29 Cfr 1915.7-.14


Subpart A (General Provisions) and Subpart B (Confined and Enclosed Spaces and Other Dangerous Atmospheres in Shipyard Employment) (29 CFR part 1915)

29 CFR 1915.7-.14

OMB: 1218-0011

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§ 1915.6

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–07 Edition)

(viii) ANSI Z41–1991 Personal Protection—Protective Footwear, IBR approved for § 1915.156(b)(1)
(ix) ANSI Z41–1983 Personal Protection—Protective Footwear, IBR approved for § 1915.156(b)(2).
(2) The following material is available for purchase from the American
Society of Mechanical Engineers, 345
East 47th Street, New York, New York
(i) ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code, Section VIII, Rules for Construction of Unfired Pressure Vessels, 1963,
IBR approved for § 1915.172(a).
(3) The following material is available for purchase from the American
Conference of Governmental Industrial
Hygienists (ACGIH), 1014 Broadway,
Cincinnati, OH 45202:
(i) Threshold limit values, 1970, IBR
approved for §§ 1915.12(b) and 1915.1000,
table Z.
(4) The following material is available for purchase from the National
Batterymarch Park, PO Box 9101, Quincy, MA 02269–9101:
(i) NFPA 1981–2002 Standard on OpenCircuit Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus for Fire and Emergency Services,
IBR approved for 1915.505(e)(3)(v).
(ii) NFPA 1971–2000, Standard on Protective Ensemble for Structural Fire
§ 1915.505(e)(4)(ii).
(iii) NFPA 1976–2000, Standard on
Protective Ensemble for Proximity
Fire Fighting, IBR approved for
§ 1915.505(e)(5).
(iv) NFPA 1982–1998, Standard on Personal Alert Safety Systems (PASS),
IBR approved for § 1915.505(e)(6)(ii).
(v) NFPA 1983–2001, Standard on Fire
Service Life Safety Rope and System
§ 1915.505(e)(7)(i).
(vi) NFPA 10–2002 Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers, IBR approved
for §§ 1915.507(b)(1) and (b)(2).
(vii) NFPA 14–2003 Standard for the
Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems, IBR approved for §§ 1915.507(b)(2)
and (d)(1).
(viii) NFPA 72–2002 National Fire
§ 1915.507(c)(6).

(ix) NFPA 13–2002 Standard for the
Installation of Sprinkler Systems, IBR
approved for § 1915.507(d)(2).
(x) NFPA 750–2003 Standard on Water
Mist Fire Protection Systems, IBR approved for § 1915.507(d)(2).
(xi) NFPA 25–2002, Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based
Fire Protection Systems, IBR approved
for § 1915.507(d)(2).
(xii) NFPA 15–2001, Standard for
Water Spray Fixed Systems for Fire
§ 1915.507(d)(3).
(xiii) NFPA 11–2005 Standard for Low, Medium-, and High-Expansion Foam,
IBR approved for § 1915.507(d)(3).
(xiv) NFPA 17–2002, Standard for Dry
Chemical Extinguishing Systems, IBR
approved for § 1915.507(d)(4).
(xv) NFPA 12–2005, Standard on Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing Systems,
IBR approved for § 1915.507(d)(5).
(xvi) NFPA 12A–2004, Standard on
Halon 1301 Fire Extinguishing Systems,
IBR approved for § 1915.507(d)(5).
(xvii) NFPA 2001–2004, Standard on
Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems, IBR approved for § 1915.507(d)(5).
(xviii) NFPA 1403–2002, Standard on
Live Fire Training Evolutions, IBR approved for § 1915.508(d)(8).
[61 FR 26359, May 24, 1996, as amended at 67
FR 44541, July 3, 2002; 69 FR 18803, Apr. 9,
2004; 69 FR 55702, Sept. 15, 2004; 71 FR 60846,
Oct. 17, 2006]

§ 1915.6

Commerical diving operations.

Commerical diving operations shall
be subject to subpart T of part 1910,
§§ 1910.401–1910.441 of this chapter.
§ 1915.7

Competent person.

(a) Application. This section applies
to shipyard employment.
(b) Designation. (1) One or more competent persons shall be designated by
the employer in accordance with the
applicable requirements of this section,
unless the requirements of subparts B,
C, D and H of this part are always carried out by a Marine Chemist. Exception: The employer may designate any
person who meets the applicable portions of the criteria set forth in paragraph (c) of this section as a competent
person who is limited to performing
testing to the following situations:


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
(i) Repair work on small craft in boat
yards where only combustible gas indicator tests are required for fuel tank
leaks or when using flammable paints
below decks;
(ii) Building of wooden vessels where
only knowledge of the precautions to
be taken when using flammable paints
is required;
(iii) The breaking of vessels where
there is no fuel oil or other flammable
hazard; and
(iv) Tests and inspections performed
to comply with §§ 1915.35(b)(8) and
(2)(i) The employer shall maintain either a roster of designated competent
persons or a statement that a Marine
Chemist will perform the tests or inspections which require a competent
(ii) The employer shall make the roster of designated persons or the statement available to employees, the employee’s representative, the Director or
the Assistant Secretary upon request.
(iii) The roster shall contain, as a
minimum, the following:
(A) The employers’ name,
(B) The designated competent person’s name(s), and
(C) The date the employee was
trained as a competent person.
(c) Criteria. The employer shall ensure that each designated competent
person has the following skills and
(1) Ability to understand and carry
out written or oral information or instructions left by Marine Chemist,
Coast Guard authorized persons and
Certified Industrial Hygienists;
(2) Knowledge of subparts B, C, D and
H of this part;
(3) Knowledge of the structure, location, and designation of spaces where
work is done;
(4) Ability to calibrate and use testing equipment including but not limited to, oxygen indicators, combustible
gas indicators, carbon monoxide indicators, and carbon dioxide indicators,
and to interpret accurately the test results of that equipment;
(5) Ability to perform all required
tests and inspections which are or may
be performed by a competent person as
set forth in subparts B, C, D and H of
this part.

