Attachment 10 - Human Subjects IRB Approval

Lindsley influenza OMB Attach 10 IRB approval.pdf

Experimental and Theoretical Study of Early Detection and Isolation of Influenza

Attachment 10 - Human Subjects IRB Approval

OMB: 0920-0777

Document [pdf]
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....... l.. '" DEPARTMENT

Date Januar 9, 2007
From Chair, NIOSH HSRB

Subject Report ofNIOSH HSRB -- Protocol No. HSRB 06-HELD-11XP "Experimental and Theoretical
Study of Early Detection and Isolation of Infuenza" Approval of Protocol

To Wiliam Lindsley, Ph.D.
Project Officer, PPRB, HELD

Through: /Chief, PPRB, HELD ~_

/Director, HELD __

General Comments and IRB Actions
I received your revised protocol and consent document (letter dated December 19,2006) and find
that it is responsive to the issues raised in my December 14, 2006, expedited review of your
original submission. The revised protocol and consent document are approved for one year and
wil serve as the documents of

record (dated 1/9/2007) for this study (renewal date 12/14/2007).

However, if you make any substantive changes, or any adverse reactions occur in any study
paricipants, please notify me immediately.

Protocol Issues - None.

Consent Form Issues - None.

Addenda Issues (Scripts, questionnaires, brochures, etc.) - None

End of report


~ Michael J. Collgan Ph.D.




Date received

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


Signature Page for Human Research Review
Protocols and Related Documentation
Use this signatue page when submitting HRO forms to your center-level Human Subjects

submitting materials with these forms, please consecutively number all

SAFER'HiiALTHIiiR,..iiO"L£~ Contact. When

pages, beginning with the protocol title page and followed by consent formes) and ancilar documents. See HRPO

Guide: Overview for fuher details. NOTE: IR (Institutional Review Board) refers to the NIOSH HSRB
Board (HSRB) of
(National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Human Subjects Review

the CDC Human Research Protection Offce (HO).


Protocol identifiers

CAN# !l~ZQg~s


Leave protocol ID blan if not yet assigned.

CDC protocol ID: HSßEQa:HELP:IIXl Protocol version number Z.. version date iZÜ2LiQQQ
Protocol title: E~PtlrÏll:lltala¡c:.Ilil:orl:tlc;al.Stlic:y .ofEarlY.Ptlttlc;tjQIla¡c:Isolati.on..of.lllfl1!tllla

Amendment number (if applicable):

2 Key CDC personnel
Name and degrees

User ID


CDC NC/division







(FirstName LastName, Degrees)

Primar contact WiiiialD, LinC:sltlY, lli

Principal investigator Will.a G.LlJ:cisltlY

SEV # is CDC's Scientific Ethics Verification Number. CDC NC/division îs the national center or equivalent and
divisîon or equivalent, or coordinating center or offce if submitted at that leveL.

3 Forms submitted with this signature page
Check all that apply in the appropriate colum.
Exempted protocols

IR-reviewed protocols

0.1250X: Initial Review for Exemption

0.1250: Initial Review by IRB

0.1251: Continuing Review of Approved Protocol
Changes to Approved

0.1252: Review of


1251X: Continuing Review of

Exempted Protocol

0.1252X: Review of Changes to Exempted Protocol

0.1254: Incident Report
1254S: Supplemental Adverse

0.1253: End of

Event Report

Human Research Review

~i0.1370: CDC'sResearch Parers

0.1253: End of

Human Research Review

0.1370: CDC's Research Parers

0.1371: CDC Rely on a Non-CDCIRB
0.1372: Outside Institution Rely on a CDC IRB

0.1373: CDC Cover an Individual Investigator

COC Form 0.1379 NIQSH

Version 1.0 2006-04-13

Page 1 of 2


Signature page for human research review - NIQSH HSRB


As principal investigator, I hereby accept responsibilty for conducting this CDC-sponsored research project in an
ethical manner, consistent with the policies and procedures contained in CDC's Procedures for Protection of Human
principles outlined in federal policies for the protection of
Research Participants, and to abide by the
subjects at 45 CFR par 46, 21 CFR par 50, and 21 CFR par 56.

