a scale of “1” to “6” where “1” means “Not At All Important” and “6” means “Extremely Important”, how important would it be for the U.S. Mint to communicate the following types of information to you?

Not at All Extremely

Important Important

1 2 3 4 5 6

Release dates of core products

New special items released this year


Programming: Ask All

Programming: Ask All

Q35 Which of the methods of ordering product listed below have you used to order from the U.S. Mint in the past 12 months?

Please answer for each row

Methods of ordering (past 12 months)

Yes (Have Used)

No (Have Not Used)

Internet (U.S. Mint Website)


Mailed in an Order Form

Purchased directly at U.S. Mint retail store/kiosk



  • Show all rows.

Programming: Ask All

Q36 If the U.S. Mint sent you product notifications and/or catalogs with printed order forms that you could mail back to them, would you use these?

Select one

Interest in ordering by mail using printed order forms

Yes, I would like to mail in my orders using printed order forms

No, I would just prefer to continue to order via the methods I normally use (either phone, Internet or subscriptions)

Other (Specify_______________)


Programming: Ask All

Programming: Ask All

Q37 What is your most preferred method for the U.S. Mint to communicate with you?

Select one

Most Preferred Method of Communication with U.S. Mint



Information inserted into your order package

Postal mail


Programming: Ask All

Demographic Information

QD-1 What is the highest level of education you have attained?

Select only one row

Grade school (8th grade or less)

Some high school

High school graduate

Some college, no degree

Vocational training/2-year college

4-year college/bachelor’s degree

Post-graduate training/degree

QD-2 Which of the following best describes your current employment status?




Not employed or student

QD-3 Are you Hispanic or Latino?



QD-4 Do you consider yourself to be…

American Indian or Alaska Native?


Black or African American?

Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander?


Other (Specify) ________________

QD-5 What is your gender?



QD-6 Which of the following best describes your occupation?

Managerial or professional

Technical, sales, or administrative

Service occupations

Precision products, crafts or repairs

Operators, fabricators, or laborers

Farming, forestry, or fishing

Other (Specify) _____________________________


Programming: Skip QD-6 if QD-2 is Row 3 or 4

QD-7 Which of the following categories best describes your total household income before taxes in 2009? Your best estimate is fine.

Less than $10,000

Between $10,000 to $19,999

$20,000 to $29,999

$30,000 to $39,999

$40,000 to $49,999

$50,000 to $74,999

$75,000 to $99,999

$100,000 or more

QD-8 Do you or does someone in your household or immediate family work for an organization that produces, distributes, and sells collectable coins? (e.g., coin dealer)?



Thank you for participating in this survey.

Please press the STOP button to finish the survey.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleNote to reader: Bold lines in between questions signify page/screen breaks
AuthorAdine Frank
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-02-04

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