§ 1915.8

(6) Ability to inspect, test, and evaluate spaces to determine the need for
further testing by a Marine Chemist or
a Certified Industrial Hygienist; and
(7) Ability to maintain records required by this section.
(d) Recordkeeping. (1) When tests and
inspections are performed by a competent person, Marine Chemist, or Certified Industrial Hygienist as required
by any provisions of subparts B, C, D,
or H of this part, the employer shall
ensure that the person performing the
test and inspection records the location, time, date, location of inspected
spaces, and the operations performed,
as well as the test results and any instructions.
(2) The employer shall ensure that
the records are posted in the immediate vicinity of the affected operations while work in the spaces is in
progress. The records shall be kept on
file for a period of at least three
months from the completion date of
the specific job for which they were
(3) The employer shall ensure that
the records are available for inspection
by the Assistant Secretary, Director,
and employees and their representatives.
[59 FR 37856, July 25, 1994]

§ 1915.8 OMB control numbers under
the Paperwork Reduction Act.
The following sections or paragraphs
contain a collection of information requirement which has been approved by
the Office of Management and Budget
under the control number listed.
29 CFR citation

OMB control No.

1915.11–1915.16 .................................................
1915.113 ..............................................................
1915.152(b) .........................................................
1915.152(e) .........................................................
1915.159(d) .........................................................
1915.160(d) .........................................................
1915.172 ..............................................................
1915.501(d) .........................................................
1915.502(a) .........................................................
1915.502(b) .........................................................
1915.502(c) ..........................................................
1915.502(d) .........................................................
1915.504(a) .........................................................
1915.505(a) .........................................................
1915.505(b) .........................................................
1915.505(d) .........................................................
1915.506(b) .........................................................
1915.507(c) ..........................................................
1915.508(a) .........................................................



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§ 1915.11

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–07 Edition)
29 CFR citation

OMB control No.

1915.508(b) .........................................................
1915.508(c) ..........................................................
1915.508(d) .........................................................
1915.508(e) .........................................................
1915.508(f) ..........................................................
1915.1001 ............................................................
1915.1003 ............................................................
1915.1004 ............................................................
1915.1006 ............................................................
1915.1007 ............................................................
1915.1008 ............................................................
1915.1009 ............................................................
1915.1010 ............................................................
1915.1011 ............................................................
1915.1012 ............................................................
1915.1013 ............................................................
1915.1014 ............................................................
1915.1015 ............................................................
1915.1016 ............................................................
1915.1017 ............................................................
1915.1018 ............................................................
1915.1025 ............................................................
1915.1026 ............................................................
1915.1027 ............................................................
1915.1028 ............................................................
1915.1030 ............................................................
1915.1044 ............................................................
1915.1045 ............................................................
1915.1047 ............................................................
1915.1048 ............................................................
1915.1050 ............................................................
1915.1120 ............................................................
1915.1200 ............................................................
1915.1450 ............................................................


Assistant Secretary means the Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health, or designated
Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH)
means an industrial hygienist who is
certified by the American Board of Industrial Hygiene.
Coast Guard authorized person means
an individual who meets the requirement of appendix B to subpart B of this
part 1915 for tank vessels, for passenger
vessels, and for cargo and miscellaneous vessels.
Dangerous atmosphere means an atmosphere that may expose employees
to the risk of death, incapacitation,
impairment of ability to self-rescue
(i.e., escape unaided from a confined or
enclosed space), injury, or acute illness.
Director means the Director of the
National Institute for Occupational
Safety and Health, U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services, or designated representative.
Enter with Restrictions denotes a space
where entry for work is permitted only
if engineering controls, personal protective equipment, clothing, and time
limitations are as specified by the Marine Chemist, Certified Industrial Hygienist, or the shipyard competent person.
Entry means the action by which a
person passes through an opening into
a space. Entry includes ensuing work
activities in that space and is considered to have occurred as soon as any
part of the entrant’s body breaks the
plane of an opening into the space.
Hot work means any activity involving riveting, welding, burning, the use
of powder-actuated tools or similar
fire-producing operations. Grinding,
drilling, abrasive blasting, or similar
spark-producing operations are also
considered hot work except when such
operations are isolated physically from
any atmosphere containing more than
10 percent of the lower explosive limit
of a flammable or combustible substance.
Immediately dangerous to life or health
(IDLH) means an atmosphere that
poses an immediate threat to life or
that is likely to result in acute or immediate severe health effects.

[61 FR 5509, Feb. 13, 1996, as amended at 62
FR 33547, June 20, 1997; 63 FR 13340, Mar. 19,
1998; 70 FR 13371, Mar. 21, 2005; 71 FR 38086,
July 5, 2006]

Subpart B—Confined and Enclosed Spaces and Other
Dangerous Atmospheres in
Shipyard Employment
SOURCE: 59 FR 37857, July 25, 1994, unless
otherwise noted.

§ 1915.11 Scope, application and definitions applicable to this subpart.
(a) Scope and application. This subpart applies to work in confined and
enclosed spaces and other dangerous
atmospheres in shipyard employment,
including vessels, vessel sections, and
on land-side operations regardless of
geographic location.
(b) Definitions applicable to this subpart. Adjacent spaces means those
spaces bordering a subject space in all
directions, including all points of contact, corners, diagonals, decks, tank
tops, and bulkheads.