~nature Date


Principal CDC Investigator:


As a supervisor of

the principal investigator, I hereby accept responsibilty for ensuring that this CDC-sponsored

r ese arch p rOjefQt con.du cted in an e. thical manner, consisten tWl't h. th e.pol i cies and procedures contained inCD.....C........'.S...
Procedures for otection of

Human Research Participants, and to abide by the

principles outlined in federal

policies for the tection ~fhl¡an s~ts at 45 CFR par 46, 21 CFR par 50, and 21 CFR par 56,


Signatiir~.. . ...¿,u-#.t2~.. . ..D..~teLl~3I()t. ..R~~~r;~;_........
PI is Team Lead:.

Team Lead: '" - - - 0 ~ Check if


Branch Official (e.g., Chief or Senior Scientist):


. "Ölieck

~1!U:toror ADS):







\::0l.. i-________~___.__

I concur that this enC-sponsored research project is consistent with the policies and procedures contained in cnc's
Procedures for Protection of

Human Research Participants and with other applicable CDC and national center


Signature Date Remarks

Chair, NIOS

J/ZT~ 7

5 Additional comments

6 Reminder regarding other regulatory clearance processes
The principal investigator is responsible for obtaining other regulatory reviews as needed, which may include OMB
information collections. Approval by
clearance under the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) for federally sponsored
or exemption from the IRE is unelated to OMB clearance requirements under the PRA, For more information on
whether your study requires clearance under PRA or other regulations, please consult the appropriate offcials within
your national center.

CDC Form 0.1379 NIOSH

Version 1.0 2006-04-13

Page 2 of2

Date received

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


/-/J?"' 0'1

Request for Initial Review by

an Institutional Review Board
Use this form to submit a protocol for its fist review by a CDC IRE or a n.on-CDC IRE. If
SAFIE.HiiLTHIiiR,..iiO"Lii~ seeking review by a n.on-CDC IRB, also include form 0.1371. See HRPO Guide: IRE

Review Cycle for fuher details on how to complete this form.

1 Protocol identifiers
Leave protocol 10 blan if


yet assigned.

2 . ... version date lZl19aQQQ

CDC protocol ID: HSBJ1QQ:HELl):11Xl Protocol version number

Protocol title: -E~p.lri!Jl:ntalaIlQThtlOI.ltjÇal_S.t\c:Y.of-EarIYl)l:t.lçtiollanc:lsolaljolloflifllJl:n~
in a separate cell:
Suggested keywords (optional). Enter each term






2 Key CDC personnel
User ID


CDC NC/division







Investigator 2 J)onald Beezholq, Phl

zec i-


Investigat.or 3 Francoise Blachere, MS



Investigator 4 Bean T. Chen




Investigator 5 Qavid G. Frazer._.PhD




Name and degrees
(FirstName LastName, Degrees)

Primary contact Willia!J Q.. LilllsIl:y,lliJ)

Principal investigator Wiliam_G. Lindsley..Phl

SEV # is CDC's Scientific Ethics Verification Number. CDC NC/division is the national center (or equivalent) and
division (or equivalent), .or coordinating center or offce if submitted at that leveL.
List all other CDC investigators, if any (name and degrees, user ID, SEV #, CDC NC/division):


3 CDC's role in project
Check yes or no for each of

the following.

II CDC employees or agents wil obtain data by intervening or interacting with paricipants.
II CDC employees or agents wil obtain or use identifiable (including coded) private data or biological

II CDC employees or agents wil obtain or use anonymous or unlinked data .or biological specimens.
CDC employees wil provide substantial technical assistance or oversight.
CDC employees wil paricipate as co-authors in presentationes) or publication(s).
"Agents" includes on-site contractors, fellows, and others appointed or retained to work at a CDC facilty
conducting activities under the auspices ofCDe.

