Form users group queryi users group queryi users group querying survey

National Practitioner Data Bank and Healthcare Integrity and Protection Data Bank Market Survey and Survey of Use of Data Bank Information

users group querying survey

NPDB HIPDB Users Group Querying Survey

OMB: 0915-0316

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Application ID#:





City Center: Government

National Practitioner

Data Bank Querying X SURVEY DESIGN: Tara McGhee


Scott Cook, Programmer

May, 2007 n=


OMB No. 0915-XXXX

Expiration Date:





(PROGRAMMER NOTE: At the bottom of each screen, display:)

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(PROGRAMMER NOTE: If completed survey found in database for this Access Code, display the following error message:)

A survey has already been completed with this Access Code. Thank you for your participation.

If you feel you have received this message in error, please contact Gallup Client Support at or by calling 1-888-297-8999 for assistance.

Sa. STRATUM: (Code from Sample File)

1 Licensing Boards

2 Hospitals

3 Managed Care Organizations

4 Other Health Care Entities

Sb. SAMPLE SOURCE: (Code from Sample File)








Conducted by:

The Gallup Organization

Welcome to the NPDB-HIPDB Querying Questionnaire.

Thank you for agreeing to participate in the NPDB-HIPDB Querying Questionnaire. This questionnaire is a pre-test of the proposed instrument that is to take place in the Fall of 2007. Many changes have been made to the NPDB since our last survey in 2000. The results from that survey helped us design and implement these improvements. We anticipate that the results from this pre-test will similarly help us improve the NPDB and HIPDB.

Because you are participating in the pre-testing of this important project, your feedback on this survey is vital. Please keep track of the number of minutes it takes you to complete the survey (at the end you will be asked to report the time it took). In addition, at certain points throughout the survey, you will have the opportunity to comment on the clarity and logic of specific questions in the survey. At the end of the survey, you will be asked to provide recommendations for how to improve the survey.

Your participation in this pre-test is greatly appreciated.

If you do not complete the survey in one sitting you can log on again and the survey will resume where you left off. You will not have to repeat any of the questions you have already answered.

The OMB clearance number for this project is XXXX-XXXX. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB clearance number.

Public querying burden for the applicant for this collection of information is estimated to average .25 hour per response (15 minutes), including the time for reviewing the instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing the burden, to Health Resources and Services Administration Reports Clearance Officer, 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 14-33, Rockville, Maryland 20857.

To begin, please enter your unique Access Code that was printed in your e-mail invitation, or provided to you by the Gallup interviewer, and click the "Begin Survey" button to continue.

Access Code: (Fill in response)

<Begin Survey>

(PROGRAMMER NOTE: If Invalid Access Code is entered, display the following error message:)

You must enter a valid Access Code to continue.

(PROGRAMMER NOTE: If No Access Code is entered, display the following error message:)

You must enter an Access Code to continue.

S1. In the past year, have you submitted queries to the NPDB, the HIPDB, or to both systems?

1 NPDB only

2 HIPDB only

3 Both NPDB and HIPDB

(If code 3 in S1, Continue;

Otherwise, Skip to #1)

S2. Do you have separate registrations for the NPDB and HIPDB, or are they both under the same registration?

1 Separate registrations

2 Same registration

1. How long have your responsibilities here included querying the [(If code 1 in S1, display:) NPDB/(If code 2 in S1, display:) HIPDB/(If code 3 in S1, display:) NPDB/HIPDB]? (Enter the number of years; if less than one year, enter the number of months.)

Number of years: (Fill in response) (Allow 2 digits)

Number of months: (Fill in response) (Allow 2 digits)

(Error Message:)

Please enter numbers only.

2. Do your duties also include reporting to the [(If code 1 in S1, display:) NPDB/(If code 2 in S1, display:) HIPDB/(If code 3 in S1, display:) NPDB/HIPDB]?

1 Yes

2 No

3. Do you ever require practitioners to submit self query responses?

1 Yes, always

2 Yes, often

3 Yes, sometimes

4 Yes, rarely

5 No, never

(If code 2, 3, or 4 in #3, Continue;

Otherwise, Skip to #5)

4. Under what circumstances would you require a self-query response? (Fill in response) (Allow 300 characters)

5. Do you currently contract with an authorized agent to do some or all of your querying to the [(If code 1 in S1, display:) NPDB/(If code 2 in S1, display:) HIPDB/(If code 3 in S1, display:) NPDB/HIPDB]?

