Supporting Statement PART A

Supporting Statement PART A.doc

Presentation Comment Card and Air Force Week Event Comment Card

OMB: 0701-0156

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  1. Justification

Need for the information

    1. The collection of audience feedback is necessary in order to improve Air Force presentations and events in the future. It is necessary to ensure that the Air Force presents the best products and events to U.S. public audiences. The collection of this information is authorized by

Executive Order 12862 dated September 11, 1993, “Setting Customer Service Standards.”

Putting people first means ensuring that the Federal Government provides the highest quality service possible to the American people. Public officials must embark upon a revolution within the Federal Government to change the way it does business. This will require continual reform of the executive branch’s management practices and operations to provide service to the public that matches or exceeds the best service available in the private sector.

Use of information

    1. The information will be aggregated and used by the Secretary of the Air Force, Office of Communication, Research and Assessment Division (SAF/CMA) to provide substantive feedback to the organizers of presentations and events so that changes can be made according to attendee opinions.

Use of Technology

    1. The data collection will not be electronic. Event attendees will complete comment cards using ink pens immediately following presentations or other events.


    1. Duplication will be minimized because attendees will only be asked to complete one comment card per event attended. There is no currently available information to satisfy this need because the feedback by attendees is on unique events.

Burden on Small Business

    1. Small businesses or entities will not be impacted because the comment cards draw an individual’s personal opinion and experience.

Less Frequent Collection

    1. The consequences to the Air Force should this collection not be conducted would be that the organizers of the presentations and events will not have objective feedback in order to improve their events and products. Without the objective feedback, the organizers of these specific events will not be able to tailor their message to the audience and create the best experience for attendees. Not being able to create the best product could diminish the Air Force’s reputation to some audiences. Attendees will only be asked to complete one comment card per event attended. The data collection instruments have no more than nine questions and relate to an event or presentation in the immediate past.

Paperwork Reduction Act Guidelines

    1. There are no special circumstances. The collection of information will be conducted in a manner consistent with the guidelines in 5 CFR 1320.5(d)(2).

Consultation and Public Comments

    1. Attached is a copy of the notice that was published in the Federal Register on August 27, 2007 (72 FR 48895). No comments were received.

No efforts were made to consult with persons outside the agency to obtain their views on the availability of data, frequency of collection, the clarity of instructions and recordkeeping, disclosure, or reporting format, and on the data elements to be recorded, disclosed or reported. This effort was not made due to the nature of the data collection which is for the sole purpose of improving a presentation or event.

Gifts or Payments

    1. No payment or gift will be offered to respondents.


    1. The collection of information will be completely anonymous and no identifying information will be requested.

Sensitive Questions

    1. There will be no questions of a sensitive nature on the data collection instrument.

Respondent Burden and its Costs

    1. Presentation Comment Card

Number of Respondents: 1000

Frequency of Response: 1

Total Annual Response: 1000

Hours per Response: 6 minutes (0.1 hours)

Total Burden Hours: 100

Air Force Week Event Comment Card

Number of Respondents: 1000

Frequency of Response: 1

Total Annual Response: 1000

Hours per Response: 6 minutes (0.1 hours)

Total Burden Hours: 100

The annualized cost of the hour burden to respondents is negligible.

Cost of Respondent Burden

    1. There are no capital or start-up costs associated with this information collection. No record keeping is required.

Cost to the Federal Government

    1. The annualized cost to the Federal government is as follows:

Personnel cost = $3,000 (1 civilian at $45 per hour) X (2000 cards at 2 minutes per card)

Printing and overhead costs - $8,000

Total Cost to the Federal Government: $11,000

Reasons for Change in Burden

    1. This is a program change due to a new collection.

Collections of Information

    1. The results will not be published.

Expiration Date

    1. The Air Force is not seeking an exception to display of the expiration date of this information collection.

Certification Statement

    1. No exceptions to the certification statement are being requested.

  1. Collections of Information Employing Statistical Methods.

    1. The information collection is not a statistical sample and statistical methods will only be used to aggregate the responses. The information collected will be summarized using simple statistical procedures such as frequency distributions and simple statistics such as “average.” The sample is a self-selected convenience sample of respondents who have attended a presentation or other Air Force event.


File Typeapplication/msword
AuthorLaura Niang
Last Modified Bypltoppings
File Modified2007-12-06
File Created2007-09-13

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