CDC Form 0.1250
Version 3.0 2006-04-13

Page 1 of 5

Request for initial review by an IRB

4 CDC's research partners
Research parers include all direct and indirect recipients ofCDC fuding (e.g., grants, cooperative agreements,
contracts, subcontracts, purchase orders) and other CDC support (e.g., identifiable private information, supplies,
products, drgs, or other tangible support) for this research activity, as well as collaborators who do not receive such
support. See HRPO Guide: CDC's Research Partners for

fuher details. Check one of

the following.

No research parers.

Research parers are listed on form 0.1370, which accompanies this form.

5 StUdy participants-planned demographic frequencies
Report estimated counts (rather than percentages). Include paricipants at domestic and foreign sites. See HRPO
Guide: IR/ Review Cycle for defmitions.

Number of paricipants 85
Location of participants
Paricipating at domestic sites
Participating at foreign sites
Sex/Gender of



Sex/gender not available



Ethicity of paricipants

Hispanic or Latino
Not Hispanic or Latino
Ethnicity not available



Asian Q

Race of


American Indian or Alaska Native Q

Wh~ Q

Black or African American Q

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Q

More than one race 0
Race not available SS
Comments on demographics
B,ac;slJmÇl l:tliic;ity'WUlnotpl:lli.l:çl asi.tlltlçtiollc;ritl:IIaançl 'WillnotPl:JtlçorçlSiçlçlllmgJlitlStiçly.

(; Regulation and policy

6.1 Mode of IRS review on coe's behalf
Location of IRB (check one):
Non-CDC IRB through IRB authorization agreement (submit form 0.1371)
Institution or organization providing IRB review:
IRB registration number (if

Federalwide assurance number (if any):

CDC Form 0.1250
Version 3.0 2006-04-13

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Request for initial review by an IRB
Suggested level of risk to subjects (check one):
JI Minimal
II Greater than minimal

Suggested level of IR review (check one):
See HRPO Worksheet for Expedited Review for detailed assistace. If relying on a non-CDC IRB, please indicate
the level of review that you thin is appropriate under human research regulations.
Convened-board review is suggested
Not eligible for expedited review. For example, poses greater than minimal risk; involves use of
blood; use of
drg, biologic, or device under IN or IDE; involves collection of large amount of
x-rays or microwaves; anesthesia; or physically invasive procedures
Other specified reason: ~__
Expedited review is suggested, under the following categories (check all that apply):
la Study of drgs not requiring Investigational New Drug exemption from FDA
lb Study of

from FDA

medical devices not requiring Investigational Device Exemption

2a Collection of

blood from healthy, nonpregnant adults; below volume limit, minimally invasive

2b Collection of

blood from other adults and children; below volume limit, minimally invasive

3 Prospective nonivasive collection of

biological specimens for research puroses

4 Collection of data through routine, noninvasive procedures, involving no general anesthesia,

sedation, x-rays, or microwaves

5 Research that uses previously collected materials
6 Collection of data from voice, video, digital, or image recordings made for research puroses

7 Research that uses interview, program evaluation, human factors, or quality assurance methods

6.2 Vulnerable populations
the following vulnerable populations. Choose one option in each row,
and indicate the page(s) where inclusion or exclusion is justified in the protocol.