1 Yes

2 No

(If code 2 in #5, Continue;

Otherwise, Skip to Note before #9)

6. At any time in the past, have you contracted with an agent to query the [(If code 1 in S1, display:) NPDB/(If code 2 in S1, display:) HIPDB/(If code 3 in S1, display:) NPDB/HIPDB]?

1 Yes

2 No

(If code 1 in #6 AND code 1 or 3 in S1, Continue;

Otherwise, Skip to Note before #7a)

7. When did you last use an NPDB Authorized agent for querying?

MONTH: (PROGRAMMER NOTE: Make this a drop-down box)

01 January

02 February

03 March

04 April

05 May

06 June

07 July

08 August

09 September

10 October

11 November

12 December

YEAR: (Fill in response) (Allow 4 digits)

(Error Message:)

Please enter numbers only.

8. Why did you stop contracting with an agent to query the NPDB? (Fill in response) (Allow 300 characters)

(If code 1 in #6 AND code 2 or 3 in S1, Continue;

Otherwise, Skip to #13)

7a. When did you last use an HIPDB Authorized agent for querying?

MONTH: (PROGRAMMER NOTE: Make this a drop-down box)

01 January

02 February

03 March

04 April

05 May

06 June

07 July

08 August

09 September

10 October

11 November

12 December

YEAR: (Fill in response) (Allow 4 digits)

(Error Message:)

Please enter numbers only.

8a. Why did you stop contracting with an agent to query the HIPDB? (Fill in response) (Allow 300 characters)

(All in #8a, Skip to #13)

(If code 1 in #5 AND code 1 or 3 in S1, Continue;

Otherwise, Skip to Note before #9a)

9. Why do you contract with an authorized agent to help you query the NPDB? (Fill in response) (Allow 300 characters)

10. For how long have you been contracting with an authorized agent to query the NPDB? (Enter the number of years; if less than one year, enter the number of months)

YEARS: (Fill in response) (Allow 2 digits)

MONTHS: (Fill in response) (Allow 2 digits)

(Error Message:)

Please enter numbers only.

11. Are the results of your query sent directly to you, or are they sent to the agent?

1 Directly to me

2 Sent to agent

12. Do you have this agent perform some or all of the querying for your entity?

1 Agent does some of querying

2 Agent does all querying

(If code 1 in #5 AND code 2 or 3 in S1, Continue;

Otherwise, Skip to Note before #13)

9a. Why do you contract with an authorized agent to help you query the HIPDB? (Fill in response) (Allow 300 characters)

10a. For how long have you been contracting with an authorized agent to query the HIPDB? (Enter the number of years; if less than one year, enter the number of months)

YEARS: (Fill in response) (Allow 2 digits)

MONTHS: (Fill in response) (Allow 2 digits)

(Error Message:)

Please enter numbers only.

11a. Are the results of your query sent directly to you, or are they sent to the agent?

1 Directly to me

2 Sent to agent

12a. Do you have this agent perform some or all of the querying for your entity?

1 Agent does some of querying

2 Agent does all querying

(If code 1 in #12 OR #12a, Continue;

Otherwise, Skip to #32)

13. Which of the following best describes how you conduct your queries? (Click all that apply)

1 Use IQRS on the NPDB-HIPDB Web site

2 Use the ITP process to upload a data file created using the ICD-specified format

3 Use the ITP process to upload a data file created using the QRXS format

(If code 1 in #13, Continue;

Otherwise, Skip to Note before #16)

14. What is your level of satisfaction with the IQRS system for querying?

1 Not at all satisfied






7 Very satisfied

15. Do you have any recommendations for improving the IQRS system for querying?

1 Yes (Fill in response) (Allow 300 characters)

2 No

(If code 2 in #13, Continue;

Otherwise, Skip to Note before #18)

16. What is your level of satisfaction with the ITP ICD data file upload system for querying?

1 Not at all satisfied






7 Very satisfied

17. Do you have any recommendations for improving the ITP ICD data file upload system for querying?

1 Yes (Fill in response) (Allow 300 characters)

2 No

(If code 3 in #13, Continue;