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
Inert or inerted atmosphere means an
atmospheric condition where:
(1) The oxygen content of the atmosphere in the space is maintained at a
level equal to or less than 8.0 percent
by volume or at a level at or below 50
percent of the amount required to support combustion, whichever is less; or
(2) The space is flooded with water
and the vapor concentration of flammable or combustible materials in the
free space atmosphere above the water
line is less than 10 percent of the lower
explosive limit for the flammable or
combustible material.
Labeled means identified with a sign,
placard, or other form of written communication, including pictograms, that
provides information on the status or
condition of the work space to which it
is attached.
Lower explosive limit (LEL) means the
minimum concentration of vapor in air
below which propagation of a flame
does not occur in the presence of an ignition source.
Marine Chemist means an individual
who possesses a current Marine Chemist Certificate issued by the National
Fire Protection Association.
Not Safe for Hot Work denotes a space
where hot work may not be performed
because the conditions do not meet the
criteria for Safe for Hot Work.
Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) means an organization
recognized by OSHA, in accordance
with appendix A of 29 CFR 1910.7, which
tests for safety and lists or labels or
accepts equipment and materials that
meet all the criteria found in
§ 1910.7(b)(1) through (b)(4)(ii).
Not Safe for Workers denotes a space
where an employee may not enter because the conditions do not meet the
criteria for Safe for Workers.
Oxygen-deficient atmosphere means an
atmosphere having an oxygen concentration of less than 19.5 percent by
Oxygen-enriched atmosphere means
an atmosphere that contains 22.0 percent or more oxygen by volume.
Safe for Hot Work denotes a space
that meets all of the following criteria:
(1) The oxygen content of the atmosphere does not exceed 22.0 percent by

§ 1915.11

(2) The concentration of flammable
vapors in the atmosphere is less than
10 percent of the lower explosive limit;
(3) The residues or materials in the
space are not capable of producing a
higher concentration than permitted in
paragraph (1) or (2) of the above, under
existing atmospheric conditions in the
presence of hot work and while maintained as directed by the Marine Chemist or competent person, and
(4) All adjacent spaces have been
cleaned, or inerted, or treated sufficiently to prevent the spread of fire.
Safe for Workers denotes a space that
meets the following criteria:
(1) The oxygen content of the atmosphere is at least 19.5 percent and below
22 percent by volume;
(2) The concentration of flammable
vapors is below 10 percent of the lower
explosive limit (LEL);
(3) Any toxic materials in the atmosphere associated with cargo, fuel, tank
coatings, or inerting media are within
permissible concentrations at the time
of the inspection; and
(4) Any residues or materials associated with the work authorized by the
Marine Chemist, Certified Industrial
Hygienist, or competent person will
not produce uncontrolled release of
toxic materials under existing atmospheric conditions while maintained as
Space means an area on a vessel or
vessel section or within a shipyard
such as, but not limited to: cargo tanks
or holds; pump or engine rooms; storage lockers; tanks containing flammable or combustible liquids, gases, or
solids; rooms within buildings; crawl
spaces; tunnels; or accessways. The atmosphere within a space is the entire
area within its bounds.
Upper explosive limit (UEL) means the
maximum concentration of flammable
vapor in air above which propagation
of flame does not occur on contact with
a source of ignition.
Vessel section means a sub-assembly,
module, or other component of a vessel
being built, repaired, or broken.
Visual inspection means the physical
survey of the space, its surroundings
and contents to identify hazards such
as, but not limited to, restricted accessibility, residues, unguarded machinery, and piping or electrical systems.


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§ 1915.12

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–07 Edition)
(ii) Respiratory protection and other
appropriate personal protective equipment and clothing are provided in accordance with subpart I of this part.

§ 1915.12 Precautions and the order of
testing before entering confined
and enclosed spaces and other dangerous atmospheres.
The employer shall ensure that
atmosphereic testing is performed in
the following sequence: oxygen content, flammability, toxicity.
(a) Oxygen content. (1) The employer
shall ensure that the following spaces
are visually inspected and tested by a
competent person to determine the
atmosphere’s oxygen content prior to
initial entry into the space by an employee:
(i) Spaces that have been sealed, such
as, but not limited to, spaces that have
been coated and closed up, and nonventilated spaces that have been freshly painted;
(ii) Spaces and adjacent spaces that
contain or have contained combustible
or flammable liquids or gases;
(iii) Spaces and adjacent spaces that
contain or have contained liquids,
gases, or solids that are toxic, corrosive, or irritant;
(iv) Spaces and adjacent spaces that
have been fumigated; and
(v) Spaces containing materials or
residues of materials that create an oxygen-deficient atmosphere.
(2) If the space to be entered contains
an oxygen deficient atmosphere, the
space shall be labeled ‘‘Not Safe for
Workers’’ or, if oxygen-enriched, ‘‘Not
Safe for Workers—Not Safe for Hot
Work.’’ If an oxygen-deficient or oxygen-enriched atmosphere is found, ventilation shall be provided at volumes
and flow rates sufficient to ensure that
the oxygen content is maintained at or
above 19.5 percent and below 22.0 percent by volume. The warning label may
be removed when the oxygen content is
equal to or greater than 19.5 and less
than 22.0 percent by volume.
(3) An employee may not enter a
space where the oxygen content, by
volume, is below 19.5 percent or above
22.0 percent. Exception: An employee
may enter for emergency rescue or for
a short duration for installation of ventilation equipment necessary to start
work in the space provided:
(i) The atmosphere in the space is
monitored for oxygen content, by volume, continuously; and

NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (a): Other provisions
for work in IDLH atmospheres are located in
subpart I of this part.

(b) Flammable atmospheres. (1) The
employer shall ensure that spaces and
adjacent spaces that contain or have
contained combustible or flammable
liquids or gases are:
(i) Inspected visually by the competent person to determine the presence of combustible or flammable liquids; and
(ii) Tested by a competent person
prior to entry by an employee to determine the concentration of flammable
vapors and gases within the space.
(2) If the concentration of flammable
vapors or gases in the space to be entered is equal to or greater than 10 percent of the lower explosive limit, the
space shall be labeled ‘‘Not Safe for
Workers’’ and ‘‘Not Safe for Hot
Work.’’ Ventilation shall be provided
at volumes and flow rates sufficient to
ensure that the concentration of flammable vapors is maintained below 10
percent of the lower explosive limit.
The warning labels may be removed
when the concentration of flammable
vapors is below 10 percent of the lower
explosive limit.
(3) An employee may not enter a
space where the concentration of flammable vapors or gases is equal to or
greater than 10 percent of the lower explosive limit. Exception: An employee
may enter for emergency rescue or for
a short duration for installation of ventilation equipment necessary to start
work in the space, provided:
(i) No ignition sources are present;
(ii) The atmosphere in the space is
monitored continuously;
(iii) Atmospheres at or above the
upper explosive limit are maintained;
(iv) Respiratory protection and other
appropriate personal protective equipment and clothing are provided in accordance with subpart I of this part.
NOTE 1 TO PARAGRAPH (b): Additional provisions for work in IDLH atmospheres are located in subpart I of this part.