Characterize the intention to include each of

Targeted Allowed Excluded

Pregnant women or fetuses


Children (including viable neonates)








Describe other groups of potentially vulnerable subjects intended to be included or excluded, such as neonates of
uncertin viabilty or nonviable neonates, persons with mental disabilties, or persons with economic or educational


6.3 free and informed consent
Characterize requested changes to required featues of the informed consent process. If a waiver is requested, enter
the protocol where the waiver is justified.

the page number of

Which exceptions to the consent process are requested? Check all that apply:
informed consent for adults
Waiver or alteration of e.1ements of
Waiver of assent for children capable of providing .assent
parental permission
Waiver of

CDC Form 0.1250
Version 3.0 2006-04-13


Page 3 of5

Request for initial review by an IRB
Which exceptions to documentation of informed consent are requested? Check all that apply:
consent for
II Waiver of documentation of informed

Waiver of documentation of assent for children capable of providing assent
parental permission
Waiver of documentation of
Waiver or alteration of authorization under HIP AA Privacy Rule

How is it shown that the consent process is in understandable language? Check all that apply:
Reading level has been estimated


pgpg 21..Ii 40

Comprehension tool is provided
Short form is provided


Translation planned or performed


Certified translation/translator


Translation and back-translation to/from taget language(s)
Other method (specify:

6.4 Other regulation and policy considerations
Check all that apply.

If requesting the exception to the PHS policy on informing those tested about HIV serostatus, enter the page number
ofthe protocol where the waiver is justified.

Exception is request to PHS informing those tested about HIV serostatus. pg

Human genetic testing is planed now orin the futue.
This study includes a registrable clinical triaL.

This study involves long-term storage of identifiable biological specimens.
This study involves a drg, biologic, or device.
See HRPO Worksheet to Determine FDA Regulatory Coverage/or guidance on whether or not FDA
regulations apply.

This study wil be conducted under an Investigational New Drug (IND) exemption or Investigational Device
Exemption (IDE).

IN/IDE number(s):
6.5 Confidentiality protections
If at least one research site is within the US, then check either Granted, Pending, or No in each row. If no sites are
within the US, then check NA in each row.
Granted Pending
Certificate of

Confidentiality (30



Assurance of Confidentiality (308( d))




Describe any other formal confidentiality protections that are planed or are in place:

CDC Form 0.1250
Version 3.0 2006-04-13

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Request for initial review by

an IRB

7 Material submitted with this form
Check.all that apply. Describe additional material in the comments section.
Complete protocol
Peer reviewers' comments or division waiver (NIOSH)
Consent, assent,

and permission documents or scripts

Other information for recruits or paricipants (e.g., ads, brochures, flyers, scripts)
II Data collection instrents (e.g., questionnaires, interview scripts, record abstraction tools)

Certification of IRB approval or exemption for research parers

8 Additional comments

CDC Form 0.1250
Version 3.02006-04-13

Page 5 of 5

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


Date received

J:Jii) 0 L

COC's Research Partners
Use this form to report curent information on CDC's research parers whenever a parer
changes. Supply individual name and SEV number
institution or
individual is added or information
only for investigators collaborating with CDC under an individual investigator agreement (IIA). See

HRPO Guide: CDC's Research Partners and either the HRPO Worksheetfor Basic Tracking of
Research Partners or the HRPO Worksheet for Advanced Tracking of Research Partners for details
on how to complete this form.
Leave protocol ID blan if not yet


CDC protocol ID:/lM 0 ¡, '" IIEL)) - / 1)( P Protocol version number
Protocol title: EXPtrimental and Theoretical Stu-g of

Early Detection and Isolation of


Partner 1

Partner 2

Instituion name: Wl:stYirgmiallIllY-tISi.ty

Institution name:

Instituion location: MorgalltoWl,wy,llSA

Institution location:

Individual name (IIA only):
Reporting status: IllitjaLIl:port

Individual name (IIA only):
Reporting status: Rl:portingstatis?

Regulatory coverage: Ellgagtli:1l01l:l:~l:Jlpt


Financial support: Grant

Financial support: Financial support?

Support award number: ROlOHOQ9037-01
Support end date: 20QliQQ2

version date

coverage: Ellgagl:d?E~l:i:pt?