Otherwise, Skip to #20)

18. What is your level of satisfaction with the ITP QRXS data file upload system for querying?

1 Not at all satisfied






7 Very satisfied

19. Do you have any recommendations for improving the ITP QRXS data file upload system for querying?

1 Yes (Fill in response) (Allow 300 characters)

2 No

20. Based on your experience querying the [(If code 1 in S1, display:) NPDB/(If code 2 in S1, display:) HIPDB/(If code 3 in S1, display:) NPDB/HIPDB], what is your level of satisfaction with each of the following resources that are available to assist you with the querying process? (Display A-K, as appropriate)

A. (If code 1 in #13:) The IQRS online instructions

1 Not at all satisfied






7 Very satisfied

8 No experience

20. (Continued:)

B. (If code 1 in #13:) The IQRS online help

1 Not at all satisfied






7 Very satisfied

8 No experience

C. (If code 2 in #13:) The ICD Manuals and instructions for developing data files for ITP upload

1 Not at all satisfied






7 Very satisfied

8 No experience

D. (If code 3 in #13:) The QRXS Manuals and instructions for developing data files for ITP upload

1 Not at all satisfied






7 Very satisfied

8 No experience

20. (Continued:)

E. NPDB Guidebook

1 Not at all satisfied






7 Very satisfied

8 No experience

F. HIPDB Guidebook

1 Not at all satisfied






7 Very satisfied

8 No experience

G. The Customer Service Center Help Line (800-767-6732)

1 Not at all satisfied






7 Very satisfied

8 No experience

H. The FAQs on the Web site

1 Not at all satisfied






7 Very satisfied

8 No experience

20. (Continued:)

I. NPDB and HIPDB Fact Sheets on the Web site

1 Not at all satisfied






7 Very satisfied

8 No experience

J. Other aspects of the NPDB/HIPDB Web site (

1 Not at all satisfied






7 Very satisfied

8 No experience

K. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Practitioner Databanks Branch Web site (

1 Not at all satisfied






7 Very satisfied

8 No experience

21. What is your level of satisfaction with the overall querying process for the [(If code 1 in S1, display:) NPDB/(If code 2 in S1, display:) HIPDB/(If code 3 in S1, display:) NPDB/HIPDB]?

1 Not at all satisfied






7 Very satisfied

22. Approximately how many minutes does it usually take to prepare a first-time query on a practitioner? Preparation includes gathering and editing information and entering into the system; it excludes review time by other people.

MINUTES: (Fill in response) (Allow 3 digits)

(Error Message:)

Please enter numbers only.

23. Approximately how long does it usually take to prepare a query for a practitioner you have previously queried on? Preparation includes gathering and editing information and entering into the system; it excludes review time by other people.

MINUTES: (Fill in response) (Allow 3 digits)

(Error Message:)

Please enter numbers only.

24. Do you use the [(If code 1 in S1, display:) NPDB/(If code 2 in S1, display:) HIPDB/(If code 3 in S1, display:) NPDB/HIPDB] Web site feature which allows you to save your own database of practitioners so you can just select a name for re-querying?

1 Yes

2 No

(If code 1 in #24, Continue;

Otherwise, Skip to Note before #26)

25. What is your level of satisfaction with the feature of the Web site which allows you to save your own database of practitioner information?

1 Not at all satisfied






7 Very satisfied

25a. Do you have any suggestions for improving this feature?

1 Yes (Fill in response) (Allow 300 characters)

2 No

(If code 1 in #13, Continue;

Otherwise, Skip to #28)

26. On average, how soon after submitting a query do you check to see if a query response is ready? (Enter the number of days; if less than one day, enter the number of hours)

DAYS: (Fill in response) (Allow 3 digits)

HOURS: (Fill in response) (Allow 3 digits)

(Error Message:)

Please enter numbers only.

27. Are responses to your queries usually ready when you check for query responses?

1 Yes

2 No

28. In the past 12 months, what is the longest amount of time it has taken you to receive a response to a query on a particular practitioner? (Enter the number of days; if less than one day, enter the number of hours)

DAYS: (Fill in response) (Allow 3 digits)

HOURS: (Fill in response) (Allow 3 digits)

(Error Message:)

Please enter numbers only.