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
NOTE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (b): Additional provisions for work in spaces containing a flammable substance which also has a permissible exposure limit, are located in subpart Z
of 29 CFR part 1915, and § 1915.12(c).

§ 1915.12

shall ensure that each employee that
enters a confined or enclosed space and
atmospheres is trained to perform all
required duties safely.
(2) The employer shall ensure that
each employee who enters a confined
space, enclosed space, or other areas
with dangerous atmospheres is trained
(i) Recognize the characteristics of
the confined space;
(ii) Anticipate and be aware of the
hazards that may be faced during
(iii) Recognize the adverse health effects that may be caused by the exposure to a hazard;
(iv) Understand the physical signs
and reactions related to exposures to
such hazards;
(v) Know what personal protective
equipment is needed for safe entry into
and exit from the space;
(vi) Use personal protective equipment; and
(vii) Where necessary, be aware of the
presence and proper use of barriers
that may be needed to protect an entrant from hazards.
(3) The employer shall ensure that
each entrant into confined or enclosed
spaces or other dangerous atmospheres
is trained to exit the space or dangerous atmosphere whenever:
(i) The employer or his or her representative orders evacuation;
(ii) An evacuation signal such as an
alarm is activated ; or
(iii) The entrant perceives that he or
she is in danger.
(4) The employer shall provide each
employee with training:
(i) Before the entrant begins work addressed by this section; and
(ii) Whenever there is a change in operations or in an employee’s duties
that presents a hazard about which the
employee has not previously been
(5) The employer shall certify that
the training required by paragraphs
(d)(1) through (d)(4) of this section has
been accomplished.
(i) The certification shall contain the
employee’s name, the name of the certifier, and the date(s) of the certification.

(c) Toxic, corrosive, irritant or fumigated atmospheres and residues. (1) The
employer shall ensure that spaces or
adjacent spaces that contain or have
contained liquids, gases, or solids that
are toxic, corrosive or irritant are:
(i) Inspected visually by the competent person to determine the presence of toxic, corrosive, or irritant residue contaminants; and
(ii) Tested by a competent person
prior to initial entry by an employee to
determine the air concentration of
toxics, corrosives, or irritants within
the space.
(2) If a space contains an air concentration of a material which exceeds
a part 1915 subpart Z permissible exposure limit (PEL) or is IDLH, the space
shall be labeled ‘‘Not Safe for Workers.’’ Ventilation shall be provided at
volumes and flow rates which will ensure that air concentrations are maintained within the PEL or, in the case
of contaminants for which there is no
established PEL, below the IDLH. The
warning label may be removed when
the concentration of contaminants is
maintained within the PEL or below
IDLH level.
(3) If a space cannot be ventilated to
within the PELs or is IDLH, a Marine
Chemist or CIH must re-test until the
space can be certified ‘‘Enter with Restrictions’’ or ‘‘Safe for Workers.’’
(4) An employee may not enter a
space whose atmosphere exceeds a PEL
or is IDLH. Exception: An employee
may enter for emergency rescue, or for
a short duration for installation of ventilation equipment provided:
(i) The atmosphere in the space is
monitored continuously;
(ii) Respiratory protection and other
necessary and appropriate personal
protective equipment and clothing are
provided in accordance with subpart I
of this part.
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (c): Other provisions
for work in IDLH atmospheres are located in
subpart I of this part.

(d) Training of employees entering confined and enclosed spaces or other dangerous atmospheres. (1) The employer


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§ 1915.13

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–07 Edition)

(ii) The certification shall be available for inspection by the Assistant
Secretary, the Director, employees,
and their representatives.
(e) Rescue teams. The employer shall
either establish a shipyard rescue team
or arrange for an outside rescue team
which will respond promptly to a request for rescue service.
(1) Shipyard rescue teams shall meet
the following criteria:
(i) Each employee assigned to the
shipyard team shall be provided with
and trained to use the personal protective equipment he or she will need, including respirators and any rescue
equipment necessary for making rescues from confined and enclosed spaces
and other dangerous atmospheres.
(ii) Each employee assigned to the
shipyard rescue team shall be trained
to perform his or her rescue functions
including confined and enclosed and
other dangerous atmosphere entry.
(iii) Shipyard rescue teams shall
practice their skills at least once every
12 months. Practice drills shall include
the use of mannequins and rescue
equipment during simulated rescue operations involving physical facilities
that approximate closely those facilities from which rescue may be needed.

atmospheres shall ensure that all
available information on the hazards,
safety rules, and emergency procedures
atmospheres is exchanged with any
other employer whose employees may
enter the same spaces.
[59 FR 37857, July 25, 1994, as amended at 60
FR 14219, Mar. 16, 1995]

§ 1915.13 Cleaning



(a) Locations covered by this section.
The employer shall ensure that manual
cleaning and other cold work are not
performed in the following spaces unless the conditions of paragraph (b) of
this section have been met:
(1) Spaces containing or having last
contained bulk quantities of combustible or flammable liquids or gases; and
(2) Spaces containing or having last
contained bulk quantities of liquids,
gases or solids that are toxic, corrosive
or irritating.
(b) Requirements for performing cleaning or cold work. (1) Liquid residues of
hazardous materials shall be removed
from work spaces as thoroughly as
practicable before employees start
cleaning operations or cold work in a
space. Special care shall be taken to
prevent the spilling or the draining of
these materials into the water surrounding the vessel, or for shore-side
operations, onto the surrounding work
(2) Testing shall be conducted by a
competent person to determine the
concentration of flammable, combustible, toxic, corrosive, or irritant vapors within the space prior to the beginning of cleaning or cold work.
(3) Continuous ventilation shall be
provided at volumes and flow rates sufficient to ensure that the concentration(s) of:
(i) Flammable vapor is maintained
below 10 percent of the lower explosive
limit; and

NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (e)(1)(iii): If the team
performs an actual rescue during the 12
month period, an additional practice drill for
that type of rescue is not required.

