Grant Application Data Summary (GADS) Form

Grant Application Data Summary (GADS) Form

2007 GADS Form - DR

Grant Application Data Summary (GADS) Form

OMB: 0970-0328

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Grant Application Data Summary (GADS) Form

The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995: Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1/2 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB number.

1. Applicant Name:      

2. State:      

3. EIN (Employer Identification Number as assigned by the Internal Revenue Service):      

4. DUNS Number (Provide Data Universal Numbering System number received from Dun and Bradstreet):      

5. Federal Amount Requested (Provide dollar amount requested for each one year budget period):

Year 1:     

Year 2:     

Year 3:     

6. Choose the proposed project time frame:

12 Months

24 Months

36 Months

7. Applicant Type (Choose ONE that best describes your organization):

Federally Recognized Indian Tribe

Consortia of Indian Tribes

Incorporated Non-Federally Recognized Tribe

Incorporated Non-Federally Recognized Tribe and State Recognized Indian Tribes

Incorporated Non-Profit Multi-Purpose Community-Based Native American Organization

Urban Indian Center

National or Regional Incorporated Non-Profit Native American Organization

Alaska Native Village or Non-Profit Village Consortia

Incorporated Non-Profit Alaska Native Multi-purpose Community Based Organization

Non-Profit Alaska Native Regional Corporation/Association in Alaska

Non-Profit Native Organization in Alaska

Public or Non-Profit Private Agency Serving Native Hawaiians

Agency Serving Native Peoples from Guam, American Samoa, or Northern Mariana Islands

Tribally Controlled College or University, or Post-Secondary Vocational Institution

College or University Located in HI, GU, AS or MP Serving Native Pacific Islanders

Non-Profit Alaska Native Community Entity or Tribal Governing Body

Other Tribal or Village Organization

Tribal Governing Body

8. Partnerships (Collaborations) - Choose all that apply:

Other Federal Agencies

Community Organizations

National/Local Non-Profit Organizations


State or Local Government

Private Business

Philanthropic Organizations

Faith-Based Organizations

9. Projected number of jobs created (Please provide ANA the number of jobs you anticipate creating if you are awarded an ANA grant):      

10. Please choose the competitive area, for which you are applying for funding (SEDS, Environmental, Native Language). Under the competitive area you have chosen, please check only ONE ANA program area of interest that best describes the focus of your project i.e., only ONE check mark per applicant:

Social and Economic Development Strategies (SEDS)

  • Economic Development

Business Development

Community Strategic Planning

Organizational Capacity Building

Subsistence Project

Emergency Response Activities

Transportation for Elders and Disabled

Transportation for Workforce Development

International Tourism and Trade

Job Training

  • Social Development

Youth Development

Strengthening Family Relationship Skills

Cultural Preservation Activities

Family Violence Prevention

Education Development

Foster Parent Training

Supporting Elders

Supporting People with Disabilities

  • Governance

Tribal Government Program Enhancement

Management and Leadership Development

Information Management Systems

Codes and Ordinances

Constitutional Reform

Operational Planning

Tribal Court Systems

  • Special Initiative: Improving the Well-being of Children: Native American Healthy Marriage Initiative

Relationship and Marriage Education for Adults

Relationship and Marriage Education for Youth

Marriage Enrichment

Pre-marital education and marriage skills

Relationship Skills

Public Advertising Campaigns


Environmental Regulatory Enhancement

Environmental Assessment

Infrastructure Improvement

Develop Regulations, Ordinances, or Laws

Develop a Technical Program



Energy Assessment

Energy Projects for Export

Renewable Energy Resources

Native Language Preservation and Maintenance

Category I - Assessment

Data Collection

Formal Language Assessment

Informal Language Assessment

Category II - Planning

Develop Long Range Community Goals for Language

Develop a Language Strategic Plan

Category III - Project Implementation

Establish Intergenerational Program

Train Language Teachers

Develop Printed Materials to Teach Language

Programs to Broadcast Native Language

Preservation of Oral Testimony

Digitize Materials

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleGrant Application Data Summary
Last Modified ByUSER
File Modified2007-08-14
File Created2007-08-14

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