29. How often does the amount of time it takes you to receive a query response cause delays in your privileging, licensing, or disciplinary process?

1 Always

2 Often

3 Sometimes

4 Rarely

5 Never

30. If you submit queries on more than one practitioner at the same time, but you do not get responses for all practitioners at the same time, is it clear why some responses are delayed?

1 Yes

2 No

31. What is your level of satisfaction with the amount of time it takes you to receive a response to a query?

1 Not at all satisfied






7 Very satisfied

32. In the past 12 months, did you ever receive a response on a practitioner other than the practitioner about whom you queried because of a matching error?

1 Yes

2 No

(If code 1 in #32, Continue;

Otherwise, Skip to #35)

33. About how many times in the past 12 months did you receive a response on a practitioner other than the one on whom you queried? (Fill in response) (Allow 2 digits)

00 None (PROGRAMMER NOTE: Make this a check box)

(Error Message:)

Please enter numbers only.

(If code 00 in #33, Skip to #35;

Otherwise, Continue)

34. The last time this happened, what action did you take? (Click all that apply.)

1 None

2 Called the NPDB/HIPDB help line

3 Obtained better identification information and re-queried

4 Other (Fill in response) (Allow 100 characters)

35. Have you enrolled any practitioners in the NPDB/HIPDB new Proactive Disclosure Service (PDS) prototype?

1 Yes, have enrolled all practitioners

2 Yes, have enrolled some practitioners

3 No, have not enrolled any practitioners

(If code 2 in #35, Continue;

If code 3 in #35, Skip to #35b;

Otherwise, Skip to Note before #36)

35a. Please explain why you have only enrolled some of your practitioners in the PDS prototype. (Fill in response) (Allow 300 characters)

(All in #35a, Skip to Note before #36)

35b. Please explain why you have not enrolled any of your practitioners in the PDS prototype. (Fill in response) (Allow 300 characters)

(If code 1 or 2 in #35, Continue;

Otherwise, Skip to #38)

36. What is your level of satisfaction with the Proactive Disclosure Service prototype?

1 Not at all satisfied






7 Very satisfied

37. Please explain your level of satisfaction with the Proactive Disclosure Service prototype. (Fill in response) (Allow 300 characters)

37a. Do you have any recommendations for improving the Proactive Disclosure Service prototype?

1 Yes (Fill in response) (Allow 300 characters)

2 No

38. When you receive matched reports from the [(If code 1 in S1, display:) NPDB/(If code 2 in S1, display:) HIPDB/(If code 3 in S1, display:) NPDB/HIPDB], how often do you contact the original reporters for additional information about the information they reported?

1 Always

2 Often

3 Sometimes

4 Rarely

5 Never

6 Have not received matched reports

39. When a report is changed or voided after a querier has received a copy in response to a query, the [(If code 1 in S1, display:) NPDB/(If code 2 in S1, display:) HIPDB/(If code 3 in S1, display:) NPDB/HIPDB] automatically provides updated information to the querier without charge. Have you received such updates in the last 12 months?

1 Yes

2 No

(If code 1 in #39, Continue;

Otherwise, Skip to Note before #42)

40. How did you use the most recently received update? (Click all that apply)

1 Took action against the practitioner involved (restriction, limitation, suspension, termination, etc.)

2 Initiated an investigation of the practitioner involved

3 Sought additional information concerning the updated report

4 Terminated a pending investigation of the practitioner involved

5 Rescinded previously taken adverse action

6 Filed the information and took no other action

41. Thinking of all updates you received from the [(If code 1 in S1, display:) NPDB/(If code 2 in S1, display:) HIPDB/(If code 3 in S1, display:) NPDB/HIPDB] in the last 12 months, how often has an update from the [(If code 1 in S1, display:) NPDB/(If code 2 in S1, display:) HIPDB/(If code 3 in S1, display:) NPDB/HIPDB] led to a change in the status of a practitioner?