(iv) At least one person on each rescue team shall maintain current certification in basic first aid which includes maintenance of an airway, control of bleeding, maintenance of circulation and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) skills.
(2) The employer shall inform outside
rescue teams of the hazards that the
team may encounter when called to
perform confined and enclosed space or
other dangerous atmosphere rescue at
the employer’s facility so that the rescue team can be trained and equipped.
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (e): The criteria for inhouse rescue, listed in paragraph (e)(1) can
be used by the employer in evaluating outside rescue services.

NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (b)(3)(i): Spaces containing highly volatile residues may require
additional ventilation to keep the concentration of flammable vapors below 10 percent of
the lower explosive limit and within the permissible exposure limit.

(f) Exchanging hazard information between employers. Each employer whose
employees work in confined and enclosed spaces or other dangerous


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor

§ 1915.14

(ii) Toxic, corrosive, or irritant vapors are maintained within the permissible exposure limits and below IDLH
(4) Testing shall be conducted by the
competent person as often as necessary
during cleaning or cold work to assure
that air concentrations are below 10
percent of the lower explosive limit
and within the PELs and below IDLH
levels. Factors such as, but not limited
to, temperature, volatility of the residues and other existing conditions in
and about the spaces are to be considered in determining the frequency of
testing necessary to assure a safe atmosphere.

lating, all work in the contaminated
area shall be stopped until the vapors
have dissipated or been removed.
(9) Only explosion-proof, self-contained portable lamps, or other electric
equipment approved by a National Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) for
the hazardous location shall be used in
spaces described in paragraph (a) of
this section until such spaces have
been certified as ‘‘Safe for Workers.’’

NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (b)(4): See appendix A
for additional information on frequency of

(10) The employer shall prominently
post signs that prohibit sources of ignition within or near a space that has
contained flammable or combustible
liquids or gases in bulk quantities:
(i) At the entrance to those spaces;
(ii) In adjacent spaces; and
(iii) In the open area adjacent to
those spaces.
(11) All air moving equipment and its
component parts, including duct work,
capable of generating a static electric
discharge of sufficient energy to create
a source of ignition, shall be bonded
electrically to the structure of a vessel
or vessel section or, in the case of landside spaces, grounded to prevent an
electric discharge in the space.
(12) Fans shall have non-sparking
blades, and portable air ducts shall be
of non-sparking materials.

NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (b)(9): Battery-fed,
portable lamps or other electric equipment
bearing the approval of a NRTL for the class,
and division of the location in which they
are used are deemed to meet the requirements of this paragraph.

(5) Spills or other releases of flammable, combustible, toxic, corrosive,
and irritant materials shall be cleaned
up as work progresses.
(6) An employee may not enter a confined or enclosed space or other dangerous atmosphere if the concentration
of flammable or combustible vapors in
work spaces exceeds 10 percent of the
lower explosive limit. Exception: An
employee may enter for emergency rescue or for a short duration for installation of ventilation equipment provided:
(i) No ignition sources are present;
(ii) The atmosphere in the space is
monitored continuously;
(iii) The atmosphere in the space is
maintained above the upper explosive
limit; and
(iv) Respiratory protection, personal
protective equipment, and clothing are
provided in accordance with subpart I
of this part.

NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (b): See § 1915.12(c) of
this part and applicable requirements of 29
CFR part 1915, subpart Z for other provisions
affecting cleaning and cold work.

§ 1915.14 Hot work.
(a) Hot work requiring testing by a Marine Chemist or Coast Guard authorized
person. (1) The employer shall ensure
that hot work is not performed in or on
any of the following confined and enclosed spaces and other dangerous
atmospheres, boundaries of spaces or
pipelines until the work area has been
tested and certified by a Marine Chemist or a U.S. Coast Guard authorized
person as ‘‘Safe for Hot Work’’:
(i) Within, on, or immediately adjacent to spaces that contain or have
contained combustible or flammable
liquids or gases.

NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (b)(6): Other provisions
for work in IDLH and other dangerous
atmospheres are located in subpart I of this

(7) A competent person shall test
ventilation discharge areas and other
areas where discharged vapors may collect to determine if vapors discharged
from the spaces being ventilated are
accumulating in concentrations hazardous to employees.
(8) If the tests required in paragraph
(b)(7) of this section indicate that concentrations of exhaust vapors that are
hazardous to employees are accumu-


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§ 1915.15

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–07 Edition)
where the hot work is to be done, then
the space shall be labeled ‘‘Not Safe for
Hot Work’’ and ventilation shall be
provided at volumes and flow rates sufficient to ensure that the concentration of flammable vapors or gases is
below 10 percent by volume of the
lower explosive limit. The warning
label may be removed when the concentration of flammable vapors and
gases are below 10 percent lower explosive limit.

(ii) Within, on, or immediately adjacent to fuel tanks that contain or have
last contained fuel; and
(iii) On pipelines, heating coils, pump
fittings or other accessories connected
to spaces that contain or have last contained fuel.
(iv) Exception: On dry cargo, miscellaneous and passenger vessels and in
the landside operations within spaces
which meet the standards for oxygen,
flammability and toxicity in § 1915.12,
but are adjacent to spaces containing
flammable gases or liquids, with a
flash point below 150 °F (65.6 °C) when
the distance between such spaces and
the work is 25 feet (7.62 m) or greater.

NOTE TO § 1915.14: See appendix A of this
subpart for additional information relevant
to performing hot work safely.
[59 FR 37857, July 25, 1994, as amended at 60
FR 14219, Mar. 16, 1995; 67 FR 44541, July 3,

NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (a)(1)(iv): For flammable liquids with flash points above 150 °F
(65.6 °C), see paragraph (b) of this section.

§ 1915.15 Maintenance of safe conditions.