Support award number:

IRB approval expiration date:

Support end date:
Nonfinancial support: NollflIallçiaLsllPport?
FWA number:
SEV number (IIA only):
IRB review status: iRBi~yil:Wmstatis?
IRB approval expiration date:

Partner 3

Partner 4

Nonfinancial support: NolloiiflIallC;ialSllPPort
FW A number: 00005078

SEV number (IIA only):

IRB review status: RtlIymgonÇpçJßE

Regulatory coverage: Engaged? Exempt

Institution name:
Institution location:
Individual name (IIA only):
Reporting status: Bgportmgstatis?
Regulatory coverage: Engaged? Exempt?

Financial support: Fmarrc;iaLsllPPort?

Financial support: Einanc;ial SllPport?

Support award number:

Support award number:

Support end date:
Nonfinancial support: Nonfinancial sUPQort?

Support end date:
Nonfinancial support: Nonfmancial support?

FW A number:

FW A number:

SEV number (IIA only):
IRB review status: IRB_ryview status?
IRB approval expiration date:

SEV number (IIA only):
IRB review status: IRB revi~w status?
IRB approval expiration date:

Institution name:
Institution location:

Individual name (IIA only):
Reporting status: Rl:portmg statis?

CDC Form 0.1370
Version 1.0 2006-04-13

page 1 of 2

, '

COC's research partners

Partner 5

Partner 6

Institution name:

Institution name:

Institution location:

Institution location:

Individual name (IIA only): .
Reporting status: Rl:P9rtmgst!ltis?

Individual name (IIA only): ______

Reporting status: R~po_rtmKslat:s?

Regulatory coverage: Eng!l~Ji1.E~l:mpl?

Regulatory coverage: Eng!gtl"c::LE~l:mp!?

Financial support: Financial support?
Support award number:
Support end date:

Financial support: Financial support1
Support award number:
Support end date:

Nonfmancial support: Nonfmancial sUPRort1

Nonfiancial support: Nonfiancial S1lRport?

SEV number (IIA only):
IRE review status: I:R rtlyi~w statis?
IRE approval expiration date:

FWA number:
SEV number (IIA only):
IRE review status: IßEItlyil:WStat:S?
IRE approval expiration date:

Partner 7

Partner 8

Institution name:

Individual name (IIA only):
Reporting status: Reporting-status?

Institution name:
Institution location:
Individual name (IIA only):
Reporting status: Reporting status?

Regulatory coverage: Engaged? Exem12t?

Regulatory coverage: Eng~ed? Exempt?

Financial support: Fmallc;i.aLs1lPPort?

Financial support: Fm¡mc;.iaLs1lPPort?

Support award number:

Support award number:

Support end date: ~
Nonfmancial support: Nonfllançials1lPPort?

Support end date:
Nonfinancial support: Nonfllallçi!lLsupport?

FW A number:

FW A number:

SEV number (IIA only):
IRE review status: IRE review status?
IRE approval expiration date:

SEV number (IIA only):
IRE review status: IRE review status?

Partner 9

Partner 10

Institution name:

Institution name:
Institution location:

FW A number:

Institution location:

Institution location:

Individual name (IIA only):
Reporting status: Rl:portmgslatis?
Regulatory coverage: Ellg!lgtlçl?EKtlllpt?
Financial support: FmançiaLsiipRort?

Support award number:.__~

IR approval expiration date:

Individual name (IIA only): ~
Reporting status: RtlPortmgslatl_S?
coverage: Ellg!lgl:c:?E~~llpt?
Financial support: Fmi.çiaLs1lPPort?

Support award number: ~__

Support end date:

Support end date: ...

Nonfiancial support: N9nfllanc;iaLs1lPP9rt?

Nonfinancial support: Nonfllanc;ial S1lPPort?

FW A number:

FWA number:
SEV number (IIA only):

SEV number (IIA only):
IRE review status: lßEIl:yil:WStatiS?
IRE approval expiration date:

CDC Form 0.1370
Version 1.0 2006-04.13

IRE review status: JRieyil:w_statis?

IRE approval expiration date:

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File TitleeCopy
AuthorCopier User
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2007-01-09

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