1 Always

2 Often

3 Sometimes

4 Rarely

5 Never

(If code 1 or 3 in S1, Continue;

Otherwise, Skip to Note before #42a)

42. How useful is querying the NPDB for your entity?

1 Not at all useful






7 Very useful

43. How good a value do you think the cost of queries is for the information you receive?

1 Not a good value at all






7 A very good value

44. How does the ease of querying the NPDB compare to the ease of seeking information from other sources you use?

1 NPDB is much more difficult






7 NPDB is much easier

45. How does the cost of querying the NPDB compare to the cost of obtaining information from other sources you use?

1 NPDB is much more expensive






7 NPDB is much less expensive

46. The following is a list of five TYPES OF reports provided by the NPDB. Please rate how important each of the following reports is to your entity. (Display A-E)

A. Medical Malpractice Payment Report

1 Not at all important






7 Very important

B. Clinical Privileges or Staff Membership Action Report

1 Not at all important






7 Very important

46. (Continued:)

C. Licensure Action Report

1 Not at all important






7 Very important

D. Professional Society Membership Action Report

1 Not at all important






7 Very important

E. Medicare/Medicaid Exclusion Report

1 Not at all important






7 Very important

(If code 2 or 3 in S1, Continue;

Otherwise, Skip to #47)

42a. How useful is querying the HIPDB for your entity?

1 Not at all useful






7 Very useful

43a. How good a value do you think the cost of querying is for the information you receive?

1 Not a good value at all






7 A very good value

44a. How does the ease of querying the HIPDB compare to the ease of seeking information from other sources you use?

1 HIPDB is much more difficult






7 HIPDB is much easier

45a. How does the cost of querying the HIPDB compare to the cost of obtaining information from other sources you use?

1 HIPDB is much more expensive






7 HIPDB is much less expensive

46a. The following is a list of FIVE TYPES OF reports provided by the HIPDB. Please rate how important each of the following reports is to your entity.

A. Health care related civil judgments

1 Not at all important






7 Very important

B. Health care related criminal convictions

1 Not at all important






7 Very important

C. Licensing or certification actions

1 Not at all important






7 Very important

D. Exclusions from Federal or State health care programs

1 Not at all important






7 Very important

46a. (Continued:)

E. Other adjudicated actions (including health plan contract actions)

1 Not at all important






7 Very important

47. How important are the following types of information to your licensing process? [(If code 1 in S1, display A-J)/(If code 2 in S1, display F, G, H, K-N)/(If code 3 in S1, display A-N)]

A. Multiple medical malpractice payments over a period of years

1 Not at all important






7 Very important

B. A single "large" (based on the practitioner’s specialty) medical malpractice payment during a period of years

1 Not at all important






7 Very important

47. (Continued:)

C. An adverse action resulting in a reduction of clinical privilege

1 Not at all important






7 Very important

D. An adverse action resulting in a suspension of clinical privileges

1 Not at all important






7 Very important

E. An adverse action resulting in a revocation of clinical privileges

1 Not at all important






7 Very important

F. A probation imposed by a State Licensing Board

1 Not at all important






7 Very important

47. (Continued:)

G. A suspension by a State Licensing Board

1 Not at all important






7 Very important

H. A revocation of a license by a State Licensing Board

1 Not at all important






7 Very important

I. A suspension of a membership in a professional society

1 Not at all important






7 Very important

J. A revocation of a membership in a professional society

1 Not at all important






7 Very important

47. (Continued:)

K. A criminal conviction

1 Not at all important






7 Very important

L. A civil judgment

1 Not at all important






7 Very important

M. A health plan contract action

1 Not at all important






7 Very important

N. A Medicaid or Medicare exclusion

1 Not at all important






7 Very important

48. Under each of the following scenarios, what is your entity’s first response when you receive a response to a routine inquiry from the [(If code 1 in S1, display:) NPDB/(If code 2 in S1, display:) HIPDB/(If code 3 in S1, display:) NPDB/HIPDB] that your entity deems to be significant, either because it contains new information or for some other reason? [(If code 1 in S1, display A-E)/(If code 2 in S1, display C, E, F-J)/(If code 3 in S1, display A-J)]

A. What is your first response to a medical malpractice payment report?

(If code 1 in Sa, display the following codes:)

01 Revoke the practitioner’s license

02 Summarily suspend the practitioner’s license

03 Summarily restrict the practitioner’s license

04 Initiate an investigation

05 Place the information in the file for further review during the routine re-licensure process

06 Other action (Fill in response) (Allow 200 characters)

(If code 2, 3, or 4 in Sa, display the following codes:)