(2) The certificate issued by the Marine Chemist or Coast Guard authorized person shall be posted in the immediate vicinity of the affected operations while they are in progress and
kept on file for a period of at least
three months from the date of the completion of the operation for which the
certificate was generated.
(b) Hot work requiring testing by a competent person. (1) Hot work is not permitted in or on the following spaces or
adjacent spaces or other dangerous
atmospheres until they have been tested by a competent person and determined to contain no concentrations of
flammable vapors equal to or greater
than 10 percent of the lower explosive
(i) Dry cargo holds,
(ii) The bilges,
(iii) The engine room and boiler
spaces for which a Marine Chemist or a
Coast Guard authorized person certificate is not required under paragraph
(a)(1)(i) of this section.
(iv) Vessels and vessel sections for
which a Marine Chemist or Coast
Guard authorized person certificate is
not required under paragraph (a)(1)(iv)
of this section.
(v) Land-side confined and enclosed
spaces or other dangerous atmospheres
not covered by paragraph (a)(1) of this
(2) If the concentration of flammable
vapors or gases is equal to or greater
than 10 percent of the lower explosive
limit in the space or an adjacent space

(a) Preventing hazardous materials from
entering. Pipelines that could carry
hazardous materials into spaces that
have been certified ‘‘Safe for Workers’’
or ‘‘Safe for Hot Work’’ shall be disconnected, blanked off, or otherwise
blocked by a positive method to prevent hazardous materials from being
discharged into the space.
(b) Alteration of existing conditions.
When a change that could alter conditions within a tested confined or enclosed space or other dangerous atmosphere occurs, work in the affected
space or area shall be stopped. Work
may not be resumed until the affected
space or area is visually inspected and
retested and found to comply with
§§ 1915.12, 1915.13, and 1915.14 of this
part, as applicable.
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (b): Examples of
changes that would warrant the stoppage of
work include: The opening of manholes or
other closures or the adjusting of a valve
regulating the flow of hazardous materials.

(c) Tests to maintain the conditions of a
Marine Chemist’s or Coast Guard authorized person’s certificates. A competent
person shall visually inspect and test
each space certified as ‘‘Safe for Workers’’ or ‘‘Safe for Hot Work,’’ as often
as necessary to ensure that atmospheric conditions within that space are
maintained within the conditions established by the certificate after the
certificate has been issued.


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
(d) Change in the conditions of a Marine Chemist’s or Coast Guard authorized
person’s certificate. If a competent person finds that the atmospheric conditions within a certified space fail to
meet the applicable requirements of
§§ 1915.12, 1915.13, and 1915.14 of this
part, work in the certified space shall
be stopped and may not be resumed
until the space has been retested by a
Marine Chemist or Coast Guard authorized person and a new certificate
issued in accordance with § 1915.14(a).
(e) Tests to maintain a competent person’s findings. After a competent person
has conducted a visual inspection and
tests required in §§ 1915.12, 1915.13, and
1915.14 of this part and determined a
space to be safe for an employee to
enter, he or she shall continue to test
and visually inspect spaces as often as
necessary to ensure that the required
atmospheric conditions within the
tested space are maintained.’’
(f) Changes in conditions determined by
competent person’s findings. After the
competent person has determined initially that a space is safe for an employee to enter and he or she finds subsequently that the conditions within
the tested space fail to meet the requirements of §§ 1915.12, 1915.13, and
1915.14, of this part, as applicable, work
shall be stopped until the conditions in
the tested space are corrected to comply with §§ 1915.12, 1915.13, and 1915.14,
as applicable.

ously at each means of access to the
work area.
This appendix is a non-mandatory set of
guidelines provided to assist employers in
complying with the requirements of this subpart. This appendix neither creates additional obligations nor detracts from obligations otherwise contained in the standard. It
is intended to provide explanatory information and educational material to employers
and employees to foster understanding of,
and compliance with, the standard.
Sections 1915.11 through 1915.16. These standards are minimum safety standards for entering and working safely in vessel tanks
and compartments.
Section 1915.11(b) Definition of ‘‘Hot work.’’
There are several instances in which circumstances do not necessitate that grinding,
drilling, abrasive blasting be regarded as hot
work. Some examples are:
1. Abrasive blasting of the hull for paint
preparation does not necessitate pumping
and cleaning the tanks of a vessel.
2. Prior to hot work on any hollow structure, the void space should be tested and appropriate precautions taken.
Section 1915.11(b) Definition of ‘‘Lower explosive limit.’’ The terms lower flammable
limit (LFL) and lower explosive limit (LEL)
are used interchangeably in fire science literature.
Section 1915.11(b) Definition of ‘‘Upper explosive limit.’’ The terms upper flammable
limit (UFL) and upper explosive limit (UEL)
are used interchangeably in fire science literature.
Section 1915.12(a)(3). After a tank has been
properly washed and ventilated, the tank
should contain 20.8 percent oxygen by volume. This is the same amount found in our
normal atmosphere at sea level. However, it
is possible that the oxygen content will be
lower. When this is the case, the reasons for
this deficiency should be determined and
corrective action taken.
An oxygen content of 19.5 percent can support life and is adequate for entry. However,
any oxygen level greater than 20.8 percent by
volume should alert the competent person to
look for the cause of the oxygen-enriched atmosphere and correct it prior to entry. In addition, any oxygen level lower than 19.5 percent level should also alert the competent
person to look for the cause of the oxygendeficiency and correct it prior to entry.
Section 1915.12(b)(3) Flammable atmospheres.
Atmospheres with a concentration of flammable vapors at or above 10 percent of the

[59 FR 37857, July 25, 1994, as amended at 60
FR 14219, Mar. 16, 1995; 67 FR 44541, July 3,

§ 1915.16

Pt. 1915, Subpt. B, App. A

Warning signs and labels.

(a) Employee comprehension of signs
and labels. The Employer shall ensure
that each sign or label posted to comply with the requirements of this subpart is presented in a manner that can
be perceived and understood by all employees.
(b) Posting of large work areas. A
warning sign or label required by paragraph (a) of this section need not be
posted at an individual tank, compartment or work space within a work area
if the entire work area has been tested
and certified: not safe for workers, not
safe for hot work, and if the sign or
label to this effect is posted conspicu-


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Pt. 1915, Subpt. B, App. A

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–07 Edition)

lower explosive limit (LEL) are considered
hazardous when located in confined spaces.
However, atmospheres with flammable vapors below 10 percent of the LEL are not necessarily safe.
Such atmospheres are too lean to burn.
Nevertheless, when a space contains or produces measurable flammable vapors below
the 10 percent LEL, it might indicate that
flammable vapors are being released or introduced into the space and could present a
hazard in time. Therefore, the cause of the
vapors should be investigated and, if possible, eliminated prior to entry.
Some situations that have produced measurable concentrations of flammable vapors
that could exceed 10 percent of the LEL in
time are:
1. Pipelines that should have been blanked
or disconnected have opened, allowing product into the space.
2. The vessel may have shifted, allowing
product not previously cleaned and removed
during washing to move into other areas of
the vessel.
3. Residues may be producing the atmosphere by releasing flammable vapor.
Section 1915.12(b)(6) Flammable atmospheres
that are toxic. An atmosphere with a measurable concentration of a flammable substance
below 10 percent of the LEL may be above
the OSHA permissible exposure limit for
that substance. In that case, refer to
§ 1915.12(c) (2), (3), and (4).
1915.15(e). The frequency with which a tank
is monitored to determine if atmospheric
conditions are being maintained is a function of several factors that are discussed
1. Temperature. Higher temperatures will
cause a combustible or flammable liquid to
vaporize at a faster rate than lower temperatures. This is important since hotter days
may cause tank residues to produce more vapors and that may result in the vapors exceeding 10 percent of the LEL or an overexposure to toxic contaminants.
2. Work in the tank. Any activity in the
tank could change the atmospheric conditions in that tank. Oxygen from a leaking
oxyfuel hose or torch could result in an oxygen-enriched atmosphere that would more
easily propagate a flame. Some welding operations use inert gas, and leaks can result in
an oxygen-deficient atmosphere. Manual
tank cleaning with high pressure spray devices can stir up residues and result in exposures to toxic contaminants. Simple cleaning or mucking out, where employees walk
through and shovel residues and sludge, can
create a change in atmospheric conditions.
3. Period of time elapsed. If a period of time
has elapsed since a Marine Chemist or Coast
Guard authorized person has certified a tank
as safe, the atmospheric condition should be

rechecked by the competent person prior to
entry and starting work.
4. Unattended tanks or spaces. When a tank
or space has been tested and declared safe,
then subsequently left unattended for a period of time, it should be retested prior to
entry and starting work. For example, when
barges are left unattended at night, unidentified products from another barge are sometimes dumped into their empty tanks. Since
this would result in a changed atmosphere,
the tanks should be retested prior to entry
and starting work.
5. Work break. When workers take a break
or leave at the end of the shift, equipment
sometimes is inadvertently left in the tanks.
At lunch or work breaks and at the end of
the shift are the times when it is most likely
someone will leave a burning or cutting
torch in the tank, perhaps turned on and
leaking oxygen or an inert gas. Since the
former can produce an oxygen-enriched atmosphere, and the latter an oxygen-deficient
atmosphere, tanks should be checked for
equipment left behind, and atmosphere,
monitored if necessary prior to re-entering
and resuming work. In an oxygen-enriched
atmosphere, the flammable range is severely
broadened. This means that an oxygen-enriched atmosphere can promote very rapid
6. Ballasting or trimming. Changing the position of the ballast, or trimming or in any
way moving the vessel so as to expose cargo
that had been previously trapped, can
produce a change in the atmosphere of the
tank. The atmosphere should be retested
after any such move and prior to entry or
Section 1915.14 (a) and (b) Hot work. This is
a reminder that other sections of the OSHA
shipyard safety and health standards in part
1915 should be reviewed prior to starting any
hot work. Most notably, subpart D, Welding,
Cutting and Heating, places additional restrictions on hot work. The requirements of
§§ 1915.51 and 1915.53 must be met before hot
work is begun on any metal that is toxic or
is covered by a preservative coating respectively; the requirements of § 1915.54 must be
met before welding, cutting, or heating is
begun on any hollow containers or structures not covered by § 1915.12.
Section 1915.12(a)(2). During hot work, more
than 20.8 percent oxygen by volume can be
unsafe since it extends the normal flammable range. The standard permits the oxygen level to reach 22 percent by volume in
order to account for instrument error. However, the cause of excess oxygen should be investigated and the source removed.
Section 1915.16(b). If the entire vessel has
been found to be in the same condition, then
employers shall be considered to be in compliance with this requirement when signs
using appropriate warning language in accordance with § 1915.16(a) are posted at the


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
gangway and at all other means of access to
the vessel.

Pt. 1915, Subpt. B, App. B

far as can reasonably be done, the safe conditions in the spaces certified, throughout the
operation and shall include such additional
tests and certifications as considered required. Such qualifications and requirements
shall include precautions necessary to eliminate or minimize hazards that may be
present from protective coatings or residues
from cargoes.
2. Title 46 CFR 71.60(c)(1) covering hot
work on passenger vessels reads as follows:
(a) The provisions of ‘‘Standard for the
Control of Gas Hazards on Vessels to be Repaired,’’ NFPA No. 306, published by National Fire Protection Association, 1
Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269, shall
be used as a guide in conducting the inspections and issuance of certificates required by
this section.
(b) Until an inspection has been made to
determine that such operation can be undertaken with safety, no alterations, repairs, or
other such operations involving riveting,
welding, burning, or like fire-producing actions shall be made:
(1) Within or on the boundaries of cargo
tanks which have been used to carry flammable or combustible liquid or chemicals in
bulk, or within spaces adjacent to such cargo
tanks; or
(2) Within or on the boundaries of fuel
tanks; or
(3) To pipe lines, heating coils, pumps, fittings, or other appurtenances connected to
such cargo or fuel tanks.
(c) Such inspections shall be made and evidenced as follows:
(1) In ports or places in the United States
or its territories and possessions the inspection shall be made by a Marine Chemist certificated by the National Fire Protection Association; however, if the services of such
certified Marine Chemist are not reasonably
available, the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, upon the recommendation of the
vessel owner and his contractor or their representative, shall select a person who, in the
case of an individual vessel, shall be authorized to make such inspection. If the inspection indicated that such operations can be
undertaken with safety, a certificate setting
forth the fact in writing and qualified as
may be required, shall be issued by the certified Marine Chemist or the authorized person before the work is started. Such qualifications shall include any requirements as
may be deemed necessary to maintain, insofar as can reasonably be done, the safe conditions in the spaces certified throughout the
operation and shall include such additional
tests and certifications as considered required. Such qualifications and requirements
shall include precautions necessary to eliminate or minimize hazards that may be
present from protective coatings or residues
from cargoes.