07 Terminate the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through an administrative process

08 Suspend the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through an administrative process

09 Restrict the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through an administrative process

10 Initiate an administrative investigation of the practitioner

11 Summarily suspend the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through a professional review process

12 Summarily restrict the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through a professional review process

48. (Continued:)

13 Initiate a professional review investigation of the practitioner

14 Discuss with the practitioner the possibility that an investigation may be conducted and that the practitioner could avoid the investigation by resigning

15 Place the information in the file for further review during the routine re-credentialing process

16 Other action (Fill in response) (Allow 200 characters)

B. What is your first response to a clinical privileges or staff membership action?

(If code 1 in Sa, display the following codes:)

01 Revoke the practitioner’s license

02 Summarily suspend the practitioner’s license

03 Summarily restrict the practitioner’s license

04 Initiate an investigation

05 Place the information in the file for further review during the routine re-licensure process

06 Other action (Fill in response) (Allow 200 characters)

(If code 2, 3, or 4 in Sa, display the following codes:)

07 Terminate the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through an administrative process

08 Suspend the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through an administrative process

09 Restrict the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through an administrative process

10 Initiate an administrative investigation of the practitioner

11 Summarily suspend the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through a professional review process

48. (Continued:)

12 Summarily restrict the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through a professional review process

13 Initiate a professional review investigation of the practitioner

14 Discuss with the practitioner the possibility that an investigation may be conducted and that the practitioner could avoid the investigation by resigning

15 Place the information in the file for further review during the routine re-credentialing process

16 Other action (Fill in response) (Allow 200 characters)

C. What is your first response to a licensure action?

(If code 1 in Sa, display the following codes:)

01 Revoke the practitioner’s license

02 Summarily suspend the practitioner’s license

03 Summarily restrict the practitioner’s license

04 Initiate an investigation

05 Place the information in the file for further review during the routine re-licensure process

06 Other action (Fill in response) (Allow 200 characters)

(If code 2, 3, or 4 in Sa, display the following codes:)

07 Terminate the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through an administrative process

08 Suspend the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through an administrative process

09 Restrict the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through an administrative process

10 Initiate an administrative investigation of the practitioner

48. (Continued:)

11 Summarily suspend the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through a professional review process

12 Summarily restrict the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through a professional review process

13 Initiate a professional review investigation of the practitioner

14 Discuss with the practitioner the possibility that an investigation may be conducted and that the practitioner could avoid the investigation by resigning

15 Place the information in the file for further review during the routine re-credentialing process

16 Other action (Fill in response) (Allow 200 characters)

D. What is your first response to a professional society membership action?

(If code 1 in Sa, display the following codes:)

01 Revoke the practitioner’s license

02 Summarily suspend the practitioner’s license

03 Summarily restrict the practitioner’s license

04 Initiate an investigation

05 Place the information in the file for further review during the routine re-licensure process

06 Other action (Fill in response) (Allow 200 characters)

(If code 2, 3, or 4 in Sa, display the following codes:)

07 Terminate the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through an administrative process

08 Suspend the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through an administrative process

09 Restrict the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through an administrative process

48. (Continued:)

10 Initiate an administrative investigation of the practitioner

11 Summarily suspend the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through a professional review process

12 Summarily restrict the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through a professional review process

13 Initiate a professional review investigation of the practitioner

14 Discuss with the practitioner the possibility that an investigation may be conducted and that the practitioner could avoid the investigation by resigning

15 Place the information in the file for further review during the routine re-credentialing process

16 Other action (Fill in response) (Allow 200 characters)

E. What is your first response to a Medicare/Medicaid exclusion report?

(If code 1 in Sa, display the following codes:)

01 Revoke the practitioner’s license

02 Summarily suspend the practitioner’s license

03 Summarily restrict the practitioner’s license

04 Initiate an investigation

05 Place the information in the file for further review during the routine re-licensure process

06 Other action (Fill in response) (Allow 200 characters)

48. (Continued:)

(If code 2, 3, or 4 in Sa, display the following codes:)

07 Terminate the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through an administrative process

08 Suspend the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through an administrative process

09 Restrict the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through an administrative process

10 Initiate an administrative investigation of the practitioner

11 Summarily suspend the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through a professional review process

12 Summarily restrict the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through a professional review process

13 Initiate a professional review investigation of the practitioner

14 Discuss with the practitioner the possibility that an investigation may be conducted and that the practitioner could avoid the investigation by resigning