[47 FR 16986, Apr. 20, 1982, as amended at 67
FR 44541, July 3, 2002]


This appendix provides a complete reprint
of U.S. Coast Guard regulations as of October 1, 1993, referenced in subpart B for purposes of determining who is a Coast Guard
authorized person.
1. Title 46 CFR 35.01–1 (a) through (c) covering hot work on tank vessels reads as follows:
(a) The provisions of ‘‘Standard for the
Control of Gas Hazards on Vessels to be Repaired,’’ NFPA No. 306, published by National Fire Protection Association, 1
Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269, shall
be used as a guide in conducting the inspections and issuance of certificates required by
this section.
(b) Until an inspection has been made to
determine that such operation can be undertaken with safety, no alterations, repairs, or
other such operations involving riveting,
welding, burning, or like fire-producing actions shall be made:
(1) Within or on the boundaries of cargo
tanks that have been used to carry flammable or combustible liquid or chemicals in
bulk, or within spaces adjacent to such cargo
tanks; or
(2) Within or on the boundaries of fuel
tanks; or
(3) To pipe lines, heating coils, pumps, fittings, or other appurtenances connected to
such cargo or fuel tanks.
(c) Such inspections shall be made and evidenced as follows:
(1) In ports or places in the United States
or its territories and possessions, the inspection shall be made by a Marine Chemist certificated by the National Fire Protection Association; however, if the services of such
certified Marine Chemists are not reasonably
available, the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, upon the recommendation of the
vessel owner and his contractor or their representative, shall select a person who, in the
case of an individual vessel, shall be authorized to make such inspection. If the inspection indicates that such operations can be
undertaken with safety, a certificate setting
forth the fact in writing and qualified as
may be required, shall be issued by the certified Marine Chemist or the authorized person before the work is started. Such qualifications shall include any requirements as
may be deemed necessary to maintain, inso-


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§ 1915.31

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–07 Edition)

3. Title 46 CFR 91.50–1(c)(1) covering hot
work on cargo and miscellaneous vessels as
(a) The provisions of ‘‘Standard for the
Control of Gas Hazards on Vessels to be Repaired,’’ NFPA No. 306, published by National Fire Protection Association, 1
Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269, shall
be used as a guide in conducting the inspections and issuance of certificates required by
this section.
(b) Until an inspection has been made to
determine that such operation can be undertaken with safety, no alterations, repairs, or
other such operations involving riveting,
welding, burning, or like fire-producing actions shall be made:
(1) Within or on the boundaries of cargo
tanks which have been used to carry flammable or combustible liquid or chemicals in
bulk, or within spaces adjacent to such cargo
tanks; or,
(2) Within or on the boundaries of fuel
tanks; or,
(3) To pipe lines, heating coils, pumps, fittings, or other appurtenances connected to
such cargo or fuel tanks.
(c) Such inspections shall be made and evidenced as follows:
(1) In ports or places in the United States
or its territories and possessions the inspection shall be made by a Marine Chemist certificated by the National Fire Protection Association; however, if the services of such
certified Marine Chemist are not reasonably
available, the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, upon the recommendation of the
vessel owner and his contractor or their representative, shall select a person who, in the
case of an individual vessel, shall be authorized to make such inspection. If the inspection indicated that such operations can be
undertaken with safety, a certificate setting
forth the fact in writing and qualified as
may be required, shall be issued by the certified Marine Chemist or the authorized person before the work is started. Such qualifications shall include any requirements as
may be deemed necessary to maintain, insofar as can reasonably be done, the safe conditions in the spaces certified throughout the
operation and shall include such additional
tests and certifications as considered required. Such qualifications and requirements
shall include precautions necessary to eliminate or minimize hazards that may be
present from protective coatings or residues
from cargoes.

Subpart C—Surface Preparation
and Preservation
§ 1915.31 Scope and application of subpart.
The standards contained in this subpart shall apply to ship repairing and
shipbuilding and shall not apply to
§ 1915.32

Toxic cleaning solvents.

(a) When toxic solvents are used, the
employer shall employ one or more of
the following measures to safeguard
the health of employees exposed to
these solvents.
(1) The cleaning operation shall be
completely enclosed to prevent the escape of vapor into the working space.
(2) Either natural ventilation or mechanical exhaust ventilation shall be
used to remove the vapor at the source
and to dilute the concentration of vapors in the working space to a concentration which is safe for the entire
work period.
(3) Employees shall be protected
against toxic vapors by suitable respiratory protective equipment in accordance with the requirements of subpart I of this part and, where necessary, against exposure of skin and
eye contact with toxic solvents and
their vapors by suitable clothing and
(b) The principles in the threshold
limit values to which attention is directed in § 1915.4 will be used by the Department of Labor in enforcement proceedings in defining a safe concentration of air contaminants.
(c) When flammable solvents are
used, precautions shall be taken in accordance with the requirements of
§ 1915.36.
[47 FR 16986, Apr. 20, 1982, as amended at 61
FR 26351, May 24, 1996]

§ 1915.33 Chemical paint and preservative removers.
(a) Employees shall be protected
against skin contact during the handling and application of chemical paint
and preservative removers and shall be
protected against eye injury by goggles
or face shields in accordance with the
requirements of subpart I of this part.


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