15 Place the information in the file for further review during the routine re-credentialing process

16 Other action (Fill in response) (Allow 200 characters)

F. What is your first response to a healthcare-related civil judgment?

(If code 1 in Sa, display the following codes:)

01 Revoke the practitioner’s license

02 Summarily suspend the practitioner’s license

03 Summarily restrict the practitioner’s license

04 Initiate an investigation

05 Place the information in the file for further review during the routine re-licensure process

06 Other action (Fill in response) (Allow 200 characters)

48. (Continued:)

(If code 2, 3, or 4 in Sa, display the following codes:)

07 Terminate the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through an administrative process

08 Suspend the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through an administrative process

09 Restrict the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through an administrative process

10 Initiate an administrative investigation of the practitioner

11 Summarily suspend the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through a professional review process

12 Summarily restrict the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through a professional review process

13 Initiate a professional review investigation of the practitioner

14 Discuss with the practitioner the possibility that an investigation may be conducted and that the practitioner could avoid the investigation by resigning

15 Place the information in the file for further review during the routine re-credentialing process

16 Other action (Fill in response) (Allow 200 characters)

G. What is your first response to a healthcare-related criminal conviction?

(If code 1 in Sa, display the following codes:)

01 Revoke the practitioner’s license

02 Summarily suspend the practitioner’s license

03 Summarily restrict the practitioner’s license

04 Initiate an investigation

05 Place the information in the file for further review during the routine re-licensure process

06 Other action (Fill in response) (Allow 200 characters)

48. (Continued:)

(If code 2, 3, or 4 in Sa, display the following codes:)

07 Terminate the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through an administrative process

08 Suspend the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through an administrative process

09 Restrict the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through an administrative process

10 Initiate an administrative investigation of the practitioner

11 Summarily suspend the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through a professional review process

12 Summarily restrict the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through a professional review process

13 Initiate a professional review investigation of the practitioner

14 Discuss with the practitioner the possibility that an investigation may be conducted and that the practitioner could avoid the investigation by resigning

15 Place the information in the file for further review during the routine re-credentialing process

16 Other action (Fill in response) (Allow 200 characters)

H. What is your first response to a licensing or certification action?

(If code 1 in Sa, display the following codes:)

01 Revoke the practitioner’s license

02 Summarily suspend the practitioner’s license

03 Summarily restrict the practitioner’s license

04 Initiate an investigation

05 Place the information in the file for further review during the routine re-licensure process

06 Other action (Fill in response) (Allow 200 characters)

48. (Continued:)

(If code 2, 3, or 4 in Sa, display the following codes:)

07 Terminate the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through an administrative process

08 Suspend the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through an administrative process

09 Restrict the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through an administrative process

10 Initiate an administrative investigation of the practitioner

11 Summarily suspend the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through a professional review process

12 Summarily restrict the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through a professional review process

13 Initiate a professional review investigation of the practitioner

14 Discuss with the practitioner the possibility that an investigation may be conducted and that the practitioner could avoid the investigation by resigning

15 Place the information in the file for further review during the routine re-credentialing process

16 Other action (Fill in response) (Allow 200 characters)

I. What is your first response to an exclusion from Federal or State health care program?

(If code 1 in Sa, display the following codes:)

01 Revoke the practitioner’s license

02 Summarily suspend the practitioner’s license

03 Summarily restrict the practitioner’s license

04 Initiate an investigation

05 Place the information in the file for further review during the routine re-licensure process

06 Other action (Fill in response) (Allow 200 characters)

48. (Continued:)

(If code 2, 3, or 4 in Sa, display the following codes:)

07 Terminate the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through an administrative process

08 Suspend the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through an administrative process

09 Restrict the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through an administrative process

10 Initiate an administrative investigation of the practitioner

11 Summarily suspend the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through a professional review process

12 Summarily restrict the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through a professional review process

13 Initiate a professional review investigation of the practitioner

14 Discuss with the practitioner the possibility that an investigation may be conducted and that the practitioner could avoid the investigation by resigning

15 Place the information in the file for further review during the routine re-credentialing process

16 Other action (Fill in response) (Allow 200 characters)

J. What is your first response to other adjudicated actions (including health plan contract actions)?

(If code 1 in Sa, display the following codes:)

01 Revoke the practitioner’s license

02 Summarily suspend the practitioner’s license

03 Summarily restrict the practitioner’s license

04 Initiate an investigation

05 Place the information in the file for further review during the routine re-licensure process

06 Other action (Fill in response) (Allow 200 characters)

48. (Continued:)

(If code 2, 3, or 4 in Sa, display the following codes:)

07 Terminate the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through an administrative process

08 Suspend the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through an administrative process

09 Restrict the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through an administrative process

10 Initiate an administrative investigation of the practitioner

11 Summarily suspend the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through a professional review process

12 Summarily restrict the practitioner’s contract, privileges, or membership through a professional review process

13 Initiate a professional review investigation of the practitioner

14 Discuss with the practitioner the possibility that an investigation may be conducted and that the practitioner could avoid the investigation by resigning

15 Place the information in the file for further review during the routine re-credentialing process

16 Other action (Fill in response) (Allow 200 characters)

(If code 1 in S1 or 3 in S1, Continue;

Otherwise, Skip to Note before #51)

49. When you receive a response from the NPDB to a routine query which contains information on malpractice payments while a physician was in a Residency program, how important do you consider these reports in comparison to other reports?

1 More important than other reports

2 As important as other reports

3 Not as important as other reports

4 Of no importance

50. When you receive a response from the NPDB to a routine query which contains information on adverse actions (Licensure, Clinical Privileges, Professional Society Membership) while a physician was in a Residency program, how important do you consider these reports in comparison to other reports?

1 More important than other reports

2 As important as other reports

3 Not as important as other reports

4 Of no importance

(If code 3 in S1, Continue;

Otherwise, Skip to #53)

51. Which of the following best describes how you query both the NPDB and the HIPDB?

1 We submit all queries to both data banks

2 We submit some queries to both data banks, and others are only submitted to one of the data banks

52. Some types of reports are only in the NPDB and some types are only in the HIPDB. Other types of reports are found in both data banks. If you query both the NPDB and HIPDB, how often do you receive exactly the same information from both data banks?

1 Always

2 Often

3 Sometimes

4 Rarely

5 Never

53. Do you have any other comments about the process of querying the [(If code 1 in S1, display:) NPDB/(If code 2 in S1, display:) HIPDB/(If code 3 in S1, display:) NPDB/HIPDB]?

1 Yes (Fill in response) (Allow 300 characters)

2 No

Thank you for completing this questionnaire. Because this was a pre-test of the questionnaire, please answer the additional questions below to tell us about your experiences completing it.

54x. Approximately how many minutes did it take you to complete this questionnaire?

Number of minutes: (Fill in response) (Allow 2 digits)

(Error Message:)

Please enter numbers only.

55x. Overall, how easy or difficult were the questions for you to answer?

1 Very difficult




5 Very easy

56x. Were you the right person to be responding to this questionnaire, or is there someone else on your staff who would have been more qualified to answer the questions?

1 I am right person

2 Someone else would have been better

57x. In the past, this questionnaire has been distributed as a paper and pencil mail survey, rather than an online electronic survey. How easy or difficult was it to complete this survey electronically?

1 Very difficult




5 Very easy

58x. Finally, please share any additional recommendations for improving the questionnaire, in terms of the actual questions that were asked, the layout, the length, any items that should have been addressed but weren’t, and any other comments that can improve the questionnaire for its full-scale administration. (Fill in response) (Allow 500 characters)

(PROGRAMMER NOTE: Right above the "Submit Survey" button, display:)

Thank you for participating in the NPDB-HIPDB Querying Survey. Please submit your survey by clicking the "Submit Survey" button below. Once you click on this button, you will no longer have access to these survey responses.

<Submit Survey>

You may now close your browser or go to another Web site.


8/29/07 Revised: Formatting question wording to italicized on #54x, #55x, #56x, #57x, and #58x


HRSA Practitioner Querying WEB 0705


DHHS-HRSA Querying WEB 02/05/21

File Typeapplication/msword
Last Modified ByHRSA
File Modified2007-10-04
File Created2007-10-04

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